<?php // Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com // ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas // Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. /** * @package Include * @subpackage UI */ require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_agents.php'); require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_modules.php'); require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions.php'); require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_groups.php'); require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_users.php'); require_once($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_html.php'); /** * Truncate a text to num chars (pass as parameter) and if flag show tooltip is * true the html artifal to show the tooltip with rest of text. * * @param string $text The text to truncate. * @param mixed $numChars Number chars (-3 for char "[...]") max the text. Or the strings "agent_small", "agent_medium", "module_small", "module_medium", "description" or "generic" for to take the values from user config. * @param boolean $showTextInAToopTip Flag to show the tooltip. * @param boolean $return Flag to return as string or not. * @param boolean $showTextInTitle Flag to show the text on title. * @param string $suffix String at the end of a strimmed string. * @param string $style Style associated to the text. * * @return string Truncated text. */ function ui_print_truncate_text($text, $numChars = GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, $showTextInAToopTip = true, $return = true, $showTextInTitle = true, $suffix = '[…]', $style = false) { global $config; if (is_string($numChars)) { switch ($numChars) { case 'agent_small': $numChars = $config['agent_size_text_small']; break; case 'agent_medium': $numChars = $config['agent_size_text_medium']; break; case 'module_small': $numChars = $config['module_size_text_small']; break; case 'module_medium': $numChars = $config['module_size_text_medium']; break; case 'description': $numChars = $config['description_size_text']; break; case 'item_title': $numChars = $config['item_title_size_text']; break; default: $numChars = (int)$numChars; break; } } if ($numChars == 0) { if ($return == true) { return $text; } else { echo $text; } } $text = io_safe_output($text); if (mb_strlen($text, "UTF-8") > ($numChars)) { $half_length = intval(($numChars - 3) / 2); // '/2' because [...] is in the middle of the word. // Depending on the strange behavior of mb_strimwidth() itself, // the 3rd parameter is not to be $numChars but the length of original text (just means 'large enough'). $truncateText2 = mb_strimwidth($text, (mb_strlen($text, "UTF-8") - $half_length), mb_strlen($text, "UTF-8"), "", "UTF-8" ); $truncateText = mb_strimwidth($text, 0, ($numChars - $half_length), "", "UTF-8") . $suffix; $truncateText = $truncateText . $truncateText2; if ($showTextInTitle) { if ($style === null) { $truncateText = $truncateText; } else if ($style !== false) { $truncateText = '<span style="' . $style . '" title="'.$text.'">'.$truncateText.'</span>'; } else { $truncateText = '<span title="'.$text.'">'.$truncateText.'</span>'; } } if ($showTextInAToopTip) { if ($style !== false) { $truncateText = $truncateText . '<a href="#" class="tip"> <span style="' . $style . '">' . $text . '</span></a>'; } else { $truncateText = $truncateText . '<a href="#" class="tip"> <span>' . $text . '</span></a>'; } } else { if ($style !== false) { $truncateText = '<span style="' . $style . '">'.$truncateText.'</span>'; } } } else { if ($style !== false) { $truncateText = '<span style="' . $style . '">' . $text . '</span>'; } else { $truncateText = $text; } } if ($return == true) { return $truncateText; } else { echo $truncateText; } } /** * Print a string with a smaller font depending on its size. * * @param string $string String to be display with a smaller font. * @param boolean $return Flag to return as string or not. */ function printSmallFont ($string, $return = true) { $str = io_safe_output($string); $length = strlen($str); if ($length >= 30) { $size = 0.7; } elseif ($length >= 20) { $size = 0.8; } elseif ($length >= 10) { $size = 0.9; } elseif ($length < 10) { $size = 1; } $s = '<span style="font-size: '.$size.'em;">'; $s .= $string; $s .= '</span>'; if ($return) { return $s; } else { echo $s; } } /** * Prints a generic message between tags. * * @param mixed The string message or array ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close', 'force_style') to be displayed * @param string the class to user * @param string Any other attributes to be set for the tag. * @param bool Whether to output the string or return it * @param string What tag to use (you could specify something else than * h3 like div or h2) * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_message ($message, $class = '', $attributes = '', $return = false, $tag = 'h3') { $hack_metaconsole = ''; if (defined('METACONSOLE')) $hack_metaconsole = '../../'; static $first_execution = true; $text_title = ''; $text_message = ''; $icon_image = ''; $no_close_bool = false; $force_style = ''; if (is_array($message)) { if (!empty($message['title'])) $text_title = $message['title']; if (!empty($message['message'])) $text_message = $message['message']; if (!empty($message['icon'])) $icon_image = $message['icon']; if (!empty($message['no_close'])) $no_close_bool = $message['no_close']; if (!empty($message['force_style'])) $force_style = $message['force_style']; } else { $text_message = $message; } if (empty($text_title)) { switch ($class) { default: case 'info': $text_title = __('Information'); break; case 'error': $text_title = __('Error'); break; case 'suc': $text_title = __('Success'); break; } } if (empty($icon_image)) { switch ($class) { default: case 'info': $icon_image = 'images/information.png'; break; case 'error': $icon_image = 'images/err.png'; break; case 'suc': $icon_image = 'images/suc.png'; break; } $icon_image = $hack_metaconsole . $icon_image; } $id = 'info_box_' . uniqid(); $output = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="' . $id . '" ' . $attributes . ' class="info_box ' . $class . '" style="' . $force_style . '"> <tr> <td class="icon">' . html_print_image($icon_image, true) . '</td> <td class="title"><b>' . $text_title . '</b></td> <td class="icon">'; if (!$no_close_bool) { $output .= '<a href="javascript: close_info_box(\'' . $id . '\')">' . html_print_image($hack_metaconsole . 'images/cross.disabled.png', true) . '</a>'; } $output .= '</td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td style="color:#000000">' . $text_message . '</td> <td></td> </tr> </table>'; if (($first_execution) && (!$no_close_bool)) { $first_execution = false; $output .= ' <script type="text/javascript"> function close_info_box(id) { $("#" + id).hide(); } </script> '; } if ($return) return $output; else echo $output; } /** * Prints an error message. * * @param mixed The string error message or array ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed * @param string Any other attributes to be set for the tag. * @param bool Whether to output the string or return it * @param string What tag to use (you could specify something else than * h3 like div or h2) * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_error_message ($message, $attributes = '', $return = false, $tag = 'h3') { return ui_print_message ($message, 'error', $attributes, $return, $tag); } /** * Prints an operation success message. * * @param mixed The string message or array ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed * @param string Any other attributes to be set for the tag. * @param bool Whether to output the string or return it * @param string What tag to use (you could specify something else than * h3 like div or h2) * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_success_message ($message, $attributes = '', $return = false, $tag = 'h3') { return ui_print_message ($message, 'suc', $attributes, $return, $tag); } /** * Prints an operation info message. * * @param mixed The string message or array ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed * @param string Any other attributes to be set for the tag. * @param bool Whether to output the string or return it * @param string What tag to use (you could specify something else than * h3 like div or h2) * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_info_message ($message, $attributes = '', $return = false, $tag = 'h3') { return ui_print_message ($message, 'info', $attributes, $return, $tag); } /** * Evaluates a result using empty() and then prints an error or success message * * @param mixed The results to evaluate. 0, NULL, false, '' or * array() is bad, the rest is good * @param mixed The string or array ('title', 'message') to be displayed if the result was good * @param mixed The string or array ('title', 'message') to be displayed if the result was bad * @param string Any other attributes to be set for the h3 * @param bool Whether to output the string or return it * @param string What tag to use (you could specify something else than * h3 like div or h2) * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_result_message ($result, $good = '', $bad = '', $attributes = '', $return = false, $tag = 'h3') { if ($good == '' || $good === false) $good = __('Request successfully processed'); if ($bad == '' || $bad === false) $bad = __('Error processing request'); if (empty ($result)) { return ui_print_error_message ($bad, $attributes, $return, $tag); } else { return ui_print_success_message ($good, $attributes, $return, $tag); } } /** * Evaluates a unix timestamp and returns a span (or whatever tag specified) * with as title the correctly formatted full timestamp and a time comparation * in the tag * * @param int Any type of timestamp really, but we prefer unixtime * @param bool Whether to output the string or return it * @param array An array with different options for this function * Key html_attr: which html attributes to add (defaults to none) * Key tag: Which html tag to use (defaults to span) * Key prominent: Overrides user preference and display "comparation" or "timestamp" * key units: The type of units. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_timestamp ($unixtime, $return = false, $option = array ()) { global $config; //TODO: Add/use a javascript timer for the seconds so it automatically updates as time passes by if (isset ($option["html_attr"])) { $attributes = $option["html_attr"]; } else { $attributes = ""; } if (isset ($option["tag"])) { $tag = $option["tag"]; } else { $tag = "span"; } if (empty ($option["style"])) { $style = 'style="white-space:nowrap;"'; } else { $style = 'style="'.$option["style"].'"'; } if (!empty ($option["prominent"])) { $prominent = $option["prominent"]; } else { $prominent = $config["prominent_time"]; } if (!is_numeric ($unixtime)) { $unixtime = strtotime ($unixtime); } //prominent_time is either timestamp or comparation if ($unixtime <= 0) { $title = __('Unknown').'/'.__('Never'); $data = __('Unknown'); } elseif ($prominent == "timestamp") { $title = human_time_comparation ($unixtime); $data = date ($config["date_format"], $unixtime); } else { $title = date ($config["date_format"], $unixtime); $units = 'large'; if (isset($option['units'])) { $units = $option['units']; } $data = human_time_comparation ($unixtime, $units); } $output = '<'.$tag; switch ($tag) { default: //Usually tags have title attributes, so by default we add, //then fall through to add attributes and data $output .= ' title="'.$title.'">'.$data.'</'.$tag.'>'; break; case "h1": case "h2": case "h3": //Above tags don't have title attributes $output .= ' '.$attributes.' '.$style.'>'.$data.'</'.$tag.'>'; break; } if ($return) return $output; echo $output; } /** * Prints a username with real name, link to the user_edit page etc. * * @param string The username to render * @param bool Whether to return or print * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_username ($username, $return = false) { $string = '<a href="index.php?sec=usuario&sec2=operation/users/user_edit&id='.$username.'">'.get_user_fullname ($username).'</a>'; if ($return) return $string; echo $string; } /** * Print group icon within a link * * @param int Group id * @param bool Whether to return or print * @param string What path to use (relative to images/). Defaults to groups_small * @param string Style for group image * @param bool Whether the group have link or not * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_group_icon ($id_group, $return = false, $path = "groups_small", $style='', $link = true) { if($id_group > 0) $icon = (string) db_get_value ('icon', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', (int) $id_group); else $icon = "world"; if($style == '') $style = 'width: 16px; height: 16px;'; $output = ''; if ($link) $output = '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/estado_agente&refr=60&group_id='.$id_group.'">'; if (empty ($icon)) $output .= '<span title="'. groups_get_name($id_group, true).'"> - </span>'; else { $hack_metaconsole = ''; if (defined('METACONSOLE')) $hack_metaconsole = '../../'; $output .= html_print_image($hack_metaconsole . "images/" . $path . "/" . $icon . ".png", true, array("style" => $style, "class" => "bot", "alt" => groups_get_name($id_group, true), "title" => groups_get_name ($id_group, true))); } if ($link) $output .= '</a>'; if (!$return) echo $output; return $output; } /** * Print group icon within a link. Other version. * * @param int Group id * @param bool Whether to return or print * @param string What path to use (relative to images/). Defaults to groups_small * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_group_icon_path ($id_group, $return = false, $path = "images/groups_small", $style='', $link = true) { if($id_group > 0) $icon = (string) db_get_value ('icon', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', (int) $id_group); else $icon = "world"; if($style == '') $style = 'width: 16px; height: 16px;'; $output = ''; if ($link) $output = '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/estado_agente&refr=60&group_id='.$id_group.'">'; if (empty ($icon)) $output .= '<span title="'. groups_get_name($id_group, true).'"> - </span>'; else $output .= '<img style="' . $style . '" class="bot" src="'.$path.'/'.$icon.'.png" alt="'.groups_get_name ($id_group, true).'" title="'.groups_get_name ($id_group, true).'" />'; if ($link) $output .= '</a>'; if (!$return) echo $output; return $output; } /** * Get the icon of an operating system. * * @param int Operating system id * @param bool Whether to also append the name of the OS after the icon * @param bool Whether to return or echo the result * @param bool Whether to apply skin or not * * @return string HTML with icon of the OS */ function ui_print_os_icon ($id_os, $name = true, $return = false, $apply_skin = true, $networkmap = false, $only_src = false, $relative = false) { $subfolter = 'os_icons'; if ($networkmap) { $subfolter = 'networkmap'; } $icon = (string) db_get_value ('icon_name', 'tconfig_os', 'id_os', (int) $id_os); $os_name = get_os_name ($id_os); if (empty ($icon)) { if ($only_src) { $output = html_print_image("images/" . $subfolter . "/unknown.png", false, false, true, $relative); } else { return "-"; } } if ($apply_skin) { if ($only_src) { $output = html_print_image("images/" . $subfolter . "/" . $icon, true, false, true, $relative); } else { $output = html_print_image("images/" . $subfolter . "/" . $icon, true, array("alt" => $os_name, "title" => $os_name), false, $relative); } } else //$output = "<img src='images/os_icons/" . $icon . "' alt='" . $os_name . "' title='" . $os_name . "'>"; $output = "images/" . $subfolter . "/" . $icon; if ($name === true) { $output .= ' - ' . $os_name; } if (!$return) echo $output; return $output; } /** * Prints an agent name with the correct link * * @param int Agent id * @param bool Whether to return the string or echo it too * @param int Now uses styles to accomplish this * @param string Style of name in css. * * @return string HTML with agent name and link */ function ui_print_agent_name ($id_agent, $return = false, $cutoff = 'agent_medium', $style = '', $cutname = false) { $agent_name = (string) agents_get_name ($id_agent); $agent_name_full = $agent_name; if ($cutname) { $agent_name = ui_print_truncate_text($agent_name, $cutoff, true, true, true, '[…]', $style); } $output = '<a style="' . $style . '" href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$id_agent.'" title="'.$agent_name_full.'"><b><span style="'.$style.'">'.$agent_name.'</span></b></a>'; //TODO: Add a pretty javascript (using jQuery) popup-box with agent details if ($return) return $output; echo $output; } /** * Formats a row from the alert table and returns an array usable in the table function * * @param array A valid (non empty) row from the alert table * @param bool Whether or not this is a combined alert * @param bool Whether to print the agent information with the module information * @param string Tab where the function was called from (used for urls) * @param mixed Style for agent name or default (false) * * @return array A formatted array with proper html for use in $table->data (6 columns) */ function ui_format_alert_row ($alert, $compound = false, $agent = true, $url = '', $agent_style = false) { global $config; $actionText = ""; require_once ("include/functions_alerts.php"); $isFunctionPolicies = enterprise_include_once ('include/functions_policies.php'); $id_group = (int) get_parameter ("ag_group", 0); //0 is the All group (selects all groups) if ($isFunctionPolicies !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { if ($agent) { $index = array('policy' => 0, 'standby' => 1, 'force_execution' => 2, 'agent_name' => 3, 'module_name' => 4, 'description' => 5, 'template' => 5, 'action' => 6, 'last_fired' => 7, 'status' => 8, 'validate' => 9); } else { $index = array('policy' => 0, 'standby' => 1, 'force_execution' => 2, 'agent_name' => 3, 'module_name' => 3, 'description' => 4, 'template' => 4, 'action' => 5, 'last_fired' => 6, 'status' => 7, 'validate' => 8); } } else { if ($agent) { $index = array('standby' => 0, 'force_execution' => 1, 'agent_name' => 2, 'module_name' => 3, 'description' => 4, 'template' => 4, 'action' => 5, 'last_fired' => 6, 'status' => 7, 'validate' => 8); } else { $index = array('standby' => 0, 'force_execution' => 1, 'agent_name' => 2, 'module_name' => 2, 'description' => 3, 'template' => 3, 'action' => 4, 'last_fired' => 5, 'status' => 6, 'validate' => 7); } } if ($alert['disabled']) { $disabledHtmlStart = '<span style="font-style: italic; color: #aaaaaa;">'; $disabledHtmlEnd = '</span>'; $styleDisabled = "font-style: italic; color: #aaaaaa;"; } else { $disabledHtmlStart = ''; $disabledHtmlEnd = ''; $styleDisabled = ""; } if (empty ($alert)) { if ($isFunctionPolicies !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) return array ("", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); else return array ("", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } // Get agent id if ($compound) { $id_agent = $alert['id_agent']; $description = $alert['description']; } else { $id_agent = modules_get_agentmodule_agent ($alert['id_agent_module']); $template = alerts_get_alert_template ($alert['id_alert_template']); $description = io_safe_output($template['name']); } $data = array (); if (($isFunctionPolicies !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) && (!$compound)) { $policyInfo = policies_is_alert_in_policy2($alert['id'], false); if ($policyInfo === false) $data[$index['policy']] = ''; else { $img = 'images/policies.png'; $data[$index['policy']] = '<a href="?sec=gpolicies&sec2=enterprise/godmode/policies/policies&id=' . $policyInfo['id'] . '">' . html_print_image($img,true, array('title' => $policyInfo['name'])) . '</a>'; } } else if (($isFunctionPolicies !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) && ($compound)) $data[$index['policy']] = ''; // Standby $data[$index['standby']] = ''; if (isset ($alert["standby"]) && $alert["standby"] == 1) { $data[$index['standby']] = html_print_image ('images/bell_pause.png', true, array('title' => __('Standby on'))); } // Force alert execution $data[$index['force_execution']] = ''; if (! $compound) { if ($alert["force_execution"] == 0) { $data[$index['force_execution']] = '<a href="'.$url.'&id_alert='.$alert["id"].'&force_execution=1&refr=60">' . html_print_image("images/target.png", true, array("border" => '0', "alt" => __('Force'))) . '</a>'; } else { $data[$index['force_execution']] = '<a href="'.$url.'&id_alert='.$alert["id"].'&refr=60">' . html_print_image("images/refresh.png", true) . '</a>'; } } $data[$index['agent_name']] = $disabledHtmlStart; if ($compound) { if ($agent_style !== false) { $data[$index['agent_name']] .= ui_print_agent_name ($id_agent, true, 20, $styleDisabled . " $agent_style"); } else { $data[$index['agent_name']] .= ui_print_agent_name ($id_agent, true, 20, $styleDisabled); } } elseif ($agent == 0) { $data[$index['module_name']] .= ui_print_truncate_text(modules_get_agentmodule_name ($alert["id_agent_module"]), 'module_small', false, true, true, '[…]', 'font-size: 7.2pt'); } else { if ($agent_style !== false) { $data[$index['agent_name']] .= ui_print_agent_name (modules_get_agentmodule_agent ($alert["id_agent_module"]), true, 20, $styleDisabled . " $agent_style"); } else { $data[$index['agent_name']] .= ui_print_agent_name (modules_get_agentmodule_agent ($alert["id_agent_module"]), true, 20, $styleDisabled); } $data[$index['module_name']] = ui_print_truncate_text (modules_get_agentmodule_name ($alert["id_agent_module"]), 'module_small', false, true, true, '[…]', 'font-size: 7.2pt'); } $data[$index['agent_name']] .= $disabledHtmlEnd; $data[$index['description']] = ''; if (! $compound) { $data[$index['template']] .= '<a class="template_details" href="ajax.php?page=godmode/alerts/alert_templates&get_template_tooltip=1&id_template='.$template['id'].'">'; $data[$index['template']] .= html_print_image ('images/zoom.png', true); $data[$index['template']] .= '</a> '; $actionDefault = db_get_value_sql("SELECT id_alert_action FROM talert_templates WHERE id = " . $alert['id_alert_template']); } else { $actionDefault = db_get_value_sql("SELECT id_alert_action FROM talert_compound_actions WHERE id_alert_compound = " . $alert['id']); } $data[$index['description']] .= $disabledHtmlStart . ui_print_truncate_text (io_safe_output($description), 'description', false, true, true, '[…]', 'font-size: 7.1pt') . $disabledHtmlEnd; $actions = alerts_get_alert_agent_module_actions ($alert['id'], false, $compound); if (!empty($actions)) { $actionText = '<div style="margin-left: 10px;"><ul class="action_list">'; foreach ($actions as $action) { $actionText .= '<div><span class="action_name"><li>' . $action['name']; if ($action["fires_min"] != $action["fires_max"]){ $actionText .= " (".$action["fires_min"] . " / ". $action["fires_max"] . ")"; } $actionText .= '</li></span><br /></div>'; } $actionText .= '</ul></div>'; } else { if ($actionDefault != "") $actionText = db_get_sql ("SELECT name FROM talert_actions WHERE id = $actionDefault"). " <i>(".__("Default") . ")</i>"; } $data[$index['action']] = $actionText; $data[$index['last_fired']] = $disabledHtmlStart . ui_print_timestamp ($alert["last_fired"], true) . $disabledHtmlEnd; $status = STATUS_ALERT_NOT_FIRED; $title = ""; if ($alert["times_fired"] > 0) { $status = STATUS_ALERT_FIRED; $title = __('Alert fired').' '.$alert["times_fired"].' '.__('times'); } elseif ($alert["disabled"] > 0) { $status = STATUS_ALERT_DISABLED; $title = __('Alert disabled'); } else { $status = STATUS_ALERT_NOT_FIRED; $title = __('Alert not fired'); } $data[$index['status']] = ui_print_status_image($status, $title, true); if (check_acl ($config["id_user"], $id_group, "LW") == 1) { if ($compound) { $data[$index['validate']] = html_print_checkbox ("validate_compound[]", $alert["id"], false, true); } else { $data[$index['validate']] = html_print_checkbox ("validate[]", $alert["id"], false, true); } } return $data; } /** * Prints a substracted string, length specified by cutoff, the full string will be in a rollover. * * @param string The string to be cut * @param int At how much characters to cut * @param bool Whether to return or print it out * @param int Size font (fixed) in px, applyed as CSS style (optional) * * @return An HTML string */ function ui_print_string_substr ($string, $cutoff = 16, $return = false, $fontsize = 0) { if (empty ($string)) { return ""; } $string2 = io_safe_output ($string); if (mb_strlen($string2, "UTF-8") > $cutoff) { $string3 = "..."; } else { $string3 = ""; } $font_size_mod = ""; if ($fontsize > 0) { $font_size_mod = "style='font-size: ".$fontsize."px'"; } $string = '<span '.$font_size_mod.' title="'.io_safe_input($string2).'">'.mb_substr ($string2, 0, $cutoff, "UTF-8").$string3.'</span>'; if ($return === false) { echo $string; } return $string; } /** * Gets a helper text explaining the requirement needs for an alert template * to get it fired. * * @param int Alert template id. * @param bool Wheter to return or print it out. * @param bool Wheter to put the values in the string or not. * * @return An HTML string if return was true. */ function ui_print_alert_template_example ($id_alert_template, $return = false, $print_values = true) { $output = ''; $output .= html_print_image("images/information.png", true); $output .= '<span id="example">'; $template = alerts_get_alert_template ($id_alert_template); switch ($template['type']) { case 'equal': /* Do not translate the HTML attributes */ $output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is <span id="value"></span>'); break; case 'not_equal': /* Do not translate the HTML attributes */ $output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is not <span id="value"></span>'); break; case 'regex': if ($template['matches_value']) /* Do not translate the HTML attributes */ $output .= __('The alert would fire when the value matches <span id="value"></span>'); else /* Do not translate the HTML attributes */ $output .= __('The alert would fire when the value doesn\'t match <span id="value"></span>'); $value = $template['value']; break; case 'max_min': if ($template['matches_value']) /* Do not translate the HTML attributes */ $output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is between <span id="min"></span> and <span id="max"></span>'); else /* Do not translate the HTML attributes */ $output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is not between <span id="min"></span> and <span id="max"></span>'); break; case 'max': /* Do not translate the HTML attributes */ $output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is over <span id="max"></span>'); break; case 'min': /* Do not translate the HTML attributes */ $output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is under <span id="min"></span>'); break; case 'warning': /* Do not translate the HTML attributes */ $output .= __('The alert would fire when the module is in warning status'); break; case 'critical': /* Do not translate the HTML attributes */ $output .= __('The alert would fire when the module is in critical status'); break; } if ($print_values) { /* Replace span elements with real values. This is done in such way to avoid duplicating strings and make it easily modificable via Javascript. */ $output = str_replace ('<span id="value"></span>', $template['value'], $output); $output = str_replace ('<span id="max"></span>', $template['max_value'], $output); $output = str_replace ('<span id="min"></span>', $template['min_value'], $output); } $output .= '</span>'; if ($return) return $output; echo $output; } /** * Prints a help tip icon. * * @param string Id of the help article * @param bool Whether to return or output the result * * @return string The help tip */ function ui_print_help_icon ($help_id, $return = false) { $output = ' '.html_print_image ("images/help.png", true, array ("class" => "img_help", "title" => __('Help'), "onclick" => "open_help ('".$help_id."')")); if (!$return) echo $output; return $output; } /** * Add a CSS file to the HTML head tag. * * To make a CSS file available just put it in include/styles. The * file name should be like "name.css". The "name" would be the value * needed to pass to this function. * * @param string Script name to add without the "jquery." prefix and the ".js" * suffix. Example: * <code> * ui_require_css_file ('pandora'); * // Would include include/styles/pandora.js * </code> * * @return bool True if the file was added. False if the file doesn't exist. */ function ui_require_css_file ($name, $path = 'include/styles/') { global $config; $filename = $path.$name.'.css'; if (! isset ($config['css'])) $config['css'] = array (); if (isset ($config['css'][$name])) return true; if (! file_exists ($filename) && ! file_exists ($config['homedir'].'/'.$filename)) return false; $config['css'][$name] = $filename; return true; } /** * Add a javascript file to the HTML head tag. * * To make a javascript file available just put it in include/javascript. The * file name should be like "name.js". The "name" would be the value * needed to pass to this function. * * @param string Script name to add without the "jquery." prefix and the ".js" * suffix. Example: * <code> * ui_require_javascript_file ('pandora'); * // Would include include/javascript/pandora.js * </code> * * @return bool True if the file was added. False if the file doesn't exist. */ function ui_require_javascript_file ($name, $path = 'include/javascript/') { global $config; $filename = $path.$name.'.js'; if (! isset ($config['js'])) $config['js'] = array (); if (isset ($config['js'][$name])) return true; /* We checks two paths because it may fails on enterprise */ if (! file_exists ($filename) && ! file_exists ($config['homedir'].'/'.$filename)) return false; if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $config['js'][$name] = "../../" . $filename; } else { $config['js'][$name] = $filename; } return true; } /** * Add a enteprise javascript file to the HTML head tag. * * To make a javascript file available just put it in <ENTERPRISE_DIR>/include/javascript. The * file name should be like "name.js". The "name" would be the value * needed to pass to this function. * * @param string Script name to add without the "jquery." prefix and the ".js" * suffix. Example: * <code> * ui_require_javascript_file ('pandora'); * // Would include include/javascript/pandora.js * </code> * * @return bool True if the file was added. False if the file doesn't exist. */ function ui_require_javascript_file_enterprise($name) { global $config; $filename = ENTERPRISE_DIR . '/include/javascript/' .$name.'.js'; if (! isset ($config['js'])) $config['js'] = array (); if (isset ($config['js'][$name])) return true; /* We checks two paths because it may fails on enterprise */ if (! file_exists ($filename) && ! file_exists ($config['homedir'].'/'.$filename)) return false; $config['js'][$name] = $filename; return true; } /** * Add a jQuery file to the HTML head tag. * * To make a jQuery script available just put it in include/javascript. The * file name should be like "jquery.name.js". The "name" would be the value * needed to pass to this function. Notice that this function does not manage * jQuery denpendencies. * * @param string Script name to add without the "jquery." prefix and the ".js" * suffix. Example: * <code> * ui_require_jquery_file ('form'); * // Would include include/javascript/jquery.form.js * </code> * * @return bool True if the file was added. False if the file doesn't exist. */ function ui_require_jquery_file ($name, $path = 'include/javascript/') { global $config; $filename = $path.'jquery.'.$name.'.js'; if (! isset ($config['jquery'])) $config['jquery'] = array (); if (isset ($config['jquery'][$name])) return true; /* We checks two paths because it may fails on enterprise */ if (! file_exists ($filename) && ! file_exists ($config['homedir'].'/'.$filename)) return false; $config['jquery'][$name] = $filename; return true; } /** * Callback function to add stuff to the head. This allows us to add scripts * to the header after the fact as well as extensive validation. * * DO NOT CALL print_f, echo, ob_start, ob_flush, ob_end functions here. * * To add css just put them in include/styles and then add them to the * $config['css'] array * * @param string Callback will fill this with the current buffer. * @param bitfield Callback will fill this with a bitfield (see ob_start) * * @return string String to return to the browser */ function ui_process_page_head ($string, $bitfield) { global $config; global $vc_public_view; if (isset ($config['ignore_callback']) && $config['ignore_callback'] == true) { return; } $output = ''; // If user is logged or displayed view is the public view of visual console if ($config["refr"] > 0 && (isset($config['id_user']) || $vc_public_view == 1)) { if ($config['enable_refr'] || $GET['sec2'] == "operation/agentes/estado_agente" || $GET['sec2'] == "operation/agentes/tactical"|| $_GET['sec2'] == "operation/agentes/group_view" || $_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/events/events' || $_GET['sec2'] == "enterprise/dashboard/main_dashboard") { $query = ui_get_url_refresh (false); $output .= '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="'.$config["refr"].'; URL=' . $query . '" />'; } } $output .= "\n\t"; $output .= '<title>Pandora FMS - '.__('the Flexible Monitoring System').'</title> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" /> <meta name="resource-type" content="document" /> <meta name="distribution" content="global" /> <meta name="author" content="Sancho Lerena" /> <meta name="copyright" content="This is GPL software. Created by Sancho Lerena and others" /> <meta name="keywords" content="pandora, monitoring, system, GPL, software" /> <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" /> <link rel="icon" href="images/pandora.ico" type="image/ico" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/pandora.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link rel="alternate" href="operation/events/events_rss.php" title="Pandora RSS Feed" type="application/rss+xml" />'; if ($config["language"] != "en") { //Load translated strings - load them last so they overload all the objects ui_require_javascript_file ("time_".$config["language"]); ui_require_javascript_file ("date".$config["language"]); ui_require_javascript_file ("countdown_".$config["language"]); } $output .= "\n\t"; //Load CSS if (empty ($config['css'])) { $config['css'] = array (); } $login_ok = true; if (! isset ($config['id_user']) && isset ($_GET["login"])) { if (isset($_POST['nick']) and isset($_POST['pass'])) { $nick = get_parameter_post ("nick"); //This is the variable with the login $pass = get_parameter_post ("pass"); //This is the variable with the password $nick = db_escape_string_sql($nick); $pass = db_escape_string_sql($pass); // process_user_login is a virtual function which should be defined in each auth file. // It accepts username and password. The rest should be internal to the auth file. // The auth file can set $config["auth_error"] to an informative error output or reference their internal error messages to it // process_user_login should return false in case of errors or invalid login, the nickname if correct $nick_in_db = process_user_login ($nick, $pass); if ($nick_in_db === false) { $login_ok = false; } } } //First, if user has assigned a skin then try to use css files of skin subdirectory $isFunctionSkins = enterprise_include_once ('include/functions_skins.php'); if (!$login_ok) { if ($isFunctionSkins !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { enterprise_hook('skins_cleanup'); } } $exists_css = false; if ($login_ok and $isFunctionSkins !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { //Checks if user's skin is available $exists_skin = enterprise_hook('skins_is_path_set'); if ($exists_skin){ $skin_path = enterprise_hook('skins_get_skin_path'); $skin_styles = themes_get_css ($skin_path . 'include/styles/'); $exists_css = !empty($skin_styles); } } //If skin's css files exists then add them if ($exists_css) { foreach ($skin_styles as $filename => $name){ $style = substr ($filename, 0, strlen ($filename) - 4); $config['css'][$style] = $skin_path . 'include/styles/' . $filename; } } //Otherwise assign default and user's css else { //User style should go last so it can rewrite common styles $config['css'] = array_merge (array ( "common" => "include/styles/common.css", "menu" => "include/styles/menu.css", "tip", "include/styles/tip.css", $config['style'] => "include/styles/".$config['style'].".css"), $config['css']); } //We can't load empty and we loaded (conditionally) ie $loaded = array ('', 'ie'); foreach ($config['css'] as $name => $filename) { if (in_array ($name, $loaded)) continue; array_push ($loaded, $name); if (!empty ($config["compact_header"])) { $output .= '<style type="text/css">'; $style = file_get_contents ($config["homedir"] . "/" . $filename); //Replace paths $style = str_replace (array ("@import url(", "../../images"), array ("@import url(include/styles/", "images"), $style); //Remove comments $output .= preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $style); $output .= '</style>'; } else { $url_css = ui_get_full_url($filename); $output .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $url_css . '" type="text/css" />'."\n\t"; } } //End load CSS //Load JS if (empty ($config['js'])) { $config['js'] = array (); //If it's empty, false or not init set array to empty just in case } //Pandora specific JavaScript should go first $config['js'] = array_merge (array ("pandora" => "include/javascript/pandora.js"), $config['js']); //Load other javascript //We can't load empty $loaded = array (''); foreach ($config['js'] as $name => $filename) { if (in_array ($name, $loaded)) continue; array_push ($loaded, $name); if (!empty ($config["compact_header"])) { $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */'."\n"; $output .= file_get_contents ($config["homedir"]."/".$filename); $output .= "\n".'/* ]]> */</script>'; } else { $url_js = ui_get_full_url($filename); $output .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $url_js . '"></script>'."\n\t"; } } //End load JS //Load jQuery if (empty ($config['jquery'])) { $config['jquery'] = array (); //If it's empty, false or not init set array to empty just in case } //Pandora specific jquery should go first $black_list_pages_old_jquery = array('operation/gis_maps/index'); if (in_array(get_parameter('sec2'), $black_list_pages_old_jquery)) { $config['jquery'] = array_merge ( array ("jquery" => "include/javascript/jquery.js", "ui" => "include/javascript/jquery.ui.core.js", "dialog" => "include/javascript/jquery.ui.dialog.js", "pandora" => "include/javascript/jquery.pandora.js"), $config['jquery']); } else { $config['jquery'] = array_merge( array ("jquery" => "include/javascript/jquery-1.8.2.js", "pandora" => "include/javascript/jquery.pandora.js"), $config['jquery']); } // Include the datapicker language if exists if(file_exists('include/languages/datepicker/jquery.ui.datepicker-'.$config['language'].'.js')) { $config['jquery']['datepicker_language'] = 'include/languages/datepicker/jquery.ui.datepicker-'.$config['language'].'.js'; } //Then add each script as necessary $loaded = array (''); foreach ($config['jquery'] as $name => $filename) { if (in_array ($name, $loaded)) continue; array_push ($loaded, $name); if (!empty ($config["compact_header"])) { $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */'."\n"; $output .= file_get_contents ($config["homedir"]."/".$filename); $output .= "\n".'/* ]]> */</script>'; } else { $url_js = ui_get_full_url($filename); $output .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $url_js . '"></script>'."\n\t"; } } if ($config['flash_charts']) { //Include the javascript for the js charts library include_once('include/graphs/functions_flot.php'); $output .= include_javascript_dependencies_flot_graph(true); } $output .= '<!--[if gte IE 6]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="include/styles/ie.css" type="text/css"/> <![endif]-->'; $output .= $string; if (!empty ($config["compact_header"])) { $output = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", ' ', ' ', ' '), '', $output); } return $output; } /** * Callback function to add stuff to the body * * @param string Callback will fill this with the current buffer. * @param bitfield Callback will fill this with a bitfield (see ob_start) * * @return string String to return to the browser */ function ui_process_page_body ($string, $bitfield) { global $config; if (isset ($config['ignore_callback']) && $config['ignore_callback'] == true) { return; } // Show custom background $output = '<body'.($config["pure"] ? ' class="pure"' : '').'>'; if (!empty ($config["compact_header"])) { require_once ($config["homedir"]."/include/htmlawed.php"); $htmLawedconfig = array ("valid_xhtml" => 1, "tidy" => -1); $output .= htmLawed ($string, $htmLawedconfig); } else { $output .= $string; } $output .= '</body>'; return $output; } /** * Prints a pagination menu to browse into a collection of data. * * @param int $count Number of elements in the collection. * @param string $url URL of the pagination links. It must include all form * values as GET form. * @param int $offset Current offset for the pagination. Default value would be * taken from $_REQUEST['offset'] * @param int $pagination Current pagination size. If a user requests a larger * pagination than config["block_size"] * @param bool $return Whether to return or print this * * @return string The pagination div or nothing if no pagination needs to be done */ function ui_pagination ($count, $url = false, $offset = 0, $pagination = 0, $return = false, $offset_name = 'offset') { global $config; if (empty ($pagination)) { $pagination = (int) $config["block_size"]; } if (is_string ($offset)) { $offset_name = $offset; $offset = (int) get_parameter ($offset_name); } if (empty ($offset)) { $offset = (int) get_parameter ($offset_name); } if (empty ($url)) { $url = ui_get_url_refresh (array ($offset_name => false)); } /* URL passed render links with some parameter &offset - Offset records passed to next page &counter - Number of items to be blocked Pagination needs $url to build the base URL to render links, its a base url, like " http://pandora/index.php?sec=godmode&sec2=godmode/admin_access_logs " */ $block_limit = 15; // Visualize only $block_limit blocks if ($count <= $pagination) { return false; } // If exists more registers than I can put in a page, calculate index markers $index_counter = ceil ($count /$pagination); // Number of blocks of block_size with data $index_page = ceil ($offset / $pagination) - (ceil ($block_limit / 2)); // block to begin to show data; if ($index_page < 0) $index_page = 0; // This calculate index_limit, block limit for this search. if (($index_page + $block_limit) > $index_counter) $index_limit = $index_counter; else $index_limit = $index_page + $block_limit; // This calculate if there are more blocks than visible (more than $block_limit blocks) if ($index_counter > $block_limit ) $paginacion_maxima = 1; // If maximum blocks ($block_limit), show only 10 and "...." else $paginacion_maxima = 0; // This setup first block of query if ( $paginacion_maxima == 1) if ($index_page == 0) $inicio_pag = 0; else $inicio_pag = $index_page; else $inicio_pag = 0; $output = '<div class="pagination">'; // Show GOTO FIRST button $output .= '<a class="pagination go_first" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'=0">'.html_print_image ("images/go_first.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a> '; // Show PREVIOUS button if ($index_page > 0) { $index_page_prev = ($index_page - (floor ($block_limit / 2))) * $pagination; if ($index_page_prev < 0) $index_page_prev = 0; $output .= '<a class="pagination go_rewind" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$index_page_prev.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_previous.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>'; } $output .= " "; // Draw blocks markers // $i stores number of page for ($i = $inicio_pag; $i < $index_limit; $i++) { $inicio_bloque = ($i * $pagination); $final_bloque = $inicio_bloque + $pagination; if ($final_bloque > $count){ // if upper limit is beyond max, this shouldnt be possible ! $final_bloque = ($i-1) * $pagination + $count-(($i-1) * $pagination); } $output .= "<span>"; $inicio_bloque_fake = $inicio_bloque + 1; // To Calculate last block (doesnt end with round data, // it must be shown if not round to block limit) $output .= '<a class="pagination" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$inicio_bloque.'">'; if ($inicio_bloque == $offset) { $output .= "<b>[ $i ]</b>"; } else { $output .= "[ $i ]"; } $output .= '</a></span>'; } $output .= " "; // Show NEXT PAGE (fast forward) // Index_counter stores max of blocks if (($paginacion_maxima == 1) AND (($index_counter - $i) > 0)) { $prox_bloque = ($i + ceil ($block_limit / 2)) * $pagination; if ($prox_bloque > $count) $prox_bloque = ($count -1) - $pagination; $output .= '<a class="pagination go_fastforward" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$prox_bloque.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_next.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>'; $i = $index_counter; } // if exists more registers than i can put in a page (defined by $block_size config parameter) // get offset for index calculation // Draw "last" block link, ajust for last block will be the same // as painted in last block (last integer block). if (($count - $pagination) > 0) { $myoffset = floor (($count - 1) / $pagination) * $pagination; $output .= '<a class="pagination go_last" href="'.$url.'&'.$offset_name.'='.$myoffset.'">'.html_print_image ("images/go_last.png", true, array ("class" => "bot")).'</a>'; } // End div and layout $output .= "</div>"; if ($return === false) echo $output; return $output; } /** * Prints only a tip button which shows a text when the user puts the mouse over it. * * @param string Complete text to show in the tip * @param bool whether to return an output string or echo now * @param img displayed image * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_help_tip ($text, $return = false, $img = 'images/tip.png') { $output = '<a href="javascript:" class="tip" >' . html_print_image ($img, true) . '<span style="text-align:center">'.$text.'</span></a>'; if ($return) return $output; echo $output; } /** * Powerful debug function that also shows a backtrace. * * This functions need to have active $config['debug'] variable to work. * * @param mixed Variable name to debug * @param bool Wheter to print the backtrace or not. * * @return bool Tru if the debug was actived. False if not. */ function ui_debug ($var, $backtrace = true) { global $config; if (! isset ($config['debug'])) return false; static $id = 0; static $trace_id = 0; $id++; if ($backtrace) { echo '<div class="debug">'; echo '<a href="#" onclick="$(\'#trace-'.$id.'\').toggle ();return false;">Backtrace</a>'; echo '<div id="trace-'.$id.'" class="backtrace invisible">'; echo '<ol>'; $traces = debug_backtrace (); /* Ignore debug function */ unset ($traces[0]); foreach ($traces as $trace) { $trace_id++; /* Many classes are used to allow better customization. Please, do not remove them */ echo '<li>'; if (isset ($trace['class'])) echo '<span class="class">'.$trace['class'].'</span>'; if (isset ($trace['type'])) echo '<span class="type">'.$trace['type'].'</span>'; echo '<span class="function">'; echo '<a href="#" onclick="$(\'#args-'.$trace_id.'\').toggle ();return false;">'.$trace['function'].'()</a>'; echo '</span>'; if (isset ($trace['file'])) { echo ' - <span class="filename">'; echo str_replace ($config['homedir'].'/', '', $trace['file']); echo ':'.$trace['line'].'</span>'; } else { echo ' - <span class="filename"><em>Unknown file</em></span>'; } echo '<pre id="args-'.$trace_id.'" class="invisible">'; echo '<div class="parameters">Parameter values:</div>'; echo '<ol>'; foreach ($trace['args'] as $arg) { echo '<li>'; print_r ($arg); echo '</li>'; } echo '</ol>'; echo '</pre>'; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ol>'; echo '</div></div>'; } /* Actually print the variable given */ echo '<pre class="debug">'; print_r ($var); echo '</pre>'; return true; } /** * Prints icon of a module type * * @param int Module Type ID * @param bool Whether to return or print * @param bool $relative Whether to use relative path to image or not (i.e. $relative= true : /pandora/<img_src>). * @param bool $options Whether to use image options like style, border or title on the icon. * * @return string An HTML string with the icon. Printed if return is false */ function ui_print_moduletype_icon ($id_moduletype, $return = false, $relative = false, $options = true) { global $config; $type = db_get_row ("ttipo_modulo", "id_tipo", (int) $id_moduletype, array ("descripcion", "icon")); if ($type === false) { $type = array (); $type["descripcion"] = __('Unknown type'); $type["icon"] = 'b_down.png'; } $imagepath = 'images/'.$type["icon"]; if (! file_exists ($config['homedir'].'/'.$imagepath)) $imagepath = ENTERPRISE_DIR.'/'.$imagepath; if ($options) { return html_print_image ($imagepath, $return, array ("border" => 0, "title" => $type["descripcion"]), false, $relative); } else { return html_print_image ($imagepath, $return, false, false, $relative); } } /** * Print module max/min values for warning/critical state * * @param float Max value for warning state * @param float Min value for warning state * @param float Max value for critical state * @param float Min value for critical state * * @return string HTML string */ function ui_print_module_warn_value ($max_warning, $min_warning, $str_warning, $max_critical, $min_critical, $str_critical) { $data = "<span style='font-size: 8px' title='" . __("Warning") . ": " . __("Max") . $max_warning . "/" . __("Min") . $min_warning . " - " . __("Critical") . ": " . __("Max") . $max_critical . "/" . __("Min") . $min_critical . "'>"; if ($max_warning != $min_warning) { $data .= format_for_graph($max_warning) ."/". format_for_graph ($min_warning); } else { $data .= __("N/A"); } $data .= " - "; if ($max_critical != $min_critical){ $data .= format_for_graph($max_critical) ."/". format_for_graph ($min_critical); } else { $data .= __("N/A"); } $data .= "</span>"; return $data; } /** * Format a file size from bytes to a human readable meassure. * * @param int File size in bytes * @return string Bytes converted to a human readable meassure. */ function ui_format_filesize ($bytes) { $bytes = (int) $bytes; $strs = array ('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); if ($bytes <= 0) { return "0 ".$strs[0]; } $con = 1024; $log = (int) (log ($bytes, $con)); return format_numeric ($bytes / pow ($con, $log), 1).' '.$strs[$log]; } /** * Returns the current path to the selected image set to show the * status of agents and alerts. * * @return array An array with the image path, image width and image height. */ function ui_get_status_images_path () { global $config; $imageset = $config["status_images_set"]; if (strpos ($imageset, ",") === false) $imageset .= ",40x18"; list ($imageset, $sizes) = preg_split ("/\,/", $imageset); if (strpos ($sizes, "x") === false) $sizes .= "x18"; list ($imagewidth, $imageheight) = preg_split ("/x/", $sizes); $imagespath = 'images/status_sets/'.$imageset; return array ($imagespath); } /** * Prints an image representing a status. * * @param string * @param string * @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_status_image ($type, $title = "", $return = false, $options = false) { list ($imagepath) = ui_get_status_images_path (); $imagepath .= "/" . $type; if($options === false) { $options = array(); } $options['title'] = $title; return html_print_image ($imagepath, $return, $options); } /** * Print a code into a DIV and enable a toggle to show and hide it * * @param string html code * @param string name of the link * @param string title of the link * @param bool if the div will be hidden by default (default: true) * @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (default: true) * */ function ui_toggle($code, $name, $title = '', $hidde_default = true, $return = false) { $hack_metaconsole = ''; if (defined('METACONSOLE')) $hack_metaconsole = '../../'; // Generate unique Id $uniqid = uniqid(''); // Options if ($hidde_default) { $style = 'display:none'; $toggle_a = "$('#tgl_div_".$uniqid."').show();"; $toggle_b = "$('#tgl_div_".$uniqid."').hide();"; $image_a = html_print_image($hack_metaconsole . "images/go.png", true, false, true); $image_b = html_print_image($hack_metaconsole . "images/down.png", true, false, true); $original = $hack_metaconsole . "images/down.png"; } else { $style = ''; $toggle_a = "$('#tgl_div_".$uniqid."').hide();"; $toggle_b = "$('#tgl_div_".$uniqid."').show();"; $image_a = html_print_image($hack_metaconsole . "images/down.png", true, false, true); $image_b = html_print_image($hack_metaconsole . "images/go.png", true, false, true); $original = $hack_metaconsole . "images/go.png"; } // Link to toggle $output = ''; $output .= '<a href="#" id="tgl_ctrl_'.$uniqid.'"><b>'.$name.'</b> '.html_print_image ($original, true, array ("title" => $title, "id" => "image_".$uniqid)).'</a><br /><br />'; // Code into a div $output .= "<div id='tgl_div_".$uniqid."' style='".$style."'>\n"; $output .= $code; $output .= "</div>"; // JQuery Toggle $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">'; $output .= '/* <![CDATA[ */'; $output .= "$(document).ready (function () {"; $output .= "$('#tgl_ctrl_".$uniqid."').toggle(function() {"; $output .= $toggle_a; $output .= "$('#image_".$uniqid."').attr({src: '".$image_a."'});"; $output .= "}, function() {"; $output .= $toggle_b; $output .= "$('#image_".$uniqid."').attr({src: '".$image_b."'});"; $output .= "});"; $output .= "});"; $output .= '/* ]]> */'; $output .= '</script>'; if (!$return) { echo $output; } else { return $output; } } /** * Construct and return the URL to be used in order to refresh the current page correctly. * * @param array Extra parameters to be added to the URL. It has prevalence over * GET and POST. False values will be ignored. * @param bool Whether to return the relative URL or the absolute URL. Returns * relative by default * @param bool Whether to add POST values to the URL. */ function ui_get_url_refresh ($params = false, $relative = true, $add_post = true) { // Agent selection filters and refresh global $config; $url = ''; if (sizeof ($_REQUEST)) { //Some (old) browsers don't like the ?&key=var $url .= '?'; } if (! is_array ($params)) $params = array (); /* Avoid showing login info */ $params['pass'] = false; $params['nick'] = false; $params['unnamed'] = false; //We don't clean these variables up as they're only being passed along foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if (isset ($params[$key])) continue; if (strstr ($key, 'create')) continue; if (strstr ($key, 'update')) continue; if (strstr ($key, 'new')) continue; if (strstr ($key, 'delete')) continue; $url .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; } if ($add_post) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (isset ($params[$key])) continue; if (strstr ($key, 'create')) continue; if (strstr ($key, 'update')) continue; if (strstr ($key, 'new')) continue; if (strstr ($key, 'delete')) continue; $url .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; } } foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($value === false) continue; $url .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; } /* Removes final & */ $pos = strrpos ($url, '&', 0); if ($pos) { $url = substr_replace ($url, '', $pos, 5); } $url = htmlspecialchars ($url); if (! $relative) { return ui_get_full_url ($url); } return $url; } /** * Returns a full URL in Pandora. (with the port and https in some systems) * * An example of full URL is http:/localhost/pandora_console/index.php?sec=gsetup&sec2=godmode/setup/setup * * @param mixed $url If provided, it will be added after the index.php, but it is false boolean value, put the homeurl in the url. * @param boolean $no_proxy To avoid the proxy checks, by default it is false. * @param boolean $metaconsole_root Set the root to the metaconsole dir if the metaconsole is enabled, true by default. * * @return string A full URL in Pandora. */ function ui_get_full_url ($url = '', $no_proxy = false, $add_name_php_file = false, $metaconsole_root = true) { global $config; $port = null; // null means 'use the starndard port' $proxy = false; //By default Pandora FMS doesn't run across proxy. if (isset ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] === true || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')) { $protocol = 'https'; if ( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) { $port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } } elseif ($config['https']) { //When $config["https"] is set, enforce https $protocol = 'https'; } else { $protocol = 'http'; if ( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80) { $port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } } if (!$no_proxy) { //Check if the PandoraFMS runs across the proxy like as //mod_proxy of Apache //and check if public_url is setted if (!empty($config['public_url']) && (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']))) { $fullurl = $config['public_url']; $proxy = true; } else { $fullurl = $protocol.'://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } } else { $fullurl = $protocol.'://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } // using a different port than the standard if (!$proxy) { // using a different port than the standard if ( $port != null ) { $fullurl .= ":" . $port; } } if ($url === '') { if ($proxy) { $url = ''; } else { $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } } elseif ($url === false) { if ($proxy) { $url = ''; } else { //Only add the home url $url = $config['homeurl_static'] . '/'; } if (defined('METACONSOLE') && $metaconsole_root) { $url .= 'enterprise/meta/'; } } elseif (!strstr($url, ".php")) { if ($proxy) { $fullurl .= '/'; } else { $fullurl .= $config['homeurl_static'] . '/'; } if (defined('METACONSOLE') && $metaconsole_root) { $fullurl .= 'enterprise/meta/'; } } else { if ($proxy) { $fullurl .= '/'; } else { if ($add_name_php_file) { $fullurl .= $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; } else { $fullurl .= $config['homeurl_static'] . '/'; if (defined('METACONSOLE') && $metaconsole_root) { $fullurl .= 'enterprise/meta/'; } } } } return $fullurl . $url; } /** * Return a standard page header (Pandora FMS 3.1 version) * * @param string Title * @param string Icon path * @param boolean Return (false will print using a echo) * @param boolean help (Help ID to print the Help link) * @param boolean Godmode (false = operation mode). * @param string Options (HTML code for make tabs or just a brief info string * @return string Header HTML */ function ui_print_page_header ($title, $icon = "", $return = false, $help = "", $godmode = false, $options = ""){ $title = io_safe_input_html($title); if (($icon == "") && ($godmode == true)) { $icon = "images/setup.png"; } if (($icon == "") && ($godmode == false)) { $icon = "images/comments.png"; } if ($godmode == true) { $type = "nomn"; $type2 = "menu_tab_frame"; $separator_class = "separator"; } else { $type = "view"; $type2 = "menu_tab_frame_view"; $separator_class = "separator_view"; } $buffer = '<div id="'.$type2.'" style=""><div id="menu_tab_left">'; $buffer .= '<ul class="mn"><li class="'.$type.'"> ' . html_print_image($icon, true, array("style" => "margin-bottom: -3px;", "class" => "bottom", "border" => "0", "alt" => "")) . ' '; $buffer .= $title; if ($help != "") $buffer .= " " . ui_print_help_icon ($help, true); $buffer .= '</li></ul></div>'; if (is_array($options)) { $buffer .= '<div id="menu_tab"><ul class="mn">'; foreach ($options as $key => $option) { if ($key === 'separator') { $buffer .= '<li class='.$separator_class.'>'; $buffer .= '</li>'; } else { if (is_array($option)) { $class = 'nomn'; if (isset($option['active'])) { if ($option['active']) { $class = 'nomn_high'; } } $buffer .= '<li class="' . $class . '">'; $buffer .= $option['text']; $buffer .= '</li>'; } else { $buffer .= '<li class="nomn">'; $buffer .= $option; $buffer .= '</li>'; } } } $buffer .= '</ul></div>'; } else { if ($options != "") { $buffer .= '<div id="menu_tab"><ul class="mn"><li class="nomn">'; $buffer .= $options; $buffer .= '</li></ul></div>'; } } $buffer .= '</div>'; //<br /><br /><br />'; if (!$return) echo $buffer; return $buffer; } /** * Print a input for agent autocomplete, this input search into your * pandora DB (or pandoras DBs when you have metaconsole) for agents * that have name near to equal that you are writing into the input. * * This generate a lot of lines of html and javascript code. * * @parameters array Array with several properties: * - $parameters['return'] boolean, by default is false * true - return as html string the code (html and js) * false - print the code. * * - $parameters['input_name'] the input name (needs to get the value) * string - The name. * default - "agent_autocomplete_<aleatory_uniq_raw_letters/numbers>" * * - $parameters['input_id'] the input id (needs to get the value) * string - The ID. * default - "text-<input_name>" * * - $parameters['selectbox_group'] the id of selectbox with the group * string - The ID of selectbox. * default - "" empty string * * - $parameters['icon_image'] the small icon to show into the input in * the right side. * string - The url for the image. * default - "images/lightning.png" * * - $parameters['value'] The initial value to set the input. * string - The value. * default - "" emtpy string * * - $parameters['show_helptip'] boolean, by default is false * true - print the icon out the field in side right the tiny star * for tip. * false - does not print * * - $parameters['helptip_text'] The text to show in the tooltip. * string - The text to show into the tooltip. * default - "Type at least two characters to search." (translate) * * - $parameters['use_hidden_input_idagent'] boolean, Use a field for * store the id of agent from the ajax query. By default is false. * true - Use the field for id agent and the sourcecode work with * this. * false - Doesn't use the field (maybe this doesn't exist outer) * * - $parameters['print_hidden_input_idagent'] boolean, Print a field * for store the id of agent from the ajax query. By default is * false. * true - Print the field for id agent and the sourcecode work with * this. * false - Doesn't print the field (maybe this doesn't exist outer) * * - $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_name'] The name of hidden input * for to store the id agent. * string - The name of hidden input. * default - "agent_autocomplete_idagent_<aleatory_uniq_raw_letters/numbers>" * * - $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_id'] The id of hidden input * for to store the id agent. * string - The id of hidden input. * default - "hidden-<hidden_input_idagent_name>" * * - $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_value'] The initial value to set * the input id agent for store the id agent. * string - The value. * default - 0 * * - $parameters['size'] The size in characters for the input of agent. * string - A number of characters. * default - 30 * * - $parameters['maxlength'] The max characters that can store the * input of agent. * string - A number of characters max to store * default - 100 * * - $parameters['disabled'] Set as disabled the input of agent. By * default is false * true - Set disabled the input of agent. * false - Set enabled the input of agent. * * - $parameters['selectbox_id'] The id of select box that stores the * list of modules of agent select. * string - The id of select box. * default - "id_agent_module" * * - $parameters['add_none_module'] Boolean, add the list of modules * the "none" entry, with value 0. By default is true * true - add the none entry. * false - does not add the none entry. * * - $parameters['none_module_text'] Boolean, add the list of modules * the "none" entry, with value 0. * string - The text to put for none module for example "select a * module" * default - "none" (translate) * * - $parameters['print_input_server'] Boolean, print the hidden field * to store the server (metaconsole). By default false. * true - Print the hidden input for the server. * false - Does not print. * * - $parameters['use_input_server'] Boolean, use the hidden field * to store the server (metaconsole). By default false. * true - Use the hidden input for the server. * false - Does not print. * * - $parameters['input_server_name'] The name for hidden field to * store the server. * string - The name of field for server. * default - "server_<aleatory_uniq_raw_letters/numbers>" * * - $parameters['input_server_id'] The id for hidden field to store * the server. * string - The id of field for server. * default - "hidden-<input_server_name>" * * - $parameters['input_server_value'] The value to store into the * field server. * string - The name of server. * default - "" empty string * * - $parameters['metaconsole_enabled'] Boolean, set the sourcecode for * to make some others things that run of without metaconsole. By * default false. * true - Set the gears for metaconsole. * false - Run as without metaconsole. * * - $parameters['javascript_ajax_page'] The page to send the ajax * queries. * string - The url to ajax page, remember the url must be into your * domain (ajax security). * default - "ajax.php" * * - $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select'] The name of * function to call after the user select a agent into the list in * the autocomplete field. * string - The name of function. * default - "" * * - $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call'] The * call of this function to call after user select a agent into the * list in the autocomplete field. Instead the * $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select'], this is * overwrite the previous element. And this is necesary when you need * to set some params in your custom function. * string - The call line as javascript code. * default - "" * * - $parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source'] The source * code as block string to call when the autocomplete starts to get * the data from ajax. * string - A huge string with your function as javascript. * default - "" * * - $parameters['javascript'] Boolean, set the autocomplete agent to * use javascript or enabled javascript. By default true. * true - Enabled the javascript. * false - Disabled the javascript. * * - $parameters['javascript_is_function_select'] Boolean, set to * enable to call a function when user select a agent in the * autocomplete list. By default false. * true - Enabled this feature. * false - Disabled this feature. * * - $parameters['javascript_code_function_select'] The name of * function to call when user select a agent in the autocomplete * list. * string - The name of function but remembers this function pass * the parameter agent_name. * default - "function_select_<input_name>" * * - $parameters['javascript_name_function_select'] The source * code as block string to call when user select a agent into the * list in the autocomplete field. Althought use this element, you * need use the previous parameter to set name of your custom * function or call line. * string - A huge string with your function as javascript. * default - A lot of lines of source code into a string, please this * lines you can read in the source code of function. * * - $parameters['javascript_change_ajax_params'] The params to pass in * the ajax query for the list of agents. * array - The associative array with the key and value to pass in * the ajax query. * default - A lot of lines of source code into a string, please this * lines you can read in the source code of function. * * - $parameters['javascript_function_change'] The source code as block * string with all javascript code to run autocomplete field. * string - The source code javascript into a string. * default - A lot of lines of source code into a string, please this * lines you can read in the source code of function. * * - $parameters['javascript_document_ready'] Boolean, set the * javascript sourcecode to run with the document is ready. By * default is true. * true - Set to run when document is ready. * false - Not set to run. * * - $parameters['javascript_tags'] Boolean, print the html tags for * javascript. By default is true. * true - Print the javascript tags. * false - Doesn't print the tags. * * - $parameters['javascript_tags'] Boolean, print the html tags for * javascript. By default is true. * true - Print the javascript tags. * false - Doesn't print the tags. * * @return string HTML code if return parameter is true. */ function ui_print_agent_autocomplete_input($parameters) { global $config; //Normalize and extract the data from $parameters //------------------------------------------------------------------ $return = false; //Default value if (isset($parameters['return'])) { $return = $parameters['return']; } $input_name = uniqid('agent_autocomplete_'); //Default value if (isset($parameters['input_name'])) { $input_name = $parameters['input_name']; } $input_id = 'text-' . $input_name; //Default value if (isset($parameters['input_id'])) { $input_id = $parameters['input_id']; } $selectbox_group = ''; //Default value if (isset($parameters['selectbox_group'])) { $selectbox_group = $parameters['selectbox_group']; } //Default value $icon_image = html_print_image('images/lightning.png', true, false, true); if (isset($parameters['icon_image'])) { $icon_image = $parameters['icon_image']; } $value = ''; //Default value if (isset($parameters['value'])) { $value = $parameters['value']; } $show_helptip = true; //Default value if (isset($parameters['show_helptip'])) { $show_helptip = $parameters['show_helptip']; } $helptip_text = __("Type at least two characters to search."); //Default value if (isset($parameters['helptip_text'])) { $helptip_text = $parameters['helptip_text']; } $use_hidden_input_idagent = false; //Default value if (isset($parameters['use_hidden_input_idagent'])) { $use_hidden_input_idagent = $parameters['use_hidden_input_idagent']; } $print_hidden_input_idagent = false; //Default value if (isset($parameters['print_hidden_input_idagent'])) { $print_hidden_input_idagent = $parameters['print_hidden_input_idagent']; } $hidden_input_idagent_name = uniqid('agent_autocomplete_idagent_'); //Default value if (isset($parameters['hidden_input_idagent_name'])) { $hidden_input_idagent_name = $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_name']; } $hidden_input_idagent_id = 'hidden-' . $input_name; //Default value if (isset($parameters['hidden_input_idagent_id'])) { $hidden_input_idagent_id = $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_id']; } $hidden_input_idagent_value = (int)get_parameter($hidden_input_idagent_name, 0); //Default value if (isset($parameters['hidden_input_idagent_value'])) { $hidden_input_idagent_value = $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_value']; } $size = 30; //Default value if (isset($parameters['size'])) { $size = $parameters['size']; } $maxlength = 100; //Default value if (isset($parameters['maxlength'])) { $maxlength = $parameters['maxlength']; } $disabled = false; //Default value if (isset($parameters['disabled'])) { $disabled = $parameters['disabled']; } $selectbox_id = 'id_agent_module'; //Default value if (isset($parameters['selectbox_id'])) { $selectbox_id = $parameters['selectbox_id']; } $add_none_module = true; //Default value if (isset($parameters['add_none_module'])) { $add_none_module = $parameters['add_none_module']; } $none_module_text = '--'; //Default value if (isset($parameters['none_module_text'])) { $none_module_text = $parameters['none_module_text']; } $print_input_server = false; //Default value if (isset($parameters['print_input_server'])) { $print_input_server = $parameters['print_input_server']; } $use_input_server = false; //Default value if (isset($parameters['use_input_server'])) { $use_input_server = $parameters['use_input_server']; } $input_server_name = uniqid('server_'); //Default value if (isset($parameters['input_server_name'])) { $input_server_name = $parameters['input_server_name']; } $input_server_id = 'hidden-' . $input_server_name; //Default value if (isset($parameters['input_server_id'])) { $input_server_id = $parameters['input_server_id']; } $input_server_value = ''; //Default value if (isset($parameters['input_server_value'])) { $input_server_value = $parameters['input_server_value']; } $metaconsole_enabled = false; //Default value if (isset($parameters['metaconsole_enabled'])) { $metaconsole_enabled = $parameters['metaconsole_enabled']; } // Javascript configurations //------------------------------------------------------------------ $javascript_ajax_page = 'ajax.php'; //Default value if (isset($parameters['javascript_ajax_page'])) { $javascript_ajax_page = $parameters['javascript_ajax_page']; } $javascript_function_action_after_select = ''; //Default value $javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call = ''; //Default value if (isset($parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select'])) { $javascript_function_action_after_select = $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select']; $javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call = $javascript_function_action_after_select . '();'; } if (isset($parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call'])) { if ($javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call != $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call']) { $javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call = $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call']; } } $javascript_function_action_into_source = ''; //Default value $javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call = ''; //Default value if (isset($parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source'])) { $javascript_function_action_into_source = $parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source']; $javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call = $javascript_function_action_into_source . '();'; } if (isset($parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call'])) { if ($javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call != $parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call']) { $javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call = $parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call']; } } $javascript = true; //Default value if (isset($parameters['javascript'])) { $javascript = $parameters['javascript']; } $javascript_is_function_select = false; //Default value if (isset($parameters['javascript_is_function_select'])) { $javascript_is_function_select = $parameters['javascript_is_function_select']; } $javascript_name_function_select = 'function_select_' . $input_name; //Default value if (isset($parameters['javascript_name_function_select'])) { $javascript_name_function_select = $parameters['javascript_name_function_select']; } $javascript_code_function_select = ''; $javascript_code_function_select .= ' function function_select_' . $input_name . 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'\") right center no-repeat"); return; } else { //Check if other terms cached start with same //letters. //TODO: At the moment disabled /* for (i = 1; i < term.length; i++) { var term_match = term.substr(0, term.length - i); $.each(cache_' . $input_name . ', function (oldterm, olddata) { var pattern = new RegExp("^" + term_match + ".*","gi"); if (oldterm.match(pattern)) { response(cache_' . $input_name . '[oldterm]); found = true; return; } }); if (found) break; } */ } if (found) { //Set icon $("#' . $input_id . '") .css("background","url(\"' . $icon_image . '\") right center no-repeat"); return; } ' . $javascript_change_ajax_params_text . ' jQuery.ajax ({ data: data_params, async: false, type: "POST", url: action="' . $javascript_ajax_page . '", timeout: 10000, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { cache_' . $input_name . '[term] = data; //Save the cache response(data); //Set icon $("#' . $input_id . '") .css("background", "url(\"' . $icon_image . '\") right center no-repeat"); return; } }); return; }, select: function( event, ui ) { var agent_name = ui.item.name; var agent_id = ui.item.id; var server_name; if (' . ((int)$metaconsole_enabled) . ') { server_name = ui.item.server; } else { server_name = ui.item.ip; } //Put the name $(this).val(agent_name); if ((' . ((int)$print_hidden_input_idagent) . ') || (' . ((int)$use_hidden_input_idagent) . ')) { $("#' . $hidden_input_idagent_id . '").val(agent_id); } //Put the server id into the hidden input if ((' . ((int)$use_input_server) . ') || (' . ((int)$print_input_server) . ')) { $("#' . $input_server_id . '").val(server_name); } //Call the function to select (example fill the modules) if (' . ((int)$javascript_is_function_select) . ') { ' . $javascript_name_function_select . '(agent_name); } //Function to call after the select if (' . ((int)!empty($javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call)) . ') { ' . $javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call . ' } return false; } }) .data( "autocomplete")._renderItem = function( ul, item ) { if (item.ip == "") { text = "<a>" + item.name + "</a>"; } else { text = "<a>" + item.name + "<br><span style=\"font-size: 70%; font-style: italic;\">IP:" + item.ip + "</span></a>"; } return $("<li></li>") .data("item.autocomplete", item) .append(text) .appendTo(ul); }; //Force the size of autocomplete $(".ui-autocomplete").css("max-height", "100px"); $(".ui-autocomplete").css("overflow-y", "auto"); /* prevent horizontal scrollbar */ $(".ui-autocomplete").css("overflow-x", "hidden"); /* add padding to account for vertical scrollbar */ $(".ui-autocomplete").css("padding-right", "20px"); //Force to style of items $(".ui-autocomplete").css("text-align", "left"); }'; if (isset($parameters['javascript_function_change'])) { $javascript_function_change = $parameters['javascript_function_change']; } $javascript_document_ready = true;//Default value if (isset($parameters['javascript_document_ready'])) { $javascript_document_ready = $parameters['javascript_document_ready']; } $javascript_tags = true;//Default value if (isset($parameters['javascript_tags'])) { $javascript_tags = $parameters['javascript_tags']; } $disabled_javascript_on_blur_function = false;//Default value if (isset($parameters['disabled_javascript_on_blur_function'])) { $disabled_javascript_on_blur_function = $parameters['disabled_javascript_on_blur_function']; } $javascript_on_blur_function_name = 'function_on_blur_' . $input_name;//Default value if (isset($parameters['javascript_on_blur_function_name'])) { $javascript_on_blur_function_name = $parameters['javascript_on_blur_function_name']; } //Default value $javascript_on_blur = ' /* This function is a callback when the autocomplete agent input lost the focus. */ function ' . $javascript_on_blur_function_name . '() { //Set loading $("#' . $input_id . '") .css("background", "url(\"' . $spinner_image . '\") right center no-repeat"); input_value = $("#' . $input_id . '").val(); var term = input_value; //Word to search var data_params = {"page": "include/ajax/agent", "search_agents_2": 1, "id_group": 0, "q": term}; jQuery.ajax ({ data: data_params, async: false, type: "POST", url: action="' . $javascript_ajax_page . '", timeout: 10000, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { if (data.length == 0) { alert("' . __('Does not exist agent with this name.') . '"); //Set icon $("#' . $input_id . '") .css("background", "url(\"' . $icon_image . '\") right center no-repeat"); return; } var agent_name = data[0].name; var agent_id = data[0].id; var server_name; if (' . ((int)$metaconsole_enabled) . ') { server_name = data[0].server; } else { server_name = data[0].ip; } if ((' . ((int)$print_hidden_input_idagent) . ') || (' . ((int)$use_hidden_input_idagent) . ')) { $("#' . $hidden_input_idagent_id . '").val(agent_id); } //Put the server id into the hidden input if ((' . ((int)$use_input_server) . ') || (' . ((int)$print_input_server) . ')) { $("#' . $input_server_id . '").val(server_name); } //Call the function to select (example fill the modules) if (' . ((int)$javascript_is_function_select) . ') { ' . $javascript_name_function_select . '(agent_name); } //Function to call after the select if (' . ((int)!empty($javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call)) . ') { ' . $javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call . ' } //Set icon $("#' . $input_id . '") .css("background", "url(\"' . $icon_image . '\") right center no-repeat"); return; } }); } '; if (isset($parameters['javascript_on_blur'])) { $javascript_on_blur = $parameters['javascript_on_blur']; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ $html = ''; $attrs = array(); $attrs['style'] = 'background: url(' . $icon_image . 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