0, "min" => null, "max" => null, "last" => 0);
foreach ($chart_array as $item) {
//Sum all values later divide by the number of elements
$stats['avg'] = $stats['avg'] + $item;
//Get minimum
if ($stats['min'] == null) {
$stats['min'] = $item;
else if ($item < $stats['min']) {
$stats['min'] = $item;
//Get maximum
if ($stats['max'] == null) {
$stats['max'] = $item;
else if ($item > $stats['max']) {
$stats['max'] = $item;
//Get last data
if ($count == $size) {
$stats['last'] = $item;
//End the calculus for average
if ($count > 0) {
$stats['avg'] = $stats['avg'] / $count;
//Format stat data to display properly
$stats['last'] = round($stats['last'], 2);
$stats['avg'] = round($stats['avg'], 2);
$stats['min'] = round($stats['min'], 2);
$stats['max'] = round($stats['max'], 2);
return $stats;
function get_statwin_graph_statistics ($chart_array, $series_suffix = '') {
/// The calculus for AVG, MIN and MAX values are in this function
/// because it must be done based on graph array data not using reporting
/// function to get coherent data between stats and graph visualization
$stats = array ();
$count = 0;
$size = sizeof($chart_array);
//Initialize stats array
$stats['sum'] = array ("avg" => 0, "min" => null, "max" => null, "last" => 0);
$stats['min'] = array ("avg" => 0, "min" => null, "max" => null, "last" => 0);
$stats['max'] = array ("avg" => 0, "min" => null, "max" => null, "last" => 0);
foreach ($chart_array as $item) {
if ($series_suffix != '') {
if (isset($item['sum' . $series_suffix]))
$item['sum'] = $item['sum' . $series_suffix];
if (isset($item['min' . $series_suffix]))
$item['min'] = $item['min' . $series_suffix];
if (isset($item['max' . $series_suffix]))
$item['max'] = $item['max' . $series_suffix];
//Get stats for normal graph
if (isset($item['sum']) && $item['sum']) {
//Sum all values later divide by the number of elements
$stats['sum']['avg'] = $stats['sum']['avg'] + $item['sum'];
//Get minimum
if ($stats['sum']['min'] == null) {
$stats['sum']['min'] = $item['sum'];
else if ($item['sum'] < $stats['sum']['min']) {
$stats['sum']['min'] = $item['sum'];
//Get maximum
if ($stats['sum']['max'] == null) {
$stats['sum']['max'] = $item['sum'];
else if ($item['sum'] > $stats['sum']['max']) {
$stats['sum']['max'] = $item['sum'];
//Get stats for min graph
if (isset($item['min']) && $item['min']) {
//Sum all values later divide by the number of elements
$stats['min']['avg'] = $stats['min']['avg'] + $item['min'];
//Get minimum
if ($stats['min']['min'] == null) {
$stats['min']['min'] = $item['min'];
else if ($item['min'] < $stats['min']['min']) {
$stats['min']['min'] = $item['min'];
//Get maximum
if ($stats['min']['max'] == null) {
$stats['min']['max'] = $item['min'];
else if ($item['min'] > $stats['min']['max']) {
$stats['min']['max'] = $item['min'];
//Get stats for max graph
if (isset($item['max']) && $item['max']) {
//Sum all values later divide by the number of elements
$stats['max']['avg'] = $stats['max']['avg'] + $item['max'];
//Get minimum
if ($stats['max']['min'] == null) {
$stats['max']['min'] = $item['max'];
else if ($item['max'] < $stats['max']['min']) {
$stats['max']['min'] = $item['max'];
//Get maximum
if ($stats['max']['max'] == null) {
$stats['max']['max'] = $item['max'];
else if ($item['max'] > $stats['max']['max']) {
$stats['max']['max'] = $item['max'];
//Count elements
//Get last data
if ($count == $size) {
if (isset($item['sum']) && $item['sum']) {
$stats['sum']['last'] = $item['sum'];
if (isset($item['min']) && $item['min']) {
$stats['min']['last'] = $item['min'];
if (isset($item['max']) && $item['max']) {
$stats['max']['last'] = $item['max'];
//End the calculus for average
if ($count > 0) {
$stats['sum']['avg'] = $stats['sum']['avg'] / $count;
$stats['min']['avg'] = $stats['min']['avg'] / $count;
$stats['max']['avg'] = $stats['max']['avg'] / $count;
//Format stat data to display properly
$stats['sum']['last'] = round($stats['sum']['last'], 2);
$stats['sum']['avg'] = round($stats['sum']['avg'], 2);
$stats['sum']['min'] = round($stats['sum']['min'], 2);
$stats['sum']['max'] = round($stats['sum']['max'], 2);
$stats['min']['last'] = round($stats['min']['last'], 2);
$stats['min']['avg'] = round($stats['min']['avg'], 2);
$stats['min']['min'] = round($stats['min']['min'], 2);
$stats['min']['max'] = round($stats['min']['max'], 2);
$stats['max']['last'] = round($stats['max']['last'], 2);
$stats['max']['avg'] = round($stats['max']['avg'], 2);
$stats['max']['min'] = round($stats['max']['min'], 2);
$stats['max']['max'] = round($stats['max']['max'], 2);
return $stats;
function grafico_modulo_sparse_data_chart (&$chart, &$chart_data_extra, &$long_index,
$data, $data_i, $previous_data, $resolution, $interval, $period, $datelimit,
$projection, $avg_only = false, $uncompressed_module = false,
$show_events = false, $show_alerts = false, $show_unknown = false, $baseline = false,
$baseline_data = array(), $events = array(), $series_suffix = '', $start_unknown = false,
$percentil = null) {
global $config;
global $chart_extra_data;
global $series_type;
global $max_value;
global $min_value;
$max_value = 0;
$min_value = null;
$flash_chart = $config['flash_charts'];
// Event iterator
$event_i = 0;
// Is unknown flag
$is_unknown = $start_unknown;
// Calculate chart data
$last_known = $previous_data;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) {
$timestamp = $datelimit + ($interval * $i);
$total = 0;
$count = 0;
// Read data that falls in the current interval
$interval_min = false;
$interval_max = false;
while (isset ($data[$data_i]) && $data[$data_i]['utimestamp'] >= $timestamp && $data[$data_i]['utimestamp'] < ($timestamp + $interval)) {
if ($interval_min === false) {
$interval_min = $data[$data_i]['datos'];
if ($interval_max === false) {
$interval_max = $data[$data_i]['datos'];
if ($data[$data_i]['datos'] > $interval_max) {
$interval_max = $data[$data_i]['datos'];
else if ($data[$data_i]['datos'] < $interval_min) {
$interval_min = $data[$data_i]['datos'];
$total += $data[$data_i]['datos'];
$last_known = $data[$data_i]['datos'];
if ($max_value < $interval_max) {
$max_value = $interval_max;
if ($min_value > $interval_max || $min_value == null) {
$min_value = $interval_max;
// Data in the interval
if ($count > 0) {
$total /= $count;
// If detect data, unknown period finishes
$is_unknown = false;
// Read events and alerts that fall in the current interval
$event_value = 0;
$alert_value = 0;
$unknown_value = 0;
// Is the first point of a unknown interval
$first_unknown = false;
$event_ids = array();
$alert_ids = array();
while (isset ($events[$event_i]) && $events[$event_i]['utimestamp'] >= $timestamp && $events[$event_i]['utimestamp'] <= ($timestamp + $interval)) {
if ($show_events == 1) {
$event_ids[] = $events[$event_i]['id_evento'];
if ($show_alerts == 1 && substr ($events[$event_i]['event_type'], 0, 5) == 'alert') {
$alert_ids[] = $events[$event_i]['id_evento'];
if ($show_unknown) {
if ($events[$event_i]['event_type'] == 'going_unknown') {
if ($is_unknown == false) {
$first_unknown = true;
$is_unknown = true;
else if (substr ($events[$event_i]['event_type'], 0, 5) == 'going') {
$is_unknown = false;
// In some cases, can be marked as known because a recovery event
// was found in same interval. For this cases first_unknown is
// checked too
if ($is_unknown || $first_unknown) {
if (!$flash_chart) {
// Set the title and time format
if ($period <= SECONDS_6HOURS) {
$time_format = 'H:i:s';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1DAY) {
$time_format = 'H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_15DAYS) {
$time_format = "M \nd H:i";
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1MONTH) {
$time_format = "M \nd H\h";
else {
$time_format = "M \nd H\h";
else {
// Set the title and time format
if ($period <= SECONDS_6HOURS) {
$time_format = 'H:i:s';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1DAY) {
$time_format = 'H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_15DAYS) {
$time_format = "M d H:i";
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1MONTH) {
$time_format = "M d H\h";
else {
$time_format = "M d H\h";
$timestamp_short = date($time_format, $timestamp);
$long_index[$timestamp_short] = date(
html_entity_decode($config['date_format'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"), $timestamp);
if (!$projection) {
$timestamp = $timestamp_short;
// Data
if ($show_events) {
if (!isset($chart[$timestamp]['event'.$series_suffix])) {
$chart[$timestamp]['event'.$series_suffix] = 0;
$chart[$timestamp]['event'.$series_suffix] += $event_value;
$series_type['event'.$series_suffix] = 'points';
if ($show_alerts) {
if (!isset($chart[$timestamp]['alert'.$series_suffix])) {
$chart[$timestamp]['alert'.$series_suffix] = 0;
$chart[$timestamp]['alert'.$series_suffix] += $alert_value;
$series_type['alert'.$series_suffix] = 'points';
if ($count > 0) {
if ($avg_only) {
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'.$series_suffix] = $total;
else {
$chart[$timestamp]['max'.$series_suffix] = $interval_max;
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'.$series_suffix] = $total;
$chart[$timestamp]['min'.$series_suffix] = $interval_min;
// Compressed data
else {
if ($uncompressed_module || ($timestamp > time ())) {
if ($avg_only) {
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'.$series_suffix] = 0;
else {
$chart[$timestamp]['max'.$series_suffix] = 0;
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'.$series_suffix] = 0;
$chart[$timestamp]['min'.$series_suffix] = 0;
else {
if ($avg_only) {
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'.$series_suffix] = $last_known;
else {
$chart[$timestamp]['max'.$series_suffix] = $last_known;
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'.$series_suffix] = $last_known;
$chart[$timestamp]['min'.$series_suffix] = $last_known;
if ($show_unknown) {
if (!isset($chart[$timestamp]['unknown'.$series_suffix])) {
$chart[$timestamp]['unknown'.$series_suffix] = 0;
$chart[$timestamp]['unknown'.$series_suffix] = $unknown_value;
$series_type['unknown'.$series_suffix] = 'area';
//$chart[$timestamp]['count'] = 0;
//$chart[$timestamp]['timestamp_bottom'] = $timestamp;
//$chart[$timestamp]['timestamp_top'] = $timestamp + $interval;
//Baseline was replaced by compare graphs feature
/*if ($baseline) {
$chart[$timestamp]['baseline'.$series_suffix] = array_shift ($baseline_data);
if ($chart[$timestamp]['baseline'.$series_suffix] == NULL) {
$chart[$timestamp]['baseline'.$series_suffix] = 0;
if (!empty($event_ids)) {
$chart_extra_data[count($chart)-1]['events'] = implode(',',$event_ids);
if (!empty($alert_ids)) {
$chart_extra_data[count($chart)-1]['alerts'] = implode(',',$alert_ids);
if (!is_null($percentil)) {
$avg = array_map(function($item) { return $item['sum'];}, $chart);
$percentil_result = get_percentile($percentil, $avg);
//Fill the data of chart
array_walk($chart, function(&$item) use ($percentil_result, $series_suffix) {
$item['percentil' . $series_suffix] = $percentil_result; });
$series_type['percentil' . $series_suffix] = 'line';
function grafico_modulo_sparse_data ($agent_module_id, $period, $show_events,
$width, $height , $title = '', $unit_name = null,
$show_alerts = false, $avg_only = 0, $date = 0, $unit = '',
$baseline = 0, $return_data = 0, $show_title = true, $projection = false,
$adapt_key = '', $compare = false, $series_suffix = '', $series_suffix_str = '',
$show_unknown = false, $percentil = null, $dashboard = false, $vconsole = false) {
global $config;
global $chart;
global $color;
global $legend;
global $long_index;
global $series_type;
global $chart_extra_data;
global $warning_min;
global $critical_min;
global $graphic_type;
global $max_value;
global $min_value;
$chart = array();
$color = array();
$legend = array();
$long_index = array();
$warning_min = 0;
$critical_min = 0;
$start_unknown = false;
// Set variables
if ($date == 0) $date = get_system_time();
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit);
$resolution = $config['graph_res'] * 50; //Number of points of the graph
$interval = (int) ($period / $resolution);
$agent_name = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ($agent_module_id);
$agent_id = agents_get_agent_id ($agent_name);
$module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name ($agent_module_id);
$id_module_type = modules_get_agentmodule_type ($agent_module_id);
$module_type = modules_get_moduletype_name ($id_module_type);
$uncompressed_module = is_module_uncompressed ($module_type);
if ($uncompressed_module) {
$avg_only = 1;
$flash_chart = $config['flash_charts'];
// Get event data (contains alert data too)
$events = array();
if ($show_unknown == 1 || $show_events == 1 || $show_alerts == 1) {
$events = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tevento',
array ('id_agentmodule' => $agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > $datelimit",
"utimestamp < $date",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('id_evento', 'evento', 'utimestamp', 'event_type'));
// Get the last event after inverval to know if graph start on unknown
$prev_event = db_get_row_filter ('tevento',
array ('id_agentmodule' => $agent_module_id,
"utimestamp <= $datelimit",
'order' => 'utimestamp DESC'));
if (isset($prev_event['event_type']) && $prev_event['event_type'] == 'going_unknown') {
$start_unknown = true;
if ($events === false) {
$events = array ();
// Get module data
$data = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tagente_datos',
array ('id_agente_modulo' => (int)$agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > $datelimit",
"utimestamp < $date",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('datos', 'utimestamp'), 'AND', $search_in_history_db);
// Get module warning_min and critical_min
$warning_min = db_get_value('min_warning','tagente_modulo','id_agente_modulo',$agent_module_id);
$critical_min = db_get_value('min_critical','tagente_modulo','id_agente_modulo',$agent_module_id);
if ($data === false) {
$data = array ();
if ($uncompressed_module) {
// Uncompressed module data
$min_necessary = 1;
else {
// Compressed module data
// Get previous data
$previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($agent_module_id, $datelimit);
if ($previous_data !== false) {
$previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit;
array_unshift ($data, $previous_data);
// Get next data
$nextData = modules_get_next_data ($agent_module_id, $date);
if ($nextData !== false) {
array_push ($data, $nextData);
else if (count ($data) > 0) {
// Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval
$nextData = array_pop ($data);
array_push ($data, $nextData);
$nextData['utimestamp'] = $date;
array_push ($data, $nextData);
$min_necessary = 2;
// Check available data
if (count ($data) < $min_necessary) {
if (!$graphic_type) {
if (!$projection) {
return fs_error_image ();
else {
return fs_error_image ();
graphic_error ();
// Data iterator
$data_i = 0;
// Set initial conditions
if ($data[0]['utimestamp'] == $datelimit) {
$previous_data = $data[0]['datos'];
else {
$previous_data = 0;
// Get baseline data
$baseline_data = array();
if ($baseline) {
$baseline_data = array ();
if ($baseline == 1) {
$baseline_data = enterprise_hook(
array ($agent_module_id, $period, $width, $height , $title, $unit_name, $date));
if ($baseline_data === ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
$baseline_data = array ();
if (empty($unit)) {
$unit = modules_get_unit($agent_module_id);
// Calculate chart data
grafico_modulo_sparse_data_chart ($chart, $chart_data_extra, $long_index,
$data, $data_i, $previous_data, $resolution, $interval, $period, $datelimit,
$projection, $avg_only, $uncompressed_module,
$show_events, $show_alerts, $show_unknown, $baseline,
$baseline_data, $events, $series_suffix, $start_unknown,
// Return chart data and don't draw
if ($return_data == 1) {
return $chart;
$graph_stats = get_statwin_graph_statistics($chart, $series_suffix);
// Fix event and alert scale
if ($max_value > 0) {
$event_max = 2 + (float)$max_value * 1.05;
else {
$event_max = abs(($max_value+$min_value)/2);
if ($event_max < 5) {
$event_max = 5;
foreach ($chart as $timestamp => $chart_data) {
if ($show_events && $chart_data['event' . $series_suffix] > 0) {
$chart[$timestamp]['event' . $series_suffix] = $event_max * 1.2;
if ($show_alerts && $chart_data['alert' . $series_suffix] > 0) {
$chart[$timestamp]['alert' . $series_suffix] = $event_max * 1.10;
if ($show_unknown && $chart_data['unknown' . $series_suffix] > 0) {
$chart[$timestamp]['unknown' . $series_suffix] = $event_max * 1.05;
// Only show caption if graph is not small
if ($width > MIN_WIDTH_CAPTION && $height > MIN_HEIGHT)
//Flash chart
$caption =
__('Max. Value') . $series_suffix_str . ': ' . $graph_stats['sum']['max'] . ' ' .
__('Avg. Value') . $series_suffix_str . ': ' . $graph_stats['sum']['avg'] . ' ' .
__('Min. Value') . $series_suffix_str . ': ' . $graph_stats['sum']['min'] . ' ' .
__('Units. Value') . $series_suffix_str . ': ' . $unit;
$caption = array();
// Color commented not to restrict serie colors
if ($show_events) {
$color['event' . $series_suffix] =
array('border' => '#ff0000', 'color' => '#ff0000',
if ($show_alerts) {
$color['alert' . $series_suffix] =
array('border' => '#ff7f00', 'color' => '#ff7f00',
if ($show_unknown) {
$color['unknown' . $series_suffix] =
array('border' => '#999999', 'color' => '#999999',
$color['max'.$series_suffix] = array(
'border' => '#000000', 'color' => $config['graph_color3'],
$color['sum'.$series_suffix] = array(
'border' => '#000000', 'color' => $config['graph_color2'],
$color['min'.$series_suffix] = array(
'border' => '#000000', 'color' => $config['graph_color1'],
//Baseline was replaced by compare graph feature
//$color['baseline'.$series_suffix] = array('border' => null, 'color' => '#0097BD', 'alpha' => 10);
$color['unit'.$series_suffix] = array('border' => null, 'color' => '#0097BC', 'alpha' => 10);
if ($show_events) {
$legend['event'.$series_suffix_str] = __('Events').$series_suffix_str;
$chart_extra_data['legend_events'] = $legend['event'].$series_suffix_str;
if ($show_alerts) {
$legend['alert'.$series_suffix] = __('Alerts').$series_suffix_str;
$chart_extra_data['legend_alerts'] = $legend['alert'.$series_suffix_str];
if ($dashboard || $vconsole) {
$legend['sum'.$series_suffix] =
__('Last') . ': ' . rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['sum']['last'], 2), '.0') . ($unit ? ' ' . $unit : '') . ' ; '
. __('Avg') . ': ' . rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['sum']['avg'], 2), '.0') . ($unit ? ' ' . $unit : '');
else if (!$avg_only) {
$legend['max'.$series_suffix] = __('Max').$series_suffix_str.': '.__('Last').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['max']['last'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Avg').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['max']['avg'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Max').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['max']['max'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Min').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['max']['min'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.'--> '.__('Selected');
$legend['sum'.$series_suffix] = __('Avg').$series_suffix_str.': '.__('Last').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['sum']['last'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Avg').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['sum']['avg'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Max').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['sum']['max'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Min').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['sum']['min'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.'--> '.__('Selected');
$legend['min'.$series_suffix] = __('Min').$series_suffix_str.': '.__('Last').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['min']['last'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Avg').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['min']['avg'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Max').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['min']['max'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Min').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['min']['min'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.'--> '.__('Selected');
else {
$legend['sum'.$series_suffix] = __('Avg').$series_suffix_str.': '.__('Last').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['sum']['last'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Avg').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['sum']['avg'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Max').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['sum']['max'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Min').': '.rtrim(number_format($graph_stats['sum']['min'], 2), '.0').' '.$unit.'--> '.__('Selected');
//Baseline was replaced by compare graph feature
/*if ($baseline) {
$legend['baseline'.$series_suffix] = __('Baseline');
if ($show_unknown) {
$legend['unknown'.$series_suffix] = __('Unknown').$series_suffix_str;
$chart_extra_data['legend_unknown'] = $legend['unknown'.$series_suffix_str];
if (!is_null($percentil)) {
$first_data = reset($chart);
$percentil_value = format_for_graph($first_data['percentil'], 2);
$legend['percentil'.$series_suffix] = __('Percentile %dÂș', $percentil) .$series_suffix_str . " (" . $percentil_value . " " . $unit . ") ";
$chart_extra_data['legend_percentil'] = $legend['percentil'.$series_suffix_str];
function grafico_modulo_sparse ($agent_module_id, $period, $show_events,
$width, $height , $title = '', $unit_name = null,
$show_alerts = false, $avg_only = 0, $pure = false, $date = 0,
$unit = '', $baseline = 0, $return_data = 0, $show_title = true,
$only_image = false, $homeurl = '', $ttl = 1, $projection = false,
$adapt_key = '', $compare = false, $show_unknown = false,
$menu = true, $backgroundColor = 'white', $percentil = null,
$dashboard = false, $vconsole = false) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$flash_chart = $config['flash_charts'];
global $chart;
global $color;
global $color_prev;
global $legend;
global $long_index;
global $series_type;
global $chart_extra_data;
global $warning_min;
global $critical_min;
$series_suffix_str = '';
if ($compare !== false) {
$series_suffix = '2';
$series_suffix_str = ' (' . __('Previous') . ')';
// Build the data of the previous period
grafico_modulo_sparse_data ($agent_module_id, $period,
$show_events, $width, $height, $title, $unit_name,
$show_alerts, $avg_only, $date-$period, $unit, $baseline,
$return_data, $show_title, $projection, $adapt_key,
$compare, $series_suffix, $series_suffix_str,
$show_unknown, $percentil, $dashboard, $vconsole);
switch ($compare) {
case 'separated':
// Store the chart calculated
$chart_prev = $chart;
$legend_prev = $legend;
$long_index_prev = $long_index;
$series_type_prev = $series_type;
$color_prev = $color;
case 'overlapped':
// Store the chart calculated deleting index,
// because will be over the current period
$chart_prev = array_values($chart);
$legend_prev = $legend;
$series_type_prev = $series_type;
$color_prev = $color;
foreach($color_prev as $k => $col) {
$color_prev[$k]['color'] = '#' .
// Build the data of the current period
$data_returned = grafico_modulo_sparse_data ($agent_module_id,
$period, $show_events,
$width, $height , $title, $unit_name,
$show_alerts, $avg_only,
$date, $unit, $baseline, $return_data, $show_title,
$projection, $adapt_key, $compare, '', '', $show_unknown,
$percentil, $dashboard, $vconsole);
if ($return_data) {
return $data_returned;
if ($compare === 'overlapped') {
$i = 0;
foreach ($chart as $k=>$v) {
if (!isset($chart_prev[$i])) {
$chart[$k] = array_merge($v,$chart_prev[$i]);
$legend = array_merge($legend, $legend_prev);
$color = array_merge($color, $color_prev);
if ($only_image) {
$flash_chart = false;
$water_mark = array('file' =>
$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
if ($config['type_module_charts'] === 'area') {
if ($compare === 'separated') {
area_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height/2, $color,
$legend, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $homeurl, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
$config['font_size'], $unit, $ttl, $series_type,
$chart_extra_data, $warning_min, $critical_min,
$adapt_key, false, $series_suffix_str, $menu,
area_graph($flash_chart, $chart_prev, $width, $height/2,
$color_prev, $legend_prev, $long_index_prev,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $homeurl, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
$config['font_size'], $unit, $ttl, $series_type_prev,
$chart_extra_data, $warning_min, $critical_min,
$adapt_key, false, $series_suffix_str, $menu,
else {
// Color commented not to restrict serie colors
area_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height, $color,
$legend, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $homeurl, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
$config['font_size'], $unit, $ttl, $series_type,
$chart_extra_data, $warning_min, $critical_min,
$adapt_key, false, $series_suffix_str, $menu,
$backgroundColor, $dashboard, $vconsole, $agent_module_id);
elseif ($config['type_module_charts'] === 'line') {
if ($compare === 'separated') {
line_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height/2, $color,
$legend, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
$config['font_size'], $unit, $ttl, $homeurl, $backgroundColor).
line_graph($flash_chart, $chart_prev, $width, $height/2, $color,
$legend, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
$config['font_size'], $unit, $ttl, $homeurl, $backgroundColor);
else {
// Color commented not to restrict serie colors
line_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height, $color,
$legend, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
$config['font_size'], $unit, $ttl, $homeurl, $backgroundColor);
function graph_get_formatted_date($timestamp, $format1, $format2) {
global $config;
if ($config['flash_charts']) {
$date = date("$format1 $format2", $timestamp);
else {
$date = date($format1, $timestamp);
if ($format2 != '') {
$date .= "\n".date($format2, $timestamp);
return $date;
* Produces a combined/user defined graph
* @param array List of source modules
* @param array List of weighs for each module
* @param int Period (in seconds)
* @param int Width, in pixels
* @param int Height, in pixels
* @param string Title for graph
* @param string Unit name, for render in legend
* @param int Show events in graph (set to 1)
* @param int Show alerts in graph (set to 1)
* @param int Pure mode (without titles) (set to 1)
* @param int Date to start of getting info.
* @param mixed If is a projection graph this parameter will be module data with prediction data (the projection)
* or false in other case.
* @param array List of names for the items. Should have the same size as the module list.
* @param array List of units for the items. Should have the same size as the module list.
* @param bool Show the last value of the item on the list.
* @param bool Show the max value of the item on the list.
* @param bool Show the min value of the item on the list.
* @param bool Show the average value of the item on the list.
* @return Mixed
function graphic_combined_module ($module_list, $weight_list, $period,
$width, $height, $title, $unit_name, $show_events = 0,
$show_alerts = 0, $pure = 0, $stacked = 0, $date = 0,
$only_image = false, $homeurl = '', $ttl = 1, $projection = false,
$prediction_period = false, $background_color = 'white',
$name_list = array(), $unit_list = array(), $show_last = true, $show_max = true,
$show_min = true, $show_avg = true, $labels = array(), $dashboard = false, $vconsole = false) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$time_format_2 = '';
$temp_range = $period;
if ($projection != false) {
if ($period < $prediction_period)
$temp_range = $prediction_period;
// Set the title and time format
if ($temp_range <= SECONDS_6HOURS) {
$time_format = 'H:i:s';
elseif ($temp_range < SECONDS_1DAY) {
$time_format = 'H:i';
elseif ($temp_range < SECONDS_15DAYS) {
$time_format = 'M d';
$time_format_2 = 'H:i';
if ($projection != false) {
$time_format_2 = 'H\h';
elseif ($temp_range <= SECONDS_1MONTH) {
$time_format = 'M d';
$time_format_2 = 'H\h';
else {
$time_format = 'M d';
$time_format_2 = 'H\h';
// Set variables
if ($date == 0)
$date = get_system_time();
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$resolution = $config['graph_res'] * 50; //Number of points of the graph
$interval = (int) ($period / $resolution);
// If projection graph, fill with zero previous data to projection interval
if ($projection != false) {
$j = $datelimit;
$in_range = true;
while ($in_range) {
$timestamp_f = graph_get_formatted_date($j, $time_format, $time_format_2);
//$timestamp_f = date('d M Y H:i:s', $j);
$before_projection[$timestamp_f] = 0;
if ($j > $date) {
$in_range = false;
$j = $j + $interval;
// Added support for projection graphs (normal_module + 1(prediction data))
if ($projection !== false) {
$module_number = count ($module_list) + 1;
else {
$module_number = count ($module_list);
$names_number = count($name_list);
$units_number = count($unit_list);
// interval - This is the number of "rows" we are divided the time to fill data.
// more interval, more resolution, and slower.
// periodo - Gap of time, in seconds. This is now to (now-periodo) secs
// Init weights
for ($i = 0; $i < $module_number; $i++) {
if (! isset ($weight_list[$i])) {
$weight_list[$i] = 1;
else if ($weight_list[$i] == 0) {
$weight_list[$i] = 1;
// Set data containers
for ($i = 0; $i < $resolution; $i++) {
$timestamp = $datelimit + ($interval * $i);/*
$timestamp_short = date($time_format, $timestamp);
$long_index[$timestamp_short] = date(
html_entity_decode($config['date_format'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"), $timestamp);
$timestamp = $timestamp_short;*/
$graph[$timestamp]['count'] = 0;
$graph[$timestamp]['timestamp_bottom'] = $timestamp;
$graph[$timestamp]['timestamp_top'] = $timestamp + $interval;
$graph[$timestamp]['min'] = 0;
$graph[$timestamp]['max'] = 0;
$graph[$timestamp]['event'] = 0;
$graph[$timestamp]['alert'] = 0;
$long_index = array();
$graph_values = array();
$module_name_list = array();
$collector = 0;
// Calculate data for each module
for ($i = 0; $i < $module_number; $i++) {
$automatic_custom_graph_meta = false;
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
// Automatic custom graph from the report template in metaconsole
if (is_array($module_list[$i])) {
$server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($module_list[$i]['server']);
$automatic_custom_graph_meta = true;
$search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit);
// If its a projection graph,
// first module will be data and second will be the projection
if ($projection != false && $i != 0) {
if ($automatic_custom_graph_meta)
$agent_module_id = $module_list[0]['module'];
$agent_module_id = $module_list[0];
$id_module_type = modules_get_agentmodule_type ($agent_module_id);
$module_type = modules_get_moduletype_name ($id_module_type);
$uncompressed_module = is_module_uncompressed ($module_type);
else {
if ($automatic_custom_graph_meta)
$agent_module_id = $module_list[$i]['module'];
$agent_module_id = $module_list[$i];
$id_module_type = modules_get_agentmodule_type ($agent_module_id);
$module_type = modules_get_moduletype_name ($id_module_type);
$uncompressed_module = is_module_uncompressed ($module_type);
if ($uncompressed_module) {
$avg_only = 1;
// Get event data (contains alert data too)
if ($show_events == 1 || $show_alerts == 1) {
$events = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tevento',
array ('id_agentmodule' => $agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > $datelimit",
"utimestamp < $date",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('evento', 'utimestamp', 'event_type'));
if ($events === false) {
$events = array ();
// Get module data
$data = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tagente_datos',
array ('id_agente_modulo' => $agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > $datelimit",
"utimestamp < $date",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('datos', 'utimestamp'), 'AND', $search_in_history_db);
if ($data === false) {
$data = array ();
// Uncompressed module data
if ($uncompressed_module) {
$min_necessary = 1;
// Compressed module data
else {
// Get previous data
$previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($agent_module_id, $datelimit);
if ($previous_data !== false) {
$previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit;
array_unshift ($data, $previous_data);
// Get next data
$nextData = modules_get_next_data ($agent_module_id, $date);
if ($nextData !== false) {
array_push ($data, $nextData);
else if (count ($data) > 0) {
// Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval
$nextData = array_pop ($data);
array_push ($data, $nextData);
$nextData['utimestamp'] = $date;
array_push ($data, $nextData);
$min_necessary = 2;
// Set initial conditions
$graph_values[$i] = array();
// Check available data
if (count ($data) < $min_necessary) {
if (!empty($name_list) && $names_number == $module_number && isset($name_list[$i])) {
if ($labels[$agent_module_id] != '')
$module_name_list[$i] = $labels[$agent_module_id];
else {
$agent_name = io_safe_output(
modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ($agent_module_id));
$module_name = io_safe_output(
modules_get_agentmodule_name ($agent_module_id));
$module_name_list[$i] = $agent_name ." / ". $module_name;
else {
//Get and process agent name
$agent_name = io_safe_output(
modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ($agent_module_id));
$agent_name = ui_print_truncate_text($agent_name, 'agent_small', false, true, false, '...', false);
$agent_id = agents_get_agent_id ($agent_name);
//Get and process module name
$module_name = io_safe_output(
modules_get_agentmodule_name ($agent_module_id));
$module_name = sprintf(__("%s"), $module_name);
$module_name = ui_print_truncate_text($module_name, 'module_small', false, true, false, '...', false);
if ($labels[$agent_module_id] != '')
$module_name_list[$i] = $labels[$agent_module_id];
$module_name_list[$i] = $agent_name ." / ". $module_name;
// Data iterator
$j = 0;
// Event iterator
$k = 0;
// Set initial conditions
//$graph_values[$i] = array();
$temp_graph_values = array();
if ($data[0]['utimestamp'] == $datelimit) {
$previous_data = $data[0]['datos'];
else {
$previous_data = 0;
$max = 0;
$min = null;
$avg = 0;
$countAvg = 0;
// Calculate chart data
$last_known = $previous_data;
for ($l = 0; $l < $resolution; $l++) {
$countAvg ++;
$timestamp = $datelimit + ($interval * $l);
$timestamp_short = graph_get_formatted_date($timestamp, $time_format, $time_format_2);
$long_index[$timestamp_short] = date(
html_entity_decode($config['date_format'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"), $timestamp);
//$timestamp = $timestamp_short;
$total = 0;
$count = 0;
// Read data that falls in the current interval
$interval_min = $last_known;
$interval_max = $last_known;
while (isset ($data[$j]) && $data[$j]['utimestamp'] >= $timestamp && $data[$j]['utimestamp'] < ($timestamp + $interval)) {
if ($data[$j]['datos'] > $interval_max) {
$interval_max = $data[$j]['datos'];
else if ($data[$j]['datos'] < $interval_max) {
$interval_min = $data[$j]['datos'];
$total += $data[$j]['datos'];
$last_known = $data[$j]['datos'];
// Average
if ($count > 0) {
$total /= $count;
// Read events and alerts that fall in the current interval
$event_value = 0;
$alert_value = 0;
while (isset ($events[$k]) && $events[$k]['utimestamp'] >= $timestamp && $events[$k]['utimestamp'] <= ($timestamp + $interval)) {
if ($show_events == 1) {
if ($show_alerts == 1 && substr ($events[$k]['event_type'], 0, 5) == 'alert') {
// Data
if ($count > 0) {
//$graph_values[$i][$timestamp] = $total * $weight_list[$i];
$temp_graph_values[$timestamp_short] = $total * $weight_list[$i];
else {
// Compressed data
if ($uncompressed_module || ($timestamp > time ())) {
$temp_graph_values[$timestamp_short] = 0;
else {
$temp_graph_values[$timestamp_short] = $last_known * $weight_list[$i];
//Extract max, min, avg
if ($max < $temp_graph_values[$timestamp_short]) {
$max = $temp_graph_values[$timestamp_short];
if (isset($min)) {
if ($min > $temp_graph_values[$timestamp_short]) {
$min = $temp_graph_values[$timestamp_short];
else {
$min = $temp_graph_values[$timestamp_short];
$avg += $temp_graph_values[$timestamp_short];
// Added to support projection graphs
if ($projection != false and $i != 0) {
$projection_data = array();
$projection_data = array_merge($before_projection, $projection);
$graph_values[$i] = $projection_data;
else {
$graph_values[$i] = $temp_graph_values;
//Add the max, min and avg in the legend
$avg = round($avg / $countAvg, 1);
$graph_stats = get_graph_statistics($graph_values[$i]);
if (!isset($config["short_module_graph_data"]))
$config["short_module_graph_data"] = true;
if ($config["short_module_graph_data"]) {
$min = $graph_stats['min'];
$max = $graph_stats['max'];
$avg = $graph_stats['avg'];
$last = $graph_stats['last'];
if ($min > 1000000)
$min = sprintf("%sM", number_format($min / 1000000, 2));
else if ($min > 1000)
$min = sprintf("%sK", number_format($min / 1000, 2));
if ($max > 1000000)
$max = sprintf("%sM", number_format($max / 1000000, 2));
else if ($max > 1000)
$max = sprintf("%sK", number_format($max / 1000, 2));
if ($avg > 1000000)
$avg = sprintf("%sM", number_format($avg / 1000000, 2));
else if ($avg > 1000)
$avg = sprintf("%sK", number_format($avg / 1000, 2));
if ($last > 1000000)
$last = sprintf("%sM", number_format($last / 1000000, 2));
else if ($last > 1000)
$last = sprintf("%sK", number_format($last / 1000, 2));
else {
$min = number_format($graph_stats['min'], 2);
$max = number_format($graph_stats['max'], 2);
$avg = number_format($graph_stats['avg'], 2);
$last = number_format($graph_stats['last'], 2);
if (!empty($unit_list) && $units_number == $module_number && isset($unit_list[$i])) {
$unit = $unit_list[$i];
else {
$unit = modules_get_unit($agent_module_id);
if ($projection == false or ($projection != false and $i == 0)) {
$module_name_list[$i] .= ": ";
if ($show_last)
$module_name_list[$i] .= __('Last') . ": $last $unit; ";
if ($show_max)
$module_name_list[$i] .= __("Max") . ": $max $unit; ";
if ($show_min)
$module_name_list[$i] .= __("Min") . ": $min $unit; ";
if ($show_avg)
$module_name_list[$i] .= __("Avg") . ": $avg $unit";
if ($weight_list[$i] != 1) {
//$module_name_list[$i] .= " (x". format_numeric ($weight_list[$i], 1).")";
$module_name_list[$i] .= " (x". format_numeric ($weight_list[$i], 1).")";
//$graph_values[$module_name_list[$i]] = $graph_values[$i];
//$graph_values[$i] = $graph_values[$i];
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
// Automatic custom graph from the report template in metaconsole
if (is_array($module_list[0])) {
$temp = array();
$user = users_get_user_by_id($config['id_user']);
$user_flash_charts = $user['flash_chart'];
if ($user_flash_charts == 1)
$flash_charts = true;
elseif($user_flash_charts == -1)
$flash_charts = $config['flash_charts'];
elseif($user_flash_charts == 0)
$flash_charts = false;
if ($only_image) {
$flash_charts = false;
if ($flash_charts === false && $stacked == CUSTOM_GRAPH_GAUGE)
switch ($stacked) {
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$acumulador = 0;
foreach ($module_list as $module_item) {
$module = $module_item;
$query_last_value = sprintf('
SELECT datos
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d
AND utimestamp < %d
ORDER BY utimestamp DESC',
$module, $date);
$temp_data = db_get_value_sql($query_last_value);
if ($acumulador < $temp_data){
$acumulador = $temp_data;
foreach ($module_list as $module_item) {
$automatic_custom_graph_meta = false;
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
// Automatic custom graph from the report template in metaconsole
if (is_array($module_list[$i])) {
$server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($module_item['server']);
$automatic_custom_graph_meta = true;
if ($automatic_custom_graph_meta)
$module = $module_item['module'];
$module = $module_item;
$search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit);
$temp[$module] = modules_get_agentmodule($module);
$query_last_value = sprintf('
SELECT datos
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d
AND utimestamp < %d
ORDER BY utimestamp DESC',
$module, $date);
$temp_data = db_get_value_sql($query_last_value);
if ($temp_data) {
if (is_numeric($temp_data))
$value = $temp_data;
$value = count($value);
else {
if ($flash_charts === false)
$value = 0;
$value = false;
if ( !empty($labels) && isset($labels[$module]) )
$label = io_safe_input($labels[$module]);
$label = agents_get_name($temp[$module]['id_agente']) . ': ' . $temp[$module]['nombre'];
$temp[$module]['label'] = $label;
$temp[$module]['value'] = $value;
$temp_max = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max($module,$period,$date);
if ($temp_max < 0)
$temp_max = 0;
if (isset($acumulador)){
$temp[$module]['max'] = $acumulador;
$temp[$module]['max'] = ($temp_max === false) ? 0 : $temp_max;
$temp_min = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min($module,$period,$date);
if ($temp_min < 0)
$temp_min = 0;
$temp[$module]['min'] = ($temp_min === false) ? 0 : $temp_min;
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
// Automatic custom graph from the report template in metaconsole
if (is_array($module_list[0])) {
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$label = '';
foreach ($module_list as $module_item) {
$automatic_custom_graph_meta = false;
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
// Automatic custom graph from the report template in metaconsole
if (is_array($module_list[$i])) {
$server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($module_item['server']);
$automatic_custom_graph_meta = true;
if ($automatic_custom_graph_meta)
$module = $module_item['module'];
$module = $module_item;
$module_data = modules_get_agentmodule($module);
$query_last_value = sprintf('
SELECT datos
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d
AND utimestamp < %d
ORDER BY utimestamp DESC',
$module, $date);
$temp_data = db_get_value_sql($query_last_value);
$agent_name = io_safe_output(
modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ($module));
if (!empty($labels) && isset($labels[$module]) )
$label = $labels[$module];
$label = $agent_name . " - " .$module_data['nombre'];
$temp[$label]['g'] = round($temp_data,4);
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
// Automatic custom graph from the report template in metaconsole
if (is_array($module_list[0])) {
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$total_modules = 0;
foreach ($module_list as $module_item) {
$automatic_custom_graph_meta = false;
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
// Automatic custom graph from the report template in metaconsole
if (is_array($module_list[$i])) {
$server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($module_item['server']);
$automatic_custom_graph_meta = true;
if ($automatic_custom_graph_meta)
$module = $module_item['module'];
$module = $module_item;
$data_module = modules_get_agentmodule($module);
$query_last_value = sprintf('
SELECT datos
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d
AND utimestamp > %d
AND utimestamp < %d
ORDER BY utimestamp DESC',
$module, $datelimit, $date);
$temp_data = db_get_value_sql($query_last_value);
if ( $temp_data ){
if (is_numeric($temp_data))
$value = $temp_data;
$value = count($value);
else {
$value = false;
$total_modules += $value;
if ( !empty($labels) && isset($labels[$module]) ){
$label = io_safe_output($labels[$module]);
}else {
$agent_name = agents_get_name($data_module['id_agente']);
$label = io_safe_output($agent_name . ": " . $data_module['nombre']);
$temp[$label] = array('value'=>$value,
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
// Automatic custom graph from the report template in metaconsole
if (is_array($module_list[0])) {
$temp['total_modules'] = $total_modules;
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$i = 0;
foreach ($module_list as $module_item) {
$automatic_custom_graph_meta = false;
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
// Automatic custom graph from the report template in metaconsole
if (is_array($module_list[$i])) {
$server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($module_item['server']);
$automatic_custom_graph_meta = true;
if ($automatic_custom_graph_meta)
$module = $module_item['module'];
$module = $module_item;
$temp[$module] = modules_get_agentmodule($module);
$query_last_value = sprintf('
SELECT datos
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d
AND utimestamp < %d
ORDER BY utimestamp DESC',
$module, $date);
$temp_data = db_get_value_sql($query_last_value);
if ( $temp_data ) {
if (is_numeric($temp_data))
$value = $temp_data;
$value = count($value);
else {
$value = false;
$temp[$module]['label'] = ($labels[$module] != '') ? $labels[$module] : $temp[$module]['nombre'];
$temp[$module]['value'] = $value;
$temp[$module]['label'] = ui_print_truncate_text($temp[$module]['label'],"module_small",false,true,false,"..");
if ($temp[$module]['unit'] == '%') {
$temp[$module]['min'] = 0;
$temp[$module]['max'] = 100;
else {
$min = $temp[$module]['min'];
if ($temp[$module]['max'] == 0)
$max = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max($module,$period,$date);
$max = $temp[$module]['max'];
$temp[$module]['min'] = ($min == 0 ) ? 0 : $min;
$temp[$module]['max'] = ($max == 0 ) ? 100 : $max;
$temp[$module]['gauge'] = uniqid('gauge_');
if ($config['metaconsole']) {
// Automatic custom graph from the report template in metaconsole
if (is_array($module_list[0])) {
foreach ($graph_values as $graph_group => $point) {
foreach ($point as $timestamp_point => $point_value) {
$temp[$timestamp_point][$graph_group] = $point_value;
$graph_values = $temp;
for ($i = 0; $i < $module_number; $i++) {
if ($weight_list[$i] != 1) {
$module_name_list[$i] .= " (x". format_numeric ($weight_list[$i], 1).")";
$water_mark = array(
'file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
//Work around for fixed the agents name with huge size chars.
$fixed_font_size = $config['font_size'] - 1;
//Set graph color
$color = array();
$color[0] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color1'],
$color[1] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color2'],
$color[2] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color3'],
$color[3] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color4'],
$color[4] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color5'],
$color[5] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color6'],
$color[6] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color7'],
$color[7] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color8'],
$color[8] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color9'],
$color[9] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color10'],
$color[11] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => COL_GRAPH9,
$color[12] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => COL_GRAPH10,
$color[13] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => COL_GRAPH11,
$color[14] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => COL_GRAPH12,
$color[15] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => COL_GRAPH13,
switch ($stacked) {
return area_graph($flash_charts, $graph_values, $width,
$height, $color, $module_name_list, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", "", $homeurl, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
$fixed_font_size, $unit, $ttl, array(), array(), 0, 0, '',
false, '', true, $background_color,$dashboard, $vconsole);
return stacked_area_graph($flash_charts, $graph_values,
$width, $height, $color, $module_name_list, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", "", $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $fixed_font_size,
"", $ttl, $homeurl, $background_color,$dashboard, $vconsole);
return line_graph($flash_charts, $graph_values, $width,
$height, $color, $module_name_list, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", "", $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $fixed_font_size,
$unit, $ttl, $homeurl, $background_color,$dashboard, $vconsole);
return stacked_line_graph($flash_charts, $graph_values,
$width, $height, $color, $module_name_list, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", "", $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $fixed_font_size,
"", $ttl, $homeurl, $background_color,$dashboard, $vconsole);
return stacked_bullet_chart($flash_charts, $graph_values,
$width, $height, $color, $module_name_list, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", "", $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], ($config['font_size']+1),
"", $ttl, $homeurl, $background_color);
return stacked_gauge($flash_charts, $graph_values,
$width, $height, $color, $module_name_list, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", "", $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $fixed_font_size,
"", $ttl, $homeurl, $background_color);
return hbar_graph($flash_charts, $graph_values,
$width, $height, $color, $module_name_list, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", "", $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $fixed_font_size,
"", $ttl, $homeurl, $background_color);
return vbar_graph($flash_charts, $graph_values,
$width, $height, $color, $module_name_list, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", "", $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $fixed_font_size,
"", $ttl, $homeurl, $background_color);
return ring_graph($flash_charts, $graph_values, $width, $height,
$others_str, $homeurl, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
($config['font_size']+1), $ttl, false, $color, false);
* Print a graph with access data of agents
* @param integer id_agent Agent ID
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
* @param integer period time period
* @param bool return or echo the result flag
function graphic_agentaccess ($id_agent, $width, $height, $period = 0, $return = false) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array ();
$resolution = $config["graph_res"] * ($period * 2 / $width); // Number of "slices" we want in graph
$interval = (int) ($period / $resolution);
$date = get_system_time ();
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$periodtime = floor ($period / $interval);
$time = array ();
$data = array ();
$empty_data = true;
for ($i = 0; $i < $interval; $i++) {
$bottom = $datelimit + ($periodtime * $i);
if (! $graphic_type) {
$name = date('G:i', $bottom);
else {
$name = $bottom;
$top = $datelimit + ($periodtime * ($i + 1));
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
case "postgresql":
$data[$name]['data'] = (int) db_get_value_filter ('COUNT(*)',
array ('id_agent' => $id_agent,
'utimestamp > '.$bottom,
'utimestamp < '.$top));
case "oracle":
$data[$name]['data'] = (int) db_get_value_filter ('count(*)',
array ('id_agent' => $id_agent,
'utimestamp > '.$bottom,
'utimestamp < '.$top));
if ($data[$name]['data'] != 0) {
$empty_data = false;
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
if ($empty_data) {
$out = graph_nodata_image($width, $height);
else {
$out = area_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height, null, null, null,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", "", ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], "", 1, array(), array(), 0, 0, '', false, '', false);
if ($return) {
return $out;
else {
echo $out;
* Print a pie graph with alerts defined/fired data
* @param integer Number of defined alerts
* @param integer Number of fired alerts
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
* @param bool return or echo flag
function graph_alert_status ($defined_alerts, $fired_alerts, $width = 300, $height = 200, $return = false) {
global $config;
$data = array(__('Not fired alerts') => $defined_alerts - $fired_alerts, __('Fired alerts') => $fired_alerts);
$colors = array(COL_NORMAL, COL_ALERTFIRED);
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("/images/logo_vertical_water.png"));
$out = pie2d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height, __("other"),
'', '', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, "hidden", $colors);
if ($return) {
return $out;
else {
echo $out;
// If any value is negative, truncate it to 0
function truncate_negatives(&$element) {
if ($element < 0) {
$element = 0;
* Print a pie graph with events data of agent or all agents (if id_agent = false)
* @param integer id_agent Agent ID
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
* @param bool return or echo flag
* @param bool show_not_init flag
function graph_agent_status ($id_agent = false, $width = 300, $height = 200, $return = false, $show_not_init = false, $data_agents=false) {
global $config;
$filter = array('disabled' => 0, 'id_grupo' => array_keys(users_get_groups(false, 'AR', false)));
if (!empty($id_agent)) {
$filter['id_agente'] = $id_agent;
$fields = array('SUM(critical_count) AS Critical',
'SUM(warning_count) AS Warning',
'SUM(normal_count) AS Normal',
'SUM(unknown_count) AS Unknown');
if ($show_not_init) {
$fields[] = 'SUM(notinit_count) "Not init"';
if ($data_agents == false) {
$data = db_get_row_filter('tagente', $filter, $fields);
} else {
$data = $data_agents;
if (empty($data)) {
$data = array();
array_walk($data, 'truncate_negatives');
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
$colors[__('Critical')] = COL_CRITICAL;
$colors[__('Warning')] = COL_WARNING;
$colors[__('Normal')] = COL_NORMAL;
$colors[__('Unknown')] = COL_UNKNOWN;
if ($show_not_init) {
$colors[__('Not init')] = COL_NOTINIT;
if (array_sum($data) == 0) {
$data = array();
$out = pie2d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
__("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), '',
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, "hidden", $colors);
if ($return) {
return $out;
else {
echo $out;
* Print a pie graph with events data of agent
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
* @param integer id_agent Agent ID
function graph_event_module ($width = 300, $height = 200, $id_agent) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
// Fix: tag filters implemented! for tag functionality groups have to be all user_groups (propagate ACL funct!)
$groups = users_get_groups($config["id_user"]);
$tags_condition = tags_get_acl_tags($config['id_user'], array_keys($groups), 'ER', 'event_condition', 'AND');
$data = array ();
$max_items = 6;
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
case "postgresql":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_evento) AS count_number,
FROM tevento
WHERE tevento.id_agente = %d %s
GROUP BY id_agentmodule ORDER BY count_number DESC LIMIT %d', $id_agent, $tags_condition, $max_items);
case "oracle":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_evento) AS count_number,
FROM tevento
WHERE tevento.id_agente = %d AND rownum <= %d
GROUP BY id_agentmodule ORDER BY count_number DESC', $id_agent, $max_items);
$events = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
if ($events === false) {
if (! $graphic_type) {
return fs_error_image ();
graphic_error ();
foreach ($events as $event) {
if ($event['id_agentmodule'] == 0) {
$key = __('System') . ' ('.$event['count_number'].')';
else {
$key = modules_get_agentmodule_name ($event['id_agentmodule']) .
' ('.$event['count_number'].')';
$data[$key] = $event["count_number"];
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height, __("other"),
'', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, "bottom");
function progress_bar($progress, $width, $height, $title = '', $mode = 1, $value_text = false, $color = false, $options = false) {
global $config;
$out_of_lim_str = io_safe_output(__("Out of limits"));
$title = "";
if ($value_text === false) {
$value_text = $progress . "%";
$colorRGB = '';
if ($color !== false) {
$colorRGB = html_html2rgb($color);
$colorRGB = implode('|', $colorRGB);
$class_tag = '';
$id_tag = '';
if ($options !== false) {
foreach ($options as $option_type => $option_value) {
if ($option_type == 'class')
$class_tag = ' class="' . $option_value . '" ';
else if ($option_type == 'id')
$id_tag = ' id="' . $option_value . '" ';
$src = ui_get_full_url(
"/include/graphs/fgraph.php?homeurl=../../&graph_type=progressbar" .
"&mode=" . $mode . "&out_of_lim_str=".$out_of_lim_str .
"&title=".$title."&font=".$config['fontpath']."&value_text=". $value_text .
"&colorRGB=". $colorRGB, false, false, false
return "";
function progress_bubble($progress, $width, $height, $title = '', $mode = 1, $value_text = false, $color = false) {
global $config;
$hack_metaconsole = '';
if (defined('METACONSOLE'))
$hack_metaconsole = '../../';
$out_of_lim_str = io_safe_output(__("Out of limits"));
$title = "";
if ($value_text === false) {
$value_text = $progress . "%";
$colorRGB = '';
if ($color !== false) {
$colorRGB = html_html2rgb($color);
$colorRGB = implode('|', $colorRGB);
return "";
function graph_sla_slicebar ($id, $period, $sla_min, $sla_max, $date, $daysWeek = null, $time_from = null, $time_to = null, $width, $height, $home_url, $ttl = 1, $data = false, $round_corner = null) {
global $config;
if ($round_corner === null) {
$round_corner = $config['round_corner'];
// If the data is not provided, we got it
if ($data === false) {
$data = reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_array ($id, $period,
$sla_min, $sla_max, $date, $daysWeek, null, null);
$col_planned_downtime = '#20973F';
$colors = array(1 => COL_NORMAL,
5 => $col_planned_downtime);
return slicesbar_graph($data, $period, $width, $height, $colors,
$config['fontpath'], $round_corner, $home_url, $ttl);
* Print a pie graph with purge data of agent
* @param integer id_agent ID of agent to show
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
function grafico_db_agentes_purge ($id_agent, $width = 380, $height = 300) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$filter = array();
if ($id_agent < 1) {
$query = "";
else {
$modules = agents_get_modules($id_agent);
$module_ids = array_keys($modules);
if (!empty($module_ids))
$filter['id_agente_modulo'] = $module_ids;
// All data (now)
$time_now = time();
// 1 day ago
$time_1day = $time_now - SECONDS_1DAY;
// 1 week ago
$time_1week = $time_now - SECONDS_1WEEK;
// 1 month ago
$time_1month = $time_now - SECONDS_1MONTH;
// Three months ago
$time_3months = $time_now - SECONDS_3MONTHS;
$query_error = false;
// Data from 1 day ago
$num_1day = 0;
$num_1day += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1day);
$num_1day += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_string
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1day);
$num_1day += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_log4x
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1day);
if ($num_1day >= 0) {
// Data from 1 week ago
$num_1week = 0;
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1day);
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_string
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1day);
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_log4x
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1day);
if ($num_1week >= 0) {
if ($num_1week > 0) {
$num_1week = 0;
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week);
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_string
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week);
$num_1week += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_log4x
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1week);
// Data from 1 month ago
$num_1month = 0;
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1week);
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_string
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1week);
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_log4x
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1week);
if ($num_1month >= 0) {
if ($num_1month > 0) {
$num_1month = 0;
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month);
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_string
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month);
$num_1month += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos_log4x
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_1month);
// Data from 3 months ago
$num_3months = 0;
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1month);
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1month);
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months . '
AND utimestamp < ' . $time_1month);
if ($num_3months >= 0) {
if ($num_3months > 0) {
$num_3months = 0;
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months);
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months);
$num_3months += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp > ' . $time_3months);
// All data
$num_all = 0;
$num_all += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
$num_all += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
$num_all += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
if ($num_all >= 0) {
$num_older = $num_all - $num_3months;
if ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1) {
// All data in common and history database
$num_all_w_history = 0;
$num_all_w_history += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
$num_all_w_history += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
$num_all_w_history += (int) db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM tagente_datos
WHERE utimestamp < ' . $time_3months);
if ($num_all_w_history >= 0) {
$num_history = $num_all_w_history - $num_all;
else if (($num_1day == 0) && ($num_1week == 0) && ($num_1month == 0) && ($num_3months == 0) && ($num_all == 0)) {
//If no data, returns empty
$query_error = true;
// Error
if ($query_error || $num_older < 0 || ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1 && $num_history < 0)
|| (empty($num_1day) && empty($num_1week) && empty($num_1month)
&& empty($num_3months) && empty($num_all)
&& ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1 && empty($num_all_w_history)))) {
return html_print_image('images/image_problem.png', true);
// Data indexes
$str_1day = __("Today");
$str_1week = "1 ".__("Week");
$str_1month = "1 ".__("Month");
$str_3months = "3 ".__("Months");
$str_older = "> 3 ".__("Months");
// Filling the data array
$data = array();
if (!empty($num_1day))
$data[$str_1day] = $num_1day;
if (!empty($num_1week))
$data[$str_1week] = $num_1week;
if (!empty($num_1month))
$data[$str_1month] = $num_1month;
if (!empty($num_3months))
$data[$str_3months] = $num_3months;
if (!empty($num_older))
$data[$str_older] = $num_older;
if ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1 && !empty($num_history)) {
// In this pie chart only 5 elements are shown, so we need to remove
// an element. With a history db enabled the >3 months element are dispensable
if (count($data) >= 5 && isset($data[$str_3months]))
$time_historic_db = time() - ((int)$config['history_db_days'] * SECONDS_1DAY);
$date_human = human_time_comparation($time_historic_db);
$str_history = "> $date_human (".__("History db").")";
$data[$str_history] = $num_history;
$water_mark = array(
'file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false)
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
* Print a horizontal bar graph with packets data of agents
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
function grafico_db_agentes_paquetes($width = 380, $height = 300) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array ();
$legend = array ();
$agents = agents_get_group_agents (array_keys (users_get_groups (false, 'RR')), false, "none");
$count = agents_get_modules_data_count (array_keys ($agents));
unset ($count["total"]);
arsort ($count, SORT_NUMERIC);
$count = array_slice ($count, 0, 8, true);
foreach ($count as $agent_id => $value) {
$data[$agents[$agent_id]]['g'] = $value;
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return hbar_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height, array(),
$legend, "", "", true, "", $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], false);
* Print a horizontal bar graph with modules data of agents
* @param integer height graph height
* @param integer width graph width
function graph_db_agentes_modulos($width, $height) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array ();
switch ($config['dbtype']) {
case "mysql":
case "postgresql":
$modules = db_get_all_rows_sql ('
SELECT COUNT(id_agente_modulo), id_agente
FROM tagente_modulo
WHERE delete_pending = 0
GROUP BY id_agente
case "oracle":
$modules = db_get_all_rows_sql ('
SELECT COUNT(id_agente_modulo), id_agente
FROM tagente_modulo
WHERE rownum <= 10
AND delete_pending = 0
GROUP BY id_agente
if ($modules === false)
$modules = array ();
$data = array();
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$agent_name = agents_get_name ($module['id_agente'], "none");
if (empty($agent_name)) {
switch ($config['dbtype']) {
case "mysql":
case "postgresql":
$data[$agent_name]['g'] = $module['COUNT(id_agente_modulo)'];
case "oracle":
$data[$agent_name]['g'] = $module['count(id_agente_modulo)'];
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return hbar_graph($config['flash_charts'],
$data, $width, $height, array(),
array(), "", "", true, "",
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], false);
* Print a pie graph with users activity in a period of time
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
* @param integer period time period
function graphic_user_activity ($width = 350, $height = 230) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array ();
$max_items = 5;
switch ($config['dbtype']) {
case "mysql":
case "postgresql":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_usuario) n_incidents, id_usuario
FROM tsesion
GROUP BY id_usuario
ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items);
case "oracle":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_usuario) n_incidents, id_usuario
FROM tsesion
WHERE rownum <= %d
GROUP BY id_usuario
ORDER BY 1 DESC', $max_items);
$logins = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
if ($logins == false) {
$logins = array();
foreach ($logins as $login) {
$data[$login['id_usuario']] = $login['n_incidents'];
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
* Print a pie graph with priodity incident
function grafico_incidente_prioridad () {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data_tmp = array (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents, prioridad
FROM tincidencia
GROUP BY prioridad
$incidents = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
if ($incidents == false) {
$incidents = array();
foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
if ($incident['prioridad'] < 5)
$data_tmp[$incident['prioridad']] = $incident['n_incidents'];
$data_tmp[5] += $incident['n_incidents'];
$data = array (__('Informative') => $data_tmp[0],
__('Low') => $data_tmp[1],
__('Medium') => $data_tmp[2],
__('Serious') => $data_tmp[3],
__('Very serious') => $data_tmp[4],
__('Maintenance') => $data_tmp[5]);
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, 320, 200,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
* Print a pie graph with incidents data
function graph_incidents_status () {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array (0, 0, 0, 0);
$data = array ();
$data[__('Open incident')] = 0;
$data[__('Closed incident')] = 0;
$data[__('Outdated')] = 0;
$data[__('Invalid')] = 0;
$incidents = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tincidencia',
array ('estado' => array (0, 2, 3, 13)),
array ('estado'));
if ($incidents === false)
$incidents = array ();
foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
if ($incident["estado"] == 0)
$data[__("Open incident")]++;
if ($incident["estado"] == 2)
$data[__("Closed incident")]++;
if ($incident["estado"] == 3)
if ($incident["estado"] == 13)
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, 370, 180,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
* Print a pie graph with incident data by group
function graphic_incident_group () {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array ();
$max_items = 5;
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case 'mysql':
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents, nombre
FROM tincidencia,tgrupo
WHERE tgrupo.id_grupo = tincidencia.id_grupo
GROUP BY tgrupo.id_grupo, nombre ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d',
case 'oracle':
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents, nombre
FROM tincidencia,tgrupo
WHERE tgrupo.id_grupo = tincidencia.id_grupo
AND rownum <= %d
GROUP BY tgrupo.id_grupo, nombre ORDER BY 1 DESC',
$incidents = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents
FROM tincidencia
WHERE tincidencia.id_grupo = 0');
$incidents_all = db_get_value_sql($sql);
if ($incidents == false) {
$incidents = array();
foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
$data[$incident['nombre']] = $incident['n_incidents'];
if ($incidents_all > 0) {
$data[__('All')] = $incidents_all;
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, 320, 200,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
* Print a graph with access data of agents
* @param integer id_agent Agent ID
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
* @param integer period time period
function graphic_incident_user () {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array ();
$max_items = 5;
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case 'mysql':
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents, id_usuario
FROM tincidencia
GROUP BY id_usuario
ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items);
case 'oracle':
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents, id_usuario
FROM tincidencia
WHERE rownum <= %d
GROUP BY id_usuario
ORDER BY 1 DESC', $max_items);
$incidents = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
if ($incidents == false) {
$incidents = array();
foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
if ($incident['id_usuario'] == false) {
$name = __('System');
else {
$name = $incident['id_usuario'];
$data[$name] = $incident['n_incidents'];
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, 320, 200,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
* Print a pie graph with access data of incidents source
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
function graphic_incident_source($width = 320, $height = 200) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array ();
$max_items = 5;
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incident, origen
FROM tincidencia
GROUP BY `origen`
ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items);
case "postgresql":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incident, origen
FROM tincidencia
GROUP BY "origen"
ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items);
case "oracle":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incident, origen
FROM tincidencia
WHERE rownum <= %d
GROUP BY origen
ORDER BY 1 DESC', $max_items);
$origins = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
if ($origins == false) {
$origins = array();
foreach ($origins as $origin) {
$data[$origin['origen']] = $origin['n_incident'];
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
function graph_events_validated($width = 300, $height = 200, $url = "", $meta = false, $history = false) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data_graph = reporting_get_count_events_validated(
array('id_group' => array_keys(users_get_groups())));
$colors = array();
foreach ($data_graph as $k => $v) {
if ($k == __('Validated')) {
$colors[$k] = COL_NORMAL;
else {
$colors[$k] = COL_CRITICAL;
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
echo pie3d_graph(
true, $data_graph, $width, $height, __("other"), "",
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, false, $colors);
* Print a pie graph with events data of group
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
* @param string url
* @param bool if the graph required is or not for metaconsole
* @param bool if the graph required is or not for history table
function grafico_eventos_grupo ($width = 300, $height = 200, $url = "", $meta = false, $history = false, $noWaterMark = true) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
//It was urlencoded, so we urldecode it
$url = html_entity_decode (rawurldecode ($url), ENT_QUOTES);
$data = array ();
$loop = 0;
define ('NUM_PIECES_PIE', 6);
//Hotfix for the id_agente_modulo
$url = str_replace(
'SELECT id_agente_modulo', 'SELECT_id_agente_modulo', $url);
$badstrings = array (";",
//remove bad strings from the query so queries like ; DELETE FROM don't pass
$url = str_ireplace ($badstrings, "", $url);
//Hotfix for the id_agente_modulo
$url = str_replace(
'SELECT_id_agente_modulo', 'SELECT id_agente_modulo', $url);
// Choose the table where search if metaconsole or not
if ($meta) {
if ($history) {
$event_table = 'tmetaconsole_event_history';
else {
$event_table = 'tmetaconsole_event';
$field_extra = ', agent_name';
$groupby_extra = ', server_id';
else {
$event_table = 'tevento';
$field_extra = '';
$groupby_extra = '';
// Add tags condition to filter
$tags_condition = tags_get_acl_tags($config['id_user'], 0, 'ER', 'event_condition', 'AND');
//This will give the distinct id_agente, give the id_grupo that goes
//with it and then the number of times it occured. GROUP BY statement
//is required if both DISTINCT() and COUNT() are in the statement
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
case "postgresql":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT DISTINCT(id_agente) AS id_agente,
COUNT(id_agente) AS count'.$field_extra.'
FROM '.$event_table.'
WHERE 1=1 %s %s
GROUP BY id_agente'.$groupby_extra.'
ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 8', $url, $tags_condition);
case "oracle":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT DISTINCT(id_agente) AS id_agente,
id_grupo, COUNT(id_agente) AS count'.$field_extra.'
FROM '.$event_table.'
WHERE rownum <= 8 %s %s
GROUP BY id_agente, id_grupo'.$groupby_extra.'
ORDER BY count DESC', $url, $tags_condition);
$result = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, false, false);
if ($result === false) {
$result = array();
$system_events = 0;
$other_events = 0;
foreach ($result as $row) {
$row["id_grupo"] = agents_get_agent_group ($row["id_agente"]);
if (!check_acl ($config["id_user"], $row["id_grupo"], "ER") == 1)
if ($loop >= NUM_PIECES_PIE) {
$other_events += $row["count"];
else {
if ($row["id_agente"] == 0) {
$system_events += $row["count"];
else {
if ($meta) {
$name = mb_substr (io_safe_output($row['agent_name']), 0, 14)." (".$row["count"].")";
else {
$name = mb_substr (agents_get_name ($row["id_agente"], "lower"), 0, 14)." (".$row["count"].")";
$data[$name] = $row["count"];
if ($system_events > 0) {
$name = __('SYSTEM')." (".$system_events.")";
$data[$name] = $system_events;
if ($other_events > 0) {
$name = __('Other')." (".$other_events.")";
$data[$name] = $other_events;
// Sort the data
if ($noWaterMark) {
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
$water_mark = array();
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom');
function grafico_eventos_agente ($width = 300, $height = 200, $result = false, $meta = false, $history = false) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
//It was urlencoded, so we urldecode it
//$url = html_entity_decode (rawurldecode ($url), ENT_QUOTES);
$data = array ();
$loop = 0;
if ($result === false) {
$result = array();
$system_events = 0;
$other_events = 0;
$total = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($result as $row) {
if ($meta) {
$count[] = $row["agent_name"];
else {
if ($row["id_agente"] == 0) {
$count[] = __('SYSTEM');
$count[] = agents_get_name ($row["id_agente"]) ;
$total = array_count_values($count);
foreach ($total as $key => $total) {
if ($meta) {
$name = $key." (".$total.")";
else {
$name = $key." (".$total.")";
$data[$name] = $total;
if ($other_events > 0) {
$name = __('Other')." (".$other_events.")";
$data[$name] = $other_events;
// Sort the data
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
__('Others'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom');
* Print a pie graph with events data in 320x200 size
* @param string filter Filter for query in DB
function grafico_eventos_total($filter = "", $width = 320, $height = 200, $noWaterMark = true) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$filter = str_replace ( "\\" , "", $filter);
// Add tags condition to filter
$tags_condition = tags_get_acl_tags($config['id_user'], 0, 'ER', 'event_condition', 'AND');
$filter .= $tags_condition;
$data = array ();
$legend = array ();
$total = 0;
$sql = "SELECT criticity, COUNT(id_evento) events
FROM tevento
GROUP BY criticity ORDER BY events DESC";
$criticities = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, false, false);
if (empty($criticities)) {
$criticities = array();
$colors = array();
foreach ($criticities as $cr) {
switch ($cr['criticity']) {
$data[__('Maintenance')] = $cr['events'];
$colors[__('Maintenance')] = COL_MAINTENANCE;
$data[__('Informational')] = $cr['events'];
$colors[__('Informational')] = COL_INFORMATIONAL;
$data[__('Normal')] = $cr['events'];
$colors[__('Normal')] = COL_NORMAL;
$data[__('Minor')] = $cr['events'];
$colors[__('Minor')] = COL_MINOR;
$data[__('Warning')] = $cr['events'];
$colors[__('Warning')] = COL_WARNING;
$data[__('Major')] = $cr['events'];
$colors[__('Major')] = COL_MAJOR;
$data[__('Critical')] = $cr['events'];
$colors[__('Critical')] = COL_CRITICAL;
if ($noWaterMark) {
$water_mark = array(
'file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("/images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
else {
$water_mark = array();
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom', $colors);
* Print a pie graph with events data of users
* @param integer height pie graph height
* @param integer period time period
function grafico_eventos_usuario ($width, $height) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array ();
$max_items = 5;
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
case "postgresql":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT COUNT(id_evento) events, id_usuario
FROM tevento
GROUP BY id_usuario
ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items);
case "oracle":
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT *
FROM (SELECT COUNT(id_evento) events, id_usuario
FROM tevento
GROUP BY id_usuario
WHERE rownum <= %d', $max_items);
$events = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
if ($events === false) {
$events = array();
foreach($events as $event) {
if ($event['id_usuario'] == '0') {
$data[__('System')] = $event['events'];
elseif ($event['id_usuario'] == '') {
$data[__('System')] = $event['events'];
else {
$data[$event['id_usuario']] = $event['events'];
$water_mark = array(
'file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("/images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height,
__('Other'), '', $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size']);
* Print a custom SQL-defined graph
* @param integer ID of report content, used to get SQL code to get information for graph
* @param integer height graph height
* @param integer width graph width
* @param integer Graph type 1 vbar, 2 hbar, 3 pie
function graph_custom_sql_graph ($id, $width, $height,
$type = 'sql_graph_vbar', $only_image = false, $homeurl = '',
$ttl = 1) {
global $config;
$report_content = db_get_row ('treport_content', 'id_rc', $id);
if ($report_content["external_source"] != "") {
$sql = io_safe_output ($report_content["external_source"]);
else {
$sql = db_get_row('treport_custom_sql', 'id', $report_content["treport_custom_sql_id"]);
$sql = io_safe_output($sql['sql']);
if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && defined('METACONSOLE')) {
$metaconsole_connection = enterprise_hook('metaconsole_get_connection', array($report_content['server_name']));
if ($metaconsole_connection === false) {
return false;
if (enterprise_hook('metaconsole_load_external_db', array($metaconsole_connection)) != NOERR) {
//ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name);
return false;
switch ($config["dbtype"]) {
case "mysql":
case "postgresql":
case "oracle":
$sql = str_replace(";", "", $sql);
$data_result = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql);
if (($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && defined('METACONSOLE'))
if ($data_result === false)
$data_result = array ();
$data = array ();
$count = 0;
foreach ($data_result as $data_item) {
$value = 0;
if (!empty($data_item["value"])) {
$value = $data_item["value"];
$label = __('Data');
if (!empty($data_item["label"])) {
$label = $data_item["label"];
switch ($type) {
case 'sql_graph_vbar': // vertical bar
case 'sql_graph_hbar': // horizontal bar
$data[$label]['g'] = $value;
case 'sql_graph_pie': // Pie
$data[$label] = $value;
$flash_charts = $config['flash_charts'];
if ($only_image) {
$flash_charts = false;
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("/images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
switch ($type) {
case 'sql_graph_vbar': // vertical bar
return vbar_graph($flash_charts, $data, $width, $height, array(),
array(), "", "", $homeurl, $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], false, $ttl);
case 'sql_graph_hbar': // horizontal bar
return hbar_graph($flash_charts, $data, $width, $height, array(),
array(), "", "", true, $homeurl, $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], false, $ttl);
case 'sql_graph_pie': // Pie
return pie3d_graph($flash_charts, $data, $width, $height, __("other"), $homeurl,
$water_mark, $config['fontpath'], '', $ttl);
* Print a static graph with event data of agents
* @param integer id_agent Agent ID
* @param integer width pie graph width
* @param integer height pie graph height
* @param integer period time period
* @param string homeurl
* @param bool return or echo the result
function graph_graphic_agentevents ($id_agent, $width, $height, $period = 0, $homeurl, $return = false) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array ();
$resolution = $config['graph_res'] * ($period * 2 / $width); // Number of "slices" we want in graph
$interval = (int) ($period / $resolution);
$date = get_system_time ();
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$periodtime = floor ($period / $interval);
$time = array ();
$data = array ();
$legend = array();
$full_legend = array();
$cont = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $interval; $i++) {
$bottom = $datelimit + ($periodtime * $i);
if (! $graphic_type) {
if ($config['flash_charts']) {
$name = date('H:i', $bottom);
else {
$name = date('H\h', $bottom);
else {
$name = $bottom;
// Show less values in legend
if ($cont == 0 or $cont % 2)
$legend[$cont] = $name;
$full_legend[$cont] = $name;
$top = $datelimit + ($periodtime * ($i + 1));
$event = db_get_row_filter ('tevento',
array ('id_agente' => $id_agent,
'utimestamp > '.$bottom,
'utimestamp < '.$top), 'criticity, utimestamp');
if (!empty($event['utimestamp'])) {
$data[$cont]['utimestamp'] = $periodtime;
switch ($event['criticity']) {
$data[$cont]['data'] = 2;
$data[$cont]['data'] = 3;
$data[$cont]['data'] = 1;
else {
$data[$cont]['utimestamp'] = $periodtime;
$data[$cont]['data'] = 1;
$colors = array(1 => COL_NORMAL, 2 => COL_WARNING, 3 => COL_CRITICAL, 4 => COL_UNKNOWN);
// Draw slicebar graph
if ($config['flash_charts']) {
$out = flot_slicesbar_graph($data, $period, $width, $height, $full_legend, $colors, $config['fontpath'], $config['round_corner'], $homeurl, '', '', false, $id_agent);
else {
$out = slicesbar_graph($data, $period, $width, $height, $colors, $config['fontpath'], $config['round_corner'], $homeurl);
// Draw legend
$out .= "
$out .= " ";
foreach ($legend as $hour) {
$out .= "" . $hour . "";
$out .= " ";
if ($return) {
return $out;
else {
echo $out;
// Prints an error image
function fs_error_image ($width = 300, $height = 110) {
global $config;
return graph_nodata_image($width, $height, 'area');
function grafico_modulo_boolean_data ($agent_module_id, $period, $show_events,
$unit_name, $show_alerts, $avg_only = 0,
$date = 0, $series_suffix = '', $series_suffix_str = '', $show_unknown = false) {
global $config;
global $chart;
global $color;
global $legend;
global $long_index;
global $series_type;
global $chart_extra_data;
$chart = array();
$color = array();
$legend = array();
$long_index = array();
$start_unknown = false;
// Set variables
if ($date == 0) $date = get_system_time();
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit);
$resolution = $config['graph_res'] * 50; //Number of points of the graph
$interval = (int) ($period / $resolution);
$agent_name = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ($agent_module_id);
$agent_id = agents_get_agent_id ($agent_name);
$module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name ($agent_module_id);
$id_module_type = modules_get_agentmodule_type ($agent_module_id);
$module_type = modules_get_moduletype_name ($id_module_type);
$uncompressed_module = is_module_uncompressed ($module_type);
if ($uncompressed_module) {
$avg_only = 1;
$search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit);
// Get event data (contains alert data too)
if ($show_unknown == 1 || $show_events == 1 || $show_alerts == 1) {
$events = db_get_all_rows_filter('tevento',
array ('id_agentmodule' => $agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > $datelimit",
"utimestamp < $date",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('evento', 'utimestamp', 'event_type', 'id_evento'));
// Get the last event after inverval to know if graph start on unknown
$prev_event = db_get_row_filter ('tevento',
array ('id_agentmodule' => $agent_module_id,
"utimestamp <= $datelimit",
'order' => 'utimestamp DESC'));
if (isset($prev_event['event_type']) && $prev_event['event_type'] == 'going_unknown') {
$start_unknown = true;
if ($events === false) {
$events = array ();
// Get module data
$data = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tagente_datos',
array ('id_agente_modulo' => $agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > $datelimit",
"utimestamp < $date",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('datos', 'utimestamp'), 'AND', $search_in_history_db);
if ($data === false) {
$data = array ();
// Uncompressed module data
if ($uncompressed_module) {
$min_necessary = 1;
// Compressed module data
else {
// Get previous data
$previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($agent_module_id, $datelimit);
if ($previous_data !== false) {
$previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit;
array_unshift ($data, $previous_data);
// Get next data
$nextData = modules_get_next_data ($agent_module_id, $date);
if ($nextData !== false) {
array_push ($data, $nextData);
else if (count ($data) > 0) {
// Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval
$nextData = array_pop ($data);
array_push ($data, $nextData);
$nextData['utimestamp'] = $date;
array_push ($data, $nextData);
$min_necessary = 2;
// Check available data
if (count ($data) < $min_necessary) {
if (!$graphic_type) {
return fs_error_image ();
graphic_error ();
if (empty($unit_name)) {
$unit = modules_get_unit($agent_module_id);
$unit = $unit_name;
// Data iterator
$j = 0;
// Event iterator
$k = 0;
// Set initial conditions
if ($data[0]['utimestamp'] == $datelimit) {
$previous_data = $data[0]['datos'];
else {
$previous_data = 0;
$max_value = 0;
// Calculate chart data
$last_known = $previous_data;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $resolution; $i++) {
$timestamp = $datelimit + ($interval * $i);
$zero = 0;
$total = 0;
$count = 0;
// Read data that falls in the current interval
while (isset ($data[$j]) &&
$data[$j]['utimestamp'] >= $timestamp &&
$data[$j]['utimestamp'] <= ($timestamp + $interval)) {
if ($data[$j]['datos'] == 0) {
$zero = 1;
else {
$total += $data[$j]['datos'];
$last_known = $data[$j]['datos'];
// Average
if ($count > 0) {
$total /= $count;
// Read events and alerts that fall in the current interval
$event_value = 0;
$alert_value = 0;
$unknown_value = 0;
$is_unknown = false;
// Is the first point of a unknown interval
$first_unknown = false;
$event_ids = array();
$alert_ids = array();
while (isset ($events[$k]) &&
$events[$k]['utimestamp'] >= $timestamp &&
$events[$k]['utimestamp'] < ($timestamp + $interval)) {
if ($show_events == 1) {
$event_ids[] = $events[$k]['id_evento'];
if ($show_alerts == 1 && substr ($events[$k]['event_type'], 0, 5) == 'alert') {
$alert_ids[] = $events[$k]['id_evento'];
if ($show_unknown) {
if ($events[$k]['event_type'] == 'going_unknown') {
if ($is_unknown == false) {
$first_unknown = true;
$is_unknown = true;
else if (substr ($events[$k]['event_type'], 0, 5) == 'going') {
$is_unknown = false;
// In some cases, can be marked as known because a recovery event
// was found in same interval. For this cases first_unknown is
// checked too
if ($is_unknown || $first_unknown) {
// Set the title and time format
if ($period <= SECONDS_6HOURS) {
$time_format = 'H:i:s';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1DAY) {
$time_format = 'H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_15DAYS) {
$time_format = 'M d H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1MONTH) {
$time_format = 'M d H\h';
else {
$time_format = 'M d H\h';
$timestamp_short = date($time_format, $timestamp);
$long_index[$timestamp_short] = date(
html_entity_decode($config['date_format'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"), $timestamp);
$timestamp = $timestamp_short;
if ($total > $max_value) {
$max_value = $total;
if ($show_events) {
if (!isset($chart[$timestamp]['event'.$series_suffix])) {
$chart[$timestamp]['event'.$series_suffix] = 0;
$chart[$timestamp]['event'.$series_suffix] += $event_value;
$series_type['event'.$series_suffix] = 'points';
if ($show_alerts) {
if (!isset($chart[$timestamp]['alert'.$series_suffix])) {
$chart[$timestamp]['alert'.$series_suffix] = 0;
$chart[$timestamp]['alert'.$series_suffix] += $alert_value;
$series_type['alert'.$series_suffix] = 'points';
//The order filling the array is very important to get the same colors
//in legends and graphs!!!
//Boolean graph doesn't have max!!!
/*if (!$avg_only) {
$chart[$timestamp]['max'.$series_suffix] = 0;
// Data and zeroes (draw a step)
if ($zero == 1 && $count > 0) {
//New code set 0 if there is a 0
//Please check the incident #665
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'.$series_suffix] = 0;
else if ($zero == 1) { // Just zeros
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'.$series_suffix] = 0;
else if ($count > 0) { // No zeros
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'.$series_suffix] = $total;
else { // Compressed data
if ($uncompressed_module || ($timestamp > time ()) || $is_unknown) {
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'.$series_suffix] = 0;
else {
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'.$series_suffix] = $last_known;
if ($show_unknown) {
if (!isset($chart[$timestamp]['unknown'.$series_suffix])) {
$chart[$timestamp]['unknown'.$series_suffix] = 0;
$chart[$timestamp]['unknown'.$series_suffix] = $unknown_value;
$series_type['unknown'.$series_suffix] = 'area';
$series_type['sum' . $series_suffix] = 'boolean';
//Boolean graph doesn't have min!!!
/*if (!$avg_only) {
$chart[$timestamp]['min'.$series_suffix] = 0;
if (!empty($event_ids)) {
$chart_extra_data[count($chart)-1]['events'] = implode(',',$event_ids);
if (!empty($alert_ids)) {
$chart_extra_data[count($chart)-1]['alerts'] = implode(',',$alert_ids);
// Get min, max and avg (less efficient but centralized for all modules and reports)
$graph_stats = get_statwin_graph_statistics($chart, $series_suffix);
// Fix event and alert scale
foreach ($chart as $timestamp => $chart_data) {
if ($show_events) {
if ($chart_data['event'.$series_suffix] > 0) {
$chart[$timestamp]['event'.$series_suffix] = $max_value * 1.2;
if ($show_alerts) {
if ($chart_data['alert'.$series_suffix] > 0) {
$chart[$timestamp]['alert'.$series_suffix] = $max_value * 1.10;
if ($show_unknown) {
if ($chart_data['unknown'.$series_suffix] > 0) {
$chart[$timestamp]['unknown'.$series_suffix] = $max_value * 1.05;
// Set the title and time format
if ($period <= SECONDS_6HOURS) {
$time_format = 'H:i:s';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1DAY) {
$time_format = 'H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_15DAYS) {
$time_format = 'M d H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1MONTH) {
$time_format = 'M d H\h';
else {
$time_format = 'M d H\h';
// Flash chart
$caption = __('Max. Value').$series_suffix_str . ': ' . $graph_stats['sum']['max'] . ' ' . __('Avg. Value').$series_suffix_str .
': ' . $graph_stats['sum']['avg'] . ' ' . __('Min. Value').$series_suffix_str . ': ' . $graph_stats['sum']['min'] . ' ' . __('Units').$series_suffix_str . ': ' . $unit;
if ($show_events) {
$legend['event'.$series_suffix] = __('Events').$series_suffix_str;
$chart_extra_data['legend_events'] = $legend['event'.$series_suffix];
if ($show_alerts) {
$legend['alert'.$series_suffix] = __('Alerts').$series_suffix_str;
$chart_extra_data['legend_alerts'] = $legend['alert'.$series_suffix];
if (!$avg_only) {
//Boolean graph doesn't have max!!!
//$legend['max'.$series_suffix] = __('Max').$series_suffix_str .': '.__('Last').': '.$graph_stats['max']['last'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Avg').': '.$graph_stats['max']['avg'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Max').': '.$graph_stats['max']['max'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Min').': '.$graph_stats['max']['min'].' '.$unit;
$legend['sum'.$series_suffix] = __('Avg').$series_suffix_str.': '.__('Last').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['last'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Avg').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['avg'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Max').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['max'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Min').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['min'].' '.$unit;
//Boolean graph doesn't have min!!!
//$legend['min'.$series_suffix] = __('Min').$series_suffix_str .': '.__('Last').': '.$graph_stats['min']['last'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Avg').': '.$graph_stats['min']['avg'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Max').': '.$graph_stats['min']['max'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Min').': '.$graph_stats['min']['min'].' '.$unit;
else {
$legend['sum'.$series_suffix] = __('Avg').$series_suffix_str.': '.__('Last').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['last'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Avg').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['avg'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Max').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['max'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Min').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['min'].' '.$unit;
if ($show_unknown) {
$legend['unknown'.$series_suffix] = __('Unknown').$series_suffix_str;
$chart_extra_data['legend_unknown'] = $legend['unknown'.$series_suffix];
//$legend['baseline'.$series_suffix] = __('Baseline').$series_suffix_str;
if ($show_events) {
$color['event'.$series_suffix] =
array('border' => '#ff0000', 'color' => '#ff0000',
if ($show_alerts) {
$color['alert'.$series_suffix] =
array('border' => '#ff7f00', 'color' => '#ff7f00',
$color['max'.$series_suffix] =
array('border' => '#000000', 'color' => $config['graph_color3'],
$color['sum'.$series_suffix] =
array('border' => '#000000', 'color' => $config['graph_color2'],
$color['min'.$series_suffix] =
array('border' => '#000000', 'color' => $config['graph_color1'],
if ($show_unknown) {
$color['unknown'.$series_suffix] =
array('border' => '#999999', 'color' => '#999999',
//$color['baseline'.$series_suffix] = array('border' => null, 'color' => '#0097BD', 'alpha' => 10);
function grafico_modulo_boolean ($agent_module_id, $period, $show_events,
$width, $height , $title, $unit_name, $show_alerts, $avg_only = 0, $pure=0,
$date = 0, $only_image = false, $homeurl = '', $adapt_key = '', $compare = false,
$show_unknown = false, $menu = true) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$flash_chart = $config['flash_charts'];
global $chart;
global $color;
global $color_prev;
global $legend;
global $long_index;
global $series_type;
global $chart_extra_data;
if (empty($unit_name)) {
$unit = modules_get_unit($agent_module_id);
$unit = $unit_name;
$series_suffix_str = '';
if ($compare !== false) {
$series_suffix = '2';
$series_suffix_str = ' (' . __('Previous') . ')';
// Build the data of the previous period
grafico_modulo_boolean_data ($agent_module_id, $period, $show_events,
$unit_name, $show_alerts, $avg_only, $date-$period, $series_suffix,
$series_suffix_str, $show_unknown);
switch ($compare) {
case 'separated':
// Store the chart calculated
$chart_prev = $chart;
$legend_prev = $legend;
$long_index_prev = $long_index;
$series_type_prev = $series_type;
$chart_extra_data_prev = $chart_extra_data;
$chart_extra_data = array();
$color_prev = $color;
case 'overlapped':
// Store the chart calculated deleting index, because will be over the current period
$chart_prev = array_values($chart);
$legend_prev = $legend;
$series_type_prev = $series_type;
$color_prev = $color;
foreach ($color_prev as $k => $col) {
$color_prev[$k]['color'] = '#' . get_complementary_rgb($color_prev[$k]['color']);
grafico_modulo_boolean_data ($agent_module_id, $period, $show_events,
$unit_name, $show_alerts, $avg_only, $date, '', '', $show_unknown);
if ($compare === 'overlapped') {
$i = 0;
foreach($chart as $k => $v) {
$chart[$k] = array_merge($v, $chart_prev[$i]);
$legend = array_merge($legend, $legend_prev);
$color = array_merge($color, $color_prev);
if ($only_image) {
$flash_chart = false;
$water_mark = array(
'file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
false, false, false));
if ($config['type_module_charts'] === 'area') {
if ($compare === 'separated') {
return area_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height/2, $color, $legend,
$long_index, ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $homeurl, $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $unit, 1, $series_type,
$chart_extra_data, 0, 0, $adapt_key, false, $series_suffix_str, $menu).
area_graph($flash_chart, $chart_prev, $width, $height/2, $color_prev, $legend_prev,
$long_index_prev, ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $homeurl, $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $unit, 1, $series_type_prev,
$chart_extra_data_prev, 0, 0, $adapt_key, false, $series_suffix_str, $menu);
else {
return area_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height, $color, $legend,
$long_index, ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $homeurl, $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $unit, 1, $series_type,
$chart_extra_data, 0, 0, $adapt_key, false, $series_suffix_str, $menu);
elseif ($config['type_module_charts'] === 'line') {
if ($compare === 'separated') {
line_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height/2, $color,
$legend, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
$config['font_size'], $unit, $ttl, $homeurl, $backgroundColor).
line_graph($flash_chart, $chart_prev, $width, $height/2, $color,
$legend, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
$config['font_size'], $unit, $ttl, $homeurl, $backgroundColor);
else {
// Color commented not to restrict serie colors
line_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height, $color,
$legend, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
$config['font_size'], $unit, $ttl, $homeurl, $backgroundColor);
* Print an area graph with netflow aggregated
function graph_netflow_aggregate_area ($data, $period, $width, $height, $unit = '', $ttl = 1, $only_image = false) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
if (empty ($data)) {
echo fs_error_image ();
if ($period <= SECONDS_6HOURS) {
$chart_time_format = 'H:i:s';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1DAY) {
$chart_time_format = 'H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_15DAYS) {
$chart_time_format = 'M d H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1MONTH) {
$chart_time_format = 'M d H\h';
else {
$chart_time_format = 'M d H\h';
// Calculate source indexes
$i = 0;
$sources = array ();
foreach ($data['sources'] as $source => $value) {
$source_indexes[$source] = $i;
$sources[$i] = $source;
// Add sources to chart
$chart = array ();
foreach ($data['data'] as $timestamp => $data) {
$chart_date = date ($chart_time_format, $timestamp);
$chart[$chart_date] = array ();
foreach ($source_indexes as $source => $index) {
$chart[$chart_date][$index] = 0;
foreach ($data as $source => $value) {
$chart[$chart_date][$source_indexes[$source]] = $value;
$flash_chart = $config['flash_charts'];
if ($only_image) {
$flash_chart = false;
if ($config['homeurl'] != '') {
$homeurl = $config['homeurl'];
else {
$homeurl = '';
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return area_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height, array (), $sources,
array (), ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $homeurl,
$config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $unit, 2);
* Print an area graph with netflow total
function graph_netflow_total_area ($data, $period, $width, $height, $unit = '', $ttl = 1, $only_image = false) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
if (empty ($data)) {
echo fs_error_image ();
if ($period <= SECONDS_6HOURS) {
$chart_time_format = 'H:i:s';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1DAY) {
$chart_time_format = 'H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_15DAYS) {
$chart_time_format = 'M d H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1MONTH) {
$chart_time_format = 'M d H\h';
else {
$chart_time_format = 'M d H\h';
// Calculate min, max and avg values
$avg = 0;
foreach ($data as $timestamp => $value) {
$max = $value['data'];
$min = $value['data'];
// Populate chart
$count = 0;
$chart = array ();
foreach ($data as $timestamp => $value) {
$chart[date ($chart_time_format, $timestamp)] = $value;
if ($value['data'] > $max) {
$max = $value['data'];
if ($value['data'] < $min) {
$min = $value['data'];
$avg += $value['data'];
if ($count > 0) {
$avg /= $count;
$flash_chart = $config['flash_charts'];
if ($only_image) {
$flash_chart = false;
if ($config['homeurl'] != '') {
$homeurl = $config['homeurl'];
else {
$homeurl = '';
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
$legend = array (__('Max.') . ' ' . format_numeric($max) . ' ' . __('Min.') . ' ' . format_numeric($min) . ' ' . __('Avg.') . ' ' . format_numeric ($avg));
return area_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height, array (), $legend,
array (), ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", "", $homeurl, $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $unit, $ttl);
* Print a pie graph with netflow aggregated
function graph_netflow_aggregate_pie ($data, $aggregate, $ttl = 1, $only_image = false) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
if (empty ($data)) {
return fs_error_image ();
$i = 0;
$values = array();
$agg = '';
while (isset ($data[$i])) {
$agg = $data[$i]['agg'];
if (!isset($values[$agg])) {
$values[$agg] = $data[$i]['data'];
else {
$values[$agg] += $data[$i]['data'];
$flash_chart = $config['flash_charts'];
if ($only_image) {
$flash_chart = false;
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
return pie3d_graph($flash_chart, $values, 370, 200,
__('Other'), $config['homeurl'], $water_mark,
$config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl);
* Print a circular graph with the data transmitted between IPs
function graph_netflow_circular_mesh ($data, $unit, $radius = 700) {
global $config;
if (empty($data) || empty($data['elements']) || empty($data['matrix'])) {
return fs_error_image ();
include_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/graphs/functions_d3.php");
return d3_relationship_graph ($data['elements'], $data['matrix'], $unit, $radius, true);
* Print a rectangular graph with the traffic of the ports for each IP
function graph_netflow_host_traffic ($data, $unit, $width = 700, $height = 700) {
global $config;
if (empty ($data)) {
return fs_error_image ();
include_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/graphs/functions_d3.php");
return d3_tree_map_graph ($data, $width, $height, true);
* Draw a graph of Module string data of agent
* @param integer id_agent_modulo Agent Module ID
* @param integer show_event show event (1 or 0)
* @param integer height graph height
* @param integer width graph width
* @param string title graph title
* @param string unit_name String of unit name
* @param integer show alerts (1 or 0)
* @param integer avg_only calcules avg only (1 or 0)
* @param integer pure Fullscreen (1 or 0)
* @param integer date date
function grafico_modulo_string ($agent_module_id, $period, $show_events,
$width, $height, $title, $unit_name, $show_alerts, $avg_only = 0, $pure = 0,
$date = 0, $only_image = false, $homeurl = '', $adapt_key = '', $ttl = 1, $menu = true) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
global $max_value;
// Set variables
if ($date == 0)
$date = get_system_time();
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit);
$resolution = $config['graph_res'] * 50; //Number of points of the graph
$interval = (int) ($period / $resolution);
$agent_name = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ($agent_module_id);
$agent_id = agents_get_agent_id ($agent_name);
$module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name ($agent_module_id);
$id_module_type = modules_get_agentmodule_type ($agent_module_id);
$module_type = modules_get_moduletype_name ($id_module_type);
$uncompressed_module = is_module_uncompressed ($module_type);
if ($uncompressed_module) {
$avg_only = 1;
$search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit);
// Get event data (contains alert data too)
if ($show_events == 1 || $show_alerts == 1) {
$events = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tevento',
array ('id_agentmodule' => $agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > $datelimit",
"utimestamp < $date",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('evento', 'utimestamp', 'event_type'));
if ($events === false) {
$events = array ();
// Get module data
$data = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tagente_datos_string',
array ('id_agente_modulo' => $agent_module_id,
"utimestamp > $datelimit",
"utimestamp < $date",
'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'),
array ('datos', 'utimestamp'), 'AND', $search_in_history_db);
if ($data === false) {
$data = array ();
// Uncompressed module data
if ($uncompressed_module) {
$min_necessary = 1;
else {
// Compressed module data
// Get previous data
$previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($agent_module_id, $datelimit, 1);
if ($previous_data !== false) {
$previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit;
array_unshift ($data, $previous_data);
// Get next data
$nextData = modules_get_next_data ($agent_module_id, $date, 1);
if ($nextData !== false) {
array_push ($data, $nextData);
else if (count ($data) > 0) {
// Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval
$nextData = array_pop ($data);
array_push ($data, $nextData);
$nextData['utimestamp'] = $date;
array_push ($data, $nextData);
$min_necessary = 2;
// Check available data
if (count ($data) < $min_necessary) {
if (!$graphic_type) {
return fs_error_image ($width, $height);
graphic_error ();
// Data iterator
$j = 0;
// Event iterator
$k = 0;
// Set initial conditions
$chart = array();
if ($data[0]['utimestamp'] == $datelimit) {
$previous_data = 1;
else {
$previous_data = 0;
// Calculate chart data
$last_known = $previous_data;
for ($i = 0; $i < $resolution; $i++) {
$timestamp = $datelimit + ($interval * $i);
$count = 0;
$total = 0;
// Read data that falls in the current interval
while (isset($data[$j]) &&
isset ($data[$j]) !== null &&
$data[$j]['utimestamp'] >= $timestamp &&
$data[$j]['utimestamp'] <= ($timestamp + $interval)) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// FIX TICKET #1749
$last_known = $count;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ($max_value < $count) {
$max_value = $count;
// Read events and alerts that fall in the current interval
$event_value = 0;
$alert_value = 0;
while (isset ($events[$k]) && $events[$k]['utimestamp'] >= $timestamp && $events[$k]['utimestamp'] <= ($timestamp + $interval)) {
if ($show_events == 1) {
if ($show_alerts == 1 && substr ($events[$k]['event_type'], 0, 5) == 'alert') {
// Set the title and time format
if ($period <= SECONDS_6HOURS) {
$time_format = 'H:i:s';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1DAY) {
$time_format = 'H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_15DAYS) {
$time_format = 'M d H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1MONTH) {
$time_format = 'M d H\h';
else {
$time_format = 'M d H\h';
$timestamp_short = date($time_format, $timestamp);
$long_index[$timestamp_short] = date(
html_entity_decode($config['date_format'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"), $timestamp);
$timestamp = $timestamp_short;
// Data in the interval
//The order in chart array is very important!!!!
if ($show_events) {
$chart[$timestamp]['event'] = $event_value;
if ($show_alerts) {
$chart[$timestamp]['alert'] = $alert_value;
if (!$avg_only) {
$chart[$timestamp]['max'] = 0;
if ($count > 0) {
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'] = $count;
else {
// Compressed data
$chart[$timestamp]['sum'] = $last_known;
if (!$avg_only) {
$chart[$timestamp]['min'] = 0;
$graph_stats = get_statwin_graph_statistics($chart);
// Fix event and alert scale
$event_max = 2 + (float)$max_value * 1.05;
foreach ($chart as $timestamp => $chart_data) {
if (!empty($chart_data['event']) && $chart_data['event'] > 0) {
$chart[$timestamp]['event'] = $event_max;
if (!empty($chart_data['alert']) && $chart_data['alert'] > 0) {
$chart[$timestamp]['alert'] = $event_max;
if (empty($unit_name)) {
$unit = modules_get_unit($agent_module_id);
$unit = $unit_name;
$color = array();
if ($show_events) {
$color['event'] = array('border' => '#ff0000',
'color' => '#ff0000', 'alpha' => CHART_DEFAULT_ALPHA);
if ($show_alerts) {
$color['alert'] = array('border' => '#ff7f00',
'color' => '#ff7f00', 'alpha' => CHART_DEFAULT_ALPHA);
if (!$avg_only) {
$color['max'] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color3'],
$color['sum'] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color2'],
if (!$avg_only) {
$color['min'] = array('border' => '#000000',
'color' => $config['graph_color1'],
//$color['baseline'] = array('border' => null, 'color' => '#0097BD', 'alpha' => 10);
$flash_chart = $config['flash_charts'];
if ($only_image) {
$flash_chart = false;
$legend = array();
if ($show_events) {
$legend['event'] = __('Events');
if ($show_alerts) {
$legend['alert'] = __('Alerts');
if (!$avg_only) {
$legend['max'] = __('Max').': '.__('Last').': '.$graph_stats['max']['last'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Avg').': '.$graph_stats['max']['avg'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Max').': '.$graph_stats['max']['max'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Min').': '.$graph_stats['max']['min'].' '.$unit;
$legend['sum'] = __('Avg').': '.__('Last').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['last'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Avg').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['avg'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Max').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['max'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Min').': '.$graph_stats['sum']['min'].' '.$unit;
if (!$avg_only) {
$legend['min'] = __('Min').': '.__('Last').': '.$graph_stats['min']['last'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Avg').': '.$graph_stats['min']['avg'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Max').': '.$graph_stats['min']['max'].' '.$unit.' ; '.__('Min').': '.$graph_stats['min']['min'].' '.$unit;
$water_mark = array('file' => $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png",
'url' => ui_get_full_url("images/logo_vertical_water.png", false, false, false));
if ($config['type_module_charts'] === 'area') {
return area_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height, $color,
$legend, array(), '', "", $unit, $homeurl,
$water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $unit,
1, array(), array(), 0, 0, $adapt_key, true, '', $menu);
else {
line_graph($flash_chart, $chart, $width, $height, $color,
$legend, $long_index,
ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false),
"", $unit, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'],
$config['font_size'], $unit, $ttl, $homeurl, $backgroundColor);
* Print a graph with event data of module
* @param integer id_module Module ID
* @param integer width graph width
* @param integer height graph height
* @param integer period time period
* @param string homeurl Home url if the complete path is needed
* @param int Zoom factor over the graph
* @param string adaptation width and margin left key (could be adapter_[something] or adapted_[something])
* @param int date limit of the period
function graphic_module_events ($id_module, $width, $height, $period = 0, $homeurl = '', $zoom = 0, $adapt_key = '', $date = false, $stat_win = false) {
global $config;
global $graphic_type;
$data = array ();
$resolution = $config['graph_res'] * ($period * 2 / $width); // Number of "slices" we want in graph
$interval = (int) ($period / $resolution);
if ($date === false) {
$date = get_system_time ();
$datelimit = $date - $period;
$periodtime = floor ($period / $interval);
$time = array ();
$data = array ();
// Set the title and time format
if ($period <= SECONDS_6HOURS) {
$time_format = 'H:i:s';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1DAY) {
$time_format = 'H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_15DAYS) {
$time_format = 'M d H:i';
elseif ($period < SECONDS_1MONTH) {
$time_format = 'M d H\h';
else {
$time_format = 'M d H\h';
$legend = array();
$cont = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $interval; $i++) {
$bottom = $datelimit + ($periodtime * $i);
if (! $graphic_type) {
$name = date($time_format, $bottom);
//$name = date('H\h', $bottom);
else {
$name = $bottom;
$top = $datelimit + ($periodtime * ($i + 1));
$events = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tevento',
array ('id_agentmodule' => $id_module,
'utimestamp > '.$bottom,
'utimestamp < '.$top),
'event_type, utimestamp');
if (!empty($events)) {
$status = 'normal';
foreach($events as $event) {
if (empty($event['utimestamp'])) {
switch($event['event_type']) {
case 'going_down_normal':
case 'going_up_normal':
// The default status is normal. Do nothing
case 'going_unknown':
if ($status == 'normal') {
$status = 'unknown';
case 'going_up_warning':
case 'going_down_warning':
if ($status == 'normal' || $status == 'unknown') {
$status = 'warning';
case 'going_up_critical':
case 'going_down_critical':
$status = 'critical';
$data[$cont]['utimestamp'] = $periodtime;
if (!empty($events)) {
switch ($status) {
case 'warning':
$data[$cont]['data'] = 2;
case 'critical':
$data[$cont]['data'] = 3;
case 'unknown':
$data[$cont]['data'] = 4;
$data[$cont]['data'] = 1;
else {
$data[$cont]['data'] = 1;
$current_timestamp = $bottom;
$legend[] = date($time_format, $current_timestamp);
$pixels_between_xdata = 25;
$max_xdata_display = round($width / $pixels_between_xdata);
$ndata = count($data);
if ($max_xdata_display > $ndata) {
$xdata_display = $ndata;
else {
$xdata_display = $max_xdata_display;
$step = round($ndata/$xdata_display);
$colors = array(1 => '#38B800', 2 => '#FFFF00', 3 => '#FF0000', 4 => '#C3C3C3');
// Draw slicebar graph
if ($config['flash_charts']) {
echo flot_slicesbar_graph($data, $period, $width, 15, $legend, $colors, $config['fontpath'], $config['round_corner'], $homeurl, '', $adapt_key, $stat_win);
else {
echo slicesbar_graph($data, $period, $width, 15, $colors, $config['fontpath'], $config['round_corner'], $homeurl);
///Functions for the LOG4X graphs
function grafico_modulo_log4x ($id_agente_modulo, $periodo, $show_event,
$width, $height , $title, $unit_name, $show_alert, $avg_only = 0, $pure=0,
$date = 0) {
"); if ($date == "") $now = time (); else $now = $date; $fechatope = $now - $periodo; // limit date $nombre_agente = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ($id_agente_modulo); $nombre_modulo = modules_get_agentmodule_name ($id_agente_modulo); $id_agente = agents_get_agent_id ($nombre_agente); $adjust_time = SECONDS_1MINUTE; if ($periodo == SECONDS_1DAY) $adjust_time = SECONDS_1HOUR; elseif ($periodo == SECONDS_1WEEK) $adjust_time = SECONDS_1DAY; elseif ($periodo == SECONDS_1HOUR) $adjust_time = SECONDS_10MINUTES; elseif ($periodo == SECONDS_1MONTH) $adjust_time = SECONDS_1WEEK; else $adjust_time = $periodo / 12.0; $num_slices = $periodo / $adjust_time; $fechatope_index = grafico_modulo_log4x_index($fechatope, $adjust_time); $sql1="SELECT utimestamp, SEVERITY " . " FROM tagente_datos_log4x " . " WHERE id_agente_modulo = $id_agente_modulo AND utimestamp > $fechatope and utimestamp < $now"; $valores = array(); $max_count = -1; $min_count = 9999999; grafico_modulo_log4x_trace("$sql1"); $rows = 0; $first = true; while ($row = get_db_all_row_by_steps_sql($first, $result, $sql1)) { $first = false; $rows++; $utimestamp = $row[0]; $severity = $row[1]; $severity_num = $row[2]; if (!isset($valores[$severity])) $valores[$severity] = array(); $dest = grafico_modulo_log4x_index($utimestamp, $adjust_time); $index = (($dest - $fechatope_index) / $adjust_time) - 1; if (!isset($valores[$severity][$index])) { $valores[$severity][$index] = array(); $valores[$severity][$index]['pivot'] = $dest; $valores[$severity][$index]['count'] = 0; $valores[$severity][$index]['alerts'] = 0; } $valores[$severity][$index]['count']++; $max_count = max($max_count, $valores[$severity][$index]['count']); $min_count = min($min_count, $valores[$severity][$index]['count']); } grafico_modulo_log4x_trace("$rows rows"); // Create graph // ************* grafico_modulo_log4x_trace(__LINE__); //set_error_handler("myErrorHandler"); grafico_modulo_log4x_trace(__LINE__); $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . getcwd() . $ds."..".$ds."..".$ds."include"); require_once 'Image/Graph.php'; grafico_modulo_log4x_trace(__LINE__); $Graph =& Image_Graph::factory('graph', array($width, $height)); grafico_modulo_log4x_trace(__LINE__); // add a TrueType font $Font =& $Graph->addNew('font', $config['fontpath']); // C:\WINNT\Fonts\ARIAL.TTF $Font->setSize(7); $Graph->setFont($Font); if ($periodo == SECONDS_1DAY) $title_period = $lang_label["last_day"]; elseif ($periodo == SECONDS_1WEEK) $title_period = $lang_label["last_week"]; elseif ($periodo == SECONDS_1HOUR) $title_period = $lang_label["last_hour"]; elseif ($periodo == SECONDS_1MONTH) $title_period = $lang_label["last_month"]; else { $suffix = $lang_label["days"]; $graph_extension = $periodo / SECONDS_1DAY; if ($graph_extension < 1) { $graph_extension = $periodo / SECONDS_1HOUR; $suffix = $lang_label["hours"]; } //$title_period = "Last "; $title_period = format_numeric($graph_extension,2)." $suffix"; } $title_period = html_entity_decode($title_period); grafico_modulo_log4x_trace(__LINE__); if ($pure == 0) { $Graph->add( Image_Graph::horizontal( Image_Graph::vertical( Image_Graph::vertical( $Title = Image_Graph::factory('title', array(' Pandora FMS Graph - '.strtoupper($nombre_agente)." - " .$title_period, 10)), $Subtitle = Image_Graph::factory('title', array(' '.$title, 7)), 90 ), $Plotarea = Image_Graph::factory('plotarea', array('Image_Graph_Axis', 'Image_Graph_Axis')), 15 // If you change this, change the 0.85 below ), Image_Graph::vertical( $Legend = Image_Graph::factory('legend'), $PlotareaMinMax = Image_Graph::factory('plotarea'), 65 ), 85 // If you change this, change the 0.85 below ) ); $Legend->setPlotarea($Plotarea); $Title->setAlignment(IMAGE_GRAPH_ALIGN_LEFT); $Subtitle->setAlignment(IMAGE_GRAPH_ALIGN_LEFT); } else { // Pure, without title and legends $Graph->add($Plotarea = Image_Graph::factory('plotarea', array('Image_Graph_Axis', 'Image_Graph_Axis'))); } grafico_modulo_log4x_trace(__LINE__); $dataset = array(); $severities = array("FATAL", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", "TRACE"); $colors = array("black", "red", "orange", "yellow", "#3300ff", 'magenta'); $max_bubble_radius = $height * 0.6 / (count($severities) + 1); // this is the size for the max_count $y = count($severities) - 1; $i = 0; foreach($severities as $severity) { $dataset[$i] = Image_Graph::factory('dataset'); $dataset[$i]->setName($severity); if (isset($valores[$severity])) { $data =& $valores[$severity]; while (list($index, $data2) = each($data)) { $count = $data2['count']; $pivot = $data2['pivot']; //$x = $scale * $index; $x = 100.0 * ($pivot - $fechatope) / ($now - $fechatope); if ($x > 100) $x = 100; $size = grafico_modulo_log4x_bubble_size($count, $max_count, $max_bubble_radius); // pivot is the value in the X axis // y is the number of steps (from the bottom of the graphics) (zero based) // x is the position of the bubble, in % from the left (0% = full left, 100% = full right) // size is the radius of the bubble // value is the value associated with the bubble (needed to calculate the leyend) // $dataset[$i]->addPoint($pivot, $y, array("x" => $x, "size" => $size, "value" => $count)); } } else { // There's a problem when we have no data ... // This was the first try.. didnt work //$dataset[$i]->addPoint($now, -1, array("x" => 0, "size" => 0)); } $y--; $i++; } grafico_modulo_log4x_trace(__LINE__); // create the 1st plot as smoothed area chart using the 1st dataset $Plot =& $Plotarea->addNew('bubble', array(&$dataset)); $Plot->setFont($Font); $AxisX =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_X); $AxisX->setDataPreprocessor(Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_DataPreprocessor_Function', 'grafico_modulo_log4x_format_x_axis')); $AxisX->forceMinimum($fechatope); $AxisX->forceMaximum($now); $minIntervalWidth = $Plot->getTextWidth("88/88/8888"); $interval_x = $adjust_time; while (true) { $intervalWidth = $width * 0.85 * $interval_x/ $periodo; if ($intervalWidth >= $minIntervalWidth) break; $interval_x *= 2; } $AxisX->setLabelInterval($interval_x); $AxisX->setLabelOption("showtext",true); //* $GridY2 =& $Plotarea->addNew('line_grid'); $GridY2->setLineColor('gray'); $GridY2->setFillColor('lightgray@0.05'); $GridY2->_setPrimaryAxis($AxisX); //$GridY2->setLineStyle(Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_Line_Dotted', array("white", "gray", "gray", "gray"))); $GridY2->setLineStyle(Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_Line_Formatted', array(array("transparent", "transparent", "transparent", "gray")))); //*/ //grafico_modulo_log4x_trace(print_r($AxisX, true)); $AxisY =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y); $AxisY->setDataPreprocessor(Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_DataPreprocessor_Function', 'grafico_modulo_log4x_format_y_axis')); $AxisY->setLabelOption("showtext",true); //$AxisY->setLabelInterval(0); //$AxisY->showLabel(IMAGE_GRAPH_LABEL_ZERO); //* $GridY2 =& $Plotarea->addNew('line_grid'); $GridY2->setLineColor('gray'); $GridY2->setFillColor('lightgray@0.05'); $GridY2->_setPrimaryAxis($AxisY); $GridY2->setLineStyle(Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_Line_Formatted', array(array("transparent", "transparent", "transparent", "gray")))); //*/ $AxisY->forceMinimum(0); $AxisY->forceMaximum(count($severities) + 1) ; // set line colors $FillArray =& Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_Fill_Array'); $Plot->setFillStyle($FillArray); foreach($colors as $color) $FillArray->addColor($color); grafico_modulo_log4x_trace(__LINE__); $FillArray->addColor('green@0.6'); //$AxisY_Weather =& $Plotarea->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y); // Show events ! if ($show_event == 1) { $Plot =& $Plotarea->addNew('Plot_Impulse', array($dataset_event)); $Plot->setLineColor( 'red' ); $Marker_event =& Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_Marker_Cross'); $Plot->setMarker($Marker_event); $Marker_event->setFillColor( 'red' ); $Marker_event->setLineColor( 'red' ); $Marker_event->setSize ( 5 ); } $Axis =& $PlotareaMinMax->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_X); $Axis->Hide(); $Axis =& $PlotareaMinMax->getAxis(IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y); $Axis->Hide(); $plotMinMax =& $PlotareaMinMax->addNew('bubble', array(&$dataset, true)); grafico_modulo_log4x_trace(__LINE__); $Graph->done(); grafico_modulo_log4x_trace(__LINE__); } function grafico_modulo_log4x_index($x, $interval) { return $x + $interval - (($x - 1) % $interval) - 1; } function grafico_modulo_log4x_trace($str) { //echo "$str\n"; } function grafico_modulo_log4x_bubble_size($count, $max_count, $max_bubble_radius) { //Superformula de ROA $r0 = 1.5; $r1 = $max_bubble_radius; $v2 = pow($max_count,1/2.0); return $r1*pow($count,1/2.0)/($v2)+$r0; } function grafico_modulo_log4x_format_x_axis ( $number , $decimals=2, $dec_point=".", $thousands_sep=",") { // $number is the unix time in the local timezone //$dtZone = new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()); //$d = new DateTime("now", $dtZone); //$offset = $dtZone->getOffset($d); //$number -= $offset; return date("d/m", $number) . "\n" . date("H:i", $number); } function grafico_modulo_log4x_format_y_axis ( $number , $decimals=2, $dec_point=".", $thousands_sep=",") { switch ($number) { case 6: return "FATAL"; break; case 5: return "ERROR"; break; case 4: return "WARN"; break; case 3: return "INFO"; break; case 2: return "DEBUG"; break; case 1: return "TRACE"; break; default: return ""; break; } } function graph_nodata_image($width = 300, $height = 110, $type = 'area', $text = '') { $image = ui_get_full_url('images/image_problem_' . $type . '.png', false, false, false); if ($text == '') { $text = __('No data to show'); } $text_div = '' . $text . ''; $image_div = '' . $text_div . ''; $div = '' . $image_div . ''; return $div; } function get_criticity_pie_colors ($data_graph) { $colors = array(); foreach (array_keys($data_graph) as $crit) { switch ($crit) { case __('Maintenance'): $colors[$crit] = COL_MAINTENANCE; break; case __('Informational'): $colors[$crit] = COL_INFORMATIONAL; break; case __('Normal'): $colors[$crit] = COL_NORMAL; break; case __('Warning'): $colors[$crit] = COL_WARNING; break; case __('Critical'): $colors[$crit] = COL_CRITICAL; break; case __('Minor'): $colors[$crit] = COL_MINOR; break; case __('Major'): $colors[$crit] = COL_MAJOR; break; } } return $colors; } /** * Print a rectangular graph with the snmptraps received */ function graph_snmp_traps_treemap ($data, $width = 700, $height = 700) { global $config; if (empty ($data)) { return fs_error_image (); } include_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/graphs/functions_d3.php"); return d3_tree_map_graph ($data, $width, $height, true); } /** * Print a solarburst graph with a representation of all the groups, agents, module groups and modules grouped */ function graph_monitor_wheel ($width = 550, $height = 600, $filter = false) { global $config; include_once ($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_users.php"); include_once ($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_groups.php"); include_once ($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_agents.php"); include_once ($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_modules.php"); $graph_data = array(); $filter_module_group = (!empty($filter) && !empty($filter['module_group'])) ? $filter['module_group'] : false; $groups = users_get_groups(false, "AR", false, true, (!empty($filter) && isset($filter['group']) ? $filter['group'] : null)); $data_groups = array(); if (!empty($groups)) { $groups_aux = $groups; $data_groups = groups_get_tree($groups); $groups_aux = null; } if (!empty($data_groups)) { $filter = array('id_grupo' => array_keys($groups)); $fields = array('id_agente', 'id_parent', 'id_grupo', 'nombre'); $agents = agents_get_agents($filter, $fields); if (!empty($agents)) { $agents_id = array(); $agents_aux = array(); foreach ($agents as $key => $agent) { $agents_aux[$agent['id_agente']] = $agent; } $agents = $agents_aux; $agents_aux = null; $fields = array('id_agente_modulo', 'id_agente', 'id_module_group', 'nombre'); $module_groups = modules_get_modulegroups(); $module_groups[0] = __('Not assigned'); $modules = agents_get_modules(array_keys($agents), '*'); $data_agents = array(); if (!empty($modules)) { foreach ($modules as $key => $module) { $module_id = (int) $module['id_agente_modulo']; $agent_id = (int) $module['id_agente']; $module_group_id = (int) $module['id_module_group']; $module_name = io_safe_output($module['nombre']); $module_status = modules_get_agentmodule_status($module_id); $module_value = modules_get_last_value($module_id); if ($filter_module_group && $filter_module_group != $module_group_id) continue; if (!isset($data_agents[$agent_id])) { $data_agents[$agent_id] = array(); $data_agents[$agent_id]['id'] = $agent_id; $data_agents[$agent_id]['name'] = io_safe_output($agents[$agent_id]['nombre']); $data_agents[$agent_id]['group'] = (int) $agents[$agent_id]['id_grupo']; $data_agents[$agent_id]['type'] = 'agent'; $data_agents[$agent_id]['size'] = 30; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'] = array(); $tooltip_content = __('Agent') . ": " . $data_agents[$agent_id]['name'] . ""; $data_agents[$agent_id]['tooltip_content'] = io_safe_output($tooltip_content); $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_critical'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_warning'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_normal'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_not_init'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_not_normal'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_unknown'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; unset($agents[$agent_id]); } if (!isset($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id])) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id] = array(); $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['id'] = $module_group_id; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['name'] = io_safe_output($module_groups[$module_group_id]); $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['type'] = 'module_group'; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['size'] = 10; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['children'] = array(); $tooltip_content = __('Module group') . ": " . $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['name'] . ""; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['tooltip_content'] = $tooltip_content; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_critical'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_warning'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_normal'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_not_init'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_not_normal'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_unknown'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; } switch ($module_status) { case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_critical']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_critical']++; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_warning']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_warning']++; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL_ALERT: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_normal']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_normal']++; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_not_init']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_not_init']++; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_not_normal']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_not_normal']++; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NO_DATA: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_unknown']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_unknown']++; break; } if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_critical'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_CRITICAL; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_warning'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_WARNING; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_not_normal'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_WARNING; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_unknown'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_normal'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_NORMAL; } else { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_NOTINIT; } if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_critical'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_CRITICAL; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_warning'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_WARNING; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_not_normal'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_WARNING; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_unknown'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_normal'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_NORMAL; } else { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_NOTINIT; } $data_module = array(); $data_module['id'] = $module_id; $data_module['name'] = $module_name; $data_module['type'] = 'module'; $data_module['size'] = 10; $data_module['link'] = ui_get_full_url("index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=$agent_id"); $tooltip_content = __('Module') . ": " . $module_name . ""; if (isset($module_value) && $module_value !== false) { $tooltip_content .= "
"; $tooltip_content .= __('Value') . ": " . io_safe_output($module_value) . ""; } $data_module['tooltip_content'] = $tooltip_content; switch ($module_status) { case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT: $data_module['color'] = COL_CRITICAL; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT: $data_module['color'] = COL_WARNING; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL_ALERT: $data_module['color'] = COL_NORMAL; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT: $data_module['color'] = COL_NOTINIT; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL: $data_module['color'] = COL_WARNING; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NO_DATA: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: default: $data_module['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; break; } $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['children'][] = $data_module; unset($modules[$module_id]); } function order_module_group_keys ($value, $key) { $value['children'] = array_merge($value['children']); return $value; } $data_agents = array_map('order_module_group_keys', $data_agents); } foreach ($agents as $id => $agent) { if (!isset($data_agents[$id])) { $data_agents[$id] = array(); $data_agents[$id]['id'] = (int) $id; $data_agents[$id]['name'] = io_safe_output($agent['nombre']); $data_agents[$id]['type'] = 'agent'; $data_agents[$id]['color'] = COL_NOTINIT; } } $agents = null; } } function iterate_group_array ($groups, &$data_agents) { $data = array(); foreach ($groups as $id => $group) { $group_aux = array(); $group_aux['id'] = (int) $id; $group_aux['name'] = io_safe_output($group['nombre']); $group_aux['show_name'] = true; $group_aux['parent'] = (int) $group['parent']; $group_aux['type'] = 'group'; $group_aux['size'] = 100; $group_aux['status'] = groups_get_status($id); switch ($group_aux['status']) { case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: $group_aux['color'] = COL_CRITICAL; break; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: case AGENT_STATUS_ALERT_FIRED: $group_aux['color'] = COL_WARNING; break; case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: $group_aux['color'] = COL_NORMAL; break; case AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: default: $group_aux['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; break; } $tooltip_content = html_print_image("images/groups_small/" . $group['icon'] . ".png", true) . " " . __('Group') . ": " . $group_aux['name'] . ""; $group_aux['tooltip_content'] = $tooltip_content; if (!isset($group['children'])) $group_aux['children'] = array(); if (!empty($group['children'])) $group_aux['children'] = iterate_group_array($group['children'], $data_agents); $agents = extract_agents_with_group_id($data_agents, (int) $id); if (!empty($agents)) $group_aux['children'] = array_merge($group_aux['children'], $agents); $data[] = $group_aux; } return $data; } function extract_agents_with_group_id (&$agents, $group_id) { $valid_agents = array(); foreach ($agents as $id => $agent) { if (isset($agent['group']) && $agent['group'] == $group_id) { $valid_agents[$id] = $agent; unset($agents[$id]); } } if (!empty($valid_agents)) return $valid_agents; else return false; } $graph_data = array('name' => __('Main node'), 'children' => iterate_group_array($data_groups, $data_agents), 'color' => '#3F3F3F'); if (empty($graph_data['children'])) return fs_error_image(); include_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/graphs/functions_d3.php"); return d3_sunburst_graph ($graph_data, $width, $height, true); } ?>