$value) { $url .= '&' . safe_url_extraclean($key) . '=' . safe_url_extraclean($value); } echo "
"; /* Map with the current position */ echo ""; if (!gis_get_agent_map($id_agente, "500px", "100%", true, true, $period)) { ui_print_error_message( __("There is no default map. Please go to the setup for to set a default map.") ); echo ""; } switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $timestampLastOperation = db_get_value_sql( "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"); break; case "postgresql": $timestampLastOperation = db_get_value_sql( "SELECT ceil(date_part('epoch', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))"); break; case "oracle": $timestampLastOperation = db_get_value_sql( "SELECT ceil((sysdate - to_date('19700101000000','YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')) * (" . SECONDS_1DAY . ")) from dual"); break; } gis_activate_ajax_refresh(null, $timestampLastOperation); gis_activate_select_control(); echo "