name)) or profiles filtered * * @param mixed Array with filter conditions to retrieve profiles or false. * * @return array List of all profiles */ function profile_get_profiles($filter=false) { if ($filter === false) { $profiles = db_get_all_rows_in_table('tperfil', 'name'); } else { $profiles = db_get_all_rows_filter('tperfil', $filter); } $return = []; if ($profiles === false) { return $return; } foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $return[$profile['id_perfil']] = $profile['name']; } return $return; } /** * Create Profile for User * * @param string User ID * @param int Profile ID (default 1 => AR) * @param int Group ID (default 1 => All) * @param string Assign User who assign the profile to user. * @param string tags where the view of the user in this group will be restricted * @param bool Profile is marked to not provide hierarchy * * @return mixed Number id if succesful, false if not */ function profile_create_user_profile( $id_user, $id_profile=1, $id_group=0, $assignUser=false, $tags='', $no_hierarchy=false ) { global $config; if (empty($id_profile) || $id_group < 0) { return false; } // Checks if the user exists $result_user = users_get_user_by_id($id_user); if (!$result_user) { return false; } if (isset($config['id_user'])) { // Usually this is set unless we call it while logging in (user known by auth scheme but not by pandora) $assign = $config['id_user']; } else { $assign = $id_user; } if ($assignUser !== false) { $assign = $assignUser; } $insert = [ 'id_usuario' => $id_user, 'id_perfil' => $id_profile, 'id_grupo' => $id_group, 'tags' => $tags, 'assigned_by' => $assign, 'no_hierarchy' => $no_hierarchy ? 1 : 0, ]; return db_process_sql_insert('tusuario_perfil', $insert); } /** * Delete user profile from database * * @param string User ID * @param int Profile ID * * @return boolean Whether or not it's deleted */ function profile_delete_user_profile($id_user, $id_profile) { $where = [ 'id_usuario' => $id_user, 'id_up' => $id_profile, ]; return (bool) db_process_sql_delete('tusuario_perfil', $where); } /** * Delete profile from database (not user-profile link (tusuario_perfil), but the actual profile (tperfil)) * * @param int Profile ID * * @return boolean Whether or not it's deleted */ function profile_delete_profile($id_profile) { return (bool) db_process_sql_delete('tperfil', ['id_perfil' => $id_profile]); } /** * Delete profile from database and remove from the assigned users (tusuario_perfil) * * @param int Profile ID * * @return boolean Whether or not it's deleted in both tables */ function profile_delete_profile_and_clean_users($id_profile) { $profile_deletion = (bool) db_process_sql_delete('tperfil', ['id_perfil' => $id_profile]); // Delete in tusuario_perfil only if is needed if (!(bool) db_get_value('id_perfil', 'tusuario_perfil', 'id_perfil', $id_profile)) { return $profile_deletion; } return $profile_deletion && (bool) db_process_sql_delete('tusuario_perfil', ['id_perfil' => $id_profile]); } /** * Print the table to display, create and delete profiles * * @param int User id * @param bool Show the tags select or not */ function profile_print_profile_table($id, $json_profile=false, $return=false, $create_user=false) { global $config; $title = __('Profiles/Groups assigned to this user'); $table = new stdClass(); $table->id = 'table_profiles'; $table->width = '100%'; $table->class = 'info_table'; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $table->head_colspan[0] = 0; $table->width = '100%'; $table->class = 'databox_tactical data'; $table->title = $title; } else { echo '
'; } $table->data = []; $table->head = []; $table->align = []; $table->style = []; $table->head['name'] = __('Profile name'); $table->head['group'] = __('Group'); $table->head['tags'] = __('Tags'); $table->head['hierarchy'] = __('No hierarchy'); $table->head['actions'] = __('Action'); $table->align['actions'] = 'center'; $table->headstyle['tags'] = 'width: 33%'; $table->headstyle['hierarchy'] = 'text-align: center'; $table->headstyle['actions'] = 'text-align: center'; if (users_is_admin()) { $result = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tusuario_perfil', ['id_usuario' => $id] ); } else { // Only profiles that can be viewed by the user. $group_um = users_get_groups_UM($config['id_user']); if (isset($group_um[0]) === true) { $group_um_string = implode(',', array_keys(users_get_groups($config['id_user'], 'um', true))); } else { $group_um_string = implode(',', array_keys($group_um)); } $sql = sprintf( "SELECT tusuario_perfil.* FROM tusuario_perfil INNER JOIN tperfil ON tperfil.id_perfil = tusuario_perfil.id_perfil WHERE id_usuario like '%s' AND id_grupo IN (%s)", $id, $group_um_string ); $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); } if ($result === false) { if ($json_profile !== false && empty($json_profile) !== true) { $profile_decoded = json_decode($json_profile); foreach ($profile_decoded as $profile) { if (is_object($profile) === false) { $profile = json_decode($profile); } $result[] = [ 'id_grupo' => $profile->group, 'id_perfil' => $profile->profile, 'tags' => $profile->tags, 'hierarchy' => $profile->hierarchy, ]; } } else { $result = []; } } $lastKey = 0; foreach ($result as $key => $profile) { if ((int) $profile['id_grupo'] === -1) { continue; } $data = []; $profileName = profile_get_name($profile['id_perfil']); if (is_management_allowed() === false) { $data['name'] = $profileName; } else { $data['name'] = html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'index.php?sec2=godmode/users/configure_profile&id='.$profile['id_perfil'], 'content' => $profileName, ], true ); } $data['group'] = ui_print_group_icon($profile['id_grupo'], true); if (is_metaconsole() === false) { $data['group'] .= ''; } $data['group'] .= ' '.ui_print_truncate_text(groups_get_name($profile['id_grupo'], true), GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT); if (is_metaconsole() === false) { $data['group'] .= ''; } if (empty($profile['tags']) === true) { $data['tags'] = ''; } else { if (is_array($profile['tags']) === false) { $tags_ids = explode(',', $profile['tags']); } else { $tags_ids = $profile['tags']; } $tags = tags_get_tags($tags_ids); $data['tags'] = tags_get_tags_formatted($tags); } $data['hierarchy'] = $profile['no_hierarchy'] ? __('Yes') : __('No'); if ($create_user) { $data['actions'] .= html_print_input_image( 'del', 'images/delete.svg', 1, '', true, [ 'onclick' => 'delete_profile(event, this)', 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ); } else { $data['actions'] = ''; } array_push($table->data, $data); $lastKey++; } if (is_metaconsole() === false) { $table->style['last_name'] = 'vertical-align: top'; $table->style['last_group'] = 'vertical-align: top'; $table->style['hierarchy'] = 'text-align:center;'; $table->style['last_hierarchy'] = 'text-align:center;vertical-align: top'; $table->style['actions'] = 'text-align:center;vertical-align: top'; $table->style['last_actions'] = 'text-align:center;vertical-align: top'; } $data = []; $data['last_name'] = ''; array_push($table->data, $data); html_print_table($table, $return); if (is_metaconsole() === false) { echo '