$id_agent, 'delete_pending' => 0, 'id_policy_module' => 0, 'policy_linked' => 0, ]; if ($module_type != 0) { $filter['id_tipo_modulo'] = $module_type; } $module_name = db_get_all_rows_filter('tagente_modulo', $filter, 'nombre'); if ($module_name === false) { $module_name = []; } foreach ($module_name as $mod_name) { $result = process_manage_edit($mod_name['nombre'], $id_agent, $module_status, $modules_selection_mode); $count++; $modules_[] = $mod_name['nombre']; $success += (int) $result; } } if ($success == 0) { $error_msg = __('Error updating the modules from a module type'); } } else if ($force === 'group') { if (empty($modules_) === true) { $modules_ = []; } $agents_ = array_keys(agents_get_group_agents($group_select, false, 'none')); foreach ($agents_ as $id_agent) { $filter = [ 'id_agente' => $id_agent, 'delete_pending' => 0, 'id_policy_module' => 0, 'policy_linked' => 0, ]; $module_name = db_get_all_rows_filter('tagente_modulo', $filter, 'nombre'); if ($module_name === false) { $module_name = []; } foreach ($module_name as $mod_name) { $result = process_manage_edit($mod_name['nombre'], $id_agent, $module_status, $modules_selection_mode); $count++; $modules_[] = $mod_name['nombre']; $success += (int) $result; } } if ($success == 0) { $error_msg = __('Error updating the modules from an agent group'); } } } else { // Standard procedure. foreach ($agents_ as $agent_) { if ($modules_ == false) { $modules_ = []; } foreach ($modules_ as $module_) { $result = process_manage_edit($module_, $agent_, $module_status, $modules_selection_mode); $count++; $success += (int) $result; } } if ($success == 0) { $error_msg = __('Error updating the modules (maybe there was no field to update)'); } } ui_print_result_message( $success > 0, __('Successfully updated').'('.$success.'/'.$count.')', $error_msg ); if (empty($modules_) === true || is_array($modules_) === false) { $modules_ = []; } $info = '{"Modules":"'.implode(',', $modules_).'","Agents":"'.implode(',', $agents_).'"}'; if ($success > 0) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MASSIVE_MANAGEMENT, 'Edit module', false, false, $info ); } else { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MASSIVE_MANAGEMENT, 'Fail try to edit module', false, false, $info ); } } $table = new stdClass(); $table->id = 'delete_table'; $table->class = 'databox filters filter-table-adv'; $table->width = '100%'; $table->data = []; $table->style = []; $table->rowstyle = []; $table->size = []; $table->size[0] = '50%'; $table->size[1] = '50%'; $agents = agents_get_group_agents( array_keys(users_get_groups()), false, 'none' ); switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $module_types = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo,ttipo_modulo', ['tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo = ttipo_modulo.id_tipo', 'id_agente' => array_keys($agents), 'disabled' => 0, 'order' => 'ttipo_modulo.nombre' ], [ 'DISTINCT(id_tipo)', 'CONCAT(ttipo_modulo.descripcion," (",ttipo_modulo.nombre,")") AS description', ] ); break; case 'oracle': $module_types = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo,ttipo_modulo', ['tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo = ttipo_modulo.id_tipo', 'id_agente' => array_keys($agents), 'disabled' => 0, 'order' => 'ttipo_modulo.nombre' ], [ 'id_tipo', 'ttipo_modulo.descripcion || \' (\' || ttipo_modulo.nombre || \')\' AS description', ] ); break; case 'postgresql': $module_types = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo,ttipo_modulo', ['tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo = ttipo_modulo.id_tipo', 'id_agente' => array_keys($agents), 'disabled' => 0, 'order' => 'description' ], [ 'DISTINCT(id_tipo)', 'ttipo_modulo.descripcion || \' (\' || ttipo_modulo.nombre || \')\' AS description', ] ); break; } if ($module_types === false) { $module_types = []; } $types = []; foreach ($module_types as $type) { $types[$type['id_tipo']] = $type['description']; } $table->data[0][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Selection mode'), '
'.__('Select modules first ').''.html_print_radio_button_extended('selection_mode', 'modules', '', $selection_mode, false, '', 'class="mrgn_right_40px"', true).'
'.__('Select agents first ').''.html_print_radio_button_extended('selection_mode', 'agents', '', $selection_mode, false, '', 'class="mrgn_right_40px"', true).'
' ); $table->rowclass[1] = 'select_modules_row'; $types[0] = __('All'); $table->data[1][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Module type'), html_print_select( $types, 'module_type', '', false, __('Select'), -1, true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->data[1][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Select all modules of this type'), html_print_checkbox_extended( 'force_type', 'type', '', '', false, '', true ) ); $modules = []; if ($module_type != '') { $filter = ['id_tipo_modulo' => $module_type]; } else { $filter = false; } $names = agents_get_modules( array_keys($agents), 'tagente_modulo.nombre', $filter, false ); foreach ($names as $name) { $modules[$name['nombre']] = $name['nombre']; } $table->rowclass[2] = 'select_agents_row'; $groups = groups_get_all(true); $groups[0] = __('All'); $table->data[2][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Agent group'), html_print_select_groups( false, 'AW', true, 'groups_select', '', false, '', '', true, false, false, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ).' '.__('Group recursion').' '.html_print_checkbox('recursion', 1, false, true, false) ); $table->data[2][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Select all modules of this group'), html_print_checkbox_extended( 'force_group', 'group', '', '', false, '', true ) ); $table->rowclass[3] = ''; $status_list = []; $table->colspan[3][0] = 2; $status_list[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL] = __('Normal'); $status_list[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING] = __('Warning'); $status_list[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD] = __('Critical'); $status_list[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN] = __('Unknown'); $status_list[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL] = __('Not normal'); $status_list[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT] = __('Not init'); $table->data[3][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Module Status'), html_print_select( $status_list, 'status_module', 'selected', '', __('All'), AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_ALL, true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $tags = tags_get_user_tags(); $table->rowstyle[4] = 'vertical-align: top;'; $table->rowclass[4] = 'select_modules_row select_modules_row_2'; $table->colspan[4][0] = 2; $table->data[4][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Tags'), html_print_select( $tags, 'tags[]', $tags_name, false, __('Any'), -1, true, true, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->rowstyle[5] = 'vertical-align: top;'; $table->rowclass[5] = 'select_modules_row select_modules_row_2'; $table->data[5][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Filter Modules'), html_print_input_text('filter_modules', '', '', false, 255, true) ); $table->data[5][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('When select modules'), html_print_select( [ 'common' => __('Show common agents'), 'all' => __('Show all agents'), ], 'agents_selection_mode', 'common', false, '', '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->rowclass[6] = 'select_modules_row select_modules_row_2'; $table->data[6][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Modules'), html_print_select( $modules, 'module_name[]', $module_name, false, __('Select'), -1, true, true, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ).' '.__('Select all modules').' '.html_print_checkbox('select_all_modules', 1, false, true, false, '', false, "class='static'") ); $table->data[6][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Agent'), html_print_select( [], 'agents[]', $agents_select, false, __('None'), 0, true, true, false, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->rowclass[7] = 'select_agents_row'; $status_list = []; $table->colspan[7][0] = 2; $status_list[AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL] = __('Normal'); $status_list[AGENT_STATUS_WARNING] = __('Warning'); $status_list[AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL] = __('Critical'); $status_list[AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN] = __('Unknown'); $status_list[AGENT_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL] = __('Not normal'); $status_list[AGENT_STATUS_NOT_INIT] = __('Not init'); $table->data[7][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Agent Status'), html_print_select( $status_list, 'status_agents', 'selected', '', __('All'), AGENT_STATUS_ALL, true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $tags = tags_get_user_tags(); $table->colspan[8][0] = 2; $table->rowstyle[8] = 'vertical-align: top;'; $table->rowclass[8] = 'select_agents_row select_agents_row_2'; $table->data[8][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Tags'), html_print_select( $tags, 'tags[]', $tags_name, false, __('Any'), -1, true, true, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->rowstyle[9] = 'vertical-align: top;'; $table->rowclass[9] = 'select_agents_row select_agents_row_2'; $table->data[9][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Filter agents'), html_print_input_text('filter_agents', '', '', false, 255, true) ); $table->data[9][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('When select agents'), html_print_select( [ 'common' => __('Show common modules'), 'all' => __('Show all modules'), 'unknown' => __('Show unknown and not init modules'), ], 'modules_selection_mode', 'common', false, '', '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->rowstyle[10] = 'vertical-align: top;'; $table->rowclass[10] = 'select_agents_row select_agents_row_2'; $table->data[10][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Agents'), html_print_select( $agents, 'id_agents[]', $agents_id, false, '', '', true, true, false, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ).' '.__('Select all agents').' '.html_print_checkbox('select_all_agents', 1, false, true, false, '', false, "class='static'") ); $table->data[10][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Modules'), html_print_select( [], 'module[]', $modules_select, false, '', '', true, true, false, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->data[11][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Dynamic Interval'), html_print_extended_select_for_time( 'dynamic_interval', -2, '', 'None', '0', 10, true, 'width:100%', false, '', false, false, '', true ) ); $table->data[11][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Dynamic Two Tailed: '), html_print_checkbox('dynamic_two_tailed', 1, '', true) ); $table->data[12][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Dynamic Min.'), html_print_input_text('dynamic_min', '', '', false, 255, true) ); $table->data[12][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Dynamic Max.'), html_print_input_text('dynamic_max', '', '', false, 255, true) ); $table_warning = new stdClass(); $table_warning->class = 'filters filter-table-adv'; $table_warning->width = '100%'; $table_warning->size[0] = '33%'; $table_warning->size[1] = '33%'; $table_warning->size[2] = '33%'; $table_warning->tdid[0][0] = 'edit1-1-min'; $table_warning->data[0][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Min.'), html_print_input_text( 'min_warning', '', '', false, 255, true ) ); $table_warning->tdid[0][1] = 'edit1-1-max'; $table_warning->data[0][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max.'), html_print_input_text( 'max_warning', '', '', false, 255, true ) ); $table_warning->tdid[0][2] = 'edit1-1-str'; $table_warning->data[0][2] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Str.'), html_print_input_text( 'str_warning', '', '', false, 1024, true ) ); $table_warning->data[1][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Inverse interval'), html_print_select( [ '' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Yes'), '0' => __('No'), ], 'warning_inverse', '', '', '', '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table_warning->data[1][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Percentage').ui_print_help_tip('Defines threshold as a percentage of value decrease/increment', true), html_print_select( [ '' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Yes'), '0' => __('No'), ], 'percentage_warning', '', '', '', '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table_warning->data[1][2] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Change to critical status after.'), html_print_input_text( 'warning_time', '', '', false, 15, true ) ); $table->colspan[13][0] = 2; $table->data[13][0] = html_print_label_input_block(__('Warning status'), html_print_table($table_warning, true)); $table_critical = new stdClass(); $table_critical->class = 'filters filter-table-adv'; $table_critical->width = '100%'; $table_critical->size[0] = '33%'; $table_critical->size[1] = '33%'; $table_critical->size[2] = '33%'; $table_critical->tdid[0][0] = 'edit1-3-min'; $table_critical->data[0][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Min.'), html_print_input_text( 'min_critical', '', '', false, 255, true ) ); $table_critical->tdid[0][1] = 'edit1-3-max'; $table_critical->data[0][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max.'), html_print_input_text( 'max_critical', '', '', false, 255, true ) ); $table_critical->tdid[0][2] = 'edit1-3-str'; $table_critical->data[0][2] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Str.'), html_print_input_text( 'str_warning', '', '', false, 1024, true ) ); $table_critical->data[1][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Inverse interval'), html_print_select( [ '' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Yes'), '0' => __('No'), ], 'warning_inverse', '', '', '', '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table_critical->data[1][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Percentage').ui_print_help_tip('Defines threshold as a percentage of value decrease/increment', true), html_print_select( [ '' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Yes'), '0' => __('No'), ], 'percentage_warning', '', '', '', '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->colspan[14][0] = 2; $table->data[14][0] = html_print_label_input_block(__('Critical status'), html_print_table($table_critical, true)); $table->colspan[15][0] = 2; $table->data[15][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Description'), html_print_textarea( 'descripcion', 2, 50, '', '', true ) ); $table->data[16][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Interval'), html_print_extended_select_for_time( 'module_interval', 0, '', __('No change'), '0', 10, true, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->data[16][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Disabled'), html_print_select( [ '' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Yes'), '0' => __('No'), ], 'disabled', '', '', '', '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->data[17][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Post process'), html_print_extended_select_for_post_process( 'post_process', -1, '', '', 0, false, true, 'width:95%', true, false, 1 ) ); $table->data['made_enabled'][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('MADE enabled').ui_print_help_tip( __('By activating this option, the module data will be processed by the MADE engine (if active), and events will be generated automatically by the IA engine'), true ), html_print_checkbox_switch( 'made_enabled', 1, false, true, false, '', false, 'wp100 static' ) ); $table->data[17][2] = html_print_label_input_block( __('SNMP community'), html_print_input_text( 'snmp_community', '', '', false, 100, true ) ); $table->colspan[18][0] = 2; $table->data[18][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('SNMP OID'), html_print_input_text( 'snmp_oid', '', '', false, 80, true ) ); $target_ip_values = []; $target_ip_values['auto'] = __('Auto'); $target_ip_values['force_pri'] = __('Force primary key'); $target_ip_values['custom'] = __('Custom'); $table->data[19][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Target IP'), html_print_select( $target_ip_values, 'ip_target', '', '', __('No change'), '', true, false, false, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ).html_print_input_text('custom_ip_target', '', '', false, 60, true) ); $snmp_versions['1'] = 'v. 1'; $snmp_versions['2c'] = 'v. 2c'; $snmp_versions['3'] = 'v. 3'; $table->data[19][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('SNMP version'), html_print_select( $snmp_versions, 'snmp_version', '', '', __('No change'), '', true, false, false, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->data[20][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Auth user'), html_print_input_text( 'plugin_user_snmp', '', '', false, 60, true ) ); $table->data[20][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Auth password').ui_print_help_tip(__('The pass length must be eight character minimum.'), true), html_print_input_password('plugin_pass_snmp', '', '', 15, 60, true) ); $table->data[21][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Privacy method'), html_print_select(['DES' => __('DES'), 'AES' => __('AES')], 'snmp3_privacy_method', '', '', __('No change'), '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%') ); $table->data[21][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Privacy pass').ui_print_help_tip(__('The pass length must be eight character minimum.'), true), html_print_input_password('snmp3_privacy_pass', '', '', 15, 60, true) ); $table->data[22][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Auth method'), html_print_select(['MD5' => __('MD5'), 'SHA' => __('SHA')], 'plugin_parameter', '', '', __('No change'), '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%') ); $table->data[22][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Security level'), html_print_select( [ 'noAuthNoPriv' => __('Not auth and not privacy method'), 'authNoPriv' => __('Auth and not privacy method'), 'authPriv' => __('Auth and privacy method'), ], 'custom_string_3', '', '', __('No change'), '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table_value = new stdClass(); $table_value->class = 'filters filter-table-adv'; $table_value->width = '100%'; $table_value->size[0] = '50%'; $table_value->size[1] = '50%'; $table_value->data[0][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Min.'), html_print_input_text('min', '', '', false, 15, true) ); $table_value->data[0][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max.'), html_print_input_text('max', '', '', false, 15, true) ); $table->data[23][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Value'), html_print_table($table_value, true) ); // Create module groups values for select. $module_groups = modules_get_modulegroups(); $module_groups[0] = __('Not assigned'); $table->data[23][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Module group'), html_print_select( $module_groups, 'id_module_group', '', '', __('No change'), '', true, false, false, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->data[24][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Username'), html_print_input_text('plugin_user', '', '', false, 60, true) ); $table->data[24][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Password'), html_print_input_password('plugin_pass', '', '', 15, 60, true) ); // Export target. $targets2 = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT id, name FROM tserver_export ORDER by name'); if ($targets2 === false) { $targets2 = []; } $targets = []; $targets[0] = __('None'); foreach ($targets2 as $t) { $targets[$t['id']] = $t['name']; } $table->data[25][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Export target'), html_print_select($targets, 'id_export', '', '', __('No change'), '', true, false, false, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%') ); $table->data[25][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Unit'), html_print_extended_select_for_unit('unit', '-1', '', '', '0', false, true, 'width:100%;', false, false, 1, 'w100p flex') ); // FF stands for Flip-flop. $table_threshold = new stdClass(); $table_threshold->class = 'filters filter-table-adv'; $table_threshold->width = '100%'; $table_threshold->size[0] = '33%'; $table_threshold->size[1] = '33%'; $table_threshold->size[2] = '33%'; $table_threshold->data[0][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Mode'), html_print_select( [ '' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Each state changing'), '0' => __('All state changing'), ], 'each_ff', '', '', '', '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table_threshold->data[0][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('All state changing'), html_print_input_text( 'min_ff_event', '', '', false, 15, true, false, false, '', 'w100p' ) ); $table_threshold->data[0][2] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Keep counters'), html_print_select( [ '' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Active Counters'), '0' => __('Inactive Counters'), ], 'ff_type', '', '', '', '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table_change_status = new stdClass(); $table_change_status->class = 'filters filter-table-adv'; $table_change_status->width = '100%'; $table_change_status->size[0] = '33%'; $table_change_status->size[1] = '33%'; $table_change_status->size[2] = '33%'; $table_change_status->data[0][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('To normal'), html_print_input_text( 'min_ff_event_normal', '', '', false, 15, true ) ); $table_change_status->data[0][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('To warning'), html_print_input_text( 'min_ff_event_warning', '', '', false, 15, true ) ); $table_change_status->data[0][2] = html_print_label_input_block( __('To critical'), html_print_input_text( 'min_ff_event_critical', '', '', false, 15, true ) ); $table_threshold->colspan[1][0] = 3; $table_threshold->data[1][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Each state changing'), html_print_table($table_change_status, true) ); $table->colspan[26][0] = 2; $table->data[26][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('FF threshold'), html_print_table($table_threshold, true) ); $table->data[27][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('FF interval').ui_print_help_tip( __('Module execution flip flop time interval (in secs).'), true ), html_print_input_text( 'module_ff_interval', '', '', false, 10, true ) ); $table->data[27][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('FF timeout').ui_print_help_tip( __('Timeout in secs from start of flip flop counting. If this value is exceeded, FF counter is reset. Set to 0 for no timeout.'), true ), html_print_input_text( 'ff_timeout', '', '', false, 10, true ) ); $table->data[28][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Historical data'), html_print_select(['' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Yes'), '0' => __('No')], 'history_data', '', '', '', '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%') ); $table->data[28][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Category'), html_print_select(categories_get_all_categories('forselect'), 'id_category', '', '', __('No change'), '', true, false, false, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%') ); // Tags avalaible. $table->data[29][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Tags'), html_print_select_from_sql( 'SELECT id_tag, name FROM ttag ORDER BY name', 'id_tag[]', $id_tag, '', __('None'), '0', true, true, false, false, 'width: 100%', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table->data[29][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Discard unknown events').ui_print_help_tip(__('With this mode, the unknown state will be detected, but it will not generate events.'), true), html_print_select( [ '' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Yes'), '0' => __('No'), ], 'throw_unknown_events', '', '', '', '', true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); if (enterprise_installed()) { $table->data[30][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Policy linking status').ui_print_help_tip(__('This field only has sense in modules adopted by a policy.'), true), html_print_select([MODULE_PENDING_LINK => __('Linked'), MODULE_PENDING_UNLINK => __('Unlinked')], 'policy_linked', '', '', __('No change'), '', true, false, false, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%') ); } $table->data[32][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Critical instructions').ui_print_help_tip(__('Instructions when the status is critical'), true), html_print_textarea('critical_instructions', 2, 50, '', '', true) ); $table->data[32][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Warning instructions').ui_print_help_tip(__('Instructions when the status is warning'), true), html_print_textarea('warning_instructions', 2, 50, '', '', true) ); $table->data[33][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Unknown instructions').ui_print_help_tip(__('Instructions when the status is unknown'), true), html_print_textarea('unknown_instructions', 2, 50, '', '', true) ); $table->data[33][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Quiet').ui_print_help_tip(__('The module still store data but the alerts and events will be stop'), true), html_print_select( [ -1 => __('No change'), 1 => __('Yes'), 0 => __('No'), ], 'quiet_select', -1, '', '', 0, true, false, true, 'w100p', false, 'width:100%' ) ); $table_timeout = new stdClass(); $table_timeout->class = 'filters filter-table-adv'; $table_timeout->width = '100%'; $table_timeout->size[0] = '33%'; $table_timeout->size[1] = '33%'; $table_timeout->size[2] = '33%'; $table_timeout->data[0][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Timeout').ui_print_help_tip( __('Seconds that agent will wait for the execution of the module.'), true ), html_print_input_text( 'max_timeout', '', '', false, 10, true ) ); $table_timeout->data[0][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Retries').ui_print_help_tip(__('Number of retries that the module will attempt to run.'), true), html_print_input_text('max_retries', '', '', false, 10, true), ); $table_timeout->data[0][2] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Port'), html_print_input_text('tcp_port', '', '', false, 20, true) ); $table->colspan[34][0] = 2; $table->data[34][0] = html_print_label_input_block( '', html_print_table($table_timeout, true) ); $table->colspan[35][0] = 2; $table->data[35][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Web checks'), '' ); $table->data[36][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('TCP send'), html_print_textarea('tcp_send2', 2, 65, '', '', true) ); $table->data[36][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('TCP receive'), html_print_textarea('tcp_rcv', 2, 65, '', '', true) ); $table->data[37][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('WMI query'), html_print_input_text('wmi_query', '', '', false, 255, true) ); $table->data[37][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Key string'), html_print_input_text('key_string', '', '', false, 60, true) ); $table->data[38][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Field number'), html_print_input_text('field_number', '', '', false, 15, true) ); if (empty($id_plugin) === false) { $preload = db_get_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT description FROM tplugin WHERE id = %s', $id_plugin ) ); $preload = io_safe_output($preload); $preload = str_replace("\n", '
', $preload); } else { $preload = ''; } $table->data[38][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Plugin').ui_print_help_icon('plugin_macros', true), html_print_select_from_sql( 'SELECT id, name FROM tplugin ORDER BY name', 'id_plugin', '', 'changePluginSelect();', __('None'), 0, true, false, false, false, 'width:100%' ).sprintf( '%s', $preload ) ); // Store the macros in base64 into a hidden control to move between pages. $table->data[39][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Command'), html_print_input_text_extended( 'tcp_send', '', 'command_text', '', false, 10000, false, '', '', true ).html_print_input_hidden('macros', base64_encode($macros), true) ); require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/class/CredentialStore.class.php'; $array_credential_identifier = CredentialStore::getKeys('CUSTOM'); $table->data[39][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Credential identifier'), html_print_select( $array_credential_identifier, 'custom_string_1', '', '', __('None'), '', true, false, false, 'w100p' ) ); $array_os = [ '' => __('No change'), 'inherited' => __('Inherited'), 'linux' => __('Linux'), 'windows' => __('Windows'), ]; $table->data[40][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Target OS'), html_print_select( $array_os, 'custom_string_2', '', '', '', '', true, false, false, 'w100p' ) ); $table->data[40][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Ignore unknown').ui_print_help_tip(_('This disables the module\'s state calculation to unknown, so it will never transition to unknown. The state it reflects is the last known status.'), true), html_print_select( [ '' => __('No change'), '1' => __('Yes'), '0' => __('No'), ], 'ignore_unknown', '', '', '', '', true, false, false, 'w100p' ) ); echo '
'; html_print_table($table); attachActionButton('update', 'update', $table->width, false, $SelectAction); echo '
'; echo ''; // Hack to translate text "none" in PHP to javascript. echo ''; echo ''; // Load JS files. ui_require_javascript_file('pandora_modules'); ui_require_jquery_file('pandora.controls'); if ($selection_mode == 'modules') { $modules_row = ''; $agents_row = 'none'; } else { $modules_row = 'none'; $agents_row = ''; } ?> '_field'.$i.'_', 'desc' => io_safe_input($value_field_desc), 'help' => io_safe_input($value_field_desc), 'value' => $value_field, ]; } } $values['macros'] = json_encode($values['macros']); $values[$field] = $value; } break; case 'module_interval': if ($value != 0) { $values[$field] = $value; } break; case 'dynamic_interval': if ($value !== '-2') { $values[$field] = $value; } break; case 'plugin_pass': if ($value != '') { $values['plugin_pass'] = io_input_password($value); } break; case 'post_process': if ($value !== '-1') { $values['post_process'] = $value; } break; case 'unit_select': if ($value != -1) { $values['unit'] = (string) get_parameter('unit'); } break; case 'wmi_query': if ($value != '') { $values['snmp_oid'] = $value; } break; case 'key_string': if ($value != '') { $values['snmp_community'] = $value; } break; case 'field_number': if ($value != '') { $values['tcp_port'] = $value; } break; case 'tcp_send2': $tcp_send2 = $value; break; case 'plugin_parameter_text': if ($value != '') { $values['plugin_parameter'] = $value; } break; case 'snmp_version': $snmp_version = $value; break; default: if ($value != '') { $values[$field] = $value; } break; } } // Specific snmp reused fields if (get_parameter('snmp_version', '') == 3) { $plugin_user_snmp = get_parameter('plugin_user_snmp', ''); if ($plugin_user_snmp != '') { $values['plugin_user'] = $plugin_user_snmp; } $plugin_pass_snmp = get_parameter('plugin_pass_snmp', ''); if ($plugin_pass_snmp != '') { $values['plugin_pass'] = io_input_password($plugin_pass_snmp); } $snmp3_privacy_method = get_parameter('snmp3_privacy_method', ''); if ($snmp3_privacy_method != '') { $values['custom_string_1'] = io_input_password($snmp3_privacy_method); } $snmp3_privacy_pass = get_parameter('snmp3_privacy_pass', ''); if ($snmp3_privacy_pass != '') { $values['custom_string_2'] = io_input_password($snmp3_privacy_pass); } } $throw_unknown_events = get_parameter('throw_unknown_events', ''); if ($throw_unknown_events !== '') { // Set the event type that can show. $disabled_types_event = [ EVENTS_GOING_UNKNOWN => (int) $throw_unknown_events, ]; $values['disabled_types_event'] = json_encode($disabled_types_event); } if (strlen(get_parameter('history_data')) > 0) { $values['history_data'] = get_parameter('history_data'); } if (get_parameter('quiet_select', -1) != -1) { $values['quiet'] = get_parameter('quiet_select'); } // Whether to update module tag info. $update_tags = get_parameter('id_tag', false); if (array_search(0, $agents_select) !== false) { if (is_numeric($module_name) === false || ($module_name !== 0)) { $filterModules = sprintf('AND tam.nombre = \'%s\'', $module_name); } else { $filterModules = ''; } // Apply at All agents (within valid groups). $modules = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT tam.id_agente_modulo, tam.id_tipo_modulo,tam.macros, tam.id_plugin FROM tagente_modulo tam INNER JOIN tagente ta ON ta.id_agente = tam.id_agente WHERE ta.id_grupo IN (%s) %s;', implode(',', array_keys(users_get_groups())), $filterModules ) ); } else { if ($module_name === '0') { // Any module. $modules = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo', [ 'id_agente' => $agents_select, 'id_policy_module' => 0, 'policy_linked' => 0, ], [ 'id_agente_modulo', 'id_tipo_modulo', 'macros', 'id_plugin', ] ); } else { $modules = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo', [ 'id_agente' => $agents_select, 'nombre' => $module_name, ], [ 'id_agente_modulo', 'id_tipo_modulo', 'macros', 'id_plugin', ] ); } } if ($modules === false) { return false; } if (($module_status === 'unknown') && ($module_name == '0')) { $modules_to_delete = []; foreach ($modules as $mod_id) { $mod_status = (int) db_get_value_filter('estado', 'tagente_estado', ['id_agente_modulo' => $mod_id]); // Unknown, not init and no data modules. if ($mod_status == 3 || $mod_status == 4 || $mod_status == 5) { $modules_to_delete[$mod_id] = $mod_id; } } $modules = $modules_to_delete; } foreach ($modules as $module) { if ($module_status !== '-1') { if (modules_is_not_init($module['id_agente_modulo']) === true) { if ($module_status != AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NO_DATA && $module_status != AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT) { continue; } } else { $status = modules_get_agentmodule_status($module['id_agente_modulo']); if ($module_status !== $status) { continue; } } } // Set tcp_send value according to module type since the purpose of this field in database varies in case of SNMP modules. if ($module['id_tipo_modulo'] == MODULE_TYPE_REMOTE_SNMP || $module['id_tipo_modulo'] == MODULE_TYPE_REMOTE_SNMP_INC || $module['id_tipo_modulo'] == MODULE_TYPE_REMOTE_SNMP_STRING || $module['id_tipo_modulo'] <= MODULE_TYPE_REMOTE_SNMP_PROC ) { if ($snmp_version != '') { $values['tcp_send'] = $snmp_version; } else { unset($values['tcp_send']); } } else { if ($tcp_send2 != '') { $values['tcp_send'] = $tcp_send2; } else { unset($values['tcp_send']); } } if ($module['macros'] && $module['id_plugin'] == $values['id_plugin']) { $module_macros = json_decode($module['macros'], true); $values_macros = json_decode($values['macros'], true); foreach ($values_macros as $k => $value_macro) { foreach ($module_macros as $s => $module_macro) { if ($value_macro['macro'] == $module_macro['macro'] && $value_macro['value'] !== '') { $module_macros[$s]['value'] = $value_macro['value']; $module_macros[$s]['desc'] = $value_macro['desc']; $module_macros[$s]['help'] = $value_macro['help']; } } } $values['macros'] = json_encode($module_macros); } if (modules_made_compatible($module['id_tipo_modulo']) === false) { $values['made_enabled'] = 0; } $result = modules_update_agent_module( $module['id_agente_modulo'], $values, true, $update_tags ); if (is_error($result)) { return false; } } return true; }