(function () { var numberOfPoints = 100; var refresh = parseInt($('#refresh').val()); var incremental = $('#checkbox-incremental').is(':checked') || $('#hidden-incremental').val() == 1; var lastIncVal = null; var intervalRef = null; var currentXHR = null; var plot; var plotOptions = { legend: { container: $("#chartLegend") }, xaxis: { tickFormatter: function (timestamp, axis) { var date = new Date(timestamp * 1000); var server_timezone_offset = get_php_value('timezone_offset'); var local_timezone_offset = date.getTimezoneOffset()*60*-1; if (server_timezone_offset != local_timezone_offset) { // If timezone of server and client is different, adjust the time to the server date = new Date((timestamp + (server_timezone_offset - local_timezone_offset)) * 1000); } var hours = (date.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + date.getHours() : date.getHours()); var minutes = (date.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes()); var seconds = (date.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds()); var formattedTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds; return formattedTime; } }, yaxis: { tickFormatter: function (value, axis) { return shortNumber(value); } }, series: { lines: { lineWidth: 2, fill: true } }, colors: ['#6db431'] }; function updatePlot (data) { plot = $.plot($('.graph'), data, plotOptions); } function requestData () { var rel_path = $("#hidden-rel_path").val(); currentXHR = $.ajax({ url: rel_path + "extensions/realtime_graphs/ajax.php", type: "POST", dataType: "json", data: { graph: $('#graph :selected').val(), graph_title: $('#graph :selected').html(), snmp_community: $('#text-snmp_community').val(), snmp_oid: $('#text-snmp_oid').val(), snmp_ver: $('#snmp_version :selected').val(), snmp_address: $('#text-ip_target').val(), refresh: refresh }, success: function (serie) { var timestamp = serie.data[0][0]; var data = plot.getData(); if (incremental) { var currentVal = serie.data[0][1]; // Try to avoid the first value, cause we need at least two values to get the increment serie.data[0][1] = lastIncVal == null ? 0 : currentVal - lastIncVal; // Incremental is always positive if (serie.data[0][1] < 0) serie.data[0][1] = 0; // Store the current value to use it into the next request lastIncVal = currentVal; } if (data.length === 0) { for (i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) { var step = i * (refresh / 1000); serie.data.unshift([timestamp - step, 0]); } serie = [serie]; updatePlot(serie); return; } data[0].label = serie.label; if (data[0].data.length >= numberOfPoints) { data[0].data.shift(); } data[0].data.push(serie.data[0]); updatePlot(data); } }); } function startDataPooling () { intervalRef = window.setInterval(requestData, refresh); } function resetDataPooling () { if (currentXHR !== null) currentXHR.abort(); // Stop and start the interval window.clearInterval(intervalRef); startDataPooling(); } function clearGraph () { var data = plot.getData(); if (data.length === 0) return; for (i = 0; i < data[0].data.length; i ++) { data[0].data[i][1] = 0; } if (incremental) lastIncVal = null; updatePlot(data); resetDataPooling(); } // Set the form OID to the value selected in the SNMP browser function setOID () { if ($('#snmp_browser_version').val() == '3') { $('#text-snmp_oid').val($('#table1-0-1').text()); } else { $('#text-snmp_oid').val($('#snmp_selected_oid').text()); } // Close the SNMP browser $('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').trigger('click'); } // Show the SNMP browser window function snmpBrowserWindow () { // Keep elements in the form and the SNMP browser synced $('#text-target_ip').val($('#text-ip_target').val()); $('#text-community').val($('#text-snmp_community').val()); $('#snmp_browser_version').val($('#snmp_version').val()); $('#snmp3_browser_auth_user').val($('#snmp3_auth_user').val()); $('#snmp3_browser_security_level').val($('#snmp3_security_level').val()); $('#snmp3_browser_auth_method').val($('#snmp3_auth_method').val()); $('#snmp3_browser_auth_pass').val($('#snmp3_auth_pass').val()); $('#snmp3_browser_privacy_method').val($('#snmp3_privacy_method').val()); $('#snmp3_browser_privacy_pass').val($('#snmp3_privacy_pass').val()); $("#snmp_browser_container").show().dialog ({ title: '', resizable: true, draggable: true, modal: true, overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: "black" }, width: 920, height: 500 }); } function shortNumber (number) { if (Math.round(number) != number) return number; number = Number.parseInt(number); if (Number.isNaN(number)) return number; var shorts = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"]; var pos = 0; while (number >= 1000 || number <= -1000) { pos++; number = number / 1000; } return number + " " + shorts[pos]; } $('#graph').change(function() { $('form#realgraph').submit(); }); $('#refresh').change(function () { refresh = parseInt($('#refresh').val()); resetDataPooling(); }); $('#checkbox-incremental').change(function() { incremental = $('#checkbox-incremental').is(':checked'); clearGraph(); }); updatePlot([]); requestData(); startDataPooling(); // Expose this functions window.realtimeGraphs = { clearGraph: clearGraph, setOID: setOID, snmpBrowserWindow: snmpBrowserWindow } })();