Pandora is the free Distributed Monitoring System. This is the Windows agent, programmed in C++ with GNU tools and gcc. The binary included is PandoraAgent.exe, that will run as a Windows Service. This should be done by the installer, if you have any problem, run: PandoraAgent.exe --install You can test the SSH configuration of the agent with command line: PandoraAgent.exe --test-ssh The directory structure that will be created is something like: Pandora_Agent\pandora_agent.conf :: Pandora Windows Agent main configuration Pandora_Agent\key\ :: Directory which holds the private and public key files Pandora_Agent\key\id_dsa :: Private key to access the Pandora server using SSH Pandora_Agent\key\ :: Public key to access the Pandora server using SSH You also have: Pandora_Agent\utils\ :: Directory where the user could put misc utils to use with exec type modules I.e. UNIX-like tools (cut, grep, etc...) In the configuration file pandora_agent.conf, you can find these directives (this is a small resume, more information at server_ip - Hostname or Pandora Server IP where the gathered data will be sent. server_path - Path where the server will store the data sent by agent. Usually is "/opt/pandora/data_in". temporal - Path where the agent stores locally data before send them to the Pandora Server. The agent deletes the data every time it tries to connect to Pandora Server. interval - Period in seconds between every time the agent sends data to Pandora Server. Usually its value is 300 (5 minutes). agent_name - Alternative name of the Agent. This directive is optional, the name is taken from the system where the agent runs. hostname - Alternative name of the host. This directive is optional, the name is taken from the system where the agent runs. private_key - Path to the pandora agent private key. module_begin - Beginning of a module module_end - End of a module module_name - Name for the identification of the module module_type - Type of data of the module: - generic_data - It's a simple numeric, floating point or integer. - generic_data_inc - It's an integer numeric, difference between the data collected previously with the data collected at that moment. - generic_data_string - Text String. - generic_proc - It stores the state of processes numerically. Its value is 0 for a "bad" state and any number greater than 0 for the "good" state. module_description - Description of the module :-D