START TRANSACTION; ALTER TABLE tevent_filter ADD private_filter_user text NULL; ALTER TABLE `ttrap` ADD COLUMN `utimestamp` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; UPDATE ttrap SET utimestamp=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tlog_alert` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` TEXT , `description` MEDIUMTEXT, `order` INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0, `mode` ENUM('PASS','DROP'), `field1` TEXT , `field2` TEXT , `field3` TEXT , `field4` TEXT , `field5` TEXT , `field6` TEXT , `field7` TEXT , `field8` TEXT , `field9` TEXT , `field10` TEXT , `time_threshold` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 86400, `max_alerts` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `min_alerts` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `time_from` time DEFAULT '00:00:00', `time_to` time DEFAULT '00:00:00', `monday` TINYINT DEFAULT 1, `tuesday` TINYINT DEFAULT 1, `wednesday` TINYINT DEFAULT 1, `thursday` TINYINT DEFAULT 1, `friday` TINYINT DEFAULT 1, `saturday` TINYINT DEFAULT 1, `sunday` TINYINT DEFAULT 1, `recovery_notify` TINYINT DEFAULT 0, `field1_recovery` TEXT, `field2_recovery` TEXT, `field3_recovery` TEXT, `field4_recovery` TEXT, `field5_recovery` TEXT, `field6_recovery` TEXT, `field7_recovery` TEXT, `field8_recovery` TEXT, `field9_recovery` TEXT, `field10_recovery` TEXT, `id_group` MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0, `internal_counter` INT DEFAULT 0, `last_fired` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `last_reference` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `times_fired` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `disabled` TINYINT DEFAULT 0, `standby` TINYINT DEFAULT 0, `priority` TINYINT DEFAULT 0, `force_execution` TINYINT DEFAULT 0, `group_by` enum ('','id_agente','id_agentmodule','id_alert_am','id_grupo') DEFAULT '', `special_days` TINYINT DEFAULT 0, `disable_event` TINYINT DEFAULT 0, `id_template_conditions` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `id_template_fields` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `last_evaluation` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `pool_occurrences` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `schedule` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8MB4; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tlog_rule` ( `id_log_rule` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_log_alert` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `operation` ENUM('NOP', 'AND','OR','XOR','NAND','NOR','NXOR'), `order` INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0, `window` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `name` TEXT, `log_content` TEXT, `log_source` TEXT, `log_agent` TEXT, `operator_log_content` TEXT COMMENT 'Operator for log_content', `operator_log_source` TEXT COMMENT 'Operator for log_source', `operator_log_agent` TEXT COMMENT 'Operator for log_agent', PRIMARY KEY (`id_log_rule`), KEY `idx_id_log_alert` (`id_log_alert`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8MB4; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tlog_alert_action` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_log_alert` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `id_alert_action` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `fires_min` INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0, `fires_max` INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0, `module_action_threshold` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `last_execution` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FOREIGN KEY (`id_log_alert`) REFERENCES tlog_alert(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`id_alert_action`) REFERENCES talert_actions(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8MB4; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tgraph_analytics_filter` ( `id` INT NOT NULL auto_increment, `filter_name` VARCHAR(45) NULL, `user_id` VARCHAR(255) NULL, `graph_modules` TEXT NULL, `interval` INT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8MB4; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tconfig_os_version` ( `id_os_version` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `product` TEXT, `version` TEXT, `end_of_support` VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_os_version`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF8MB4; ALTER TABLE `tusuario` MODIFY COLUMN `integria_user_level_pass` TEXT; DROP TABLE `tincidencia`; DROP TABLE `tnota`; DROP TABLE `tattachment`; ALTER TABLE `talert_commands` ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE (`name`); ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` MODIFY COLUMN `name` VARCHAR(500); ALTER TABLE `talert_actions` ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE (`name`); SET @command_name = 'Pandora ITSM Ticket'; SET @command_description = 'Create a ticket in Pandora ITSM'; SET @action_name = 'Create Pandora ITSM ticket'; UPDATE `talert_commands` SET `name` = @command_name, `description` = @command_description WHERE `name` = 'Integria IMS Ticket' AND `internal` = 1; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_commands` (`name`, `command`, `description`, `internal`, `fields_descriptions`, `fields_values`) VALUES (@command_name,'Internal type',@command_description,1,'["Ticket title","Ticket group ID","Ticket priority","Ticket owner","Ticket type","Ticket status","Ticket description","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_"]','["", "_ITSM_groups_", "_ITSM_priorities_","_ITSM_users_","_ITSM_types_","_ITSM_status_","_html_editor_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_","_custom_field_ITSM_"]'); SELECT @id_alert_command := `id` FROM `talert_commands` WHERE `name` = @command_name; UPDATE `talert_actions` SET `name` = @action_name WHERE `name` = 'Create Integria IMS ticket' AND `id_alert_command` = @id_alert_command; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_actions` (`name`, `id_alert_command`) VALUES (@action_name,@id_alert_command); SET @event_response_name = 'Create ticket in Pandora ITSM from event'; SET @event_response_description = 'Create a ticket in Pandora ITSM from an event'; SET @event_response_target = 'index.php?sec=manageTickets&sec2=operation/ITSM/itsm&operation=edit&from_event=_event_id_'; SET @event_response_type = 'url'; SET @event_response_id_group = 0; SET @event_response_modal_width = 0; SET @event_response_modal_height = 0; SET @event_response_new_window = 1; SET @event_response_params = ''; SET @event_response_server_to_exec = 0; SET @event_response_command_timeout = 90; SET @event_response_display_command = 1; UPDATE `tevent_response` SET `name` = @event_response_name, `description` = @event_response_description, `target` = @event_response_target, `display_command` = @event_response_display_command WHERE `name` = 'Create ticket in IntegriaIMS from event'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tevent_response` (`name`, `description`, `target`,`type`,`id_group`,`modal_width`,`modal_height`,`new_window`,`params`,`server_to_exec`,`command_timeout`,`display_command`) VALUES (@event_response_name, @event_response_description, @event_response_target, @event_response_type, @event_response_id_group, @event_response_modal_width, @event_response_modal_height, @event_response_new_window, @event_response_params, @event_response_server_to_exec, @event_response_command_timeout, @event_response_display_command); UPDATE `twelcome_tip` SET title = 'Scheduled downtimes', url = '' WHERE title = 'planned stops'; UPDATE tagente_modulo SET `tcp_send` = '2c' WHERE `tcp_send` = '2'; UPDATE tpolicy_modules SET `tcp_send` = '2c' WHERE `tcp_send` = '2'; UPDATE tnetwork_component SET `tcp_send` = '2c' WHERE `tcp_send` = '2'; ALTER TABLE tagente_modulo ADD COLUMN `made_enabled` TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE tpolicy_modules ADD COLUMN `made_enabled` TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE talert_templates ADD COLUMN `time_window` ENUM ('thirty_days','this_month','seven_days','this_week','one_day','today'), ADD COLUMN `math_function` ENUM ('avg', 'min', 'max', 'sum'), ADD COLUMN `condition` ENUM ('lower', 'greater', 'equal'), MODIFY COLUMN `type` ENUM ('regex', 'max_min', 'max', 'min', 'equal', 'not_equal', 'warning', 'critical', 'onchange', 'unknown', 'always', 'not_normal', 'complex'); ALTER TABLE `tsesion_filter_log_viewer` CHANGE COLUMN `date_range` `custom_date` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `start_date_defined` `date` VARCHAR(45) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `start_date_time` `date_text` VARCHAR(45) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `start_date_date` `date_units` VARCHAR(45) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `start_date_date_range` `date_init` VARCHAR(45) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `start_date_time_range` `time_init` VARCHAR(45) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `end_date_date_range` `date_end` VARCHAR(45) NULL DEFAULT NULL , CHANGE COLUMN `end_date_time_range` `time_end` VARCHAR(45) NULL DEFAULT NULL ; ALTER TABLE `tsesion_filter` CHANGE COLUMN `period` `date_text` VARCHAR(45) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `user`; ALTER TABLE `tsesion_filter` ADD COLUMN `custom_date` INT NULL AFTER `user`, ADD COLUMN `date` VARCHAR(45) NULL AFTER `custom_date`, ADD COLUMN `date_units` VARCHAR(45) NULL AFTER `date_text`, ADD COLUMN `date_init` VARCHAR(45) NULL AFTER `date_units`, ADD COLUMN `time_init` VARCHAR(45) NULL AFTER `date_init`, ADD COLUMN `date_end` VARCHAR(45) NULL AFTER `time_init`, ADD COLUMN `time_end` VARCHAR(45) NULL AFTER `date_end`; INSERT INTO `tconfig_os_version` (`id_os_version`, `product`, `version`, `end_of_support`) VALUES (1,'Windows.*','7.*','2020/01/14'); INSERT INTO `tconfig_os_version` (`id_os_version`, `product`, `version`, `end_of_support`) VALUES (2,'Cisco.*','IOS 3.4.3','2017/05/12'); INSERT INTO `tconfig_os_version` (`id_os_version`, `product`, `version`, `end_of_support`) VALUES (3,'Linux.*','Centos 7.*','2022/01/01'); UPDATE `tdiscovery_apps` SET `version` = '1.1' WHERE `short_name` = 'pandorafms.vmware'; -- Insert new Proxmox APP SET @short_name = 'pandorafms.proxmox'; SET @name = 'Proxmox'; SET @section = 'app'; SET @description = 'Monitor Proxmox VMs, LXC, backups and nodes from a specific host'; SET @version = '1.0'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version); SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name; -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_proxmox'); -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' -g '__taskGroup__' --host '_host_' --port '_port_' --user '_user_' --password '_password_' --vm '_scanVM_' --lxc '_scanLXC_' --backups '_scanBackups_' --nodes '_scanNodes_' --transfer_mode tentacle --tentacle_address '_tentacleIP_' --tentacle_port '_tentaclePort_' --as_discovery_plugin 1'); -- Insert new SAP APP SET @short_name = ''; SET @name = 'SAP R3 - Deset'; SET @section = 'app'; SET @description = 'Monitor SAP R3 environments'; SET @version = '1.0'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version); SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name; -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_sap_deset'); INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_java_', 'bin/lib/jre/bin/java'); -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileConf_' --custom_modules '_tempfileCustomModules_''); -- Insert new EC2 APP SET @short_name = ''; SET @name = 'Amazon EC2'; SET @section = 'cloud'; SET @description = 'Monitor AWS EC2 instances'; SET @version = '1.0'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version); SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name; -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_aws_ec2'); INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec2_', 'bin/aws_ec2'); -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileEC2_''); -- Insert new RDS APP SET @short_name = ''; SET @name = 'Amazon RDS'; SET @section = 'cloud'; SET @description = 'Monitor AWS RDS instances'; SET @version = '1.0'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version); SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name; -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_aws_rds'); INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec2_', 'bin/aws_rds'); -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileRDS_''); -- Insert new S3 APP SET @short_name = ''; SET @name = 'Amazon S3'; SET @section = 'cloud'; SET @description = 'Monitor AWS S3 buckets'; SET @version = '1.0'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version); SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name; -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_aws_s3'); INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec2_', 'bin/aws_s3'); -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileS3_''); -- Insert new Azure APP SET @short_name = ''; SET @name = 'Azure Microsoft Compute'; SET @section = 'cloud'; SET @description = 'Monitor Azure Microsoft Compute VMs'; SET @version = '1.0'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version); SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name; -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_azure_mc'); INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec2_', 'bin/azure_vm'); -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileAzureMC_''); -- Insert new Google APP SET @short_name = 'pandorafms.gcp.ce'; SET @name = 'Google Cloud Compute Engine'; SET @section = 'cloud'; SET @description = 'Monitor Google Cloud Platform Compute Engine VMs'; SET @version = '1.0'; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps` (`id_app`, `short_name`, `name`, `section`, `description`, `version`) VALUES ('', @short_name, @name, @section, @description, @version); SELECT @id_app := `id_app` FROM `tdiscovery_apps` WHERE `short_name` = @short_name; -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_scripts INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec1_', 'bin/pandora_gcp_ce'); INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_scripts` (`id_app`, `macro`, `value`) VALUES (@id_app, '_exec2_', 'bin/google_instances'); -- Insert into tdiscovery_apps_executions INSERT IGNORE INTO `tdiscovery_apps_executions` (`id`, `id_app`, `execution`) VALUES (1, @id_app, ''_exec1_' --conf '_tempfileGoogleCE_''); ALTER TABLE `treport_content` ADD COLUMN `cat_security_hardening` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `treport_content` ADD COLUMN `ignore_skipped` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `treport_content` ADD COLUMN `status_of_check` TINYTEXT; ALTER TABLE `tservice` ADD COLUMN `enable_horizontal_tree` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; INSERT INTO tmodule_group (name) SELECT ('Security') WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM tmodule_group WHERE LOWER(name) = 'security'); SET @tmodule_name = 'CPU'; SET @tmodule_description = 'CPU'; SET @id_os = 2; INSERT INTO tmodule_inventory (`id_os`, `name`, `description`, `interpreter`, `data_format`, `code`, `block_mode`,`script_mode`) SELECT * FROM (SELECT @id_os id_os, @tmodule_name name, @tmodule_description description, '' interpreter, 'Brand;Clock;Model' data_format, '' code, '0' block_mode, 2 script_mode) AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT name, description FROM tmodule_inventory WHERE name = @tmodule_name and description = @tmodule_description and id_os = @id_os); SET @tmodule_name = 'RAM'; SET @tmodule_description = 'RAM'; SET @id_os = 2; INSERT INTO tmodule_inventory (`id_os`, `name`, `description`, `interpreter`, `data_format`, `code`, `block_mode`,`script_mode`) SELECT * FROM (SELECT @id_os id_os, @tmodule_name name, @tmodule_description description, '' interpreter, 'Size' data_format, '' code, '0' block_mode, 2 script_mode) AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT name, description FROM tmodule_inventory WHERE name = @tmodule_name and description = @tmodule_description and id_os = @id_os); SET @tmodule_name = 'NIC'; SET @tmodule_description = 'NIC'; SET @id_os = 2; INSERT INTO tmodule_inventory (`id_os`, `name`, `description`, `interpreter`, `data_format`, `code`, `block_mode`,`script_mode`) SELECT * FROM (SELECT @id_os id_os, @tmodule_name name, @tmodule_description description, '' interpreter, 'NIC;Mac;Speed' data_format, '' code, '0' block_mode, 2 script_mode) AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT name, description FROM tmodule_inventory WHERE name = @tmodule_name and description = @tmodule_description and id_os = @id_os); SET @tmodule_name = 'Software'; SET @tmodule_description = 'Software'; SET @id_os = 2; INSERT INTO tmodule_inventory (`id_os`, `name`, `description`, `interpreter`, `data_format`, `code`, `block_mode`,`script_mode`) SELECT * FROM (SELECT @id_os id_os, @tmodule_name name, @tmodule_description description, '' interpreter, 'PKGINST;VERSION;NAME' data_format, '' code, '0' block_mode, 2 script_mode) AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT name, description FROM tmodule_inventory WHERE name = @tmodule_name and description = @tmodule_description and id_os = @id_os); SET @tmodule_name = 'Security'; SET @tmodule_description = 'Hardening plugin for security compliance analysis'; SET @id_os = 1; INSERT INTO tmodule_inventory (`id_os`, `name`, `description`, `interpreter`, `data_format`, `code`, `block_mode`,`script_mode`) SELECT * FROM (SELECT @id_os id_os, @tmodule_name name, @tmodule_description description, '' interpreter, 'ID:STATUS' data_format, '' code, '0' block_mode, 2 script_mode) AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT name, description FROM tmodule_inventory WHERE name = @tmodule_name and description = @tmodule_description and id_os = @id_os); SET @tmodule_name = 'Security'; SET @tmodule_description = 'Hardening plugin for security compliance analysis'; SET @id_os = 9; INSERT INTO tmodule_inventory (`id_os`, `name`, `description`, `interpreter`, `data_format`, `code`, `block_mode`,`script_mode`) SELECT * FROM (SELECT @id_os id_os, @tmodule_name name, @tmodule_description description, '' interpreter, 'ID:STATUS' data_format, '' code, '0' block_mode, 2 script_mode) AS tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT name, description FROM tmodule_inventory WHERE name = @tmodule_name and description = @tmodule_description and id_os = @id_os); INSERT INTO tmodule_group (name) SELECT ('Security') WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM tmodule_group WHERE LOWER(name) = 'security'); ALTER TABLE tagente_modulo ADD COLUMN `last_compact` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; UPDATE `tevent_alert` ea INNER JOIN `tevent_rule` er ON = er.id_event_alert SET disabled=1 WHERE er.log_agent IS NOT NULL OR er.log_content IS NOT NULL OR er.log_source IS NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `tnetwork_explorer_filter` MODIFY COLUMN `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT; -- Add messaging alerts SET @command_name = 'Pandora Google chat'; SET @action_name = 'Pandora Google chat'; -- Get command ID in case it exists SET @id_command = NULL; SELECT @id_command := `id` FROM `talert_commands` WHERE `name` = @command_name; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_commands` (`id`, `name`, `command`, `description`, `internal`, `fields_descriptions`, `fields_values`) VALUES (@id_command, @command_name, '/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/pandora-gchat-cli -u "_field1_" -d "_field2_" -t "_field3_" -D "_field4_"', 'Send messages using Google chat API', 0, '["Google chat webhook URL","Data in coma separate keypairs","Title","Description"]', '["","","",""]'); -- Get command ID again in case it has been created SET @id_command = NULL; SET @id_action = NULL; SELECT @id_command := `id` FROM `talert_commands` WHERE `name` = @command_name; SELECT @id_action := `id` FROM `talert_actions` WHERE `name` = @action_name; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_actions` (`id`, `name`, `id_alert_command`, `field1`, `field2`, `field3`, `field4`, `field5`, `field6`, `field7`, `field8`, `field9`, `field10`, `id_group`, `action_threshold`, `field1_recovery`, `field2_recovery`, `field3_recovery`, `field4_recovery`, `field5_recovery`, `field6_recovery`, `field7_recovery`, `field8_recovery`, `field9_recovery`, `field10_recovery`) VALUES (@id_action, @action_name, @id_command, "", "data=_data_", "[PANDORA] Alert FIRED on _agent_ / _module_", "_agent_ | _module_ | _data_ | _timestamp_", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "", "data=_data_", "[PANDORA] Alert RECOVERED on _agent_ / _module_", "_agent_ | _module_ | _data_ | _timestamp_", "", "", "", "", "", ""); SET @command_name = 'Pandora Slack'; SET @action_name = 'Pandora Slack'; -- Get command ID in case it exists SET @id_command = NULL; SELECT @id_command := `id` FROM `talert_commands` WHERE `name` = @command_name; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_commands` (`id`, `name`, `command`, `description`, `internal`, `fields_descriptions`, `fields_values`) VALUES (@id_command, @command_name, '/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/pandora-slack-cli -t "TOKEN" -d "_field1_" -c "_field2_" -e "_field3_" -T "_field4_" -D "_field5_"', 'Send messages using Slack API', 0, '["Data in coma separate keypairs","Slack channel id/name","Title emoji","Title","Description"]', '["","",":red_circle:,Red circle;:green_circle:,Green circle","",""]'); -- Get command ID again in case it has been created SET @id_command = NULL; SET @id_action = NULL; SELECT @id_command := `id` FROM `talert_commands` WHERE `name` = @command_name; SELECT @id_action := `id` FROM `talert_actions` WHERE `name` = @action_name; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_actions` (`id`, `name`, `id_alert_command`, `field1`, `field2`, `field3`, `field4`, `field5`, `field6`, `field7`, `field8`, `field9`, `field10`, `id_group`, `action_threshold`, `field1_recovery`, `field2_recovery`, `field3_recovery`, `field4_recovery`, `field5_recovery`, `field6_recovery`, `field7_recovery`, `field8_recovery`, `field9_recovery`, `field10_recovery`) VALUES (@id_action, @action_name, @id_command, "data=_data_", "", ":red_circle:", "[PANDORA] Alert FIRED on _agent_ / _module_", "_agent_ | _module_ | _data_ | _timestamp_", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "data=_data_", "", ":green_circle:", "[PANDORA] Alert RECOVERED on _agent_ / _module_", "_agent_ | _module_ | _data_ | _timestamp_", "", "", "", "", ""); SET @command_name = 'Pandora Telegram'; SET @action_name = 'Pandora Telegram'; -- Get command ID in case it exists SET @id_command = NULL; SELECT @id_command := `id` FROM `talert_commands` WHERE `name` = @command_name; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_commands` (`id`, `name`, `command`, `description`, `internal`, `fields_descriptions`, `fields_values`) VALUES (@id_command, @command_name, '/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/pandora-telegram-cli -t "TOKEN" -c "_field1_" -m "_field2_"', 'Send messages using Telegram API', 0, '["Chat ID","Message"]', '["",""]'); -- Get command ID again in case it has been created SET @id_command = NULL; SET @id_action = NULL; SELECT @id_command := `id` FROM `talert_commands` WHERE `name` = @command_name; SELECT @id_action := `id` FROM `talert_actions` WHERE `name` = @action_name; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_actions` (`id`, `name`, `id_alert_command`, `field1`, `field2`, `field3`, `field4`, `field5`, `field6`, `field7`, `field8`, `field9`, `field10`, `id_group`, `action_threshold`, `field1_recovery`, `field2_recovery`, `field3_recovery`, `field4_recovery`, `field5_recovery`, `field6_recovery`, `field7_recovery`, `field8_recovery`, `field9_recovery`, `field10_recovery`) VALUES (@id_action, @action_name, @id_command, "", "[PANDORA] Alert FIRED on _agent_ / _module_ / _tiemstamp_ / _data_", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "", "[PANDORA] Alert RECOVERED on _agent_ / _module_ / _tiemstamp_ / _data_", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); SET @command_name = 'Pandora ilert'; SET @action_name = 'Pandora ilert'; -- Get command ID in case it exists SET @id_command = NULL; SELECT @id_command := `id` FROM `talert_commands` WHERE `name` = @command_name; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_commands` (`id`, `name`, `command`, `description`, `internal`, `fields_descriptions`, `fields_values`) VALUES (@id_command, @command_name, '/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/pandora_ilert -a "API_KEY" -t "_field1_" -k "_field2_" -T "_field3_" -d "_field4_" -A "_agentname_" -m "_module_" -p "_alert_text_severity_" -D "_data_" -C "_timestamp_"', 'Send SMS using ilert API:', 0, '["Event type","Event title","Title","Description"]', '["alert,Alert;resolved,Resolved","","",""]'); -- Get command ID again in case it has been created SET @id_command = NULL; SET @id_action = NULL; SELECT @id_command := `id` FROM `talert_commands` WHERE `name` = @command_name; SELECT @id_action := `id` FROM `talert_actions` WHERE `name` = @action_name; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_actions` (`id`, `name`, `id_alert_command`, `field1`, `field2`, `field3`, `field4`, `field5`, `field6`, `field7`, `field8`, `field9`, `field10`, `id_group`, `action_threshold`, `field1_recovery`, `field2_recovery`, `field3_recovery`, `field4_recovery`, `field5_recovery`, `field6_recovery`, `field7_recovery`, `field8_recovery`, `field9_recovery`, `field10_recovery`) VALUES (@id_action, @action_name, @id_command, "alert", "", "[PANDORA] Alert FIRED on _agent_ / _module_", "_agent_ | _module_ | _data_ | _timestamp_", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "resolved", "", "[PANDORA] Alert RECOVERED on _agent_ / _module_", "_agent_ | _module_ | _data_ | _timestamp_", "", "", "", "", "", ""); SET @command_name = 'Pandora Vonage'; SET @action_name = 'Pandora Vonage'; -- Get command ID in case it exists SET @id_command = NULL; SELECT @id_command := `id` FROM `talert_commands` WHERE `name` = @command_name; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_commands` (`id`, `name`, `command`, `description`, `internal`, `fields_descriptions`, `fields_values`) VALUES (@id_command, @command_name, '/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/pandora_vonage -a "API_KEY" -s "SECRET" -f "FROM_ALIAS" -n "_field1_" -m "_field2_"', 'Send SMS using Vonage API:', 0, '["Phone number","Message"]', '["",""]'); -- Get command ID again in case it has been created SET @id_command = NULL; SET @id_action = NULL; SELECT @id_command := `id` FROM `talert_commands` WHERE `name` = @command_name; SELECT @id_action := `id` FROM `talert_actions` WHERE `name` = @action_name; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_actions` (`id`, `name`, `id_alert_command`, `field1`, `field2`, `field3`, `field4`, `field5`, `field6`, `field7`, `field8`, `field9`, `field10`, `id_group`, `action_threshold`, `field1_recovery`, `field2_recovery`, `field3_recovery`, `field4_recovery`, `field5_recovery`, `field6_recovery`, `field7_recovery`, `field8_recovery`, `field9_recovery`, `field10_recovery`) VALUES (@id_action, @action_name, @id_command, "", "[PANDORA] Alert FIRED on _agent_ / _module_ / _tiemstamp_ / _data_", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "", "[PANDORA] Alert RECOVERED on _agent_ / _module_ / _tiemstamp_ / _data_", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); COMMIT;