$module_name) { $inventory_module_name[$key] = io_safe_output($module_name); } if ($inventory_module_name[0] !== '0' && $inventory_module_name[0] !== 0 && $inventory_module_name !== '' && $inventory_module_name !== 'all' ) { array_push($where, "tmodule_inventory.name IN ('".implode("','", (array) $inventory_module_name)."')"); } if ($inventory_search_string != '') { array_push($where, "REPLACE(tagent_module_inventory.data, ' ', ' ') LIKE '%".$inventory_search_string."%'"); } $offset = (int) get_parameter('offset'); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM tmodule_inventory, tagent_module_inventory WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $where).' ORDER BY tmodule_inventory.id_module_inventory LIMIT '.$offset.', '.$config['block_size']; $sql_count = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tmodule_inventory, tagent_module_inventory WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $where); $rows = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); $count = db_get_sql($sql_count); // Prepare pagination. $url = sprintf( '?sec=estado&sec2=operation/inventory/inventory&agent_id=%s&agent=%s&id_group=%s&export=%s&module_inventory_general_view=%s&search_string=%s&utimestamp=%s&period=%s&order_by_agent=%s&submit_filter=%d', (isset($pagination_url_parameters['inventory_id_agent']) ?? ''), (isset($pagination_url_parameters['inventory_agent']) ?? ''), (isset($pagination_url_parameters['inventory_id_group']) ?? ''), $export_csv, $inventory_module_name, $inventory_search_string, $utimestamp, $period, $order_by_agent, 1 ); if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $url .= '&id_server='.$pagination_url_parameters['id_server']; $url .= '&inventory_id_server='.$pagination_url_parameters['inventory_id_server']; } $out .= ui_pagination($count, $url, $offset, 0, true); if (($rows == null) || (count($rows) == 0)) { if ($return_mode !== false) { return __('No changes found'); } return ERR_NODATA; } if ($export_csv || $return_mode === 'csv') { $out_csv = ''; $agent_inventory = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($utimestamp > 0) { $data_row = db_get_row_sql( 'SELECT data, timestamp FROM tagente_datos_inventory WHERE utimestamp <= '.$utimestamp.' AND id_agent_module_inventory = '.$row['id_agent_module_inventory'].' ORDER BY utimestamp DESC' ); if ($data_row !== false) { $row['data'] = $data_row['data']; $row['timestamp'] = $data_row['timestamp']; } } if (!$order_by_agent) { $agent_name = db_get_value('alias', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $row['id_agente']); $out_csv .= __('Agent alias').' --> '.io_safe_output($agent_name)."\n"; $out_csv .= __('Timestamp').' = '.$row['timestamp']."\n"; $out_csv .= io_safe_output($row['data_format'])."\n"; // Filter data by search string. if ($inventory_search_string !== '') { $str = io_safe_output($row['data']); $matches = []; $re = '/.*'.$inventory_search_string.'.*\n/m'; if (preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0)) { // Print the entire match result. foreach ($matches as $match) { $out_csv .= $match[0]; } $out_csv .= "\n\n"; } } else { $out_csv .= io_safe_output($row['data'])."\n\n"; } } else { $agent_name = db_get_value('alias', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $row['id_agente']); $agent_inventory_temp = []; $agent_inventory[$agent_name][] = [ 'name' => $row['name'], 'data_formtat' => $row['data_format'], 'data' => $row['data'], ]; } } if ($order_by_agent) { if (empty($agent_inventory) === false) { foreach ($agent_inventory as $alias => $agent_data) { $out_csv .= __('Agent alias').' --> '.io_safe_output($alias)."\n"; $out_csv .= __('Timestamp').' = '.$row['timestamp']."\n"; foreach ($agent_data as $data) { $out_csv .= io_safe_output($data['name'])."\n"; $out_csv .= io_safe_output($data['data_format'])."\n"; // Filter data by search string. if ($inventory_search_string !== '') { $str = io_safe_output($data['data']); $matches = []; $re = '/.*'.$inventory_search_string.'.*\n/m'; if (preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0)) { // Print the entire match result. foreach ($matches as $match) { $out_csv .= $match[0]; } $out_csv .= "\n\n"; } } else { $out_csv .= io_safe_output($row['data'])."\n\n"; } } } } } } if ($export_csv) { $name_file = 'inventory_'.md5( $inventory_module_name.$utimestamp.$inventory_search_string ).'.csv'; file_put_contents( $config['attachment_store'].'/'.$name_file, $out_csv ); echo "".__('Get CSV file').''; return; } else if ($return_mode === 'csv') { return $out_csv; } else if ($return_mode === 'hash') { if ($utimestamp > 0) { $timestamp = db_get_value_sql( "SELECT timestamp FROM tagente_datos_inventory WHERE utimestamp = $utimestamp" ); } else { $timestamp = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT timestamp FROM tagente_datos_inventory WHERE utimestamp = (SELECT MAX(tagente_datos_inventory.utimestamp) FROM tagente_datos_inventory, tmodule_inventory, tagent_module_inventory WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $where).' AND tmodule_inventory.id_module_inventory = tagent_module_inventory.id_module_inventory AND tagent_module_inventory.id_agent_module_inventory = tagente_datos_inventory.id_agent_module_inventory)' ); } $out_array = []; foreach ($rows as $k => $row) { $out_array[$k]['timestamp'] = $timestamp; $out_array[$k]['id_module_inventory'] = $row['id_module_inventory']; $out_array[$k]['id_os'] = $row['id_os']; $out_array[$k]['name'] = io_safe_output($row['name']); $out_array[$k]['description'] = io_safe_output($row['description']); $out_array[$k]['interpreter'] = $row['interpreter']; $out_array[$k]['id_agent_module_inventory'] = $row['id_agent_module_inventory']; $out_array[$k]['id_agente'] = $row['id_agente']; $agent_name = db_get_value('alias', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $row['id_agente']); $out_array[$k]['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $out_array[$k]['target'] = $row['target']; $out_array[$k]['interval'] = $row['interval']; $out_array[$k]['username'] = $row['username']; $items = explode(';', io_safe_output($row['data_format'])); $data = []; if (empty($row['data']) === false) { $data_rows = explode("\n", io_safe_output($row['data'])); $data = []; foreach ($data_rows as $data_row) { $cells = explode(';', $data_row); $temp_row = []; $i = 0; foreach ($cells as $cell) { $temp_row[$items[$i]] = $cell; $i++; } if ($regular_expression !== '') { if (is_array(preg_grep('/'.$regular_expression.'/', $temp_row))) { if (count(preg_grep('/'.$regular_expression.'/', $temp_row)) > 0) { $data[] = $temp_row; } } } else { $data[] = $temp_row; } } } $out_array[$k]['data'] = $data; $out_array[$k]['timestamp'] = io_safe_output($row['timestamp']); $out_array[$k]['flag'] = io_safe_output($row['flag']); } return $out_array; } else if ($return_mode === 'array') { $out_array = []; foreach ($rows as $k => $row) { $out_array[$k]['id_module_inventory'] = $row['id_module_inventory']; $out_array[$k]['id_os'] = $row['id_os']; $out_array[$k]['name'] = io_safe_output($row['name']); $out_array[$k]['description'] = io_safe_output($row['description']); $out_array[$k]['interpreter'] = $row['interpreter']; $out_array[$k]['data_format'] = $row['data_format']; $out_array[$k]['id_agent_module_inventory'] = $row['id_agent_module_inventory']; $out_array[$k]['id_agente'] = $row['id_agente']; $out_array[$k]['target'] = $row['target']; $out_array[$k]['interval'] = $row['interval']; $out_array[$k]['username'] = $row['username']; $out_array[$k]['data'] = ''; $out_array[$k]['timestamp'] = io_safe_output($row['timestamp']); $out_array[$k]['flag'] = io_safe_output($row['flag']); } if (empty($out_array) === true) { return __('No data found'); } return $out_array; } $idModuleInventory = null; $rowTable = 1; // Timestamp filter only allowed in nodes for performance. if (is_metaconsole() === false) { if ($utimestamp > 0) { $timestamp = db_get_value_sql( "SELECT timestamp FROM tagente_datos_inventory WHERE utimestamp BETWEEN '".($utimestamp - $period)."' AND '".$utimestamp."'" ); } else { $timestamp = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT timestamp FROM tagente_datos_inventory WHERE utimestamp = (SELECT MAX(tagente_datos_inventory.utimestamp) FROM tagente_datos_inventory, tmodule_inventory, tagent_module_inventory WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $where).' AND tmodule_inventory.id_module_inventory = tagent_module_inventory.id_module_inventory AND tagent_module_inventory.id_agent_module_inventory = tagente_datos_inventory.id_agent_module_inventory)' ); } } // TODO: Workaround. $timestamp = 'Last'; if (!$order_by_agent) { $countRows = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { // Check for not show more elements that allowed in config. if ($countRows >= (int) $config['meta_num_elements']) { break; } $countRows++; // Continue. if (is_metaconsole() === false && $utimestamp > 0) { $data_row = db_get_row_sql( "SELECT data, timestamp FROM tagente_datos_inventory WHERE utimestamp <= '".$utimestamp."' AND id_agent_module_inventory = ".$row['id_agent_module_inventory'].' ORDER BY utimestamp DESC' ); if ($data_row !== false) { $row['data'] = $data_row['data']; $row['timestamp'] = $data_row['timestamp']; } else { // Continue to next row in case there is no data for that timestamp. continue; } } if ($idModuleInventory != $row['id_module_inventory']) { if (isset($table) === true) { $out .= "
"; $out .= html_print_table($table, true); $out .= '
'; unset($table); $rowTable = 1; } $table = new stdClass(); $table->width = '100%'; $table->align = []; $table->cellpadding = 0; $table->cellspacing = 0; $table->class = 'info_table inventory_tables'; $table->head = []; $table->head[0] = ''.$row['name'].' '.html_print_image('images/timestamp.png', true, ['title' => __('Timestamp'), 'style' => 'vertical-align:middle']).' ('.$timestamp.')'; $table->headstyle[0] = 'text-align:center'; $subHeadTitles = explode(';', io_safe_output($row['data_format'])); $table->head_colspan = []; $table->head_colspan[0] = (2 + count($subHeadTitles)); $total_fields = count($subHeadTitles); $table->rowspan = []; $table->data = []; $iterator = 1; $table->data[0][0] = __('Agent'); foreach ($subHeadTitles as $titleData) { $table->data[0][$iterator] = $titleData; $iterator++; } $table->data[0][] = __('Timestamp'); $iterator++; } // Setting for link the agent with the proper server. if (is_metaconsole() === true && empty($node) === false) { $loginHash = metaconsole_get_servers_url_hash($node); $urlToAgent = sprintf( '%sindex.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=%s%s', $node['server_url'], $row['id_agente'], $loginHash ); } else { $urlToAgent = sprintf( 'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=%s', $row['id_agente'] ); } $agent_name = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT alias FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = '.$row['id_agente'] ); $table->data[$rowTable][0] = html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => $urlToAgent, 'content' => ''.$agent_name.'', ], true ); $arrayDataRowsInventory = explode(SEPARATOR_ROW, io_safe_output($row['data'])); // SPLIT DATA IN ROWS // Remove the empty item caused by a line ending with a new line. $len = count($arrayDataRowsInventory); if (end($arrayDataRowsInventory) == '') { $len--; unset($arrayDataRowsInventory[$len]); } $iterator1 = 0; $numRowHasNameAgent = $rowTable; $rowPair = true; $iterator = 0; foreach ($arrayDataRowsInventory as $dataRowInventory) { if ($rowPair === true) { $table->rowclass[$iterator] = 'rowPair'; } else { $table->rowclass[$iterator] = 'rowOdd'; } $rowPair = !$rowPair; $iterator++; // Because SQL query extract all rows (row1;row2;row3...) and only I want the row has // the search string. if ($inventory_search_string && preg_match('/'.io_safe_output($inventory_search_string).'/', ($dataRowInventory)) == 0) { continue; } if ($rowTable > $numRowHasNameAgent) { $table->data[$rowTable][0] = ''; } $arrayDataColumnInventory = explode(SEPARATOR_COLUMN, $dataRowInventory); // SPLIT ROW IN COLUMNS. $iterator2 = 1; foreach ($arrayDataColumnInventory as $dataColumnInventory) { $table->data[$rowTable][$iterator2] = $dataColumnInventory; $iterator2++; } // Fill unfilled cells with empty string. $countArray = count($arrayDataColumnInventory); for ($i = 0; $i < ($total_fields - $countArray); $i++) { $table->data[$rowTable][$iterator2] = ''; $iterator2++; } $table->data[$rowTable][$iterator2] = $row['timestamp']; $iterator1++; $rowTable++; if ($rowPair === true) { $table->rowclass[$rowTable] = 'rowPair'; } else { $table->rowclass[$rowTable] = 'rowOdd'; } } if ($rowPair === true) { $table->rowclass[$iterator] = 'rowPair'; } else { $table->rowclass[$iterator] = 'rowOdd'; } $rowPair = !$rowPair; if ($rowPair) { $table->rowclass[($iterator + 1)] = 'rowPair'; } else { $table->rowclass[($iterator + 1)] = 'rowOdd'; } if ($iterator1 > 5) { // PRINT COUNT TOTAL. $table->data[$rowTable][0] = ''; $table->data[$rowTable][1] = ''.__('Total').': '.$iterator1; $countSubHeadTitles = count($subHeadTitles); for ($row_i = 2; $row_i <= $countSubHeadTitles; $row_i++) { $table->data[$rowTable][$row_i] = ''; } $rowTable++; } $idModuleInventory = $row['id_module_inventory']; } } else { $agent_data = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $agent_data[$row['id_agente']][] = $row; } foreach ($agent_data as $id_agent => $rows) { $agent_name = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT alias FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = '.$id_agent ); $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($utimestamp > 0) { $data_row = db_get_row_sql( "SELECT data, timestamp FROM tagente_datos_inventory WHERE utimestamp <= '".$utimestamp."' AND id_agent_module_inventory = ".$row['id_agent_module_inventory'].' ORDER BY utimestamp DESC' ); if ($data_row !== false) { $row['data'] = $data_row['data']; $row['timestamp'] = $data_row['timestamp']; } else { continue; } } $table = new stdClass(); $table->colspan = []; if ($idModuleInventory != $row['id_module_inventory']) { $table->width = '98%'; $table->align = []; $table->styleTable = 'margin:0 auto; text-align:left;'; $table->cellpadding = 0; $table->cellspacing = 0; $table->class = 'databox data'; $table->head = []; $table->head[0] = $row['name'].' - ('.$timestamp.')'; $table->headstyle[0] = 'text-align:center'; $subHeadTitles = explode(';', io_safe_output($row['data_format'])); $table->head_colspan = []; $table->head_colspan[0] = (2 + count($subHeadTitles)); $total_fields = count($subHeadTitles); $table->rowspan = []; $table->data = []; $iterator = 0; foreach ($subHeadTitles as $titleData) { $table->data[0][$iterator] = $titleData; $iterator++; } $table->data[0][] = __('Timestamp'); $iterator++; } $rowTable = 1; $arrayDataRowsInventory = explode(SEPARATOR_ROW, io_safe_output($row['data'])); // SPLIT DATA IN ROWS // Remove the empty item caused by a line ending with a new line. $len = count($arrayDataRowsInventory); if (end($arrayDataRowsInventory) == '') { $len--; unset($arrayDataRowsInventory[$len]); } $iterator1 = 0; $rowPair = true; foreach ($arrayDataRowsInventory as $dataRowInventory) { if ($rowPair === true) { $table->rowclass[$iterator] = 'rowPair'; } else { $table->rowclass[$iterator] = 'rowOdd'; } $rowPair = !$rowPair; $iterator++; // Because SQL query extract all rows (row1;row2;row3...) and only I want the row has // the search string. if ($inventory_search_string && preg_match('/'.io_safe_output($inventory_search_string).'/', ($dataRowInventory)) == 0) { continue; } if ($rowTable > $numRowHasNameAgent) { $table->data[$rowTable][0] = ''; } $arrayDataColumnInventory = explode(SEPARATOR_COLUMN, $dataRowInventory); // SPLIT ROW IN COLUMNS. $iterator2 = 0; foreach ($arrayDataColumnInventory as $dataColumnInventory) { $table->data[$rowTable][$iterator2] = $dataColumnInventory; $iterator2++; } // Fill unfilled cells with empty string. $countArrayDataColumnInventory = count($arrayDataColumnInventory); for ($i = 0; $i < ($total_fields - $countArrayDataColumnInventory); $i++) { $table->data[$rowTable][$iterator2] = ''; $iterator2++; } $table->data[$rowTable][$iterator2] = $row['timestamp']; $iterator1++; $rowTable++; if ($rowPair === true) { $table->rowclass[$rowTable] = 'rowPair'; } else { $table->rowclass[$rowTable] = 'rowOdd'; } } if ($iterator1 > 5) { // PRINT COUNT TOTAL. $table->data[$rowTable][0] = ''; $table->data[$rowTable][1] = ''.__('Total').': '.$iterator1; $countSubHeadTitles = count($subHeadTitles); for ($row_i = 2; $row_i <= $countSubHeadTitles; $row_i++) { $table->data[$rowTable][$row_i] = ''; } $rowTable++; } $idModuleInventory = $row['id_module_inventory']; if (isset($table) === true) { $out .= html_print_table($table, true); } $out .= '
'; } $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; } return $out; } if (isset($table) === true) { $out .= html_print_table($table, true); $out .= ui_pagination($count, $url, $offset, 0, true); } return $out; } function inventory_get_datatable( $agents_ids, $inventory_module_name, $utimestamp, $inventory_search_string='', $export_csv=false, $return_mode=false, $order_by_agent=false, $date_init=false, $status_agent=-1, ) { global $config; $offset = (int) get_parameter('offset'); $where = []; array_push( $where, 'tmodule_inventory.id_module_inventory = tagent_module_inventory.id_module_inventory' ); // Discart empty first position. if (isset($agents_ids[0]) === true && empty($agents_ids[0]) === true) { unset($agents_ids[0]); } // If there are no agents selected. if (empty($agents_ids) === true) { return ERR_NODATA; } if (array_search(-1, $agents_ids) === false) { array_push($where, 'tagent_module_inventory.id_agente IN ('.implode(',', $agents_ids).')'); } if ($status_agent > -1) { array_push($where, 'tagente.disabled ='.$status_agent); } if ($inventory_module_name[0] !== '0' && $inventory_module_name !== '' && $inventory_module_name !== 'all' && $inventory_module_name !== '0' ) { array_push($where, "tmodule_inventory.name IN ('".implode("','", (array) $inventory_module_name)."')"); } if ($inventory_search_string != '') { array_push($where, "REPLACE(tagent_module_inventory.data, ' ', ' ') LIKE '%".$inventory_search_string."%'"); } if ($utimestamp > 0) { array_push($where, 'tagent_module_inventory.utimestamp <= '.$utimestamp.' '); } if ($date_init !== false) { array_push($where, 'tagent_module_inventory.utimestamp >= '.$date_init.' '); } $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT tmodule_inventory.*, tagent_module_inventory.*, tagente.alias as name_agent, tagent_module_inventory.utimestamp as last_update, tagent_module_inventory.timestamp as last_update_timestamp, tagent_module_inventory.data as data_inventory FROM tmodule_inventory LEFT JOIN tagent_module_inventory ON tmodule_inventory.id_module_inventory = tagent_module_inventory.id_module_inventory LEFT JOIN tagente ON tagente.id_agente = tagent_module_inventory.id_agente WHERE %s ORDER BY tmodule_inventory.id_module_inventory ', implode(' AND ', $where) ); if ($inventory_module_name[0] !== '0' && $inventory_module_name !== '' && $inventory_module_name !== 'all' ) { $sql .= sprintf( 'LIMIT %d, %d', $offset, $config['block_size'] ); } $rows = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($order_by_agent === false) { $modules = []; if ($rows !== false) { foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row['utimestamp'] !== $row['last_update']) { $row['timestamp'] = $row['last_update_timestamp']; } $data_rows = explode(PHP_EOL, $row['data_inventory']); foreach ($data_rows as $data_key => $data_value) { if (empty($inventory_search_string) !== true) { $search_check = strpos(str_replace(' ', ' ', $data_value), $inventory_search_string); } else { $search_check = true; } if (empty($data_value) === false && $search_check !== false) { $row['data'] = $data_value; $modules[$row['name']][$row['name_agent'].'-'.$data_key.'-'.$data_value] = $row; } } } } return $modules; } else { $agents_rows = []; $agent_data = []; $rows_tmp = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $replace_agent_data = false; if (isset($agent_data[$row['id_agente']]) === true) { foreach ($agent_data[$row['id_agente']] as $key => $compare_data) { if ($compare_data['id_module_inventory'] === $row['id_module_inventory'] && $row['last_update'] > $compare_data['last_update'] ) { $agent_data[$row['id_agente']][$key] = $row; $replace_agent_data = true; } } } if ($replace_agent_data === false) { $agent_data[$row['id_agente']][] = $row; } } foreach ($agent_data as $id_agent => $data_agent) { $rows_tmp['agent'] = $data_agent[0]['name_agent']; foreach ($data_agent as $key => $agent_row) { if (isset($rows_tmp['agent']) === false) { $rows_tmp['agent'] = $agent_row['name_agent']; } $data_agent[$key]['timestamp'] = $agent_row['last_update_timestamp']; $data_agent[$key]['utimestamp'] = $agent_row['last_update']; if ($utimestamp > 0) { $data_row = db_get_row_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT `data`, `timestamp`, `utimestamp` FROM tagente_datos_inventory WHERE utimestamp = "%s" AND id_agent_module_inventory = %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC', $utimestamp, $agent_row['id_agent_module_inventory'] ) ); if ($data_row !== false) { $data_agent[$key]['data'] = $data_row['data']; } else { continue; } } } $rows_tmp['row'] = $data_agent; array_push($agents_rows, $rows_tmp); } return $agents_rows; } } function get_data_basic_info_sql($params, $count=false) { $table = 'tagente'; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $table = 'tmetaconsole_agent'; } $where = 'WHERE 1=1 '; if ($params['id_agent'] > 0) { $where .= sprintf(' AND %s.id_agente = %d', $table, $params['id_agent']); } if ($params['status'] >= 0) { $where .= sprintf(' AND %s.disabled = %d', $table, $params['status']); } if ($params['id_group'] > 0) { $where .= sprintf(' AND id_grupo = %d', $params['id_group']); } else { global $config; $user_groups = implode(',', array_keys(users_get_groups($config['id_user']))); // Avoid errors if there are no groups. if (empty($user_groups) === true) { $user_groups = '"0"'; } $where .= sprintf(' AND id_grupo IN (%s)', $user_groups); } if ($params['search'] > 0) { $where .= sprintf( ' AND ( REPLACE(alias, " ", " ") LIKE "%%%s%%" )', $params['search'] ); } if ($params['utimestamp'] > 0) { $where .= sprintf( ' AND utimestamp BETWEEN %d AND %d', ($params['utimestamp'] - $params['period']), $params['utimestamp'] ); } if ($params['order'] > 0) { $str_split = explode(' ', $params['order']); switch ($str_split[0]) { case 'alias': $params['order'] = 'alias '.$str_split[1]; break; case 'ip': $params['order'] = 'direccion '.$str_split[1]; break; case 'secondoaryIp': $params['order'] = 'fixed_ip '.$str_split[1]; break; case 'group': $params['order'] = 'id_grupo '.$str_split[1]; break; case 'secondaryGroups': $params['order'] = 'tagent_secondary_group.id_group '.$str_split[1]; break; case 'description': $params['order'] = 'comentarios '.$str_split[1]; break; case 'os': $params['order'] = 'id_os '.$str_split[1]; break; case 'interval': $params['order'] = 'intervalo '.$str_split[1]; break; case 'lastContact': $params['order'] = 'ultimo_contacto '.$str_split[1]; break; case 'lastStatusChange': $params['order'] = 'tagente_estado.last_status_change '.$str_split[1]; break; case 'customFields': $params['order'] = 'tagent_custom_data.id_field '.$str_split[1]; break; case 'valuesCustomFields': $params['order'] = 'tagent_custom_data.description '.$str_split[1]; break; default: $params['order'] = 'alias '.$str_split[1]; break; } } $limit_condition = ''; $order_condition = ''; $innerjoin = ''; $groupby = ''; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $fields = 'tmetaconsole_agent.*, tagent_secondary_group.*, tagent_custom_data.*'; } else { $fields = 'tagente.*, tagent_secondary_group.*, tagent_custom_data.*'; } $innerjoin = 'LEFT JOIN tagente_estado ON '.$table.'.id_agente = tagente_estado.id_agente '; $innerjoin .= 'LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group ON '.$table.'.id_agente = tagent_secondary_group.id_agent '; $innerjoin .= 'LEFT JOIN tagent_custom_data ON '.$table.'.id_agente = tagent_custom_data.id_agent '; if ($count !== true) { $limit_condition = sprintf( 'LIMIT %d, %d', $params['start'], $params['length'] ); $order_condition = sprintf('ORDER BY %s', $params['order']); } else { $fields = 'COUNT(*)'; } $groupby = 'GROUP BY '.$table.'.id_agente'; $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT %s FROM %s %s %s %s %s %s', $fields, $table, $innerjoin, $where, $groupby, $order_condition, $limit_condition ); $sql_count = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (%s) AS sub_sql', $sql ); if ($count !== true) { $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($result === false) { $result = []; } } else { $result = db_get_sql($sql_count); if ($result === false) { $result = 0; } } return $result; } function inventory_get_dates($module_inventory_name, $inventory_agent, $inventory_id_group) { $sql = 'SELECT tagente_datos_inventory.utimestamp, tagente_datos_inventory.timestamp FROM tmodule_inventory, tagent_module_inventory, tagente_datos_inventory, tagente WHERE tmodule_inventory.id_module_inventory = tagent_module_inventory.id_module_inventory AND tagente_datos_inventory.id_agent_module_inventory = tagent_module_inventory.id_agent_module_inventory AND tagente.id_agente = tagent_module_inventory.id_agente'; if ($inventory_agent !== 0) { $sql .= ' AND tagent_module_inventory.id_agente IN ('."'".implode(',', (array) $inventory_agent)."'".')'; } if ($inventory_id_group !== 0) { $sql .= " AND tagente.id_grupo = $inventory_id_group"; } if (is_string($module_inventory_name) === true && $module_inventory_name !== '0' ) { $sql .= " AND tmodule_inventory.name IN ('".str_replace(',', "','", $module_inventory_name)."')"; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY tagente_datos_inventory.utimestamp DESC'; $dates_raw = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($dates_raw == false) { return []; } $dates = []; foreach ($dates_raw as $date) { $dates[$date['utimestamp']] = $date['timestamp']; } return $dates; } function inventory_get_agents($filter=false, $fields=false) { $inventory_agents_id = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT DISTINCT(id_agente) FROM tagent_module_inventory' ); if ($inventory_agents_id == false) { $inventory_agents_id = []; return []; } $ids = []; foreach ($inventory_agents_id as $ia) { $ids[] = $ia['id_agente']; } $filter['id_agente'] = $ids; $agents = agents_get_agents($filter, $fields); if ($agents === false) { $agents = []; } return $agents; } function inventory_get_changes( $id_agent, $module_names, $start_utimestamp, $end_utimestamp, $return_mode=false ) { global $config; $any_inventory_modules = false; if (empty($module_names)) { $any_inventory_modules = true; } else if (((string) ($module_names[0])) === '0') { $any_inventory_modules = true; } $module_names = (array) $module_names; if ($id_agent[0] == -1) { // Any agent $sql = sprintf( "SELECT evento, utimestamp FROM tevento WHERE utimestamp >= %d AND utimestamp <= %d AND event_type = 'configuration_change'", $start_utimestamp, $end_utimestamp ); } else { $sql = sprintf( "SELECT evento, utimestamp FROM tevento WHERE id_agente IN (%s) AND utimestamp >= %d AND utimestamp <= %d AND event_type = 'configuration_change'", implode(',', (array) $id_agent), $start_utimestamp, $end_utimestamp ); } $events = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($events === false) { return ERR_NODATA; } $inventory_changes = []; $are_data = false; foreach ($events as $k => $event) { $changes = io_safe_output($event['evento']); $changes = explode("\n", $changes); $check = preg_match( '/agent \'(.*)\' module \'(.*)\'/', end($changes), $matches ); $agent_name = $matches[1]; $module_name = $matches[2]; if (!$any_inventory_modules) { if (!in_array($module_name, $module_names)) { continue; } } $are_data = true; $inventory_changes[$k]['agent_name'] = $matches[1]; $inventory_changes[$k]['module_name'] = $module_name; $inventory_changes[$k]['utimestamp'] = $event['utimestamp']; $changes[0] = str_replace('Configuration changes (', '', $changes[0]); unset($changes[(count($changes) - 1)]); $state = ''; foreach ($changes as $ch) { if (preg_match('/NEW RECORD: (.*)/', $ch)) { $ch = preg_replace('/NEW RECORD: /', '', $ch); $ch = preg_replace('/^\'/', '', $ch); $ch = '
'; $state = 'new'; } if (preg_match('/\s*DELETED RECORD: (.*)/', $ch)) { $ch = preg_replace('/\s*DELETED RECORD/', '', $ch); $ch = preg_replace('/^\'/', '', $ch); $ch = '
'; $state = 'deleted'; } $inventory_changes[$k][$state][] = $ch; } } if ($are_data === false) { if ($return_mode !== false) { switch ($return_mode) { case 'array': return ERR_NODATA; break; default: return __('No changes found'); break; } } return ERR_NODATA; } switch ($return_mode) { case 'csv': $out_csv = ''; foreach ($inventory_changes as $ic) { $out_csv .= __('Agent').SEPARATOR_COLUMN_CSV.$ic['agent_name']."\n"; $out_csv .= __('Module').SEPARATOR_COLUMN_CSV.$ic['module_name']."\n"; $out_csv .= __('Date').SEPARATOR_COLUMN_CSV.date($config['date_format'], $ic['utimestamp'])."\n"; if (isset($ic['new'])) { foreach ($ic['new'] as $icc) { $out_csv .= __('Added').SEPARATOR_COLUMN_CSV.$icc."\n"; } } if (isset($ic['deleted'])) { foreach ($ic['deleted'] as $icc) { $out_csv .= __('Deleted').SEPARATOR_COLUMN_CSV.$icc."\n"; } } } return $out_csv; break; case 'array': $out_array = []; foreach ($inventory_changes as $k => $ic) { $out_array[$k]['agent'] = $ic['agent_name']; $out_array[$k]['module'] = $ic['module_name']; $out_array[$k]['date'] = date($config['date_format'], $ic['utimestamp']); if (isset($ic['new'])) { foreach ($ic['new'] as $icc) { $out_array[$k]['added'][] = $icc; } } if (isset($ic['deleted'])) { foreach ($ic['deleted'] as $icc) { $out_array[$k]['deleted'][] = $icc; } } } if (empty($out_array)) { return ERR_NODATA; } return $out_array; break; } $out = ''; foreach ($inventory_changes as $ic) { $out .= ''; } $out .= '
'; unset($table); $table->width = '98%'; $table->style[0] = 'text-align:50%'; $table->style[1] = 'text-align:50%'; $table->data[0][0] = ''.__('Agent').': '.$ic['agent_name']; $table->data[0][1] = ''.__('Module').': '.$ic['module_name']; $timestamp = date($config['date_format'], $ic['utimestamp']); $table->colspan[1][0] = 2; $table->data[1][0] = '
'; $row = 2; if (isset($ic['new'])) { foreach ($ic['new'] as $icc) { $table->colspan[$row][0] = 2; $table->data[$row][0] = ''.__('Added').': '.$icc; $row++; } } if (isset($ic['deleted'])) { foreach ($ic['deleted'] as $icc) { $table->colspan[$row][0] = 2; $table->data[$row][0] = ''.__('Deleted').': '.$icc; $row++; } } $out .= html_print_table($table, true); $out .= '
'; return $out; } /** * Get a list with inventory modules * * @param mixed An integer can be place here to get a response * to paginate. If this parameter is false, return full list * * @return array with inventory modules (paginated or not) */ function inventory_get_modules_list($offset=false) { global $config; $filter = []; if (is_numeric($offset)) { $filter['limit'] = $config['block_size']; $filter['offset'] = $offset; } return db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tmodule_inventory LEFT JOIN tconfig_os ON tmodule_inventory.id_os = tconfig_os.id_os', $filter, [ 'tmodule_inventory.id_module_inventory', 'tmodule_inventory.name', 'tmodule_inventory.description', 'tmodule_inventory.interpreter', 'tconfig_os.name AS os_name', 'tconfig_os.id_os', ] ); } /** * Validate the modules inventory * * @param array with inventory modules data. * * @return boolean True if the values are valid */ function inventory_validate_inventory_module($values) { return !(empty($values['name']) || empty($values['id_os']) || empty($values['data_format']) ); } /** * Insert the module inventory data into database * * @param array with inventory modules data. * * @return boolean False if values are invalid or cannot put it on database */ function inventory_create_inventory_module($values) { if (!inventory_validate_inventory_module($values)) { return false; } return db_process_sql_insert('tmodule_inventory', $values); } /** * Update the module inventory data into database * * @param int ID inventory module * @param array with inventory modules data. * * @return boolean False if values are invalid or cannot put it on database */ function inventory_update_inventory_module($id_module_inventory, $values) { if (!inventory_validate_inventory_module($values)) { return false; } return db_process_sql_update( 'tmodule_inventory', $values, ['id_module_inventory' => $id_module_inventory] ); } /** * Returns inventory module names given agent id. * * @param integer $id_agent * @param string $all * @param integer $server_id * @param string $server_name * @return void */ function inventory_get_agent_modules($id_agent, $all='all', $server_id=0, $server_name=null) { global $config; if ($config['metaconsole']) { $server_id = metaconsole_get_id_server($server_name); } switch ($all) { default: case 'all': $enabled = '1 = 1'; break; case 'enabled': $enabled = 'disabled = 0'; break; } if (is_array($id_agent)) { $count_id_agent = count(($id_agent)); $id_agent = implode(',', $id_agent); } else { $count_id_agent = 1; } $sql = 'SELECT t1.id_module_inventory, name FROM tmodule_inventory t1, tagent_module_inventory t2 WHERE t1.id_module_inventory = t2.id_module_inventory AND id_agente IN ('.$id_agent.') AND ( SELECT count(name) FROM tmodule_inventory t3, tagent_module_inventory t4 WHERE t3.id_module_inventory = t4.id_module_inventory AND t3.name = t1.name AND t4.id_agente IN ('.$id_agent.')) = ('.$count_id_agent.') ORDER BY name'; // Only in template editor from metaconsole. if ($config['metaconsole']) { $server_data = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($server_id); if ($server_data === false) { return ''; } $modules = []; // Establishes connection. if (metaconsole_load_external_db($server_data) !== NOERR) { return ''; } $modules = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($modules == false) { $modules = []; } $result = []; foreach ($modules as $module) { $result[$module['name']] = io_safe_output($module['name']); } // Restore DB connection. metaconsole_restore_db(); } else { $modules = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($modules == false) { $modules = []; } $result = []; foreach ($modules as $module) { $result[$module['name']] = io_safe_output($module['name']); } } return $result; }