# Pandora User-Defined adquisition script
# This code is under GPL licence
# This is the default user script file
# If you're using this is because default config doest fit all your needs
# You can use the following variables
# All STDOUT output will be written in final XML file sent to Pandora Server.
# Please refer documentatation for more example and a more depth usage instructions
# ================================
# Check for WEBPage content change
# ================================
#MYMD5=`echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n\n" | nc -w 30 www.artica.es 80 | grep -v "Date:" | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }'`
#if [ "$MYMD5" != "$VALIDMD5" ]
# MD5SUM=0
# MD5SUM=1
#echo ""
#echo "www.artica.es_WEBContenct"
#echo "generic_proc"
#echo "$MD5SUM"
#echo ""
# MODULE END ========================
# ================================
# Check for DNS Entry change
# ================================
#MAXHOPS2=`expr $MAXHOPS + 1`
#SALIDA=`traceroute -n $HOSTNAME -w 5 -m $MAXHOPS2 2> /dev/null | awk '{ print $1 }' | tail -1`
# if SALIDA != MAXHOPS, error (more than MAXHOPS hop, if this is our local IP, no more than MAXHOPS hop its needed
#if [ "$SALIDA" == "$MAXHOPS" ]
#echo ""
#echo "DNS_CHECK"
#echo "generic_proc"
#echo "$DNS_STATUS"
#echo ""
# MODULE END ========================
# ================================
# Check for DNS Entry change
# on local interface ppp0
# ================================
#PLC_DNS=`dig @ plc.genterara.com A +short | tail -1 `
#PLC_LOCAL=`ifconfig ppp0 | head -2 | tail -1 | tr -s ":" " " | awk ' { print $3 } '`
#if [ "$PLC_DNS" == "$PLC_LOCAL" ]
#echo ""
#echo "generic_proc"
#echo "$PLC_STATUS"
#echo ""
# MODULE END ========================