'.__( "On the new visual console, we have been successful in imitating the sensation and touch of a drawing application like GIMP. We have also simplified the editor by dividing it into several subject-divided tabs named 'Data', 'Preview', 'Wizard', 'List of Elements' and 'Editor'." ); $msg .= '

'.__( " The items the %s Visual Map was designed to handle are 'static images', 'percentage bars', 'module graphs' and 'simple values'", get_product_name() ); $url_new = 'index.php?sec=network&sec2=godmode/reporting/visual_console_builder'; $button = '
'; $button .= html_print_input_hidden('edit_layout', 1); $button .= ''; $button .= '
'; echo ui_print_empty_view( __('There are no customized visual consoles'), $msg, 'visual-console.svg', $button ); }