<?php // Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com // ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas // Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // Load global vars global $config; require_once ("include/functions_events.php"); //Event processing functions require_once ("include/functions_alerts.php"); //Alerts processing functions check_login (); if (! check_acl ($config["id_user"], 0, "IR")) { db_pandora_audit("ACL Violation", "Trying to access event viewer"); require ("general/noaccess.php"); return; } $ids = (array) get_parameter ("eventid", -1); $url_val = "index.php?sec=eventos&sec2=operation/events/events&search=" . rawurlencode($search) . "&event_type=" . $event_type . "&severity=" . $severity . "&status=" . $status . "&ev_group=" . $ev_group . "&refr=" . $config["refr"] . "&id_agent=" . $id_agent . "&id_event=" . $id_event . "&pagination=" . $pagination . "&group_rep=" . $group_rep . "&event_view_hr=" . $event_view_hr . "&id_user_ack=" . $id_user_ack . "&offset=" . $offset . "&validate=1"; $event_list = "<b>".__('Events to validate').":</b>"; $event_list .= ''; $event_list .= "<ul>"; $any_alert = false; $any_inprocess = false; $table->width = '80%'; $table->id = "listtovalidate"; $table->cellpadding = 4; $table->cellspacing = 4; $table->class = "databox"; $table->head = array (); $table->data = array (); $table->head[0] = __('Events to validate'); $table->align[0] = 'center'; $table->data = array(); foreach($ids as $key => $id) { $event = events_get_event($id); // Colored box switch($event["estado"]) { case 0: $img_st = "images/star.png"; $title_st = __('New event'); break; case 2: $img_st = "images/hourglass.png"; $title_st = __('Event in process'); break; } $icon = html_print_image ($img_st, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "width" => 16, "height" => 16, "title" => $title_st, "id" => 'status_img_'.$event["id_evento"])); $table->data[$key][0] = $icon." ".$event['evento']; $table->align[$key][0] = 'left'; if($event['id_alert_am'] != 0) { $any_alert = true; } if($event['estado'] == 2) { $any_inprocess = true; } } //Hiden row with description form $string = '<form method="post" action="'.$url_val.'">'; $string .= '<table border="0" style="width:80%; margin-left: 10%;"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="30px">'; $string .= '<td align="right"><b>' . __('Comment:') . '</b></td>'; $string .= html_print_input_hidden('eventid', implode(',',$ids), true); $string .= '<td align="left" width="450px"><b>' . html_print_textarea("comment", 2, 10, '', 'style="min-height: 10px; width: 250px;"', true) . '</b></td>'; $string .= '<td align="left" width="200px">'; $string .= '<div style="text-align:center;">'; if(!$any_inprocess) { $string .= html_print_select(array('1' => __('Validate'), '2' => __('Set in process')), 'select_validate', '', '', '', 0, true, false, false, 'select_validate').'<br><br>'; $string .= html_print_submit_button (__('Change status'), 'validate', false, 'class="sub ok validate_event" id="validate"', true).'</div>'; }else { $string .= html_print_submit_button (__('Validate'), 'validate', false, 'class="sub ok validate_event" id="validate"', true).'</div>'; } $string .= '</td><td width="400px">'; if($any_alert) { $string .= '<div class="standby_alert_checkbox" style="display: none">'.__('Set alert on standby').'<br>'.html_print_checkbox('standby-alert', 'ff2', false, true).'</div>'; } $string .= '</td></tr></table></form>'; echo $string; html_print_table($table); ?>