'#000000', 'color' => '#000000', 'alpha' => 50); $colors['pep2'] = array('border' => '#ff7f00', 'color' => '#ff0000', 'alpha' => 50); $colors['pep3'] = array('border' => '#ff0000', 'color' => '#00ff00', 'alpha' => 50); $colors['pep4'] = array('border' => '#000000', 'color' => '#0000ff', 'alpha' => 50); */ $step = 1; if ($force_steps) { $pixels_between_xdata = 50; $max_xdata_display = round($width / $pixels_between_xdata); $ndata = count($data); if ($max_xdata_display > $ndata) { $xdata_display = $ndata; } else { $xdata_display = $max_xdata_display; } $step = round($ndata/$xdata_display); } $c = 1; switch ($graph_type) { case 'hbar': case 'vbar': foreach ($data as $i => $values) { foreach ($values as $name => $val) { $data_values[$name][] = $val; } $data_keys[] = $i; } $fine_colors = array(); // If is set fine colors we store it or set default if (isset($colors[reset(array_keys($data_values))]['fine'])) { $fine = $colors[reset(array_keys($data_values))]['fine']; if ($fine === true) { $fine = $default_fine_colors; } foreach ($fine as $i => $fine_color) { $rgb_fine = html_html2rgb($fine_color); $fine_colors[$i]['R'] = $rgb_fine[0]; $fine_colors[$i]['G'] = $rgb_fine[1]; $fine_colors[$i]['B'] = $rgb_fine[2]; $fine_colors[$i]['Alpha'] = 100; } $colors = array(); } break; case 'progress': case 'area': case 'stacked_area': case 'stacked_line': case 'line': case 'threshold': case 'scatter': foreach ($data as $i => $d) { $data_values[] = $d; if (($c % $step) == 0) { $data_keys[] = $i; } else { $data_keys[] = ""; } $c++; } break; case 'slicebar': case 'polar': case 'radar': case 'pie3d': case 'pie2d': break; } switch($graph_type) { case 'slicebar': case 'polar': case 'radar': case 'pie3d': case 'pie2d': break; default: if (!is_array(reset($data_values))) { $data_values = array($data_values); if (is_array($colors) && !empty($colors)) { $colors = array($colors); } } break; } $rgb_color = array(); if (!isset($colors)) $colors = array(); if (empty($colors)) { $colors = array(); } foreach ($colors as $i => $color) { $rgb['border'] = html_html2rgb($color['border']); $rgb_color[$i]['border']['R'] = $rgb['border'][0]; $rgb_color[$i]['border']['G'] = $rgb['border'][1]; $rgb_color[$i]['border']['B'] = $rgb['border'][2]; $rgb['color'] = html_html2rgb($color['color']); $rgb_color[$i]['color']['R'] = $rgb['color'][0]; $rgb_color[$i]['color']['G'] = $rgb['color'][1]; $rgb_color[$i]['color']['B'] = $rgb['color'][2]; $rgb_color[$i]['alpha'] = $color['alpha']; } /*foreach($colors as $i => $color) { if (isset($color['border'])) { $rgb['border'] = html_html2rgb($color['border']); $rgb_color[$i]['border']['R'] = $rgb['border'][0]; $rgb_color[$i]['border']['G'] = $rgb['border'][1]; $rgb_color[$i]['border']['B'] = $rgb['border'][2]; } if (isset($color['color'])) { $rgb['color'] = html_html2rgb($color['color']); $rgb_color[$i]['color']['R'] = $rgb['color'][0]; $rgb_color[$i]['color']['G'] = $rgb['color'][1]; $rgb_color[$i]['color']['B'] = $rgb['color'][2]; } if (isset($color['color'])) { $rgb_color[$i]['alpha'] = $color['alpha']; } }*/ ob_get_clean(); //HACK TO EAT ANYTHING THAT CORRUPS THE IMAGE FILE switch ($graph_type) { case 'pie3d': case 'pie2d': pch_pie_graph($graph_type, array_values($data), array_keys($data), $width, $height, $font, $water_mark, $font_size, $legend_position, $colors); break; case 'slicebar': pch_slicebar_graph($graph_type, $data, $period, $width, $height, $colors, $font, $round_corner, $font_size); break; case 'polar': case 'radar': pch_kiviat_graph($graph_type, array_values($data), array_keys($data), $width, $height, $font, $font_size); break; case 'hbar': case 'vbar': pch_bar_graph($graph_type, $data_keys, $data_values, $width, $height, $font, $antialiasing, $rgb_color, $xaxisname, $yaxisname, false, $legend, $fine_colors, $water_mark, $font_size); break; case 'stacked_area': case 'area': case 'line': pch_vertical_graph($graph_type, $data_keys, $data_values, $width, $height, $rgb_color, $xaxisname, $yaxisname, false, $legend, $font, $antialiasing, $water_mark, $font_size, $backgroundColor, $unit, $series_type); break; case 'threshold': pch_threshold_graph($graph_type, $data_keys, $data_values, $width, $height, $font, $antialiasing, $xaxisname, $yaxisname, $title, $font_size); break; } function pch_slicebar_graph ($graph_type, $data, $period, $width, $height, $colors, $font, $round_corner, $font_size) { /* CAT:Slicebar charts */ set_time_limit (0); // Dataset definition $myPicture = new pImage($width,$height); /* Turn of Antialiasing */ $myPicture->Antialias = 0; $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName"=> $font, "FontSize"=>$font_size,"R"=>80,"G"=>80,"B"=>80)); // Round corners defined in global setup if ($round_corner != 0) $radius = ($height > 18) ? 8 : 0; else $radius = 0; $thinest_slice = $width / $period; /* Color stuff */ $colorsrgb = array(); foreach($colors as $key => $col) { $rgb = html_html2rgb($col); $colorsrgb[$key]['R'] = $rgb[0]; $colorsrgb[$key]['G'] = $rgb[1]; $colorsrgb[$key]['B'] = $rgb[2]; } $i = 0; foreach ($data as $d) { $color = $d['data']; $color = $colorsrgb[$color]; $ratio = $thinest_slice * $d['utimestamp']; $myPicture->drawRoundedFilledRectangle ($i, 0, $ratio+$i, $height, $radius, array('R' => $color['R'], 'G' => $color['G'], 'B' => $color['B']) ); $i+=$ratio; } if ($round_corner) { /* Under this value, the rounded rectangle is painted great */ if ($thinest_slice <= 16) { /* Clean a bit of pixels */ for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $myPicture->drawLine (0, $i, 6 - $i, $i, array('R' => 255, 'G' => 255, 'B' => 255)); } $end = $height - 1; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $myPicture->drawLine (0, $end - $i, 5 - $i, $end - $i, array('R' => 255, 'G' => 255, 'B' => 255)); } } } $myPicture->drawRoundedRectangle (0, 0, $width, $height - 1, $radius, array('R' => 157, 'G' => 157, 'B' => 157)); $myPicture->Stroke (); } function pch_pie_graph ($graph_type, $data_values, $legend_values, $width, $height, $font, $water_mark, $font_size, $legend_position, $colors) { /* CAT:Pie charts */ /* Create and populate the pData object */ $MyData = new pData(); $MyData->addPoints($data_values,"ScoreA"); $MyData->setSerieDescription("ScoreA","Application A"); /* Define the absissa serie */ $MyData->addPoints($legend_values,"Labels"); $MyData->setAbscissa("Labels"); /* Create the pChart object */ $myPicture = new pImage($width,$height,$MyData,TRUE); /* Set the default font properties */ $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName"=>$font,"FontSize"=>$font_size,"R"=>80,"G"=>80,"B"=>80)); $water_mark_height = 0; $water_mark_width = 0; if (!empty($water_mark)) { if (is_array($water_mark)) { if (!empty($water_mark['file'])) { $water_mark = $water_mark['file']; } } $size_water_mark = getimagesize($water_mark); $water_mark_height = $size_water_mark[1]; $water_mark_width = $size_water_mark[0]; $myPicture->drawFromPNG(($width - $water_mark_width), ($height - $water_mark_height) - 50, $water_mark); } /* Create the pPie object */ $PieChart = new pPie($myPicture,$MyData); foreach ($legend_values as $key => $value) { if (isset($colors[$value])) { $PieChart->setSliceColor($key, hex_2_rgb($colors[$value])); } } /* Draw an AA pie chart */ switch($graph_type) { case "pie2d": $PieChart->draw2DPie($width/4,$height/2,array("DataGapAngle"=>0,"DataGapRadius"=>0, "Border"=>FALSE, "BorderR"=>200, "BorderG"=>200, "BorderB"=>200, "Radius"=>$width/4, "ValueR"=>0, "ValueG"=>0, "ValueB"=>0, "WriteValues"=>TRUE)); break; case "pie3d": $PieChart->draw3DPie($width/4, $height/2,array("DataGapAngle"=>5,"DataGapRadius"=>6, "Border"=>TRUE, "Radius"=>$width/4, "ValueR"=>0, "ValueG"=>0, "ValueB"=>0, "WriteValues"=>TRUE, "SecondPass"=>FALSE)); break; } /* Write down the legend next to the 2nd chart*/ //Calculate the bottom margin from the size of string in each index $max_chars = graph_get_max_index($legend_values); if ($legend_position != 'hidden') { // This is a hardcore adjustment to match most of the graphs, please don't alter $legend_with_aprox = 32 + (4.5 * $max_chars); $PieChart->drawPieLegend($width - $legend_with_aprox, 5, array("R"=>255,"G"=>255,"B"=>255, "BoxSize"=>10)); } /* Enable shadow computing */ $myPicture->setShadow(TRUE, array("X" => 3, "Y" => 3, "R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 10)); /* Render the picture */ $myPicture->stroke(); } function pch_kiviat_graph ($graph_type, $data_values, $legend_values, $width, $height, $font, $font_size) { /* CAT:Radar/Polar charts */ /* Create and populate the pData object */ $MyData = new pData(); $MyData->addPoints($data_values,"ScoreA"); $MyData->setSerieDescription("ScoreA","Application A"); /* Define the absissa serie */ $MyData->addPoints($legend_values,"Labels"); $MyData->setAbscissa("Labels"); /* Create the pChart object */ $myPicture = new pImage($width,$height,$MyData,TRUE); /* Set the default font properties */ $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName"=>$font,"FontSize"=>$font_size,"R"=>80,"G"=>80,"B"=>80)); /* Create the pRadar object */ $SplitChart = new pRadar(); /* Draw a radar chart */ $myPicture->setGraphArea(20,25,$width-10,$height-10); /* Draw an AA pie chart */ switch($graph_type) { case "radar": $Options = array("SkipLabels"=>0,"LabelPos"=>RADAR_LABELS_HORIZONTAL, "LabelMiddle"=>FALSE,"Layout"=>RADAR_LAYOUT_STAR, "BackgroundGradient"=>array("StartR"=>255,"StartG"=>255,"StartB"=>255, "StartAlpha"=>100,"EndR"=>207,"EndG"=>227,"EndB"=>125,"EndAlpha"=>50), "FontName"=>$font,"FontSize"=>$font_size); $SplitChart->drawRadar($myPicture,$MyData,$Options); break; case "polar": $Options = array("Layout"=>RADAR_LAYOUT_CIRCLE,"BackgroundGradient"=>array("StartR"=>255,"StartG"=>255,"StartB"=>255,"StartAlpha"=>100,"EndR"=>207,"EndG"=>227,"EndB"=>125,"EndAlpha"=>50), "FontName"=>$font,"FontSize"=>$font_size); $SplitChart->drawRadar($myPicture,$MyData,$Options); break; } /* Render the picture */ $myPicture->stroke(); } function pch_bar_graph ($graph_type, $index, $data, $width, $height, $font, $antialiasing, $rgb_color = false, $xaxisname = "", $yaxisname = "", $show_values = false, $legend = array(), $fine_colors = array(), $water_mark = '', $font_size) { /* CAT: Vertical Bar Chart */ if (!is_array($legend) || empty($legend)) { unset($legend); } /* Create and populate the pData object */ $MyData = new pData(); $overridePalette = array(); foreach ($data as $i => $values) { $MyData->addPoints($values,$i); if (!empty($rgb_color)) { $MyData->setPalette($i, array("R" => $rgb_color[$i]['color']["R"], "G" => $rgb_color[$i]['color']["G"], "B" => $rgb_color[$i]['color']["B"], "BorderR" => $rgb_color[$i]['border']["R"], "BorderG" => $rgb_color[$i]['border']["G"], "BorderB" => $rgb_color[$i]['border']["B"], "Alpha" => $rgb_color[$i]['alpha'])); } // Assign cyclic colors to bars if are setted if ($fine_colors) { $c = 0; foreach ($values as $ii => $vv) { if (!isset($fine_colors[$c])) { $c = 0; } $overridePalette[$ii] = $fine_colors[$c]; $c++; } } else { $overridePalette = false; } } $MyData->setAxisName(0,$yaxisname); $MyData->addPoints($index,"Xaxis"); $MyData->setSerieDescription("Xaxis", $xaxisname); $MyData->setAbscissa("Xaxis"); /* Create the pChart object */ $myPicture = new pImage($width,$height,$MyData); /* Turn of Antialiasing */ $myPicture->Antialias = $antialiasing; /* Add a border to the picture */ //$myPicture->drawRectangle(0,0,$width,$height,array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0)); /* Turn on shadow computing */ $myPicture->setShadow(TRUE,array("X"=>1,"Y"=>1,"R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>10)); /* Set the default font */ $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName"=>$font,"FontSize"=>$font_size)); /* Draw the scale */ // TODO: AvoidTickWhenEmpty = FALSE When the distance between two ticks will be less than 50 px // TODO: AvoidTickWhenEmpty = TRUE When the distance between two ticks will be greater than 50 px //Calculate the top margin from the size of string in each index $max_chars = graph_get_max_index($index); $margin_top = 10 * $max_chars; switch($graph_type) { case "vbar": $scaleSettings = array("AvoidTickWhenEmpty" => FALSE, "AvoidGridWhenEmpty" => FALSE, "GridR"=>200,"GridG"=>200,"GridB"=>200,"DrawSubTicks"=>TRUE,"CycleBackground"=>TRUE, "Mode"=>SCALE_MODE_START0, "LabelRotation" => 60); $margin_left = 40; $margin_top = 10; $margin_bottom = 10 * $max_chars; break; case "hbar": $scaleSettings = array("GridR"=>200,"GridG"=>200,"GridB"=>200,"DrawSubTicks"=>TRUE, "CycleBackground"=>TRUE, "Mode"=>SCALE_MODE_START0, "Pos"=>SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM, "LabelValuesRotation" => 30); $margin_left = $font_size * $max_chars; $margin_top = 40; $margin_bottom = 10; break; } $water_mark_height = 0; $water_mark_width = 0; if (!empty($water_mark)) { $size_water_mark = getimagesize($water_mark); $water_mark_height = $size_water_mark[1]; $water_mark_width = $size_water_mark[0]; $myPicture->drawFromPNG(($width - $water_mark_width), ($height - $water_mark_height) - $margin_bottom, $water_mark); } /* Define the chart area */ $myPicture->setGraphArea($margin_left,$margin_top,$width - $water_mark_width,$height-$margin_bottom); $myPicture->drawScale($scaleSettings); if (isset($legend)) { /* Write the chart legend */ $size = $myPicture->getLegendSize(array("Style"=>LEGEND_NOBORDER,"Mode"=>LEGEND_HORIZONTAL)); $myPicture->drawLegend($width-$size['Width'],0,array("Style"=>LEGEND_NOBORDER,"Mode"=>LEGEND_HORIZONTAL, "BoxWidth"=>10, "BoxHeight"=>10)); } /* Turn on shadow computing */ $myPicture->setShadow(TRUE,array("X"=>0,"Y"=>1,"R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>10)); /* Draw the chart */ $settings = array("ForceTransparency"=>"-1", "Gradient"=>TRUE,"GradientMode"=>GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN,"DisplayValues"=>$show_values,"DisplayZeroValues"=>FALSE,"DisplayR"=>100,"DisplayG"=>100,"DisplayB"=>100,"DisplayShadow"=>TRUE,"Surrounding"=>5,"AroundZero"=>FALSE, "OverrideColors"=>$overridePalette); $myPicture->drawBarChart($settings); /* Render the picture */ $myPicture->stroke(); } function pch_vertical_graph ($graph_type, $index, $data, $width, $height, $rgb_color = false, $xaxisname = "", $yaxisname = "", $show_values = false, $legend = array(), $font, $antialiasing, $water_mark = '', $font_size, $backgroundColor = 'white', $unit = '', $series_type = array()) { global $config; /* CAT:Vertical Charts */ if (!is_array($legend) || empty($legend)) { unset($legend); } /*$legend=array('pep1' => 'pep1','pep2' => 'pep2','pep3' => 'pep3','pep4' => 'pep4'); $data=array(array('pep1' => 1, 'pep2' => 1, 'pep3' => 3, 'pep4' => 3), array('pep1' => 1, 'pep2' => 3, 'pep3' => 1,'pep4' => 4), array('pep1' => 3, 'pep2' => 1, 'pep3' => 1,'pep4' =>1), array('pep1' => 1, 'pep2' =>1, 'pep3' =>1,'pep4' =>0)); $index=array(1,2,3,4); */ if (is_array(reset($data))) { $data2 = array(); foreach ($data as $i =>$values) { $c = 0; foreach ($values as $i2 => $value) { $data2[$i2][$i] = $value; $c++; } } $data = $data2; } else { $data = array($data); } /* Create and populate the pData object */ $MyData = new pData(); foreach ($data as $i => $values) { if (isset($legend)) { $point_id = $legend[$i]; // Translate the id of serie to legend of id if (!empty($series_type)) { if (!isset($series_type[$point_id])) { $series_type[$point_id] = $series_type[$i]; unset($series_type[$i]); } } } else { $point_id = $i; } $MyData->addPoints($values, $point_id); if (!empty($rgb_color)) { $MyData->setPalette($point_id, array( "R" => $rgb_color[$i]['color']["R"], "G" => $rgb_color[$i]['color']["G"], "B" => $rgb_color[$i]['color']["B"], "BorderR" => $rgb_color[$i]['border']["R"], "BorderG" => $rgb_color[$i]['border']["G"], "BorderB" => $rgb_color[$i]['border']["B"], "Alpha" => $rgb_color[$i]['alpha'])); /*$palette_color = array(); if (isset($rgb_color[$i]['color'])) { $palette_color["R"] = $rgb_color[$i]['color']["R"]; $palette_color["G"] = $rgb_color[$i]['color']["G"]; $palette_color["B"] = $rgb_color[$i]['color']["B"]; } if (isset($rgb_color[$i]['color'])) { $palette_color["BorderR"] = $rgb_color[$i]['border']["R"]; $palette_color["BorderG"] = $rgb_color[$i]['border']["G"]; $palette_color["BorderB"] = $rgb_color[$i]['border']["B"]; } if (isset($rgb_color[$i]['color'])) { $palette_color["Alpha"] = $rgb_color[$i]['Alpha']; } $MyData->setPalette($point_id, $palette_color);*/ } $MyData->setSerieWeight($point_id, $config['custom_graph_width']); } //$MyData->addPoints($data,"Yaxis"); $MyData->setAxisName(0,$unit); $MyData->addPoints($index,"Xaxis"); $MyData->setSerieDescription("Xaxis", $xaxisname); $MyData->setAbscissa("Xaxis"); $MyData->setAxisDisplay(0, AXIS_FORMAT_METRIC); switch ($backgroundColor) { case 'white': $transparent = false; $fontColor = array('R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0); break; case 'black': $transparent = false; $fontColor = array('R' => 200, 'G' => 200, 'B' => 200); break; case 'transparent': $transparent = true; $fontColor = array('R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0); break; } /* Create the pChart object */ $myPicture = new pImage($width, $height, $MyData, $transparent, $backgroundColor, $fontColor); /* Turn of Antialiasing */ $myPicture->Antialias = $antialiasing; /* Add a border to the picture */ //$myPicture->drawRectangle(0,0,$width,$height,array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0)); /* Set the default font */ $myPicture->setFontProperties( array("FontName" =>$font, "FontSize" => $font_size)); if (isset($legend)) { /* Set horizontal legend if is posible */ $legend_mode = LEGEND_HORIZONTAL; $size = $myPicture->getLegendSize( array("Style" => LEGEND_NOBORDER,"Mode" => $legend_mode)); if ($size['Width'] > ($width - 5)) { $legend_mode = LEGEND_VERTICAL; $size = $myPicture->getLegendSize(array("Style"=>LEGEND_NOBORDER,"Mode"=>$legend_mode)); } /* Write the chart legend */ $myPicture->drawLegend($width - $size['Width'], 8, array("Style" => LEGEND_NOBORDER, "Mode" => $legend_mode)); } //Calculate the bottom margin from the size of string in each index $max_chars = graph_get_max_index($index); $margin_bottom = $font_size * $max_chars + 20; // added 20 px to show xaxisname $water_mark_height = 0; $water_mark_width = 0; if (!empty($water_mark)) { $size_water_mark = getimagesize($water_mark); $water_mark_height = $size_water_mark[1]; $water_mark_width = $size_water_mark[0]; $myPicture->drawFromPNG( ($width - $water_mark_width), ($height - $water_mark_height) - $margin_bottom, $water_mark); } // Get the max number of scale $max_all = 0; $serie_ne_zero = false; foreach ($data as $serie) { $max_this_serie = max($serie); if ($max_this_serie > $max_all) { $max_all = $max_this_serie; } // Detect if all serie is equal to zero or not if ($serie != 0) $serie_ne_zero = true; } // Get the number of digits of the scale $digits_left = 0; while ($max_all > 1) { $digits_left ++; $max_all /= 10; } // If the number is less than 1 we count the decimals // Also check if the serie is not all equal to zero (!$serie_ne_zero) if ($digits_left == 0 and !$serie_ne_zero) { while($max_all < 1) { $digits_left ++; $max_all *= 10; } } $chart_size = ($digits_left * $font_size) + 20; $max_data = max(max($data)); $default_chart_size = 40; $rest_chars = strlen($max_data) - 6; $default_chart_size += $rest_chars * 5; /* Area depends on yaxisname */ if ($yaxisname != '') { $chart_size += $default_chart_size; } else { $chart_size = $default_chart_size; } if (isset($size['Height'])) { /* Define the chart area */ //if ($yaxisname != '') { //} $myPicture->setGraphArea($chart_size, $size['Height'], ($width - $water_mark_width), ($height - $margin_bottom)); } else { /* Define the chart area */ $myPicture->setGraphArea($chart_size, 5, ($width - $water_mark_width), ($height - $margin_bottom)); } /*Get minimun value to draw axis properly*/ $min_data = min(min($data)); $ManualScale = array(); $mode = SCALE_MODE_START0; if ($min_data < 0) { $mode = SCALE_MODE_FLOATING; } if ($max_data < 0) { $ManualScale = array(0 => array("Min" => $min_data, "Max" => 0)); $mode = SCALE_MODE_MANUAL; } /* Draw the scale */ $scaleSettings = array( "GridR" => 200, "GridG" => 200, "GridB" => 200, "DrawSubTicks" => TRUE, "CycleBackground" => TRUE, "Mode" => $mode, "ManualScale" => $ManualScale, "LabelRotation" => 40, "XMargin" => 0, "MinDivHeight" => 20, "TicksFontSize" => $font_size - 1); if (true) { $scaleSettings['AxisR'] = '200'; $scaleSettings['AxisG'] = '200'; $scaleSettings['AxisB'] = '200'; $scaleSettings['TickR'] = '200'; $scaleSettings['TickG'] = '200'; $scaleSettings['TickB'] = '200'; } $myPicture->drawScale($scaleSettings); /* Turn on shadow computing */ //$myPicture->setShadow(TRUE,array("X"=>0,"Y"=>1,"R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>10)); switch ($graph_type) { case 'stacked_area': $ForceTransparency = "-1"; break; default: $ForceTransparency = "50"; break; } /* Draw the chart */ $settings = array( "ForceTransparency" => $ForceTransparency, "Gradient" => TRUE, "GradientMode" => GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN, "DisplayValues" => $show_values, "DisplayZeroValues" => FALSE, "DisplayR" => 100, "DisplayZeros" => FALSE, "DisplayG" => 100, "DisplayB" => 100, "DisplayShadow" => TRUE, "Surrounding" => 5, "AroundZero" => TRUE); if (empty($series_type)) { switch($graph_type) { case "stacked_area": case "area": $myPicture->drawAreaChart($settings); break; case "line": $myPicture->drawLineChart($settings); break; } } else { // Hiden all series for to show each serie as type foreach ($series_type as $id => $type) { $MyData->setSerieDrawable($id, false); } foreach ($series_type as $id => $type) { $MyData->setSerieDrawable($id, true); //Enable the serie to paint switch ($type) { default: case 'area': $myPicture->drawAreaChart($settings); break; //~ case "points": //~ $myPicture->drawPlotChart($settings); //~ break; case "line": $myPicture->drawLineChart($settings); break; case 'boolean': switch($graph_type) { case "stacked_area": case "area": $myPicture->drawFilledStepChart($settings); break; case "line": $myPicture->drawStepChart($settings); break; } break; } $MyData->setSerieDrawable($id, false); //Disable the serie to paint the rest } } /* Render the picture */ $myPicture->stroke(); } function pch_threshold_graph ($graph_type, $index, $data, $width, $height, $font, $antialiasing, $xaxisname = "", $yaxisname = "", $title = "", $show_values = false, $show_legend = false, $font_size) { /* CAT:Threshold Chart */ /* Create and populate the pData object */ $MyData = new pData(); $MyData->addPoints($data,"DEFCA"); $MyData->setAxisName(0,$yaxisname); $MyData->setAxisDisplay(0,AXIS_FORMAT_CURRENCY); $MyData->addPoints($index,"Labels"); $MyData->setSerieDescription("Labels",$xaxisname); $MyData->setAbscissa("Labels"); $MyData->setPalette("DEFCA",array("R"=>55,"G"=>91,"B"=>127)); /* Create the pChart object */ $myPicture = new pImage(700,230,$MyData); $myPicture->drawGradientArea(0,0,700,230,DIRECTION_VERTICAL,array("StartR"=>220,"StartG"=>220,"StartB"=>220,"EndR"=>255,"EndG"=>255,"EndB"=>255,"Alpha"=>100)); $myPicture->drawRectangle(0,0,699,229,array("R"=>200,"G"=>200,"B"=>200)); /* Write the picture title */ $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName"=>$font,"FontSize"=>$font_size)); $myPicture->drawText(60,35,$title,array("FontSize"=>$font_size,"Align"=>TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT)); /* Do some cosmetic and draw the chart */ $myPicture->setGraphArea(60,40,670,190); $myPicture->drawFilledRectangle(60,40,670,190,array("R"=>255,"G"=>255,"B"=>255,"Surrounding"=>-200,"Alpha"=>10)); $myPicture->drawScale(array("GridR"=>180,"GridG"=>180,"GridB"=>180, "Mode" => SCALE_MODE_START0)); $myPicture->setShadow(TRUE,array("X"=>2,"Y"=>2,"R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0,"Alpha"=>10)); $myPicture->setFontProperties(array("FontName"=>$font,"FontSize"=>$font_size)); $settings = array("Gradient"=>TRUE,"GradientMode"=>GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN,"DisplayValues"=>$show_values,"DisplayZeroValues"=>FALSE,"DisplayR"=>100,"DisplayG"=>100,"DisplayB"=>100,"DisplayShadow"=>TRUE,"Surrounding"=>5,"AroundZero"=>FALSE); $myPicture->drawSplineChart($settings); $myPicture->setShadow(FALSE); if ($show_legend) { /* Write the chart legend */ $myPicture->drawLegend(643,210,array("Style"=>LEGEND_NOBORDER,"Mode"=>LEGEND_HORIZONTAL)); } /* Render the picture */ $myPicture->stroke(); } ?>