".__('There was a problem loading group')."";
echo "";
echo '';
echo '
echo '';
echo '';
echo '';
// Header
if ($id_group) {
ui_print_page_header (__("Update group"), "images/god1.png", false, "", true, "");
else {
ui_print_page_header (__("Create group"), "images/god1.png", false, "", true, "");
$table->width = '98%';
$table->data = array ();
$table->data[0][0] = __('Name');
$table->data[0][1] = html_print_input_text ('name', $name, '', 35, 100, true);
$table->data[1][0] = __('Icon');
$files = list_files ('images/groups_small/', "png", 1, 0);
$table->data[1][1] = html_print_select ($files, 'icon', $icon, '', 'None', '', true);
$table->data[1][1] .= ' ';
if ($icon) {
$table->data[1][1] .= html_print_image("images/groups_small/".$icon, true);
$table->data[1][1] .= '';
$table->data[2][0] = __('Parent');
$sql = 'SELECT id_grupo, nombre FROM tgrupo ';
if ($id_group)
$sql .= sprintf ('WHERE id_grupo != %d', $id_group);
$groups = users_get_groups();
if ($id_group) {
$table->data[2][1] = html_print_select_groups(false, "AR", true, 'id_parent', $id_parent,
'', '', '', true, false, true, '', false, false, false, $id_group);
else {
$table->data[2][1] = html_print_select_groups(false, "AR", true, 'id_parent', $id_parent, '', '', '', true);
$table->data[2][1] .= ' ';
$table->data[2][1] .= html_print_image("images/groups_small/".groups_get_icon ($id_parent).".png", true);
$table->data[2][1] .= '';
$table->data[3][0] = __('Alerts');
$table->data[3][1] = html_print_checkbox ('alerts_enabled', 1, ! $alerts_disabled, true);
$table->data[4][0] = __('Propagate ACL') . ui_print_help_tip (__("Propagate the same ACL security into the child subgroups."), true);
$table->data[4][1] = html_print_checkbox('propagate', 1, $propagate, true);
$table->data[5][0] = __('Custom ID');
$table->data[5][1] = html_print_input_text ('custom_id', $custom_id, '', 16, 255, true);
$isFunctionSkins = enterprise_include_once ('include/functions_skins.php');
if ($isFunctionSkins !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
$table->data[6][0] = __('Skin');
$table->data[6][1] = skins_print_select($config["id_user"], 'skin', $skin, '', __('None'), 0, true);
echo '';