$folder) {
if ($folder['id_container'] == 0) {
if(!in_array($folder['parent'], array_keys($folders))) {
$folder['parent'] = 0;
$tree[$folder['parent']]['hash_branch'] = 1;
$tree[$folder['parent']]['branch'][$key] = &$tree[$key];
if (isset($folders[0])) {
$tree = array($tree[0]);
else {
$tree = $tree[0]['branch'];
return $tree;
function folder_flatten_tree_folders($tree, $deep) {
foreach ($tree as $key => $folder) {
$return[$key] = $folder;
$return[$key]['deep'] = $deep;
if (!empty($folder['branch'])) {
$return = $return +
folder_flatten_tree_folders($folder['branch'], $deep + 1);
return $return;
function folder_get_select($folders_tree){
$fields = array();
foreach ($folders_tree as $folder_tree) {
$folderName = ui_print_truncate_text($folder_tree['name'], GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, false, true, false);
$fields[$folder_tree['id_container']] = str_repeat(" ", $folder_tree['deep']) . $folderName;
return $fields;
function folder_togge_tree_folders($tree) {
foreach ($tree as $key => $folder) {
$folderName = ui_print_truncate_text($folder['name'], GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, false, true, false);
$table = '';
// style='background: #f2f2f2;border: 1px solid #e2e2e2;margin-bottom: 4px'
if (!empty($folder['branch'])) {
$togge = $table. folder_togge_tree_folders($folder['branch']);
if ($folder['parent']=== '0'){
$return[$key] .= "
" . ui_toggle_container($togge,$folderName, '', true, true, $folder['id_group'], $folder['id_container'],$folder['parent']) . "
} else {
$return[$key] .= "" . ui_toggle_container($togge,$folderName, '', true, true, $folder['id_group'], $folder['id_container'],$folder['parent']) . "
} else {
if ($folder['parent'] === '0'){
$return[$key] = "";
} else {
$return[$key] = "
$return[$key] .= ui_toggle_container($table,$folderName, '', true, true, $folder['id_group'], $folder['id_container'],$folder['parent']);
$return[$key] .= "
$retorno = implode("", $return);
return $retorno;
function folder_table ($graphs){
global $config;
$report_r = check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "RR");
$report_w = check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "RW");
$report_m = check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "RM");
$access = ($report_r == true) ? 'RR' : (($report_w == true) ? 'RW' : (($report_m == true) ? 'RM' : 'RR'));
$table = new stdClass();
$table->width = '100%';
$table->class = 'databox data';
$table->align = array ();
$table->head = array ();
$table->head[0] = __('Graph name');
$table->head[1] = __('Description');
$table->head[2] = __('Number of Graphs');
$table->head[3] = __('Group');
$table->size[0] = '30%';
$table->size[2] = '200px';
$table->size[3] = '200px';
$table->align[2] = 'left';
$table->align[3] = 'left';
if ($report_w || $report_m) {
$table->align[4] = 'left';
$table->head[4] = __('Op.') .
html_print_checkbox('all_delete', 0, false, true, false,
$table->size[4] = '90px';
$table->data = array ();
// $result_graphs = array_slice($graphs, $offset, $config['block_size']);
foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
$data = array ();
$data[0] = '
' . ui_print_truncate_text($graph['name'], 70) . '';
$data[1] = ui_print_truncate_text($graph["description"], 70);
$data[2] = $graph["graphs_count"];
$data[3] = ui_print_group_icon($graph['id_group'],true);
if (($report_w || $report_m) && users_can_manage_group_all($access)) {
$data[4] = '
'.html_print_image("images/config.png", true).'';
$data[4] .= ' ';
$data[4] .= '
' . html_print_image("images/cross.png", true, array('alt' => __('Delete'), 'title' => __('Delete'))) . '' .
html_print_checkbox_extended ('delete_multiple[]', $graph['id_graph'], false, false, '', 'class="check_delete" style="margin-left:2px;"', true);
array_push ($table->data, $data);
return $table;
function folder_get_all_child_container($parent) {
$child_folders = db_get_all_rows_filter('tcontainer',
array('parent' => $parent));
return $child_folders;
* Get parent id
function folder_get_parent_id($child) {
$child_folders = db_get_all_rows_filter('tcontainer',
array('id_container' => $child));
return $child_folders[0]['parent'];
* Get all si
function folder_get_sibling($sibling) {
$parent_folders = db_get_all_rows_filter('tcontainer',
array('id_container' => $sibling));
$sibling_folders = db_get_all_rows_filter('tcontainer',
array('parent' => $parent_folders[0]['parent']));
return $sibling_folders;
function ui_toggle_container($code, $name, $title = '', $hidden_default = true, $return = false, $group , $id_container, $parent = false) {
global $config;
$report_r = check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "RR");
$report_w = check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "RW");
$report_m = check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "RM");
$access = ($report_r == true) ? 'RR' : (($report_w == true) ? 'RW' : (($report_m == true) ? 'RM' : 'RR'));
// Generate unique Id
$uniqid = uniqid('');
// Options
if ($hidden_default) {
$style = 'display:none';
$image_a = html_print_image("images/down.png", true, false, true);
$image_b = html_print_image("images/go.png", true, false, true);
$original = "images/go.png";
else {
$style = '';
$image_a = html_print_image("images/down.png", true, false, true);
$image_b = html_print_image("images/go.png", true, false, true);
$original = "images/down.png";
// Link to toggle
$table = new stdClass();
$table->id = 'container_table';
$table->width = '100%';
$table->cellspacing = 4;
$table->cellpadding = 4;
$table->class = 'dat';
$table->styleTable = 'font-weight: bold;background: #f2f2f2;border: 1px solid #e2e2e2;margin-bottom: 4px';
} else {
$table->styleTable = 'font-weight: bold;margin-bottom: 4px;border-bottom: 1px solid #dcdcdc;';
$table->style[0] = 'width: 30%';
$table->style[1] = 'width: 30%';
$table->style[0] = 'width: 30%';
$table->style[1] = 'width: 30%';
if ($id_container === '1'){
$table->style[2] = 'padding-right: 34px';
$table->align[1] = 'center';
$table->align[2] = 'center';
} else {
$id = folder_get_parent_id($id_container);
$i = 0;
while($id !== '0'){
$id = folder_get_parent_id($id);
$padding_group = 28 * $i;
$padding_icon = 10 * $i;
$table->style[0] = 'width: 30%';
$table->style[1] = 'width: 30%;padding-right: '.$padding_group.'px';
$table->style[2] = 'padding-right: '.$padding_icon.'px';
$table->align[1] = 'center';
$table->align[2] = 'center';
$table->data = array();
$data = array();
$data[0] = '
' . html_print_image ($original, true, array ("title" => $title, "id" => "image_".$uniqid)) . ' '.$name.'';
$data[1] = ui_print_group_icon($group,true);
if($report_r && $report_w){
$data[2] = '
'.html_print_image("images/config.png", true).'';
if($report_r && $report_w && $report_m){
if ($id_container !== '1'){
$data[2] .= '  ' .'
' . html_print_image("images/cross.png", true, array('alt' => __('Delete'), 'title' => __('Delete'))) . '';
$table->data[] = $data;
$table->rowclass[] = '';
$output .= html_print_table($table, true);
// Code into a div
$output .= "
$output .= html_print_input_hidden($uniqid, $id_container);
$output .= $code;
$output .= "
// JQuery Toggle
$output .= '';
if (!$return) {
echo $output;
else {
return $output;