$value) { db_process_sql_update( 'tupdate_settings', [db_escape_key_identifier('value') => $value], [db_escape_key_identifier('key') => $key] ); } ui_print_success_message(__('License updated')); } ui_require_javascript_file_enterprise('load_enterprise'); enterprise_include_once('include/functions_license.php'); $license = enterprise_hook('license_get_info'); $rows = db_get_all_rows_in_table('tupdate_settings'); $settings = new StdClass; foreach ($rows as $row) { $settings->{$row['key']} = $row['value']; } echo ''; function render_info($table) { global $console_mode; $info = db_get_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table"); render_row($info, "DB Table $table"); } function render_info_data($query, $label) { global $console_mode; $info = db_get_sql($query); render_row($info, $label); } function render_row($data, $label) { global $console_mode; if ($console_mode == 1) { echo $label; echo '|'; echo $data; echo "\n"; } else { echo ''; echo "
".$label; echo '
'; echo "
".$data; echo '
'; echo ''; } } function get_value_sum($arr) { foreach ($arr as $clave) { foreach ($clave as $valor) { if (is_numeric($valor) === true) { $result += $valor; } } } return $result; } function execution_time() { $times = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT datos FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = 29 ORDER BY utimestamp DESC LIMIT 2'); if ($times[0]['datos'] > ($times[1]['datos'] * 1.2)) { return "Warning Status   The execution time could be degrading. For a more extensive information of this data consult the Execution Time graph"; } else { return "Normal Status   The execution time is correct. For more information about this data, check the Execution Time graph"; } } function get_logs_size($file) { $file_name = '/var'.$file.''; $size_server_log = filesize($file_name); return $size_server_log; } function get_status_logs($path) { $status_server_log = ''; $size_server_log = get_logs_size($path); if ($size_server_log <= 1048576) { $status_server_log = "Normal Status   You have less than 10 MB of logs"; } else { $status_server_log = "Warning Status   You have more than 10 MB of logs"; } return $status_server_log; } function percentage_modules_per_agent() { $status_average_modules = ''; $total_agents = db_get_value_sql('SELECT count(*) FROM tagente'); $total_modules = db_get_value_sql('SELECT count(*) FROM tagente_modulo'); $average_modules_per_agent = ($total_modules / $total_agents); if ($average_modules_per_agent <= 40) { $status_average_modules = "Normal Status   The average of modules per agent is less than 40"; } else { $status_average_modules = "Warning Status  The average of modules per agent is more than 40. You can have performance problems"; } return $status_average_modules; } function license_capacity() { $license = enterprise_hook('license_get_info'); $license_limit = $license['limit']; $status_license_capacity = ''; $current_count = db_get_value_sql('SELECT count(*) FROM tagente'); if ($current_count > ($license_limit * 90 / 100)) { $status_license_capacity = "Warning Status   License capacity exceeds 90 percent"; } else { $status_license_capacity = "Normal Status   License capacity is less than 90 percent"; } return $status_license_capacity; } function status_license_params($license_param) { $status_license_par = ''; if ($license_param <= 0) { $status_license_par = 'OFF'; } else { $status_license_par = 'ON'; } return $status_license_par; } function interval_average_of_network_modules() { $total_network_modules = db_get_value_sql('SELECT count(*) FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_tipo_modulo BETWEEN 6 AND 18'); $total_module_interval_time = db_get_value_sql('SELECT SUM(module_interval) FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_tipo_modulo BETWEEN 6 AND 18'); $average_time = ((int) $total_module_interval_time / $total_network_modules); if ($average_time < 180) { $status_average_modules = "Warning Status   The system is overloaded (average time $average_time) and a very fine configuration is required"; } else { $status_average_modules = "Normal Status   The system is not overloaded (average time $average_time) "; } if ($average_time == 0) { $status_average_modules = "Normal Status   The system has no load"; } return $status_average_modules; } $attachment_total_files = count(glob($config['homedir'].'/attachment/{*.*}', GLOB_BRACE)); function files_attachment_folder($total_files) { if ($total_files <= 700) { $status_total_files = "Normal Status   The attached folder contains less than 700 files."; } else { $status_total_files = "Warning Status   The attached folder contains more than 700 files."; } return $status_total_files; } $tagente_datos_size = db_get_value_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos'); function status_tagente_datos($tagente_datos_size) { if ($tagente_datos_size <= 3000000) { $tagente_datos_size = "Normal Status   The tagente_datos table contains an acceptable amount of data."; } else { $tagente_datos_size = "Warning Status   The tagente_datos table contains too much data. A historical database is recommended."; } return $tagente_datos_size; } function status_values($val_rec, $val) { if ($val_rec <= $val) { return $val." (Min. Recommended Value ".$val_rec.')'; } else { return $val." (Min. Recommended Value ".$val_rec.") Warning Status"; } } $tables_fragmentation = db_get_sql( "SELECT (data_free/(index_length+data_length)) as frag_ratio from information_schema.tables where DATA_FREE > 0 and table_name='tagente_datos' and table_schema='pandora'" ); $db_size = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT table_schema, ROUND(SUM(data_length+index_length)/1024/1024,3) FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema;' ); if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') { $total_server_threads = shell_exec('ps -T aux | grep pandora_server | grep -v grep | wc -l'); $percentage_threads_ram = shell_exec("ps axo pmem,cmd | grep pandora_server | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}'"); $percentage_threads_cpu = shell_exec("ps axo pcpu,cmd | grep pandora_server | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}'"); $innodb_buffer_pool_size_min_rec_value = shell_exec("cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i total | head -1 | awk '{print $(NF-1)*0.4/1024}'"); } $path_server_logs = '/log/pandora/pandora_server.log'; $path_err_logs = '/log/pandora/pandora_server.error'; $path_console_logs = '/www/html/pandora_console/pandora_console.log'; $innodb_log_file_size_min_rec_value = '64M'; $innodb_log_buffer_size_min_rec_value = '16M'; $innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit_min_rec_value = 0; $query_cache_limit_min_rec_value = 2; $max_allowed_packet_min_rec_value = 32; $innodb_buffer_pool_size_min_rec_value = shell_exec("cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i total | head -1 | awk '{print $(NF-1)*0.4/1024}'"); $sort_buffer_size_min_rec_value = 32; $join_buffer_size_min_rec_value = 265; $query_cache_type_min_rec_value = 'ON'; $query_cache_size_min_rec_value = 24; $innodb_lock_wait_timeout_max_rec_value = 120; $tables_fragmentation_max_rec_value = 10; $thread_cache_size_max_rec_value = 8; $thread_stack_min_rec_value = 256; $max_connections_max_rec_value = 150; $key_buffer_size_min_rec_value = 256; $read_buffer_size_min_rec_value = 32; $read_rnd_buffer_size_min_rec_value = 32; $query_cache_min_res_unit_min_rec_value = 2; $innodb_file_per_table_min_rec_value = 0; function status_fragmentation_tables($tables_fragmentation_max_rec_value, $tables_fragmentation) { $status_tables_frag = ''; if ($tables_fragmentation > $tables_fragmentation_max_rec_value) { $status_tables_frag = "Warning Status   Table fragmentation is higher than recommended. They should be defragmented."; } else { $status_tables_frag = "Normal Status   Table fragmentation is correct."; } return $status_tables_frag; } $console_mode = 1; if (!isset($argc)) { $console_mode = 0; } if ($console_mode == 1) { echo "\nPandora FMS PHP diagnostic tool v3.2 (c) Artica ST 2009-2010 \n"; if ($argc == 1 || in_array($argv[1], ['--help', '-help', '-h', '-?'])) { echo "\nThis command line script contains information about Pandora FMS database. This program can only be executed from the console, and it needs a parameter, the full path to Pandora FMS 'config.php' file. Usage: php pandora_diag.php path_to_pandora_console Example: php pandora_diag.php /var/www/pandora_console "; exit; } if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.]|(\/\/)|(\.\.)/', $argv[1])) { echo "Invalid path: $argv[1]. Always use absolute paths."; exit; } include $argv[1].'/include/config.php'; } else { if (file_exists('../include/config.php')) { include '../include/config.php'; } // Not from console, this is a web session if ((!isset($config['id_user'])) or (!check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM'))) { echo "

You don't have privileges to use diagnostic tool

"; echo '

Please login with an administrator account before try to use this tool

'; exit; } // Header ui_print_page_header(__('Pandora FMS Diagnostic tool'), '', false, '', true); echo ""; echo "'; } render_row($build_version, 'Pandora FMS Build'); render_row($pandora_version, 'Pandora FMS Version'); render_info_data("SELECT value FROM tconfig where token ='MR'", 'Minor Release'); render_row($config['homedir'], 'Homedir'); render_row($config['homeurl'], 'HomeUrl'); render_info_data( "SELECT `value` FROM tconfig WHERE `token` = 'enterprise_installed'", 'Enterprise installed' ); $full_key = db_get_sql( "SELECT value FROM tupdate_settings WHERE `key` = 'customer_key'" ); $compressed_key = substr($full_key, 0, 5).'...'.substr($full_key, -5); render_row($compressed_key, 'Update Key'); render_info_data( "SELECT value FROM tupdate_settings WHERE `key` = 'updating_code_path'", 'Updating code path' ); render_info_data( "SELECT value FROM tupdate_settings WHERE `key` = 'current_update'", 'Current Update #' ); echo "'; render_row(phpversion(), 'PHP Version'); render_row(ini_get('max_execution_time').' seconds', 'PHP Max execution time'); render_row(ini_get('max_input_time').' seconds', 'PHP Max input time'); render_row(ini_get('memory_limit'), 'PHP Memory limit'); render_row(ini_get('session.cookie_lifetime'), 'Session cookie lifetime'); echo "'; render_info_data('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente', 'Total agents'); render_info_data('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_modulo', 'Total modules'); render_info_data('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tgrupo', 'Total groups'); render_info_data('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos', 'Total module data records'); render_info_data('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagent_access', 'Total agent access record'); render_info_data('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tevento', 'Total events'); if ($config['enterprise_installed']) { render_info_data('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ttrap', 'Total traps'); } render_info_data('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tusuario', 'Total users'); render_info_data('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsesion', 'Total sessions'); echo "'; render_info_data( 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT tagente.id_agente) FROM tagente_estado, tagente, tagente_modulo WHERE tagente.disabled = 0 AND tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo = tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 AND tagente_estado.id_agente = tagente.id_agente AND tagente_estado.estado = 3', 'Total unknown agents' ); render_info_data( 'SELECT COUNT(tagente_estado.estado) FROM tagente_estado WHERE tagente_estado.estado = 4', 'Total not-init modules' ); $last_run_difference = ''; $diferencia = (time() - date( db_get_sql( "SELECT `value` FROM tconfig WHERE `token` = 'db_maintance'" ) )); $last_run_difference_months = 0; $last_run_difference_weeks = 0; $last_run_difference_days = 0; $last_run_difference_minutos = 0; $last_run_difference_seconds = 0; while ($diferencia >= 2419200) { $diferencia -= 2419200; $last_run_difference_months++; } while ($diferencia >= 604800) { $diferencia -= 604800; $last_run_difference_weeks++; } while ($diferencia >= 86400) { $diferencia -= 86400; $last_run_difference_days++; } while ($diferencia >= 3600) { $diferencia -= 3600; $last_run_difference_hours++; } while ($diferencia >= 60) { $diferencia -= 60; $last_run_difference_minutes++; } $last_run_difference_seconds = $diferencia; if ($last_run_difference_months > 0) { $last_run_difference .= $last_run_difference_months.'month/s '; } if ($last_run_difference_weeks > 0) { $last_run_difference .= $last_run_difference_weeks.' week/s '; } if ($last_run_difference_days > 0) { $last_run_difference .= $last_run_difference_days.' day/s '; } if ($last_run_difference_hours > 0) { $last_run_difference .= $last_run_difference_hours.' hour/s '; } if ($last_run_difference_minutes > 0) { $last_run_difference .= $last_run_difference_minutes.' minute/s '; } $last_run_difference .= $last_run_difference_seconds.' second/s ago'; render_row( date( 'Y/m/d H:i:s', db_get_sql( "SELECT `value` FROM tconfig WHERE `token` = 'db_maintance'" ) ).' ('.$last_run_difference.')'.' *', 'PandoraDB Last run' ); echo "'; switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': render_info_data( "SELECT `value` FROM tconfig WHERE `token` = 'db_scheme_first_version'", 'DB Schema Version (first installed)' ); render_info_data( "SELECT `value` FROM tconfig WHERE `token` = 'db_scheme_version'", 'DB Schema Version (actual)' ); render_info_data( "SELECT `value` FROM tconfig WHERE `token` = 'db_scheme_build'", 'DB Schema Build' ); render_row(get_value_sum($db_size).'M', 'DB Size'); if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') { echo "'; $output = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | tail -1 | cut -f 2 -d ":"'; $output2 = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "processor" | wc -l'; render_row(exec($output).' x '.exec($output2), 'CPU'); $output = 'cat /proc/meminfo | grep "MemTotal"'; render_row(exec($output), 'RAM'); } break; case 'postgresql': render_info_data( "SELECT \"value\" FROM tconfig WHERE \"token\" = 'db_scheme_version'", 'DB Schema Version' ); render_info_data( "SELECT \"value\" FROM tconfig WHERE \"token\" = 'db_scheme_build'", 'DB Schema Build' ); render_info_data( "SELECT \"value\" FROM tconfig WHERE \"token\" = 'enterprise_installed'", 'Enterprise installed' ); render_row( date( 'Y/m/d H:i:s', db_get_sql( "SELECT \"value\" FROM tconfig WHERE \"token\" = 'db_maintance'" ) ), 'PandoraDB Last run' ); render_info_data( "SELECT value FROM tupdate_settings WHERE \"key\" = 'customer_key';", 'Update Key' ); render_info_data( "SELECT value FROM tupdate_settings WHERE \"key\" = 'updating_code_path'", 'Updating code path' ); render_info_data( "SELECT value FROM tupdate_settings WHERE \"key\" = 'current_update'", 'Current Update #' ); break; case 'oracle': render_info_data( "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'db_scheme_version'", 'DB Schema Version' ); render_info_data( "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'db_scheme_build'", 'DB Schema Build' ); render_info_data( "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'enterprise_installed'", 'Enterprise installed' ); render_row( db_get_sql( "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'db_maintance'" ), 'PandoraDB Last run' ); render_info_data( 'SELECT '.db_escape_key_identifier('value')." FROM tupdate_settings WHERE \"key\" = 'customer_key'", 'Update Key' ); render_info_data( 'SELECT '.db_escape_key_identifier('value')." FROM tupdate_settings WHERE \"key\" = 'updating_code_path'", 'Updating code path' ); render_info_data( 'SELECT '.db_escape_key_identifier('value')." FROM tupdate_settings WHERE \"key\" = 'current_update'", 'Current Update #' ); break; } $innodb_log_file_size = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@innodb_log_file_size') / 1048576); $innodb_log_buffer_size = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@innodb_log_buffer_size') / 1048576); $innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit'); $max_allowed_packet = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@max_allowed_packet') / 1048576); $innodb_buffer_pool_size = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@innodb_buffer_pool_size') / 1024); $sort_buffer_size = number_format((db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@sort_buffer_size') / 1024), 2); $join_buffer_size = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@join_buffer_size') / 1024); $query_cache_type = db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@query_cache_type'); $query_cache_size = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@query_cache_size') / 1048576); $query_cache_limit = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@query_cache_limit') / 1048576); $innodb_lock_wait_timeout = db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@innodb_lock_wait_timeout'); $thread_cache_size = db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@thread_cache_size'); $thread_stack = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@thread_stack') / 1024); $max_connections = db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@max_connections'); $key_buffer_size = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@key_buffer_size') / 1024); $read_buffer_size = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@read_buffer_size') / 1024); $read_rnd_buffer_size = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@read_rnd_buffer_size') / 1024); $query_cache_min_res_unit = (db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@query_cache_min_res_unit') / 1024); $innodb_file_per_table = db_get_value_sql('SELECT @@innodb_file_per_table'); echo "'; render_row(status_values($innodb_log_file_size_min_rec_value, $innodb_log_file_size), 'InnoDB log file size ', 'InnoDB log file size '); render_row(status_values($innodb_log_buffer_size_min_rec_value, $innodb_log_buffer_size), 'InnoDB log buffer size ', 'InnoDB log buffer size '); render_row(status_values($innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit_min_rec_value, $innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit), 'InnoDB flush log at trx-commit ', 'InnoDB flush log at trx-commit '); render_row(status_values($max_allowed_packet_min_rec_value, $max_allowed_packet), 'Maximun allowed packet ', 'Maximun allowed packet '); render_row(status_values($innodb_buffer_pool_size_min_rec_value, $innodb_buffer_pool_size), 'InnoDB buffer pool size ', 'InnoDB buffer pool size '); render_row(status_values($sort_buffer_size_min_rec_value, $sort_buffer_size), 'Sort buffer size ', 'Sort buffer size '); render_row(status_values($join_buffer_size_min_rec_value, $join_buffer_size), 'Join buffer size ', 'Join buffer size '); render_row(status_values($query_cache_type_min_rec_value, $query_cache_type), 'Query cache type ', 'Query cache type '); render_row(status_values($query_cache_size_min_rec_value, $query_cache_size), 'Query cache size ', 'Query cache size '); render_row(status_values($query_cache_limit_min_rec_value, $query_cache_limit), 'Query cache limit ', 'Query cache limit '); render_row(status_values($innodb_lock_wait_timeout_max_rec_value, $innodb_lock_wait_timeout), 'InnoDB lock wait timeout ', 'InnoDB lock wait timeout '); render_row(status_values($thread_cache_size_max_rec_value, $thread_cache_size), 'Thread cache size ', 'Thread cache size '); render_row(status_values($thread_stack_min_rec_value, $thread_stack), 'Thread stack ', 'Thread stack '); render_row(status_values($max_connections_max_rec_value, $max_connections), 'Maximum connections ', 'Maximun connections '); render_row(status_values($key_buffer_size_min_rec_value, $key_buffer_size), 'Key buffer size ', 'Key buffer size '); render_row(status_values($read_buffer_size_min_rec_value, $read_buffer_size), 'Read buffer size ', 'Read buffer size '); render_row(status_values($read_rnd_buffer_size_min_rec_value, $read_rnd_buffer_size), 'Read rnd-buffer size ', 'Read rnd-buffer size '); render_row(status_values($query_cache_min_res_unit_min_rec_value, $query_cache_min_res_unit), 'Query cache min-res-unit ', 'Query cache min-res-unit '); render_row(status_values($innodb_file_per_table_min_rec_value, $innodb_file_per_table), 'InnoDB file per table ', 'InnoDB file per table '); echo "'; render_row($tables_fragmentation_max_rec_value.'%', 'Tables fragmentation (maximum recommended value)'); render_row(number_format($tables_fragmentation, 2).'%', 'Tables fragmentation (current value)'); render_row(status_fragmentation_tables($tables_fragmentation_max_rec_value, $tables_fragmentation), 'Table fragmentation status'); echo "'; render_row(number_format((get_logs_size($path_server_logs) / 1048576), 3).'M', 'Size server logs (current value)'); render_row(get_status_logs($path_server_logs), 'Status server logs'); render_row(number_format((get_logs_size($path_err_logs) / 1048576), 3).'M', 'Size error logs (current value)'); render_row(get_status_logs($path_err_logs), 'Status error logs'); render_row(number_format((get_logs_size($path_console_logs) / 1048576), 3).'M', 'Size console logs (current value)'); render_row(get_status_logs($path_console_logs), 'Status console logs'); echo "'; render_row(html_print_textarea('keys[customer_key]', 10, 255, $settings->customer_key, 'style="height:40px; width:450px;"', true), 'Customer key'); render_row($license['expiry_date'], 'Expires'); render_row($license['limit'].' agents', 'Platform Limit'); render_row($license['count'].' agents', 'Current Platform Count'); render_row($license['count_enabled'].' agents', 'Current Platform Count (enabled: items)'); render_row($license['count_disabled'].' agents', 'Current Platform Count (disabled: items)'); render_row($license['license_mode'], 'License Mode'); render_row(status_license_params($license['nms']), 'Network Management System'); render_row(status_license_params($license['dhpm']), 'Satellite'); render_row($license['licensed_to'], 'Licensed to'); render_row(license_capacity(), 'Status of agents capacity'); render_row(percentage_modules_per_agent(), 'Status of average modules per agent'); render_row(interval_average_of_network_modules(), 'Interval average of the network modules'); echo "'; render_row($attachment_total_files, 'Total files in the attached folder'); render_row(files_attachment_folder($attachment_total_files), 'Status of the attachment folder'); echo "'; render_row($tagente_datos_size, 'Total data in tagente_datos table'); render_row(status_tagente_datos($tagente_datos_size), 'Tangente_datos table status'); render_row(execution_time(), 'Execution time degradation when executing a count'); echo "'; render_row($total_server_threads, 'Total server threads'); render_row($percentage_threads_ram.'%', 'Percentage of threads used by the RAM'); render_row($percentage_threads_cpu.'%', 'Percentage of threads used by the CPU'); echo "'; $server_name = db_get_value_sql('SELECT name FROM tserver WHERE master = 1'); $agent_id = db_get_value_sql("SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE nombre = '$server_name'"); $id_modules = agents_get_modules($agent_id); $id_modules = [ modules_get_agentmodule_id('Agents_Unknown', $agent_id), modules_get_agentmodule_id('Database Maintenance', $agent_id), modules_get_agentmodule_id('FreeDisk_SpoolDir', $agent_id), modules_get_agentmodule_id('Free_RAM', $agent_id), modules_get_agentmodule_id('Queued_Modules', $agent_id), modules_get_agentmodule_id('Status', $agent_id), modules_get_agentmodule_id('System_Load_AVG', $agent_id), modules_get_agentmodule_id('Execution_time', $agent_id), ]; foreach ($id_modules as $id_module) { $params = [ 'agent_module_id' => $id_module['id_agente_modulo'], 'period' => SECONDS_1MONTH, 'date' => time(), 'height' => '150', ]; render_row(grafico_modulo_sparse($params), 'Graph of the '.$id_module['nombre'].' module.'); } if ($console_mode == 0) { echo '
".__('Pandora status info').'
".__('PHP setup').'
".__('Database size stats').'
".__('Database sanity').'
".__('Database status info').'
".__('System info').'
".__('MySQL Performance metrics').'
".__('Tables fragmentation in the Pandora FMS database').'
".__(' Pandora FMS logs dates').'
".__(' Pandora FMS Licence Information').'
".__(' Status of the attachment folder').'
".__(' Information from the tagente_datos table').'
".__(' Pandora FMS server threads').'
".__(' Graphs modules that represent the self-monitoring system').'
'; } echo "
"; echo ''.__( '(*) Please check your Pandora Server setup and make sure that the database maintenance daemon is running. It\' is very important to keep the database up-to-date to get the best performance and results in Pandora' ).'
