<?php /** * Interfaces view. * * @category Monitoring * @package Pandora FMS * @subpackage Community * @version 1.0.0 * @license See below * * ______ ___ _______ _______ ________ * | __ \.-----.--.--.--| |.-----.----.-----. | ___| | | __| * | __/| _ | | _ || _ | _| _ | | ___| |__ | * |___| |___._|__|__|_____||_____|__| |___._| |___| |__|_|__|_______| * * ============================================================================ * Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas * Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * ============================================================================ */ // Begin. global $config; check_login(); if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'AR') === false) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_ACL_VIOLATION, 'Trying to access Agent Management' ); include 'general/noaccess.php'; return; } require_once 'interface_view.functions.php'; require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_agents.php'; $recursion = get_parameter_switch('recursion', false); if ($recursion === false) { $recursion = get_parameter('recursion', false); } $selected_agents = get_parameter('selected_agents', []); $selected_interfaces = get_parameter('selected_interfaces', []); $refr = (int) get_parameter('refr', 0); $offset = (int) get_parameter('offset', 0); $sort_field = get_parameter('sort_field'); $sort = get_parameter('sort', 'none'); $autosearch = false; $sec = (string) get_parameter('sec', 'view'); $agent_id = (int) get_parameter('id_agente', 0); if ($sec === 'view') { ui_print_standard_header( __('Interface view').$subpage, '', false, '', true, [], [ [ 'link' => '', 'label' => __('Monitoring'), ], [ 'link' => '', 'label' => __('Views'), ], ] ); } $agent_filter = ['id_agente' => $agent_id]; // Autosearch if search parameters are different from those by default. if (empty($selected_agents) === false || empty($selected_interfaces) === false || $sort_field !== '' || $sort !== 'none' || $sec === 'estado' ) { $autosearch = true; } print_filters($sec); $result = false; if ($autosearch === true) { if ($sec === 'estado') { $result = agents_get_network_interfaces(false, $agent_filter); } else { $result = agents_get_network_interfaces($selected_agents); } if ($result === false) { $result = []; } else { ui_pagination( count($selected_interfaces), false, $offset, 0, false, 'offset', true ); } } print_table( $result, $selected_agents, $selected_interfaces, $sort_field, $sort, $offset, $sec ); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var group_id = $("#group_id").val(); load_agents_selector(group_id); var sec = "<?php echo $sec; ?>"; var agent_id = "<?php echo $agent_id; ?>"; if (sec === 'estado' && agent_id > 0) { load_agent_interfaces_selector([agent_id]); } }); $('#moduletype').click(function() { jQuery.get ( "ajax.php", { "page": "general/subselect_data_module", "module":$('#moduletype').val() }, function (data, status) { $("#datatypetittle").show (); $("#datatypebox").hide () .empty () .append (data) .show (); }, "html" ); return false; }); function toggle_full_value(id) { text = $('#hidden_value_module_' + id).html(); old_text = $("#value_module_text_" + id).html(); $("#hidden_value_module_" + id).html(old_text); $("#value_module_text_" + id).html(text); } function load_agents_selector(group) { jQuery.post ("ajax.php", { "page" : "operation/agentes/ver_agente", "get_agents_group_json" : 1, "get_agents_also_interfaces" : 1, "id_group" : group, "privilege" : "AW", "keys_prefix" : "_", "recursion" : $('#checkbox-recursion').is(':checked') }, function (data, status) { $("#selected_agents").html(''); jQuery.each (data, function (id, value) { id = id.substring(1); option = $("<option></option>") .attr ("value", value["id_agente"]) .html (value["alias"]); $("#id_agents").append (option); $("#selected_agents").append (option); }); var selected_agents = "<?php echo implode(',', $selected_agents); ?>"; $.each(selected_agents.split(","), function(i,e) { $("#selected_agents option[value='" + e + "']").prop( "selected", true ); }); load_agent_interfaces_selector($("#selected_agents").val()); }, "json" ); } $("#group_id").change(function() { load_agents_selector(this.value); }); $("#checkbox-recursion").change (function () { jQuery.post ("ajax.php", {"page" : "operation/agentes/ver_agente", "get_agents_group_json" : 1, "get_agents_also_interfaces" : 1, "id_group" : $("#group_id").val(), "privilege" : "AW", "keys_prefix" : "_", "recursion" : $('#checkbox-recursion').is(':checked') }, function (data, status) { $("#selected_agents").html(''); $("#module").html(''); jQuery.each (data, function (id, value) { id = id.substring(1); option = $("<option></option>") .attr ("value", value["id_agente"]) .html (value["alias"]); $("#id_agents").append (option); $("#selected_agents").append (option); }); }, "json" ); }); $("#selected_agents").click (function() { var selected_agents = $(this).val(); load_agent_interfaces_selector(selected_agents); }); function load_agent_interfaces_selector(selected_agents) { $("#selected_interfaces").empty(); jQuery.post ("ajax.php", { "page" : "include/ajax/agent", "get_agents_interfaces" : 1, "id_agents" : selected_agents }, function (data, status) { $("#module").html(''); if (data) { Object.values(data).forEach(function(obj) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj.interfaces)) { option = $("<option></option>") .attr ("value", value.status_module_id) .html (key + ' (' + obj.agent_alias + ')'); $("#selected_interfaces").append(option); } }); } var selected_interfaces = "<?php echo implode(',', $selected_interfaces); ?>"; $.each(selected_interfaces.split(","), function(i,e) { $("#selected_interfaces option[value='" + e + "']").prop( "selected", true ); }); }, "json" ); } </script>