
// Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com
// ==================================================
// Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
// Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Load global vars
global $config;


if (! check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'DM')) {
        'Trying to access Database Management'
    include 'general/noaccess.php';

// Get some general DB stats (not very heavy)
// NOTE: this is not realtime monitoring stats, are more focused on DB sanity
$stat_access = db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagent_access WHERE id_agent != 0');
$stat_data = db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo != 0');
$stat_data_log4x = db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_log4x WHERE id_agente_modulo != 0');
$stat_data_string = db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE id_agente_modulo != 0');
$stat_modules = db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_estado WHERE id_agente_modulo != 0');
$stat_event = db_get_sql(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tevento');
$stat_agente = db_get_sql(' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente');
switch ($config['dbtype']) {
    case 'mysql':
        $stat_uknown = db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente WHERE ultimo_contacto < NOW() - (intervalo * 2)');

    case 'postgresql':
        $stat_uknown = db_get_sql(
            "SELECT COUNT(*)
			FROM tagente
			WHERE ceil(date_part('epoch', ultimo_contacto)) < ceil(date_part('epoch', NOW())) - (intervalo * 2)"

    case 'oracle':
        $stat_uknown = db_get_sql(
            'SELECT COUNT(*)
			FROM tagente
			WHERE CAST(ultimo_contacto AS DATE) < SYSDATE - (intervalo * 2)'

switch ($config['dbtype']) {
    case 'mysql':
    case 'postgresql':
        $stat_noninit = db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_estado WHERE utimestamp = 0;');

    case 'oracle':
        $stat_noninit = db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_estado WHERE utimestamp = 0');

// Todo: Recalculate this data dinamically using the capacity and total agents
$max_access = 1000000;
$max_data = 12000000;

ui_print_page_header(__('Current database maintenance setup'), 'images/gm_db.png', false, '', true);

echo '<table class=databox width="98%" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4" border="0">';

// Current setup
echo '<tr><th colspan=2><i>';
echo __('Database setup');
echo '</i></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowOdd"><td>';
echo __('Max. time before compact data');
echo '<td><b>';
echo $config['days_compact'].' '.__('days');
echo '</b></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowPair"><td>';
echo __('Max. time before purge');
echo '<td><b>';
echo $config['days_purge'].' '.__('days');
echo '</b></td></tr>';

// DB size stats
echo '<tr><th colspan=2><i>';
echo __('Database size stats');
echo '</i></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowPair"><td>';
echo __('Total agents');
echo '<td><b>';
echo $stat_agente;
echo '</b></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowOdd"><td>';
echo __('Total events');
echo '<td><b>';
echo $stat_event;
echo '</b></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowPair"><td>';
echo __('Total data items (tagente_datos)');
echo '<td><b>';

if ($stat_data > $max_data) {
    echo "<font color='#ff0000'>$stat_data</font>";
} else {
    echo $stat_data;

echo '</b></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowPair"><td>';
echo __('Total log4x items (tagente_datos_log4x)');
echo '<td><b>';

if ($stat_data_log4x > $max_data) {
    echo "<font color='#ff0000'>$stat_data_log4x</font>";
} else {
    echo $stat_data_log4x;

echo '</b></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowOdd"><td>';
echo __('Total data string items (tagente_datos_string)');
echo '<td><b>';
echo $stat_data_string;
echo '</b></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowPair"><td>';
echo __('Total modules configured');
echo '<td><b>';
echo $stat_modules;
echo '</b></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowOdd"><td>';
echo __('Total agent access records');
echo '<td><b>';
if ($stat_access > $max_access) {
    echo "<font color='#ff0000'>$stat_access</font>";
} else {
    echo $stat_access;

echo '</b></td></tr>';

// Sanity
echo '<tr><th colspan=2><i>';
echo __('Database sanity');
echo '</i></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowPair"><td>';
echo __('Total uknown agents');
echo '<td><b>';
echo $stat_uknown;
echo '</b></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowOdd"><td>';
echo __('Total non-init modules');
echo '<td><b>';
echo $stat_noninit;
echo '</b></td></tr>';

echo '<tr class="rowPair"><td>';
echo __('Last time on DB maintance');
echo '<td>';

if (!isset($config['db_maintance'])) {
    echo '<b><font size=12px>'.__('Never').'</font></b>';
} else {
    $seconds = (time() - $config['db_maintance']);
    if ($seconds > 90000) {
        // (1,1 days)
        echo "<b><font color='#ff0000' size=12px>";
    } else {
        echo '<font><b>';

    echo human_time_description_raw($seconds);
    echo ' *';

echo '</td></tr>';

echo '<tr><td colspan=2>';
echo '<div align="justify"><br><hr width=100%>';
echo '(*) '.__("Please make sure your %s Server settings are correct and that the database maintenance daemon is running. It's very important to keep your database up to date in order to get the best performance and results from %s.", get_product_name(), get_product_name());
echo '</div>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';