# --------------------------------------------------------------
# IPMI Sensors parser for Unix
# Used as Plugin in Pandora FMS Monitoring System
# Written by Robert Nelson <robertn@the-nelsons.org> 2015
# Licensed under BSD Licence
# --------------------------------------------------------------

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Std;
use File::Copy;


my $TMP_DIR = "/tmp";

our $VERSION = "0.9.0";

	my ($fh) = @_;

	print $fh "$0 Version $VERSION\n";

	my ($fh) = @_;

	print $fh "usage: $0 (-l | -h <hostname> -u <username> -p <password>) [-g <modulegroup>] [-a <agent_name> -d <pool_path>]\n";
	print $fh "\nThis agent plugin can be used for local or remote IPMI monitoring\n";
	print $fh "For local monitoring:\n";
	print $fh "-l\n";
	print $fh "For remote monitoring:\n";
	print $fh "-h\tIPMI host name or IP address\n";
	print $fh "-u\tIPMI user name\n";
	print $fh "-p\tIPMI password\n";
	print $fh "In either case the module can be assigned to a module group using:\n";
	print $fh "-g\tModule group (must already exist in PandoraFMS)\n\n";
	print $fh "-a\tAgent name, requires also -d option\n";
	print $fh "-d\tLocal directory pool for agent data files\n";
	print $fh "-D\tdriver to be used\n";

sub exec_program($) {
	use IPC::Open3;
	use IO::Select;

	my $cmd = shift;
	my $pid = open3(\*CHILD_STDIN, \*CHILD_STDOUT, \*CHILD_STDERR, $cmd);


	my $sel = new IO::Select(\*CHILD_STDOUT, \*CHILD_STDERR);

	my ($child_stdout, $child_stderr) = ('', '');

	while (my @ready = $sel->can_read(60)) {
		foreach my $h (@ready)
			my ($buf, $count);
			if ($h eq \*CHILD_STDERR)
				$count = sysread(CHILD_STDERR, $buf, 4096);
				if ($count > 0) {
					$child_stderr .= $buf;
				} else {
			} else {
				$count = sysread(CHILD_STDOUT, $buf, 4096);
				if ($count > 0) {
					$child_stdout .= $buf;
				} else {
		my @active_handles = $sel->handles;
		if ($#active_handles < 0) {

	waitpid($pid, 1);

	my $retval = $? >> 8;

	return ($retval, $child_stdout, $child_stderr);

my %options;

if (!getopts('lh:u:p:g:a:d:', \%options)) {
	exit 1;

if (defined $options{'l'}) {
	if (defined $options{'h'} || defined $options{'u'} || defined $options{'p'} || defined $options{'v'}) {
		print STDERR "Option -l can't be used with -h, -u, -p or -v\n";
		exit 1;
} elsif (!defined $options{'h'} || !defined $options{'u'} || !defined $options{'p'}) {
	print STDERR "Either -l or all of -h, -u and -p must be specified\n";
	exit 1;
if ( ( defined $options{'a'} && !defined $options{'d'} ) || ( !defined $options{'a'} && defined $options{'d'} ) ) {
	print STDERR "Arguments -a and -d must be specified together\n";
	exit 1;

my $host_name     = $options{'h'};
my $user_name     = $options{'u'};
my $user_password = $options{'p'};
my $module_group  = $options{'g'};
my $agent_name    = $options{'a'};
my $dest_dir      = $options{'d'};
my $driver        = $options{'D'};

# Map Sensor type to module type and thresholds
# 0 = numeric, record has thresholds
# 1 = simple flag, 0 normal, > 0 critical
# 2 = complex flags, for now ignore alert settings
# 3 = string or unknown

my %sensor_types = (
	'Temperature' => 0,
	'Voltage' => 0,
	'Current' => 0,
	'Fan' => 0,
	'Physical Security' => 1,
	'Platform Security Violation Attempt' => 1,
	'Processor' => 2,
	'Power Supply' => 2,
	'Power Unit' => 2,
	'Cooling Device' => 0,
	'Other Units Based Sensor' => 0,
	'Memory' => 2,
	'Drive Slot' => 3,
	'POST Memory Resize' => 3,
	'System Firmware Progress' => 1,
	'Event Logging Disabled' => 2,
	'Watchdog 1' => 2,
	'System Event' => 2,
	'Critical Interrupt' => 1,
	'Button Switch' => 2,
	'Module Board' => 3,
	'Microcontroller Coprocessor' => 3,
	'Add In Card' => 3,
	'Chassis' => 3,
	'Chip Set' => 3,
	'Other Fru' => 3,
	'Cable Interconnect' => 3,
	'Terminator' => 3,
	'System Boot Initiated' => 2,
	'Boot Error' => 1,
	'OS Boot' => 2,
	'OS Critical Stop' => 1,
	'Slot Connector' => 2,
	'System ACPI Power State' => 2,
	'Watchdog 2' => 2,
	'Platform Alert' => 2,
	'Entity Presence' => 2,
	'Monitor ASIC IC' => 3,
	'LAN' => 2,
	'Management Subsystem Health' => 1,
	'Battery' => 2,
	'Session Audit' => 3,
	'Version Change' => 3,
	'FRU State' => 3,
	'OEM Reserved' => 3

my $command = 'ipmi-sensors';
if (defined $driver){
	$command .= " -D $driver "
if (defined $host_name) {
	$command .= " -h $host_name -u $user_name -p $user_password -l user";
$command .= ' --ignore-not-available-sensors --no-header-output --comma-separated-output --non-abbreviated-units --output-sensor-thresholds --output-event-bitmask';

my ($retval, $stdout, $stderr) = exec_program($command);

my $module_list = "";

if ($retval == 0) {
	my ($module_name, $module_type, $module_warn_min, $module_warn_max, $module_warn_invert, $module_critical_min, $module_critical_max, $module_critical_invert);

	foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $stdout)) {
		my ($sensor, $name, $type, $value, $units, $lowerNR, $lowerC, $lowerNC, $upperNC, $upperC, $upperNR, $eventmask) = split(/,/, $line);

		$module_name = "$type: $name";

		my ($module_warn_min, $module_warn_max, $module_warn_invert, $module_critical_min, $module_critical_max, $module_critical_invert);

		my $sensor_type = $sensor_types{$type};
		if ($sensor_type == 0) {
			$module_type = 'generic_data';
			if ($lowerC ne 'N/A' and $upperC ne 'N/A') {
				if ($lowerC <= $upperC) {
					$module_critical_min = $lowerC;
					$module_critical_max = $upperC;
				} else {
					$module_critical_min = $upperC;
					$module_critical_max = $lowerC;
				$module_critical_invert = '1';
			if ($lowerNC ne 'N/A' and $upperNC ne 'N/A') {
				if ($lowerNC <= $upperNC) {
					$module_warn_min = $lowerNC;
					$module_warn_max = $upperNC;
				} else {
					$module_warn_min = $upperNC;
					$module_warn_max = $lowerNC;
				$module_warn_invert = '1';
		} elsif ($sensor_type == 1) {
			$module_type = 'generic_data';
			$module_critical_min = '1';
			$module_critical_max = '0';
		} elsif ($sensor_type == 2) {
			$module_type = 'generic_data';
		} elsif ($sensor_type == 3) {
			$module_type = 'generic_data_string';
		} else {
			$module_type = 'generic_data_string';

		$module_list .= "<module>\n";
		$module_list .= "	<name><![CDATA[$module_name]]></name>\n";
		$module_list .= "	<type><![CDATA[$module_type]]></type>\n";
		$module_list .= "	<module_group><![CDATA[$module_group]]></module_group>\n" if defined $module_group;
		if ($value eq 'N/A') {
			if ($eventmask =~ /([0-9A-Fa-f]+)h/) {
				$value = hex $1;
			} else {
				$value = $eventmask;
		$module_list .= "	<data><![CDATA[$value]]></data>\n";
		$module_list .= "	<unit><![CDATA[$units]]></unit>\n" if ($units ne 'N/A');
		$module_list .= "	<min_warning>$module_warn_min</min_warning>\n" if defined $module_warn_min;
		$module_list .= "	<max_warning>$module_warn_max</max_warning>\n" if defined $module_warn_max;
		$module_list .= "	<warning_inverse>$module_warn_invert</warning_inverse>\n" if defined $module_warn_invert;
		$module_list .= "	<min_critical>$module_critical_min</min_critical>\n" if defined $module_critical_min;
		$module_list .= "	<max_critical>$module_critical_max</max_critical>\n" if defined $module_critical_max;
		$module_list .= "	<critical_inverse>$module_critical_invert</critical_inverse>\n" if defined $module_critical_invert;
		$module_list .= "</module>\n";

	if (defined ($agent_name)){

		my $xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n";

		# print header
		$xml .= "<agent_data ";
		$xml .= "agent_name='" . $agent_name . "'";
		$xml .= ">\n";

		# add content
		$xml .= $module_list;

		# print tail
		$xml .= "</agent_data>\n";

		# dump xml content to file
		my $file_name = $agent_name."_".time().".data";
		my $file_path = $TMP_DIR . "/" . $file_name;
		#Creating XML file in temp directory
		if ( -e $file_path ) {
			sleep (1);
			$file_name = $agent_name . "_" . time().".data";
			$file_path = $TMP_DIR . "/" . $file_name;

		open (FD, ">>", $file_path);
		my $bin_opts = ':raw:encoding(UTF8)';
		if ($^O eq "Windows") {
			$bin_opts .= ':crlf';
		binmode(FD, $bin_opts);

		print FD $xml;

		close (FD);

		# transfer file
		my $rc = copy($file_path, $dest_dir);

		#If there was no error, delete file
		if ($rc == 0) {
			print STDERR "There was a problem copying local file to $dest_dir: $!\n";
		} else {
			unlink ($file_path);

	else {
		print $module_list;

} else {
	print STDERR "ipmi_sensors: Error Executing - $command\n";
	print STDERR $stderr;
	exit 1;