'index.php?sec=ITSM&sec2=operation/ITSM/itsm', 'label' => __('ITSM'), ], [ 'link' => 'index.php?sec=ITSM&sec2=operation/ITSM/itsm&operation=list', 'label' => __('ITSM Tickets'), ], [ 'link' => 'index.php?sec=ITSM&sec2=operation/ITSM/itsm', 'label' => __('ITSM Detailed'), ], ] ); if (empty($error) === false) { ui_print_error_message($error); } if (empty($error_upload) === false) { ui_print_error_message($error_upload); } if (empty($error_comment) === false) { ui_print_error_message($error_comment); } if (empty($error_delete_attachment) === false) { ui_print_error_message($error_delete_attachment); } if (empty($successfullyMsg) === false) { ui_print_success_message($successfullyMsg); } if (empty($incidence) === true) { ui_print_info_message(__('Incidence not found')); } else { $nameIncidence = '--'; if (empty($incidence['idIncidenceType']) === false) { $nameIncidence = $objectTypes[$incidence['idIncidenceType']]; } // Details box. $details_box = '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= html_print_image('images/heart.png', true, ['class' => 'invert_filter']); $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= html_print_image('images/builder@svg.svg', true, ['class' => 'invert_filter']); $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= html_print_image('images/user_green.png', true, ['class' => 'invert_filter']); $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= $priorityDiv; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= html_print_image('images/incidents.png', true, ['class' => 'invert_filter']); $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= ($incidence['resolution'] !== 'NOTRESOLVED') ? $resolutions[$incidence['resolution']] : '--'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= $nameIncidence; $details_box .= '
'; $details_box .= '
'; // People box. $people_box = '
'; $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= html_print_image('images/header_user_green.png', true, ['width' => '21']); $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= html_print_image('images/header_user_green.png', true, ['width' => '21']); $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= html_print_image('images/header_user_green.png', true, ['width' => '21']); $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= '
'.__('Created by').':
'; $people_box .= '
'.__('Owned by').':
'; $people_box .= '
'.__('Closed by').':
'; $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= (empty($incidence['idCreator']) === false) ? $users[$incidence['idCreator']]['fullName'] : '--'; $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= (empty($incidence['owner']) === false) ? $users[$incidence['owner']]['fullName'] : '--'; $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= (empty($incidence['closedBy']) === false) ? $users[$incidence['closedBy']]['fullName'] : '--'; $people_box .= '
'; $people_box .= '
'; // Dates box. $dates_box = '
'; $dates_box .= '
'; $dates_box .= html_print_image('images/tick.png', true, ['class' => 'invert_filter']); $dates_box .= '
'; $dates_box .= '
'; $dates_box .= html_print_image('images/update.png', true, ['width' => '21', 'class' => 'invert_filter']); $dates_box .= '
'; $dates_box .= '
'; $dates_box .= html_print_image('images/mul.png', true, ['class' => 'invert_filter']); $dates_box .= '
'; $dates_box .= '
'.__('Created at').':
'; $dates_box .= '
'.__('Updated at').':
'; $dates_box .= '
'.__('Closed at').':
'; $dates_box .= '
'; $dates_box .= '
'; $dates_box .= '
'; $dates_box .= (($incidence['closeDate'] === '0000-00-00 00:00:00') ? '--' : $incidence['closeDate']); $dates_box .= '
'; $dates_box .= '
'; // Show details, people and dates. echo '
'; ui_toggle( $details_box, __('Details'), '', 'details_box', false, false, '', 'ITSM_details_content white-box-content', 'ITSM_details_shadow box-flat white_table_graph' ); ui_toggle( $people_box, __('People'), '', 'people_box', false, false, '', 'ITSM_details_content white-box-content', 'ITSM_details_shadow box-flat white_table_graph' ); ui_toggle( $dates_box, __('Dates'), '', 'dates_box', false, false, '', 'ITSM_details_content white-box-content', 'ITSM_details_shadow box-flat white_table_graph' ); echo '
'; // Show description. $description_box = '
'; $description_box .= str_replace("\r\n", '
', $incidence['description']); $description_box .= '
'; ui_toggle($description_box, __('Description'), '', '', false); if (empty($inventories) === false) { $inventories_box = '
'; $inventories_box .= ''; $inventories_box .= '
'; ui_toggle($inventories_box, __('Related to inventory object'), '', '', false); } // Files section table. $table_files_section = new stdClass(); $table_files_section->width = '100%'; $table_files_section->id = 'files_section_table'; $table_files_section->class = 'databox filters'; $table_files_section->head = []; $table_files_section->data = []; $table_files_section->size = []; $table_files_section->size[0] = '20%'; $table_files_section->size[1] = '60%'; $table_files_section->size[2] = '20%'; $table_files_section->data[0][0] = '
'; $table_files_section->data[0][0] .= '

'.__('File name').':

'; $table_files_section->data[0][0] .= html_print_input_file('userfile', true, ['required' => true]); $table_files_section->data[0][1] = '
'; $table_files_section->data[0][1] .= '

'; $table_files_section->data[0][1] .= __('Attachment description'); $table_files_section->data[0][1] .= ':

'; $table_files_section->data[0][1] .= html_print_textarea( 'file_description', 3, 20, '', '', true, 'w100p' ); $table_files_section->data[0][2] = '
'; $table_files_section->data[0][2] .= html_print_submit_button( __('Upload'), 'accion', false, [ 'icon' => 'wand', 'mode' => 'mini secondary', 'class' => 'right', ], true ); $table_files_section->data[0][2] .= '
'; // Files list table. $table_files = new stdClass(); $table_files->width = '100%'; $table_files->class = 'info_table'; $table_files->head = []; $table_files->head[0] = __('Filename'); $table_files->head[1] = __('Timestamp'); $table_files->head[2] = __('Description'); $table_files->head[3] = __('User'); $table_files->head[4] = __('Size'); $table_files->head[5] = __('Delete'); $table_files->data = []; $url = \ui_get_full_url('index.php?sec=manageTickets&sec2=operation/ITSM/itsm'); foreach ($files['data'] as $key => $file) { $onClick = 'downloadIncidenceAttachment('.$file['idIncidence'].','.$file['idAttachment']; $onClick .= ',\''.ui_get_full_url('ajax.php').'\',\''.$file['filename'].'\')'; $table_files->data[$key][0] = ''.$file['filename'].''; $table_files->data[$key][1] = $file['timestamp']; $table_files->data[$key][2] = $file['description']; $table_files->data[$key][3] = $file['idUser']; $table_files->data[$key][4] = $file['size']; $urlDelete = $url.'&operation=detail&idIncidence='.$file['idIncidence'].'&idAttachment='.$file['idAttachment']; $onclickDelete = 'javascript:if (!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure?').'\')) return false;'; $table_files->data[$key][5] .= ''; $table_files->data[$key][5] .= html_print_image( 'images/delete.svg', true, [ 'title' => __('Delete'), 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ); $table_files->data[$key][5] .= ''; } $upload_file_form = '
'; $upload_file_form .= '
'; $upload_file_form .= '

'.__('Add attachment').'

'; $upload_file_form .= html_print_table($table_files_section, true); $upload_file_form .= html_print_input_hidden('upload_file', true, true); $upload_file_form .= '

'.__('Attached files').'

'; $upload_file_form .= html_print_table($table_files, true); $upload_file_form .= '
'; $upload_file_form .= '
'; echo '
'; ui_toggle( $upload_file_form, __('Attached files'), '', '', true, false, 'white-box-content', 'w98p' ); echo '
'; // Comments section table. $table_comments_section = new stdClass(); $table_comments_section->width = '100%'; $table_comments_section->id = 'files_section_table'; $table_comments_section->class = 'databox filters'; $table_comments_section->head = []; $table_comments_section->size = []; $table_comments_section->size[0] = '80%'; $table_comments_section->size[1] = '20%'; $table_comments_section->data = []; $table_comments_section->data[0][0] = '
'; $table_comments_section->data[0][0] .= '

'; $table_comments_section->data[0][0] .= __('Description'); $table_comments_section->data[0][0] .= ':

'; $table_comments_section->data[0][0] .= html_print_textarea( 'comment_description', 3, 20, '', '', true, 'w100p' ); $table_comments_section->data[0][1] = '
'; $table_comments_section->data[0][1] .= html_print_submit_button( __('Add'), 'accion', false, [ 'icon' => 'wand', 'mode' => 'mini secondary', 'class' => 'right', ], true ); $table_comments_section->data[0][1] .= '
'; // Comments list table. $comment_table = ''; if (empty($wus) === false) { foreach ($wus['data'] as $wu) { $comment_table .= '
'; $comment_table .= $wu['idUser']; $comment_table .= ' said '; $comment_table .= $wu['timestamp']; $comment_table .= ''; $comment_table .= $wu['duration']; $comment_table .= ' Hours'; $comment_table .= '
'; $comment_table .= '
'; $comment_table .= $wu['description']; $comment_table .= '
'; } } else { $comment_table = __('No comments found'); } $upload_comment_form = '
'; $upload_comment_form .= '
'; $upload_comment_form .= '

'.__('Add comment').'

'; $upload_comment_form .= html_print_table($table_comments_section, true); $upload_comment_form .= html_print_input_hidden('addComment', 1, true); $upload_comment_form .= '
'; $upload_comment_form .= '


'; $upload_comment_form .= $comment_table; $upload_comment_form .= '
'; echo '
'; ui_toggle( $upload_comment_form, __('Comments'), '', '', true, false, 'white-box-content', 'w98p' ); echo '
'; }