------------How to Install---------------- Before start installation highly recommand to read the section under "Firefox extension proxy file" in the following URL (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Setting_up_extension_development_environment). 1. Open the trunk location (source code location) of the "firefox_extension" folder. 2. Copy the 'hareesan@pandorafms.org' file to the firefox extensions directory. 3. Edit the file 'hareesan@pandorafms.org' file and set the path to ur "firefox_extension" directory. 4. Restart firefox and view 'add-on tool bar' by using shortcut "Ctrl+/", you can see the icon of pandora eventviewer in one corner. -------------Short Cuts------------------- 1. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L : open options page of extension. 2. Ctrl+Shift+L : open extensions sidebar to view events. 3. Ctrl+/ : open add-on toolbar to view latest events and number of new events.