UPDATE tconfig SET value = '1.3' WHERE token = 'db_scheme_version'; UPDATE tconfig SET value = '1.3' WHERE token = 'db_scheme_build'; INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('show_unknown','0'); INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('show_lastalerts','1'); INSERT INTO tconfig (token, value) VALUES ('style','pandora'); UPDATE tconfig_os SET icon_name = 'so_aix.png' WHERE icon_name = 'so_aix.gif'; UPDATE tconfig_os SET icon_name = 'so_linux.png' WHERE icon_name = 'so_linux.gif'; UPDATE tconfig_os SET icon_name = 'so_solaris.png' WHERE icon_name = 'so_solaris.gif'; UPDATE tconfig_os SET icon_name = 'so_hpux.png' WHERE icon_name = 'so_hpux.gif'; UPDATE tconfig_os SET icon_name = 'so_beos.png' WHERE icon_name = 'so_beos.gif'; UPDATE tconfig_os SET icon_name = 'so_cisco.png' WHERE icon_name = 'so_cisco.gif'; UPDATE tconfig_os SET icon_name = 'so_mac.png' WHERE icon_name = 'so_mac.gif'; UPDATE tconfig_os SET icon_name = 'so_win.png' WHERE icon_name = 'so_win.gif'; UPDATE tconfig_os SET icon_name = 'so_other.png' WHERE icon_name = 'so_other.gif'; UPDATE tconfig_os SET icon_name = 'network.png' WHERE icon_name = 'network.gif'; UPDATE tgrupo SET icon = 'world', parent = 0, disabled = 0 WHERE id_grupo = 1; UPDATE tgrupo SET icon = 'server_database', parent = 0, disabled = 0 WHERE id_grupo = 2; UPDATE tgrupo SET icon = 'eye', parent = 0, disabled = 0 WHERE id_grupo = 3; UPDATE tgrupo SET icon = 'firewall', parent = 0, disabled = 0 WHERE id_grupo = 4; UPDATE tgrupo SET icon = 'database_gear', parent = 0, disabled = 0 WHERE id_grupo = 8; UPDATE tgrupo SET icon = 'transmit', parent = 0, disabled = 0 WHERE id_grupo = 9; UPDATE tgrupo SET icon = 'house', parent = 0, disabled = 0 WHERE id_grupo = 10; UPDATE tgrupo SET icon = 'computer', parent = 0, disabled = 0 WHERE id_grupo = 11; UPDATE tgrupo SET icon = 'applications', parent = 0, disabled = 0 WHERE id_grupo = 12; INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (3,'Sysname','Get name of system using SNMP standard MIB',1,17,0,0,900,0,'','','public','.',1); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (19,'Power #1','PowerSupply #1 status',6,18,0,0,300,0,'','','public',' .',4); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (20,'Power #2','PowerSupply #2 status',6,18,0,0,300,0,'','','public',' .',4); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (22,'HSRP Status','Get status of HSRP',2,18,0,0,300,0,'','','public','',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (24,'NIC #1 status','Status of NIC#1',10,18,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (25,'NIC #2 status','Status of NIC #2',10,18,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (26,'NIC #3 status','Status of NIC #3',10,18,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (27,'NIC #1 outOctects','Output throughtput on Interface #1',10,16,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (28,'NIC #2 outOctects','Output troughtput on interface #2',10,16,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',1); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (29,'NIC #3 outOctects','Output troughtput on Interface #3',10,16,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (30,'NIC #1 inOctects','Input troughtput on Interface #1',10,16,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (31,'NIC #2 inOctects','Input throughtput for interface #2',10,16,0,0,180,0,'','NULL','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (32,'NIC #3 inOctects','Input throught on interface #3',10,16,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (34,'Host Alive','Check if host is alive using ICMP ping check.',10,6,0,0,120,0,'','','','',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (36,'Host Latency','Get host network latency in miliseconds, using ICMP.',10,7,0,0,180,0,'','','','',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (37,'Check HTTP Server','Test APACHE2 HTTP service remotely (Protocol response, not only openport)',10,9,0,0,300,80,'GET / HTTP/1.0^M^M','HTTP/1.1 200 OK','','',3); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (38,'Check FTP Server','Check FTP protocol, not only check port.',10,9,0,0,300,21,'QUIT','221','','',3); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (39,'Check SSH Server','Checks port 22 is opened',10,9,0,0,300,22,'','','','',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (40,'Check Telnet server','Check telnet port',10,9,0,0,300,23,'','','','',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (41,'Check SMTP server','Check if SMTP port it's open',10,9,0,0,300,25,'','','','',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (42,'Check POP3 server','Check POP3 port.',10,9,0,0,300,110,'','','','',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (43,'NIC #7 outOctects','Get outcoming octects from NIC #7',10,16,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (44,'NIC #7 inOctects','Get incoming octects from NIC #7',10,16,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (45,'NIC #4 Status','Get status of NIC #4',10,18,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (46,'NIC #5 Status','Get status of NIC #5',10,18,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (47,'NIC #6 Status','Get status of NIC #6',10,18,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (48,'NIC #7 Status','Get status of NIC #7',10,18,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (49,'CPU User','Linux User CPU Usage (%)',5,15,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',4); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (50,'CPU System','Linux System CPU usage',5,15,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',4); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (51,'System Context Change','Linux System Context changes ',5,15,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',4); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (52,'System Interrupts','Linux system interrupts ',5,15,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',4); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (53,'Sytem IO Sent','Linux System IO Sent ',5,15,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',4); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (54,'System IO Recv','Linux System IO Recv ',5,15,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',4); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (55,'System SwapIn ','Linux System Swap In',5,15,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',1); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (56,'System Buffer Memory','Linux System Buffer Memory (used as available memory)',5,15,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',4); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (57,'System Cached Memory','Linux System Cached Memory (used as free memory)',5,15,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',4); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component` VALUES (58,'System Processes','Total system process on any host',12,15,0,0,180,0,'','','public','.',4); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (1,'General group',0); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (2,'Cisco MIBs',10); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (3,'Nortel MIBS',10); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (4,'3COM MIBs',10); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (5,'UNIX MIBs',12); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (6,'Packetshaper MIBs',10); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (7,'Nortel BPS 2000 MIBs',3); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (8,'Cisco Catalyst3750 MIBs',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (9,'Cisco AP120+',2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (10,'Network Management',0); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (11,'Microsoft Windows MIB',12); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_component_group` VALUES (12,'Operating Systems',0); UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_data.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_data.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_proc.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_proc.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_string.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_string.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_data_inc.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_data_inc.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_icmp_proc.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_icmp_proc.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_icmp_data.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_icmp_data.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_tcp_data.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_tcp_data.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_tcp_proc.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_tcp_proc.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_tcp_string.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_tcp_string.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_tcp_inc.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_tcp_inc.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_udp_proc.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_udp_proc.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_snmp_data.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_snmp_data.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_snmp_inc.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_snmp_inc.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_snmp_string.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_snmp_string.gif'; UPDATE ttipo_modulo SET icon = 'mod_snmp_proc.png' WHERE icon = 'mod_snmp_proc.gif'; INSERT INTO `tnews` VALUES (1,'admin','Welcome to Pandora FMS 1.3 !','This is our new console, a lot of new features has been added from last version. Please read documentation about it and be free to test any option.\r\n\r\nPandora FMS team.','2007-06-22 13:03:20'); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile` VALUES (1,'SNMP Basic management','Basic SNMP management (only first interface)'); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile` VALUES (2,'Basic Server','Check basic server services and network latency. This checks SSH, FTP and HTTP. Also a ICMP host alive check.'); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile` VALUES (3,'Linux SNMP','Linux SNMP Management'); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (1,24,1); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (2,27,1); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (3,30,1); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (4,37,2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (5,38,2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (6,39,2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (7,36,2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (8,34,2); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (9,51,3); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (10,52,3); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (11,53,3); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (12,54,3); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (13,55,3); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (14,56,3); INSERT INTO `tnetwork_profile_component` VALUES (15,57,3);