#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # # Copyright (c) 2009-2023 Pandora FMS. # # inventory Generate a hardware/software inventory. # # Sample usage: ./inventory <interval in days> [cpu] [ram] [video] [nic] [hd] [cdrom] [software] [init_services] [filesystem] [process] [users] # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ############################################################################### use strict; use constant TSTAMP_FILE => '/tmp/pandora_inventory.tstamp'; use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); # Set environment language to English $ENV{"LANG"} = "en_US"; # Check AIX system my $AIX=0; my $system = `uname -a | awk '{print $1}'`; if ($system =~ 'AIX') { $AIX=1; } sub is_enabled { my $value = shift; if ((defined ($value)) && looks_like_number($value) && ($value > 0)){ # return true return 1; } #return false return 0; } # Operation mode (LSHW or HWINFO) my $Mode; # Item separator my $Separator; # Parse module information sub get_module_data ($$$$) { my ($name, $hwinfo, $keys, $modules) = @_; my %module; $Separator='\s+\*\-'; # Store keys foreach my $key (@{$keys}) { push (@{$module{'_keys'}}, $key); } # Parse module data while (my $line = shift (@{$hwinfo})) { if ($line =~ /$Separator/) { unshift (@{$hwinfo}, $line); last; } foreach my $key (@{$keys}) { if ($line =~ /$key:\s+(.+)/) { $module{$key} = $1; # Replace semicolon by comma to avoid parse errors $module{$key} =~ s/;/,/g; } } } # No data found my @data = keys (%module); return unless ($#data >= 0); push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%module); } sub test_contain ($$) { my ($value, $array)=@_; if ( grep( /$value/, @{$array} ) ) { return 1; } } sub get_module_data_aix_ram_cpu ($$$$) { my ($name, $hwinfo, $keys, $modules) = @_; my %module; # Store keys foreach my $key (@{$keys}) { push (@{$module{'_keys'}}, $key); } # Parse module data foreach my $line (@{$hwinfo}) { foreach my $key (@{$keys}) { if ($line =~ /$key:\s+(.+)/) { $module{$key} = $1; $module{$key} =~ s/,/ /g; } } } # No data found #my @data = keys (%module); #return unless ($#data >= 0); push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%module); } sub get_module_data_aix ($$$$) { my ($name,$hwinfo,$regex,$modules) = @_; my %module; foreach my $line (@{$hwinfo}) { $line =~ s/\s{2,}/;/g; $line =~ s/\+ //g; $line =~ s/\* //g; } foreach my $line (@{$hwinfo}) { if ($line =~ /$regex/){ my ($var1, $var2, $var3) = split /;/, $line; my %module; $module{'device'} = $var1; $module{'serial'} = $var2; $module{'description'}=$var3; $module{'_keys'} = ['device','serial','description']; push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%module); } } } # Get a list of information file system in machine sub get_file_system($$) { my ($name, $modules) = @_; my @fileSystems; if (is_enabled $AIX){ @fileSystems = `df -gP | tail -n +2`; } else { @fileSystems = `df -hP | tail -n +2`; #remove the titles of columns } foreach my $row (@fileSystems) { next unless ($row =~ /^(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/); my %module; $module{'filesystem'} = $1; $module{'used'} = $2; $module{'avail'} = $3; $module{'mount'} = $4; $module{'_keys'} = ['filesystem', 'used','avail', 'mount']; push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%module); } } # Get a list of services init in machine sub get_servicies_init_machine($$) { my ($name, $modules) = @_; my $runlevel; if (is_enabled $AIX) { $runlevel = `who -r | awk '{print \$3}'`; } else { $runlevel = `who -r | awk '{print \$2}'`; } #ini trim($runlevel) $runlevel =~ s/^\s*//; #ltrim $runlevel =~ s/\s*$//; #rtrim #end trim($runlevel) my $script; if (-e "/etc/rc" . $runlevel .".d/") { $script = "ls -l /etc/rc" . $runlevel .".d/ | grep \"^l.*\" | awk \"{print \\\$NF}\" | sed -e \"s/\\.\\.\\///g\" | sed -e \"s/.*init\\.d\\///g\""; } else { $script = "ls -l /etc/rc.d/rc" . $runlevel .".d/ | grep \"^l.*\" | grep \" S.* \" | awk \"{print \\\$NF}\" | sed -e \"s/\\.\\.\\///g\" | sed -e \"s/.*init\\.d\\///g\""; } my @services = `$script`; foreach my $row (@services) { my %module; $row =~ s/\n//; $module{'service'} = $row; $module{'_keys'} = ['service']; push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%module); } } # Get a list of running processes sub get_processes ($$) { my ($name, $modules) = @_; my $script; if (is_enabled $AIX) { $script = "ps -eo args | tail -n +2"; } else { $script = "ps -eo command | tail -n +2"; } my @services = `$script`; foreach my $row (@services) { my %module; # Remove carriage returns $row =~ s/[\n\l\f]//g; # Replace semicolon by comma to avoid parse errors $row =~ s/;/,/g; $module{'service'} = $row; $module{'_keys'} = ['service']; push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%module); } } # Get a list of valid users in the system sub get_users ($$) { my ($name, $modules) = @_; my $script = "cat /etc/passwd"; my $user = ""; my $estado = ""; my @services = `$script`; foreach my $row (@services) { my %module; next unless ($row =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9\-\_]*)/); if (is_enabled $AIX) { $user = $1; $script = `lsuser $user`; if ( $script =~ /^(\S+)\sid./){ $module{'user'} = $user; $module{'_keys'} = ['user']; push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%module); } } else { $user = $1; $script = `passwd -S $user`; if ( $script =~ /^(\S+)\sP./){ $module{'user'} = $user; $module{'_keys'} = ['user']; push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%module); } } } } # Show Kernel Information sub get_kernel_info ($$) { my ($name, $modules) = @_; my $script = `uname -a | tr -d \";\"`; my %module; $module{'Kernel'} = $script; $module{'_keys'} = ['Kernel']; push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%module); } # Get a list of installed programs sub get_software_module_data ($$) { my ($name, $modules) = @_; # Guess the current distribution my $distrib_id = ""; if (is_enabled $AIX) { $distrib_id = "AIX"; }elsif ( -e "/etc/SuSE-release"){ $distrib_id = "SUSE"; }elsif ( -e "/etc/redhat-release"){ $distrib_id = "REDHAT"; }else { $distrib_id = "DEBIAN"; } # List installed programs my @soft; if ($distrib_id eq 'DEBIAN') { @soft = `dpkg -l | grep ii`; }elsif ($distrib_id eq 'AIX') { @soft = `lslpp -Lcq | awk -F: '{print "ii "\$1" "\$3" "\$8}'`; }else { # Sometimes rpm return data splitted in two lines, and with dupes. Thats bad for our inventory system @soft = `rpm -q -a --qf "ii %{NAME} %{VERSION} %{SUMMARY}\n" | grep "^ii" | sort -u`; } # Parse data foreach my $row (@soft) { next unless ($row =~ /^ii\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+([^\n]+)/); my %module; $module{'program'} = $1; $module{'version'} = $2; $module{'description'} = $3; # Replace semicolon by comma to avoid parse errors $module{'program'} =~ s/;/,/g; $module{'version'} =~ s/;/,/g; $module{'description'} =~ s/;/,/g; # Replace ellipsis character to avoid encoding errors $module{'description'} =~ s/…/.../g; $module{'_keys'} = ['program', 'version','description']; push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%module); } } #Get the list of interfaces with the ip assigned sub get_ips ($$) { my ($name, $modules) = @_; my @interfaces; my $ifconfig; if (is_enabled $AIX) { $ifconfig = `ifconfig -a`; } else { $ifconfig = `ifconfig`; } my @ifconfig_array = split("\n", $ifconfig); foreach (@ifconfig_array){ if ($_=~/(.*)flags/){ my $match; ($match)=$_=~/^(.*?)\: flags/; $match=~s/://; push @interfaces,$match; } } foreach (@interfaces) { my $ifconfig_item=`ifconfig $_`; my $interface=$_; my @ip_array = split("\n", $ifconfig_item); foreach (@ip_array) { if ($_=~/(?<=inet )(.*)(?= netmask)/){ my $ip; ($ip)=$_=~/inet (.*) netmask/; my %info; $info{'interface'} = $interface; $info{'ip'} = $ip; $info{'_keys'} = ['interface','ip']; push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%info); } } } } #Get route table sub get_route_table ($$) { my ($name, $modules) = @_; my $route_table; my @table_split; if (is_enabled $AIX) { $route_table = `netstat -rn`; @table_split = split("\n", $route_table); my $length=scalar @table_split; for (my $i=4; $i<=$length-4; $i++) { my @split = split(" ", $table_split[$i]); my %info; $info{'destination'} = $split[0]; $info{'gateway'} = $split[1]; $info{'mask'} = $split[2]; $info{'flags'} = $split[3]; $info{'metric'} = $split[4]; $info{'ref'} = $split[5]; $info{'use'} = $split[6]; $info{'interface'} = $split[7]; $info{'_keys'} = ['destination', 'gateway', 'mask', 'flags', 'metric', 'use', 'interface']; push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%info); } } else { $route_table = `route`; my @table_split = split("\n", $route_table); for (my $i=2; $i<=$#table_split; $i++) { my @split = split(" ", $table_split[$i]); my %info; $info{'destination'} = $split[0]; $info{'gateway'} = $split[1]; $info{'mask'} = $split[2]; $info{'flags'} = $split[3]; $info{'metric'} = $split[4]; $info{'ref'} = $split[5]; $info{'use'} = $split[6]; $info{'interface'} = $split[7]; $info{'_keys'} = ['destination', 'gateway', 'mask', 'flags', 'metric', 'use', 'interface']; push (@{$modules->{$name}}, \%info); } } } # Print module data sub print_module ($$) { my ($name, $module) = @_; print " <inventory_module>\n"; print " <name><![CDATA[" . $name . "]]></name>\n"; print " <datalist>\n"; foreach my $item (@{$module}) { # Compose module data my $data = undef; foreach my $key (@{$item->{'_keys'}}) { $data = (!defined($data) ? '' : "$data;"); if (defined($item->{$key})) { $data .= $item->{$key}; } } print " <data><![CDATA[$data]]></data>\n"; } print " </datalist>\n"; print " </inventory_module>\n"; } # Check command line parameters if ($#ARGV < 0) { print "Usage: $0 <interval> [cpu] [ram] [video] [nic] [hd] [cdrom] [software] [init_services] [filesystem] [users] [process] [ip] [route] [kernel] \n\n"; exit 1; } # Parse command line parameters my %enabled; my $interval = 1; my $enable_all = 0; $interval = $ARGV[0]; if ($#ARGV == 0){ $enable_all = 1; } if ($interval!=/[:alpha:]/){ splice @ARGV,0,1; } foreach my $module (@ARGV) { if ($module eq "all"){ $enable_all = 1; }else { $enabled{$module} = 1; } } # Check execution interval if (-f TSTAMP_FILE) { open (FILE, '<' . TSTAMP_FILE) || exit 1; my $last_execution = <FILE>; close (FILE); exit 0 if ($last_execution + 86400 * $interval > time ()); } open (FILE, '>' . TSTAMP_FILE) || exit 1; print FILE time (); close (FILE); # Retrieve hardware information $Mode = 'LSHW'; $Separator = '\s+\*\-'; my @hwinfo; my $lshwpath = $0 =~ s/inventory/lshw/r ; if (is_enabled $AIX) { $Separator = '^\s*$'; @hwinfo=`prtconf 2>/dev/null`; } else { @hwinfo = `lshw 2>/dev/null`; if ($? != 0) { @hwinfo = `$lshwpath 2>/dev/null`; if ($? != 0) { $Mode = 'HWINFO'; $Separator = 'Hardware Class:'; @hwinfo = `hwinfo --cpu --memory --gfxcard --netcard --cdrom --disk 2>/dev/null`; } } } my %modules; if (is_enabled $AIX) { #CPU # VIDEO ### Not avilable in AIX ### # NIC ### Not relevant in AIX ### if ((test_contain('ent',\@hwinfo)) && ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'nic'} == 1)) { get_module_data_aix ('NIC',\@hwinfo,'^ent',\%modules); } if ((test_contain('hdisk',\@hwinfo)) && ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'hd'} == 1)) { get_module_data_aix ('HD',\@hwinfo,'^hdisk',\%modules); } foreach my $line (@hwinfo) { chomp ($line); #CPU if (($line =~ /^Memory Size:/) && ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'ram'} == 1)) { get_module_data_aix_ram_cpu ('RAM', \@hwinfo, ['Memory Size','Good Memory Size'], \%modules); } if (($line =~ /^System Model/) && ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'cpu'} == 1)) { get_module_data_aix_ram_cpu ('CPU', \@hwinfo, ['System Model', 'Processor Implementation Mode', 'Number Of Processors'], \%modules); } } } else { # Parse hardware information while (my $line= shift (@hwinfo)) { chomp ($line); # CPU if (($line =~ /\*\-cpu/ || $line =~ /Hardware Class: cpu/) && ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'cpu'} == 1)) { if ($Mode eq 'LSHW') { get_module_data ('CPU', \@hwinfo, ['product', 'vendor', 'capacity'], \%modules); } else { get_module_data ('CPU', \@hwinfo, ['Model', 'Vendor', 'Clock'], \%modules); } } # RAM if (($line =~ /\*\-bank/ || $line =~ /\*\-memory/ || $line =~ /Hardware Class: memory/) && ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'ram'} == 1)) { if ($Mode eq 'LSHW') { get_module_data ('RAM', \@hwinfo, ['description', 'size'], \%modules); } else { get_module_data ('RAM', \@hwinfo, ['Model', 'Memory Size'], \%modules); } } # VIDEO if (($line =~ /\*\-display/ || $line =~ /Hardware Class: graphics card/) && ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'video'} == 1)) { if ($Mode eq 'LSHW') { get_module_data ('VIDEO', \@hwinfo, ['product', 'description', 'vendor'], \%modules); } else { # Spaces before Device and Vendor are intentional to avoid matching SubDevice and SubVendor get_module_data ('VIDEO', \@hwinfo, ['Model', ' Device', ' Vendor'], \%modules); } } # NIC if (($line =~ /\*\-network/ || $line =~ /Hardware Class: network/) && ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'nic'} == 1)) { if ($Mode eq 'LSHW') { get_module_data ('NIC', \@hwinfo, ['product', 'description', 'vendor', 'serial'], \%modules); } else { # Spaces before Device and Vendor are intentional to avoid matching SubDevice and SubVendor get_module_data ('NIC', \@hwinfo, ['Model', ' Device', ' Vendor', 'HW Address'], \%modules); } } # CDROM if (($line =~ /\*\-cdrom/ || $line =~ /Hardware Class: cdrom/) && ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'cdrom'} == 1)) { if ($Mode eq 'LSHW') { get_module_data ('CDROM', \@hwinfo, ['product', 'description', 'vendor'], \%modules); } else { # Spaces before Device and Vendor are intentional to avoid matching SubDevice and SubVendor get_module_data ('CDROM', \@hwinfo, ['Model', ' Device', ' Vendor'], \%modules); } } # HD if (($line =~ /\*\-disk/ || $line =~ /Hardware Class: disk/) && ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'hd'} == 1)) { if ($Mode eq 'LSHW') { get_module_data ('HD', \@hwinfo, ['product', 'description', 'size'], \%modules); } else { get_module_data ('HD', \@hwinfo, ['Model', 'Serial ID', 'Size'], \%modules); } } } } # Software if ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'software'} == 1) { get_software_module_data ('Software', \%modules); } #init_services if ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'init_services'} == 1) { get_servicies_init_machine ('Init services', \%modules); } #filesystem if ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'filesystem'} == 1) { get_file_system('File system', \%modules); } #processes if ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'process'} == 1) { get_processes('Process', \%modules); } #users if ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'users'} == 1){ get_users ('Users', \%modules); } #ip if ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'ip'} == 1) { get_ips('IP', \%modules); } #route if ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'route'} == 1) { get_route_table('Routes', \%modules); } #kernel if ($enable_all == 1 || $enabled{'kernel'} == 1){ get_kernel_info ('Kernel', \%modules); } # Print module data print "<inventory>\n"; while (my ($name, $module) = each (%modules)) { print_module ($name, $module); } print "</inventory>\n"; exit 0;