START TRANSACTION; UPDATE `tagente` SET `id_os` = 100 WHERE `id_os` = 21 and (select `id_os` from `tconfig_os` WHERE `id_os` = 21 and `name` = 'Cluster'); DELETE FROM `tconfig_os` where `id_os` = 21 and `name` = 'Cluster'; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table `tagent_secondary_group` -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- create table IF NOT EXISTS `tagent_secondary_group`( `id` int unsigned not null auto_increment, `id_agent` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_group` mediumint(4) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`id`), FOREIGN KEY(`id_agent`) REFERENCES tagente(`id_agente`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY(`id_group`) REFERENCES tgrupo(`id_grupo`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table `tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group` -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- create table IF NOT EXISTS `tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group`( `id` int unsigned not null auto_increment, `id_agent` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_tagente` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `id_tmetaconsole_setup` int(10) NOT NULL, `id_group` mediumint(4) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`id`), FOREIGN KEY(`id_agent`) REFERENCES tmetaconsole_agent(`id_agente`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY(`id_group`) REFERENCES tgrupo(`id_grupo`) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (`id_tmetaconsole_setup`) REFERENCES tmetaconsole_setup(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; ALTER TABLE tagente ADD COLUMN `update_secondary_groups` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'; ALTER TABLE tmetaconsole_agent ADD COLUMN `update_secondary_groups` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'; ALTER TABLE tusuario_perfil ADD COLUMN `is_secondary` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0'; SET @st_oum721 = (SELECT IF( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = 'tuser_task_scheduled') > 0, "ALTER TABLE tuser_task_scheduled ADD (id_grupo int(10) unsigned NOT NULL Default 0)", "0" )); PREPARE pr_oum721 FROM @st_oum721; EXECUTE pr_oum721; DEALLOCATE PREPARE pr_oum721; COMMIT;