#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # Passive collector ############################################################################### use NetAddr::IP; # Define variables my %months = ('Jan' => 1, 'Feb' => 2, 'Mar' => 3, 'Apr' => 4, 'May' => 5, 'Jun' => 6, 'Jul' => 7, 'Aug' => 8, 'Sep' => 9, 'Oct' => 10, 'Nov' => 11, 'Dec' => 12); ########## ## INFO ## ########## # WHEN SPLIT A LOGFILE LINE, THIS IS THE RESULT # Hour: $packages[3] # Date: $packages[2]-$packages[1]-$packages[4] # Protocol: $packages[5] # Interface: $packages[6] # Bytes: $packages[7] # From: $packages[10] (Format -> IP:Port) # To: $packages[12] (Format -> IP:Port) # Info: All after $packages[12] ('To') # Main code check_root(); # Load config file from command line or show help help_screen () if ($#ARGV < 0 || $ARGV[0] =~ m/--*h/i); my $conf_file = $ARGV[0]; if(!-e $conf_file) { print "[ERROR] Configuration file $conf_file not exists.\n\n"; exit; } help_screen () if ($ARGV[1] =~ m/--*h/i); my $config = load_config($conf_file); passive_collector_main($config); ############################################################################## # Print a help screen and exit. ############################################################################## sub help_screen{ print "Usage: $0 <path to collector.conf> [<options>]\n\n"; print "Available options:\n"; print "\t-h: Display help\n\n"; exit; } ########################################################################## # Write a data XML on pandora incoming dir ########################################################################## sub writexml($$$) { my ($ip, $xmlmessage, $config) = @_; my $hostname = "IP_".$ip; my $interval = $config->{'interval'}; my $file = $config->{'incomingdir'}.$hostname.".".time().".data"; open (FILEXML, ">> $file") or die "[FATAL] Cannot write to XML '$file'"; print FILEXML "<agent_data interval='$interval' os_name='Network' os_vesion='3.2' version='N/A' timestamp='AUTO' address='$ip' agent_name='$hostname'>\n"; print FILEXML $xmlmessage; print FILEXML "</agent_data>"; close (FILEXML); } ########################################################################## # Add module info to XML passed ########################################################################## sub add_module_to_xml($$$$) { my ($config, $module_name, $description, $data) = @_; my $xml = "<module>\n"; $xml .= "<name>$module_name</name>\n"; $xml .= "<type>async_data</type>\n"; $xml .= "<description>$description</description>\n"; $xml .= "<interval>".$config->{'interval'}."</interval>\n"; $xml .= "<data>$data</data>\n"; $xml .= "</module>\n"; return $xml; } ################################################################################ # Load config file parameters ################################################################################ sub load_config ($) { my $config_file = shift; my $interface; my @process_rules; my @discard_rules; my %config; open (FILE, $config_file); while (<FILE>) { my ($line) = split("\t"); if($line =~ /^iface/) { $config{'interface'} = (split(' ', $line))[1]; } elsif($line =~ /^log_path/) { $config{'log_path'} = (split(' ', $line))[1]; } elsif($line =~ /^process/) { push(@process_rules, $line); } elsif($line =~ /^discard/) { push(@discard_rules, $line); } elsif($line =~ /^interval/) { $config{'interval'} = (split(' ', $line))[1]; } elsif($line =~ /^incomingdir/) { $config{'incomingdir'} = (split(' ', $line))[1]; } elsif($line =~ /^min_size/) { $config{'min_size'} = (split(' ', $line))[1]; } } $config{'process_rules'} = \@process_rules; $config{'discard_rules'} = \@discard_rules; return \%config; } ################################################################################ # Check if the script is running with root privileges ################################################################################ sub check_root () { if ($> != 0) { print "\nThis program can be run only by the system administrator\n\n"; exit } } ################################################################################ # Check the rules with specific source and destination IPs and PORTs. ################################################################################ sub check_rules ($$$$) { my ($from_addr, $to_addr, $protocol, $rules_info) = @_; my @from = split(':',$from_addr); my @to = split(':',$to_addr); my @rules_info = @{$rules_info}; my %success_info; $success_info{'success'} = 0; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#rules_info; $i++) { if(@rules_info[$i]->{'ip_side'} eq 'src') { $success_info{'match_ip'} = $from[0]; $success_info{'other_ip'} = $to[0]; } else { $success_info{'match_ip'} = $to[0]; $success_info{'other_ip'} = $from[0]; } if(@rules_info[$i]->{'port_side'} eq 'src') { $success_info{'match_port'} = $from[1]; } else { $success_info{'match_port'} = $to[1]; } # If the port is not specified we set wilcard as port if($success_info{'match_port'} eq '') { $success_info{'match_port'} = "*"; } $success_info{'protocol'} = $protocol; my $ip_found = 0; # Check if the address match with the rule if($success_info{'match_ip'} =~ @rules_info[$i]->{'addrs_re'}) { $ip_found = 1; } my $port_found = 0; # Check if the port exists in the hash table if(defined($rules_info[$i]->{'ports'}->{$uccess_info{'match_port'}})) { $port_found = 1; } my $protocol_found = 0; # Check if the protocol exists in the hash table or is all if(defined($rules_info[$i]->{'protocols'}->{$success_info{'protocol'}}) || defined($rules_info[$i]->{'protocols'}->{'all'})) { $protocol_found = 1; } # If found and negative or not found and possitive are the bad combinations # The results cant be 1 $ip_success = $rules_info[$i]->{'ip_sign'} + $ip_found; $port_success = $rules_info[$i]->{'port_sign'} + $port_found; $protocol_success = $rules_info[$i]->{'protocol_sign'} + $protocol_found; if($ip_success == 1 || $port_success == 1 || $protocol_success == 1) { next; } else { if($rules_info[$i]->{'rule_type'} eq 'process') { $success_info{'success'} = 1; } else { $success_info{'success'} = 0; } last; } } return \%success_info; } ################################################################################ # Parse rules and return a data structure with the rules parameters. ################################################################################ sub parse_rules ($) { my $rules = shift; my @rules = @{$rules}; my @rules_info; for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#rules; $i++) { @rules_info[$i] = $rules[$i]; my @rule_parts = split(" ", $rules[$i]); my $net_addr = new NetAddr::IP ($rule_parts[2]); @rules_info[$i]->{'addrs_re'} = $net_addr->re(); my %ports; my @ports_enumeration = split(",", $rule_parts[4]); for(my $i = 0; $i<=$#ports_enumeration; $i++) { my @ports_interval = split("-", $ports_enumeration[$i]); # If the format is [port1]-[port2] we store the interval if($#ports_interval == 1) { for(my $j = $ports_interval[0]; $j<=$ports_interval[1]; $j++) { $ports{$j} = 1; } } else { # If the format is not interval, is single port $ports{$ports_enumeration[$i]} = 1; } } @rules_info[$i]->{'ports'} = \%ports; my %protocols; my @protocols_enumeration = split(",", $rule_parts[6]); for(my $i = 0; $i<=$#protocols_enumeration; $i++) { $protocols{$protocols_enumeration[$i]} = 1; } @rules_info[$i]->{'protocols'} = \%protocols; # SIGN OF THE IP RULE # #0 if the ip rule is negate, 1 if not if($rule_parts[1] =~ /^!.*/) { @rules_info[$i]->{'ip_sign'} = 0; } else { @rules_info[$i]->{'ip_sign'} = 1; } # SIGN OF THE SIDE OF THE IP RULE # #src for source; dst for destination if($rule_parts[1] =~ /(!)*src.*/) { $ip_side = 'src'; @rules_info[$i]->{'ip_side'} = 'src'; } else { $ip_side = 'dst'; @rules_info[$i]->{'ip_side'} = 'dst'; } # SIGN OF THE PORT RULE # #0 if the port rule is negate, 1 if not if($rule_parts[3] =~ /^!.*/) { @rules_info[$i]->{'port_sign'} = 0; } else { @rules_info[$i]->{'port_sign'} = 1; } # SIGN OF THE SIDE OF THE PORT RULE # #src for source; dst for destination if($rule_parts[3] =~ /(!)*src.*/) { @rules_info[$i]->{'port_side'} = 'src'; } else { @rules_info[$i]->{'port_side'} = 'dst'; } # SIGN OF THE PROTOCOL RULE # #0 if the protocol rule is negate, 1 if not if($rule_parts[5] =~ /^!.*/) { @rules_info[$i]->{'protocol_sign'} = 0; } else { @rules_info[$i]->{'protocol_sign'} = 1; } # TYPE OF THE RULE # #'process' for store the matches and 'discard' for avoid it @rules_info[$i]->{'rule_type'} = $rule_parts[0]; } return \@rules_info; } ########################################################################## ## Main function ########################################################################## sub passive_collector_main ($) { my ($config) = @_; my $log_path = $config->{'log_path'}; my %tree; my $start_date; my $start_hour; my @rules = (@{$config->{'discard_rules'}}, @{$config->{'process_rules'}}); ################### # PARSE THE RULES # ################### my @rules_info = @{parse_rules(\@rules)}; ################## # PARSE THE FILE # ################## open (FILE, $log_path); my $descarted1 = 0; my $descarted2 = 0; my $descarted3 = 0; my $processed = 0; my $superprocessed = 0; while (<FILE>) { my ($line) = split("\t"); # Keep the original line to future changes $orig_line = $line; # Remove ; from the line $line =~ s/;//g; # Split the line into array my @packages = split(" ", $line); # Get the numeric month $packages[1] = $months{$packages[1]}; ####################### # CHECK SPECIAL CASES # ####################### # The first line of the execution is a header with the start date and hour if($packages[5] eq '********') { $start_date = "$packages[2]-$packages[1]-$packages[4]"; $start_hour = $packages[3]; next; } # Special case with the 'Connection' script in the interface place # has a different structure. Discard this case. my $from_addr; my $to_addr; my $info; # Get the substring from the clean line after the destination to keep the extra info if ( $orig_line =~ /$packages[12];\s(.*?)\n/ ) { $info = $1; } # Discard the ACKs and other Synchronization packages if ($info =~ /FIN/ || $info =~ /SYN/ || $info =~ /reset/) { next; } # Discard the connections tries if($packages[6] eq 'Connection') { next; } # Check the min size to discard little packages if($config->{'min_size'} > $packages[7]) { next; } # Store the Addresses $from_addr = $packages[10]; $to_addr = $packages[12]; $protocol = $packages[5]; ################### # CHECK THE RULES # ################### my %success_info = %{check_rules($from_addr, $to_addr, $protocol, \@rules_info)}; if($success_info{'success'} == 0) { next; } ###################### # STORE THE PACKAGES # ###################### $tree{$success_info{'match_ip'}}[0]->{$success_info{'match_port'}}->{'total'} += $packages[7]; $tree{$success_info{'match_ip'}}[0]->{$success_info{'match_port'}}->{$success_info{'protocol'}} += $packages[7]; $tree{$success_info{'match_ip'}}[1]->{$success_info{'other_ip'}}->{'total'} += $packages[7]; $tree{$success_info{'match_ip'}}[1]->{$success_info{'other_ip'}}->{$success_info{'match_port'}} += $packages[7]; $tree{$success_info{'match_ip'}}[2]->{$success_info{'protocol'}}->{'total'} += $packages[7]; # Registers counter $tree{$success_info{'match_ip'}}[3] ++; # Total Bytes $tree{$success_info{'match_ip'}}[4] += $packages[7]; } close(FILE); ########################################## # BUILD XML AND WRITE IT # ########################################## my $total_bytes = 0; my $total_regs = 0; my $total_ips = 0; foreach $k (keys (%tree)) { my $xmlmessage = ''; foreach $i (keys (%{$tree{$k}[0]})) { $xmlmessage .= add_module_to_xml ($config, "Port_".$i, "Total bytes of port ".$i, $tree{$k}[0]->{$i}->{'total'}); foreach $j (keys (%{$tree{$k}[0]->{$i}})) { if($j eq 'total') { next; } $xmlmessage .= add_module_to_xml ($config, "Port_".$i."_Protocol_".$j, "Total bytes of port ".$i." for protocol ".$j, $tree{$k}[0]->{$i}->{$j}); } } foreach $i (keys (%{$tree{$k}[1]})) { $xmlmessage .= add_module_to_xml ($config, "IP_".$i, "Total bytes of IP ".$i, $tree{$k}[1]->{$i}->{'total'}); foreach $j (keys (%{$tree{$k}[1]->{$i}})) { if($j eq 'total') { next; } $xmlmessage .= add_module_to_xml ($config, "IP_".$i."_Port_".$j, "Total bytes of IP ".$i." for port ".$j, $tree{$k}[1]->{$i}->{$j}); } } foreach $i (keys (%{$tree{$k}[2]})) { $xmlmessage .= add_module_to_xml ($config, "Protocol_".$i, "Total bytes of Protocol ".$i, $tree{$k}[2]->{$i}->{'total'}); } # Store statistics in the future $total_regs += $tree{$k}[3]; $total_bytes += $tree{$k}[4]; $total_ips ++; writexml($k, $xmlmessage, $config); } }