START TRANSACTION; SET @st_oum720 = (SELECT IF( (SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token like 'short_module_graph_data') = 1, "UPDATE tconfig SET value = 2 WHERE token LIKE 'short_module_graph_data'", "UPDATE tconfig SET value = '' WHERE token LIKE 'short_module_graph_data'" )); PREPARE pr_oum720 FROM @st_oum720; EXECUTE pr_oum720; DEALLOCATE PREPARE pr_oum720; INSERT INTO `tconfig_os` (`id_os`, `name`, `description`, `icon_name`) VALUES (100, 'Cluster', 'Cluster agent', 'so_cluster.png'); UPDATE `tagente` SET `id_os` = 100 WHERE `id_os` = 21 and (select `id_os` from `tconfig_os` WHERE `id_os` = 21 and `name` = 'Cluster'); DELETE FROM `tconfig_os` where `id_os` = 21 and `name` = 'Cluster'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tprovisioning`( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `description` TEXT default '', `order` int(11) NOT NULL default 0, `config` TEXT default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tprovisioning_rules`( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `id_provisioning` int unsigned NOT NULL, `order` int(11) NOT NULL default 0, `operator` enum('AND','OR') default 'OR', `type` enum('alias','ip-range') default 'alias', `value` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), FOREIGN KEY (`id_provisioning`) REFERENCES tprovisioning(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ) engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; create table IF NOT EXISTS `tmigration_queue`( `id` int unsigned not null auto_increment, `id_source_agent` int unsigned not null, `id_target_agent` int unsigned not null, `id_source_node` int unsigned not null, `id_target_node` int unsigned not null, `priority` int unsigned default 0, `step` int default 0, `running` tinyint(2) default 0, `active_db_only` tinyint(2) default 0, PRIMARY KEY(`id`) ) engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; create table IF NOT EXISTS `tmigration_module_queue`( `id` int unsigned not null auto_increment, `id_migration` int unsigned not null, `id_source_agentmodule` int unsigned not null, `id_target_agentmodule` int unsigned not null, `last_replication_timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY(`id`), FOREIGN KEY(`id_migration`) REFERENCES tmigration_queue(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; COMMIT;