'api_password')); $correctLogin = false; $user_in_db = null; $no_login_msg = ""; if (isInACL($ipOrigin)) { if (empty($apiPassword) || (!empty($apiPassword) && $api_password === $apiPassword)) { $user_in_db = process_user_login($user, $password, true); if ($user_in_db !== false) { $config['id_user'] = $user_in_db; $correctLogin = true; } else { $no_login_msg = "Incorrect user credentials"; } } else { $no_login_msg = "Incorrect given API password"; } } else { $no_login_msg = "IP $ipOrigin is not in ACL list"; } if ($correctLogin) { if (($op !== 'get') && ($op !== 'set') && ($op !== 'help')) returnError('no_set_no_get_no_help', $returnType); else { $function_name = ''; // Check if is an extension function and get the function name if ($op2 == 'extension') { $extension_api_url = $config["homedir"]."/".EXTENSIONS_DIR."/$ext_name/$ext_name.api.php"; // The extension API file must exist and the extension must be enabled if (file_exists($extension_api_url) && !in_array($ext_name,extensions_get_disabled_extensions())) { include_once($extension_api_url); $function_name = 'apiextension_' . $op .'_' . $ext_function; } } else { $function_name = 'api_' . $op . '_' . $op2; } // Check if the function exists if (function_exists($function_name)) { if (!DEBUG) { error_reporting(0); } if (VERBOSE) { error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); } call_user_func($function_name, $id, $id2, $other, $returnType, $user_in_db); } else { returnError('no_exist_operation', $returnType); } } } else { db_pandora_audit("API access Failed", $no_login_msg, $user, $ipOrigin); sleep (15); //Protection on DoS attacks echo 'auth error'; } ?>