'; switch ($action) { case 'create_connection_map': // Header print_page_header (__('Create new map connection'), "", false, "gis_setup_map_connection", true); $mapConnection_name = ''; $mapConnection_group = ''; $mapConnection_numLevelsZoom = '19'; $mapConnection_defaultZoom = '16'; $mapConnection_type = 0; $mapConnection_defaultLatitude = '40.42056'; $mapConnection_defaultLongitude = '-3.708187'; $mapConnection_defaultAltitude = '0'; $mapConnection_centerLatitude = '40.42056'; $mapConnection_centerLongitude = '-3.708187'; $mapConnection_centerAltitude = '0'; $mapConnectionData = null; print_input_hidden('action', 'save_map_connection'); break; case 'edit_connection_map': // Header print_page_header (__('Edit map connection'), "", false, "gis_setup_map_connection", true); $idConnectionMap = get_parameter('id_connection_map'); $mapConnection = get_db_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tgis_map_connection WHERE id_tmap_connection = ' . $idConnectionMap); $mapConnection_name = $mapConnection['conection_name']; $mapConnection_group = $mapConnection['group_id']; $mapConnection_numLevelsZoom = $mapConnection['num_zoom_levels']; $mapConnection_defaultZoom = $mapConnection['default_zoom_level']; $mapConnection_type = $mapConnection['connection_type']; $mapConnection_defaultLatitude = $mapConnection['default_latitude']; $mapConnection_defaultLongitude = $mapConnection['default_longitude']; $mapConnection_defaultAltitude = $mapConnection['default_altitude']; $mapConnection_centerLatitude = $mapConnection['initial_latitude']; $mapConnection_centerLongitude = $mapConnection['initial_longitude']; $mapConnection_centerAltitude = $mapConnection['initial_altitude']; $mapConnectionData = json_decode($mapConnection['conection_data'], true); print_input_hidden('id_connection_map', $idConnectionMap); print_input_hidden('action', 'save_edit_map_connection'); break; case 'save_map_connection': case 'save_edit_map_connection': $mapConnection_name = get_parameter('name'); $mapConnection_group = get_parameter('group'); $mapConnection_numLevelsZoom = get_parameter('num_levels_zoom'); $mapConnection_defaultZoom = get_parameter('initial_zoom'); $mapConnection_type = get_parameter('type'); $mapConnection_defaultLatitude = get_parameter('default_latitude'); $mapConnection_defaultLongitude = get_parameter('default_longitude'); $mapConnection_defaultAltitude = get_parameter('default_altitude'); $mapConnection_centerLatitude = get_parameter('center_latitude'); $mapConnection_centerLongitude = get_parameter('center_longitude'); $mapConnection_centerAltitude = get_parameter('center_altitude'); $idConnectionMap = get_parameter('id_connection_map', null); switch ($mapConnection_type) { case 'OSM': $mapConnection_OSM_url = get_parameter('url'); $mapConnectionData = array('type' => 'OSM', 'url' => $mapConnection_OSM_url); break; case 'Gmap': $gmap_type= get_parameter('gmap_type'); $gmap_key= get_parameter('gmap_key'); $mapConnectionData = array('type' => 'Gmap', 'gmap_type' => $gmap_type, 'gmap_key' => $gmap_key); break; case 'Static_Image': $mapConnection_Image_url= get_parameter('url'); $bb_left= get_parameter('bb_left'); $bb_right= get_parameter('bb_right'); $bb_top= get_parameter('bb_top'); $bb_bottom= get_parameter('bb_bottom'); $image_height= get_parameter('image_height'); $image_width= get_parameter('image_width'); $mapConnectionData = array('type' => 'Static_Image', 'url' => $mapConnection_Image_url, 'bb_left' => $bb_left, 'bb_right' => $bb_right, 'bb_top' => $bb_top, 'bb_bottom' => $bb_bottom, 'image_width' => $image_width, 'image_height' => $image_height ); break; } //TODO VALIDATE PARAMETERS if ($mapConnection_name != "" && $mapConnection_type != ""){ saveMapConnection($mapConnection_name, $mapConnection_group, $mapConnection_numLevelsZoom, $mapConnection_defaultZoom, $mapConnection_defaultLatitude, $mapConnection_defaultLongitude, $mapConnection_defaultAltitude, $mapConnection_centerLatitude, $mapConnection_centerLongitude, $mapConnection_centerAltitude, $mapConnectionData, $idConnectionMap); $errorfill = false; } else $errorfill = true; require_once('gis.php'); return; } $table->width = '90%'; $table->data = array(); $table->data[0][0] = __('Connection Name') .print_help_tip (__('Descriptive name for the connection'), true). ":"; $table->data[0][1] = print_input_text ('name', $mapConnection_name, '', 30, 60, true); $table->data[1][0] = __("Group") .print_help_tip (__('Group that owns the connection'), true) . ":"; $table->data[1][1] = print_select_groups(false, false, false, 'group', $mapConnection_group, '', __('All'), '0', true); $table->data[2][0] = __('Number of zoom levels') . ":"; $table->data[2][1] = print_input_text ('num_levels_zoom', $mapConnection_numLevelsZoom, '', 4, 10, true); $table->data[3][0] = __('Default zoom level') .print_help_tip (__('Zoom level used when the map is opened'), true). ":"; $table->data[3][1] = print_input_text ('initial_zoom', $mapConnection_defaultZoom, '', 4, 10, true); echo "

" . __('Basic configuration') . "

"; print_table($table); $table->width = '60%'; $table->data = array(); $types["OSM"] = __('Open Street Maps'); $types["Gmap"] = __('Google Maps'); $types["Static_Image"] = __('Static Image'); $table->data[0][0] = __('Type') . ":"; $table->data[0][1] = print_select($types, 'sel_type', $mapConnection_type, "selMapConnectionType();", __('Please select the connection type'), 0, true); echo "

" . __('Map connection type') . "

"; print_table ($table); $optionsConnectionTypeTable = ''; $mapConnectionDataUrl = ''; $gmap_type = ''; $gmap_key= ''; $bb_left = ''; $bb_right = ''; $bb_bottom = ''; $bb_top = ''; $image_width = ''; $image_height = ''; if ($mapConnectionData != null) { switch ($mapConnection_type) { case 'OSM': $mapConnectionDataUrl = $mapConnectionData['url']; break; case 'Gmap': $gmap_type = $mapConnectionData['gmap_type']; $gmap_key = $mapConnectionData['gmap_key']; break; case 'Static_Image': $mapConnectionDataUrl = $mapConnectionData['url']; $bb_left= $mapConnectionData['bb_left']; $bb_right= $mapConnectionData['bb_right']; $bb_bottom= $mapConnectionData['bb_bottom']; $bb_top= $mapConnectionData['bb_top']; $image_width= $mapConnectionData['image_width']; $image_height= $mapConnectionData['image_height']; break; } } // Open Street Map Connection $optionsConnectionOSMTable = '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '
' . __("Tile Server URL") . ':' . print_input_text ('url', $mapConnectionDataUrl, '', 45, 90, true) . '
'; // Google Maps Connection $gmaps_types["G_PHYSICAL_MAP"] = __('Google Physical'); $gmaps_types["G_HYBRID_MAP"] = __('Google Hybrid'); $gmaps_types["G_SATELITE_MAP"] = __('Google Satelite'); // TODO: Use label tags for the forms. $optionsConnectionGmapTable = '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '
' . __("Google Map Type") . ':'.trim(print_select($gmaps_types,'gmap_type', $gmap_type, "", '', 0, true)) . '
' . __("Google Maps Key") . ':
' . print_input_text ('gmap_key', $gmap_key, '', 90, 128, true) . '
'; // Image Map Connection $optionsConnectionImageTable = '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '
' . __("Image URL") . ':' . print_input_text ('url', $mapConnectionDataUrl, '', 45, 90, true) . '
' . __("Corners of the area of the image") . ':
' . __("Left") . ':'. print_input_text ('bb_left', $bb_left, '', 25, 25, true) . '' . __("Bottom") . ':'. print_input_text ('bb_bottom', $bb_bottom, '',25 , 25, true) . '
' . __("Right") . ':'. print_input_text ('bb_right', $bb_right, '', 25, 25, true) . '' . __("Top") . ':'. print_input_text ('bb_top', $bb_top, '', 25, 25, true) . '
' . __("Image Size") . ':
' . __("Width") . ':'. print_input_text ('image_width', $image_width, '', 25, 25, true) . '' . __("Height") . ':'. print_input_text ('image_height', $image_height, '', 25, 25, true) . '
'; if ($mapConnectionData != null) { switch ($mapConnection_type) { case 'OSM': $optionsConnectionTypeTable = $optionsConnectionOSMTable; break; case 'Gmap': $optionsConnectionTypeTable = $optionsConnectionGmapTable; break; case 'Static_Image': $optionsConnectionTypeTable = $optionsConnectionImageTable; break; } } echo "
" . $optionsConnectionTypeTable . "
"; echo "

" . __('Preview to select the center of the map and the default position of an agent without gis data') . "

"; print_button(__("Load preview map"),'button_refresh', false, 'refreshMapView();', 'class="sub"'); echo "

"; echo "
"; $table->width = '60%'; $table->data = array(); //$table->colspan[0][3] = 3; $table->data[0][0] = ''; $table->data[0][1] = __('Map Center').print_help_tip (__('Position to center the map when the map is opened'), true) ; $table->data[0][2] = __("Default position for agents without GIS data"); $table->data[1][0] = __('Change in the map'). print_help_tip (__('This selects what to change by clicking on the map'), true); $table->data[1][1] = print_radio_button_extended('radio_button', 1, '', 1, false, "changeSetManualPosition(true, false)", '', true); $table->data[1][2] = print_radio_button_extended('radio_button', 2, '', 0, false, "changeSetManualPosition(false, true)", '', true); $table->data[2][0] = __('Latitude') . ":"; $table->data[2][1] = print_input_text ('center_latitude', $mapConnection_centerLatitude, '', 10, 10, true); $table->data[2][2] = print_input_text ('default_latitude', $mapConnection_defaultLatitude, '', 10, 10, true); $table->data[3][0] = __('Longitude') . ":"; $table->data[3][1] = print_input_text ('center_longitude', $mapConnection_centerLongitude, '', 10, 10, true); $table->data[3][2] = print_input_text ('default_longitude', $mapConnection_defaultLongitude, '', 10, 10, true); $table->data[4][0] = __('Altitude') . ":"; $table->data[4][1] = print_input_text ('center_altitude', $mapConnection_centerAltitude, '', 10, 10, true); $table->data[4][2] = print_input_text ('default_altitude', $mapConnection_defaultAltitude, '', 10, 10, true); print_table($table); echo '
'; print_submit_button (__('Save'), '', false, 'class="sub save wand"'); echo '
'; echo ""; require_javascript_file('OpenLayers/OpenLayers'); require_javascript_file('openlayers.pandora'); ?>