2008-04-24 Sancho Lerena * operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php, operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php include/functions_reporting_pdf.php: Render stacked custom graphs. * include/styles/pandora_red.css: Improved RED style :-) * include/styles/pandora.css: Added background. * include/languages/language_en.php: Added stacked token. * pandoradb.sql: Added field "stacked" to custom graphs. * images/backgrounds/background_red.gif: Added cool background ;) * reporting/fgraph.php: stacked custom graph support. * godmode/db/db_main.php: Uses new config tokens. * godmode/db/db_purge.php: Works also with "all" agents (like 1.1) * godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php: Able to define stacked or not. * pandoradb_data.sql: Added several template modules contributed by Guguevi. * operation/events/events_rss.php: Added RSS events page, contributed by guruevi. * manage_network_components_form.php, manage_network_templates_form.php, modules/manage_network_components.php: Combos are classified by name. 2008-04-23 Sancho Lerena * include/functions_reporting_pdf.php: New functions for PDF reporting. * include/functions_reporting.php: Fixed alert & event reporting. * include/functions_db.php: Fixed function give_db_value. Also label_string now don't show ][ characters. * include/pdf: Added ezpdf class to generate PDF reports. * operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php, operation/reporting/custom_reporting.php: A few fixes on reporting (event viewer, combined graph...) * operation/reporting/reporting_viewer_pdf.php: render report on PDF. * images/pdf.gif: PDF Icon. * images/pandora_logo.jpg: JPG logo for PDF reports (header). * godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_plugin.php: Added plugin port field (was missing). * godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php: Fixed problem with event reporting type. * godmode/alerts/plugin.php: Added plugin editor. * godmode/menu.php: Added plugin editor to menu. 2008-04-17 Sancho Lerena * include/functions_db.php: Fixed problem in show_alert_row_mini() * operation/agentes/status_monitor.php: Almost all code changed. Added pagination, replaced query for a paginated version and a lot more efficient. Added freetext search on name / description of monitors. * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Fixed problem with refresh / push buttons on data server modules. * godmode/admin_access_logs.php: Fixed several problems. Added a better pagination. * godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_network.php: When pushed SNMP walk, lost all fields. Fixed. Also fixed problems with min/max. * godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_data.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_wmi.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_plugin.php godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_prediction.php: Fixed problems with inverted max/min. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Keepalive modules now are from id_module=1 (data server). before was type 0 and that gives a lot of problems. 2008-04-10 Sancho Lerena * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Fixe problem with server assigment in creation mode. * godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php, godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php, godmode/agentes/alert_manager_editor.php: Fixed problem with combined alert editor. Tested and works fine for me. 2008-04-10 Jorge Gonzalez * include/functions_db.php: Added a new function solving the bug while adding network modules. 2008-04-09 Sancho Lerena * AUTHORS: Updated. * pandoradb.sql: Added new index proposed for tagente_datos. * upgrade.php: Disabled until was functional. 2006-04-07 Jorge Gonzalez * godmode/agentes/agent_template.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_data.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_network.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_wmi.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_plugin.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_prediction.php: Removed warning messages, and fixed mdoule_type errors. 2008-04-05 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql: New header. * pandoradb_data.sql: Removed /**/ comments, due problems with installer. * install.php: Updated installer for 2.0 version. * functions.php: Fix small problem in pandora_help() with icon. * estado_alertas.php: Do not show header "combined alert" if there is no complex alerts. * reporting_viewer.php: Round data for monitor SLA report. 2008-04-04 Jorge Gonzalez * godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_data.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_network.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_wmi.php, godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_plugin.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_prediction.php: Removed warning messages due a lack of a variable in configurar_agente.php 2008-04-03 Jorge Gonzalez * include/functions_db.php: New functions added to handle plugins and export servers. * include/languages/language_en.php: Updated English translation file. * general/header.php: Updated header. * godmode/agentes/manage_config.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_data.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_network.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager.php, godmode/agentes/modificar_agente.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_wmi.php, godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_plugin.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager_editor_prediction.php, godmode/agentes/agent_manager.php, godmode/modules/module_list.php: Added infrastructure to add/edit modules. 2008-04-03 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb_data.sql: IA to prediction in description. * pandoradb.sql: Added priority to alert and custom recovery fields. * include/styles/tip.css, include/styles/pandora.css: New styles for tooltip info (combined and alerts) and some changes in frames for agent management / view. * include/functions_db.php: Added check_server_status() function to check from console server status. If in 15 minutes there is no updated keepalive from any server, they will be marked as down. And function return down. This function is now called on each page. Added funtions to display alert status in a tooltip. * include/languages/language_en.php: More strings. * include/functions.php: Added several funtions to simplify alert report. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Updated. Shows also combined alerts and give a lot of information in different tooltips. * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Clean blank spaces in URL. * operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php: now is possible to force a module refresh from main view. * operation/agentes/ver_agente.php: Tab has been upgraded. * images/mod_data.png, images/mod_data_inc.png images/mod_proc.png images/mod_keepalive.png images/mod_string.png: Added new type icons and updated old ones. * general/header.php: Global check for servers and autorefresh control. * godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php: New alert management for combined alerts, visualization, etc. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Included new alert management. * godmode/agentes/alert_manager_editor.php: New alert management editor. 2008-04-01 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb_data.sql: Alert type 0 is not 1. 1-3 are reserved. Removed prediction module (nosense since it uses normal modules). * include/functions_db.php: Added wrapper give_db_value to get_db_value because A LOT of code uses old syntax and this makes too many errors. * include/functions.php: Fixed pagination issues with blocksize config. * pandoradb.sql: Change alert command lenght and added some comments for future implementation of alert criticity and others. * operation/incidents/incident.php: Fixed some bugs calling to old funcions / variables. * operation/events/events.php: Fixed some bugs calling to old funcions / variables. Removed graph and simplified header. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Changed get_db_value call and removed (Raul) button to create alert from here. * operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php: Implemented support for optional view of down modules and fired alerts. * operation/agentes/ver_agente.php, operation/agentes/datos_agente.php: Uses of new get_db_value and new session id variable. * images/mod_async_string.png: Added image. * images/mod_async_inc.png: Added image. * images/mod_image_png.png: Added image. * images/mod_async_data.png: Added image. * images/mod_async_proc.png: Added image. * images/mod_image_jpg.png: Added image. * godmode/setup/setup.php: Several fixes. * godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php: Several changes for new alert manager. Not finished. Interim commit. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: More changes needed to alert editor. * godmode/agentes/alert_manager_editor.php: New file for alert management. * godmode/modules/module_list.php: Some updates, removed invalid column. * godmode/alerts/modify_alert.php: Alert types < 4 cannot be modified (this includes combined, internal audit and Pandora FMS log). 2008-04-01 Jorge Gonzalez * pandoradb_data.sql: Changed welcome message. * pandoradbdata_12_to_13.sql: Changed welcome message. 2008-03-27 Ramon Novoa * pandoradb_data.sql: Added 'Compound only' alert type. 2008-03-23 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql: Upgraded SQL schema for Pandora FMS 2.0 * pandoradb_13_to_20: Moved filename (renamed). This don't work yet. 2008-03-19 Manuel Arostegui * pandora_console.spec: Solved a problem with Suse based distros regarding to dependencies and apache's path. 2008-03-13 Sancho Lerena * include/functions_db.php: Added show_server_type (): Return a string containing image tag for a given target id. Updated some generic db access calls to new function names. * pandoradb.sql: Removed unused field. * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php: Some fixes for new schema * reporting/stat_win.php: Uses new $config hash. * godmode/agentes/module_manager.php: Some fixes. Added visualization for module type (by server type). 2008-03-06 Sancho Lerena Pandora FMS 2.0 development first commit. 1.4 version is now 2.0 * pandoradb_data.sql: Added correct tnetwork_components, fixed ttipo_modulo (categoria values). * include/styles/pandora.css: Added some server icons, tab style for module editor has been improved. * include/functions_db.php: added new functions, lang_string and check_login, and a first review of several functions that currently need change for new config session parameters in array $config[] * include/javascript/pandora.js: Added a new global include for spare javascript functions before included into a few pages. * include/languages/language_en.php: New tokens. * include/help*: New contextual help system. * include/config_process.php: New way to manage config. * include/functions.php: Added new functions to manage global * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: removed old javascript code from there. * operation/agentes/estado_agente.php: Removed references to deprecated field "agent_type". * operation/agentes/tactical.php: Some code cleanup and progressbar issues merged from 1.3.1 branch. Need to add support to new server types and new module types. * operation/servers/view_server.php: Added support to new servers, code cleanup. * reporting/fgraph.php: Code cleanup, changes to use new config method, and a lot of style change. * general/pandora_help.php: New source for contextual help in the way of moodle. * general/footer.php, general/noaccess.php: Code cleanup and uses of new config. * module_manager_editor: New editors for each module family. Need finish and implement EDITION of data, now only inserts data. * godmode/agentes/agent_manager.php: Implemented new server assigment and edition. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Small changes that affects module management, visualization and agent management. 2008-03-01 Raul Mateos * include/languages/language_*.php: Updated and cleared header. 2008-02-28 Raul Mateos * operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php: Improved usability adding titles in images. 2008-02-25 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb_data.sql, pandoradb.sql: Modified, added and altered SQL structure. This is a final aproximation to 1.4 version. Probably more changes are coming in the next future before to close 1.4 database definition. 2008-02-21 Sancho Lerena * Added new structures for predictive module, plugin server, and other planned functionalities for 1.4.x version. * Merged code from 1.3.1 branch. 2008-02-19 Raul Mateos * operation/agentes/tactical.php: Solved small visual issue with rows. * include/languages/language_en.php: Changed CASE in menu texts. 2008-02-16 Raul Mateos * operation/agentes/estado_*.php: Improved usability adding titles in images. 2008-02-12 Raul Mateos * operation/agentes/estado_agente.php, general/header.php: small changes to solve small problem with header in IE7. 2008-02-12 Raul Mateos * include/languages/language_en.php: Corrected typo. 2008-02-11 Raul Mateos * godmode/agentes/module_manager.php: Closed some html tags. Added title for the action icons. 2008-02-09 Raul Mateos * pandoradb_data.sql: Solved stupid bug with ending ";". Deleted duplicated insert. 2008-02-01 Raul Mateos * operation/agentes/estado_*.php: Added code to help admin user to create agents and alerts, adding buttons to godmode. * include/languages/language_es_es.php: Updated text. 2008-01-21 Sancho Lerena * operation/visual_console/render_view.php: Applied some patches from guruevi to improve graphic size and tooltil. Label is still displayed on graphic canvas (it could be deleted in the future using an optional switch) 2008-01-11 Sancho Lerena * config.inc.php: Updated version number for config template. * tactical.php: Fixed info from network server (merged from trunk). * manage_recontask.php: recontask list better render of information. 2008-01-10 Sancho Lerena * functions_db.php: Some changes in future generic SQL interface access. * pandora_console/include/functions.php: Added generic acces to HTTP parameters. * status_monitor.php: Fixed problems detected by Pierre Gaxatte. * estado_agente.php: Fixed the same kind of problems (ACL / Group acces) and added a Agent search field as request by J.Corona. * tactical.php: Rename of generic SQL function access. * view_server.php: Rename of generic SQL function access. * modificar_agente.php: Fixed some render problems, added a Agent search option and better formatting. 2008-01-10 Sancho Lerena * functions_db.php: Added generic SQL access function to get data using a free SQL sentence. * estado_ultimopaquete.php: Uses new Keepalive implementation and render keepalive data in correct way. * view_server.php, tactical.php: Uses new keepalive module to make correct calculations for server load graphs and stats. * configurar_agente.php: Insert new keepalive module record in state table * pandoradb_data.sql: Updated scheme for 1.3.1 * pandoradbdata_1.3_to_1.3.1.sql: Update SQL from 1.3 to 1.3.1 * index.php: Version number update. This is the first commit for 1.3.1 branch (Console code) 2008-01-09 Sancho Lerena * fgraph.php: Solved problem in combined area render (ugly graphs most of times). Now graphs are stacked by default (in the future could be choose between in stacked mode or plain (old one), as suggested in feature request #1835681. 2008-01-08 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb_data.sql: Added keep_alive as module id 100 for the new keepalive management. Old way (from 1.2) is now deprecated and not used. * operation/agentes/estado_agente.php: Style changes, not code. * images/mod_keepalive.png: Added new icon for keepalive moduletype. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Create an agent creates automatically a keepalive module AND a tagente_estado record. 2007-12-16 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql: New field for tagente_modulo: disabled, to be able to disable individual modules on an agent. * index.php: Version number is now officially "1.4dev". There is a long way to finish 1.4. * operation/servers/view_server_detail.php: FIX. If no tasks, show a little message. * images/console/icons/smalldot*: New small graph for graph console. * reporting/fgraph.php: FIX. Combined graphs with components of scale =1 does not readjust automatically. 2007-12-16 Raul Mateos * include/languages/language_en.php, language_es_es.php, language_fr.php, language_de.php, language_pt_br.php: Updated strings. * pandoradb_data.sql: Updated to insert updated languages. * index.php, include/config_inc.php: Updated version and build number. 2007-12-14 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql: BUG FIXED, generic_data_inc data don't work with small float data. Need to alter tagente_datos_inc table for field "datos. 2007-11-19 Sancho Lerena * index.php: Included patch summited by Guru Evi (guruevi) for HTTPS support. THanks evi ! :) 2007-10-14 Raul Mateos * godmode/modules/manage_network_components.php: Added deleted table row. * include/languages/*.php: Removed duplicated lines. Updated some languages. 2007-10-13 Raul Mateos * styles/op.css, god.css, link.css: Simplify styles. * godmode/menu.php: removed unused class. * operation/menu.php: Updated license header. * operation/incidents/indicent_statistics.php: Added vertical align to images. * languages/language_es_es.php: Solved small text typo. * godmode/modules/manage_network_components.php: Add text filter and improved filter. 2007-10-12 Raul Mateos * Near ALL php: Removed remaining help icons. Closed some HTML tags. * index.php, include/config.inc.php: Updated build. * languages/*.php: Added text for "Logs". * godmode/admin_access_logs.php: Solved small visual error with filter. Added Logs text. 2007-10-09 Sancho Lerena * operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php: Fixed small bug mixing min/max values of SLA render. * godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php: Fixed small bug deleting item from report, that return user to another report. 2007-10-08 Sancho Lerena * Security fix has been included in ver_agente.php, using a new function to validate GET variables (checking for numeric data). This security isse was a SQL Blind URL Attack. This is described in mailing list with more depth, including the patch. * include/functions_db.php: Insert_event is now capable to store events already validated. * operation/events/events.php: Adjusted column width. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Added additional ACL check. Now user is able to validate (Cease) manually an alert (new feature). * operation/agentes/ver_agente.php. Now user is able to validate (Cease) manually an alert (new feature). * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php: Render interval in human time insted in seconds. 2007-10-03 Sancho Lerena * functions_db.php: Fixed problem in visual maps, alerts was not used to draw red icons. Fixed. * Two maps added, one icon fixed, and one icon added for visual console. 2007-09-27 Manuel Arostegui * operation/events/events.php: Fixed some problems similar to bug #1801301. * godmode/agentes/modificar_agente.php: Fixed some problems similar to bug #180130. 2007-09-24 Sancho Lerena * operation/agentes/estado_agente.php: Fixed BUG 1801301 thanks to Eric Ross. 2007-09-20 Sancho Lerena * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Alert icon is now the box icon. * view_server.php, tactical.php: Solved bug in lagcheck for down modules. * godmode/agentes/manage_config.php: Agent ordered by name in destination box. 2007-09-08 Raul Mateos * include/languages/language_en.php, language_es_es.php: Add two new texts. * general/error_*.php: Changed default HTML encoding to UTF-8. * operation/agentes/estadogeneralagente.php: Removed function in label that causes some problems with UTF-8 texts. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Changed strings from code to language includes. * index.php: Updated build, version and set develop pass to 1. 2007-09-07 Raul Mateos * include/languages/language_en.php: Solved bug due to adding accent in string. * include/languages/language_gl.php: Translated complete to galician. 2007-09-04 Raul Mateos * install.php, upgrade.php: Changed default HTML encoding to UTF-8. * include/languages/*.php: Updated some texts. Encoded to UTF-8. 2007-08-30 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb_data.sql: Added spanish (es_es) to available languages. * include/languages/language_es_es.php: Added new strings for 1.3 * include/languages/extract_newlines.sh: (DEV) script to get new strings, comparing two language files. It should be used only by translators and developers. * include/languages/language_en.php: Updated english language with some missing (was encoded in code) strings. * godmode/setup/setup.php: Fix a bug when selecting special style "pandora_minimal". Added a code check * godmode/modules/manage_network_templates_form.php: Fixed some "inline" text labels. * godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php: Fixed some "inline" texts. THIS IS FINAL COMMIT BEFORE PANDORA FMS 1.3 BETA2 2007-08-29 Sancho Lerena * include/config.inc.php: Change defaults to avoid problems with attachments. 2007-08-28 Sancho Lerena * pandora_console/operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php: Fixed dimensions of graph view 2007-08-27 Sancho Lerena * operation/agentes/ver_agente.php: Truncated too long agent names. * operation/agentes/tactical.php: Fixed BUG: not initializated modules are now correctly viewed. * godmode/agentes/manage_config.php: Fixed BUG: copying modules also create status record and some minor issues with visualization. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Truncated too long agent names. 2007-08-26 Raul Mateos * upgrade.php, install.php: Corrected small typo and tag errors. 2007-08-23 Sancho Lerena * datos_agente.php: Fix delete button for String data. * pandoradbdata_12_to_13.sql, pandoradb_data.sql: Fixed some problems with network components, and network templates. * README: Updated doc with Guick Install Guide. * godmode/agentes/agent_template.php: Fixed BUG #1770888. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Fixed BUG# 1770895. * godmode/agentes/agent_manager.php: Fixed BUG# 1770895 and other new bug not identified when creating an agent and try to access some items. 2007-08-22 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb_data.sql: Fixed undetermined problem with alert data load (rewritten in simple format), and removed all languages until finish official documentation. This should be last commit before beta2 (I hope!) 2007-08-21 Sancho Lerena * install.php: Fixed heigh in step3 box. * upgrade.php: Typo at title in step1. 2007-08-20 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql: Used UTF-8 by default * index.php. UTF-8 Default. * README: Updated texts for Readme. * INSTALL: Deteled old stuff * upgrade.php: Links fixed. * migrate.php renamed to upgrade.php * Deleted old upgrade scripts from 1.1 * Updated install.php. * Updated Index.php version to Beta2 :-) 2007-08-17 Sancho Lerena * Updated Pandora FMS logo :-) (Thanks Silvia!) * upgrade_from_1.2.php: Deleted file, code merged in migrate.php * include/styles/install.css: Added style to show info in div. * pandoradbdata_12_to_13.sql: Fixed some items. * install.php: Added link to migrate wizard. * pandoradb_12_to_13.sql: Fixed some items. * reporting/fgraph.php: Fixed problem (NOTICE string) rendering boolean graphs. * migrate.php: Upgraded and finished migration tool from 1.2 to 1.3 :-) 2007-08-09 Sancho Lerena * upgrade_from_1.2.php, pandoradbdata_12_to_13.sql, pandoradb_12_to_13.sql, migrate.php: Migration scripts and wizard (DO NOT USE YET!). Not finished. 2007-08-08 Sancho Lerena * reporting/stat_win.php, general/noaccess.php: Fixed problem with paths outside index.php call. * index.php: Some fixes in checks for problems in startup and needed files. * general/*: Better layout of problems, some minimal fixes. New file added to warn user of missed config.php file. Better treatment of fails. 2007-08-06 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql, alert_manager.php: Alert time support uses TIME format instead numeric (changes requested by esanchezm). 2007-08-06 Sancho Lerena * include/functions_db.php: Fixed unsorted render (E.Ross). * index.php: Several fixes from E.Ross and me (HTTP port, REFR bug #1756143). * status_monitor.php: Small fixes for SQL sentences (E.Ross). * estado_grupo.php: Small fixes for SQL sentnces (E.Ross). * estado_ultimopaquete.php: Fix to use boolean graph from E.Ross. * fgraph.php: Use simplified version of sparse to make a more quick and simplified version of graph, useful for Boolean types (E.Ross). * stat_win.php: Fixed problem with resizing (E.Ross). * godmode/groups/configure_group.php: Fixed code for Non-dependant groups (E.Ross). * login_page.php: Fixes for non 80 HTTP port (E.Ross). 2007-08-06 Sancho Lerena * CSS Fixes (min height). * pandoradb_data.sql: Added some missing default alerts, fixed others. 2007-08-02 Sancho Lerena * Fixed bug #1757084 for Data Server lag check. 2007-07-31 Sancho Lerena * operation/agentes/bulbs.php: Legend now shown updated image. 2007-07-28 Sancho Lerena * include/functions_db.php: Added return_status_layout() function to fix problem in Visual Console, now recursive status of linked layouts works (Xavi) * install.php: Add more warnings about Database destroy (Dagget) * operation/visual_console/render_view.php: Fixed code to get recursive status of linked layouts (Xavi). * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Fixed layout of lights. Much more visible for operators using large screens (Javier Carranza). * operation/agentes/status_monitor.php: Fixed layout of lights. Much more visible for operators using large screens (Javier Carranza). * operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php: Fixed layout of lights. Much more visible for operators using large screens (Javier Carranza). * operation/agentes/estado_agente.php: Fixed layout of lights. Much more visible for operators using large screens (Javier Carranza). * images/pixel_*.png: Added for use in previous fixes. * reporting/fgraph.php: Fixed problem with generic_pie without data. * godmode/reporting/map_builder.php: Fixed problem (annoy feature) reported in lists (i cannot remember the name, sorry guy). Now modules expands by default 2007-07-23 Sancho Lerena * reporting/fgraph.php: Fixed problem in db information graphs due a problem checking height and getting data on orphan data modules. * godmode/db/db_purge.php: Fixed notice warning for ob_fush() call. 2007-07-20 Sancho Lerena * operation/servers/view_server.php: Fixed bug with Data Server lag check * operation/agents/tactical.php: Fixed the same bug above. 2007-07-19 Sancho Lerena * godmode/agentes/agent_manager.php: Fixed problems not really fixed in commit 563 (bug 1744913). * operation/servers/view_server.php: Fixed Data information are now more accurate (before get incorrect data for data server). * operation/agentes/tactical.php: Fixed the same that above and fixed total nomber of modules for data server that was 0 always :( 2007-07-18 Sancho Lerena * include/functions_reporting.php: With last change in server, we have control of not initilizated modules (those who never got data/contact), we need to take care of them here. * pandoradb.sql: last_execution_try field is added to tagente_estado to be able to keep last execution try from network server, later method was incompatible with automatic compatation of data and with data server. * operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php: Unknown data not includes non initialized data. It's possible that need to make changes of this kind in other files because the nature of the problem detected. * operation/agentes/tactical.php: BugFix: LAG is now correct and makes reference to the oldest module that has been processed. Also are shown non initialized data. * operation/servers/view_server.php: BugFix: LAG is now correct (see above). 2007-07-16 Sancho Lerena * include/functions_db.php: Bugfix; list_group and list_group2 funtions now include all group in result. All group recheck should be done inside code, not in this function. * operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php: Fixed bug with ALL group. * operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php: Bugfix, Now show only initialized modules. * operation/agentes/estado_agente.php: Bugfixed, "All" group problem, and agent names are truncated if > 18 chars. * operation/agentes/tactical.php: Bugfixed, now calculates LAG and module count properly. * operation/servers/view_server.php: Bugfixed, now calculates LAG and module count properly. * reporting/fgraph.php: Bugfix: Renamed static problem image. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Bugfix, agent address management in manual creation. * godmode/agentes/agent_manager.php: Bugfix, #1744913 (show icon in creation) 2007-07-13 Sancho Lerena * img/so_other.png: Fixed image. * estado_monitores.php: Not shown only initialized monitor data, those whose utimestamp is zero, skipped (created but never used). * pandora_console/godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Fixed problem when creating manually an agent: does not create IP address in tadress table, so Recon Server create again system with the same IP. * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Fixed problem with modules in tagente_estado with no data (because they has not been initializated, due from it's creation it cannot get real data). This problem was detected because Recon don't create instance for tagente_estado (this issue is also fixed in the next commit). Now this page shown data for data that has a utimestamp != 0. 2007-07-02 Raul Mateos * operation/reporting/reporting.php: Reverting change. * operation/menu.php: Reverting change. 2007-06-29 Raul Mateos * images/lupa.png: better image * operation/reporting/reporting.php: New summary file for reportings * operation/menu.php: Changed code to show new reporting file. 2007-06-28 Esteban Sanchez * install.php: Change file permissions of config.php when it is created. * general/error_perms.php: Added a blank space. 2007-06-27 Raul Mateos * include/sytles/*.css: Updated "gif" references to the "png" refs. * include/language/language_en.php: Updated text. * images/*: Removed near all .gif files and created .png * operation/*.php, godmode/*.php, *.sql: Updated gif references to .png * install.php: Added feature request 1744237 * index.php, operation/agentes/exportdata.php: Moved calendar jscript from index to exportdata 2007-06-25 Sancho Lerena First commit for Beta2 :-) * reporting/fgraph.php: Fixed problem with combined graph that makes long time graphs more smaller and slightly visible. 2007-06-25 Raul Mateos * include/sytles/pandora.css: Updated "error" and "success" messages with new .png icons. * images/suc.gif, error.gif: Deleted image files. * images/suc.png, err.png: New image files for messages. 2007-06-25 Sancho Lerena * include/config.inc.php: Added backslash to some variables to avoid problems in wizard. 2007-06-22 Sancho Lerena This commit should finish Pandora FMS Console 1.3 beta 1 :-) * pandoradb_data.sql: Added default news for new instalation. * include/styles/op.css: Changed icon for Visual Console. * include/config.inc.php: Some minimal changes for skeleton. * include/languages/language_en.php: Added final strings (hope!). * index.php: Adjusted some issues for production. * operation/incidents/incident_statistics.php: Added titles. * operation/events/event_statistics.php: Added titles. * operation/agentes/tactical.php: DivZero bug fixed. * images/image_problem.png: Updated image with new logo. * reporting/fgraph.php: Added generic_bar_graph and, at least, no more jpgraph graph usage !. All graphs are using GD/Pear Graph now. * general/logon_ok.php: Fixed the same bug that in tactical. * godmode/db/db_info.php: Added titles. * godmode/db/db_purge.php: Now render detailed info in graph for each agent selected. 2007-06-22 Raul Mateos * include/languages/language_en.php: More strings. * pandoradb_data.sql: Solved small problem with language strings. * operation/visual_console/index.php: Added code to show text if no layout defined. * godmode/reporting/*builder.php: Added code to show text if no reporting defined. * operation/reporting/*.php: Added code to show text if no reporting defined. * operation/menu.php: Added code to highlight custom reporting if selected. 2007-06-21 Sancho Lerena * include/languages/language_en.php: More strings. * include/functions.php: entrada_limpia() should work fine in UTF8. * operation/incidents/incident.php: Fixed many ugly things. * operation/incidents/incident_detail.php: Fixed many ugly things. * operation/incidents/incident_note.php: Fixed many ugly things. * operation/events/event_statistics.php: Fixed graphs. * operation/events/events.php: Fixed some legend position and header. * operation/agentes/tactical.php: Fixed divzero error. * operation/menu.php: SNMP Alert not shown to normal users anymore. * reporting/Image/Canvas/GD.php: Added errorlevel setting to 0 (disable warnings for graphs). * reporting/fgraph.php: MANY graphs migrated from jpgraph to peargraph. * general/header.php: More width for header information. * godmode/admin_access_logs.php: Added graph to header. * godmode/reporting/map_builder.php: Removed debug stuff 2007-06-21 Raul Mateos * images/op*.gif, god*.gif: deleted. Also deleted several other GIF files. * images/god*.png: New png files in godmode icons. * include/sytles/god.css, op.css: Changed to new .png icons. * help/*, general/error*.php: Changed old .gif logo to new .png logo. * godmode/reporting/map_builder.php: Changed cancel.gif to cross.png. 2007-06-21 Sancho Lerena * include/languages/language_en.php: More new tokens added. * include/functions.php: Added function render time for alert time limiters format (multiplier of 30). * pandoradb.sql: Added support for alert time limiters format. * operation/visual_console/render_view.php: Added support for single lines a few fixes. * images/console/background/globalmap.jpg: Nice world background. * images/console/icons/computer.png: Added new icon for workstation. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.ph, godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php: Added support for alert time limiters. * godmode/reporting/map_builder.php: Tool to build/manage maps elements. Finished!. 2007-06-19 Manuel Arostegui * pandora_console.spec: Ready for 1.3 packaging. 2007-06-17 Raul Mateos * include/languages/language_en.php: Updated text. * include/styles/pandora.css: Removed lb style not uses. Added ok style. * operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php: Changed old td.lb style to th. * operation/agentes/status_full.php: Deleted old file. * operation/events/events.php: Use ok style. Closed table. * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php, godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager.php: Closed html tags. 2007-06-17 Sancho Lerena * reporting/fgraph.php: Fixed ODOmeter problem with neg. values * include/languages/language_en.php: Just a few words added. * pandoradb.sql: Added disable field for alerts. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Show disabled alerts. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php, godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php: Allow to disable individual alerts. * godmode/reporting/map_builder.php: First version of map builder. It doesnt work yet, but has some features implemented. 2007-06-16 Raul Mateos * godmode/menu.php: Updated component groups highlight. * operation/snmpconsole/*.php, general/logon_ok.php, godmode/db/db_info_data.php, godmode/servers/manage_recontask.php, godmode/servers/modificar_server.php, operation/agentes/exportdata.php: Removed old raya style and changed to new style. Closed hundreds of unclosed html tags (review W3C standards) * operation/servers/view_server.php, godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php: Closed html tags. * include/styles/pandora.css: Deleted definetely raya style. * include/styles/tip.css: Updated tip2 style to datos2 colour. * godmode/alerts/configure_alert.php, godmode/modules/manage*form.php: Changed databox style to databox_color 2007-06-13 Raul Mateos * godmode/menu.php, operation/menu.php, include/pandora.css, include/op.css, include/god.css: Updated with styles to avoid top and bottom border. * godmode/groups/group_list.php, godmode/users/*.php, operation/users/*.php, godmode/servers/*.php, operation/snmpconsole/snmp_alert.php, godmode/reporting/map_builder.php, operation/messages/message.php: Removed old raya style and changed to new style. * include/languages/language_en.php: Changed some typing error. 2007-06-12 Sancho Lerena * operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php: Solved problems with ACL. * operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php: ACL to delete graph * include/functions_reporting.php: Added event reporting and alert reporting items for user reports. Now user reports is fully operative ! * include/functions.php: Added new function to manage human strings datetime timestamps with differences. * index.php: UTF-8 is now the codeset by default, also a few comments adjusted, included last version number, now in index.php * operation/events/events.php: More minor adjusts in HTML. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php, operation/agentes/status_monitor.php operation/agentes/estado_agente.php: Agent names are in UPPERCASE and other minor adjustements. * operation/messages/message.php: Fixed code, now uses table styles and more width. Fixes many table endings !! * operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php: Finished. * operation/menu.php: Removed old agent statistics from menu. * general/logon_ok.php: Better render of new messages. News shown by timestamp order. * godmode/agentes/modificar_agente.php: Agent name in uppercase. * godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php: Threshold timestamp now uses better function to do this. * include/languages/language_en.php: New text * include/functions.php: Now all functions to render timeframes are using lang_label variable, some small adjustements and fixes. * operation/agentes/status_monitor.php, operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php, operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: A lot of many small fixes and improvements on render output for all timestamp fields. * operation/agentes/exportdata.php: Now predefine last 24 hours. Fixed a bad combo (too small). * operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php reporting/stat_win.php general/logon_ok.php godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php: A lot of many small fixes and improvements on render output for all timestamp fields and in MIN/MAX, small icons for module types, and things like that. 2007-06-09 Sancho Lerena * include/functions.php: Solved decimals problem in format_numeric() function * operation/agentes/tactical.php: General indicator formula improvement. * general/logon_ok.php: Tactical ODO graph update (the same that above). * godmode/agentes/manage_config.php: Select list too small, bad render fixed. 2007-06-08 Sancho Lerena * include/languages/language_en.php: New strings * include/functions_reporting.php: Added generic function to parse information of all monitors / data checks for statistical usage in several sections of console. * pandoradb.sql: Updated field "timestamp" of tnews table. * operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php: Better management of unknown monitors, this should fix odd behaviour detected. * operation/agentes/tactical.php: New tactical view. * operation/menu.php: New option for group view and tactical. Default option now is tactical view. * images/backgrounds/background4.jpg: Updated background. * reporting/Image/Graph/Plot/Odo.php: Fixed warning in original code. * reporting/Image/Canvas/GD.php: Again playing with canvas options. * reporting/fgraph.php: New odo graph. * general/logon_ok.php: New welcome screen :-) * godmode/setup/news.php: New news manager. * godmode/reporting/map_builder.php: Future map/visual console editor, not ready yet. * godmode/menu.php: Updated a few options. 2007-06-08 Raul Mateos * include/styles/god.css: Updated god51. * include/languages/language_en.php: Updated. * operation/reporting/custom_reporting, operation/users/user.php, godmode/agentes/module_manager.php, godmode/users/configure_user.php, godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php: Updated with new table style. * images/reporting_edit.png: Added icon for creating reports in administration mode. * godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php: Updated text styles. * operation/agentes/datos_agente.php: Updated table length and delete text. * godmode/modules/manage_network_templates_form.php: Updated with new table style. 2007-06-07 Raul Mateos * operation/agentes/status_monitor.php, estado_alertas.php, operation/incidents/*.php, operation/events/events.php: Closed html tags. Updated with new table style. 2007-06-07 Sancho Lerena * include/styles/god.css: Added god51 (reporting). * include/styles/pandora.css: Added h4 (for reporting). * include/functions_db.php: * include/functions_reporting.php: Reporting functions should be here. Now is SLA, tomorrow will be more ;) * include/functions.php: Added generic POST/GET parameter management, and a few functions to mangle dates. * pandoradb.sql: A few changes on treport_content table. * operation/agentes/datos_agente.php: Added option to delete individual data from here. Useful to purge bad data. * operation/reporting/reporting_viewer.php: New report viewer on HTML. * operation/reporting/custom_reporting.php: Moved. * operation/reporting/graph_builder.php: Moved to godmode directory. * operation/menu.php: Added few options and removed other (Reporting) * reporting/fgraph.php: Few changes to use graphs in reports without titles. * godmode/reporting: Added. * godmode/reporting/reporting_builder.php: The Pandora FMS report editor :-) * godmode/reporting/graph_builder.php: Graph builder almost done, only a few bugs to finish. * godmode/menu.php: New reporting options in godmode menu. 2007-06-06 Raul Mateos * godmode/*.php: Closed a lot of unclosed html tags. Updated near all of files with new table style. * godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php: Solved stupid bugs added some days ago due to an unclosed html tag. * images/groups_small/applications.png: New icon for applications group. * images/copy.png: New icon for copy data. * pandoradb_data.sql: Updated default applications icon name. * include/styles/pandora.css: Added style for copy icon. * include/languages/language_en.php: Added template text. * godmode/agentes/agent_template.php, manage_config.php: Updated with new table styles. Updated texts and closed html tags. 2007-06-02 Raul Mateos * include/styles/pandora.css: Updated. * include/styles/pandora_minimal.css: New file for install and graphs. * include/config.inc.php: Updated build. Updated attachment directory. * install.php: Added some text to clarify use of config directory in step 3. Now we use the pandora_mininmal.css file. Updated logo. Closed some HTML tags. * reporting/stat_win.php: Now we use the pandora_minimal.css file. Closed some HTML tags. Added title. * reporting/Image/*.php: Converted end-line Windows format to Unix. 2007-05-31 Sancho Lerena * fgraph.php: Small improvements in combined graphs. 2007-05-30 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb_data.sql: Added "style" token for default config. * include/config.inc.php: Version primary information is now on index.php. Here is only a "copy" used in aditional pages that do not load index.php * index.php: Version information is now here. * operation/reporting/graph_builder.php: Solved other little bug. * reporting/Image/Canvas/GD.php: Now using Antialias !!!. This is a BIG improve for graphs (and a bit slower on old systems). * reporting/fgraph.php: Changed colours in main graphs. * general/login_page.php: Small change in login screen. 2007-05-28 Raul Mateos * include/styles/pandora.css, pandora_red.css: New style with icon for search. * include/languages/*.php: New string for alert updating. * godmode/agentes/*.php: Updated h2 headers. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php, estado_monitores.php, estado_ultimopaquete.php: Updated h2 headers. Added code for not showing table headers if no alert defined. Add some icon to input buttons. * operation/incidents/incident_detail.php, incident_search.php, operation/messages/message.php, operation/snmpconsole/snmp_alert.php: Add some icon to input buttons. 2007-05-27 Raul Mateos * include/styles/help.css: New file only used in help pages. * help/*: Updated help files with 1.3 string and clear CSS styles. 2007-05-27 Sancho Lerena * godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php: Now alert edit/create uses alert tab to show alert data. 2007-05-27 Raul Mateos * include/styles/pandora.css: Cleaned and moved install styles to a new file only using in install.php file. * include/styles/pandora_red.css: Cleaned and moved install styles to a new file only using in install.php file. * include/styles/install.css: New file. * install.php: Updated with new styles. 2007-05-26 Raul Mateos * include/styles/pandora.css: Cleaned and updated some styles. * index.php: Updated, now the page is allways at the center. * general/login*.php: Updated login/logoff pages with new sytles and clean code. * images/setup.png: New file (changed from setup.gif). * include/languages/*.php: Deleted old text about database and updated some strings. * help/en/chapter3.php, help/es/chapter3.php: Changed image setup.gif to the new setup.png file. * operation/*.php: Massive close HTML tags and changed all h3 to h2 for new console headings. * godmode/*.php * include/styles/pandora.css * godmode/*.php: Changed name for directories and files: New ones are alerts, profiles, groups and users, and now the files are named in english. All features seem to be OK. * godmode/menu.php: Updated to include new names and some highlighting. 2007-05-24 Sancho Lerena * include/styles/pandora_red.css: Added alternate sample style. * include/styles/pandora.css: Some problems with fonts fixed (I hope!) * include/config.inc.php: Modified code to support custom Style in DB config. By default uses "pandora". * include/languages/language_en.php: new string to render style setup. * images/header_red.jpg: New image for red style. * godmode/grupos/configurar_grupo.php: Updated styles. * godmode/setup/setup.php: Added support for style selector. 2007-05-24 Sancho Lerena * include/styles/pandora.css: Some margin adjustements for databox classes and H1-3. * include/config.inc.php: Added support to detect empty configuration tokens in DB and abort. * include/languages/language_en.php: More strings. * operation/visual_console/render_view.php: Fixed static links to images. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Databox style fixed. * operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php: Added image instead label. * operation/servers/view_server.php: Fixed divbyzero notice. * operation/servers/view_server_detail.php: Fixed static image URL. * reporting/fgraph.php: Fixed distribution of X axis ticks. * general/login_page.php: Added "demo" user by default. * godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php, godmode/alertas/modificar_alerta.php godmode/alertas/configurar_alerta.php: Style 'databox' update. 2007-05-22 Sancho Lerena * images/console/background/*: Some nice backgrounds added for new visual console. 2007-05-21 Sancho Lerena * operation/visual_console/index.php: Fixed SQL error when no data. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Style fix (databox). * operation/agentes/ver_agente.php: Now main view shows also alert info. * operation/menu.php: Fixed SQL error when there is no data. 2007-05-21 Raul Mateos * include/styles/pandora.css: Updated footer style. * operation/estado_generalagente.php: Closed div for footer if agent not found. * godmode/configurar_agente.php: Closed div for footer if agent not found. 2007-05-20 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb_data.sql: Uptated network component data. * include/styles/pandora.css: Few updates for style. * include/functions_db.php: Added functions for visual console features. * include/languages/language_en.php: New strings. * include/javascript: Moved all javascript files here. * include/javascript/x_slide.js, include/javascript/x_event.js: Copied from branch / console from Azabel. * include/javascript/wz_jsgraphics.js: New functions to draw lines. * pandoradb.sql: Created new tlayout and tlayout_data tables. * index.php: Small changes. Added support to refresh any page via POST. * operation/visual_console: Added Visual Console feature. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Updated styles and fixes damm bug when no alert available. * operation/agentes/status_monitor.php: Updated styles. * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php: Update styles. * operation/agentes/estado_agente.php: Updated style. * operation/servers/view_server.php: Updated style. * operation/reporting/graph_builder.php: Fixed some minor bugs. Needs to fix more bugs :( * operation/menu.php: Updated menu. Visual Console has dynamic items!. * images/pandora_logo_head.png: New header logo ! * images/pandora_logo.png: New Pandora FMS 1.3 logo ! :-)) * images/console/background: More samples added. * images/console/icons: Icons to be used in visual console. * reporting/fgraph.php: New feature added to simple graph to show only average values. * reporting/stat_win.php: Added support to avg_only and show avg, max and min values from each graph. Zoom factor is more usable now. * general/logoff.php: New style. * general/footer.php: Fixed style. * general/logon_failed.php: Fixed style. * general/login_page.php: New style. * general/header.php: Fixed style. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Fixed styles. * godmode/agentes/agent_manager.php: Fixed styles. 2007-05-18 Sancho Lerena * include/styles/pandora.css : Some style changes. * include/functions.php: Changed format_numeric and format_for_graph to show a better number formatting. * index.php: Some minor changes in layout and bgcolor (not used style because some pages that don't have the same color uses main style, f.e: stat_win for graphs). * godmode/agentes/module_manager.php * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php * operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php * operation/agentes/datos_agente.php, estado_ul: Updated output render and fixes some tables, added databox style, removed line. * operation/menu.php: Removed active console. This don't go with 1.3 version finally due many unfixed bugs. * reporting/stat_win.php: White background fixed. * general/header.php * general/footer.php: Some adjustments in styles. 2007-05-18 Raul Mateos * images/header.png: New graphic image for header in the new design. * Style / Graphic changes for new design (not finished). 2007-05-08 Raul Mateos * godmode/modules/*.php, godmode/agentes/*.php: Added icon to buttons. * godmode/grupos/configurar_grupo.php: Changed datos2 style to datos in second row. * operation/agentes/estado_monitores.php: Added code to show "Never" if timestamp is 00-00... * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Added title to tag, to show name when is longer than 15 chars. * general/logon_ok.php: Closed some html tags. Reduce size of table. * include/styles/pandora.css: Changed some colours. 2007-05-07 Raul Mateos * general/header.php: Made smaller. * godmode/agentes/module_manager.php: Changed html anchor. * operation/snmpconsole/snmp_view.php, general/logon_ok.php, operation/events/events.php, operation/incidents/incident.php, operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Removed classes. Now we use some styles at each page to simplify css. * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php: Changed table width. * include/pandora.css: Updated a lot of styles, deleted some not used. 2007-05-03 Raul Mateos * images/reporting.png: Renamed from chart_pie.png. * include/op.css: Updated with reporting.png. 2007-05-03 Sancho Lerena * include/FreeSans.ttf: Added to repos, should be here to use in graphs. * include/functions_db.php: Deleted noaccess include from comprueba_login(). This should return value, not render pages or exit. * include/config.inc.php: Modified some typos. * include/calendar.js: Added generic calendar javascript, to be used on exportdata and incident management code. * include/languages/language_en.php: More strings. * install.php: In my render, box height is too low. PLEASE recheck before changing this kind of properties because in other browsers could have a bad render (Sophus!). * index.php: Added script call (need to be done on header). * operation/agentes/export_csv.php: Added new file to create a standalone CSV on download icon / link. * operation/agentes/exportdata.php: New export data code, used some code from Leando Doctors, and mixed with old code. Now have three options to render export data. * operation/agentes/datos_agente_calendar.php: Deleted old code from Leandro. * operation/active_console/lib/extra_functions.php: Solved a lot of warnings, but there are TONS of more warnings that need to be corrected. * operation/active_console/lib/db_functions.php:Solved a lot of warnings, but there are TONS of more warnings that need to be corrected. * operation/active_console/index.php: Solved a lot of warnings, but there are TONS of more warnings that need to be corrected. This code DONT work if you are showing warning/notice erros. This code is not ready for production usage, too buggy yet :( * pandora_graphical_console_data.sql: Cleanup. * godmode/agentes/module_manager.php: Added wizard button. * pandora_graphical_console.sql: Cleanup. 2007-05-02 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql: Fixed small problem with tgrupos 2007-05-01 Raul Mateos * images/bricks.png: Changed red colour to orange one. * include/pandora.css: Changed background colour for View Mode tab. * operation/agentes/estado_agente.php: Changed space between combo and table, including the style into the table, deleting div. * operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php: Style correction. * operation/messages/message.php: Added style to some table cells. * pandoradb.sql, pandoradb_data.sql: Added column disable to table tgrupo and default value 0. * operation/snmpconsole/snmp_alert.php: Deleted duplicated br tag. 2007-04-29 Raul Mateos * images/recon.png: Renamed file from chart_organization.png * include/pandora.css: Added styles for table in servers. * operation/servers/view_server.php: Used style added. Change order for table (now the legend is shown only if there are servers). 2007-04-24 Raul Mateos * install.php: Changed typo in installation text. Homogenize boxes. * operation/modificar_agente.php: Deleted table and moved button to tr. 2007-04-22 Sancho Lerena * functions_db.php, language_en.php, estado_grupo.php estado_agente.php configurar_grupo.php lista_grupos.php modificar_server.php: New feature implemented: groups could be configured to do not launch alerts (Disabled field). Any agent inside this group does not fire alerts while disabled will be activated. Useful for programmed non-service periods or programmed shutdowns. 2007-04-21 Sancho Lerena * include/languages/language_en.php: New strings added. * include/functions.php: Added function output_clean_strict(). * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Fixed title when some ugly characters used (like #). * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php: OS icon show, ignoring $agent_type parameter. * operation/agentes/estado_agente.php: OS icon show, ignoring agent_type variable. * godmode/grupos/configurar_grupo.php: Now it's possible to define parent group. * godmode/grupos/lista_grupos.php: Parent for group and some code cleanup. Added confirmation to group delete. * godmode/agentes/module_manager.php: Added confirmation to some items and added "data fix" new feature to delete data above 1.3 of average value of graph. * godmode/agentes/modificar_agente.php: Confirmation before delete an agent. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Added fix module data feature. * godmode/modules/manage_network_components_form.php: Some fixes. * godmode/modules/manage_network_templates.php: More fixes. * godmode/menu.php: Fixed some navigation marks. 2007-04-19 Sancho Lerena * pandora.css: added some classes for graphical input buttons. * languages/language_en.php: More strings to go ! * include/config.php: Deleted from repo, now has no sense. * pandoradb.sql: Added `alert_text` to talerta_agent for new text alerts. Added tables for custom graphs and reporting: tgraph, tgraph_source, treport, and treport_content. * operation/users/user.php: Fixed problem with last Raul's commit. * godmode/usuarios/lista_usuarios.php: Fixed problem with last Raul's commit. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Code cleanup. Implemented render for text alerts. * operation/agentes/datos_agente.php: Fixed small bug with text output. * operation/agentes/datos_agente_calendar.php: Added contribution from Leandro Doctors. Need to work on it before use several problems detected. * operation/servers/view_server.php: Fixed some bugs. * operation/reporting/graph_viewer.php: Added viewer for custom graphs. * operation/reporting/custom_reporting.php: Initial code, not finished yet. * operation/reporting/graph_builder.php: Work for modules in the same agent, several problems, but works. * operation/menu.php: Updated options for new reporting menu. * reporting/stat_win.php: New menu is great :-) * general/login_page.php: Updated login page. * godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php, configurar_agente.php: New code for text alerts and better user help. 2007-04-18 Raul Mateos * pandoradb_data.sql, pandoradb.sql: Fixed small warnings. * include/pandora.css: removed old "wxx" classes. Change some colours for agent general information tabs. * include/god.css, link.css: minimal changes for case letters. * several .php updated to use the changes in sytles. No new features or functionality changed. 2007-04-18 Sancho Lerena * include/styles/pandora.css: Added frame and changed basic form input styles (fixed the old problem with radio and checkboxes). * include/functions_db.php: Finished function agent_add_address(). Added functions: agent_delete_address(), give_agent_address() and give_agent_address_from_list(). * include/languages/language_en.php: More strings ! * include/functions.php: Added numeric render for graph Y scale and for numeric data output in screen: format_for_graph(). * pandoradb.sql: Several small fixes and cleanup (deleted drop check). * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Fixed old bug with visualization of alerts (min/max) vs (max/min). Now alert is a real value, not integer. * operation/agentes/datos_agente.php: Better render for numeric (float) data. * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Better render for numeric (float) data and fixed a small costemic bug. * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php: Fixed a small costemic bug, list of ip's have some white space before and this have better visualization for user due to combo style stripping some space. * reporting/fgraph.php: Graph improvement: graphs now could show alerts associated to an agent and draw alert limits. Preprocessor function is now used to render axis label with (M,K) symbols and decimal commas. Title and subtitle has been improved. * reporting/stat_win.php: Graph menu improvement. Fully completed work. This should work for final version without more changes. * godmode/agentes/agent_template.php: Template/Wizard module assigment form for agent. * godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php: Several fixes (links) and alert max/min render. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Fixed several navitation bugs. Added agent ip addition/deletion code. * godmode/agentes/agent_manager.php: Address list management code. * godmode/modules/module_list.php: Deleted link to "module type editor" and create button: This has no sense since there is no moduletype editor yet :-) 2007-04-16 Manuel Arostegui * pandora_console.spec: Small changes to adapt the RPM to the upcoming 1.3 release. 2007-04-13 Sancho Lerena * include/functions_db.php: Added function add_address() not finished!. * pandoradb.sql: Added field "notify_email" in tincidencia. More changes are coming in incident management coming from FRITS project. Added tnews * index.php: VERY IMPORTANT: Added Session locking concurrency speedup, taken from http://es2.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php#64525. This solve GUI lookups when one page it's processing huge data and one user cannot access to other pages. This is a common PHP issue for bad-susing SESSION functions. * operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php: Added checks for timeout in agents. Now render gray icons/boxes if agent is completely timeout (with no modules in time). * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php: Show IP address in combo. More changes are coming to agent address management (multiaddress). * general/logoff.php: Fixed, "babel" string :-) * general/logon_ok.php: Added news display in main logon screen. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Delete address code, not finished. 2007-04-11 Manuel Arostegui * install.php: Text corrections. 2007-04-10 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb_data.sql: Fixed some odd problems with schema data. * pandoradb.sql: Fixed some odd problems with schema structure and added new table tnews for publish board updates. * include/styles/pandora.css: Changed color for data2 style. * include/config.inc.php: Deleted two last blank lines who makes config.php unusable for graphs. FIXED. * include/languages/language_en.php: Added some new strings. * include/config.php: some problems with new config variables. Need to recheck. * include/functions.php: Added function to render normal text, replacing carriage return with HTML br tag. * install.php: Many small bugs fixed. Now uses dbname variable and use default variables in form. * estado_grupo.php: Small bug fixed. * estado_ultimopaquete: Small bug fixed. * estado_generalagente.php: Small bug fixed. * view_server.php: Small bug fixed. * fgraph.php: Now agent with only one kind of module render module distribution graph. * stat_win.php: Fixed small bug with windows ids. * module_manager.php: Fixed small bug. * modificar_agente.php: Fixed small bug. * module_list.php: Fixed stupid bug. * god_mode/menu.php: Fixed problem with menu position. 2007-04-03 Raul Mateos * include/languages/language_en.php, language_es_es.php: Added text for no network profile. * godmode/modules/manage_network_components.php: Added noscript tag to avoid showing the "show" button if Javascript is enabled. Added image to button Create. * godmode/modules/manage_network_templates.php: Added code to show text if no netork template is defined. Added image to button Create. * godmode/modules/manage_network_templates_form.php: Added code to avoid a notice error when creating new profile. * godmode/modules/manage_nc_groups.php: Added imaged to Button Create. 2007-04-02 Raul Mateos * images/ok.gif: Deleted * images/cross.png, go.png, ok.png, upd.png: Added new images * include/styles/pandora.css, tip.css, op.css: Updated. Deleted some old styles, not all. * include/languages/language_en.php, language_es_es.php: Added text for no recon task. * godmode/*.php, operation/*.php, help/*.php: Changed some icons, updated several buttons with new icons. 2007-04-01 Raul Mateos * pandoradb.sql, pandoradb_data.sql: Removed comments that caused some warnings. Solved small bug when adding table tmodule. Changed (again) HPUX to HP-UX. * godmode/agentes/modificar_agente.php: Removed some notice error. 2007-03-28 Sancho Lerena * tip.css, pandora.css: Some updates to fix render in tooltips and datos3 background color. * config.php: Version update. * operation/menu.php: Added reporting suboption: Custom Graph Builder. * operation/reporting/graph_builder.php: New custom and combined graphic generator that uses new function from fgraph graphic_combined_module(). * reporting/fgraph.php: new function graphic_combined_module() to generate combined graphs. Needs to finish implementation to show alerts and evetns (most work done). Function grafico_db_agentes_purge() now uses Pear Graph instead jpgraph. * operation/agents/exportdata.php: Now uses indexes and improve the overall speed. * operation/agents/estado_grupo.php: Rewritten version, much more fast than previous. * operation/events/events.php: Fixed code to mass delete/update and added some audit control points. * pandora_db.php: audit_db() now uses utimestamp. event_insert() now uses utimestamp. Added function give_agent_id_from_module_id(). * operation/agents/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Now render in red timestamp for "outdated" data. Fixes some minor problems with module groups and interval rendering. * operation/agents/estado_monitores.php: now uses utimestamp. * operation/agents/ver_agente.php: Uses lang_label labels for some texts. Fixed image bug. * operation/servers/view_server.php: Added version of server and some cosmetic adjustments. * godmode/db/db_main.php: Applied new graphic. * godmode/agentes/module_manager.php: Now sort by modulegroup. 2007-03-28 Esteban Sanchez * pandoradb.sql: Changed MyISAM tables to InnoDB. Deleted charset definition to Latin1. Some changes to be consecuent with the data. Deleted unnecesary field from tagente_estado. Added tmodule table and a field in tagente_module to point there. Fixed some default dates to become the same. Removed mysqldump comments. * pandoradb_data.sql: Removed mysqldump comments. 2007-03-28 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql: Updated SQL. * pandoradb_data.sql: Updated data. Some info must be corrected before final version (network components, groups and some other). 2007-03-23 Esteban Sánchez * pandoradb.sql: Default value of flag field in tagente_module changed to 1, so the module is forced to be executed the first time. 2007-03-19 Raul Mateos * pandoradb.sql, pandoradb_data.sql: Solve small problem in last commit with groups table and language code for more than 5 chars (as ast_es). 2007-03-19 Sancho Lerena * functions_db.php: Added give_network_profile_name() function. * language_en.php: Added new strings. * index.php, ver_agente.php, estado_generalagente.php: Some style fixes. * view_server.php: Added support for recon servers. Added LAG check for server processing queue. * view_server_detail.php: Added, to get updated information in realtime for queues processed by recon server. * modificar_agente.php: Now deletes associated IP addresses when deleting an agent. * manage_network_templates*.php: Manage network templates / profiles. * manage_recontask*.php: Editor for network tasks (recon server). * menu.php: Added new options. 2007-03-12 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql: Upgraded scheme, many changes and many tables added. I Need to commit the new "preloaded" data for this scheme, give me some days, this stuff are on development. * includes/styles/*: Many additions to reflect new menu options, and the tab menu title. * reporting/fgraph.php: Minor changes to format progressbar. * godmode/modules/*: Many many changes and additions (manage_*) for the new management system using tabs :-) * include/languages/language_es_es.php: Many additions. * operation/servers/view_server.php: Implemented detailed load for each servertype and latency time to each server to detect problems with high load. Many changes in godmode subsystem. Not detailed at this time. 2007-03-07 Raul Mateos * godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php, modificar_agente.php, operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php: Small changes with table lines. * include/styles/pandora.css: Reduce data_box class one pix. 2007-03-06 Raul Mateos * images/info.png: New image, replace old info.gif. * images/help.png: Change colour. * include/styles/pandora.css: Changed colour in nf class. Small changes in other colours. * include/styles/menu.css: Small colour change in menu border. 2007-03-06 Sancho Lerena * include/functions*.php: Some reorganization, moved some funtions from functions.php. Added recursive functions to implement group hiearchy (group_belong_group, agent_belong_group). * godmode/agentes/module_manager.php, configurar_agente.php: Module edition/add now works :-) 2007-03-02 Sancho Lerena * Massive commit. Updated almost every file for agent visualization, module visualizacion, added many icons, and altered so many files. 2007-02-27 Sancho Lerena * include/styles/god.css, include/styles/link.css, include/styles/op.css: Moved style block. * include/styles/pandora.css: Added some clases for new appearance. Needs to be improved, not finished yet !. * include/config.inc.php: Changed version number. * index.php: Some changes for new block disposition using data_box class and other changes. * operation/agentes/ver_agente.php: Now shows data in three tabs. Needs to be improved, but functional. * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php: Change in title order. This should be the way to show title and subtitle since now. * operation/messages/message.php: Changed icon, and fix problem in CSS. Deleted class: Classes with only fix weight should be avoided from now and added in code just with a style attribute, it generates too many classes in main CSS. * images/bottom-*-corner.gif: Added. * general/footer.php: Needs to be updated. * general/links_menu.php: New style in use (different color for top). * godmode/agentes/module_manager.php: New file to manage in tabs agent configuration. Almost functional, needs fix. * godmode/agentes/alert_manager.php: Content of alert management for agent manager, now in a individual file to be shown in a tab. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php; * godmode/agentes/agent_manager.php: New file to manage in tabs agent configuration. Almost functional, needs fix. * godmode/menu.php: New style in use (different color for top). This is a partial commit not fully functional, need to be done due to many changes in a temporal development computer. Sorry for problems to people that are testing SVN version. 2007-02-22 Esteban Sanchez * pandoradb.sql: Changed a 'utimestamp' field from mediumint to integer. 2007-02-22 Sancho Lerena * reporting/Image: Added to repository (at last!) Image Graph package (not original, copy from Babel Enterprise project, has some modification for antialiasing -disabled- due to problems on some environments. * include/styles/pandora.css: Added new styles for new layour (pending to do, not finished yet, i need help, Raul). * include/languages/language_en.php: Some strings added. * operation/agentes/ver_agente.php: Changes for adding tabs and new style, not finished. * operation/servers/view_server.php: NEW feature: network server load. Needs to be improved :) * images/image_problem.png: Static image for problems rendering graph. * images/console: Added graphcs for active console, not used yet (backgrounds). * pandoradb.sql: Fixed some problems in last commit. 2007-02-21 Raul Mateos * pandoradb.sql: Solved small problems that caused some tables not to be created. * operation/active_console/lib/db_functions.php: Remove ".." in include path for config file. * general/logon_ok.php: Use new styles and small check to show some text if no data. * include/styles/pandora.css: New styles. 2007-02-20 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql: Upgraded SQL. Improved lenght for some fields. * index.php: Better permission checks * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Changed some parameters for agent graphics. * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php: Changed some parameters for agent graphics. * reporting/fgraph.php: MAJOR UPGRADE. Replacement for three main graphics from agents now using Image Graph. * reporting/stat_win.php: MAJOR UPGRADE. 2007-02-19 Sancho Leren * include/styles/pandora.css: Updated to have new styles for installer. * include/config.inc.php: New skeleton for config, used in wizard. * install.php: NEW wizar/installer for console. * index.php: Some modifications for main page. * operation/incidents/incide*: Some header changes. * operation/active_console/index.php: Header changes. * images/*: New images for wizard. * general/error_*.php: New messages for wizard. 2007-02-19 Sancho Lerena * operation/incidents/incident.php: Pagination finished. * operation/events/events.php: Pagination finished. * godmode/admin_access_logs.php: Pagination fix (work in progress, not finished yet). 2007-02-16 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql: added unixtime field to tagente_datos, tagente_datos_string and tagente_estado tables. Future queries will use UNIX time instead of "Human" timestamp strings. * index.php: Small fix of duplicated body html tag. * agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: [DEBUG] Add a debug ICON for new graph... need to be delted. * /active_console/styles/main.css, and many .js: Style correction (massive changes), only indented and commented, no changes in code. * reporting/fgraph.php: CURRENTLY CHANGING CODE, NOT USE. * reporting/stat_win.php: Unified parameter parsing. 2007-02-06 Sancho Lerena * include/functions.php: Pagination function now works fine. * operation/incidents/incident.php, indicent_detail.: Incident update/inser goes to main incident view. More usable interface. Pagination works fine, needs to adjust SQL to use LIMIT syntax for more optimized code. 2007-02-05 Sancho Lerena * include/functions_db.php: Added function to get info for events (return_event_description(). * include/languages/language_en.php: More new strings. * include/functions.php: Pagination improved !. not finished yet. * pandora_console/index.php: Added some credits to main page. * operation/incidents/incident.php: Improved incident visualization. Fixed some render bugs in last raul's commit :-> * operation/incidents/incident_detail.php: Now incidents could be "reported" using event button for submit incident. * operation/events/events.php: Pagination is now using LIMIT SQL syntax, and pagination works fine. Several issues fixed, and added function to report incident from here. * images/ok.gif, cancel.gif, control_start_blue.png, page_lightning.png, control_rewind_blue.png, control_end_blue.png, control_fastforward_blue.png: Added. 2007-02-02 Manuel Arostegui * pandora_console.spec: Fixed small weird bug submitted to my email. 2007-01-27 Raul Mateos * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Fixed bug 1643627, some style changes. Also solve small bug due to use id_os and os_version as the same var. 2007-01-21 Raul Mateos * images/setup.gif: Updated icon. * operation/estado_agente.php, estado_generalagente.php: Updated image width for new icon. 2007-01-14 Raul Mateos * include/languages/language_de.php: Updated file for german language. 2007-01-10 Raul Mateos * help/[gl|de]/*.php: New files. At this moment, is a redirect to the english help. * operation/menu.php: Small style correction. * active_console/*.php: Change from * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php; Style correction. Solve small bug not showing any table if no alert defined. * include/config.php: Add some comments and change order of error reporting function. * include/languages/*.php: New file for german language. Some updates for the rest of files. * pandoradb_data.sql: Add entry for german language. * operation/menu.php: Style correction (not enough). * include/op.css: Solve small bug with hover in reporting icon. 2007-01-08 Manuel Arostegui * pandora_console.spec: Changed group. 2007-01-05 Sancho Lerena Importing data from Azabel brach. This commit is a little chaotic :-). Almost all code it's break apart, so no problems should not be generated. New graphical console will be called "Active console", as temporal name. * pandora_graphical_console.sql: New SQL for active console. * pandora_graphical_console_data.sql: New SQL data for A.C. * images/op9.gif: New icon for operation menu. * operation/active_console/index.php: Main index for A.C. this includes now a require function for config.php. * operation/active_console/imagenes/*: Lots of images for A.C. Need to be ordered or something. * operation/active_console/scripts/*: Most of the Javascript code for the A.C is here. * operation/active_console/lib/*: Main include PHP code for A.C * operation/active_console/styles/*: CSS Styles for A.C. * pandora_graphical_console.INSTALL: How to install A.C * include/styles/cb/: Unused, deleted. * include/styles/op.css: Changes need to activate new A.C option. * include/languages/language_en.php: New string for A.C * operation/menu.php: New menu option. * include/config.php: New version and set error reporting to 0. At this time A.C reports many warnings and notices and dont work properly, so keep this low at the moment. 2007-01-04 Manuel Arostegui * pandora_console.spec: Now pandora console is installed with the correct name, not with the release name after "pandora_console". 2007-01-02 Manuel Arostegui * pandora_console.spec: Added man pages. 2007-01-01 Raul Mateos * include/functions_db.php: Add new function to obtain group list. * godmode/alertas/configurar_alerta.php: Clear code. Clear sytle. * operation/agentes/estado_grupo: Clear code. Clear style. Use new list_group2 function. Simplify SQL queries. * operation/events/events.php: Clear code. Clear style. 2006-12-31 Raul Mateos * include/functions.php, functions_db.php: Move list_group from f*.php to f*_db.php. Add two new functions to show icons. * operation/agentes/*.php, operation/eventos/eventos.php, godmode/agentes/*.php: Updated files to use the new functions for icons. Clear code. Clear sytle. 2006-12-29 Manuel Arostegui * pandora_console.spec: Added missing path. 2006-12-29 Manuel Arostegui * pandora_console.spec: Added to reposistory. Pandora Console final spec file. 2006-12-26 Raul Mateos * include/languages/language_es*.php: Updated. * include/languages/language_gl*.php: New galician language. * operation/agentes/bulbs.php: New file with the bulbs. Used by estado_agente.php. * pandoradb_data.sql: Updated to use the new language. 2006-12-25 Raul Mateos * include/styles/pandora.css: New style mr40. * help/en,es/chapter3.php: Explanation of monitor added. Solved error with english file (maximun-> manimum; minimun -> minimum) * include/functions: Add function to show groups of an user. * operation/agentes/*, operation/eventos/eventos.php: Use new function. Style correction. 2006-12-24 Raul Mateos * include/styles/pandora.css, tip.css: Stylesheet correction. * include/general/footer.php, header.php, login_page.php: Corrected styles. * index.php: added div for footer. * include/languages/*.php: Removed old texts. 2006-12-19 Raul Mateos * help/en/*: Stylesheet correction. Change some texts and images. * help/en/images/SNMP*, groups.png: New files. 2006-12-19 Raul Mateos * help/es/*, help/en/*: Stylesheet correction. Change some texts. * godmode/grupos/lista_grupos.php: Solved some small bug with icon when creating group. * general/logon_ok.php: Solved small bug due to style correction. 2006-12-16 Raul Mateos * include/styles/pandora.css, op.css, god.css: Removed more unnecessary lines and solve some typo errors. * operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php: Style correction. Change some colour names for its HTML RGB code. 2006-12-15 Raul Mateos * operation/agentes/datos_agente.php: Add no data CSS style. Some style correction. 2006-12-15 Raul Mateos * include/styles/op.css, god.css: Solved detected problem, more style simplification. * godmode/menu.php, operation/menu.php: Updated files to styles. 2006-12-15 Sancho Lerena * include/styles/op.css: Added new op8. FIXME: There is a little problem i cannot fix before commit. TODO. * include/languages/language_en.php: Added new report strings. * include/config.php: Officially are 1.3 devel version. Updated. * operation/menu.php: CODE CLEANUP. FIXME: There is a little problem I cannot fix before commit. TODO * images/op8.gif: Added. 2006-12-15 Esteban Sanchez * operation/agentes/estado_grupo.php: Huge style correction. There is too much work left. 2006-12-14 Raul Mateos * operation/messages/message.php: Updated style for not found items. * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php, operation/agentes/estado_agente.php: Updated style for red text. 2006-12-14 Raul Mateos * include/styles/*.css: Simplify styles. 2006-12-08 Raul Mateos * include/config.php: Changed build * images/info.gif: New file * include/styles/pandora.css: Created new style and modified others * operation/agentes/*.php, operation/servers/*.php, godmode/agentes/*.php, godmode/servers/*.php,: Close some HTML tags. Changed style for not found items. 2006-12-07 Raul Mateos * include/config.php: Changed build * operation/snmp/*: Close some HTML tags. Changed style for not found items. * operation/servers/view_server.php: Close some HTML tags. Changed style for not found items. 2006-12-04 Raul Mateos * help/[en|es]/images/servers1.png, servers2.png: New files. * help/[en|es]/chap2.php, chap7.php: Update files. * godmode/admin_access_logs.php: Add help icon. 2006-12-03 Sancho Lerena * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Fixed bug editing alerts. 2006-12-03 Raul Mateos * include/styles/pandora.css: new style for not found items. Join styles. * operation/events/events.php: Add filter to events by group. Changed style for not found items. * operation/agentes/estado_agente.php, status_monitor.php, estado_alertas.php: Add name to filter combo. Changed style for not found items. * operation/incidents/incident.php: Changed style for not found items. * images/cancel.gif: Changed image to one with smaller size. 2006-11-27 Raul Mateos * general/footer.php: Add variable $time to get time from server which PHP < 5.1. Style correction. 2006-11-23 Raul Mateos * general/footer.php: Changed text from Pandora to Pandora FMS. 2006-11-23 Sancho Lerena * agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Added "border=0" to some graphic. Fixed typo in hourly graph. * agentes/estado_generalagente.php: Added "border=0" in setup icon. * agentes/datos_agente.php: Better output (sort DESC and with M and K suffix) 2006-11-22 Sancho Lerena * agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Fixed small size of visualization of data in packet view. Big values was cutted. Added elimination of decimals, and suffix for M (1000) divisible values. 2006-11-21 Raul Mateos * general/footer.php: Change time() function to $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] for optimization, Esteban's suggestion. Changed text from Pandora to Pandora FMS. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: small code changes * operation/agentes/status_monitor.php: change bulb images from botton to top, some style corrections * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php, operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Several changes to make it more HTML compliant, and better sytle. 2006-11-17 Raul Mateos * operation/agentes/estado_generalagente.php: Clean code, small adapt to guidelines. Add code for showing 'Never' if there wasn't a previous contact of the agent. * include/styles/pandora.css, god.css, link.css, op.css, tip.css: Style correction. Add border: 0px to tables and images. With this change, all the tables and images shouln't have the "border=0" parameter. 2006-11-14 Raul Mateos * include/styles/pandora.css: Change some styles. * operation/agentes/estado_agente.php, operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php, operation/incidents/incident.php: Clear code, change styles. * operation/events/event.php: New selection for event type. EXPERIMENTAL. TO DO: Add selection for groups. 2006-11-13 Raul Mateos * include/config.php: Change build date to correct order. 2006-11-06 Raul Mateos * index.php: Added FMS to title * include/languages/language_es_es.php, language_en.php, language_es_la.php, language_it.php: Remove "distributed" from title 2006-11-05 Sancho Lerena * images/outlimits.png: Static image for progress bar out of limits. * reporting/fgraph.php: Progress bar now show static image if there is out of limits before calculating (faster). 2006-10-31 Raul Mateos * operation/menu.php: Add highlighting when creating note in incidents page. 2006-10-21 Sancho Lerena * include/functions.php: Change function no_permission () to show noaccess.gif image correctly, due a path problem. * general/noaccess.php: Change code to show noaccess.gif correctly. 2006-10-09 Raul Mateos * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php: Add code for showing 'Never' if never an alert has been triggered. * operation/agentes/estado_alertas.php, estado_agente.php , status_monitor.php: Changed select size. * operation/incidents/incident_search.php, operation/messages/message.php, godmode/usuarios/configurar_usuarios.php, godmode/setup/setup.php: Changed select size. 2006-10-08 Sancho Lerena * incident_detail.php: Fixed DOS newlines to UNIX newlines. Fixed help code. Fixed Background color for field "Source". 2006-10-04 Raul Mateos * operation/agentes/estado_ultimopaquete.php: Delete old comments. * general/login_page.php, logon_ok.php: Updated headers. * include/config.php: Set PHP errors disabled by default. 2006-09-28 Sancho Lerena * languages/language_es_es.php: Fixed message "out of limits" without tildes in spanish for jpgraph output. * pandoradb_1.1_to_1.2.sql: Fixed small issues: mod_data_inc was as mod_inc.gif in modify SQL sentence. Spanish language is _es_es not _es. Setup by default english language after migration. Added network agent as OS. Changed Build versions in DB Scheme and versions (1.1 in old one !!!). * pandora_console/pandoradb_data.sql: Fixed version number and build. 2006-09-23 Raul Mateos * godmode/agentes/configurar_agente.php: Comment DEBUG code added last update. 2006-09-21 Sancho Lerena * pandoradb.sql: Altered tagente_datos field "datos" to have DOUBLE(18,2) instead of DOUBLE (12,2). * pandora_db1.1_to1.2.sql: Altered tagente_datos field "datos" to have DOUBLE(18,2) instead of DOUBLE (12,2). 2006-09-16 Raul Mateos * Set all timestamp values in pandoradb.sql file to 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2006-09-11 Raul Mateos * Massive upload of several help files to update text. 2006-09-10 Raul Mateos * Massive upload several files, to reflect changes in help, only text, no code changed * pandoradb.sql: change value of ultimo_contacto row in tagente table to 0000-00-00 00:00:00, to solve a small issue when the agent haven't send any data 2006-09-08 Raul Mateos * images/pandora.ico: New icon for Pandora Web Console 2006-09-04 Raul Mateos * help/es/image001.gif, help/en/image001.gif: Repladed old image 2006-08-30 Sancho Lerena * CHANGELOG: Renamed to ChangeLog * reporting/*.php: Replaced old code with new code for trunk. Deleted old_jpg_functions directory from repository 2006-07-20 Raul Mateos * language_fr.php, language_ca.php, language_pt_br.php, language_ast_es.php, language_it.php: Update text. * snmp_alert.php: Add text when alert not created /updated / deleted. Add different colors between rows (cosmetic changes). 2006-07-18 Raul Mateos * Some headers changed to show the "official" GPL Header info. No new features or solved bugs 2006-07-17 Raul Mateos * exportdata.php. Add a line at the end of table * view_server.php. Add different colors between rows (cosmetic changes) * Some headers changed to show the "official" GPL Header info * modificar_server.php. Add different colors between rows (cosmetic changes). Add line before the submit button. Add help. * configurar_agente.php. Solved small bug that only show the last alert when creating alert in an agent, but the alert was created into database. 2006-07-13 Sancho Lerena * estado_grupo.php. Fix bug viewing groups, agent intervar was not read and misused, resulting in a bad result of module down total sum. * Some headers changed to show the "official" GPL Header info * godmode/setup/setup.php. Fixed small bug showing filelist. 2006-07-12 Raul Mateos * datos_agente.php. Add new text about authors. Add a line between table and button. Add different colors between rows (cosmetic changes). Add Help. * user.php. Add new text about authors. Clean code. * menu.php. Add highlight when datos_agente selected. * pandora.css. Add new text about authors. * changed name from pandora_info_es.html to pandora_info_es_es.html and pandora_info_bb.html to pandora_info_ast_es.html * pandora_info_it.html. New file, GPL license in italian * language_it.php. New language file, italian * pandoradb_data.sql. Change to add that the new language * help/it. New directory for help files in italian 2006-07-11 Raul Mateos * Moved FreeSans.ttf to the reporting directory * Modified config.php. Now only shows the font, $config_fontpath var is set without the path (it should look for the font in the reporting directory) 2006-07-11 Sancho Lerena * config.php: Replaced default font for use in graphs to use FreeSans.ttf * FreeSans.ttf: added to SVN repository. * fpgraph.php: Fixed problem with Call-time pass-by-reference in PHP. * functions.php: Updated parametro_limpio() security function to parse better. Includes a regular expression to purge %00 expresions. 2006-07-11 Raul Mateos * user_edit.php: Add new text about authors. Add a line between table and button. Add different colors between rows (cosmetic changes). * menu.php: Add new text about authors. Add code to highlight "edit my user" when editing the user authenticated. * functions.php: Add new text about authors. Change PATH to noaccess.php file. * index.php, noaccess.php, login_failed.php, logoff.php, config.php: Add new text about authors. * configurar_usuarios.php: Add new text about authors. Clean code. Solve small bug that avoid creating a new user. Add a line between table and button. Add different colors between rows (cosmetic changes). * pandora.css: Added new class .datos2t * ver_agente.php: Add new text about authors. Clean Code. * estado_generalagente.php: Add new text about authors. Solve small bug showing different colors between rows (cosmetic changes). * estado_agente.php: Clean code, add new text about authors. * configurar_agente.php: Solve small bug that in some cases the module association form didn't work. Added the feature of disable the not required inputs for the different type of agents while editing module. * incident_search.php: Add new text about authors and add a line between table and button (cosmetic change). * setup.php: Add new text about authors and add a line between table and button (cosmetic change). * estado_grupo.php, view_server.php, snmp_view.php: Add new text about authors. Add new help icon. At this moment help for this item isn't available. * snmp_alert.php: Add new text about authors. Add new help icon; At this moment help for this item isn't available. Cosmetic change, adding class 'suc' when creating alert is successful. * tip.css: Change class padding to not showing error in Firefox Javascript Console. * message.php: Add new text about authors. Add new help icon; At this moment help for this item isn't available. Add a line between table and button (cosmetic change). * incident_detail.php: Add new text about authors. Add a line between table and button. Add different colors between rows. Change button position (cosmetic changes). * incident_note.php: Add new text about authors. Add a line between table and button. Add different colors between rows (cosmetic changes). 2006-07-09 Sancho Lerena * ChangeLog: Create this file, prior to launch final 1.2 version. For the next versions, will use it for every branch and subproject. * configurar_agente.php : Fixed Undefined index: combo_snmp_oid notice error. * estado_grupo.php: Detect old "OK" monitors, but doesnt check if they are down in time, so for example, a old monitor with OK signal but from a week old, it is shown as GREEN (good) value, not as a DOWN (white with ? symbol). FIXED. Now counts data modules for DOWN total account, and show grey button if ANY type of module is down, not only monitors. Improved SQL searches. * estado_agente.php, estado_ultimopaquete.php: Same as estado_grupo with data_modules, included in total account, more accurate accounting. A new value shown in grey for DOWN modules, being monitors or single data modules, no matter type. Improved SQL searches. Individual module intervals are used to determine if a module is down, if there is no individual module interval, global agent interval is used. Now it's possible to have a module with higher interval than Agent interval, so we take now the more higest interval in modules to calculate if an agent is DOWN. * fgraph.php: updated progressbar function to show N/A when data is above 100 or below 0.