$id_report] )) !== false; } /** * Deletes a report. * * @param int Report id to be deleted. * * @return boolean True if deleted, false otherwise. */ function reports_delete_report($id_report) { $id_report = safe_int($id_report); if (empty($id_report)) { return false; } $report = reports_get_report($id_report); if ($report === false) { return false; } @db_process_sql_delete('treport_content', ['id_report' => $id_report]); return @db_process_sql_delete('treport', ['id_report' => $id_report]); } /** * Deletes a content from a report. * * @param int Report content id to be deleted. * * @return boolean True if deleted, false otherwise. */ function reports_get_content($id_report_content, $filter=false, $fields=false) { $id_report_content = safe_int($id_report_content); if (empty($id_report_content)) { return false; } if (!is_array($filter)) { $filter = []; } if (is_array($fields)) { $fields[] = 'id_report'; } $filter['id_rc'] = $id_report_content; $content = @db_get_row_filter('treport_content', $filter, $fields); if ($content === false) { return false; } $report = reports_get_report($content['id_report']); if ($report === false) { return false; } return $content; } /** * Get all the contents of a report. * * @param int Report id to get contents. * @param array Extra filters for the contents. * @param array Fields to be fetched. All fields by default * * @return array All the contents of a report. */ function reports_create_content($id_report, $values) { global $config; $id_report = safe_int($id_report); if (empty($id_report)) { return false; } $report = reports_get_report($id_report); if ($report === false) { return false; } if (!is_array($values)) { return false; } $values['id_report'] = $id_report; switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': unset($values['`order`']); $order = (int) db_get_value('MAX(`order`)', 'treport_content', 'id_report', $id_report); $values['`order`'] = ($order + 1); break; case 'postgresql': case 'oracle': unset($values['"order"']); $order = (int) db_get_value('MAX("order")', 'treport_content', 'id_report', $id_report); $values['"order"'] = ($order + 1); break; } return @db_process_sql_insert('treport_content', $values); } /** * Get all the contents of a report. * * @param int Report id to get contents. * @param array Extra filters for the contents. * @param array Fields to be fetched. All fields by default * * @return array All the contents of a report. */ function reports_get_contents($id_report, $filter=false, $fields=false) { $id_report = safe_int($id_report); if (empty($id_report)) { return []; } $report = reports_get_report($id_report); if ($report === false) { return []; } if (!is_array($filter)) { $filter = []; } $filter['id_report'] = $id_report; $filter['order'] = '`order`'; $contents = db_get_all_rows_filter('treport_content', $filter, $fields); if ($contents === false) { return []; } return $contents; } /** * Moves a content from a report up. * * @param int Report content id to be moved. * * @return boolean True if moved, false otherwise. */ function reports_move_content_up($id_report_content) { global $config; if (empty($id_report_content)) { return false; } $content = reports_get_content($id_report_content); if ($content === false) { return false; } switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $order = db_get_value('`order`', 'treport_content', 'id_rc', $id_report_content); // Set the previous element order to the current of the content we want to change db_process_sql_update( 'treport_content', ['`order` = `order` + 1'], [ 'id_report' => $content['id_report'], '`order` = '.($order - 1) ] ); return (@db_process_sql_update( 'treport_content', ['`order` = `order` - 1'], ['id_rc' => $id_report_content] )) !== false; break; case 'postgresql': case 'oracle': $order = db_get_value('"order"', 'treport_content', 'id_rc', $id_report_content); // Set the previous element order to the current of the content we want to change db_process_sql_update( 'treport_content', ['"order" = "order" + 1'], [ 'id_report' => $content['id_report'], '"order" = '.($order - 1) ] ); return (@db_process_sql_update( 'treport_content', ['"order" = "order" - 1'], ['id_rc' => $id_report_content] )) !== false; break; } } /** * Moves a content from a report up. * * @param int Report content id to be moved. * * @return boolean True if moved, false otherwise. */ function reports_move_content_down($id_report_content) { global $config; if (empty($id_report_content)) { return false; } $content = reports_get_content($id_report_content); if ($content === false) { return false; } switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $order = db_get_value('`order`', 'treport_content', 'id_rc', $id_report_content); // Set the previous element order to the current of the content we want to change db_process_sql_update( 'treport_content', ['`order` = `order` - 1'], [ 'id_report' => (int) $content['id_report'], '`order` = '.($order + 1) ] ); return (@db_process_sql_update( 'treport_content', ['`order` = `order` + 1'], ['id_rc' => $id_report_content] )) !== false; break; case 'postgresql': case 'oracle': $order = db_get_value('"order"', 'treport_content', 'id_rc', $id_report_content); // Set the previous element order to the current of the content we want to change db_process_sql_update( 'treport_content', ['"order" = "order" - 1'], [ 'id_report' => (int) $content['id_report'], '"order" = '.($order + 1) ] ); return (@db_process_sql_update( 'treport_content', ['"order" = "order" + 1'], ['id_rc' => $id_report_content] )) !== false; break; } } /** * Deletes a content from a report. * * @param int Report content id to be deleted. * * @return boolean True if deleted, false otherwise. */ function reports_delete_content($id_report_content) { if (empty($id_report_content)) { return false; } $content = reports_get_content($id_report_content); if ($content === false) { return false; } switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $order = db_get_value('`order`', 'treport_content', 'id_rc', $id_report_content); db_process_sql_update( 'treport_content', ['`order` = `order` - 1'], [ 'id_report' => (int) $content['id_report'], '`order` > '.$order ] ); break; case 'postgresql': case 'oracle': $order = db_get_value('"order"', 'treport_content', 'id_rc', $id_report_content); db_process_sql_update( 'treport_content', ['"order" = "order" - 1'], [ 'id_report' => (int) $content['id_report'], '"order" > '.$order ] ); break; } return (@db_process_sql_delete( 'treport_content', ['id_rc' => $id_report_content] )) !== false; } /** * Get report type name from type id. * * @param integer $type Type id of the report. * @param boolean $template Set true for to get types for templates. By default false. * * @return string Report type name. */ function get_report_name($type, $template=false) { $types = reports_get_report_types($template); if (!isset($types[$type])) { return __('Unknown'); } if ($type == 'automatic_custom_graph') { return __('Custom graph'); } return $types[$type]['name']; } /** * Get report type data source from type id. * * TODO: Better documentation as to what this function does * * @param mixed $type Type id or type name of the report. * * @return string Report type name. */ function get_report_type_data_source($type) { switch ($type) { case 1: case 'simple_graph': case 6: case 'monitor_report': case 7: case 'avg_value': case 8: case 'max_value': case 9: case 'min_value': case 10: case 'sumatory': case 'agent_detailed_event': return 'module'; break; case 2: case 'custom_graph': case 'automatic_custom_graph': return 'custom-graph'; break; case 3: case 'SLA': case 4: case 'event_report': case 5: case 'alert_report': case 11: case 'general_group_report': case 12: case 'monitor_health': case 13: case 'agents_detailed': return 'agent-group'; break; } return 'unknown'; } /** * Get report types in an array. * * @param boolean $template Set true for to get types for templates. By default false. * @param boolean $not_editor When this function is not used in item editors. * * @return array An array with all the possible reports in Pandora where the array index is the report id. */ function reports_get_report_types($template=false, $not_editor=false) { global $config; $types = []; $types['simple_graph'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Graphs'), 'name' => __('Simple graph'), ]; $types['simple_baseline_graph'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Graphs'), 'name' => __('Simple baseline graph'), ]; if ($not_editor == false) { $types['automatic_custom_graph'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Graphs'), 'name' => __('Custom graph'), ]; } $types['custom_graph'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Graphs'), 'name' => __('Custom graph'), ]; // Only pandora managers have access to the whole database if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM')) { $types['sql_graph_vbar'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Graphs'), 'name' => __('SQL vertical bar graph'), ]; $types['sql_graph_pie'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Graphs'), 'name' => __('SQL pie graph'), ]; $types['sql_graph_hbar'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Graphs'), 'name' => __('SQL horizonal bar graph'), ]; } if ($template) { $types['automatic_graph'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Graphs'), 'name' => __('Automatic combined Graph'), ]; } $types['availability_graph'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Graphs'), 'name' => __('Availability graph'), ]; $types['module_histogram_graph'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Graphs'), 'name' => __('Module Histogram graph'), ]; $types['SLA'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('SLA'), 'name' => __('S.L.A.'), ]; if ($config['enterprise_installed']) { $types['SLA_monthly'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('SLA'), 'name' => __('Monthly S.L.A.'), ]; $types['SLA_weekly'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('SLA'), 'name' => __('Weekly S.L.A.'), ]; $types['SLA_hourly'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('SLA'), 'name' => __('Hourly S.L.A.'), ]; if (!$config['metaconsole'] && !$template) { $types['SLA_services'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('SLA'), 'name' => __('Services S.L.A.'), ]; } } $types['prediction_date'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Forecasting'), 'name' => __('Prediction date'), ]; $types['projection_graph'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Forecasting'), 'name' => __('Projection graph'), ]; $types['avg_value'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Modules'), 'name' => __('Avg. Value'), ]; $types['max_value'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Modules'), 'name' => __('Max. Value'), ]; $types['min_value'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Modules'), 'name' => __('Min. Value'), ]; $types['monitor_report'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Modules'), 'name' => __('Monitor report'), ]; $types['database_serialized'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Modules'), 'name' => __('Serialize data'), ]; $types['sumatory'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Modules'), 'name' => __('Summatory'), ]; $types['historical_data'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Modules'), 'name' => __('Historical Data'), ]; $types['increment'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Modules'), 'name' => __('Increment'), ]; $types['last_value'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Modules'), 'name' => __('Last value'), ]; $types['histogram_data'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Modules'), 'name' => __('Histogram'), ]; $types['general'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Grouped'), 'name' => __('General'), ]; if (is_metaconsole()) { if ($template === false) { $types['group_report'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Grouped'), 'name' => __('Group report'), ]; } } else { $types['group_report'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Grouped'), 'name' => __('Group report'), ]; } $types['exception'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Grouped'), 'name' => __('Exception'), ]; if ($config['metaconsole'] != 1) { if (!$template) { $types['agent_module'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Grouped'), 'name' => __('Agents/Modules'), ]; } } // Only pandora managers have access to the whole database. if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM')) { $types['sql'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Grouped'), 'name' => __('SQL query'), ]; } $types['top_n'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Grouped'), 'name' => __('Top n'), ]; $types['network_interfaces_report'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Grouped'), 'name' => __('Network interfaces'), ]; $types['availability'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Grouped'), 'name' => __('Availability'), ]; $types['text'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Text/HTML '), 'name' => __('Text'), ]; $types['url'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Text/HTML '), 'name' => __('Import text from URL'), ]; $types['alert_report_module'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Alerts'), 'name' => __('Module alert report'), ]; $types['alert_report_agent'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Alerts'), 'name' => __('Agent alert report '), ]; if (!$template) { $types['alert_report_group'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Alerts'), 'name' => __('Group alert report'), ]; } $types['event_report_module'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Events'), 'name' => __('Module event report'), ]; $types['event_report_agent'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Events'), 'name' => __('Agent event report'), ]; $types['event_report_group'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Events'), 'name' => __('Group event report'), ]; $types['agents_inventory'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Inventory'), 'name' => __('Agents inventory'), ]; if ($config['enterprise_installed']) { $types['inventory'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Inventory'), 'name' => __('Inventory'), ]; if (!$template) { $types['inventory_changes'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Inventory'), 'name' => __('Inventory changes'), ]; } } if (!$template) { $types['agent_configuration'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Configuration'), 'name' => __('Agent configuration'), ]; $types['group_configuration'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Configuration'), 'name' => __('Group configuration'), ]; $types['netflow_area'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Netflow'), 'name' => __('Netflow area chart'), ]; $types['netflow_data'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Netflow'), 'name' => __('Netflow data table'), ]; $types['netflow_summary'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Netflow'), 'name' => __('Netflow summary table'), ]; } if ($config['enterprise_installed'] && $template === false && !is_metaconsole()) { $types['event_report_log'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Log'), 'name' => __('Log report'), ]; } if ($template === false) { $types['permissions_report'] = [ 'optgroup' => __('Permissions report'), 'name' => __('Permissions report'), ]; } return $types; }