time()) ) { // Locked! return false; } } // Try to get a lock from DB. $dblock = db_get_lock($config['dbname'].'.'.$lockfile); if ($dblock !== 1) { // Locked! return false; } // Store PID in lock file. $PID = getmypid(); echo 'CRON running ['.$PID."]\n"; file_put_contents($lock, $PID); return true; } /** * Check if CRON.task is available to start. * * @return boolean True, available. False not available. */ function cron_task_lock() { return cron_lock('cron.lock'); } /** * Release CRON.task lock * * @return void */ function cron_task_release_lock() { global $config; // Release DB lock. $dblock = db_release_lock($config['dbname'].'.cron.lock'); unlink($config['attachment_store'].'/cron.lock'); } /** * Calculates target schedule time * * @param string $scheduled_time Desired scheduled time. * @param integer $custom_data Custom scheduled time. * @param integer|null $timestamp Custom timestamp. * * @return integer amount of time. */ function cron_get_scheduled_time( string $scheduled_time, int $custom_data=0, $timestamp=null ) { if ($scheduled_time == 'no') { return 0; } if ($scheduled_time == 'hourly') { return SECONDS_1HOUR; } if ($scheduled_time == 'daily') { return SECONDS_1DAY; } if ($scheduled_time == 'weekly') { return SECONDS_1WEEK; } if ($scheduled_time == 'monthly') { $month = (($timestamp === null) ? date('m') : date('m', $timestamp)); $year = (($timestamp === null) ? date('Y') : date('Y', $timestamp)); $days_month = (cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year ) * SECONDS_1DAY); return $days_month; } if ($scheduled_time == 'yearly') { return SECONDS_1YEAR; } if ($scheduled_time == 'custom') { return $custom_data; } return 0; } /** * Run scheduled task. * * @param integer $id_user_task Task to be run. * @param boolean $force_run Force run. * * @return void */ function cron_task_run( int $id_user_task, bool $force_run=false ) { global $config; if (isset($config['id_console']) === true && $config['id_console'] > 0) { $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM tuser_task_scheduled WHERE id=%d AND id_console IN (0, %d)', $id_user_task, $config['id_console'] ); $task_scheduled = db_get_row_sql($sql); if ($task_scheduled !== false) { db_process_sql_update( 'tconsole', ['last_execution' => time()], ['id_console' => $config['id_console']] ); } } else { $filter = [ 'id' => $id_user_task, 'id_console' => 0, ]; $task_scheduled = db_get_row_filter('tuser_task_scheduled', $filter, false); } $args = unserialize($task_scheduled['args']); if ((bool) $config['enterprise_installed'] === false && isset($args['function_name']) === true && $args['function_name'] !== 'cron_task_start_gotty' ) { // Only cron_task_start_gotty is allowed to run in non enterprise environments. return; } if ((bool) $config['enterprise_installed'] === true) { $task = db_get_row('tuser_task', 'id', $task_scheduled['id_user_task']); } else { $task = [ 'name' => 'Call PHP function', 'function_name' => 'cron_task_call_user_function', ]; } // Register shutdown function in case of fatal error, like. register_shutdown_function('cron_task_handle_error', $task_scheduled, $task, $force_run); if (is_metaconsole() && !defined('METACONSOLE')) { define('METACONSOLE', 1); } if (! function_exists($task['function_name'])) { return; } // If the task is disable, not run. if ((bool) $task_scheduled['enabled'] === false) { return; } if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_DISABLED) { return; } $old_user = ''; if (isset($config['id_user']) === false) { $config['id_user'] = $task_scheduled['id_usuario']; } $old_user = $config['id_user']; $old_session_id = session_id(); $new_session_id = 'cron-'.uniqid(); // Simulate user login. session_id($new_session_id); session_start(); $_SESSION['id_usuario'] = $config['id_user']; session_write_close(); set_time_limit(0); if ($task['function_name'] == 'cron_task_generate_report_by_template' || $task['function_name'] == 'cron_task_generate_report' ) { // If empty agent position, add it. if (!isset($args[1])) { array_splice($args, 1, 0, ''); } $args[] = $task_scheduled['scheduled']; } call_user_func_array( $task['function_name'], array_merge(array_values(($args ?? [])), [$id_user_task]) ); if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { @session_destroy(); } session_id($old_session_id); session_start(); $config['id_user'] = $old_user; $sql = ''; $sql2 = ''; if (!$force_run) { $period = cron_get_scheduled_time( $task_scheduled['scheduled'], $task_scheduled['custom_data'] ); $old_args = unserialize($task_scheduled['args']); if ($period > 3600) { $array_explode = explode( ':', date('H:i', $old_args['first_execution']) ); $hora_en_segundos = (($array_explode[0] * 3600 ) + ($array_explode[1] * 60)); $array_explode_period = explode( ':', date('H:i', ($old_args['first_execution'] + $period)) ); $hora_en_segundos2 = (($array_explode_period[0] * 3600 ) + ($array_explode_period[1] * 60)); if ($hora_en_segundos !== $hora_en_segundos2) { $period = ($period + ($hora_en_segundos - $hora_en_segundos2)); } } try { /* Calculate the number of periods between last execution and current time. */ $num_of_periods = 0; if ($period !== 0) { $num_of_periods = ceil( (time() - $old_args['first_execution']) / $period ); } if ($task_scheduled['scheduled'] == 'monthly') { $updated_time = $old_args['first_execution']; // Update updated_time adding the period for each month individually since it is a variable value depending on the number of days a month has. while ($num_of_periods > 0) { // Get days of current month. $monthly_period = cron_get_scheduled_time( 'monthly', $task_scheduled['custom_data'], $updated_time ); $updated_time += $monthly_period; $num_of_periods--; } $old_args['first_execution'] = $updated_time; } else if ($task_scheduled['scheduled'] == 'weekly') { $weekly_schedule = json_decode(io_safe_output($old_args['weekly_schedule']), true); if (empty($weekly_schedule) !== true) { $datetime = new DateTime('tomorrow'); $nameday = strtolower($datetime->format('l')); $continue = true; while ($continue === true) { if (isset($weekly_schedule[$nameday]) === true) { $weekly_date = $datetime->format('Y-m-d'); $weekly_time = $weekly_schedule[$nameday][0]['start']; $old_args['first_execution'] = strtotime($weekly_date.' '.$weekly_time); $continue = false; } else { $datetime->modify('+1 day'); $nameday = strtolower($datetime->format('l')); } } } else if (empty($old_args['first_execution']) === false) { $datetime = new DateTime(); $datetime->setTimestamp($old_args['first_execution']); $datetime->modify('+7 day'); $weekly_date = $datetime->format('Y-m-d'); $weekly_time = $datetime->format('H:i:s'); $old_args['first_execution'] = strtotime($weekly_date.' '.$weekly_time); } } else { // Add it to next execution. $old_args['first_execution'] += ($period * $num_of_periods); } } catch (Exception $e) { // If some error (ex $period=0) next execution=current time+period. $old_args['first_execution'] = (time() + $period); } $new_args = serialize($old_args); } if ($config['timesource'] == 'sql') { $sql = sprintf( 'UPDATE tuser_task_scheduled SET last_run=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE id=%d', $id_user_task ); } else { $sql = sprintf( 'UPDATE tuser_task_scheduled SET last_run= %d WHERE id=%d', time(), $id_user_task ); } if (!$force_run) { $sql2 = "UPDATE tuser_task_scheduled SET args = '".$new_args."' WHERE id=".$id_user_task; } db_process_sql($sql); db_process_sql($sql2); } /** * Execuytes custom function defined in PHP. * * @param string $function_name Name to execute. * * @return void */ function cron_task_call_user_function(string $function_name) { global $config; include_once $config['homedir'].'/vendor/autoload.php'; call_user_func($function_name); } /** * Check whether GoTTY SSH and Telnet processes are running and start otherwise. * * @param boolean $restart_mode Restart the processes if running. * * @return void */ function cron_task_start_gotty(bool $restart_mode=true) { global $config; include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_config.php'; $gotty_ssh_enabled = (bool) $config['gotty_ssh_enabled']; $gotty_telnet_enabled = (bool) $config['gotty_telnet_enabled']; // Check prev process running and kill it (only if port changed in setup params). if (empty($config['restart_gotty_next_cron_port']) === false) { $prevProcessRunning = shell_exec("pgrep -af 'pandora_gotty.*-p ".$config['restart_gotty_next_cron_port']."' | grep -v 'pgrep'"); if (empty($prevProcessRunning) === false) { shell_exec("pkill -f 'pandora_gotty.*-p ".$config['restart_gotty_next_cron_port']."'"); } config_update_value('restart_gotty_next_cron_port', ''); } // Check if gotty is running on the configured port. $processRunning = shell_exec("pgrep -af 'pandora_gotty.*-p ".$config['gotty_port']."' | grep -v 'pgrep'"); $start_proc = true; // If both methods are disabled, do not start process. if ($gotty_ssh_enabled === false && $gotty_telnet_enabled === false) { $start_proc = false; } if (empty($processRunning) === false) { // Process is running. if ($restart_mode === true || $start_proc === false) { // Stop the process for restarting or in case GoTTY method is disabled in this iteration. shell_exec("pkill -f 'pandora_gotty.*-p ".$config['gotty_port']."'"); } else { // Prevent starting if already running and must not be restarted or terminated. return; } } if ($start_proc === true) { $logFilePath = $config['homedir'].'/log/gotty_cron_tmp.log'; shell_exec('touch '.$logFilePath); // Start gotty process and capture the output. $command = '/usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/pandora_gotty --config /etc/pandora_gotty/pandora_gotty.conf -p '.$config['gotty_port'].' /usr/bin/pandora_gotty_exec > '.$logFilePath.' 2>&1 &'; shell_exec($command); } else { return; } $hash_read = false; // Maximum wait time to read asynchronously the output of the executed commands (seconds). $maxWaitTime = 10; // Wait for content to appear in the log file. $startTime = time(); // Workaround to wait until process inputs data in the log. while ((time() - $startTime) < $maxWaitTime) { if ($start_proc === true) { // Read command output. $log_content = file_get_contents($logFilePath); } if ($start_proc === true && !empty($log_content) && $hash_read === false ) { // Extract the URL from the output. if (preg_match('/.*?HTTP server is listening at:\s+(\S+)/', $log_content, $matches)) { $url = $matches[1]; // Extract the hash. $parts = explode('/', $url); $hash = array_slice($parts, -2, 1)[0]; config_update_value('gotty_connection_hash', $hash); $hash_read = true; } unlink($logFilePath); } if ($start_proc === false || $hash_read === true) { // As soon as the read has completed, the timing loop will terminate. break; } // Sleep for a short interval before checking again. usleep(100000); } }