= 200 && $config['agentaccess'] == 0) ? true : false; $table_status = new StdClass(); $table_status->width = '100%'; $table_status->class = 'databox filters'; $table_status->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold'; $table_status->size[0] = '10%'; $table_status->data = []; $sql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - `value` AS updated_at FROM tconfig WHERE token = 'db_maintance'"; $time_pandora_db_active = db_get_sql($sql); if ($time_pandora_db_active < SECONDS_12HOURS) { $table_status->data[0][0] = html_print_image( 'images/dot_green.png', true ); } else { $table_status->data[0][0] = html_print_image( 'images/dot_red.png', true ); } $table_status->data[0][0] .= ' '.__('Pandora_db running in active database.'); $table_status->data[0][0] .= ' '.__('Executed:').' '; $table_status->data[0][0] .= human_time_description_raw( $time_pandora_db_active, true ); $table_status->data[0][0] .= ' '.__('ago').'.'; if ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1) { if (! isset($config['history_db_connection']) || $config['history_db_connection'] === false ) { $config['history_db_connection'] = db_connect( $config['history_db_host'], $config['history_db_name'], $config['history_db_user'], io_output_password($config['history_db_pass']), $config['history_db_port'], false ); } $history_connect = @mysql_db_process_sql( 'SELECT 1 FROM tconfig', 'affected_rows', $config['history_db_connection'], false ); $time_pandora_db_history = false; if ($history_connect) { if ($config['history_db_connection']) { $time_pandora_db_history = mysql_db_process_sql( $sql, 'insert_id', $config['history_db_connection'], false ); } } if ($time_pandora_db_history !== false && $time_pandora_db_history[0]['updated_at'] < SECONDS_12HOURS ) { $table_status->data[1][0] = html_print_image( 'images/dot_green.png', true ); } else { $table_status->data[1][0] = html_print_image( 'images/dot_red.png', true ); } $table_status->data[1][0] .= ' '.__('Pandora_db running in historical database.'); $table_status->data[1][0] .= ' '.__('Executed:').' '; if ($time_pandora_db_history !== false) { $table_status->data[1][0] .= human_time_description_raw( $time_pandora_db_history[0]['updated_at'], true ).' '.__('ago').'.'; } else { $table_status->data[1][0] .= __('not executed'); } } $table = new StdClass(); $table->width = '100%'; $table->class = 'filter-table-adv'; $table->data = []; $table->size[0] = '50%'; $table->size[1] = '50%'; $table->data[0][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete events'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['event_purge']->max, 'name' => 'event_purge', 'value' => $config['event_purge'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['event_purge']->min, ] ) ); $table->data[0][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete traps'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['trap_purge']->max, 'name' => 'trap_purge', 'value' => $config['trap_purge'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['trap_purge']->min, ] ) ); $table->data[1][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete audit events'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['audit_purge']->max, 'name' => 'audit_purge', 'value' => $config['audit_purge'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['audit_purge']->min, ] ) ); $table->data[1][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete string data'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['string_purge']->max, 'name' => 'string_purge', 'value' => $config['string_purge'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['string_purge']->min, ] ) ); $table->data[2][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete GIS data'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['gis_purge']->max, 'name' => 'gis_purge', 'value' => $config['gis_purge'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['gis_purge']->min, ] ) ); $table->data[2][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before purge'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['days_purge']->max, 'name' => 'days_purge', 'value' => $config['days_purge'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['days_purge']->min, ] ) ); $table->data[3][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before compact data'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['days_compact']->max, 'name' => 'days_compact', 'value' => $config['days_compact'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['days_compact']->min, ] ) ); $table->data[3][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete unknown modules'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['days_delete_unknown']->max, 'name' => 'days_delete_unknown', 'value' => $config['days_delete_unknown'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['days_delete_unknown']->min, ] ) ); $table->data[4][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete not initialized modules'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['days_delete_not_initialized']->max, 'name' => 'days_delete_not_initialized', 'value' => $config['days_delete_not_initialized'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['days_delete_not_initialized']->min, ] ) ); $table->data[4][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete autodisabled agents'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['days_autodisable_deletion']->max, 'name' => 'days_autodisable_deletion', 'value' => $config['days_autodisable_deletion'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['days_autodisable_deletion']->min, ] ) ); $table->data[5][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Retention period of past special days'), html_print_input_text( 'num_past_special_days', $config['num_past_special_days'], '', false, 5, true ) ); $table->data[5][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. macro data fields'), html_print_input_text( 'max_macro_fields', $config['max_macro_fields'], '', false, 5, true, false, false, 'onChange="change_macro_fields()"' ) ); if ($config['history_db_enabled'] == 1) { if (! isset($config['history_db_connection']) || $config['history_db_connection'] === false ) { $config['history_db_connection'] = db_connect( $config['history_db_host'], $config['history_db_name'], $config['history_db_user'], io_output_password($config['history_db_pass']), $config['history_db_port'], false ); } $config_history['days_purge'] = Config::get('days_purge', 180, true); $config_history['days_compact'] = Config::get('days_compact', 120, true); $config_history['step_compact'] = Config::get('step_compact', 1, true); $config_history['event_purge'] = Config::get('event_purge', 180, true); $config_history['string_purge'] = Config::get('string_purge', 180, true); $table_historical = new StdClass(); $table_historical->width = '100%'; $table_historical->class = 'filter-table-adv'; $table_historical->data = []; $table_historical->size[0] = '50%'; $table_historical->size[1] = '50%'; enterprise_hook('enterprise_warnings_history_days'); $table_historical->data[0][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before purge'), html_print_input_text( 'historical_days_purge', $config_history['days_purge'], '', false, 5, true ) ); $table_historical->data[0][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before compact data'), html_print_input_text( 'historical_days_compact', $config_history['days_compact'], '', false, 5, true ) ); $table_historical->data[1][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Compact interpolation in hours (1 Fine-20 bad)'), html_print_input_text( 'historical_step_compact', $config_history['step_compact'], '', false, 5, true ) ); $table_historical->data[1][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete events'), html_print_input_text( 'historical_event_purge', $config_history['event_purge'], '', false, 5, true ) ); $table_historical->data[2][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete string data'), html_print_input_text( 'historical_string_purge', $config_history['string_purge'], '', 5, 5, true ) ); $table_historical->data[2][0] .= html_print_input_hidden( 'historical_history_db_enabled', 0, true ); } $table->data[6][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete old messages'), html_print_input_text( 'delete_old_messages', $config['delete_old_messages'], '', false, 5, true ) ); $table->data[6][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete old network matrix data'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['delete_old_network_matrix']->max, 'name' => 'delete_old_network_matrix', 'value' => $config['delete_old_network_matrix'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['delete_old_network_matrix']->min, ] ) ); if (enterprise_installed()) { $table->data[7][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. days before delete inventory data'), html_print_input_text( 'inventory_purge', $config['inventory_purge'], '', false, 5, true ) ); } $table_other = new stdClass(); $table_other->width = '100%'; $table_other->class = 'filter-table-adv'; $table_other->data = []; $table_other->size[0] = '50%'; $table_other->size[1] = '50%'; $table_other->data[0][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Item limit for realtime reports'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['report_limit']->max, 'name' => 'report_limit', 'value' => $config['report_limit'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['report_limit']->min, ] ) ); $table_other->data[0][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Limit of events per query'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => 10000, 'name' => 'events_per_query', 'value' => $config['events_per_query'], 'return' => true, ] ) ); $table_other->data[1][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Compact interpolation in hours (1 Fine-20 bad)'), html_print_input_text( 'step_compact', $config['step_compact'], '', false, 5, true ) ); $intervals = []; $intervals[SECONDS_1HOUR] = __('1 hour'); $intervals[SECONDS_12HOURS] = __('12 hours'); $intervals[SECONDS_1DAY] = __('Last day'); $intervals[SECONDS_2DAY] = __('2 days'); $intervals[SECONDS_10DAY] = __('10 days'); $intervals[SECONDS_1WEEK] = __('Last week'); $intervals[SECONDS_2WEEK] = __('2 weeks'); $intervals[SECONDS_1MONTH] = __('Last month'); $table_other->data[1][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Default hours for event view'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['event_view_hr']->max, 'name' => 'event_view_hr', 'value' => $config['event_view_hr'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['event_view_hr']->min, ] ) ); $table_other->data[2][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Use realtime statistics'), html_print_checkbox_switch( 'realtimestats', 1, $config['realtimestats'], true ) ); $table_other->data[2][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Batch statistics period (secs)'), html_print_input_text( 'stats_interval', $config['stats_interval'], '', false, 5, true ) ); $table_other->data[3][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Use agent access graph'), html_print_checkbox_switch( 'agentaccess', 1, $config['agentaccess'], true, $disable_agentaccess ) ); $table_other->data[3][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Max. recommended number of files in attachment directory'), html_print_input_text( 'num_files_attachment', $config['num_files_attachment'], '', false, 5, true ) ); $table_other->data[4][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Delete not init modules'), html_print_checkbox_switch( 'delete_notinit', 1, $config['delete_notinit'], true ) ); $table_other->data[4][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Big Operation Step to purge old data'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['big_operation_step_datos_purge']->max, 'name' => 'big_operation_step_datos_purge', 'value' => $config['big_operation_step_datos_purge'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['big_operation_step_datos_purge']->min, ] ) ); $table_other->data[5][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Small Operation Step to purge old data'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['small_operation_step_datos_purge']->max, 'name' => 'small_operation_step_datos_purge', 'value' => $config['small_operation_step_datos_purge'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['small_operation_step_datos_purge']->min, ] ) ); $table_other->data[5][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Graph container - Max. Items'), html_print_input_text( 'max_graph_container', $config['max_graph_container'], '', false, 5, true ) ); $table_other->data[6][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Events response max. execution'), html_print_input_text( 'max_execution_event_response', $config['max_execution_event_response'], '', false, 5, true ) ); $table_other->data[6][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Row limit in csv log'), html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'number', 'size' => 5, 'max' => $performance_variables_control['row_limit_csv']->max, 'name' => 'row_limit_csv', 'value' => $config['row_limit_csv'], 'return' => true, 'min' => $performance_variables_control['row_limit_csv']->min, ] ) ); $table_other->data[7][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('SNMP walk binary'), html_print_input_text( 'snmpwalk', $config['snmpwalk'], '', false, 10, true ) ); $tip = ui_print_help_tip( __('SNMP bulk walk is not able to request V1 SNMP, this option will be used instead (by default snmpwalk, slower).'), true ); $table_other->data[7][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('SNMP walk binary (fallback)').$tip, html_print_input_text( 'snmpwalk_fallback', $config['snmpwalk_fallback'], '', false, 10, true ) ); $tip = ui_print_help_tip( __( '%s web2image cache system cleanup. It is always cleaned up after perform an upgrade', get_product_name() ), true ); $table_other->data[8][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('WMI binary'), html_print_input_text( 'wmiBinary', $config['wmiBinary'], '', false, 50, true ) ); $limit_sql_pdf_tip = ui_print_help_tip( __('Before increasing this value, be aware that a large number can affect performance in PDF generation. Set to 0 to disregard this limit.'), true ); $table_other->data[8][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Rows limit for SQL report item PDF').$limit_sql_pdf_tip, html_print_input_text( 'limit_sql_pdf', $config['limit_sql_pdf'], '', false, 15, true ) ); // Agent Wizard defaults. $defaultAgentWizardOptions = json_decode(io_safe_output($config['agent_wizard_defaults'])); $tableSnmpWizard = new stdClass(); $tableSnmpWizard->width = '100%'; $tableSnmpWizard->class = 'filter-table-adv'; $tableSnmpWizard->data = []; $tableSnmpWizard->size[0] = '50%'; $tableSnmpWizard->size[1] = '50%'; $i = 0; $j = 0; foreach ($defaultAgentWizardOptions as $key => $value) { if ($i > 1) { $i = 0; $j++; } $tableSnmpWizard->data[$j][$i] = html_print_label_input_block( $key, html_print_checkbox_switch('agent_wizard_defaults_'.$key, 1, $value, true) ); $i++; } echo '