################################################################################## # Goliath Tools LWP Module ################################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L # This code is not free or OpenSource. Please don't redistribute. ################################################################################## package PandoraFMS::Goliat::GoliatLWP; use PandoraFMS::Goliat::GoliatTools; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use IO::Socket::INET6; use LWP::UserAgent; use LWP::ConnCache; use HTTP::Request::Common; use HTTP::Response; use HTML::TreeBuilder; use HTML::Element; use HTTP::Cookies; use URI::URL; use Time::Local; use Time::HiRes qw ( gettimeofday ); # For IPv6 support in Net::HTTP. BEGIN { $Net::HTTP::SOCKET_CLASS = 'IO::Socket::INET6'; require Net::HTTP; } # Japanese encoding support use Encode::Guess qw/euc-jp shiftjis iso-2022-jp/; require Exporter; our @ISA = ("Exporter"); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw() ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw( g_http_task @task_requests @task_reqsec @task_fails @task_time @task_end @task_sessions @task_ssec @task_get_string @task_get_content @task_session_fails ); our @task_requests; our @task_reqsec; our @task_fails; our @task_time; our @task_end; our @task_sessions; our @task_ssec; our @task_get_string; our @task_get_content; our @task_session_fails; our $goliat_abort; sub parse_html ($;$) { my $p = $_[1]; $p = _new_tree_maker() unless $p; $p->parse($_[0]); } sub parse_htmlfile ($;$) { my($file, $p) = @_; local(*HTML); open(HTML, $file) or return undef; $p = _new_tree_maker() unless $p; $p->parse_file(\*HTML); } sub _new_tree_maker { my $p = HTML::TreeBuilder->new(implicit_tags => 1, ignore_unknown => 1, ignore_text => 0, 'warn' => 0, ); $p->strict_comment(1); $p; } sub g_http_task { my ( $config, $thread_id, @work_list ) = @_; my ( $ax, $bx, $cx ); # used in FOR loop my ( $ttime1, $ttime2, $ttime_tot ); my $resp; # HTTP Response my $total_requests = 0; my $total_valid_requests = 0; my $total_invalid_request = 0; my $cookie_file = "/tmp/gtc_".$thread_id."_".g_trash_ascii (3); my $check_string = 1; my $get_string = ""; my $get_content = ""; my $get_content_advanced = ""; my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $task_requests [$thread_id] = 0 ; $task_sessions [$thread_id] = 0 ; $task_reqsec[$thread_id] = 0; $task_fails[$thread_id] = 0; $task_session_fails[$thread_id] = 0; $task_ssec[$thread_id] = 0; $task_end[$thread_id] = 0; $task_time[$thread_id] = 0; $task_get_string[$thread_id] = ""; $task_get_content[$thread_id] = ""; $ua->agent($config->{"agent"}); $ua->protocols_allowed( ['http', 'https'] ); $ua->default_headers->push_header('pragma' => "no-cache"); $ua->timeout ($config->{"timeout"}); $ua->max_size($config->{"maxsize"}); $ua->use_alarm($config->{"alarm"}); # Disable SSL certificate host verification if ($ua->can ('ssl_opts')) { $ua->ssl_opts("verify_hostname" => 0); } # Set proxy if ($config->{'proxy'} ne ""){ $ua->proxy(['http','https'], $config->{'proxy'}); } # Set HTTP Proxy auth if ($config->{'auth_user'} ne "") { $ua->credentials( $config->{'auth_server'}, $config->{'auth_realm'}, $config->{'auth_user'} => $config->{'auth_pass'} ); } if ( -e $cookie_file){ unlink ($cookie_file); } my $cookies = HTTP::Cookies->new ('file' => $cookie_file, 'autosave' => '0'); $ttime1 = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(); for ($ax = 0; $ax != $config->{'retries'}; $ax++){ for ($bx = 0; $bx < $config->{"work_items"}; $bx++){ if ($config->{'con_delay'} > 0){ sleep ($config->{'con_delay'}); } $total_requests++; # Start to count! $check_string = 1; # Prepare parameters my $params = ""; $cx = 0; while (defined($work_list[$bx]->{'variable_name'}[$cx])){ if ($cx > 0){ $params = $params."&"; } $params = $params . $work_list[$bx]->{'variable_name'}[$cx] . "=" . $work_list[$bx]->{'variable_value'}[$cx]; $cx++; } if ( (defined($work_list[$bx]->{'http_auth_realm'})) && (defined($work_list[$bx]->{'http_auth_serverport'}))&& (defined($work_list[$bx]->{'http_auth_user'})) && (defined($work_list[$bx]->{'http_auth_pass'}))) { if ($work_list[$bx]->{'http_auth_realm'} ne "") { $ua->credentials( $work_list[$bx]->{'http_auth_serverport'}, $work_list[$bx]->{'http_auth_realm'}, $work_list[$bx]->{'http_auth_user'} => $work_list[$bx]->{'http_auth_pass'} ); } } # GET if ($work_list[$bx]->{'type'} eq "GET"){ if ($cx > 0){ $params = $work_list[$bx]->{'url'} . "?" . $params; } else { $params = $work_list[$bx]->{'url'}; } $resp = g_get_page ( $ua, $params, $work_list[$bx]->{'headers'}, $work_list[$bx]->{'debug'}); # POST } elsif ($work_list[$bx]->{'type'} eq "POST") { $resp = g_post_page ( $ua, $work_list[$bx]->{'url'}, $params, $work_list[$bx]->{'headers'}, $work_list[$bx]->{'debug'}); # HEAD } else { if ($cx > 0){ $params = $work_list[$bx]->{'url'} . "?" . $params; } else { $params = $work_list[$bx]->{'url'}; } $resp = g_head_page ( $ua, $params, $work_list[$bx]->{'headers'}, $work_list[$bx]->{'debug'}); } # Check for errors. if ($resp->code() == 500) { $total_invalid_request++; $bx = $config->{"work_items"}; $check_string=0; last; } # Get string ? if (defined($work_list[$bx]->{'get_string'})) { my $as_string = $resp->as_string; my $temp = $work_list[$bx]->{'get_string'}; if ($as_string =~ m/($temp)/) { $task_get_string[$thread_id] = $1; } } # Get response ? if ($work_list[$bx]->{'get_content_advanced'} ne "") { my $content = $resp->decoded_content; my $temp = $work_list[$bx]->{'get_content_advanced'}; if ($content =~ m/$temp/) { $task_get_content[$thread_id] = $1 if defined ($1); } } elsif ($work_list[$bx]->{'get_content'} ne "") { my $content = $resp->decoded_content; my $temp = $work_list[$bx]->{'get_content'}; if ($content =~ m/($temp)/) { $task_get_content[$thread_id] = $1; } } # Resource bashing if ((defined($work_list[$bx]->{'get_resources'})) && ($work_list[$bx]->{'get_resources'} == 1)){ $total_requests = g_get_all_links ($config, $ua, $resp, $total_requests, $work_list[$bx]->{'url'}, $work_list[$bx]->{'headers'}, $work_list[$bx]->{'debug'}); } # CHECKSTRING check $cx = 0; while (defined($work_list[$bx]->{'checkstring'}[$cx])) { my $match_string = $work_list[$bx]->{'checkstring'}[$cx]; my $as_string = $resp->as_string; my $guess = Encode::Guess::guess_encoding($as_string); if (ref $guess) { $as_string = $guess->decode($as_string); } unless (utf8::is_utf8($match_string)) { utf8::decode($match_string); } if ( $as_string =~ m/$match_string/i ){ $total_valid_requests++; } else { $total_invalid_request++; $bx = $config->{"work_items"}; # Abort session remaining request $check_string=0; } $cx++; } # CHECKNOTSTRING check $cx = 0; while (defined($work_list[$bx]->{'checknotstring'}[$cx])) { my $match_string = $work_list[$bx]->{'checknotstring'}[$cx]; my $as_string = $resp->as_string; my $guess = Encode::Guess::guess_encoding($as_string); if (ref $guess) { $as_string = $guess->decode($as_string); } unless (utf8::is_utf8($match_string)) { utf8::decode($match_string); } if ( $as_string !~ m/$match_string/i ){ $total_valid_requests++; } else { $total_invalid_request++; $bx = $config->{"work_items"}; # Abort session remaining request $check_string=0; } $cx++; } # Cookie carry on if (defined ($work_list[$bx]->{'cookie'}) && $work_list[$bx]->{'cookie'} == 1){ $cookies->extract_cookies($resp); $ua->cookie_jar($cookies); } # End just now by pressing CTRL-C or Kill Signal ! #if ($goliat_abort == 1){ #$ax = $config->{'retries'}; #$bx = $config->{'items'}; #goto END_LOOP; #} } #main work_detail loop $ttime2 = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday(); $ttime_tot = $ttime2 - $ttime1; # Total time for this task $task_time[$thread_id] = $ttime_tot; $task_requests [$thread_id] = $total_requests; if ($ttime_tot > 0 ){ $task_reqsec[$thread_id] = $total_requests / $ttime_tot; } else { $task_reqsec[$thread_id] = $total_requests; } $task_fails[$thread_id] = $total_invalid_request; if ($check_string == 0){ $task_session_fails[$thread_id]++ } $task_sessions [$thread_id]++; if ($task_sessions [$thread_id] > 0 ){ $task_ssec[$thread_id] = $ttime_tot / $task_sessions [$thread_id]; } else { $task_ssec[$thread_id] = $task_sessions[$thread_id]; } sleep $config->{'ses_delay'}; } END_LOOP: $cookies->clear; if ( -f $cookie_file){ unlink ($cookie_file); } $task_end[$thread_id] = 1; } sub g_get_all_links { my ($config, $ua, $response, $counter, $myurl, $headers, $debug) = @_; my $html; if ($response->is_success) { $html = $response->content; } else { return $counter; } # Beware this funcion, needs to be destroyed after use it !!! my $parsed_html = parse_html($html); #$ua->conn_cache(LWP::ConnCache->new()); my @url_list; my $url = ""; my $link; my $full_url; for (@{ $parsed_html->extract_links( ) }) { $link=$_->[0]; if (($link =~ m/.png/i) || ($link =~ m/.gif/i) || ($link =~ m/.htm/i) || ($link =~ m/.html/i) || ($link =~ m/.pdf/i) || ($link =~ m/.jpg/i) || ($link =~ m/.ico/i)){ $url = new URI::URL $link; $full_url = $url->abs($myurl); @url_list = $full_url; } } $parsed_html->delete; my $ax = 0; while ($full_url = pop(@url_list)) { g_get_page ($ua, $full_url, $headers, $debug); $counter++; $ax++; if ($ax > $config->{"max_depth"}){ return $counter; } } return $counter; } sub g_get_page { my $ua = $_[0]; my $url = $_[1]; my $headers = $_[2]; my $debug = $_[3]; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url); $req->header('Accept' => 'text/html'); while (my ($header, $value) = each %{$headers}) { $req->header($header => $value); } my $response = $ua->request($req); return $response if ($debug eq ''); # Debug if (open (DEBUG, '>>', $debug . '.req')) { print DEBUG "[Goliat debug " . time () . "]\n"; print DEBUG $req->as_string (); print "\n"; close (DEBUG); } if (open (DEBUG, '>>', $debug . '.res')) { print DEBUG "[Goliat debug " . time () . "]\n"; print DEBUG $response->as_string (); print "\n"; close (DEBUG); } return $response; } sub g_head_page { my $ua = $_[0]; my $url = $_[1]; my $headers = $_[2]; my $debug = $_[3]; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(HEAD => $url); $req->header('Accept' => 'text/html'); while (my ($header, $value) = each %{$headers}) { $req->header($header => $value); } my $response = $ua->request($req); return $response if ($debug eq ''); # Debug if (open (DEBUG, '>>', $debug . '.req')) { print DEBUG "[Goliat debug " . time () . "]\n"; print DEBUG $req->as_string (); print "\n"; close (DEBUG); } if (open (DEBUG, '>>', $debug . '.res')) { print DEBUG "[Goliat debug " . time () . "]\n"; print DEBUG $response->as_string (); print "\n"; close (DEBUG); } return $response; } sub g_post_page { my $ua = $_[0]; my $url = $_[1]; my $content = $_[2]; my $headers = $_[3]; my $debug = $_[4]; my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $url); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content ($content); while (my ($header, $value) = each %{$headers}) { $req->header($header => $value); } my $response = $ua->request($req); return $response if ($debug eq ''); # Debug if (open (DEBUG, '>>', $debug . '.req')) { print DEBUG "[Goliat debug " . time () . "]\n"; print DEBUG $req->as_string (); print "\n"; close (DEBUG); } if (open (DEBUG, '>>', $debug . '.res')) { print DEBUG "[Goliat debug " . time () . "]\n"; print DEBUG $response->as_string (); print "\n"; close (DEBUG); } return $response; } # End of function declaration # End of defined Code 1; __END__