#!/usr/bin/perl # (c) Sancho Lerena 2010 <slerena@artica.es> # Specific Pandora FMS trap collector for Compaq Hardware # Parameter list: list_event, code with TRAP VALUES to match # module_name: Name of the module generated. my @list_event = ('22013', '22042', '22039'); my $module_name = "evento_enclosure"; use POSIX qw(setsid strftime); sub show_help { print "\nSpecific Pandora FMS trap collector for compaq Hardware\n"; print "(c) Sancho Lerena 2010-2015 <slerena@artica.es>\n"; print "Usage:\n\n"; print " compaq_chassis_trap_manager.pl <destination_agent_name> <TRAP DATA>\n\n"; exit; } sub writexml { my ($hostname, $xmlmessage ) = @_; my $file = "/var/spool/pandora/data_in/$hostname.".rand(1000).".data"; # my $file = "/tmp/compaq.debug"; open (FILE, ">> $file") or die "[FATAL] Cannot write to XML '$file'"; print FILE $xmlmessage; close (FILE); } if ($#ARGV == -1){ show_help(); } $chunk = ""; # First parameter is always destination host for virtual server $target_host = $ARGV[0]; foreach $argnum (1 .. $#ARGV) { if ($chunk ne ""){ $chunk .= " "; } $chunk .= $ARGV[$argnum]; } my $hostname = ""; my $now = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()); my $xmldata = "<agent_data agent_name='$target_host' timestamp='$now' version='1.0' os='Other' os_version='N/A' interval='9999999999'>"; my $blade = "N/A"; my $index_pos = 1; my $enclosure = "N/A"; my $rack = "N/A"; # Get position if ($chunk =~ m/.[0-9])*\s/){ $index_pos = $1; } # Get blade if ($chunk =~ m/.$index_pos \= STRING\: ([A-Za-z0-9\-\.]*)\s/){ $blade = $1; } # Get enclosure if ($chunk =~ m/.$index_pos \= STRING\: ([A-Za-z0-9\-\.]*)\s/){ $enclosure = $1; } # Get rack if ($chunk =~ m/ \= STRING\: ([A-Za-z0-9\-\.]*)\s\.1/){ $rack = $1; } my $event_code = ""; foreach $argnum (0 .. $#list_event) { if ($chunk =~ m/\s\.($list_event[$argnum])\s/){ $text = chunk; $event_code = $1; } } $xmldata .= "<module><name>$module_name_$event_code</name><type>async_string</type><data><![CDATA[$text]]></data></module>\n"; $xmldata .= "</agent_data>\n"; writexml ($target_host, $xmldata);