-- HP Enterprise Switch Statistics MIB 


        Counter, IpAddress
            FROM RFC1155-SMI
            FROM RFC-1212
            FROM RFC1213-MIB
        HpSwitchPortType, VidList
            FROM HP-ICF-TC
        InetAddress, InetAddressType,
            FROM HP-ICF-OID;

    -- Icf Switch Specific 
    hpSwitchStatistics      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 9 }

    MacAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))    -- a 6 octet address
                                                    -- in the
                                                    -- "canonical"
                                                    -- order

    VlanID ::= INTEGER (1..65535)

    -- ###########################################################
    -- the hpSwitchStatistics Group

    -- This group contains switch statistics related variables.
    -- These variables keep the operational value of the variable
    -- while the similar variable in the hpConfig group keep the
    -- config. value which will take effect after reboot the
    -- switch.
    -- ###########################################################

    -- The IPX Operational Table

    hpSwitchIpxStat   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 1 }

    hpSwitchIpxStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchIpxStatEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
                    operational IPX status of the virtual LAN in this
        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStat 1 }

    hpSwitchIpxStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchIpxStatEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Information about the operational IPX status of a
                    virtual LAN in this device."
        INDEX       { hpSwitchIpxStatIndex }
        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatTable 1 }
    HpSwitchIpxStatEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpSwitchIpxStatIndex              VlanID,
            hpSwitchIpxStatNodeAddr           MacAddress,
            hpSwitchIpxStatGatewayAddr        MacAddress,
            hpSwitchIpxStatGatewayEncap       INTEGER,
            hpSwitchIpxStatAdminStatus        INTEGER
    hpSwitchIpxStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      VlanID
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies the operational
                    IPX status of a virtual LAN for which this entry
                    contains information."
        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatEntry 1 }
    hpSwitchIpxStatNodeAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      MacAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The current IPX node address of this virtual LAN."
        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatEntry 2 }
    hpSwitchIpxStatGatewayAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      MacAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The current IPX node address of the gateway for
                    this virtual LAN."
        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatEntry 3 }
    hpSwitchIpxStatGatewayEncap OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The current type of encapsulation of the gateway."
        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatEntry 4 }
    hpSwitchIpxStatAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IPX protocol entity."
        ::= { hpSwitchIpxStatEntry 5 }

    -- The IP Operational Table

    hpSwitchIpStat   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 2 }

    hpSwitchIpStatTimepAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      obsolete
        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the Time protocol." 
        ::= { hpSwitchIpStat 1 }
    hpSwitchIpStatTimepServerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      IpAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      obsolete
        DESCRIPTION "The current IP address of the Time server." 
        ::= { hpSwitchIpStat 2 }

    hpSwitchIpStatTimepPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      obsolete
        DESCRIPTION "The current client poll interval of the Time server
                    in minute." 
        ::= { hpSwitchIpStat 3 }

    hpSwitchIpStatTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchIpStatEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      obsolete
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the current
                    IP status of the virtual LAN in this device."
        ::= { hpSwitchIpStat 4 }

    hpSwitchIpStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchIpStatEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      obsolete
        DESCRIPTION "Information about the IP status of a specific virtual
                    LAN in this device."
        INDEX       { hpSwitchIpStatIndex }
        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatTable 1 }
    HpSwitchIpStatEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpSwitchIpStatIndex               VlanID,
            hpSwitchIpStatAddr                IpAddress,
            hpSwitchIpStatMask                IpAddress,
            hpSwitchIpStatGatewayAddr         IpAddress,
            hpSwitchIpStatAdminStatus         INTEGER
    hpSwitchIpStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      VlanID
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      obsolete
        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies the IP status of
                    a virtual LAN for which this entry contains
        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatEntry 1 }
    hpSwitchIpStatAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      IpAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      obsolete
        DESCRIPTION "The current IP address of this Virtual LAN."
        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatEntry 2 }
    hpSwitchIpStatMask OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      IpAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      obsolete
        DESCRIPTION "The current IP subnet mask of this virtual LAN."
        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatEntry 3 }
    hpSwitchIpStatGatewayAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      IpAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      obsolete
        DESCRIPTION "The current IP address of the gateway for this
                    virtual LAN."
        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatEntry 4 }
    hpSwitchIpStatAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      obsolete
        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IP protocol for this
                    virtual LAN. If the value of this variable is 3, the
                    IP protocol entity will utilize BOOTP during
        ::= { hpSwitchIpStatEntry 5 }

    --  The Forwarding Database for VLAN

    hpSwitchFdbInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 4 }

    hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about unicast
                    entries for which the VLAN has forwarding and/or
                    filtering information.  This information is used
                    by the VLAN bridging function in determining how
                    to propagate a received frame."
        ::= { hpSwitchFdbInfo 1 }

    hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific unicast MAC address
                    for which the VLAN has some forwarding and/or
                    filtering information."
        INDEX       { hpSwitchVlanFdbId, hpSwitchVlanFdbAddress }
        ::= { hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrTable 1 }

    HpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpSwitchVlanFdbId      VlanID,
            hpSwitchVlanFdbAddress MacAddress,
            hpSwitchVlanFdbPort    INTEGER

    hpSwitchVlanFdbId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      VlanID
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies a virtual LAN
                    for which this entry contains information."
        ::= { hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry 1 }

    hpSwitchVlanFdbAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      MacAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A unicast MAC address for which the VLAN has
                    forwarding and/or filtering information."
        ::= { hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry 2 }

    hpSwitchVlanFdbPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port on which a frame
                    having a source address equal to the value of
                    the corresponding instance of hpSwitchVlanFdbAddress
                    has been seen."
        ::= { hpSwitchVlanFdbAddrEntry 3 }

    hpSwitchPortFdbAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about unicast
                    entries for which the port has forwarding and/or
                    filtering information.  This information is used
                    by the bridging function in determining how to
                    propagate a received frame."
        ::= { hpSwitchFdbInfo 2 }

    hpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific unicast MAC address
                    for which the port has some forwarding and/or
                    filtering information."
        INDEX       { hpSwitchPortFdbId, hpSwitchPortFdbAddress }
        ::= { hpSwitchPortFdbAddrTable 1 }

    HpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpSwitchPortFdbId       INTEGER,
            hpSwitchPortFdbAddress  MacAddress,
	    hpSwitchPortFdbVlanId   VlanID,
            hpSwitchPortFdbVidList  VidList

    hpSwitchPortFdbId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
                    in the Interfaces Table.  The corresponding row in the
                    Interfaces Table must exist prior to the index being
                    used in this table."
        ::= { hpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry 1 }

    hpSwitchPortFdbAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      MacAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A unicast MAC address for which the port has
                    forwarding and/or filtering information."
        ::= { hpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry 2 }

    hpSwitchPortFdbVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      VlanID
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
        DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID to which this entry belongs.
                     Deprecated - hpSwitchPortFdbVidList
                     should be used instead."
        ::= { hpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry 3 }

    hpSwitchPortFdbVidList OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      VidList
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A VidList of VLAN IDs to which this entry belongs."
        ::= { hpSwitchPortFdbAddrEntry 4 }

    hpSwitchStpStat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 5 }

    hpSwitchStpStatAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the spanning tree protocol."
        ::= { hpSwitchStpStat 1 }

    hpSwitchMiscStat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 6 }

    hpSwitchCpuStat OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The CPU utilization in percent(%)."
        ::= { hpSwitchMiscStat 1 }

    -- The FDDI IP Fragmentation Statistic Group

    hpSwitchFddiIpFragStat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 7 }

    -- The FDDI IP Fragmentation Statistic Table

    hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatTable OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry 
        ACCESS      not-accessible 
        STATUS      mandatory 
        DESCRIPTION "A list of IP fragmentation statistics 
                    for the FDDI cards in the switch." 
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStat 1 } 

    hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "An Fddi IP fragmentation entry which is
                     containing statistics for the FDDI
                     cards in the switch."
        INDEX       {  hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatIndex }
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatTable 1 }

    HpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatIndex         INTEGER,
            hpSwitchFddiIpFragFramesFragmented  Counter,
            hpSwitchFddiIpFragFramesCreated     Counter,
            hpSwitchFddiIpFragFrameErrors       Counter

    hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each FDDI Card.  
                    The value for each FDDI card must remain constant 
                    at least from one re-initialization of the entity's 
                    network management system to the next 
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry 1 }

    hpSwitchFddiIpFragFramesFragmented OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Number of FDDI Frames which get fragmented when they 
                    are larger than Ethernet Frame size, 1518 bytes."
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry 2 }

    hpSwitchFddiIpFragFramesCreated OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Number of inbound FDDI frames which get created when
                    they larger than Ethernet Frame size, 1518 bytes."
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry 3 }

    hpSwitchFddiIpFragFrameErrors OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Number of large inbound FDDI frames that contains
                    error which preventing them from being fragmented
                    when they are larger than Ethernet Frame size, 1518
                    bytes.  Or number of large frames which are dropped
                    because the FDDI IP fragmentation is disabled "
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragStatEntry 4 }

    -- The FDDI System Information and Statistic Group  

    hpSwitchFddiSystemStat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 8 }

    -- The FDDI System Information and Statistic Table

    hpSwitchFddiSystemStatTable OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 
        ACCESS      not-accessible 
        STATUS      mandatory 
        DESCRIPTION "A list of system infomations and statistics 
                    for the FDDI cards in the switch." 
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStat 1 } 

    hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "An Fddi system entry which is 
                     containing statistics for the FDDI
                     cards in the switch."
        INDEX       {  hpSwitchFddiSystemStatIndex }
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatTable 1 }

    HpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpSwitchFddiSystemStatIndex        INTEGER,
            hpSwitchFddiSystemOsVersion        DisplayString,
            hpSwitchFddiSystemRomVersion       DisplayString,
            hpSwitchFddiSystemMemoryTotal      INTEGER,
            hpSwitchFddiSystemMemoryFree       INTEGER,
            hpSwitchFddiSystemCpuUtil          INTEGER,
            hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildDirectory   OCTET STRING,
            hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildDate        OCTET STRING,
            hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildNumber      OCTET STRING

    hpSwitchFddiSystemStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each FDDI Card.  
                    The value for each FDDI card must remain constant 
                    at least from one re-initialization of the entity's 
                    network management system to the next 
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 1 }

    hpSwitchFddiSystemOsVersion OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..10))
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Contains the operating code version number (also
                    known as software or firmware). For example, a
                    software version such as A.08.01 is described as
                        A    the function set available in your switch
                        08   the common release number
                        01   updates to the current common release"
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 2 }

    hpSwitchFddiSystemRomVersion OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..10) )
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Contains the ROM version number (such as A.08.01
                    is described as follows:
                        A    the function set available in your router
                        08   the common release number
                        01   updates to the current common release"
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 3 }

    hpSwitchFddiSystemMemoryTotal OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The number of currently installed bytes."
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 4 }

    hpSwitchFddiSystemMemoryFree OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The number of available (unallocated) bytes."
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 5 }

    hpSwitchFddiSystemCpuUtil OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The CPU utilization in percent(%)."
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 6 }

    hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildDirectory OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (80)) 
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The Build directory the FDDI firmware image "
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 7 }

    hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildDate OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (40))
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The Build date and time of the FDDI firmware image"
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 8 }

    hpSwitchFddiSystemBuildNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (20))
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The Build number of the FDDI firmware image"
        ::= { hpSwitchFddiSystemStatEntry 9 }

    -- The Automatic Broadcast Control (ABC) Statistic Group  

    hpABCStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 9 }

    hpABCStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpABCStatsEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains statistic information about
                     Automatic Broadcast Control on any given VLAN on
                     the switch."
        ::= { hpABCStats 1 }

    hpABCStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpABCStatsEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each row in the
                    ABC Statistics Table."
        INDEX       { hpABCStatsVlanIndex,hpABCStatsPortIndex }
        ::= { hpABCStatsTable 1 }

    HpABCStatsEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpABCStatsVlanIndex         VlanID,
            hpABCStatsPortIndex         INTEGER,
            hpABCStatsPortType          HpSwitchPortType,
            hpABCStatsArpReplies        Counter,
            hpABCStatsIpxReplies        Counter,
            hpABCStatsIpRipControl      INTEGER,
            hpABCStatsIpxRipSapControl  INTEGER

    hpABCStatsVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      VlanID
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The value which uniquely identifies configuration of
                    a virtual LAN for which entry contains information."
        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 1 }

    hpABCStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
                    in the Interfaces Table."
        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 2 }

    hpABCStatsPortType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 3 }

    hpABCStatsArpReplies OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "This counter reports the number of ARP responses sent
                    out by the switch (running ABC) to proxy respond for
                    hosts learned in the switch ARP cashe."
        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 4 }

    hpABCStatsIpxReplies OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "This counter reports the number of RIP and SAP
                    responses sent out by the switch (running ABC) to
                    proxy respond for routes and services learned by
        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 5 }

    hpABCStatsIpRipControl OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "This status field shows if IP RIP packets are being
                    forwarded or not forwarded on the ports shown."
        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 6 }

    hpABCStatsIpxRipSapControl OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "This status field shows if IPX RIP and/or IPX SAP
                    packets are being forwarded or not forwarded on the
                    ports shown."
        ::= { hpABCStatsEntry 7 }

    -- The IGMP Statistic Group  

    hpIgmpStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 10 }

    hpIgmpStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpIgmpStatsEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains statistic information about
                    Multicast Groups on any  given VLAN on the switch."
        ::= { hpIgmpStats 1 }

    hpIgmpStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpIgmpStatsEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each member in
                    particular multicast group."
        INDEX       { hpIgmpStatsVlanIndex, hpIgmpStatsActiveGroupAddr }
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsTable 1 }

    HpIgmpStatsEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpIgmpStatsVlanIndex         VlanID,
            hpIgmpStatsActiveGroupAddr   IpAddress,
            hpIgmpStatsReports           Counter,
            hpIgmpStatsQueries           Counter,
            hpIgmpStatsQuerierAccessPort INTEGER

    hpIgmpStatsVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      VlanID
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The value which uniquely identifies configuration of
                    a virtual LAN for which entry contains information."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsEntry 1 }

    hpIgmpStatsActiveGroupAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      IpAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "An IP Multicast Group Membership address that has been
                    sent, via IGMP Membership Reports, through the switch
                    to querier."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsEntry 2 }

    hpIgmpStatsReports OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The number of IGMP report packets that the switch has
                    seen for this group address."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsEntry 3 }

    hpIgmpStatsQueries OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The number of IGMP query packets the switch has seen
                    for this group address.  Note: This object is based
                    on a group, thus if a query is heard before this
                    object's group joins, the value will be zero. It will
                    be non-zero when an all host query, or group specific
                    query for the associated group, is heard after the
                    associated group has joined."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsEntry 4 }

    hpIgmpStatsQuerierAccessPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The port on which the switch detects IGMP query
                    packets from the querier (device sending out query
                    packets). If no queries are heard, the value of the
                    object is zero and we are querier or electing to be
                    querier. Anytime a querier besides our switch is
                    heard the value of the object becomes the port number
                    on which the other querier was heard and the query
                    election process will be halted if currently running."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsEntry 5 }

    hpIgmpStatsPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpIgmpStatsPortEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      deprecated
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about status
                    of the IGMP port configurations on this switch."
        ::= { hpIgmpStats 2 }

    hpIgmpStatsPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpIgmpStatsPortEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      deprecated
        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with status of each IGMP
                    port configuration."
        INDEX       { hpIgmpStatsActiveGroupAddr, hpIgmpStatsPortIndex }
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortTable 1 }

    HpIgmpStatsPortEntry ::=        
        SEQUENCE {
            hpIgmpStatsPortIndex              INTEGER,
            hpIgmpStatsPortType               HpSwitchPortType,
            hpIgmpStatsPortAccess             INTEGER

    hpIgmpStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
                    in the Interfaces Table."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry 1 }

    hpIgmpStatsPortType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry 2 }

    hpIgmpStatsPortAccess OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
        DESCRIPTION "If this value is host then this port has seen IGMP
                    report packets for this active group address. If this
                    value is router then this port has detected IGMP query
                    packets from the querier (device sending out query
                    packets). If this value is host-router then this port
                    has seen report packets, and IGMP query packets from
                    the querier."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry 3 }

    hpIgmpStatsPortTable2 OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpIgmpStatsPortEntry2
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about status
                    of the IGMP port configurations on this switch.
                    This table2 is supersedes hpIgmpStatsPortTable for
                    switches which support multiple vlans per port."
        ::= { hpIgmpStats 3 }

    hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpIgmpStatsPortEntry2
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with status of each IGMP
                    port configuration."
        INDEX       { hpIgmpStatsVlanIndex,
                      hpIgmpStatsPortIndex2 }
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortTable2 1 }

    HpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 ::=        
        SEQUENCE {
            hpIgmpStatsPortIndex2              INTEGER,
            hpIgmpStatsPortType2               HpSwitchPortType,
            hpIgmpStatsPortAccess2             INTEGER,
            hpIgmpStatsPortAgeTimer2           INTEGER,
            hpIgmpStatsPortLeaveTimer2         INTEGER

    hpIgmpStatsPortIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
                    in the Interfaces Table."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 1 }

    hpIgmpStatsPortType2 OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 2 }

    hpIgmpStatsPortAccess2 OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "If this value is host then this port has seen IGMP
                    report packets for this active group address. If this
                    value is router then this port has detected IGMP query
                    packets from the querier (device sending out query
                    packets). If this value is host-router then this port
                    has seen report packets, and IGMP query packets from
                    the querier."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 3 }

    hpIgmpStatsPortAgeTimer2 OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The timer is set when the switch hears a report
                    and is waiting for the group queries. If the timer
                    expires the group is considered non-active on the
                    specific port. The value returned shows how many
                    seconds left before the timer expires or 0 if the
                    timer has expired."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 4 }

    hpIgmpStatsPortLeaveTimer2 OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The timer is set when the switch is waiting for a
                    report response for queries. If the timer expires the
                    group is considered non-active on the specific port.
                    The value returned shows how many seconds left before
                    the timer expires or 0 if the timer has expired."
        ::= { hpIgmpStatsPortEntry2 5 }

    -- IGMP Statistic end

    -- The Load Balance Protocol Statistics Group  

    hpLdbalStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 11 }

    hpLdbalStatsPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpLdbalStatsPortEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
                    operational status of the load balancing ports on
                    this switch."
          ::= { hpLdbalStats 1 }

    hpLdbalStatsPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpLdbalStatsPortEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with ports configured
                    for load balancing."
        INDEX       { hpLdbalStatsPortIndex }
        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortTable 1 }

    HpLdbalStatsPortEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpLdbalStatsPortIndex             INTEGER,
            hpLdbalStatsPortState             INTEGER,
            hpLdbalStatsAdjacentSwitch        MacAddress,
            hpLdbalStatsPeerPort              MacAddress,
            hpLdbalStatsAdjacentHost          DisplayString,
            hpLdbalStatsMeshWarningStatus     INTEGER

    hpLdbalStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
                    in the Interfaces Table."
        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 1 }

    hpLdbalStatsPortState OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
                        error (2),
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "This variable describes the load balancing port state. 
                    A disabled state indicates the port does not have a
                    link beat. An initial state indicates the port has
                    recently established a link beat and is detecting
                    whether or not it is in the load balancing domain. An
                    established state indicates that the port is inside
                    the load balancing domain, directly connected to
                    another load balancing port, and learning addresses
                    via the reception of MAC address learn information
                    packets.  A notEstablished state indicates that the
                    port is outside the load balancing domain, not
                    directly connected to a load balancing port, and
                    learning MAC address by receiving unknown source 
                    address packets. An error state indicates the port
                    has detected a direct connection to more than one
                    load balancing port and is blocked, only accepting
                    load balancing protocol packets.  When the error
                    condition clears, the port transitions either into
                    the established or not established state."
        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 2 }

    hpLdbalStatsAdjacentSwitch OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      MacAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The switch identifier of the adjacent switch connected
                    to the corresponding load balancing established port.
                    If load balancing has not been established on this
                    port then this value is void."
        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 3 }

    hpLdbalStatsPeerPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      MacAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The port identifier of the peer port connected to 
                    the corresponding load balancing established port. If
                    load balancing has not been established on this port
                    then this value is void."
        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 4 }

    hpLdbalStatsAdjacentHost OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The name of the adjacent Host"
        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 5 }

    hpLdbalStatsMeshWarningStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "This variable provides a high level summary of any
                     mismatch in the mesh configuration and remind users
                     to check the log for any mesh warning messages.
                     If it is Yes then there is at least one warning
                     message and will be No if there are no warning

        ::= { hpLdbalStatsPortEntry 6 } 

    -- Load Balance Protocol Statistics end

    hpSwitchMacStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 12 }

    hpSwitchFdbAddressCount OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..16384)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Keep a counter for the total number of MAC
                    Addresses currently learnt on the box."
        ::= { hpSwitchMacStats 1 }

    -- Flow Control Status Table

    hpSwitchFlowControlStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 13 }

    hpSwitchFlowControlStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
                    operational status of flow control on this switch."
        ::= { hpSwitchFlowControlStatus 1 }

    hpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The flow control status per port basis." 
        INDEX       { hpSwitchFlowControlStatusPortIndex }
        ::= { hpSwitchFlowControlStatusTable 1 }

    HpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpSwitchFlowControlStatusPortIndex        INTEGER,
            hpSwitchFlowControlState                  INTEGER

    hpSwitchFlowControlStatusPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
                    in the Interfaces Table."
        ::= { hpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry 1 }

    hpSwitchFlowControlState OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Gets the current Flow Control State from hardware."
        ::= { hpSwitchFlowControlStatusEntry 2 }

    -- Fast EtherChannel Trunk Statistics Group

    hpFECStatsTrunk OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 14 }

    hpFECStatsTrunkTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpFECStatsTrunkEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
                    operational status of flow control on this switch."
        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunk 1 }

    hpFECStatsTrunkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpFECStatsTrunkEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The flow control status per port basis." 
        INDEX       { hpFECStatsTrunkIndex }
        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkTable 1 }

    HpFECStatsTrunkEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpFECStatsTrunkIndex                      INTEGER,
            hpFECStatsTrunkName                       DisplayString,
            hpFECStatsTrunkNegotiationStatus          INTEGER,
            hpFECStatsTrunkForwardingMode             INTEGER,
            hpFECStatsTrunkFlushPktsEchoed            Counter

    hpFECStatsTrunkIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The trunk Index value which uniquely identifies a
                    row in the Trunk Table."
        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkEntry 1 }

    hpFECStatsTrunkName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The name of the trunk group"
        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkEntry 2}

    hpFECStatsTrunkNegotiationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Whether the trunk has been successfully negotiated"
        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkEntry 3 }

    hpFECStatsTrunkForwardingMode OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Whether the trunk has been successfully negotiated"
        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkEntry 4 }

    hpFECStatsTrunkFlushPktsEchoed OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The number of FEC flush packets echoed"
        ::= { hpFECStatsTrunkEntry 5 }

    -- Fast EtherChannel Port Statistics Group

    hpFECStatsPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 15 }

    hpFECStatsPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpFECStatsPortEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
                    operational status of flow control on this switch."
        ::= { hpFECStatsPort 1 }

    hpFECStatsPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpFECStatsPortEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The flow control status per port basis." 
        INDEX       { hpFECStatsPortIndex }
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortTable 1 }

    HpFECStatsPortEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpFECStatsPortIndex                        INTEGER,
            hpFECStatsPortTrunkNumber                  INTEGER,
            hpFECStatsPortTrunkName                    DisplayString,
            hpFECStatsPortMode                         INTEGER,
            hpFECStatsPortNegotiationStatus            INTEGER,
            hpFECStatsPortHellosSent                   Counter,
            hpFECStatsPortHellosReceived               Counter,
            hpFECStatsPortMySlowHello                  INTEGER,
            hpFECStatsPortMyAutoMode                   INTEGER,
            hpFECStatsPortPartner                      MacAddress,
            hpFECStatsPortFlushPktsEchoed              Counter

    hpFECStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
                    in the Interfaces Table."
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 1 }

    hpFECStatsPortTrunkNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The internal trunk ID"
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 2 }

    hpFECStatsPortTrunkName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The name of the trunk group"
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 3 }

    hpFECStatsPortMode OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "FEC port mode"
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 4 }

    hpFECStatsPortNegotiationStatus OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "FEC port negotiation state"
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 5 }

    hpFECStatsPortHellosSent OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The number of FEC hello packets sent"
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 6 }

    hpFECStatsPortHellosReceived OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The number of FEC hello packets received"
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 7 }

    hpFECStatsPortMySlowHello OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Currently running fast or slow FEC hello state"
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 8 }

    hpFECStatsPortMyAutoMode OBJECT-TYPE 
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Silent partner mode"
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 9 }

    hpFECStatsPortPartner OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      MacAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The address of the adjacent device(switch, router,
                    server, etc.)"
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 10 }

    hpFECStatsPortFlushPktsEchoed OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The number of FEC flush packets echoed"
        ::= { hpFECStatsPortEntry 11 }

    hpGvrpStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 16 }

    hpGvrpStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpGvrpStatsEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains statistic information about
                     GVRP on any given VLAN on the switch."
        ::= { hpGvrpStats 1 }

    hpGvrpStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpGvrpStatsEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each row in the
                    GVRP Statistics Table."
        INDEX       { hpGvrpStatsVlanIndex,hpGvrpStatsPortIndex }
        ::= { hpGvrpStatsTable 1 }

    HpGvrpStatsEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpGvrpStatsVlanIndex         VlanID,
            hpGvrpStatsPortIndex         INTEGER,
            hpGvrpStatsPortVlanMember    INTEGER,
            hpGvrpPortIfOperStatus       INTEGER,
            hpPortGvrpCtrlStatus         INTEGER

    hpGvrpStatsVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      VlanID
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The value which uniquely identifies configuration
                    of a virtual LAN for which entry contains
        ::= { hpGvrpStatsEntry 1 }

    hpGvrpStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
                    in the Interfaces Table."
        ::= { hpGvrpStatsEntry 2 }

    hpGvrpStatsPortVlanMember OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "This value reflects the state of the port with
                    respect to its membership in a VLAN"
        ::= { hpGvrpStatsEntry 3 }

    hpGvrpPortIfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of the interface."
        ::= { hpGvrpStatsEntry 4 }

    hpPortGvrpCtrlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The status of Gvrp Control on this port."
        ::= { hpGvrpStatsEntry 5}

    hpSshStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 17 }

    hpSshStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSshStatsEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains statistic information about
                    SSH connections on the switch."
        ::= { hpSshStats 1 }

    hpSshStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSshStatsEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each row in the
                    SSH Statistics Table."
        INDEX       { hpSshStatsSesIndex }
        ::= { hpSshStatsTable 1 }

    HpSshStatsEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpSshStatsSesIndex           INTEGER,
            hpSshStatsSesType            INTEGER,
            hpSshStatsSourceIpPort       DisplayString,
            hpSshStatsSesVersion         INTEGER,
            hpSshStatsSourceIpType       InetAddressType, 
            hpSshStatsSourceIpAddress    InetAddress,
            hpSshStatsSourceIpPortNum    InetPortNumber

    hpSshStatsSesIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The value which uniquely identifies a row
                    in the SSH Statistics Table."
        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 1 }

    hpSshStatsSesType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The type of session on the switch."
        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 2 }

    hpSshStatsSourceIpPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..21))
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
        DESCRIPTION "Contains the information about source ip address and 
                     port number of active SSH session (e.g.

                     This object has been deprecated as its not big enough to store
                     IPv6 addresses. It is loosely replaced by hpSshStatsSourceIpAddress
                     and hpSshStatsSourceIpPortNum"
        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 3 }

    hpSshStatsSesVersion OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Specifies the SSH protocol version in use for a
                    given session."
        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 4 }

    hpSshStatsSourceIpType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Address type of source ip 
                     address of active SSH session."
        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 5 }

    hpSshStatsSourceIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Specifies the source ip address of
                     active SSH session."
        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 6 }

    hpSshStatsSourceIpPortNum OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InetPortNumber
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Specifies the source port number of 
                     active SSH session."
        ::= { hpSshStatsEntry 7 }

  hpSwitchPhysicalPort   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 18 }

     hpSwitchPhysicalPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
                     physical ports of this device."
        ::= { hpSwitchPhysicalPort 1 }

    hpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "Information about the physical ports of this device."
        INDEX       { hpSwitchPhysicalPortIndex }
        ::= { hpSwitchPhysicalPortTable 1 }
    HpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpSwitchPhysicalPortIndex                INTEGER,
            hpSwitchPhysicalPortType                 HpSwitchPortType
    hpSwitchPhysicalPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies a row in the physical
                    port table."
        ::= { hpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry 1 }
    hpSwitchPhysicalPortType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The type for this port."
        ::= { hpSwitchPhysicalPortEntry 2 }

    hpSwitchCosStats   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchStatistics 19 }
    hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains statistic information about
                    Egress Queue drops on the switch."
        ::= { hpSwitchCosStats 1 }

    hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      HpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry
        ACCESS      not-accessible
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each row in the
                    Queue Watch Statistics Table."
        INDEX       { hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsPortIndex,hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsQueueIndex }
        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsTable 1 }

    HpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
            hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsPortIndex         INTEGER,
            hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsQueueIndex        INTEGER,
            hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsQueueDrops        Counter

    hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
                    in the Interfaces Table."
        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry 1 }

    hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The specific value which uniquely identifies a specific port queue."
        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry 2 }

    hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsQueueDrops OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter
        ACCESS      read-only
        STATUS      mandatory
        DESCRIPTION "The number of packets dropped for a particular egress port queue."
        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchStatsEntry 3 }