$config['id_user'], 'name' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'period' => $period, 'private' => 0, 'id_group' => $idGroup, 'stacked' => $stacked, 'percentil' => $percentil, 'summatory_series' => $summatory_series, 'average_series' => $average_series, 'modules_series' => $modules_series, 'fullscale' => $fullscale ); if (trim($name) != "") { $id_graph = db_process_sql_insert('tgraph', $values); if ($id_graph !== false) db_pandora_audit("Report management", "Create graph #$id_graph"); else db_pandora_audit("Report management", "Fail try to create graph"); } else { $id_graph = false; } if(!$id_graph) $edit_graph = false; } if ($update_graph) { $id_graph = get_parameter('id'); $name = get_parameter('name'); $id_group = get_parameter('graph_id_group'); $description = get_parameter('description'); $period = get_parameter('period'); $stacked = get_parameter('stacked'); $percentil = get_parameter('percentil'); $summatory_series = get_parameter ("summatory_series"); $average_series = get_parameter ("average_series"); $modules_series = get_parameter ("modules_series"); $alerts = get_parameter('alerts'); $threshold = get_parameter('threshold'); $fullscale = get_parameter('fullscale'); if ($threshold == CUSTOM_GRAPH_BULLET_CHART_THRESHOLD){ $stacked = $threshold; } if (trim($name) != "") { $success = db_process_sql_update('tgraph', array('name' => $name, 'id_group' => $id_group, 'description' => $description, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'period' => $period, 'stacked' => $stacked, 'percentil' => $percentil, 'summatory_series' => $summatory_series, 'average_series' => $average_series, 'modules_series' => $modules_series, 'fullscale' => $fullscale), array('id_graph' => $id_graph)); if ($success !== false) db_pandora_audit("Report management", "Update graph #$id_graph"); else db_pandora_audit("Report management", "Fail try to update graph #$id_graph"); } else { $success = false; } } function add_quotes($item) { return "'$item'"; } if ($add_module) { $id_graph = get_parameter('id'); $id_modules = get_parameter('module'); $id_agents = get_parameter('id_agents'); $weight = get_parameter('weight'); //Id modules has double entities conversion //Safe output remove all entities io_safe_output_array($id_modules, ""); //We need to put the entities again //to browse in db io_safe_input_array($id_modules); $id_agent_modules = db_get_all_rows_sql("SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente IN (". implode(',', $id_agents). ") AND nombre IN ('". implode("','", $id_modules). "')"); if (count($id_agent_modules) > 0 && $id_agent_modules != '') { $order = db_get_row_sql("SELECT `field_order` from tgraph_source WHERE id_graph=$id_graph ORDER BY `field_order` DESC"); $order = $order['field_order']; foreach($id_agent_modules as $id_agent_module){ $order++; $result = db_process_sql_insert('tgraph_source', array('id_graph' => $id_graph, 'id_agent_module' => $id_agent_module['id_agente_modulo'], 'weight' => $weight, 'field_order' => $order)); } } else $result = false; } if ($delete_module) { $id_graph = get_parameter('id'); $deleteGraph = get_parameter('delete'); $order_val = db_get_value('field_order', 'tgraph_source', 'id_gs', $deleteGraph); $result = db_process_sql_delete('tgraph_source', array('id_gs' => $deleteGraph)); db_process_sql ('UPDATE tgraph_source SET field_order=field_order-1 WHERE id_graph='.$id_graph.' AND field_order>'.$order_val); } if ($change_weight) { $weight = get_parameter ('weight'); $id_gs = get_parameter ('graph'); db_process_sql_update('tgraph_source', array('weight' => $weight), array('id_gs' => $id_gs)); } if ($change_label) { $label = get_parameter ('label'); $id_gs = get_parameter ('graph'); db_process_sql_update('tgraph_source', array('label' => $label), array('id_gs' => $id_gs)); } if ($edit_graph) { $buttons = array( 'graph_list' => array('active' => false, 'text' => '' . html_print_image("images/list.png", true, array ("title" => __('Graph list'))) .''), 'main' => array('active' => false, 'text' => '' . html_print_image("images/chart.png", true, array ("title" => __('Main data'))) .''), 'graph_editor' => array('active' => false, 'text' => '' . html_print_image("images/builder.png", true, array ("title" => __('Graph editor'))) .''), 'view' => array('active' => false, 'text' => '' . html_print_image("images/operation.png", true, array ("title" => __('View graph'))) .'') ); $buttons[$active_tab]['active'] = true; $graphInTgraph = db_get_row_sql("SELECT name FROM tgraph WHERE id_graph = " . $id_graph); $name = $graphInTgraph['name']; } else { $buttons = ''; } $head = __('Graph builder'); if (isset($name)) $head .= " - ".$name; // Header $tab = get_parameter("tab", ""); switch ($tab) { case "main": ui_print_page_header ($head, "images/chart.png", false, "graph_builder", false, $buttons); break; case "graph_editor": ui_print_page_header ($head, "images/chart.png", false, "graph_editor", false, $buttons); break; default: ui_print_page_header ($head, "images/chart.png", false, "graph_builder", false, $buttons); break; } if ($add_graph) ui_print_result_message($id_graph, __('Graph stored successfully'), __('There was a problem storing Graph')); if ($add_module) ui_print_result_message($result, __('Module added successfully'), __('There was a problem adding Module')); if ($update_graph) ui_print_result_message($success, __("Update the graph"), __("Bad update the graph")); if ($delete_module) { ui_print_result_message($result, __('Graph deleted successfully'), __('There was a problem deleting Graph')); } // Parse CHUNK information into showable information // Split id to get all parameters if (!$delete_module) { if (isset($_POST["period"])) $period = $_POST["period"]; if ((isset($chunkdata) )&& ($chunkdata != "")) { $module_array = array(); $weight_array = array(); $agent_array = array(); $chunk1 = array(); $chunk1 = explode ("|", $chunkdata); $modules="";$weights=""; for ($a = 0; $a < count($chunk1); $a++) { $chunk2[$a] = array(); $chunk2[$a] = explode ( ",", $chunk1[$a]); if (strpos($modules, $chunk2[$a][1]) == 0) { // Skip dupes $module_array[] = $chunk2[$a][1]; $agent_array[] = $chunk2[$a][0]; $weight_array[] = $chunk2[$a][2]; if ($modules !="") $modules = $modules.",".$chunk2[$a][1]; else $modules = $chunk2[$a][1]; if ($weights !="") $weights = $weights.",".$chunk2[$a][2]; else $weights = $chunk2[$a][2]; } } } } switch ($active_tab) { case 'main': require_once('godmode/reporting/graph_builder.main.php'); break; case 'graph_editor': require_once('godmode/reporting/graph_builder.graph_editor.php'); break; } ?>