".__('Filtering data module')." [".modules_get_agentmodule_name ($id_agentemodulo)."]"; if ($config["dbtype"] == 'oracle') { $sql = sprintf ("DELETE FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND (datos < TO_BINARY_DOUBLE('%s') OR datos > TO_BINARY_DOUBLE('%s'))", $id_agentemodulo, $min, $max); } else { $sql = sprintf ("DELETE FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND (datos < '%s' OR datos > '%s')", $id_agentemodulo, $min, $max); } db_process_sql ($sql); } } //if copy modules or alerts echo '

'; ui_print_success_message(__('Filtering completed')); } echo '
'; echo ""; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''.__('Source agent').'

'; $agent_selected = get_parameter_post ("origen", 0); $agents = agents_get_group_agents (array_keys (users_get_groups ($config["id_user"], "AW"))); html_print_select ($agents, "origen", $agent_selected, 'javascript:this.form.update_agent.click();', __('No agent selected'), '0', false, false, false, '', false, 'max-width:300px !important;'); echo '  '; html_print_submit_button (__('Get Info'), 'update_agent', false, 'style="display:none;"'); echo '

'; echo ''.__('Modules').'

'; $module_selected = get_parameter_post ("origen", array ()); $modules = agents_get_modules ($module_selected, false, 'delete_pending != 1'); html_print_select ($modules, "origen_modulo[]", $module_selected, '', '', '0', false, true, false, '', false, 'max-width: 300px !important;'); echo '
'; //Left div echo '
'.__('Purge data out of these limits').'

'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo __('Minimum').': '; echo ''; html_print_input_text ("min", 0, __('Minimum'), 4, 0, false); echo '
'; echo __('Maximum').': '; echo ''; html_print_input_text ("max", 0, __('Maximum'), 4, 0, false); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; html_print_submit_button (__('Delete'), 'eliminar', false, 'class="sub delete" onClick="if (!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure?').'\')) return false;"'); echo '
'; ?>