<?php /** * Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com * ================================================== * Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas * Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ require_once 'include/functions_messages.php'; require_once 'include/functions_servers.php'; require_once 'include/functions_notifications.php'; require_once 'include/ajax/order_interpreter.php'; ui_require_css_file('order_interpreter'); // Check permissions // Global errors/warnings checking. config_check(); echo sprintf('<div id="header_table" class="header_table_%s">', $menuTypeClass); ?> <div id="header_table_inner"> <?php // ======= Notifications Discovery =============================================== $notifications_numbers = notifications_get_counters(); $header_discovery = '<div id="header_discovery">'.notifications_print_ball( $notifications_numbers['notifications'], $notifications_numbers['last_id'] ).'</div>'; // ======= Servers List =============================================== if ((bool) check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'AW') !== false) { $servers_list = '<div id="servers_list">'; $servers = []; $servers['all'] = (int) db_get_value('COUNT(id_server)', 'tserver'); if ($servers['all'] != 0) { $servers['up'] = (int) servers_check_status(); $servers['down'] = ($servers['all'] - $servers['up']); if ($servers['up'] == 0) { // All Servers down or no servers at all. $servers_check_img = html_print_image('images/header_down_gray.png', true, ['alt' => 'cross', 'class' => 'bot', 'title' => __('All systems').': '.__('Down')]); } else if ($servers['down'] != 0) { // Some servers down. $servers_check_img = html_print_image('images/header_warning_gray.png', true, ['alt' => 'error', 'class' => 'bot', 'title' => $servers['down'].' '.__('servers down')]); } else { // All servers up. $servers_check_img = html_print_image('images/header_ready_gray.png', true, ['alt' => 'ok', 'class' => 'bot', 'title' => __('All systems').': '.__('Ready')]); } unset($servers); // Since this is the header, we don't like to trickle down variables. $servers_check_img_link = '<a class="white" href="index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/modificar_server&refr=60">'; $servers_check_img_link .= $servers_check_img; $servers_check_img_link .= '</a>'; }; $servers_list .= $servers_check_img_link.'</div>'; } // ======= Alerts =============================================== $check_minor_release_available = false; $pandora_management = check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM'); $check_minor_release_available = db_check_minor_relase_available(); if ($check_minor_release_available) { if (users_is_admin($config['id_user'])) { if ($config['language'] == 'es') { set_pandora_error_for_header('Hay una o mas revisiones menores en espera para ser actualizadas. <a id="aviable_updates" target="blank" href="https://pandorafms.com/manual/es/documentation/02_installation/02_anexo_upgrade#version_70ng_rolling_release">'.__('Sobre actualización de revisión menor').'</a>', 'Revisión/es menor/es disponible/s'); } else { set_pandora_error_for_header('There are one or more minor releases waiting for update. <a id="aviable_updates" target="blank" href="https://pandorafms.com/manual/en/documentation/02_installation/02_anexo_upgrade#version_70ng_rolling_release">'.__('About minor release update').'</a>', 'minor release/s available'); } } } // Search. $acl_head_search = true; if ($config['acl_enterprise'] == 1 && !users_is_admin()) { $acl_head_search = db_get_sql( "SELECT sec FROM tusuario INNER JOIN tusuario_perfil ON tusuario.id_user = tusuario_perfil.id_usuario INNER JOIN tprofile_view ON tprofile_view.id_profile = tusuario_perfil.id_perfil WHERE tusuario.id_user = '".$config['id_user']."' AND (sec = '*' OR sec = 'head_search')" ); } if ($acl_head_search) { // Search bar. $search_bar = '<form autocomplete="off" method="get" class="display_in" name="quicksearch" action="">'; '<input autocomplete="false" name="hidden" type="text" class="invisible">'; if (!isset($config['search_keywords'])) { $search_bar .= '<script type="text/javascript"> var fieldKeyWordEmpty = true; </script>'; } else { if (strlen($config['search_keywords']) == 0) { $search_bar .= '<script type="text/javascript"> var fieldKeyWordEmpty = true; </script>'; } else { $search_bar .= '<script type="text/javascript"> var fieldKeyWordEmpty = false; </script>'; } } $search_bar .= '<input id="keywords" name="keywords"'; if (!isset($config['search_keywords'])) { $search_bar .= "value='".__('Enter keywords to search')."'"; } else if (strlen($config['search_keywords']) == 0) { $search_bar .= "value='".__('Enter keywords to search')."'"; } else { $search_bar .= "value='".$config['search_keywords']."'"; } $search_bar .= 'type="search" onfocus="javascript: if (fieldKeyWordEmpty) $(\'#keywords\').val(\'\');" onkeyup="showinterpreter()" class="search_input"/>'; $search_bar .= '<div id="result_order" class="result_order"></div>'; // $search_bar .= 'onClick="javascript: document.quicksearch.submit()"'; $search_bar .= "<input type='hidden' name='head_search_keywords' value='abc' />"; $search_bar .= '</form>'; $header_searchbar = '<div id="header_searchbar">'.$search_bar.'</div>'; } // ======= Autorefresh code ============================= $autorefresh_txt = ''; $autorefresh_additional = ''; $ignored_params = [ 'agent_config' => false, 'code' => false, ]; if (!isset($_GET['sec2'])) { $_GET['sec2'] = ''; } if ($_GET['sec'] == 'main' || !isset($_GET['sec'])) { // Home screen chosen by the user. $home_page = ''; if (isset($config['id_user'])) { $user_info = users_get_user_by_id($config['id_user']); $home_page = io_safe_output($user_info['section']); $home_url = $user_info['data_section']; } if ($home_page != '') { switch ($home_page) { case 'Event list': $_GET['sec2'] = 'operation/events/events'; break; case 'Group view': $_GET['sec2'] = 'operation/agentes/group_view'; break; case 'Alert detail': $_GET['sec2'] = 'operation/agentes/alerts_status'; break; case 'Tactical view': $_GET['sec2'] = 'operation/agentes/tactical'; break; case 'Default': default: $_GET['sec2'] = 'general/logon_ok'; break; case 'Dashboard': $_GET['sec2'] = 'operation/dashboard/dashboard'; break; case 'Visual console': $_GET['sec2'] = 'operation/visual_console/render_view'; break; case 'Other': $home_url = io_safe_output($home_url); $url_array = parse_url($home_url); parse_str($url_array['query'], $res); foreach ($res as $key => $param) { $_GET[$key] = $param; } break; } } } if (!isset($_GET['refr'])) { $_GET['refr'] = null; } $select = db_process_sql( "SELECT autorefresh_white_list,time_autorefresh FROM tusuario WHERE id_user = '".$config['id_user']."'" ); $autorefresh_list = json_decode( $select[0]['autorefresh_white_list'] ); $header_autorefresh = ''; $header_autorefresh_counter = ''; if ($config['legacy_vc'] || ($_GET['sec2'] !== 'operation/visual_console/render_view') || (($_GET['sec2'] !== 'operation/visual_console/render_view') && $config['legacy_vc']) ) { if ($autorefresh_list !== null && array_search($_GET['sec2'], $autorefresh_list) !== false ) { $do_refresh = true; if ($_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/agentes/pandora_networkmap') { if ((!isset($_GET['tab'])) || ($_GET['tab'] != 'view')) { $do_refresh = false; } } if ($do_refresh) { $autorefresh_img = html_print_image( 'images/header_refresh_gray.png', true, [ 'class' => 'bot', 'alt' => 'lightning', 'title' => __('Configure autorefresh'), ] ); if ((isset($select[0]['time_autorefresh']) === true) && $select[0]['time_autorefresh'] !== 0 && $config['refr'] === null ) { $config['refr'] = $select[0]['time_autorefresh']; $autorefresh_txt .= ' (<span id="refrcounter">'; $autorefresh_txt .= date( 'i:s', $config['refr'] ); $autorefresh_txt .= '</span>)'; } else if ($_GET['refr']) { $autorefresh_txt .= ' (<span id="refrcounter">'; $autorefresh_txt .= date('i:s', $config['refr']); $autorefresh_txt .= '</span>)'; } $ignored_params['refr'] = ''; $values = get_refresh_time_array(); $autorefresh_additional = '<span id="combo_refr" class="invisible_events">'; $autorefresh_additional .= html_print_select( $values, 'ref', '', '', __('Select'), '0', true, false, false ); $autorefresh_additional .= '</span>'; unset($values); if ($home_page != '') { $autorefresh_link_open_img = '<a class="white autorefresh" href="index.php?refr=">'; } else { $autorefresh_link_open_img = '<a class="white autorefresh" href="'.ui_get_url_refresh($ignored_params).'">'; } if ($_GET['refr'] || ((isset($select[0]['time_autorefresh']) === true) && $select[0]['time_autorefresh'] !== 0) ) { if ($home_page != '') { $autorefresh_link_open_txt = '<a class="autorefresh autorefresh_txt" href="index.php?refr=">'; } else { $autorefresh_link_open_txt = '<a class="autorefresh autorefresh_txt" href="'.ui_get_url_refresh($ignored_params).'">'; } } else { $autorefresh_link_open_txt = '<a>'; } $autorefresh_link_close = '</a>'; $display_counter = 'display:block'; } else { $autorefresh_img = html_print_image( 'images/header_refresh_disabled_gray.png', true, [ 'class' => 'bot autorefresh_disabled invert_filter', 'alt' => 'lightning', 'title' => __('Disabled autorefresh'), ] ); $ignored_params['refr'] = false; $autorefresh_link_open_img = ''; $autorefresh_link_open_txt = ''; $autorefresh_link_close = ''; $display_counter = 'display:none'; } } else { $autorefresh_img = html_print_image( 'images/header_refresh_disabled_gray.png', true, [ 'class' => 'bot autorefresh_disabled invert_filter', 'alt' => 'lightning', 'title' => __('Disabled autorefresh'), ] ); $ignored_params['refr'] = false; $autorefresh_link_open_img = ''; $autorefresh_link_open_txt = ''; $autorefresh_link_close = ''; $display_counter = 'display:none'; } $header_autorefresh = '<div id="header_autorefresh">'; $header_autorefresh .= $autorefresh_link_open_img; $header_autorefresh .= $autorefresh_img; $header_autorefresh .= $autorefresh_link_close; $header_autorefresh .= '</div>'; $header_autorefresh_counter = '<div id="header_autorefresh_counter" style="'.$display_counter.'">'; $header_autorefresh_counter .= $autorefresh_link_open_txt; $header_autorefresh_counter .= $autorefresh_txt; $header_autorefresh_counter .= $autorefresh_link_close; $header_autorefresh_counter .= $autorefresh_additional; $header_autorefresh_counter .= '</div>'; } // Button for feedback pandora. if (enterprise_installed()) { $header_feedback = '<div id="feedback-icon-header">'; $header_feedback .= '<div id="modal-feedback-form" class="invisible"></div>'; $header_feedback .= '<div id="msg-header" class="invisible"></div>'; $header_feedback .= html_print_image( 'images/feedback-header.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Feedback'), 'id' => 'feedback-header', 'alt' => __('Feedback'), 'style' => 'cursor: pointer;', ] ); $header_feedback .= '</div>'; } // Support. if (enterprise_installed()) { $header_support_link = $config['custom_support_url']; } else { $header_support_link = 'https://pandorafms.com/forums/'; } $header_support = '<div id="header_support">'; $header_support .= '<a href="'.ui_get_full_external_url($header_support_link).'" target="_blank">'; $header_support .= html_print_image( 'images/header_support.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Go to support'), 'class' => 'bot invert_filter', 'alt' => 'user', ] ); $header_support .= '</a></div>'; // Documentation. $header_docu = '<div id="header_docu">'; $header_docu .= '<a href="'.ui_get_full_external_url($config['custom_docs_url']).'" target="_blank">'; $header_docu .= html_print_image( 'images/header_docu.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Go to documentation'), 'class' => 'bot invert_filter', 'alt' => 'user', ] ); $header_docu .= '</a></div>'; // User. if (is_user_admin($config['id_user']) == 1) { $header_user = html_print_image( 'images/header_user_admin_green.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Edit my user'), 'class' => 'bot', 'alt' => 'user', ] ); } else { $header_user = html_print_image( 'images/header_user_green.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Edit my user'), 'class' => 'bot', 'alt' => 'user', ] ); } $header_user = '<div id="header_user"><a href="index.php?sec=workspace&sec2=operation/users/user_edit">'.$header_user.'<span id="user_name_header"> ('.$config['id_user'].')</span></a></div>'; // Logout. $header_logout = '<div id="header_logout"><a class="white" href="'.ui_get_full_url('index.php?bye=bye').'">'; $header_logout .= html_print_image( 'images/header_logout_gray.png', true, [ 'alt' => __('Logout'), 'class' => 'bot invert_filter', 'title' => __('Logout'), ] ); $header_logout .= '</a></div>'; if (is_reporting_console_node() === true) { echo '<div class="header_left">'; echo '<span class="header_title">'; echo $config['custom_title_header']; echo '</span>'; echo '<span class="header_subtitle">'; echo $config['custom_subtitle_header']; echo '</span>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="header_center"></div>'; echo '<div class="header_right">'.$header_support, $header_docu, $header_user, $header_logout.'</div>'; } else { echo '<div class="header_left"><span class="header_title">'.$config['custom_title_header'].'</span><span class="header_subtitle">'.$config['custom_subtitle_header'].'</span></div> <div class="header_center">'.$header_searchbar.'</div> <div class="header_right">'.$header_autorefresh, $header_autorefresh_counter, $header_discovery, $servers_list, $header_feedback, $header_support, $header_docu, $header_user, $header_logout.'</div>'; } ?> </div> <!-- Closes #table_header_inner --> </div> <!-- Closes #table_header --> <!-- Notifications content wrapper--> <div id='notification-content' class='invisible'/></div> <!-- Old style div wrapper --> <div id="alert_messages" class="invisible"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ <?php $config_fixed_header = false; if (isset($config['fixed_header'])) { $config_fixed_header = $config['fixed_header']; } ?> function addNotifications(event) { var element = document.getElementById("notification-content"); if (!element) { console.error('Cannot locate the notification content element.'); return; } // If notification-content is empty, retrieve the notifications. if (!element.firstChild) { jQuery.post ("ajax.php", { "page" : "godmode/setup/setup_notifications", "get_notifications_dropdown" : 1, }, function (data, status) { // Apppend data element.innerHTML = data; // Show the content element.style.display = "block"; attatch_to_image(); }, "html" ); } else { // If there is some notifications retrieved, only show it. element.style.display = "block"; attatch_to_image(); } } function attatch_to_image() { var notification_elem = document.getElementById("notification-wrapper"); if (!notification_elem) return; var image_attached = document.getElementById("notification-ball-header") .getBoundingClientRect() .left ; notification_elem.style.left = image_attached - 300 + "px"; } function notifications_clean_ui(action, self_id) { switch(action) { case 'item': // Recalculate the notification ball. check_new_notifications(); break; case 'toast': // Only remove the toast element. document.getElementById(self_id).remove(); break; } } function notifications_hide() { var element = document.getElementById("notification-content"); element.style.display = "none" } function click_on_notification_toast(event) { var match = /notification-(.*)-id-([0-9]+)/.exec(event.target.id); if (!match) { console.error( "Cannot handle toast click event. Id not valid: ", event.target.id ); return; } jQuery.post ("ajax.php", { "page" : "godmode/setup/setup_notifications", "mark_notification_as_read" : 1, "message": match[2] }, function (data, status) { if (!data.result) { console.error("Cannot redirect to URL."); return; } notifications_clean_ui(match[1], event.target.id); }, "json" ) .fail(function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){ console.error( "Failed onclik event on toast. Error: ", xhr.responseText ); }); } function closeToast(event) { var match = /notification-(.*)-id-([0-9]+)/.exec(event.target.id); var div_id = document.getElementById(match.input); $(div_id).attr("hidden",true); } function print_toast(title, subtitle, severity, url, id, onclick, closeToast) { // TODO severity. severity = ''; // Start the toast. var parent_div = document.createElement('div'); // Print close image var img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute('id', id); img.setAttribute("src", './images/close_button_dialog.png'); img.setAttribute('onclick', closeToast); img.setAttribute('style', 'margin-left: 95%;'); parent_div.appendChild(img); // Print a element var toast = document.createElement('a'); toast.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); toast.setAttribute('href', url); toast.setAttribute('onclick', onclick); var link_div = document.createElement('div'); // Fill toast. var toast_div = document.createElement('div'); toast_div.className = 'snackbar ' + severity; toast_div.id = id; var toast_title = document.createElement('h3'); var toast_text = document.createElement('p'); toast_title.innerHTML = title; toast_text.innerHTML = subtitle; // Append Elements toast_div.appendChild(img); link_div.appendChild(toast_title); toast.appendChild(link_div); toast_div.appendChild(toast); toast_div.appendChild(toast_text); // Show and program the hide event. toast_div.className = toast_div.className + ' show'; setTimeout(function(){ toast_div.className = toast_div.className.replace("show", ""); }, 8000); toast_div.appendChild(parent_div); return toast_div; } function check_new_notifications() { var last_id = document.getElementById('notification-ball-header') .getAttribute('last_id'); if (last_id === null) { console.error('Cannot retrieve notifications ball last_id.'); return; } // Get notifications buffer in local storage. var user_notifications = localStorage.getItem('user_notifications'); if (user_notifications !== null && user_notifications.length) { var user_notifications_parsed = JSON.parse(user_notifications); var current_timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); // Remove old notifications from local storage. user_notifications_parsed_updated = user_notifications_parsed.filter(function(notification) { return (notification.item_datetime > current_timestamp - 90); }); if (user_notifications_parsed_updated.length !== user_notifications_parsed.length) { localStorage.setItem('user_notifications', JSON.stringify(user_notifications_parsed_updated)); user_notifications_parsed = user_notifications_parsed_updated; } } jQuery.post ("ajax.php", { "page" : "godmode/setup/setup_notifications", "check_new_notifications" : 1, "last_id": last_id }, function (data, status) { // Clean the toasts wrapper at first. var toast_wrapper = document.getElementById( 'notifications-toasts-wrapper' ); if (toast_wrapper === null) { console.error('Cannot place toast notifications.'); return; } while (toast_wrapper.firstChild) { toast_wrapper.removeChild(toast_wrapper.firstChild); } // Return if no new notification. if(!data.has_new_notifications) return; // Substitute the ball var new_ball = atob(data.new_ball); var ball_wrapper = document .getElementById('notification-ball-header') .parentElement; if (ball_wrapper === null) { console.error('Cannot update notification ball'); return; } // Print the new ball and clean old notifications ball_wrapper.innerHTML = new_ball; var not_drop = document.getElementById('notification-content'); while (not_drop.firstChild && not_drop) { not_drop.removeChild(not_drop.firstChild); } // Prevent to print toasts if tab is not active. if (document.hidden === false) { var localStorageItemsArray = []; // Add the new toasts. if (Array.isArray(data.new_notifications)) { data.new_notifications.forEach(function(ele) { // Keep track of notifications in browser local storage to avoid displaying toasts more than once across different tabs for a specific user. if (typeof user_notifications_parsed !== "undefined") { localStorageItemsArray = user_notifications_parsed; // Check if toast has already been fired and therefore it should be skipped. if (localStorageItemsArray.some(function(item) { return item.message_id == ele.id_mensaje && ele.id_usuario_origen == ele.id_usuario_origen })) { return; } } localStorageItemsArray.push({message_id: ele.id_mensaje, source_user_id: ele.id_usuario_origen, item_datetime: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)}); localStorage.setItem('user_notifications', JSON.stringify(localStorageItemsArray)); toast_wrapper.appendChild( print_toast( ele.subject, ele.mensaje, ele.criticity, ele.full_url, 'notification-toast-id-' + ele.id_mensaje, 'click_on_notification_toast(event)', 'closeToast(event)' ) ); }); } } }, "json" ) .fail(function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){ console.error( "Cannot get new notifications. Error: ", xhr.responseText ); }); } // Resize event. window.addEventListener("resize", function() { attatch_to_image(); }); var fixed_header = <?php echo json_encode((bool) $config_fixed_header); ?>; function showinterpreter(){ document.onclick = function(e) { $('#result_order').hide(); $('#keywords').addClass('search_input'); $('#keywords').removeClass('results-found'); $('#keywords').value = ''; $('#keywords').attr('placeholder','Enter keywords to search'); } if(event.keyCode == 13 && $("#result_items li.active").length != 0 ) { window.location = $('#result_items').find("li.active a").attr('href'); } var code = event.key; switch (code){ case 'ArrowDown': if($("#result_items li.active").length!=0) { var storeTarget = $('#result_items').find("li.active").next(); $("#result_items li.active").removeClass("active"); storeTarget.focus().addClass("active"); } else { $('#result_items').find("li:first").focus().addClass("active"); } return; case 'ArrowUp': if($("#result_items li.active")) { var storeTarget = $('#result_items').find("li.active").prev(); $("#result_items li.active").removeClass("active"); storeTarget.focus().addClass("active"); } else { $('#result_items').find("li:first").focus().addClass("active"); } return; case 'ArrowRight': return; case 'ArrowLeft': return; } if( $('#keywords').val() === ''){ $('#keywords').addClass('search_input'); $('#keywords').removeClass('results-found'); $('#result_order').hide(); $('#keywords').attr('placeholder','Enter keywords to search'); }else { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "ajax.php", dataType: "html", data: { page: 'include/ajax/order_interpreter', method: 'getResult', text: $('#keywords').val(), enterprise: <?php echo (int) enterprise_installed(); ?>, }, success: function (data) { $('#result_order').html(data); }, error: function (data) { console.error("Fatal error in AJAX call to interpreter order", data) } }); $('#keywords').removeClass('search_input'); $('#keywords').addClass('results-found'); $('#result_order').show(); } } /** * Loads modal from AJAX to add feedback. */ function show_feedback() { var btn_ok_text = '<?php echo __('Send'); ?>'; var btn_cancel_text = '<?php echo __('Cancel'); ?>'; var title = '<?php echo __('Report an issue'); ?>'; var url = '<?php echo 'tools/diagnostics'; ?>'; load_modal({ target: $('#modal-feedback-form'), form: 'modal_form_feedback', url: '<?php echo ui_get_full_url('ajax.php', false, false, false); ?>', modal: { title: title, ok: btn_ok_text, cancel: btn_cancel_text, }, onshow: { page: url, method: 'formFeedback', }, onsubmit: { page: url, method: 'createdScheduleFeedbackTask', dataType: 'json', }, ajax_callback: generalShowMsg, idMsgCallback: 'msg-header', }); } $(document).ready (function () { // Check new notifications on a periodic way setInterval(check_new_notifications, 60000); // Print the wrapper for notifications var notifications_toasts_wrapper = document.createElement('div'); notifications_toasts_wrapper.id = 'notifications-toasts-wrapper'; document.body.insertBefore( notifications_toasts_wrapper, document.body.firstChild ); <?php if (($autorefresh_list !== null) && (array_search( $_GET['sec2'], $autorefresh_list ) !== false) && (!isset($_GET['refr'])) ) { $do_refresh = true; if ($_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/agentes/pandora_networkmap') { if ((!isset($_GET['tab'])) || ($_GET['tab'] != 'view')) { $do_refresh = false; } } if ($_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/dashboard/dashboard' && $new_dashboard) { $do_refresh = false; } } ?> if (fixed_header) { $('div#head').addClass('fixed_header'); $('div#main').css('padding-top', $('div#head').innerHeight() + 'px'); } /* Temporal fix to hide graphics when ui_dialog are displayed */ $("#yougotalert").click(function () { $("#agent_access").css("display", "none"); }); $("#ui_close_dialog_titlebar").click(function () { $("#agent_access").css("display",""); }); <?php if (enterprise_installed()) { ?> // Feedback. $("#feedback-header").click(function () { // Clean DOM. $("#feedback-header").empty(); // Function charge Modal. show_feedback(); }); <?php } ?> function blinkpubli(){ $(".publienterprise").delay(100).fadeTo(300,0.2).delay(100).fadeTo(300,1, blinkpubli); } blinkpubli(); <?php if ($_GET['refr'] || (isset($do_refresh) === true && $do_refresh === true) ) { $autorefresh_draw = false; if ($_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/events/events') { $autorefresh_draw = true; } ?> var autorefresh_draw = '<?php echo $autorefresh_draw; ?>'; $("#header_autorefresh").css('padding-right', '5px'); if(autorefresh_draw == true) { var refresh_interval = parseInt('<?php echo ($config['refr'] * 1000); ?>'); var until_time=''; function events_refresh() { until_time = new Date(); until_time.setTime (until_time.getTime () + parseInt(<?php echo ($config['refr'] * 1000); ?>)); $("#refrcounter").countdown ({ until: until_time, layout: '%M%nn%M:%S%nn%S', labels: ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''], onExpiry: function () { $("#table_events") .DataTable() .draw(false); } }); } // Start the countdown when page is loaded (first time). events_refresh(); // Repeat countdown according to refresh_interval. setInterval(events_refresh, refresh_interval); } else { var refr_time = <?php echo (int) get_parameter('refr', $config['refr']); ?>; var t = new Date(); t.setTime (t.getTime () + parseInt(<?php echo ($config['refr'] * 1000); 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