
// Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com
// ==================================================
// Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
// Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Pandora FMS - Installation Wizard</title>
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="resource-type" content="document">
<meta name="distribution" content="global">
<meta name="author" content="Pandora FMS Development Team">
<meta name="copyright" content="This is GPL software. Created by Sancho Lerena and many others">
<meta name="keywords" content="pandora, fms, monitoring, network, system, GPL, software">
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
<link rel="icon" href="images/pandora.ico" type="image/ico">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="include/styles/install.css" type="text/css">

<script type="text/javascript">
options_text = new Array('An existing Database','A new Database');
options_values = new Array('db_exist','db_new');
function ChangeDBDrop(causer) {
	if (causer.value != 'db_exist') {
	else {
function ChangeDBAction(causer) {
	var i = 0;
	if (causer.value == 'oracle') {
	else {
	while (i < window.document.step2_form.db_action.length){
		window.document.step2_form.db_action.options[i].value =options_values[i];
		window.document.step2_form.db_action.options[i].text =options_text[i];
<div style='height: 10px'>


$version = '4.0';
$build = '110923';
$banner = "v$version Build $build";


function check_extension ( $ext, $label ){
	echo "<tr><td>";
	echo "<span class='arr'> $label </span>";
	echo "</td><td>";
	if (!extension_loaded($ext)){
		echo "<img src='images/dot_red.png'>";
		return 1;
	else {
		echo "<img src='images/dot_green.png'>";
		return 0;
	echo "</td></tr>";

function check_include ( $ext, $label ){
	echo "<tr><td>";
	echo "<span class='arr'> $label </span>";
	echo "</td><td>";
	if (!include($ext)){
		echo "<img src='images/dot_red.png'>";
		return 1;
	else {
		echo "<img src='images/dot_green.png'>";
		return 0;
	echo "</td></tr>";

function check_exists ( $file, $label ){
	echo "<tr><td>";
	echo "<span class='arr'> $label </span>";
	echo "</td><td>";
	if (!file_exists ($file)){
		echo " <img src='images/dot_red.png'>";
		return 1;
	else {
		echo " <img src='images/dot_green.png'>";
		return 0;
	echo "</td></tr>";

function check_generic ( $ok, $label ){
	echo "<tr><td>";
	echo "<span class='arr'> $label </span>";
	echo "</td><td>";
	if ($ok == 0 ){
		echo " <img src='images/dot_red.png'>";
		return 1;
	else {
		echo " <img src='images/dot_green.png'>";
		return 0;
	echo "</td></tr>";

function check_writable ( $fullpath, $label ){
	echo "<tr><td>";
	echo "<span class='arr'> $label </span>";
	echo "</td><td>";
	if (file_exists($fullpath))
		if (is_writable($fullpath)){
			echo " <img src='images/dot_green.png'>";
			echo "</td></tr>";
			return 0;
		else {
			echo " <img src='images/dot_red.png'>";
			echo "</td></tr>";
			return 1;
	else {
		echo " <img src='images/dot_red.png'>";
		echo "</td></tr>";
		return 1;


function check_variable ( $var, $value, $label, $mode ){
	echo "<tr><td>";
	echo "<span class='arr'> $label </span>";
	echo "</td><td>";
	if ($mode == 1){
		if ($var >= $value){
			echo " <img src='images/dot_green.png'>";
			return 0;
		else {
			echo " <img src='images/dot_red.png'>";
			return 1;
	elseif ($var == $value){
		echo " <img src='images/dot_green.png'>";
		return 0;
	else {
		echo " <img src='images/dot_red.png'>";
		return 1;
	echo "</td></tr>";

function parse_mysql_dump($url){
	if (file_exists($url)){
		$file_content = file($url);
		$query = "";
		foreach($file_content as $sql_line){
			if(trim($sql_line) != "" && strpos($sql_line, "--") === false){
				$query .= $sql_line;
				if(preg_match("/;[\040]*\$/", $sql_line)){
					if (!$result = mysql_query($query)) {
					 	echo mysql_error(); //Uncomment for debug
						echo "<i><br>$query<br></i>";
						return 0;
					$query = "";
		return 1;
		return 0;

function parse_postgresql_dump($connection, $url, $debug = false) {
	if (file_exists($url)) {
		$file_content = file($url);
		$query = "";
		foreach($file_content as $sql_line){
			$clean_line = trim($sql_line);
			$comment = preg_match("/^(\s|\t)*--.*$/", $clean_line);
			if ($comment) {
			if (empty($clean_line)) {
			$query .= $clean_line;
			//Check if the end of query with the the semicolon and any returns in the end of line
			if(preg_match("/;[\040]*\$/", $clean_line)) {
				//And execute and clean buffer
				pg_send_query($connection, $query);
				$result = pg_get_result($connection);
				if ($debug) {
				if (pg_result_status($result) == PGSQL_FATAL_ERROR) {
					echo pg_result_error($result);
					echo "<i><br>$query<br></i>";
					return 0;
				$query = "";
		return 1;
	else {
		return 0;

function parse_oracle_dump($connection, $url, $debug = false) {
	if (file_exists($url)) {
		$file_content = file($url);
		$query = "";
		$plsql_block = false;
		foreach($file_content as $sql_line){
			$clean_line = trim($sql_line);
			$comment = preg_match("/^(\s|\t)*--.*$/", $clean_line);
			if ($comment) {
			if (empty($clean_line)) {
			//Support for PL/SQL blocks
			if (preg_match("/^BEGIN$/", $clean_line)){
				$query .= $clean_line . ' ';
				$plsql_block = true;
				$query .= $clean_line;
			//Check query's end with a back slash and any returns in the end of line or if it's a PL/SQL block 'END;;' string
			if ((preg_match("/;[\040]*\$/", $clean_line) && !$plsql_block) || 
			    (preg_match("/^END;;[\040]*\$/", $clean_line) && $plsql_block)) {
				$plsql_block = false;
				//Execute and clean buffer
				//Delete the last semicolon from current query
				$query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query) - 1);
				$sql = oci_parse($connection, $query);
				$result = oci_execute($sql);				
				if ($debug) {
				if (!$result) {
					$e = oci_error($sql);
					echo "<tr><td><div class='warn'>Errors creating schema:</div><div style=\"overflow:auto; height:50px;\" >";
					echo htmlentities($e['message'], ENT_QUOTES);
					echo "<i><br>$query<br></i>";
					echo "</div></td></tr>";
					return 0;
				$query = "";
		return 1;
	else {
		return 0;

function oracle_drop_all_objects ($connection) {

	//Drop all objects of the current installation
	$stmt = oci_parse($connection,
			"BEGIN " .
  				"FOR cur_rec IN (SELECT object_name, object_type " . 
                  		"FROM   user_objects " .
    				"BEGIN " . 
      					"IF cur_rec.object_type = 'TABLE' THEN " .
        					"EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP ' || cur_rec.object_type || ' \"' || cur_rec.object_name || '\" CASCADE CONSTRAINTS'; " .
      					"ELSE " .
        					"EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP ' || cur_rec.object_type || ' \"' || cur_rec.object_name || '\"'; " .
      					"END IF; " .
    				"EXCEPTION " .
      					"WHEN OTHERS THEN " .
        					"DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('FAILED: DROP ' || cur_rec.object_type || ' \"' || cur_rec.object_name || '\"'); " .
    					"END; " .
  				"END LOOP; " .
			"END; ");

	$result = oci_execute($stmt);

	return 0;

function random_name ($size){
	$temp = "";
	for ($a=0;$a< $size;$a++)
		$temp = $temp. chr(rand(122,97));
	return $temp;

function print_logo_status ($step, $step_total){
	global $banner;

	echo "
		<div id='logo_img'>
			<img src='images/pandora_logo.png' border='0'><br>
			<span style='font-size: 9px;'>$banner</span>
			<b>Install step $step of $step_total</b>

function install_step1() {
	global $banner;

	echo "
	<div id='install_container'>
	<div id='wizard' style='height: 480px;'>
		<div id='install_box'>
			<h2>Welcome to Pandora FMS installation Wizard</h2>
			<p>This wizard helps you to quick install Pandora FMS console and main database in your system.</p>
			<p>In four steps, this installer will check all dependencies and will create your configuration, ready to use.</p>
			<p>For more information, please refer to documentation.<br>
			<i>Pandora FMS Development Team</i></p>
		if (file_exists("include/config.php")){
			echo "<div class='warn'><b>Warning:</b> You already have a config.php file. 
			Configuration and database would be overwritten if you continued.</div>";
        echo "<br>";
		echo "<table width=85%>";
		$writable = check_writable ( "include", "Checking if ./include is writable");
		if (file_exists("include/config.php"))
			$writable += check_writable ( "include/config.php", "Checking if include/config.php is writable");
		echo "</table>";

		echo "<div class='warn'><b>Warning:</b> This installer will <b>overwrite and destroy</b> 
		your existing Pandora FMS configuration and <b>Database</b>. Before continue, 
		please <b>be sure that you have no valuable Pandora FMS data in your Database</b>.<br>

		echo "<div class='info'><b>Upgrade</b>: 
		If you want to upgrade from Pandora FMS 3.2 to 4.0 version, 
		please download the migration tool from our website at 
		<a href='http://www.pandorafms.com'>PandoraFMS.com web site</a>.</div>";
		echo "</div>";

		print_logo_status (1, 5);

		echo "<div id='install_img'>";
		if ($writable == 0) {
			echo "
			<a href='install.php?step=11'><img align='right' src='images/arrow_next.png' border='0'></a>";
			echo "<div class='warn'><b>ERROR:</b>You need to setup permissions to be able to write in ./include directory</div>";
		echo "
	<div id='foot_install'>
		<i>Pandora FMS is an OpenSource Software project registered at 
		<a target='_new' href='http://pandora.sourceforge.net'>SourceForge</a></i>

function install_step1_licence() {
	echo "
	<div id='install_container'>
	<div id='wizard' style='height: 500px;'>
		<div id='install_box'>
			<h2>GPL2 Licence terms agreement</h2>
			<p>Pandora FMS is an OpenSource software project licensed under the GPL2 licence. Pandora FMS includes, as well, another software also licensed under LGPL and BSD licenses. Before continue, <i>you must accept the licence terms.</i>.
			<p>For more information, please refer to our website at http://pandorafms.org and contact us if you have any kind of question about the usage of Pandora FMS</p>
<p>If you dont accept the licence terms, please, close your browser and delete Pandora FMS files.</p>

	if (!file_exists("COPYING")){
		echo "<div class='warn'><b>Licence file 'COPYING' is not present in your distribution. This means you have some 'partial' Pandora FMS distribution. We cannot continue without accepting the licence file.</b>";
		echo "</div>";
	else {
		echo "<form method=post action='install.php?step=2'>";
		echo "<textarea name='gpl2' cols=52 rows=15>";
		echo file_get_contents ("COPYING");
		echo "</textarea>";
		echo "<p>";
		echo "<input type=submit value='Yes, I accept licence terms'>";
	echo "</div>";

	print_logo_status (2, 5);

	echo "</div>
	<div style='clear: both;height: 1px;'><!-- --></div>
	<div id='foot_install'>
		<i>Pandora FMS is an OpenSource Software project registered at 
		<a target='_new' href='http://pandora.sourceforge.net'>SourceForge</a></i>

function install_step2() {

	echo "
	<div id='install_container'>
	<div id='wizard' style='min-height: 390px;'>
		<div id='install_box'>";
		echo "<h2>Checking software dependencies</h2>";
			echo "<table border=0 width=230>";
			$res = 0;
			$res += check_variable(phpversion(),"5.2","PHP version >= 5.2",1);
			$res += check_extension("gd","PHP GD extension");
			$res += check_extension("ldap","PHP LDAP extension");
			$res += check_extension("snmp","PHP SNMP extension");
			$res += check_extension("session","PHP session extension");
			$res += check_extension("gettext","PHP gettext extension");
			$res += check_extension("mbstring","PHP Multibyte String");
			$res += check_extension("zip","PHP Zip");
			$res += check_extension("zlib","PHP Zlib extension");
			$res += check_extension("curl","CURL (Client URL Library)");
			if (PHP_OS == "FreeBSD") {
				$res += check_exists ("/usr/local/bin/twopi","Graphviz Binary");
			else {
				$res += check_exists ("/usr/bin/twopi","Graphviz Binary");
			echo "<tr><td>";
			echo "<span style='display: block; font-family: verdana,arial,sans;
				font-size: 8.5pt;margin-top: 2px; font-weight: bolder;'>DB Engines</span>";
			echo "</td><td>";
			echo "</td></tr>";
			check_extension("mysql", "PHP MySQL extension");
			check_extension("pgsql", "PHP PostgreSQL extension");
			check_extension("oci8", "PHP Oracle extension");
			echo "</table>";
		echo "</div>";
		print_logo_status (3,5);

		echo "<div id='install_img'>";
			if ($res > 0) {
				echo "
				<div class='warn'>You have some incomplete 
				dependencies. Please correct them or this installer 
				will not be able to finish your installation.
				Ignore it. <a href='install.php?step=3' style='font-weight: bolder;'>Force install Step #3</a>";
			else {
				echo "<a href='install.php?step=3'><br>
				<img align='right' src='images/arrow_next.png' border='0' alt=''></a>";
			echo "
		<div style='clear: both;'><!-- --></div>
	<div id='foot_install'>
		<i>Pandora FMS is an OpenSource Software project registered at 
		<a target='_new' href='http://pandora.sourceforge.net'>SourceForge</a></i>

function install_step3() {
	$options = '';
	if (extension_loaded("mysql")) {
		$options .= "<option value='mysql'>MySQL</option>";
	if (extension_loaded("pgsql")) {
		$options .= "<option value='pgsql'>PostgreSQL</option>";
	if (extension_loaded("oci8")) {
		$options .= "<option value='oracle'>Oracle</option>";
	$error = false;
	if (empty($options)) {
		$error = true;

	echo "
	<div id='install_container'>
	<div id='wizard' style='height: 665px;'>
		<div id='install_box'>
			<h2>Environment and database setup</h2>
			This wizard will create your Pandora FMS database, 
			and populate it with all the data needed to run for the first time.
			You need a privileged user to create database schema, this is usually <b>root</b> user.
			Information about <b>root</b> user will not be used or stored anymore.	
			You can also deploy the scheme into an existing Database. 
			In this case you need a privileged Database user and password of that instance. 
			Now, please, complete all details to configure your database and environment setup.
			<div class='warn'>
			<b>Warning:</b> This installer will <b>overwrite and destroy</b> your existing 
			Pandora FMS configuration and <b>Database</b>. Before continue, 
			please <b>be sure that you have no valuable Pandora FMS data in your Database.</b>

			if (extension_loaded("oci8")) {
				echo  " <div class='warn'>For Oracle installation an existing Database with a privileged user is needed.</div>";
	if (!$error) {
		echo "<form method='post' name='step2_form' action='install.php?step=4'>";

    echo "<table cellpadding=6 celwidth=100% border=0>";
    echo "<tr><td>";
	echo "DB Engine<br>";

	if ($error) {
		echo "
			<div class='warn'>
			<b>Warning:</b> You haven't a any DB engine with PHP. Please check the previous step to DB engine dependencies.
	else {
		echo "<select name='engine' onChange=\"ChangeDBAction(this)\">";
		echo $options;
		echo "</select>";

        echo "<td>";
		echo " Installation in <br>";
		echo "<select name='db_action' onChange=\"ChangeDBDrop(this)\">";
		echo 	"<option value='db_new'>A new Database</option>";
		echo 	"<option value='db_exist'>An existing Database</option>";
		echo "</select>";
	echo "		<tr><td>DB User with privileges<br>
				<input class='login' type='text' name='user' value='root' size=8>
				<td>DB Password for this user<br>
				<input class='login' type='password' name='pass' value='' size=8>
				<tr><td>DB Hostname<br>
				<input class='login' type='text' name='host' value='localhost' size=12>

				<td>DB Name (pandora by default)<br>
				<input class='login' type='text' name='dbname' value='pandora' size=8>

                <tr><td valign=top>
				Drop Database if exists<br>
				<input class='login' type='checkbox' name='drop' value=1 disabled>				

				<td>Full path to HTTP publication directory<br>
					<span style='font-size: 9px'>For example /var/www/pandora_console/</span>
				<input class='login' type='text' name='path' style='width: 240px;' 
				value='".dirname (__FILE__)."'>

				<tr><td colspan=2>URL path to Pandora FMS Console<br>
				<span style='font-size: 9px'>For example '/pandora_console'</span>
				<input class='login' type='text' name='url' style='width: 250px;' 
				value='".dirname ($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"])."'>
	if (!$error) {
		echo "	<div align='right'><br>
				<input type='image' src='images/arrow_next.png' value='Step #4' id='step4'>
	echo "	</form>

	print_logo_status (4,5);

	echo "</div>
		<div id='foot_install'>
			<i>Pandora FMS is an OpenSource Software project registered at 
			<a target='_new' href='http://pandora.sourceforge.net'>SourceForge</a></i>

function install_step4() {
	$pandora_config = "include/config.php";

	if ( (! isset($_POST["user"])) || (! isset($_POST["dbname"])) || (! isset($_POST["host"])) || 
	(! isset($_POST["pass"])) || (!isset($_POST['engine'])) || (! isset($_POST["db_action"])) ) {
		$dbpassword = "";
		$dbuser = "";
		$dbhost = "";
		$dbname = "";
		$engine = "";
		$dbaction = "";
	else {
		$engine = $_POST['engine'];
		$dbpassword = $_POST["pass"];
		$dbuser = $_POST["user"];
		$dbhost = $_POST["host"];
		$dbaction = $_POST["db_action"];
		if (isset($_POST["drop"]))
			$dbdrop = $_POST["drop"];
			$dbdrop = 0;
		$dbname = $_POST["dbname"];
		if (isset($_POST["url"]))
			$url = $_POST["url"];
			$url = "http://localhost";
		if (isset($_POST["path"]))
			$path = $_POST["path"];
			$path = "/var/www";
	$everything_ok = 0;
	$step4=0; $step5=0; $step6=0; $step7=0;

	echo "
	<div id='install_container'>
	<div id='wizard' style='height: 480px;'>
		<div id='install_box'>
			<h2>Creating database and default configuration file</h2>
			switch ($engine) {
				case 'mysql':
					if (! mysql_connect ($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword)) {
						check_generic ( 0, "Connection with Database");
					else {
						check_generic ( 1, "Connection with Database");
						// Drop database if needed and don't want to install over an existing DB
						if ($dbdrop == 1) {
							mysql_query ("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $dbname");
						// Create schema
						if ($dbaction == 'db_new' || $dbdrop == 1){
							$step1 = mysql_query ("CREATE DATABASE $dbname");
							check_generic ($step1, "Creating database '$dbname'");
							$step = 1;
						if ($step1 == 1) {
							$step2 = mysql_select_db($dbname);
							check_generic ($step2, "Opening database '$dbname'");
							$step3 = parse_mysql_dump("pandoradb.sql");
							check_generic ($step3, "Creating schema");
							$step4 = parse_mysql_dump("pandoradb_data.sql");
							check_generic ($step4, "Populating database");
							$random_password = random_name (8);
							$host = 'localhost';
							if ($dbhost != 'localhost')
								$host = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
							$step5 = mysql_query ("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* to pandora@$host 
							IDENTIFIED BY '".$random_password."'");
							mysql_query ("FLUSH PRIVILEGES");
							check_generic ($step5, "Established privileges for user pandora. A new random password has been generated: <b>$random_password</b><div class='warn'>Please write it down, you will need to setup your Pandora FMS server, editing the </i>/etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf</i> file</div>");
							$step6 = is_writable("include");
							check_generic ($step6, "Write permissions to save config file in './include'");
							$cfgin = fopen ("include/config.inc.php","r");
							$cfgout = fopen ($pandora_config,"w");
							$config_contents = fread ($cfgin, filesize("include/config.inc.php"));
							$dbtype = 'mysql';
							$config_new = '<?php
							// Begin of automatic config file
							$config["dbtype"] = "' . $dbtype . '"; //DB type (mysql, postgresql...in future others)
							$config["dbname"]="'.$dbname.'";			// MySQL DataBase name
							$config["dbuser"]="pandora";			// DB User
							$config["dbpass"]="'.$random_password.'";	// DB Password
							$config["dbhost"]="'.$dbhost.'";			// DB Host
							$config["homedir"]="'.$path.'";		// Config homedir
							$config["homeurl"]="'.$url.'";			// Base URL
							// End of automatic config file
							$step7 = fputs ($cfgout, $config_new);
							$step7 = $step7 + fputs ($cfgout, $config_contents);
							if ($step7 > 0)
								$step7 = 1;
							fclose ($cfgin);
							fclose ($cfgout);
							chmod ($pandora_config, 0600);
							check_generic ($step7, "Created new config file at '".$pandora_config."'");
					if (($step7 + $step6 + $step5 + $step4 + $step3 + $step2 + $step1) == 7) {
						$everything_ok = 1;
				case 'oracle':
					$connection = oci_connect($dbuser, $dbpassword, '//' . $dbhost . '/' . $dbname);
					if (!$connection){
						check_generic(0, "Connection with Database");
					else {
						check_generic(1, "Connection with Database");					

						// Drop all objects if needed
						if ($dbdrop == 1) {

					 	$step1 = parse_oracle_dump($connection, "pandoradb.oracle.sql");
						check_generic($step1, "Creating schema");
						if ($step1) {
							$step2 = parse_oracle_dump($connection, "pandoradb.data.oracle.sql");

						check_generic ($step2, "Populating database");	

						echo "<tr><td><div class='warn'>Please, you will need to setup your Pandora FMS server, editing the </i>/etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf</i> file and set database password.</div></tr></td>";
						if ($step2) {
							$step3 = is_writable("include");

						check_generic ($step3, "Write permissions to save config file in './include'");
						if ($step3) {
							$cfgin = fopen ("include/config.inc.php","r");
							$cfgout = fopen ($pandora_config,"w");
							$config_contents = fread ($cfgin, filesize("include/config.inc.php"));
							$dbtype = 'oracle';
							$config_new = '<?php
							// Begin of automatic config file
							$config["dbtype"] = "' . $dbtype . '"; 	//DB type (mysql, postgresql, oracle)
							$config["dbname"]="' . $dbname . '";		// Oracle DataBase name
							$config["dbuser"]="' . $dbuser . '";		// DB User
							$config["dbpass"]="' . $dbpassword . '";	// DB Password
							$config["dbhost"]="' . $dbhost . '";		// DB Host
							$config["homedir"]="' . $path . '";		// Config homedir
							$config["homeurl"]="' . $url . '";		// Base URL
							// End of automatic config file
							$step4 = fputs ($cfgout, $config_new);
							$step4 = $step4 + fputs ($cfgout, $config_contents);
							if ($step4 > 0)
								$step4 = 1;
							fclose ($cfgin);
							fclose ($cfgout);
							chmod ($pandora_config, 0600);
						check_generic ($step4, "Created new config file at '" . $pandora_config . "'");
						if (($step4 + $step3 + $step2 + $step1) == 4) {
							$everything_ok = 1;

				case 'pgsql':
					$step1 = $step2 = $step3 = $step4 = $step5 = $step6 = $step7 = 0;
					$connection = pg_connect("host='" . $dbhost . "' user='" . $dbuser . "' password='" . $dbpassword . "'");
					if ($connection === false) {
						check_generic(0, "Connection with Database");
					else {
						check_generic(1, "Connection with Database");
						// Drop database if needed
						if ($dbdrop == 1 && $dbaction == 'db_exist') {
							$result = pg_query($connection, "DROP DATABASE \"" . $dbname . "\";");
						if ($dbaction != 'db_exist' || $dbdrop == 1){
							pg_send_query($connection, "CREATE DATABASE \"" . $dbname . "\" WITH ENCODING 'utf8';");
							$result = pg_get_result($connection);
							if (pg_result_status($result) != PGSQL_FATAL_ERROR) {
								$step1 = 1;
							check_generic ($step1, "Creating database '$dbname'");
							$step1 = 1;
						check_generic ($step1, "Creating database '$dbname'");
						if ($step1 == 1) {
							//Reopen DB because I don't know how to use DB in PostgreSQL
							$connection = pg_connect("host='" . $dbhost . "' dbname='" . $dbname .
								"' user='" . $dbuser . "' password='" . $dbpassword . "'");
							if ($connection !== false) {
								$step2 = 1;
						check_generic ($step2, "Opening database '$dbname'");
						if ($step2) {
							$step3 = parse_postgresql_dump($connection, "pandoradb.postgreSQL.sql");
						check_generic($step3, "Creating schema");
						if ($step3) {
							$step4 = parse_postgresql_dump($connection, "pandoradb.data.postgreSQL.sql");
						check_generic ($step4, "Populating database");
						if ($step4) {
							$random_password = random_name (8);
							pg_query($connection, "DROP USER pandora"); 
							pg_send_query($connection, "CREATE USER pandora WITH PASSWORD '" . $random_password . "'");
							$result = pg_get_result($connection);
							if (pg_result_status($result) != PGSQL_FATAL_ERROR) {
								//Set the privileges for DB
								pg_send_query($connection, "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE pandora TO pandora;");
								$result = pg_get_result($connection);
								$setDBPrivileges = 0;
								if (pg_result_status($result) != PGSQL_FATAL_ERROR) {
									$setDBPrivileges = 1;
								if ($setDBPrivileges) {
									//Set the privileges for each tables.
									pg_send_query($connection, "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public';");
									$result = pg_get_result($connection);
									$tables = array();
									while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) {
										$tables[] = $row['table_name'];
									$correct = 1;
									foreach ($tables as $table) {
										pg_send_query($connection, "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE " . $table . " TO pandora;");
										$result = pg_get_result($connection);
										if (pg_result_status($result) == PGSQL_FATAL_ERROR) {
											$correct = 0;
										//For each table make owner pandora
										pg_send_query($connection, "ALTER TABLE " . $table . " OWNER TO pandora;");
										$result = pg_get_result($connection);
										if (pg_result_status($result) == PGSQL_FATAL_ERROR) {
											$correct = 0;
										//INI ----- Grant for secuences
										pg_send_query($connection, "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '" . $table . "';");
										$result2 = pg_get_result($connection);
										$columns = array();
										while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($result2)) {
											$columns[] = $row['column_name'];
										//Check for each column if it have a sequence to grant
										foreach ($columns as $column) {
											pg_send_query($connection, "SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('" . $table . "', '" . $column . "');");
											$result3 = pg_get_result($connection);
											$sequence = pg_fetch_assoc($result3);
											if (!empty($sequence['pg_get_serial_sequence'])) {
												pg_send_query($connection, "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SEQUENCE " . $sequence['pg_get_serial_sequence'] . " to pandora;");
												$result4 = pg_get_result($connection);
												if (pg_result_status($result4) == PGSQL_FATAL_ERROR) {
													$correct = 0;
										//END ----- Grant for secuences
									if ($correct) {
										$step5 = 1;
						check_generic ($step5, "Established privileges for user pandora. A new random password has been generated: <b>$random_password</b><div class='warn'>Please write it down, you will need to setup your Pandora FMS server, editing the </i>/etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf</i> file</div>");
						if ($step5) {
							$step6 = is_writable("include");
						check_generic ($step6, "Write permissions to save config file in './include'");
						if ($step6) {
							$cfgin = fopen ("include/config.inc.php","r");
							$cfgout = fopen ($pandora_config,"w");
							$config_contents = fread ($cfgin, filesize("include/config.inc.php"));
							$dbtype = 'postgresql';
							$config_new = '<?php
							// Begin of automatic config file
							$config["dbtype"] = "' . $dbtype . '"; //DB type (mysql, postgresql...in future others)
							$config["dbname"]="'.$dbname.'";			// MySQL DataBase name
							$config["dbuser"]="pandora";			// DB User
							$config["dbpass"]="'.$random_password.'";	// DB Password
							$config["dbhost"]="'.$dbhost.'";			// DB Host
							$config["homedir"]="'.$path.'";		// Config homedir
							$config["homeurl"]="'.$url.'";			// Base URL
							// End of automatic config file
							$step7 = fputs ($cfgout, $config_new);
							$step7 = $step7 + fputs ($cfgout, $config_contents);
							if ($step7 > 0)
								$step7 = 1;
							fclose ($cfgin);
							fclose ($cfgout);
							chmod ($pandora_config, 0600);
						check_generic ($step7, "Created new config file at '".$pandora_config."'");
						if (($step7 + $step6 + $step5 + $step4 + $step3 + $step2 + $step1) == 7) {
							$everything_ok = 1;
		echo "</table></div>";

		echo "<div id='install_img'>";
			if ($everything_ok == 1) {
				echo "<br><br><a href='install.php?step=5'>
				<img align='right' src='images/arrow_next.png' border='0' alt=''></a>";
			else {
				$info = "<div class='warn'><b>There were some problems.
				Installation was not completed.</b> 
				<p>Please correct failures before trying again.
				All database "; 
				if ($engine == 'oracle')
					$info .= "objects ";
					$info .= "schemes ";
				$info .= "created in this step have been dropped. </p>
				echo $info;
				switch ($engine) {
					case 'mysql':
						if (mysql_error() != "") {
							echo "<div class='warn'> <b>ERROR:</b> ". mysql_error().".</div>";
						if ($step1 == 1) {
							mysql_query ("DROP DATABASE $dbname");
					case 'pgsql':
					case 'oracle':
		echo "
	<div id='foot_install'>
		<i>Pandora FMS is an Open Source Software project registered at 
		<a target='_new' href='http://pandora.sourceforge.net'>SourceForge</a></i>

function install_step5() {
	echo "
	<div id='install_container'>
	<div id='wizard' style='height: 300px;'>
		<div id='install_box'>
			<h2>Installation complete</h2>
			<p>For security, you now must manually delete this installer 
			('<i>install.php</i>') file before trying to access to your Pandora FMS console.
			<p>You should also install Pandora FMS Servers before trying to monitor anything; 
			please read documentation on how to install it.</p>
			<p>Default user is <b>'admin'</b> with password <b>'pandora'</b>, 
			please change it both as soon as possible.</p>
			<p>Don't forget to check <a href='http://pandorafms.com'>http://pandorafms.com</a> 
			for updates.
			<p><br><b><a href='index.php'>Click here to access to your Pandora FMS console</a>.</b>
		print_logo_status (5,5);
	echo "</div>
	<div id='foot_install'>
		<i>Pandora FMS is an OpenSource Software project registered at 
		<a target='_new' href='http://pandora.sourceforge.net'>SourceForge</a></i>

// ---------------
// Main page code
// ---------------

if (! isset($_GET["step"])){
else {
	$step = $_GET["step"];
	switch ($step) {
		case 11: install_step1_licence();
		case 2: install_step2();
		case 3: install_step3();
		case 4: install_step4();
		case 5: install_step5();
