var correct_install_progress = true; function form_upload (homeurl) { if (typeof homeurl !== 'undefined') homeurl += '/'; else homeurl = ''; //Thanks to: var ul = $('#form-offline_update ul'); $('#form-offline_update div') .prop("id", "drop_file"); $('#drop_file') .html(drop_the_package_here_or + '   ' + browse_it +'' + ''); $('#drop_file a').click(function() { // Simulate a click on the file input button to show the file browser dialog $(this).parent().find('input').click(); }); // Initialize the jQuery File Upload plugin $('#form-offline_update').fileupload({ url: homeurl + 'ajax.php?page=include/ajax/update_manager.ajax&upload_file=true', // This element will accept file drag/drop uploading dropZone: $('#drop_file'), // This function is called when a file is added to the queue; // either via the browse button, or via drag/drop: add: function (e, data) { $('#drop_file').slideUp(); var tpl = $('
  • ' + '' + '

    ' + '
  • '); // Append the file name and file size tpl.find('p').text(data.files[0].name) .append('' + formatFileSize(data.files[0].size) + ''); // Add the HTML to the UL element ul.html(""); data.context = tpl.appendTo(ul); // Initialize the knob plugin tpl.find('input').val(0); tpl.find('input').knob({ 'draw' : function () { $(this.i).val( + '%') } }); // Listen for clicks on the cancel icon tpl.find('span').click(function() { if (tpl.hasClass('working') && typeof jqXHR != 'undefined') { jqXHR.abort(); } tpl.fadeOut(function() { tpl.remove(); $('#drop_file').slideDown(); }); }); // Automatically upload the file once it is added to the queue data.context.addClass('working'); var jqXHR = data.submit(); }, progress: function(e, data) { // Calculate the completion percentage of the upload var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / * 100, 10); // Update the hidden input field and trigger a change // so that the jQuery knob plugin knows to update the dial data.context.find('input').val(progress).change(); if (progress == 100) { data.context.removeClass('working'); // Class loading while the zip is extracted data.context.addClass('loading'); } }, fail: function(e, data) { // Something has gone wrong! data.context.removeClass('working'); data.context.removeClass('loading'); data.context.addClass('error'); }, done: function (e, data) { var res = JSON.parse(data.result); if (res.status == "success") { data.context.removeClass('loading'); data.context.addClass('suc'); ul.find('li').find('span').unbind("click"); // Transform the file input zone to show messages $('#drop_file').prop('id', 'log_zone'); // Success messages $('#log_zone').html("
    " + the_package_has_been_uploaded_successfully + "
    "); $('#log_zone').append("
    " + remember_that_this_package_will + "
    "); $('#log_zone').append("
    " + click_on_the_file_below_to_begin + "
    "); // Show messages $('#log_zone').slideDown(400, function() { $('#log_zone').height(75); $('#log_zone').css("overflow", "auto"); }); // Bind the the begin of the installation to the package li ul.find('li').css("cursor", "pointer"); ul.find('li').click(function () { ul.find('li').unbind("click"); ul.find('li').css("cursor", "default"); // Change the log zone to show the copied files $('#log_zone').html(""); $('#log_zone').slideUp(200, function() { $('#log_zone').slideDown(200, function() { $('#log_zone').height(200); $('#log_zone').css("overflow", "auto"); }); }); // Changed the data that shows the file li data.context.find('p').text(updating + "..."); data.context.find('input').val(0).change(); // Begin the installation install_package(res.package, homeurl); }); } else { // Something has gone wrong! data.context.removeClass('loading'); data.context.addClass('error'); ul.find('li').find('span').click( function() { window.location.reload(); }); // Transform the file input zone to show messages $('#drop_file').prop('id', 'log_zone'); // Error messages $('#log_zone').html("
    "); // Show error messages $('#log_zone').slideDown(400, function() { $('#log_zone').height(75); $('#log_zone').css("overflow", "auto"); }); } } }); // Prevent the default action when a file is dropped on the window $(document).on('drop_file dragover', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); } // Helper function that formats the file sizes function formatFileSize(bytes) { if (typeof bytes !== 'number') { return ''; } if (bytes >= 1000000000) { return (bytes / 1000000000).toFixed(2) + ' GB'; } if (bytes >= 1000000) { return (bytes / 1000000).toFixed(2) + ' MB'; } return (bytes / 1000).toFixed(2) + ' KB'; } function install_package (package, homeurl) { if (typeof homeurl !== 'undefined') homeurl += '/'; else homeurl = ''; var parameters = {}; parameters['page'] = 'include/ajax/update_manager.ajax'; parameters['install_package'] = 1; parameters['package'] = package; $('#form-offline_update ul').find('li').removeClass('suc'); $('#form-offline_update ul').find('li').addClass('loading'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: homeurl + 'ajax.php', data: parameters, dataType: "json", success: function (data) { $('#form-offline_update ul').find('li').removeClass('loading'); if (data.status == "success") { $('#form-offline_update ul').find('li').addClass('suc'); $('#form-offline_update ul').find('li').find('p').html(package_updated_successfully) .append("" + if_there_are_any_database_change + ""); } else { $('#form-offline_update ul').find('li').addClass('error'); $('#form-offline_update ul').find('li').find('p').html(package_not_updated) .append(""+data.message+""); } $('#form-offline_update ul').find('li').css("cursor", "pointer"); $('#form-offline_update ul').find('li').click(function() { window.location.reload(); }); } }); // Check the status of the update check_install_package(package, homeurl); } function check_install_package(package, homeurl) { var parameters = {}; parameters['page'] = 'include/ajax/update_manager.ajax'; parameters['check_install_package'] = 1; parameters['package'] = package; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: homeurl + 'ajax.php', data: parameters, dataType: "json", success: function(data) { // Print the updated files and take the scroll to the bottom $("#log_zone").html(; $("#log_zone").scrollTop($("#log_zone").prop("scrollHeight")); // Change the progress bar if ($('#form-offline_update ul').find('li').hasClass('suc')) { $('#form-offline_update').find('ul').find('li').find('input').val(100).trigger('change'); } else { $('#form-offline_update').find('ul').find('li').find('input').val(data['progress']).trigger('change'); } // The class loading is present until the update ends var isInstalling = $('#form-offline_update ul').find('li').hasClass('loading'); if (data.progress < 100 && isInstalling) { // Recursive call to check the update status check_install_package(package, homeurl); } } }) } function check_online_free_packages(homeurl) { if (typeof homeurl !== 'undefined') homeurl += '/'; else homeurl = ''; $("#box_online .checking_package").show(); var parameters = {}; parameters['page'] = 'include/ajax/update_manager.ajax'; parameters['check_online_free_packages'] = 1; homeurl + "ajax.php", parameters, function (data) { $("#box_online .checking_package").hide(); $("#box_online .loading").hide(); $("#box_online .content").html(data); }, "html" ); } function update_last_package(package, version, homeurl) { if (typeof homeurl !== 'undefined') homeurl += '/'; else homeurl = ''; version_update = version; $("#box_online .content").html(""); $("#box_online .loading").show(); $("#box_online .download_package").show(); var parameters = {}; parameters['page'] = 'include/ajax/update_manager.ajax'; parameters['update_last_free_package'] = 1; parameters['package'] = package; parameters['version'] = version; homeurl + "ajax.php", parameters, function (data) { if (data['in_progress']) { $("#box_online .loading").hide(); $("#box_online .download_package").hide(); $("#box_online .content").html(data['message']); install_free_package(package, version, homeurl); setTimeout(function () { check_progress_update(homeurl); }, 1000); } else { $("#box_online .content").html(data['message']); } }, "json" ); } function check_progress_update(homeurl) { if (typeof homeurl !== 'undefined') homeurl += '/'; else homeurl = ''; if (stop_check_progress) { return; } var parameters = {}; parameters['page'] = 'include/ajax/update_manager.ajax'; parameters['check_update_free_package'] = 1; homeurl + "ajax.php", parameters, function (data) { if (stop_check_progress) { return; } if (data['correct']) { if (data['end']) { //$("#box_online .content").html(data['message']); } else { $("#box_online .progressbar").show(); $("#box_online .progressbar .progressbar_img").attr('src', data['progressbar']); setTimeout(function () { check_progress_update(homeurl); }, 1000); } } else { correct_install_progress = false; $("#box_online .content").html(data['message']); } }, "json" ); } function install_free_package(package, version, homeurl) { if (typeof homeurl !== 'undefined') homeurl += '/'; else homeurl = ''; var parameters = {}; parameters['page'] = 'include/ajax/update_manager.ajax'; parameters['install_free_package'] = 1; parameters['package'] = package; parameters['version'] = version; jQuery.ajax ({ data: parameters, type: 'POST', url: homeurl + "ajax.php", timeout: 600000, dataType: "json", error: function(data) { correct_install_progress = false; stop_check_progress = 1; $("#box_online .loading").hide(); $("#box_online .progressbar").hide(); $("#box_online .content").html(unknown_error_update_manager); }, success: function (data) { if (correct_install_progress) { if (data["status"] == "success") { $("#box_online .loading").hide(); $("#box_online .progressbar").hide(); $("#box_online .content").html(data['message']); stop_check_progress = 1; } else { $("#box_online .loading").hide(); $("#box_online .progressbar").hide(); $("#box_online .content").html(data['message']); stop_check_progress = 1; } } else { stop_check_progress = 1; } } }); }