1 && (++$i) > $limit) { break; } $modules[] = self::build($row); } return $modules; } else { return self::build($rs[0]); } } /** * Returns current object as array. * * @return array Of fields. */ public function toArray() { return $this->fields; } /** * Creates a module object from given data. Avoid query duplication. * * @param array $data Module information. * @param string $class_str Class type. * * @return PandoraFMS\Module Object. */ public static function build( array $data=[], string $class_str='\PandoraFMS\Module' ) { $obj = new $class_str(); // Set values. foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $obj->{$k}($v); } if ($obj->nombre() === 'delete_pending') { return null; } // Customize certain fields. $obj->status = new ModuleStatus($obj->id_agente_modulo()); $obj->moduleType = new ModuleType($obj->id_tipo_modulo()); // Include some enterprise dependencies. enterprise_include_once('include/functions_config_agents.php'); // Load configuration data from agent configuration if available. $obj->configuration_data( \enterprise_hook( 'config_agents_get_module_from_conf', [ $obj->id_agente(), \io_safe_output($obj->nombre()), ] ) ); // Classic compat. $obj->configurationDataOld = $obj->configurationData; return $obj; } /** * Builds a PandoraFMS\Module object from given id. * * @param integer|null $id_agent_module Module id. * @param boolean $link_agent Link agent object. * @param integer|null $nodeId Target node (if metaconsole * environment). * * @throws \Exception On error. */ public function __construct( ?int $id_agent_module=null, bool $link_agent=false, ?int $nodeId=null ) { if (is_numeric($id_agent_module) === true && $id_agent_module > 0 ) { if ($nodeId > 0) { $this->nodeId = $nodeId; } try { // Connect to node if needed. $this->connectNode(); parent::__construct( 'tagente_modulo', ['id_agente_modulo' => $id_agent_module] ); // Restore. $this->restoreConnection(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->restoreConnection(); // Forward exception. throw $e; } if ($this->nombre() === 'delete_pending' || $this->nombre() === 'pendingdelete' ) { throw new \Exception('Object is pending to be deleted', 1); } if ($link_agent === true) { try { $this->linkedAgent = new Agent($this->id_agente()); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Unexistent agent. throw new \Exception( __METHOD__.__( ' error: Module has no agent assigned.' ) ); } } } else { // Create empty skel. parent::__construct('tagente_modulo'); } try { // Connect to node if needed. $this->connectNode(); // Customize certain fields. $this->status = new ModuleStatus($this->fields['id_agente_modulo']); // Restore. $this->restoreConnection(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Restore. $this->restoreConnection(); $this->status = new Modulestatus(); } // Customize certain fields. $this->moduleType = new ModuleType($this->id_tipo_modulo()); // Include some enterprise dependencies. enterprise_include_once('include/functions_config_agents.php'); // Load configuration data from agent configuration if available. $this->configuration_data( \enterprise_hook( 'config_agents_get_module_from_conf', [ $this->id_agente(), \io_safe_output($this->nombre()), ] ) ); // Backup. Classic compat. $this->configurationDataOld = $this->configurationData; } /** * Return agent object where module is defined. * * @return PandoraFMS\Agent Where module is defined. */ public function agent() { if ($this->linkedAgent === null) { try { // Connect to node if needed. $this->connectNode(); $this->linkedAgent = new Agent($this->id_agente()); // Connect to node if needed. $this->restoreConnection(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Connect to node if needed. $this->restoreConnection(); // Unexistent agent. return null; } } return $this->linkedAgent; } /** * Get/set for disable field, this method also takes in mind the status of * assigned agent (if any). * * @param boolean|null $disabled Used in set operations. * * @return boolean|null Return disabled status for this module or null if * set operation. */ public function disabled(?bool $disabled=null) { if ($disabled === null) { if ($this->agent() !== null) { return ((bool) $this->fields['disabled'] || (bool) $this->agent()->disabled()); } return ((bool) $this->fields['disabled']); } $this->fields['disabled'] = $disabled; return null; } /** * Dynamically call methods in this object. * * @param string $methodName Name of target method or attribute. * @param array $params Arguments for target method. * * @return mixed Return of method. * @throws \Exception On error. */ public function __call(string $methodName, ?array $params=null) { // Prioritize written methods over dynamic ones. if (method_exists($this, $methodName) === true) { return $this->{$methodName}($params); } if (is_array($this->fields) === false) { // Element deleted. return null; } if (array_key_exists($methodName, $this->fields) === true) { if (empty($params) === false) { if ($this->is_local() === true) { $keyName = $methodName; if ($methodName === 'nombre') { $keyName = 'name'; } if ($methodName === 'descripcion') { $keyName = 'description'; } if ($methodName === 'post_process') { $keyName = 'postprocess'; } if ($methodName === 'max_timeout') { $keyName = 'timeout'; } if ($methodName === 'max_retries') { $keyName = 'retries'; } if (in_array( 'module_'.$keyName, [ 'module_name', 'module_description', 'module_type', 'module_max', 'module_min', 'module_postprocess', 'module_interval', 'module_timeout', 'module_retries', 'module_min_critical', 'module_max_critical', 'module_min_warning', 'module_max_warning', ] ) === true ) { $this->updateConfigurationData( 'module_'.$methodName, $params[0] ); } } $this->fields[$methodName] = $params[0]; return null; } else { return $this->fields[$methodName]; } } return parent::__call($methodName, $params); } /** * Return last value reported by the module. * * @return mixed Data depending on module type. */ public function lastValue() { return $this->status->datos(); } /** * Sets or retrieves value of id_tipo_modulo (complex). * * @param integer|null $id_tipo_modulo Id module type. * * @return PandoraFMS\ModuleType corresponding to this module type. * @throws \Exception On error. */ public function moduleType(?int $id_tipo_modulo=null) { if ($id_tipo_modulo === null) { return $this->moduleType; } if (is_numeric($id_tipo_modulo) === true && $id_tipo_modulo > 0) { $this->moduleType = new ModuleType($id_tipo_modulo); $this->fields['id_tipo_modulo'] = $this->moduleType->id_tipo(); } else { throw new \Exception('Invalid id_tipo_modulo '.$id_tipo_modulo); } } /** * Return last status reported by the module. * * @return mixed Data depending on module type. */ public function lastStatus() { return $this->status->estado(); } /** * Retrieves last status in text format. * * @return string Status in text format. */ public function lastStatusText() { switch ($this->lastStatus()) { case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD: return 'critical'; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING: return 'warning'; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: return 'unknown'; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NO_DATA: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT: return 'not_init'; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL: default: return 'ok'; } } /** * Return path to image representing last status. * * @return string Relative URL to image. */ public function lastStatusImage() { switch ($this->lastStatus()) { case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD: return STATUS_MODULE_CRITICAL_BALL; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING: return STATUS_MODULE_WARNING_BALL; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: return STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN_BALL; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NO_DATA: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT: return STATUS_MODULE_NO_DATA_BALL; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL: default: return STATUS_MODULE_OK_BALL; } } /** * Return translated string representing last status of the module. * * @return string Title. */ public function lastStatusTitle() { switch ($this->lastStatus()) { case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD: return __('CRITICAL'); case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING: return __('WARNING'); case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: return __('UNKNOWN'); case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NO_DATA: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT: return __('NO DATA'); case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL: default: return __('NORMAL'); } } /** * Sets or retrieves value of id_tipo_modulo (complex). * * @param integer|null $id_tipo_modulo Id module type. * * @return integer corresponding to this module type. * @throws \Exception On error. */ public function id_tipo_modulo(?int $id_tipo_modulo=null) { if ($id_tipo_modulo === null) { return $this->fields['id_tipo_modulo']; } return $this->moduleType($id_tipo_modulo); } /** * Returns current status. * * @return PandoraFMS\ModuleStatus Status of the module. */ public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } /** * Alias for field 'nombre'. * * @param string|null $name Name or empty if get operation. * * @return string|null Name or empty if set operation. */ public function name(?string $name=null) { if ($name === null) { return $this->nombre(); } $this->nombre($name); } /** * Retrieve all alert templates (ids) assigned to current module. * * @return array Of ids. */ public function alertTemplatesAssigned() { if ($this->id_agente_modulo() === null) { // Need to be stored first. return []; } $result = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'talert_template_modules', ['id_agent_module' => $this->id_agente_modulo()], 'id_alert_template' ); if ($result === false) { return []; } return array_reduce( $result, function ($carry, $item) { $carry[] = $item['id_alert_template']; return $carry; }, [] ); } /** * Remove a alert template assignment. * * @param integer $id_alert_template Target id. * * @return boolean Success or not. */ public function unassignAlertTemplate(int $id_alert_template) { if ($this->id_agente_modulo() === null) { // Need to be stored first. return false; } if (is_numeric($id_alert_template) === false || $id_alert_template <= 0 ) { // Invalid alert template. return false; } return (bool) \db_process_sql_delete( 'talert_template_modules', [ 'id_agent_module' => $this->id_agente_modulo(), 'id_alert_template' => $id_alert_template, ] ); } /** * Add an alert template to this module. * * @param integer|null $id_alert_template Target alert template. * * @return boolean Status of adding process. */ public function addAlertTemplate(?int $id_alert_template=null) { if ($this->id_agente_modulo() === null) { // Need to be stored first. return false; } if (is_numeric($id_alert_template) === false || $id_alert_template <= 0 ) { // Invalid alert template. return false; } return (bool) \db_process_sql_insert( 'talert_template_modules', [ 'id_agent_module' => $this->id_agente_modulo(), 'id_alert_template' => $id_alert_template, 'last_reference' => time(), ] ); } /** * Saves current definition to database. * * @return mixed Affected rows of false in case of error. * @throws \Exception On error. */ public function save() { if (empty($this->fields['nombre']) === true) { throw new \Exception( get_class($this).' error, "nombre" is not set' ); } if (empty($this->fields['id_agente']) === true) { throw new \Exception( get_class($this).' error, "id_agente" is not set' ); } // Include some enterprise dependencies. enterprise_include_once('include/functions_config_agents.php'); $updates = $this->fields; $updates['id_tipo_modulo'] = $this->moduleType()->id_tipo(); // In the case of the webserver modules, debug_content special characters must be handled. if ($updates['id_tipo_modulo'] >= MODULE_TYPE_WEB_ANALYSIS && $updates['id_tipo_modulo'] <= MODULE_TYPE_WEB_CONTENT_STRING ) { $updates['debug_content'] = io_safe_input($updates['debug_content']); } if ($this->fields['id_agente_modulo'] > 0) { // Update. $rs = \db_process_sql_update( 'tagente_modulo', $updates, ['id_agente_modulo' => $this->fields['id_agente_modulo']] ); if ($rs === false) { global $config; throw new \Exception( __METHOD__.' error: '.$config['dbconnection']->error ); } // Save configuration data if needed. if ($this->configurationData !== null) { \enterprise_hook( 'config_agents_update_module_in_conf', [ $this->id_agente(), $this->configurationDataOld, $this->configurationData, ] ); } } else { // Creation. // Clean null fields. foreach ($updates as $k => $v) { if ($v === null) { unset($updates[$k]); } } $rs = \modules_create_agent_module( $this->fields['id_agente'], $updates['nombre'], $updates ); if ($rs === false || $rs < 0) { global $config; if ($rs === ERR_EXIST) { throw new \Exception( __METHOD__.': '.__( 'Module already exists: "%s"', $updates['nombre'] ) ); } throw new \Exception( __METHOD__.' error: '.$config['dbconnection']->error ); } $this->fields['id_agente_modulo'] = $rs; \enterprise_hook( 'config_agents_add_module_in_conf', [ $this->id_agente(), $this->configurationData, ] ); } return true; } /** * Verifies if module is local or not. * * @return boolean Is local, or not (false). */ public function is_local() { if ($this->moduleType()->is_local_datatype() === true) { if ($this->fields['id_modulo'] === MODULE_DATA) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Return true if module represents an interface (operStatus, in/outOctets) * * @return integer > 0 if interface module, 0 if not. */ public function isInterfaceModule():int { if (strstr($this->name(), '_ifOperStatus') !== false) { return self::INTERFACE_STATUS; } if (strstr($this->name(), '_ifInOctets') !== false) { return self::INTERFACE_INOCTETS; } if (strstr($this->name(), '_ifOutOctets') !== false) { return self::INTERFACE_OUTOCTETS; } if (strstr($this->name(), '_ifHCInOctets') !== false) { return self::INTERFACE_HC_INOCTETS; } if (strstr($this->name(), '_ifHCOutOctets') !== false) { return self::INTERFACE_HC_OUTOCTETS; } return 0; } /** * Return interface name if module represents an interface module. * * @return string|null Interface name or null. */ public function getInterfaceName():?string { $label = null; switch ($this->isInterfaceModule()) { case self::INTERFACE_STATUS: $label = '_ifOperStatus'; break; case self::INTERFACE_INOCTETS: $label = '_ifInOctets'; break; case self::INTERFACE_OUTOCTETS: $label = '_ifOutOctets'; break; case self::INTERFACE_HC_INOCTETS: $label = '_ifHCInOctets'; break; case self::INTERFACE_HC_OUTOCTETS: $label = '_ifHCOutOctets'; break; default: // Not an interface module. return null; } if (preg_match( '/^(.*?)'.$label.'$/', $this->name(), $matches ) > 0 ) { return $matches[1]; } return null; } /** * Transforms configuration data into an array. * * @return array Configuration data in array format. */ protected function configurationDataToArray() { $rr = explode("\n", $this->configurationData); $configuration = []; foreach ($rr as $line) { if (empty($line) === true) { continue; } if (preg_match('/module_begin/', $line) === 1) { continue; } if (preg_match('/module_end/', $line) === 1) { break; } $_tmp = explode(' ', $line, 2); $key = $_tmp[0]; $value = $_tmp[1]; $configuration[$key] = $value; } return $configuration; } /** * Updates remote configuration. * * @param string $key Left side (module_XXX). * @param string $value Value, could be empty. * * @return boolean True - configurationData updated, false if not. */ public function updateConfigurationData(string $key, ?string $value=null) { if ($this->is_local() !== true) { return false; } $cnf = $this->configurationDataToArray(); $cnf[$key] = $value; $str = "module_begin\n"; foreach ($cnf as $k => $v) { $str .= $k.' '.$v."\n"; } $str .= "module_end\n"; $this->configuration_data($str); return true; } /** * Get/set configuration data for current module. * * @param string|null $conf Configuration data (block). * * @return mixed Content or void if set. */ public function configuration_data(?string $conf=null) { if ($conf === null) { return $this->configurationData; } $this->configurationData = $conf; } /** * Erases this module. * * @return void */ public function delete() { \modules_delete_agent_module( $this->id_agente_modulo() ); unset($this->fields); unset($this->status); } /** * Transforms results from classic mode into modern exceptions. * * @param integer|boolean $result Result received from module management. * * @return integer Module id created or result. * @throws \Exception On error. */ public static function errorToException($result) { if ($result === ERR_INCOMPLETE) { throw new \Exception( __('Module name empty.') ); } if ($result === ERR_GENERIC) { throw new \Exception( __('Invalid characters in module name') ); } if ($result === ERR_EXIST) { throw new \Exception( __('Module already exists please select another name or agent.') ); } if ($result === false) { throw new \Exception( __('Insufficent permissions to perform this action') ); } if ($result === ERR_DB) { global $config; throw new \Exception( __('Error while processing: %s', $config['dbconnection']->error) ); } return $result; } /** * Calculates cascade protection service value for this service. * * @param integer|null $id_node Meta searching node will use this field. * @param boolean $connected Connected to a node. * * @return integer CPS value. * @throws \Exception On error. */ public function calculateCPS(?int $id_node=null, bool $connected=false) { if ($this->cps() < 0) { return $this->cps(); } // 1. check parents. $direct_parents = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_service, cps, cascade_protection, name FROM `tservice_element` te INNER JOIN `tservice` t ON te.id_service = t.id WHERE te.id_agente_modulo = %d', $this->id_agente_modulo() ) ); // Here could happen 2 things. // 1. Metaconsole service is using this method impersonating node DB. // 2. Node service is trying to find parents into metaconsole. // 3. Impersonated node searching metaconsole. if (empty($id_node) === true && is_metaconsole() === false && has_metaconsole() === true ) { // Node searching metaconsole. $mc_parents = []; global $config; $mc_db_conn = \enterprise_hook( 'metaconsole_load_external_db', [ [ 'dbhost' => $config['replication_dbhost'], 'dbuser' => $config['replication_dbuser'], 'dbpass' => io_output_password( $config['replication_dbpass'] ), 'dbname' => $config['replication_dbname'], ], ] ); if ($mc_db_conn === NOERR) { $mc_parents = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_service, cps, cascade_protection, name FROM `tservice_element` te INNER JOIN `tservice` t ON te.id_service = t.id WHERE te.id_agente_modulo = %d', $this->id_agente_modulo() ), false, false ); } // Restore the default connection. \enterprise_hook('metaconsole_restore_db'); } else if ($id_node > 0) { // Impersonated node. \enterprise_hook('metaconsole_restore_db'); $mc_parents = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_service, cps, cascade_protection, name FROM `tservice_element` te INNER JOIN `tservice` t ON te.id_service = t.id WHERE te.id_agente_modulo = %d', $this->id_agente_modulo() ), false, false ); // Restore impersonation. \enterprise_include_once('include/functions_metaconsole.php'); $r = \enterprise_hook( 'metaconsole_connect', [ null, $id_node, ] ); if ($r !== NOERR) { throw new \Exception(__('Cannot connect to node %d', $r)); } } else if (is_metaconsole() === true // True in impersonated nodes. && has_metaconsole() === false && empty($id_node) === true ) { // Impersonated node checking metaconsole. \enterprise_hook('metaconsole_restore_db'); $mc_parents = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT id_service, cps, cascade_protection, name FROM `tservice_element` te INNER JOIN `tservice` t ON te.id_service = t.id WHERE te.id_agente_modulo = %d', $this->id_agente_modulo() ), false, false ); // Restore impersonation. \enterprise_include_once('include/functions_metaconsole.php'); $r = \enterprise_hook( 'metaconsole_connect', [ null, $id_node, ] ); } $cps = 0; if (is_array($direct_parents) === false) { $direct_parents = []; } if (is_array($mc_parents) === false) { $mc_parents = []; } // Merge all parents (node and meta). $parents = array_merge($direct_parents, $mc_parents); foreach ($parents as $parent) { $cps += $parent['cps']; if (((bool) $parent['cascade_protection']) === true) { $cps++; } } return $cps; } }