0 && $data['monitor_checks'] > 0) { $data['monitor_health'] = format_numeric((100 - ($data['monitor_not_normal'] / ($data['monitor_checks'] / 100))), 1); } else { $data['monitor_health'] = 100; } if ($data['monitor_not_init'] > 0 && $data['monitor_checks'] > 0) { $data['module_sanity'] = format_numeric((100 - ($data['monitor_not_init'] / ($data['monitor_checks'] / 100))), 1); } else { $data['module_sanity'] = 100; } if (isset($data['alerts'])) { if ($data['monitor_alerts_fired'] > 0 && $data['alerts'] > 0) { $data['alert_level'] = format_numeric((100 - ($data['monitor_alerts_fired'] / ($data['alerts'] / 100))), 1); } else { $data['alert_level'] = 100; } } else { $data['alert_level'] = 100; $data['alerts'] = 0; } $data['monitor_bad'] = ($data['monitor_critical'] + $data['monitor_warning']); if ($data['monitor_bad'] > 0 && $data['monitor_checks'] > 0) { $data['global_health'] = format_numeric((100 - ($data['monitor_bad'] / ($data['monitor_checks'] / 100))), 1); } else { $data['global_health'] = 100; } $data['server_sanity'] = format_numeric((100 - $data['module_sanity']), 1); } ?>
class = 'databox'; $table->cellpadding = 4; $table->cellspacing = 4; $table->head = []; $table->data = []; $table->headstyle[0] = 'text-align:center;'; $table->width = '100%'; $table->head[0] = ''.__('%s Overview', get_product_name()).''; $table->head_colspan[0] = 4; // Indicators. $tdata = []; $stats = reporting_get_stats_indicators($data, 120, 10, false); $status = ''; foreach ($stats as $stat) { $status .= ''; } $status .= '
'; $table->data[0][0] = $status; $table->rowclass[] = ''; $table->data[] = $tdata; // Alerts. $tdata = []; $tdata[0] = reporting_get_stats_alerts($data); $table->rowclass[] = ''; $table->data[] = $tdata; // Modules by status. $tdata = []; $tdata[0] = reporting_get_stats_modules_status($data, 180, 100); $table->rowclass[] = ''; $table->data[] = $tdata; // Total agents and modules. $tdata = []; $tdata[0] = reporting_get_stats_agents_monitors($data); $table->rowclass[] = ''; $table->data[] = $tdata; // Users. if (users_is_admin()) { $tdata = []; $tdata[0] = reporting_get_stats_users($data); $table->rowclass[] = ''; $table->data[] = $tdata; } html_print_table($table); unset($table); ?>
'; echo ''; echo ''; if ($config['prominent_time'] == 'timestamp') { $comparation_suffix = ''; } else { $comparation_suffix = __('ago'); } foreach ($news as $article) { $image = false; if ($article['text'] == '<p style="text-align: center; font-size: 13px;">Hello, congratulations, if you've arrived here you already have an operational monitoring console. Remember that our forums and online documentation are available 24x7 to get you out of any trouble. You can replace this message with a personalized one at Admin tools -> Site news.</p> ') { $image = true; } $text_bbdd = io_safe_output($article['text']); $text = html_entity_decode($text_bbdd); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
'.__('News board').'
'.__('by').' '.$article['author'].' '.ui_print_timestamp($article['timestamp'], true).' '.$comparation_suffix.'
'; if ($image) { echo '
img colabora con nosotros - Support
'; } echo nl2br($text); echo '
'; echo ''; // News board. echo '

'; // END OF NEWS BOARD. } // LAST ACTIVITY. // Show last activity from this user. echo '
'; $table = new stdClass(); $table->class = 'info_table'; $table->cellpadding = 0; $table->cellspacing = 0; $table->width = '100%'; // Don't specify px. $table->data = []; $table->size = []; $table->size[0] = '5%'; $table->size[1] = '15%'; $table->size[2] = '15%'; $table->size[3] = '10%'; $table->size[4] = '25%'; $table->head = []; $table->head[0] = __('User'); $table->head[1] = __('Action'); $table->head[2] = __('Date'); $table->head[3] = __('Source IP'); $table->head[4] = __('Comments'); $table->title = ''.__('This is your last activity performed on the %s console', get_product_name()).''; $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT id_usuario,accion, ip_origen,descripcion,utimestamp FROM tsesion WHERE (`utimestamp` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - '.SECONDS_1WEEK.") AND `id_usuario` = '%s' ORDER BY `utimestamp` DESC LIMIT 10", $config['id_user'] ); $sessions = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($sessions === false) { $sessions = []; } foreach ($sessions as $session) { $data = []; $session_id_usuario = $session['id_usuario']; $session_ip_origen = $session['ip_origen']; $data[0] = ''.$session_id_usuario.''; $data[1] = ui_print_session_action_icon($session['accion'], true).' '.$session['accion']; $data[2] = ui_print_help_tip( date($config['date_format'], $session['utimestamp']), true ).human_time_comparation($session['utimestamp'], 'tiny'); $data[3] = $session_ip_origen; $description = str_replace([',', ', '], ', ', $session['descripcion']); if (strlen($description) > 100) { $data[4] = '
'.io_safe_output(substr($description, 0, 150).'...').'
'; } else { $data[4] = '
'; } array_push($table->data, $data); } echo "
"; html_print_table($table); unset($table); echo '
'; echo '