#!/usr/bin/perl #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # SNMP remote plugin # Depending on the configuration returns the result of these modules: # - % Memory Use # - % CPU Use # - % Disk Use # - Show if a process is running or not # # Artica ST # Copyright (C) 2013 mario.pulido@artica.es # # License: GPLv2+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # GPL License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Revised by Kevin Rojas 2020 kevin.rojas@pandorafms.com # - Added check for Module options # - Optimized SNMP v3 code # - Improved Help #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Revised by Kevin Rojas 2023 alejandro.sanchez@pandorafms.com # - Added plugin tools options like tentacle # - Added file conf for configuration # - added option for monitoring more than 1 process in the same execution #----------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use Getopt::Std; my $VERSION = 'v1r3'; #------------------------------ use File::Basename; my $dirname; BEGIN { $dirname = dirname(__FILE__);} use lib $dirname; use PandoraFMS::PluginTools; # Variables del conf my $config; $config = read_configuration($config); my $agent_name=$config->{'agent_name'}; my $mode=$config->{'mode'}; my $tentacle_ip=$config->{'tentacle_ip'}; my $tentacle_port=$config->{'tentacle_port'}; my $memuseconf=$config->{'memuse'}; my $diskuseconf=$config->{'diskuse'}; my $cpuloadconf=$config->{'cpuload'}; my $processconf=$config->{'process'}; my $numberprocess=$config->{'numberprocess'}; my @modules; my $module_group = $config->{'module_group'}; my $valid_conf = 1; my $as_server_plugin = $config->{'as_server_plugin'}; if ($config->{'mode'} eq "tentacle" && !$config->{'tentacle_ip'}){ print "ERROR: [transfer_mode] set to [tentacle], but no [tentacle_ip] provided.\n"; $valid_conf = 0; } #---------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # HELP #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($#ARGV == -1 ) { print "SNMP remote plugin ($VERSION). Retrieves information via SNMP for:\n"; print "\t- Memory Usage (%)\n"; print "\t- CPU Usage (%)\n"; print "\t- Disk Usage (%)\n"; print "\t- Whether a process is running (1) or not (0)\n"; print "\n"; print "Arguments:\n\n"; print "-H, --host=STRING\n"; print "\tHost IP\n"; print "-c, --community=STRING\n"; print "\tSNMP Community\n"; print "-m, --module=STRING\n"; print "\tDefine module (memuse|diskuse|process|cpuload) \n"; print "-d, --disk=STRING\n"; print "\t[Only for diskuse module] Define disk name (C:, D: in Windows) or mount point (Linux). Default: /\n"; print "-p, --process=STRING\n"; print "\t[Only for process module] Process or service name\n\n"; print "SNMP v3 options:\n"; print "\n"; print "-v, --version=STRING\n"; print "\tSNMP version (Default 2c)\n"; print "-u, --user=STRING\n"; print "\tAuth user\n"; print "-l, --level=STRING\n"; print "\tSecurity level\n"; print "-a STRING\n"; print "\tAuth method\n"; print "-A, --auth=STRING\n"; print "\tAuth pass\n"; print "-x STRING\n"; print "\tPrivacy method\n"; print "-X STRING\n"; print "\tPrivacy pass\n"; print "\n"; print "Usage: \n"; print "SNMP v1|2|2c:\n" ; print "\tperl $0 -H host -c community -m (memuse|diskuse|process|cpuload) [-p process -d disk] \n" ; print "SNMP v3:\n" ; print "\tperl $0 -H host -v 3 -u user -l seclevel -a authMethod -A authPass -x privMethod -X privPass -m (memuse|diskuse|process|cpuload) [-p process -d disk] \n" ; print "\n" ; exit; } my ( $host, # $opts{"H"} $community, # $opts{"c"} $disk, # $opts{"d"} $version, # $opts{"v"} $user, # $opts{"u"} $pass, # $opts{"A"} $security_level, # $opts{"l"} $auth_method, # $opts{"a"} $privacy_method, # $opts{"x"} $privacy_pass # $opts{"X"} ) = &options; #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTIONS #----------------------------------------------------------------------- sub options { # Get and check args my %opts; getopt( 'HcmdpvuAlaxX', \%opts ); #~ ' -u ' . $snmp3_auth_user . #~ ' -A ' . $snmp3_auth_pass . #~ ' -l ' . $snmp3_security_level . #~ ' -a ' . $snmp3_auth_method . #~ ' -x ' . $snmp3_privacy_method . #~ ' -X' $snmp3_privacy_pass; # host $opts{"H"} = 0 unless ( exists( $opts{"H"} ) ); # community $opts{"c"} = 0 unless ( exists( $opts{"c"} ) ); # module $opts{"m"} = 0 unless ( exists( $opts{"m"} ) ); # disk $opts{"d"} = "/" unless ( exists( $opts{"d"} ) ); # process $opts{"p"} = 0 unless ( exists( $opts{"p"} ) ); # version $opts{"v"} = "2c" unless ( exists( $opts{"v"} ) ); # user $opts{"u"} = "" unless ( exists( $opts{"u"} ) ); # auth_pass $opts{"A"} = "" unless ( exists( $opts{"A"} ) ); # security level $opts{"l"} = "noAuthNoPriv" unless ( exists( $opts{"l"} ) ); # auth method $opts{"a"} = "" unless ( exists( $opts{"a"} ) ); # privacy method $opts{"x"} = "" unless ( exists( $opts{"x"} ) ); # privacy pass $opts{"X"} = "" unless ( exists( $opts{"X"} ) ); return ( $opts{"H"}, $opts{"c"}, $opts{"d"}, $opts{"v"}, $opts{"u"}, $opts{"A"}, $opts{"l"}, $opts{"a"}, $opts{"x"}, $opts{"X"}); } # unless ( $module ~~ ["memuse","cpuload","process","diskuse"] ){ # print "Error: Invalid or missing argument (-m).\n"; # print "Available options: memuse | diskuse | process | cpuload \n\n"; # exit; # } unless ($host){ print "Error: missing host address.\n"; exit; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # SNMP Version parameters #----------------------------------------------------------------------- my $command_line_parameters; if ($version == "3") { if (lc($security_level) eq lc('authNoPriv')) { $command_line_parameters = "-v $version -u $user -a $auth_method -A '$pass' -l $security_level $host"; } elsif (lc($security_level) eq lc("AuthPriv")) { $command_line_parameters = "-v $version -u $user -a $auth_method -A '$pass' -l $security_level -x $privacy_method -X '$privacy_pass' $host"; } else { $command_line_parameters = "-v $version -u $user -l $security_level $host"; } } else { $command_line_parameters = "-v $version -c $community $host"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Memory use % module #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if($memuseconf==1){ my $memuse = 0; my $memid = `snmpwalk -On $command_line_parameters . | grep Physical | head -1 | gawk '{print \$1}' | gawk -F "." '{print \$13}' | tr -d "\r"`; my @memtot = split(/\s/, `snmpget $command_line_parameters .$memid `) ; my @memfree = split(/\s/, `snmpget $command_line_parameters .$memid `) ; if ($memid){ $memuse = ($memfree[-1]) * 100 / $memtot[-1]; #printf("%.2f", $memuse); push @modules, { 'name' => "Total RAM used (%)", 'type' => "generic_data", 'value' => $memuse, 'desc' => "Memory use % module", 'unit' => "%", 'module_group' => $module_group }; } else { print STDOUT "-1"; print STDERR "Error: Memory OID not found"; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disk use % module #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if($diskuseconf==1){ my $diskuse = 0; unless ($disk){ print "Error: Invalid or missing argument (-d).\n"; exit; } if ($disk =~ /\\ /) { $disk =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; } my $diskid = `snmpwalk -r 2 -On $command_line_parameters . | grep -F '$disk' | head -1 | gawk '{print \$1}' | gawk -F "." '{print \$13}' | tr -d "\r"`; my @disktot= split /\s/, `snmpget -r 2 $command_line_parameters .$diskid` ; if ($diskid == ""){ print STDOUT "-1"; print STDERR "Error: Disk or partition not found\n"; exit; } if ($disktot[-1] == 0) { $diskuse = 0; } else { my @diskfree = split (/\s/, `snmpget -r 2 $command_line_parameters .$diskid`) ; $diskuse = ($disktot[-1] - $diskfree[-1]) * 100 / $disktot[-1]; } #printf("%.2f", $diskuse); push @modules, { 'name' => "Storage Physical (%)", 'type' => "generic_data", 'value' => $diskuse, 'desc' => "Disk use % module", 'unit' => "%", 'module_group' => $module_group }; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process Status module #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if($processconf==1){ my $i; my $count=0; my $status = 0; $status = `snmpwalk $command_line_parameters . 2>/dev/null`; for ($i=0;$i<$numberprocess;$i++){ $count=$count+1; my $processname =$config->{'process'. $count}; if ($? == 0) { push @modules, { 'name' => 'Process "'.$processname.'"', 'type' => "generic_proc", 'value' => ($status =~ m/$processname/mi)?1:0, 'desc' => "Process Status module", 'module_group' => $module_group }; } #print (($status =~ m/$process/mi)?1:0); } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CPU Load % module #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if($cpuloadconf==1){ my $cputotal = 0; my $cpuload = `snmpwalk $command_line_parameters . | gawk '{print \$4}' `; my @cpuload = split(/\n/, $cpuload); my $sum; my $counter = 0; foreach my $val(@cpuload) { $sum = $sum + $val; $counter++; } $cputotal = $sum/$counter; push @modules, { 'name' => "CPU Load (%)", 'type' => "generic_data", 'value' =>$cputotal, 'desc' => "CPU Load % module", 'unit' => "%", 'module_group' => $module_group }; #print $cputotal; } my $xml = print_agent($config, { 'agent_name' => $agent_name }, \@modules); if (!transfer_xml($config, $xml)){ if ($as_server_plugin != 1){ print_module ($config, { name => "snmp_remote", type => "generic_proc", desc => "", value => 0, }); } exit 0; } #print $xml;