/* Javascript plotting library for jQuery, version 0.8.3.

Copyright (c) 2007-2014 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
Licensed under the MIT license.

(function ($) { var options = { canvas: true }; var render, getTextInfo, addText; var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function init(plot, classes) { var Canvas = classes.Canvas; if (render == null) { getTextInfo = Canvas.prototype.getTextInfo, addText = Canvas.prototype.addText, render = Canvas.prototype.render } Canvas.prototype.render = function () { if (!plot.getOptions().canvas) { return render.call(this) } var context = this.context, cache = this._textCache; context.save(); context.textBaseline = "middle"; for (var layerKey in cache) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(cache, layerKey)) { var layerCache = cache[layerKey]; for (var styleKey in layerCache) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(layerCache, styleKey)) { var styleCache = layerCache[styleKey], updateStyles = true; for (var key in styleCache) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(styleCache, key)) { var info = styleCache[key], positions = info.positions, lines = info.lines; if (updateStyles) { context.fillStyle = info.font.color; context.font = info.font.definition; updateStyles = false } for (var i = 0, position; position = positions[i]; i++) { if (position.active) { for (var j = 0, line; line = position.lines[j]; j++) { context.fillText(lines[j].text, line[0], line[1]) } } else { positions.splice(i--, 1) } } if (positions.length == 0) { delete styleCache[key] } } } } } } } context.restore() }; Canvas.prototype.getTextInfo = function (layer, text, font, angle, width) { if (!plot.getOptions().canvas) { return getTextInfo.call(this, layer, text, font, angle, width) } var textStyle, layerCache, styleCache, info; text = "" + text; if (typeof font === "object") { textStyle = font.style + " " + font.variant + " " + font.weight + " " + font.size + "px " + font.family } else { textStyle = font } layerCache = this._textCache[layer]; if (layerCache == null) { layerCache = this._textCache[layer] = {} } styleCache = layerCache[textStyle]; if (styleCache == null) { styleCache = layerCache[textStyle] = {} } info = styleCache[text]; if (info == null) { var context = this.context; if (typeof font !== "object") { var element = $("<div>&nbsp;</div>").css("position", "absolute").addClass(typeof font === "string" ? font : null).appendTo(this.getTextLayer(layer)); console.log("entra"); font = { lineHeight: element.height(), style: element.css("font-style"), variant: element.css("font-variant"), weight: element.css("font-weight"), family: element.css("font-family"), color: element.css("color") }; font.size = element.css("line-height", 1).height(); element.remove() } textStyle = font.style + " " + font.variant + " " + font.weight + " " + font.size + "px " + font.family; info = styleCache[text] = { width: 0, height: 0, positions: [], lines: [], font: { definition: textStyle, color: font.color } }; context.save(); context.font = textStyle; var lines = (text + "").replace(/<br ?\/?>|\r\n|\r/g, "\n").split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { var lineText = lines[i], measured = context.measureText(lineText); info.width = Math.max(measured.width, info.width); info.height += font.lineHeight; info.lines.push({ text: lineText, width: measured.width, height: font.lineHeight }) } context.restore() } return info }; Canvas.prototype.addText = function (layer, x, y, text, font, angle, width, halign, valign) { if (!plot.getOptions().canvas) { return addText.call(this, layer, x, y, text, font, angle, width, halign, valign) } var info = this.getTextInfo(layer, text, font, angle, width), positions = info.positions, lines = info.lines; y += info.height / lines.length / 2; if (valign == "middle") { y = Math.round(y - info.height / 2) } else if (valign == "bottom") { y = Math.round(y - info.height) } else { y = Math.round(y) } if (!!(window.opera && window.opera.version().split(".")[0] < 12)) { y -= 2 } for (var i = 0, position; position = positions[i]; i++) { if (position.x == x && position.y == y) { position.active = true; return } } position = { active: true, lines: [], x: x, y: y }; positions.push(position); for (var i = 0, line; line = lines[i]; i++) { if (halign == "center") { position.lines.push([Math.round(x - line.width / 2), y]) } else if (halign == "right") { position.lines.push([Math.round(x - line.width), y]) } else { position.lines.push([Math.round(x), y]) } y += line.height } } } $.plot.plugins.push({ init: init, options: options, name: "canvas", version: "1.0" }) })(jQuery);