dynamic $sla['sla_max'], // max_value -> dynamic $inverse_interval, // inverse_interval -> dynamic array ( "1" => $content["sunday"], "2" => $content["monday"], "3" => $content["tuesday"], "4" => $content["wednesday"], "5" => $content["thursday"], "6" => $content["friday"], "7" => $content["saturday"] ), $content['time_from'], $content['time_to'], $slice ); if ($metaconsole_on) { //Restore db connection metaconsole_restore_db(); } $server_name = $sla ['server_name']; //Metaconsole connection if ($metaconsole_on && $server_name != '') { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_connect($connection) != NOERR) { continue; } } if ($show_graphs) { $planned_downtimes = reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals($sla['id_agent_module'], $report['datetime'] - $content['period'], $report['datetime']); if ( (is_array($planned_downtimes)) && (count($planned_downtimes) > 0)){ // Sort retrieved planned downtimes usort($planned_downtimes, function ($a, $b) { $a = intval($a["date_from"]); $b = intval($b["date_from"]); if ($a==$b) { return 0; } return ($a<$b)?-1:1; }); // Compress (overlapped) planned downtimes $npd = count($planned_downtimes); for ($i=0; $i<$npd; $i++) { if (isset($planned_downtimes[$i+1])) { if ($planned_downtimes[$i]["date_to"] >= $planned_downtimes[$i+1]["date_from"]) { // merge $planned_downtimes[$i]["date_to"] = $planned_downtimes[$i+1]["date_to"]; array_splice ($planned_downtimes, $i+1, 1); $npd--; } } } } else { $planned_downtimes = null; } } $data = array(); $data['agent'] = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($sla['id_agent_module']); $data['module'] = modules_get_agentmodule_name($sla['id_agent_module']); $data['max'] = $sla['sla_max']; $data['min'] = $sla['sla_min']; $data['sla_limit'] = $sla['sla_limit']; $data['dinamic_text'] = $dinamic_text; if(isset($sla_array[0])){ $data['time_total'] = 0; $data['time_ok'] = 0; $data['time_error'] = 0; $data['time_unknown'] = 0; $data['time_not_init'] = 0; $data['time_downtime'] = 0; $data['checks_total'] = 0; $data['checks_ok'] = 0; $data['checks_error'] = 0; $data['checks_unknown'] = 0; $data['checks_not_init'] = 0; $raw_graph = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($sla_array as $value_sla) { $data['time_total'] += $value_sla['time_total']; $data['time_ok'] += $value_sla['time_ok']; $data['time_error'] += $value_sla['time_error']; $data['time_unknown'] += $value_sla['time_unknown']; $data['time_downtime'] += $value_sla['time_downtime']; $data['time_not_init'] += $value_sla['time_not_init']; $data['checks_total'] += $value_sla['checks_total']; $data['checks_ok'] += $value_sla['checks_ok']; $data['checks_error'] += $value_sla['checks_error']; $data['checks_unknown'] += $value_sla['checks_unknown']; $data['checks_not_init'] += $value_sla['checks_not_init']; // generate raw data for graph if ($value_sla['time_total'] != 0) { if ($value_sla['time_error'] > 0) { // ERR $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 3; } elseif ($value_sla['time_unknown'] > 0) { // UNKNOWN $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 4; } elseif ($value_sla['time_not_init'] == $value_sla['time_total']) { // NOT INIT $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 6; } else { $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 1; } } else { $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 7; } $raw_graph[$i]['utimestamp'] = $value_sla['date_to'] - $value_sla['date_from']; if (isset($planned_downtimes)) { foreach($planned_downtimes as $pd){ if( ($value_sla['date_from'] >= $pd['date_from']) && ($value_sla['date_to'] <= $pd['date_to']) ) { $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 5; // in scheduled downtime break; } } } $i++; } $data['sla_value'] = ($data['time_ok']/($data['time_ok']+$data['time_error']))*100; $data['sla_fixed'] = sla_truncate($data['sla_value'], $config['graph_precision'] ); } else{ //Show only table not divider in slice for defect slice=1 $data['time_total'] = $sla_array['time_total']; $data['time_ok'] = $sla_array['time_ok']; $data['time_error'] = $sla_array['time_error']; $data['time_unknown'] = $sla_array['time_unknown']; $data['time_downtime'] = $sla_array['time_downtime']; $data['time_not_init'] = $sla_array['time_not_init']; $data['checks_total'] = $sla_array['checks_total']; $data['checks_ok'] = $sla_array['checks_ok']; $data['checks_error'] = $sla_array['checks_error']; $data['checks_unknown'] = $sla_array['checks_unknown']; $data['checks_not_init'] = $sla_array['checks_not_init']; $data['sla_value'] = $sla_array['SLA']; } //checks whether or not it meets the SLA if ($data['sla_value'] >= $sla['sla_limit']) { $data['sla_status'] = 1; $sla_failed = false; } else { $sla_failed = true; $data['sla_status'] = 0; } //Do not show right modules if 'only_display_wrong' is active if($content['only_display_wrong'] && $sla_failed == false){ continue; } //find order $data['order'] = $data['sla_value']; if($show_table) { $return['data'][] = $data; } // Slice graphs calculation if ($show_graphs) { $dataslice = array(); $dataslice['agent'] = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($sla['id_agent_module']); $dataslice['module'] = modules_get_agentmodule_name ($sla['id_agent_module']); $dataslice['sla_value'] = $data['sla_value']; $dataslice['order'] = $data['sla_value']; $dataslice['chart'] = graph_sla_slicebar( $sla['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $sla['sla_min'], $sla['sla_max'], $report['datetime'], $content, $content['time_from'], $content['time_to'], 1920, 50, $urlImage, $ttl, $raw_graph, false); $return['charts'][] = $dataslice; } if ($metaconsole_on) { //Restore db connection metaconsole_restore_db(); } } // SLA items sorted descending () if ($content['top_n'] == 2) { arsort($return['data']['']); } // SLA items sorted ascending else if ($content['top_n'] == 1) { asort($sla_showed_values); } //order data for ascending or descending if($content['top_n'] != 0){ switch ($content['top_n']) { case 1: //order tables $temp = array(); foreach ($return['data'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] < $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, array($row)); } $return['data'] = $temp; //order graphs $temp = array(); foreach ($return['charts'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] < $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, array($row)); } $return['charts'] = $temp; break; case 2: //order tables $temp = array(); foreach ($return['data'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] > $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, array($row)); } $return['data'] = $temp; //order graph $temp = array(); foreach ($return['charts'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] > $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, array($row)); } $return['charts'] = $temp; break; } } } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_event_top_n($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic', $force_width_chart = null, $force_height_chart = null) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'top_n'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Top N'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $top_n = $content['top_n']; switch ($top_n) { case REPORT_TOP_N_MAX: $type_top_n = __('Max'); break; case REPORT_TOP_N_MIN: $type_top_n = __('Min'); break; case REPORT_TOP_N_AVG: default: //If nothing is selected then it will be shown the average data $type_top_n = __('Avg'); break; } $return['subtitle'] = __('Top %d' ,$content['top_n_value']) . ' - ' . $type_top_n; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $order_uptodown = $content['order_uptodown']; $top_n_value = $content['top_n_value']; $show_graph = $content['show_graph']; $return['top_n'] = $content['top_n_value']; if (empty($content['subitems'])) { //Get all the related data $sql = sprintf("SELECT id_agent_module, server_name FROM treport_content_item WHERE id_report_content = %d", $content['id_rc']); $tops = db_process_sql ($sql); } else { $tops = $content['subitems']; } // Get chart reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } if (empty($tops)) { $return['failed'] = __('There are no Agent/Modules defined'); } else { $data_top = array(); foreach ($tops as $key => $row) { //Metaconsole connection $server_name = $row['server_name']; if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE')) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) { //ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } } $ag_name = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($row ['id_agent_module']); $mod_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name ($row ['id_agent_module']); $unit = db_get_value('unit', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $row ['id_agent_module']); switch ($top_n) { case REPORT_TOP_N_MAX: $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max ($row['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case REPORT_TOP_N_MIN: $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min ($row['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case REPORT_TOP_N_AVG: default: //If nothing is selected then it will be shown the average data $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average ($row['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; } //If the returned value from modules_get_agentmodule_data_max/min/avg is false it won't be stored. if ($value !== false) { $data_top[$key] = $value; $id_agent_module[$key] = $row['id_agent_module']; $agent_name[$key] = $ag_name; $module_name[$key] = $mod_name; $units[$key] = $unit; } //Restore dbconnection if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE')) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } if (empty($data_top)) { $return['failed'] = __('Insuficient data'); } else { $data_return = array(); //Order to show. switch ($order_uptodown) { //Descending case 1: array_multisort($data_top, SORT_DESC, $agent_name, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $units, SORT_ASC); break; //Ascending case 2: array_multisort($data_top, SORT_ASC, $agent_name, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $units, SORT_ASC); break; //By agent name or without selection case 0: case 3: array_multisort($agent_name, SORT_ASC, $data_top, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $units, SORT_ASC); break; } array_splice ($data_top, $top_n_value); array_splice ($agent_name, $top_n_value); array_splice ($module_name, $top_n_value); array_splice ($id_agent_module, $top_n_value); array_splice ($units, $top_n_value); $data_top_values = array (); $data_top_values['data_top'] = $data_top; $data_top_values['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $data_top_values['module_name'] = $module_name; $data_top_values['id_agent_module'] = $id_agent_module; $data_top_values['units'] = $units; // Define truncate size depends the graph width $truncate_size = $width / (4 * ($config['font_size']))-1; if ($order_uptodown == 1 || $order_uptodown == 2) { $i = 0; $data_pie_graph = array(); $data_hbar = array(); foreach ($data_top as $dt) { $item_name = ''; $item_name = ui_print_truncate_text($agent_name[$i], $truncate_size, false, true, false, "...") . ' - ' . ui_print_truncate_text($module_name[$i], $truncate_size, false, true, false, "..."); //Dirty hack, maybe I am going to apply a job in Apple //https://www.imperialviolet.org/2014/02/22/applebug.html $item_name_key_pie = $item_name; $exist_key = true; while ($exist_key) { if (isset($data_pie_graph[$item_name_key_pie])) { $item_name_key_pie .= ' '; } else { $exist_key = false; } } $item_name_key_hbar = $item_name; $exist_key = true; while ($exist_key) { if (isset($data_hbar[$item_name_key_hbar])) { $item_name_key_hbar = ' ' . $item_name_key_hbar; } else { $exist_key = false; } } $data_hbar[$item_name]['g'] = $dt; $data_pie_graph[$item_name] = $dt; if ($show_graph == 0 || $show_graph == 1) { $data = array(); $data['agent'] = $agent_name[$i]; $data['module'] = $module_name[$i]; $data['value'] = $dt; $data['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($dt,2) . " " . $units[$i]; $data_return[] = $data; } $i++; if ($i >= $top_n_value) break; } } else if ($order_uptodown == 0 || $order_uptodown == 3) { $i = 0; $data_pie_graph = array(); $data_hbar = array(); foreach ($agent_name as $an) { $item_name = ''; $item_name = ui_print_truncate_text($agent_name[$i], $truncate_size, false, true, false, "...") . ' - ' . ui_print_truncate_text($module_name[$i], $truncate_size, false, true, false, "..."); //Dirty hack, maybe I am going to apply a job in Apple //https://www.imperialviolet.org/2014/02/22/applebug.html $item_name_key_pie = $item_name; $exist_key = true; while ($exist_key) { if (isset($data_pie_graph[$item_name_key_pie])) { $item_name_key_pie .= ' '; } else { $exist_key = false; } } $item_name_key_hbar = $item_name; $exist_key = true; while ($exist_key) { if (isset($data_hbar[$item_name_key_hbar])) { $item_name_key_hbar = ' ' . $item_name_key_hbar; } else { $exist_key = false; } } $data_pie_graph[$item_name] = $data_top[$i]; $data_hbar[$item_name]['g'] = $data_top[$i]; if ($show_graph == 0 || $show_graph == 1) { $data = array(); $data['agent'] = $an; $data['module'] = $module_name[$i]; $data['value'] = $data_top[$i]; $data['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($data_top[$i],2) . " " . $units[$i]; $data_return[] = $data; } $i++; if ($i >= $top_n_value) break; } } $return['charts']['bars'] = null; $return['charts']['pie'] = null; if ($show_graph != REPORT_TOP_N_ONLY_TABLE) { arsort($data_pie_graph); $return['charts']['pie'] = pie3d_graph(false, $data_pie_graph, $width, $height, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, true, false, false) . '/', ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl); //Display bars graph $return['charts']['bars'] = hbar_graph( false, $data_hbar, $width, count($data_hbar) * 50, array(), array(), "", "", false, false, $config['homedir'] . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], true, $ttl, $config['homeurl']); } $return['resume'] = null; if ($content['show_resume'] && count($data_top_values) > 0) { //Get the very first not null value $i=0; do { $min = $data_top_values['data_top'][$i]; $i++; } while ($min === false && $i < count($data_top_values)); $max = $min; $avg = 0; $i=0; foreach ($data_top_values['data_top'] as $key => $dtv) { if ($dtv < $min) $min = $dtv; if ($dtv > $max) $max = $dtv; $avg += $dtv; $i++; } $avg = $avg / $i; $return['resume']['min']['value'] = $min; $return['resume']['min']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($min, 2); $return['resume']['avg']['value'] = $avg; $return['resume']['avg']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($avg, 2); $return['resume']['max']['value'] = $max; $return['resume']['max']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($max, 2); } $return['data'] = $data_return; } } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_event_report_group($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic', $force_width_chart = null, $force_height_chart = null) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'event_report_group'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Event Report Group'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $history = false; if ($config['history_event_enabled']) $history = true; $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = groups_get_name($content['id_group'], true); if (!empty($content['style']['event_filter_search'])) { $return['subtitle'] .= " (" . $content['style']['event_filter_search'] . ")"; } $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $event_filter = $content['style']; $return['show_summary_group'] = $event_filter['show_summary_group']; //filter $show_summary_group = $event_filter['show_summary_group']; $filter_event_severity = json_decode($event_filter['filter_event_severity'],true); $filter_event_type = json_decode($event_filter['filter_event_type'],true); $filter_event_status = json_decode($event_filter['filter_event_status'],true); $filter_event_filter_search = $event_filter['event_filter_search']; //graphs $event_graph_by_agent = $event_filter['event_graph_by_agent']; $event_graph_by_user_validator = $event_filter['event_graph_by_user_validator']; $event_graph_by_criticity = $event_filter['event_graph_by_criticity']; $event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated = $event_filter['event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated']; $data = events_get_agent (false, $content['period'], $report["datetime"], $history, $show_summary_group, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $content['id_group'], true); if (empty($data)) { $return['failed'] = __('No events'); } else { $return['data'] = array_reverse($data); } reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } $return['chart']['by_agent'] = null; $return['chart']['by_user_validator'] = null; $return['chart']['by_criticity'] = null; $return['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = null; if ($event_graph_by_agent) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_by_agent( $content['id_group'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"], $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search); $return['chart']['by_agent']= pie3d_graph( false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl); } if ($event_graph_by_user_validator) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated_by_user( array('id_group' => $content['id_group']), $content['period'], $report["datetime"],$filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search); $return['chart']['by_user_validator'] = pie3d_graph( false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl); } if ($event_graph_by_criticity) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_by_criticity( array('id_group' => $content['id_group']), $content['period'], $report["datetime"],$filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search); $colors = get_criticity_pie_colors($data_graph); $return['chart']['by_criticity'] = pie3d_graph( false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl, false, $colors); } if ($event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated( array('id_group' => $content['id_group']), $content['period'], $report["datetime"],$filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search); $return['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = pie3d_graph( false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } //total_events if($return['data'] != ''){ $return['total_events'] = count($return['data']); } else{ $return['total_events'] = 0; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_event_report_module($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic', $force_width_chart = null, $force_height_chart = null, $pdf=0) { global $config; if($pdf){ $ttl = 2; } else{ $ttl = 1; } $return['type'] = 'event_report_module'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Event Report Module'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = agents_get_alias($content['id_agent']) . " - " . io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $event_filter = $content['style']; $return['show_summary_group'] = $event_filter['show_summary_group']; //filter $show_summary_group = $event_filter['show_summary_group']; $filter_event_severity = json_decode($event_filter['filter_event_severity'],true); $filter_event_type = json_decode($event_filter['filter_event_type'],true); $filter_event_status = json_decode($event_filter['filter_event_status'],true); $filter_event_filter_search = $event_filter['event_filter_search']; //graphs $event_graph_by_user_validator = $event_filter['event_graph_by_user_validator']; $event_graph_by_criticity = $event_filter['event_graph_by_criticity']; $event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated = $event_filter['event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated']; //data events $data = reporting_get_module_detailed_event ( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"], $show_summary_group, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, $force_width_chart, $event_graph_by_user_validator, $event_graph_by_criticity, $event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated, $ttl); if (empty($data)) { $return['failed'] = __('No events'); } else { $return['data'] = array_reverse($data); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } //total_events if($return['data'][0]['data'] != ''){ $return['total_events'] = count($return['data'][0]['data']); } else{ $return['total_events'] = 0; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_inventory_changes($report, $content, $type) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'inventory_changes'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Inventory Changes'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = agents_get_alias($content['id_agent']); $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $es = json_decode($content['external_source'], true); $id_agent = $es['id_agents']; $module_name = $es['inventory_modules']; switch ($type) { case 'data': $inventory_changes = inventory_get_changes( $id_agent, $module_name, $report["datetime"] - $content['period'], $report["datetime"], "csv"); break; default: $inventory_changes = inventory_get_changes( $id_agent, $module_name, $report["datetime"] - $content['period'], $report["datetime"], "array"); break; } $return['data'] = array(); if ($inventory_changes == ERR_NODATA) { $return['failed'] = __('No changes found.'); } else { $return['data'] = $inventory_changes; } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_inventory($report, $content, $type) { global $config; $es = json_decode($content['external_source'], true); $return['type'] = 'inventory'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Inventory'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $es = json_decode($content['external_source'], true); $id_agent = $es['id_agents']; $module_name = $es['inventory_modules']; if (empty($module_name)) { $module_name = array(0 => 0); } $date = $es['date']; $description = $content['description']; switch ($type) { case 'data': $inventory_data = inventory_get_data( (array)$id_agent, (array)$module_name, $date, '', false, 'csv'); break; default: $inventory_data = inventory_get_data( (array)$id_agent, (array)$module_name, $date, '', false, 'hash'); break; } if ($inventory_data == ERR_NODATA) { $return['failed'] = __('No data found.'); } else { $return['data'] = $inventory_data; } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_agent_module($report, $content) { global $config; $agents_and_modules = json_decode($content['external_source'], true); $agents = array(); $agents = $agents_and_modules['id_agents']; $modules = $agents_and_modules['module']; $id_group = $content['id_group']; $id_module_group = $content['id_module_group']; $return['type'] = 'agent_module'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Agent/Modules'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $group_name = groups_get_name($content['id_group'], true); if ($content['id_module_group'] == 0) { $module_group_name = __('All'); } else { $module_group_name = db_get_value('name', 'tmodule_group', 'id_mg', $content['id_module_group']); } $return['subtitle'] = $group_name . " - " . $module_group_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $return["data"] = array(); $modules_by_name = array(); $cont = 0; foreach ($modules as $modul_id) { $modules_by_name[$cont]['name'] = io_safe_output(modules_get_agentmodule_name($modul_id)); $modules_by_name[$cont]['id'] = $modul_id; $cont ++; } if ($modules_by_name == false || $agents == false) { $return['failed'] = __('There are no agents with modules'); } else { foreach ($agents as $agent) { $row = array(); $row['agent_status'][$agent] = agents_get_status($agent); $row['agent_name'] = agents_get_alias($agent); $agent_modules = agents_get_modules($agent); $row['modules'] = array(); foreach ($modules_by_name as $module) { if (array_key_exists($module['id'], $agent_modules)) { $row['modules'][$module['name']] = modules_get_agentmodule_status($module['id']); } else { if (!array_key_exists($module['name'], $row['modules'])) { $row['modules'][$module['name']] = null; } } } $return['data'][] = $row; } } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_exception($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic', $force_width_chart = null, $force_height_chart = null) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'exception'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Exception'); } $order_uptodown = $content['order_uptodown']; $exception_condition_value = $content['exception_condition_value']; $show_graph = $content['show_graph']; $formated_exception_value = $exception_condition_value; if (is_numeric($exception_condition_value)) { $formated_exception_value = format_for_graph( $exception_condition_value, 2); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $exception_condition = $content['exception_condition']; switch ($exception_condition) { case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_EVERYTHING: $return['subtitle'] = __('Exception - Everything'); $return['subtype'] = __('Everything'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_GE: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf(__('Exception - Modules over or equal to %s'), $formated_exception_value); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules over or equal to %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_LE: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf(__('Exception - Modules under or equal to %s'), $formated_exception_value); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules under or equal to %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_L: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf(__('Exception - Modules under %s'), $formated_exception_value); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules under %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_G: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf(__('Exception - Modules over %s'), $formated_exception_value); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules over %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_E: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf(__('Exception - Equal to %s'), $formated_exception_value); $return['subtype'] = __('Equal to %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NE: $return['subtitle'] = sprintf(__('Exception - Not equal to %s'), $formated_exception_value); $return['subtype'] = __('Not equal to %s'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_OK: $return['subtitle'] = __('Exception - Modules at normal status'); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules at normal status'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NOT_OK: $return['subtitle'] = __('Exception - Modules at critical or warning status'); $return['subtype'] = __('Modules at critical or warning status'); break; } $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return["data"] = array(); $return["chart"] = array(); $return["resume"] = array(); if (empty($content['subitems'])) { //Get all the related data $sql = sprintf(" SELECT id_agent_module, server_name, operation FROM treport_content_item WHERE id_report_content = %d", $content['id_rc']); $exceptions = db_process_sql ($sql); } else { $exceptions = $content['subitems']; } if ($exceptions === false) { $return['failed'] = __('There are no Agent/Modules defined'); } else { //Get the very first not null value $i = 0; do { //Metaconsole connection $server_name = $exceptions[$i]['server_name']; if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE')) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) { //ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } } if ($content['period'] == 0) { $min = modules_get_last_value($exceptions[$i]['id_agent_module']); } else { switch ($exceptions[$i]['operation']) { case 'avg': $min = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average( $exceptions[$i]['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case 'max': $min = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max( $exceptions[$i]['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case 'min': $min = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min( $exceptions[$i]['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; } } $i++; //Restore dbconnection if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE')) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } while ($min === false && $i < count($exceptions)); $max = $min; $avg = 0; $items = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($exceptions as $exc) { //Metaconsole connection $server_name = $exc['server_name']; if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE')) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) { //ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } } $ag_name = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name($exc['id_agent_module']); $ag_alias = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($exc['id_agent_module']); $mod_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name($exc['id_agent_module']); $unit = db_get_value('unit', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $exc['id_agent_module']); if ($content['period'] == 0) { $value = modules_get_last_value($exceptions[$i]['id_agent_module']); } else { switch ($exc['operation']) { case 'avg': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average ($exc['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case 'max': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max ($exc['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case 'min': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min ($exc['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; } } if ($value !== false) { if ($value > $max) $max = $value; if ($value < $min) $min = $value; $avg += $value; //Skips switch ($exception_condition) { case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_EVERYTHING: break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_GE: if ($value < $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_LE: if ($value > $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_L: if ($value > $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_G: if ($value < $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_E: if ($value != $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NE: if ($value == $exception_condition_value) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_OK: if (modules_get_agentmodule_status($exc['id_agent_module']) != 0) { continue 2; } break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NOT_OK: if (modules_get_agentmodule_status($exc['id_agent_module']) == 0) { continue 2; } break; } $item = array(); $item['value'] = $value; $item['module_id'] = $exc['id_agent_module']; $item['module'] = $mod_name; $item['agent'] = $ag_alias; $item['unit'] = $unit; if ($exc['operation'] == 'avg') { $item['operation'] = "rate"; } else { $item['operation'] = $exc['operation']; } $items[] = $item; $i++; } //Restore dbconnection if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE')) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } if ($i == 0) { switch ($exception_condition) { case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_EVERYTHING: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules under those conditions.'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_GE: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules over or equal to %s.', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_LE: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules less or equal to %s.', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_L: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules less %s.', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_G: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules over %s.', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_E: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules equal to %s', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NE: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules not equal to %s', $exception_condition_value); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_OK: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules normal status'); break; case REPORT_EXCEPTION_CONDITION_NOT_OK: $return['failed'] = __('There are no Modules at critial or warning status'); break; } } else { $avg = $avg / $i; // Sort the items $sort_number = function ($a, $b, $sort = SORT_ASC) { if ($a == $b) return 0; else if ($a > $b) return ($sort === SORT_ASC) ? 1 : -1; else return ($sort === SORT_ASC) ? -1 : 1; }; $sort_string = function ($a, $b, $sort = SORT_ASC) { if ($sort === SORT_ASC) return strcasecmp($a, $b); else return strcasecmp($b, $a); }; usort($items, function($a, $b) use ($order_uptodown, $sort_number, $sort_string) { switch ($order_uptodown) { case 1: case 2: if ($a['value'] == $b['value']) { if ($a['agent'] == $b['agent']) { if ($a['module'] == $b['module']) { return $sort_number($a['module_id'], $b['module_id']); } return $sort_string($a['module'], $b['module']); } return $sort_string($a['agent'], $b['agent']); } return $sort_number($a['value'], $b['value'], ($order_uptodown == 1) ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC); //Order by agent name or without selection case 0: case 3: if ($a['agent'] == $b['agent']) { if ($a['value'] == $b['value']) { if ($a['module'] == $b['module']) { return $sort_number($a['module_id'], $b['module_id']); } return $sort_string($a['module'], $b['module']); } return $sort_number($a['value'], $b['value']); } return $sort_string($a['agent'], $b['agent']); } }); $data_pie_graph = array(); $data_hbar = array(); foreach ($items as $key => $item) { if ($show_graph == 1 || $show_graph == 2) { // TODO: Find a better way to show the graphs $data_hbar[$item['agent'] . ' - ' . $item['operation']]['g'] = $item['value']; $data_pie_graph[$item['agent'] . ' - ' . $item['operation']] = $item['value']; } if ($show_graph == 0 || $show_graph == 1) { $data = array(); $data['agent'] = $item['agent']; $data['module'] = $item['module']; $data['operation'] = __($item['operation']); $data['value'] = $item['value']; $data['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($item['value'], 2) . " " . $item['unit']; $return['data'][] = $data; } } if ($show_graph == 1 || $show_graph == 2) { reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } $return["chart"]["pie"] = pie3d_graph( false, $data_pie_graph, 600, 150, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl); $params = array( 'flash_chart' => false, 'chart_data' => $data_hbar, 'width' => 600, 'height' => 25 * count($data_hbar), 'color' => array(), 'legend' => array(), 'long_index' => array(), 'no_data_image' => ui_get_full_url("images/image_problem.opaque.png", false, false, false), 'xaxisname' => "", 'yaxisname' => "", 'water_mark' => ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", 'font' => "", 'font_size' => "", 'unit' => "", 'ttl' => $ttl, 'homeurl' => ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), 'backgroundColor' => 'white' ); $return["chart"]["hbar"] = call_user_func_array( 'hbar_graph', $params); } if ($content['show_resume'] && $i > 0) { $return["resume"]['min']['value'] = $min; $return["resume"]['min']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($min,2); $return["resume"]['max']['value'] = $max; $return["resume"]['max']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($max,2); $return["resume"]['avg']['value'] = $avg; $return["resume"]['avg']['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($avg,2); } } } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_group_report($report, $content) { global $config; $metaconsole_on = ($config['metaconsole'] == 1) && defined('METACONSOLE'); $return['type'] = 'group_report'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Group Report'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = groups_get_name($content['id_group'], true); $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return["data"] = array(); $events = events_get_agent( false, $content['period'], $report['datetime'], false, true, false, false, false, false, $content['id_group'], true); if (empty($events)) { $events = array(); } $return["data"]["count_events"] = count($events); $return["data"]["group_stats"] = reporting_get_group_stats($content['id_group']); if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_event_report_agent($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic', $force_width_chart = null, $force_height_chart = null) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'event_report_agent'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Event Report Agent'); } $history = false; if ($config['history_event_enabled']) $history = true; $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = agents_get_alias($content['id_agent']); $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $return['show_summary_group'] = $content['style']['show_summary_group']; $style = $content['style']; //filter $show_summary_group = $style['show_summary_group']; $filter_event_severity = json_decode($style['filter_event_severity'], true); $filter_event_type = json_decode($style['filter_event_type'], true); $filter_event_status = json_decode($style['filter_event_status'], true); $filter_event_filter_search = $style['event_filter_search']; //graph $event_graph_by_user_validator = $style['event_graph_by_user_validator']; $event_graph_by_criticity = $style['event_graph_by_criticity']; $event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated = $style['event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated']; $return['data'] = reporting_get_agents_detailed_event( $content['id_agent'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"], true, true, $history, $show_summary_group, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search); reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } $return["chart"]["by_user_validator"] = null; $return["chart"]["by_criticity"] = null; $return["chart"]["validated_vs_unvalidated"] = null; if ($event_graph_by_user_validator) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated_by_user( array('id_agent' => $content['id_agent']), $content['period'], $report["datetime"],$filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search); $return["chart"]["by_user_validator"] = pie3d_graph( false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl); } if ($event_graph_by_criticity) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_by_criticity( array('id_agent' => $content['id_agent']), $content['period'], $report["datetime"],$filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search); $colors = get_criticity_pie_colors($data_graph); $return["chart"]["by_criticity"] = pie3d_graph( false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl, false, $colors); } if ($event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated( array('id_agent' => $content['id_agent']), $content['period'], $report["datetime"],$filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search); $return["chart"]["validated_vs_unvalidated"] = pie3d_graph( false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } //total_events if($return['data'] != ''){ $return['total_events'] = count($return['data']); } else{ $return['total_events'] = 0; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_historical_data($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'historical_data'; $period = $content['period']; $date_limit = time() - $period; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Historical data'); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($content['id_agent_module'])); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name . " - " . $module_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $return['keys'] = array(__('Date'), __('Data')); $module_type = db_get_value_filter('id_tipo_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', array('id_agente_modulo' => $content['id_agent_module'])); $result = array(); switch ($module_type) { case 3: case 17: case 23: case 33: $result = db_get_all_rows_sql ( 'SELECT * FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE id_agente_modulo =' . $content['id_agent_module'] . ' AND utimestamp >' . $date_limit . ' AND utimestamp <=' . time() ); break; default: $result = db_get_all_rows_sql ( 'SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo =' . $content['id_agent_module'] . ' AND utimestamp >' . $date_limit . ' AND utimestamp <=' . time() ); break; } $data = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $data[] = array( __('Date') => date ($config["date_format"], $row['utimestamp']), __('Data') => $row['datos']); } $return["data"] = $data; return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_database_serialized($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'database_serialized'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Database Serialized'); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($content['id_agent_module'])); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name . " - " . $module_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $keys = array(); if ($content['header_definition'] != '') { $keys = explode('|', $content['header_definition']); } $return['keys'] = $keys; $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ($content['id_agent_module'])); $return['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; $datelimit = $report["datetime"] - $content['period']; $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); // This query gets information from the default and the historic database $result = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . $content['id_agent_module'] . ' AND utimestamp > ' . $datelimit . ' AND utimestamp <= ' . $report["datetime"], $search_in_history_db); // Adds string data if there is no numeric data if ((count($result) < 0) or (!$result)) { // This query gets information from the default and the historic database $result = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . $content['id_agent_module'] . ' AND utimestamp > ' . $datelimit . ' AND utimestamp <= ' . $report["datetime"], $search_in_history_db); } if ($result === false) { $result = array(); } $data = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $date = date($config["date_format"], $row['utimestamp']); $serialized_data = $row['datos']; // Cut line by line if (empty($content['line_separator']) || empty($serialized_data)) { $rowsUnserialize = array($row['datos']); } else { $rowsUnserialize = explode($content['line_separator'], $serialized_data); } foreach ($rowsUnserialize as $rowUnser) { $row = array(); $row['date'] = $date; $row['data'] = array(); if (empty($content['column_separator'])) { if (empty($keys)) { $row['data'][][] = $rowUnser; } else { $row['data'][][$keys[0]] = $rowUnser; } } else { $columnsUnserialize = explode($content['column_separator'], $rowUnser); $i = 0; $temp_row = array(); foreach ($columnsUnserialize as $cell) { if (isset($keys[$i])) { $temp_row[$keys[$i]] = $cell; } else { $temp_row[] = $cell; } $i++; } $row['data'][] = $temp_row; } $data[] = $row; } } $return["data"] = $data; return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_group_configuration($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'group_configuration'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Group configuration'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $group_name = groups_get_name($content['id_group'], true); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $group_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['id_group'] = $content['id_group']; if ($content['id_group'] == 0) { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": $sql = "SELECT * FROM tagente;"; break; case "oracle": $sql = "SELECT * FROM tagente"; break; } } else { $sql = " SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo=" . $content['id_group']; } $agents_list = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($agents_list === false) $agents_list = array(); $return['data'] = array(); foreach ($agents_list as $agent) { $content_agent = $content; $content_agent['id_agent'] = $agent['id_agente']; // Restore the connection to metaconsole // because into the function reporting_agent_configuration // connect to metaconsole. if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } $agent_report = reporting_agent_configuration( $report, $content_agent); $return['data'][] = $agent_report['data']; } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_network_interfaces_report($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic') { global $config; $return['type'] = 'network_interfaces_report'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Network interfaces report'); } $group_name = groups_get_name($content['id_group']); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $group_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); include_once($config['homedir'] . "/include/functions_custom_graphs.php"); $filter = array( 'id_grupo' => $content['id_group'], 'disabled' => 0); $network_interfaces_by_agents = agents_get_network_interfaces(false, $filter); if (empty($network_interfaces_by_agents)) { $return['failed'] = __('The group has no agents or none of the agents has any network interface'); $return['data'] = array(); } else { $return['failed'] = null; $return['data'] = array(); foreach ($network_interfaces_by_agents as $agent_id => $agent) { $row_data = array(); $row_data['agent'] = $agent['name']; $row_data['interfaces'] = array(); foreach ($agent['interfaces'] as $interface_name => $interface) { $row_interface = array(); $row_interface['name'] = $interface_name; $row_interface['ip'] = $interface['ip']; $row_interface['mac'] = $interface['mac']; $row_interface['status'] = $interface['status_image']; $row_interface['chart'] = null; // Get chart reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': if (!empty($interface['traffic'])) { $row_interface['chart'] = custom_graphs_print(0, $height, $width, $content['period'], null, true, $report["datetime"], $only_image, 'white', array_values($interface['traffic']), $config['homeurl'], array_keys($interface['traffic']), array_fill(0, count($interface['traffic']), __("bytes/s")), false, true, true, true, 1); } break; case 'data': case 'static': if (!empty($interface['traffic'])) { $row_interface['chart'] = custom_graphs_print(0, $height, $width, $content['period'], null, true, $report["datetime"], true, 'white', array_values($interface['traffic']), $config['homeurl'], array_keys($interface['traffic']), array_fill(0, count($interface['traffic']), __("bytes/s")), false, true, true, true, 2); } break; } $row_data['interfaces'][] = $row_interface; } $return['data'][] = $row_data; } } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * reporting alert get fired */ function reporting_alert_get_fired($id_agent_module, $id_alert_template_module, $period, $datetime) { $fired = array(); $firedTimes = get_module_alert_fired( $id_agent_module, $id_alert_template_module, $period, $datetime); if (empty($firedTimes)) { $firedTimes = array(); $firedTimes[0]['timestamp'] = '----------------------------'; } foreach ($firedTimes as $fireTime) { $fired[] = $fireTime['timestamp']; } return $fired; } /** * Reporting alert report group */ function reporting_alert_report_group($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'alert_report_group'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Alert Report Group'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $group_name = groups_get_name($content['id_group'], true); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $group_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); if ($content['id_group'] == 0) { $agent_modules = db_get_all_rows_sql(' SELECT distinct(id_agent_module) FROM talert_template_modules WHERE disabled = 0 AND id_agent_module IN ( SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo)'); } else { $agent_modules = db_get_all_rows_sql(' SELECT distinct(id_agent_module) FROM talert_template_modules WHERE disabled = 0 AND id_agent_module IN ( SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente IN ( SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = ' . $content['id_group'] . '))'); } if (empty($alerts)) { $alerts = array(); } $data = array(); foreach ($agent_modules as $agent_module) { $data_row = array(); $data_row['agent'] = io_safe_output(agents_get_alias( agents_get_agent_id_by_module_id($agent_module['id_agent_module']))); $data_row['module'] = db_get_value_filter('nombre', 'tagente_modulo', array('id_agente_modulo' => $agent_module['id_agent_module'])); // Alerts over $id_agent_module $alerts = alerts_get_effective_alert_actions($agent_module['id_agent_module']); if ($alerts === false){ continue; } $ntemplates = 0; foreach ($alerts as $template => $actions) { $data_action = array(); $data_action['actions'] = array(); $naction = 0; if (isset($actions["custom"])) { foreach ($actions["custom"] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]["name"] = $action["name"]; $fired = $action["fired"]; if ($fired == 0){ $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } elseif (isset($actions["default"])) { foreach ($actions["default"] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]["name"] = $action["name"]; $fired = $action["fired"]; if ($fired == 0){ $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } elseif(isset($actions["unavailable"])) { foreach ($actions["unavailable"] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]["name"] = $action["name"]; $fired = $action["fired"]; if ($fired == 0){ $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } $module_actions = array(); $module_actions["template"] = $template; $module_actions["template_fired"] = reporting_alert_get_fired( $agent_module['id_agent_module'], $actions["id"], (int) $content["period"], (int) $report["datetime"]); $module_actions["actions"] = $data_action; $data_row['alerts'][$ntemplates] = $module_actions; $ntemplates++; } if ($ntemplates > 0) { $data[] = $data_row; } } $return["data"] = $data; if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_alert_report_agent($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'alert_report_agent'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Alert Report Agent'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $agent_name = agents_get_alias($content['id_agent']); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $module_list = agents_get_modules($content['id_agent']); $data = array(); foreach ($module_list as $id => $module_name) { $data_row = array(); $data_row['agent'] = $agent_name; $data_row['module'] = $module_name; // Alerts over $id_agent_module $alerts = alerts_get_effective_alert_actions($id); if ($alerts === false){ continue; } $ntemplates = 0; foreach ($alerts as $template => $actions) { $data_action = array(); $data_action['actions'] = array(); $naction = 0; if (isset($actions["custom"])) { foreach ($actions["custom"] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]["name"] = $action["name"]; $fired = $action["fired"]; if ($fired == 0){ $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } elseif (isset($actions["default"])) { foreach ($actions["default"] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]["name"] = $action["name"]; $fired = $action["fired"]; if ($fired == 0){ $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } elseif(isset($actions["unavailable"])) { foreach ($actions["unavailable"] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]["name"] = $action["name"]; $fired = $action["fired"]; if ($fired == 0){ $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } $module_actions = array(); $module_actions["template"] = $template; $module_actions["template_fired"] = reporting_alert_get_fired( $id, $actions["id"], (int) $content["period"], (int) $report["datetime"]); $module_actions["actions"] = $data_action; $data_row['alerts'][$ntemplates] = $module_actions; $ntemplates++; } if ($ntemplates > 0) { $data[] = $data_row; } } $return["data"] = $data; if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_alert_report_module($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'alert_report_module'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Alert Report Module'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($content['id_agent_module'])); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name . " - " . $module_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $data_row = array(); $data_row['agent'] = io_safe_output(agents_get_alias( agents_get_agent_id_by_module_id($content['id_agent_module']))); $data_row['module'] = db_get_value_filter('nombre', 'tagente_modulo', array('id_agente_modulo' => $content['id_agent_module'])); // Alerts over $id_agent_module $alerts = alerts_get_effective_alert_actions($content['id_agent_module']); if ($alerts === false){ return; } $ntemplates = 0; foreach ($alerts as $template => $actions) { $data_action = array(); $data_action['actions'] = array(); $naction = 0; if (isset($actions["custom"])) { foreach ($actions["custom"] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]["name"] = $action["name"]; $fired = $action["fired"]; if ($fired == 0){ $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } elseif (isset($actions["default"])) { foreach ($actions["default"] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]["name"] = $action["name"]; $fired = $action["fired"]; if ($fired == 0){ $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } elseif(isset($actions["unavailable"])) { foreach ($actions["unavailable"] as $action) { $data_action[$naction]["name"] = $action["name"]; $fired = $action["fired"]; if ($fired == 0){ $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = '----------------------------'; } else { $data_action[$naction]['fired'] = $fired; } $naction++; } } $module_actions = array(); $module_actions["template"] = $template; $module_actions["template_fired"] = reporting_alert_get_fired( $content['id_agent_module'], $actions["id"], (int) $content["period"], (int) $report["datetime"]); $module_actions["actions"] = $data_action; $data_row['alerts'][$ntemplates] = $module_actions; $ntemplates++; } if ($ntemplates > 0) { $data[] = $data_row; } $return["data"] = $data; if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_sql_graph($report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, $type_sql_graph) { global $config; switch ($type_sql_graph) { case 'sql_graph_hbar': $return['type'] = 'sql_graph_hbar'; break; case 'sql_graph_vbar': $return['type'] = 'sql_graph_vbar'; break; case 'sql_graph_pie': $return['type'] = 'sql_graph_pie'; break; } if (empty($content['name'])) { switch ($type_sql_graph) { case 'sql_graph_vbar': $content['name'] = __('SQL Graph Vertical Bars'); break; case 'sql_graph_hbar': $content['name'] = __('SQL Graph Horizontal Bars'); break; case 'sql_graph_pie': $content['name'] = __('SQL Graph Pie'); break; } } // Get chart reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text(); switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': $return['chart'] = graph_custom_sql_graph( $content["id_rc"], $width, $height, $content["type"], true, ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), $ttl); break; case 'data': break; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_monitor_report($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'monitor_report'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Monitor Report'); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($content['id_agent_module'])); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name . " - " . $module_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name ($content['id_agent_module'])); $return['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; // All values (except id module and report time) by default $report = reporting_advanced_sla ($content['id_agent_module'], $report["datetime"] - $content['period'], $report["datetime"]); if ($report['time_total'] === $report['time_unknown'] || empty($content['id_agent_module'])) { $return['data']['unknown'] = 1; } else { $return["data"]["ok"]["value"] = $report['SLA']; $return["data"]["ok"]["formated_value"] = $report['SLA_fixed']; $return["data"]["fail"]["value"] = 100 - $return["data"]["ok"]["value"]; $return["data"]["fail"]["formated_value"] = (100 - $return["data"]["ok"]["formated_value"]); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_netflow($report, $content, $type, $force_width_chart, $force_height_chart, $type_netflow = null, $pdf = false) { global $config; switch ($type_netflow) { case 'netflow_area': $return['type'] = 'netflow_area'; break; case 'netflow_pie': $return['type'] = 'netflow_pie'; break; case 'netflow_data': $return['type'] = 'netflow_data'; break; case 'netflow_statistics': $return['type'] = 'netflow_statistics'; break; case 'netflow_summary': $return['type'] = 'netflow_summary'; break; } if (empty($content['name'])) { switch ($type_netflow) { case 'netflow_area': $content['name'] = __('Netflow Area'); break; case 'netflow_pie': $content['name'] = __('Netflow Pie'); break; case 'netflow_data': $content['name'] = __('Netflow Data'); break; case 'netflow_statistics': $content['name'] = __('Netflow Statistics'); break; case 'netflow_summary': $content['name'] = __('Netflow Summary'); break; } } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); // Get chart reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } // Get item filters $filter = db_get_row_sql("SELECT * FROM tnetflow_filter WHERE id_sg = '" . (int)$content['text'] . "'", false, true); switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': $return['chart'] = netflow_draw_item ( $report['datetime'] - $content['period'], $report['datetime'], $content['top_n'], $type_netflow, $filter, $content['top_n_value'], $content ['server_name'], $pdf ? 'PDF' : 'HTML'); break; case 'data': break; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_simple_baseline_graph($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic', $force_width_chart = null, $force_height_chart = null) { global $config; if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $return['type'] = 'simple_baseline_graph'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Simple baseline graph'); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($content['id_agent_module'])); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name . " - " . $module_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; // Get chart reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': $return['chart'] = grafico_modulo_sparse( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], false, $width, $height, '', '', false, true, true, $report["datetime"], '', true, 0, true, $only_image, ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), $ttl); break; case 'data': break; } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_prediction_date($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'prediction_date'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Prediction Date'); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($content['id_agent_module'])); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name . " - " . $module_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $return['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; $intervals_text = explode(';', $content['text']); $max_interval = $intervals_text[0]; $min_interval = $intervals_text[1]; $value = forecast_prediction_date ($content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $max_interval, $min_interval); if ($value === false) { $return["data"]['value'] = __('Unknown'); } else { $return["data"]['value'] = date ('d M Y H:i:s', $value); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_projection_graph($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic', $force_width_chart = null, $force_height_chart = null) { global $config; if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $return['type'] = 'projection_graph'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Projection Graph'); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($content['id_agent_module'])); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name . " - " . $module_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $return['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; set_time_limit(500); $output_projection = forecast_projection_graph( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $content['top_n_value']); // If projection doesn't have data then don't draw graph if ($output_projection == NULL) { $output_projection = false; } // Get chart reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': $return['chart'] = graphic_combined_module( array($content['id_agent_module']), array(), $content['period'], $width, $height, '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, $report["datetime"], $only_image, ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . '/', $ttl, // Important parameter, this tell to graphic_combined_module function that is a projection graph $output_projection, $content['top_n_value'] ); break; case 'data': $return['data'] = forecast_projection_graph( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $content['top_n_value'], false, false, true); break; } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_agent_configuration($report, $content) { global $config; $return['type'] = 'agent_configuration'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Agent configuration'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $sql = " SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_agente=" . $content['id_agent']; $agent_data = db_get_row_sql($sql); $agent_configuration = array(); $agent_configuration['name'] = $agent_data['alias']; $agent_configuration['group'] = groups_get_name($agent_data['id_grupo']); $agent_configuration['group_icon'] = ui_print_group_icon ($agent_data['id_grupo'], true, '', '', false); $agent_configuration['os'] = os_get_name($agent_data["id_os"]); $agent_configuration['os_icon'] = ui_print_os_icon($agent_data["id_os"], true, true); $agent_configuration['address'] = $agent_data['direccion']; $agent_configuration['description'] = $agent_data['comentarios']; $agent_configuration['enabled'] = (int)!$agent_data['disabled']; $agent_configuration['group'] = $report["group"]; $modules = agents_get_modules ($content['id_agent']); $agent_configuration['modules'] = array(); //Agent's modules if (!empty($modules)) { foreach ($modules as $id_agent_module => $module) { $sql = " SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = $id_agent_module"; $module_db = db_get_row_sql($sql); $data_module = array(); $data_module['name'] = $module_db['nombre']; if ($module_db['disabled']) { $data_module['name'] .= " (" . __('Disabled') . ")"; } $data_module['type_icon'] = ui_print_moduletype_icon($module_db['id_tipo_modulo'], true); $data_module['type'] = modules_get_type_name($module_db['id_tipo_modulo']); $data_module['max_warning'] = $module_db['max_warning']; $data_module['min_warning'] = $module_db['min_warning']; $data_module['max_critical'] = $module_db['max_critical']; $data_module['min_critical'] = $module_db['min_critical']; $data_module['threshold'] = $module_db['module_ff_interval']; $data_module['description'] = $module_db['descripcion']; if (($module_db['module_interval'] == 0) || ($module_db['module_interval'] == '')) { $data_module['interval'] = db_get_value('intervalo', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $content['id_agent']); } else { $data_module['interval'] = $module_db['module_interval']; } $data_module['unit'] = $module_db['unit']; $module_status = db_get_row( 'tagente_estado', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_agent_module); modules_get_status($id_agent_module, $module_status['estado'], $module_status['datos'], $status, $title); $data_module['status_icon'] = ui_print_status_image($status, $title, true); $data_module['status'] = $title; $sql_tag = " SELECT name FROM ttag WHERE id_tag IN ( SELECT id_tag FROM ttag_module WHERE id_agente_modulo = $id_agent_module)"; $tags = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_tag); if ($tags === false) $data_module['tags'] = array(); else { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $data_module['tags'][] = $tag['name']; } } $agent_configuration['modules'][] = $data_module; } } $return['data'] = $agent_configuration; if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_value($report, $content, $type) { global $config; $return = array(); switch ($type) { case 'max': $return['type'] = 'max_value'; break; case 'min': $return['type'] = 'min_value'; break; case 'avg': $return['type'] = 'avg_value'; break; case 'sum': $return['type'] = 'sumatory'; break; case 'MTTR': $return['type'] = 'MTTR'; break; case 'MTBF': $return['type'] = 'MTBF'; break; case 'TTO': $return['type'] = 'TTO'; break; case 'TTRT': $return['type'] = 'TTRT'; break; } if (empty($content['name'])) { switch ($type) { case 'max': $content['name'] = __('Max. Value'); break; case 'min': $content['name'] = __('Min. Value'); break; case 'avg': $content['name'] = __('AVG. Value'); break; case 'sum': $content['name'] = __('Summatory'); break; case 'MTTR': $content['name'] = __('MTTR'); break; case 'MTBF': $content['name'] = __('MTBF'); break; case 'TTO': $content['name'] = __('TTO'); break; case 'TTRT': $content['name'] = __('TTRT'); break; } } if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($content['id_agent_module'])); $unit = db_get_value('unit', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $content ['id_agent_module']); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name . " - " . $module_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); $return['label'] = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; $return['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; switch ($type) { case 'max': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"]); if (!$config['simple_module_value']) { $formated_value = $value; } else { $formated_value = format_for_graph($value, $config['graph_precision']) . " " . $unit; } break; case 'min': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"]); if (!$config['simple_module_value']) { $formated_value = $value; } else { $formated_value = format_for_graph($value, $config['graph_precision']) . " " . $unit; } break; case 'avg': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"]); if (!$config['simple_module_value']) { $formated_value = $value; } else { $formated_value = format_for_graph($value, $config['graph_precision']) . " " . $unit; } break; case 'sum': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_sum( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"]); if (!$config['simple_module_value']) { $formated_value = $value; } else { $formated_value = format_for_graph($value, $config['graph_precision']) . " " . $unit; } break; case 'MTTR': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_mttr( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"]); $formated_value = null; break; case 'MTBF': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_mtbf( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"]); $formated_value = null; break; case 'TTO': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_tto( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"]); if ($value == 0) { $formated_value = null; } else { $formated_value = human_time_description_raw ($value); } break; case 'TTRT': $value = reporting_get_agentmodule_ttr( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"]); if ($value == 0) { $formated_value = null; } else { $formated_value = human_time_description_raw ($value); } break; } $return['data'] = array( 'value' => $value, 'formated_value' => $formated_value); if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_url($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic') { global $config; $return = array(); $return['type'] = 'url'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Url'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text(); $return["url"] = $content["external_source"]; switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': $return["data"] = null; break; case 'data': case 'static': $curlObj = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_URL, $content['external_source']); curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $output = curl_exec($curlObj); curl_close($curlObj); $return["data"] = $output; break; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_text($report, $content) { global $config; $return = array(); $return['type'] = 'text'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Text'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text(); $return["data"] = html_entity_decode($content['text']); return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_sql($report, $content) { global $config; $return = array(); $return['type'] = 'sql'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('SQL'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text(); if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } if ($content['treport_custom_sql_id'] != 0) { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $sql = io_safe_output (db_get_value_filter('`sql`', 'treport_custom_sql', array('id' => $content['treport_custom_sql_id']))); break; case "postgresql": $sql = io_safe_output (db_get_value_filter('"sql"', 'treport_custom_sql', array('id' => $content['treport_custom_sql_id']))); break; case "oracle": $sql = io_safe_output (db_get_value_filter('sql', 'treport_custom_sql', array('id' => $content['treport_custom_sql_id']))); break; } } else { $sql = io_safe_output ($content['external_source']); } // Do a security check on SQL coming from the user $sql = check_sql ($sql); $return['sql'] = $sql; $return['correct'] = 1; $return['error'] = ""; $return['data'] = array(); if ($sql != '') { $header = array(); if ($content['header_definition'] != '') { $header = explode('|', $content['header_definition']); $return['header'] = $header; } $historical_db = db_get_value_sql("SELECT historical_db from treport_content where id_rc =".$content['id_rc']); $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql,$historical_db); if ($result !== false) { foreach ($result as $row) { $data_row = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($row as $dbkey => $field) { if (isset($header[$i])) { $key = $header[$i]; } else { $key = $dbkey; } $data_row[$key] = $field; $i++; } $return['data'][] = $data_row; } } } else { $return['correct'] = 0; $return['error'] = __('Illegal query: Due security restrictions, there are some tokens or words you cannot use: *, delete, drop, alter, modify, union, password, pass, insert or update.'); } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } // // Truncates a value // // Returns the truncated value // function sla_truncate($num, $accurancy = 2){ if (!isset($accurancy)){ $accurancy = 2; } $mult = pow(10, $accurancy); return floor($num*$mult)/$mult; } // // Aux: check value limits // // Returns if the data is in a valid range or not // function sla_check_value($value, $min, $max, $inverse_interval = 0) { if (!isset($inverse_interval)) { $inverse_interval = 0; } if ( (!isset($max)) && (!isset($min)) ) { // disabled thresholds return true; } if ($max == $min) { // equal if ($value == $max) { return ($inverse_interval==0)?true:false; } return ($inverse_interval==0)?false:true; } if (!isset ($max)) {// greater or equal than min if ($value >= $min) { return ($inverse_interval==0)?true:false; } return ($inverse_interval==0)?false:true; } if (!isset ($min)) {// smaller or equal than max if ($value <= $max) { return ($inverse_interval==0)?true:false; } return ($inverse_interval==0)?false:true; } if (($value >= $min) && ($value <= $max)) { return ($inverse_interval==0)?true:false; } return ($inverse_interval==0)?false:true; } /** * SLA downtime worktime * * Check (if needed) if the range specified by wt_start and wt_end is downtime * * Only used for inclusive downtimes calculation (from sla_fixed_worktime) * * @param int $wt_start start of the range * @param int $wt_end end of the range * @param hash $planned_downtimes array with the planned downtimes (ordered and merged) * * @return int returns the interval in downtime (false if no matches) */ function sla_downtime_worktime($wt_start, $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes = 1, $planned_downtimes = null) { if ((!isset($planned_downtimes)) || (!is_array($planned_downtimes))) { return false; } if ( (!isset($wt_start)) || (!isset($wt_end)) || ($wt_start > $wt_end)) { return false; } if ($inclusive_downtimes != 1) { return false; } $rt = false; foreach ($planned_downtimes as $pd){ if ( ($wt_start >= $pd["date_from"]) && ($wt_start <= $pd["date_to"]) && ($wt_end >= $pd["date_from"]) && ($wt_end <= $pd["date_to"])) { // ..[..start..end..].. $rt = $wt_end - $wt_start; break; } elseif ( ($wt_start < $pd["date_from"]) && ($wt_end > $pd["date_from"]) && ($wt_end < $pd["date_to"])) { // ..start..[..end..].. $rt = $wt_end - $pd["date_from"]; break; } elseif ( ($wt_start >= $pd["date_from"]) && ($wt_start < $pd["date_to"]) && ($wt_end > $pd["date_to"])) { // ..[..start..]..end.. $rt = $wt_end - $pd["date_to"]; break; } elseif ( ($wt_start >= $pd["date_to"]) && ($wt_end >= $pd["date_to"])) { // ..[..]..start..end.. } else { // ..start..end..[..].. } } return $rt; } /** * SLA fixed worktime * * Check (if needed) if the range specified by wt_start and wt_end is a valid * range or not. * * As worktime is order (older ... newer) the idx works as flag to identify * last range checked, in order to improve the algorythm performance. * * @param int $wt_start start of the range * @param int $wt_end end of the range * @param hash $worktime hash containing the valid intervals * @param hash $planned_downtimes array with the planned downtimes (ordered and merged) * @param int $inclusive_downtimes In downtime as OK (1) or ignored (0) * @param int $idx last ranges checked * */ function sla_fixed_worktime($wt_start, $wt_end, $worktime = null, $planned_downtimes = null, $inclusive_downtimes = 1, $idx = 0) { $return = array(); // Accept all ranges by default $return["wt_valid"] = 1; $return["interval"] = $wt_end - $wt_start; if ( (!isset($wt_start)) || (!isset($wt_end)) || ($wt_start > $wt_end)) { $return["wt_valid"] = 0; $return["interval"] = 0; } // No exclusions defined, entire worktime is valid if ((!isset($worktime) || (!is_array($worktime)))) { $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime($wt_start, $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return["wt_in_downtime"] = 1; $return["downtime_interval"] = $time_in_downtime; $return["interval"] -= $time_in_downtime; } return $return; } // Check exceptions $total = count($worktime); $return["idx"] = $idx; if (!(($idx <= $total) && ($idx >= 0))) { $idx = 0; } $start_fixed = 0; for ($i=$idx; $i < $total; $i++) { $wt = $worktime[$i]; if ($start_fixed == 1) { // Intervals greater than 1 DAY if ($wt_end < $wt["date_from"]) { // Case G: ..end..[..].. $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime($wt_start, $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return["wt_in_downtime"] = 1; $return["downtime_interval"] = $time_in_downtime; $return["interval"] -= $time_in_downtime; } // Ignore older worktimes $return["idx"] = $i; return $return; } if ( ($wt_end >= $wt["date_from"]) && ($wt_end <= $wt["date_to"])) { // Case H: ..[..end..].. // add last slice $return["interval"] += $wt_end - $wt["date_from"]; $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime($wt["date_from"], $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return["wt_in_downtime"] = 1; $return["downtime_interval"] = $time_in_downtime; $return["interval"] -= $time_in_downtime; } return $return; } if ( ($wt_end > $wt["date_from"]) && ($wt_end > $wt["date_to"])) { // Case H: ..[..]..end.. // Add current slice and continue checking $return["interval"] += $wt["date_to"] - $wt["date_from"]; $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime($wt["date_from"], $wt["date_to"], $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return["wt_in_downtime"] = 1; $return["downtime_interval"] = $time_in_downtime; $return["interval"] -= $time_in_downtime; } } } else { if ( ($wt_start < $wt["date_from"]) && ($wt_end < $wt["date_from"])) { // Case A: ..start..end..[...]...... $return["wt_valid"] = 0; $return["idx"] = $i; return $return; } if ( ($wt_start <= $wt["date_from"]) && ($wt_end >= $wt["date_from"]) && ($wt_end < $wt["date_to"])) { // Case B: ...start..[..end..]...... $return["wt_valid"] = 1; $return["interval"] = $wt_end - $wt["date_from"]; $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime($wt["date_from"], $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return["wt_in_downtime"] = 1; $return["downtime_interval"] = $time_in_downtime; $return["interval"] -= $time_in_downtime; } return $return; } if ( ($wt_start >= $wt["date_from"]) && ($wt_start <= $wt["date_to"]) && ($wt_end >= $wt["date_from"]) && ($wt_end <= $wt["date_to"])) { // Case C: ...[..start..end..]...... $return["wt_valid"] = 1; $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime($wt_start, $wt_end, $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return["wt_in_downtime"] = 1; $return["downtime_interval"] = $time_in_downtime; $return["interval"] -= $time_in_downtime; } return $return; } if ( ($wt_start >= $wt["date_from"]) && ($wt_start < $wt["date_to"]) && ($wt_end > $wt["date_to"])) { // Case D: ...[..start..]...end..... $return["interval"] = $wt["date_to"] - $wt_start; $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime($wt_start, $wt["date_to"], $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return["wt_in_downtime"] = 1; $return["downtime_interval"] = $time_in_downtime; $return["interval"] -= $time_in_downtime; } $return["wt_valid"] = 1; $start_fixed = 1; // we must check if 'end' is greater than the next valid worktime range start time // unless is the last one if (($i+1) == $total) { // if there's no more worktime ranges to check return the accumulated return $return; } } if ( ($wt_start < $wt["date_from"]) && ($wt_end > $wt["date_to"])) { // Case E: ...start...[...]...end... $return["wt_valid"] = 1; $return["interval"] = $wt["date_to"] - $wt["date_from"]; $time_in_downtime = sla_downtime_worktime($wt["date_from"], $wt["date_to"], $inclusive_downtimes, $planned_downtimes); if ($time_in_downtime != false) { $return["wt_in_downtime"] = 1; $return["downtime_interval"] = $time_in_downtime; $return["interval"] -= $time_in_downtime; } if (($wt_end - $wt_start) < SECONDS_1DAY) { // Interval is less than 1 day return $return; } else { // Interval greater than 1 day, split valid worktimes $start_fixed = 1; } } if ( ($wt_start > $wt["date_to"]) && ($wt_end > $wt["date_to"])) { // Case F: ...[....]..start...end... // Invalid, check next worktime hole $return["wt_valid"] = 0; // and remove current one $return["idx"] = $i+1; } } } $return["wt_valid"] = 0; return $return; } /** * Advanced SLA result with summary * * @param int $id_agent_module id_agent_module * @param int $time_from Time start * @param int $time_to time end * @param int $min_value minimum value for OK status * @param int $max_value maximum value for OK status * @param int $inverse_interval inverse interval (range) for OK status * @param hash $daysWeek Days of active work times (M-T-W-T-V-S-S) * @param int $timeFrom Start of work time, in each day * @param int $timeTo End of work time, in each day * @param int $slices Number of reports (time division) * @param int $inclusive_downtimes In downtime as OK (1) or ignored (0) * * @return array Returns a hash with the calculated data * */ function reporting_advanced_sla ($id_agent_module, $time_from = null, $time_to = null, $min_value = null, $max_value = null, $inverse_interval = 0, $daysWeek = null, $timeFrom = null, $timeTo = null, $slices = 1, $inclusive_downtimes = 1) { // In content: // // [time_from, time_to] => Worktime // week's days => flags to manage workdays if (!isset($id_agent_module)) { return false; } if ($slices < 1) { $slices = 1; } if ( (!isset($min_value)) && (!isset($max_value)) ) { // Infer availability range based on the critical thresholds $agentmodule_info = modules_get_agentmodule($id_agent_module); // take in mind: the "inverse" critical threshold $min_value = $agentmodule_info["min_critical"]; $max_value = $agentmodule_info["max_critical"]; $inverse_interval = $agentmodule_info["critical_inverse"]==0?1:0; if ( (!isset($min_value)) || ($min_value == 0)) { $min_value = null; } if ( (!isset($max_value)) || ($max_value == 0)) { $max_value = null; } if ( (!(isset($max_value))) && (!(isset($min_value))) ) { $max_value = null; $min_value = null; } } // By default show last day $datetime_to = time(); $datetime_from = $datetime_to - SECONDS_1DAY; // Or apply specified range if ((isset($time_to) && isset($time_from)) && ($time_to > $time_from)) { $datetime_to = $time_to; $datetime_from = $time_from; } if (!isset($time_to)) { $datetime_to = $time_to; } if (!isset($time_from)) { $datetime_from = $time_from; } $uncompressed_data = db_uncompress_module_data($id_agent_module, $datetime_from, $datetime_to); if (is_array($uncompressed_data)){ $n_pools = count($uncompressed_data); if ($n_pools == 0){ return false; } } $planned_downtimes = reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals($id_agent_module, $datetime_from, $datetime_to); if ( (is_array($planned_downtimes)) && (count($planned_downtimes) > 0)){ // Sort retrieved planned downtimes usort($planned_downtimes, function ($a, $b) { $a = intval($a["date_from"]); $b = intval($b["date_from"]); if ($a==$b) { return 0; } return ($a<$b)?-1:1; }); // Compress (overlapped) planned downtimes $npd = count($planned_downtimes); for ($i=0; $i<$npd; $i++) { if (isset($planned_downtimes[$i+1])) { if ($planned_downtimes[$i]["date_to"] >= $planned_downtimes[$i+1]["date_from"]) { // merge $planned_downtimes[$i]["date_to"] = $planned_downtimes[$i+1]["date_to"]; array_splice ($planned_downtimes, $i+1, 1); $npd--; } } } } else { $planned_downtimes = null; } // Structure retrieved: schema: // // uncompressed_data => // pool_id (int) // utimestamp (start of current slice) // data // array // utimestamp // datos // // Build exceptions $worktime = null; if ( ((isset($daysWeek)) && (isset($timeFrom)) && (isset($timeTo))) || (is_array($planned_downtimes)) ) { $n = 0; if (!isset($daysWeek)) { // init $daysWeek = array ( "1" => 1, // sunday" "2" => 1, // monday "3" => 1, // tuesday "4" => 1, // wednesday "5" => 1, // thursday "6" => 1, // friday "7" => 1, // saturday ); } foreach ($daysWeek as $day) { if ($day == 1){ $n++; } } if ( ($n == count($daysWeek)) && ($timeFrom == $timeTo) ) { // Ignore custom ranges $worktime = null; } else { // get only first day $date_start = strtotime(date("Y/m/d",$datetime_from)); $date_end = strtotime(date("Y/m/d",$datetime_to)); $t_day = $date_start; $i = 0; $worktime = array(); if ($timeFrom == $timeTo) { $timeFrom = "00:00:00"; $timeTo = "00:00:00"; } if (!isset($timeFrom)) { $timeFrom = "00:00:00"; } if (!isset($timeTo)) { $timeTo = "00:00:00"; } // timeFrom (seconds) sscanf($timeFrom, "%d:%d:%d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds); $secondsFrom = $hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $seconds; // timeTo (seconds) sscanf($timeTo, "%d:%d:%d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds); $secondsTo = $hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $seconds; // Apply planned downtime exceptions (fix matrix) while ($t_day <= $date_end) { if ($daysWeek[date("w", $t_day)+1] == 1) { $wt_start = strtotime(date("Y/m/d H:i:s",$t_day + $secondsFrom)); $wt_end = strtotime(date("Y/m/d H:i:s",$t_day + $secondsTo)); if ($timeFrom == $timeTo) { $wt_end += SECONDS_1DAY; } // Check if in planned downtime if exclusive downtimes if ( ($inclusive_downtimes == 0) && (is_array($planned_downtimes)) ) { $start_fixed = 0; $n_planned_downtimes = count($planned_downtimes); $i_planned_downtimes = 0; $last_pd = end($planned_downtimes); if ($wt_start > $last_pd["date_to"]) { // There's no more planned downtimes, accept remaining range $worktime[$i]= array(); $worktime[$i]["date_from"] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]["date_to"] = $wt_end; $i++; } else { for($i_planned_downtimes=0; $i_planned_downtimes < $n_planned_downtimes; $i_planned_downtimes++){ $pd = $planned_downtimes[$i_planned_downtimes]; if($start_fixed == 1) { // Interval greater than found planned downtime if ( $wt_end < $pd["date_from"] ) { $worktime[$i]= array(); // wt_start already fixed $worktime[$i]["date_from"] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]["date_to"] = $wt_end; $i++; break; } if ( ( $wt_end >= $pd["date_from"] ) && ( $wt_end <= $pd["date_to"] )) { $worktime[$i]= array(); // wt_start already fixed $worktime[$i]["date_from"] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]["date_to"] = $pd["date_from"]; $i++; break; } if ( $wt_end > $pd["date_to"] ) { $worktime[$i]= array(); // wt_start already fixed $worktime[$i]["date_from"] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]["date_to"] = $pd["date_from"]; $i++; $start_fixed = 0; // Search following planned downtimes, we're still on work time! $wt_start = $pd["date_from"]; } } if ( ( $wt_start < $pd["date_from"]) && ( $wt_end < $pd["date_from"]) ) { // Out of planned downtime: Add worktime $worktime[$i]= array(); $worktime[$i]["date_from"] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]["date_to"] = $wt_end; $i++; break; } if ( ( $wt_start < $pd["date_from"]) && ( $wt_end <= $pd["date_to"]) ) { // Not all worktime in downtime. $worktime[$i]= array(); $worktime[$i]["date_from"] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]["date_to"] = $pd["date_from"]; $i++; break; } if ( ( $wt_start >= $pd["date_from"]) && ( $wt_end <= $pd["date_to"]) ) { // All worktime in downtime, ignore break; } if ( ( $wt_start >= $pd["date_from"]) && ( $wt_start <= $pd["date_to"]) && ( $wt_end > $pd["date_to"]) ) { // Begin of the worktime in downtime, adjust. // Search for end of worktime. $wt_start = $pd["date_to"]; $start_fixed = 1; } if ( ( $wt_start < $pd["date_from"]) && ( $wt_end > $pd["date_to"]) ) { // Begin of the worktime in downtime, adjust. // Search for end of worktime. $worktime[$i]= array(); $worktime[$i]["date_from"] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]["date_to"] = $pd["date_from"]; $i++; $wt_start = $pd["date_to"]; $start_fixed = 1; } if ( ($start_fixed == 1) && (($i_planned_downtimes+1) == $n_planned_downtimes) ) { // There's no more planned downtimes, accept remaining range $worktime[$i]= array(); $worktime[$i]["date_from"] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]["date_to"] = $wt_end; $i++; break; } } } } else { // No planned downtimes scheduled $worktime[$i]= array(); $worktime[$i]["date_from"] = $wt_start; $worktime[$i]["date_to"] = $wt_end; $i++; } } $t_day = strtotime(" + 1 days", $t_day); } // End while -> build matrix } // End else (prepare fixed matrix) } // Finished: Build exceptions // DEBUG // print "
Umcompressed data debug:\n";
// foreach ($uncompressed_data as $k => $caja) {
// 	print "caja: $k\t" . $caja["utimestamp"] . "\n";
// 	foreach ($caja["data"] as $dato) {
// 		print "\t" . $dato["utimestamp"] . "\t" . $dato["datos"] . "\t" . date("Y/m/d H:i:s",$dato["utimestamp"]) . "\t" . $dato["obs"] . "\n";
// 	}
// }
// print "
"; // Initialization $global_return = array(); $wt_check["idx"] = 0; $last_pool_id = 0; $last_item_id = 0; // Support to slices $global_datetime_from = $datetime_from; $global_datetime_to = $datetime_to; $range = ($datetime_to - $datetime_from) / $slices; // Analysis begins for ($count=0; $count < $slices; $count++) { // use strtotime based on local timezone to avoid datetime conversions $datetime_from = strtotime(" + " . ($count*$range) . " seconds" , $global_datetime_from); $datetime_to = strtotime(" + " . (($count + 1)*$range) . " seconds", $global_datetime_from); if ( (!isset ($datetime_from)) || ($datetime_from === false)){ $datetime_from = $global_datetime_from + ($count*$range); } if ( (!isset ($datetime_to)) || ($datetime_to === false)){ $datetime_to = $global_datetime_from + (($count + 1)*$range); } $return = array(); // timing $time_total = 0; $time_in_ok = 0; $time_in_error = 0; $time_in_unknown = 0; $time_in_not_init = 0; $time_in_down = 0; $time_out = 0; // checks $bad_checks = 0; $ok_checks = 0; $not_init_checks = 0; $unknown_checks = 0; $total_checks = 0; if (is_array($uncompressed_data)) { $n_pools = count($uncompressed_data); for($pool_index = $last_pool_id; $pool_index < $n_pools; $pool_index++ ) { $pool = $uncompressed_data[$pool_index]; // check limits if (isset($uncompressed_data[$pool_index+1])) { $next_pool = $uncompressed_data[$pool_index+1]; } else { $next_pool = null; } if (isset($next_pool)) { $pool["next_utimestamp"] = $next_pool["utimestamp"]; } else { $pool["next_utimestamp"] = $global_datetime_to; } // update last pool checked: avoid repetition $last_pool_id = $pool_index; if ($datetime_from > $pool["utimestamp"]) { # Skip pool continue; } // Test if need to acquire current pool if ( (($datetime_from <= $pool["utimestamp"]) && ($datetime_to >= $pool["next_utimestamp"])) || ($datetime_to > $pool["utimestamp"]) ) { # Acquire pool to this slice $nitems_in_pool = count($pool["data"]); for ($i=0; $i < $nitems_in_pool; $i++ ) { $current_data = $pool["data"][$i]; if (($i+1) >= $nitems_in_pool) { // if pool exceded, check next pool timestamp $next_data = $next_pool; } else { // pool not exceded, check next item $next_data = $pool["data"][$i+1]; } if (isset ($next_data["utimestamp"])) { // check next mark time in current pool $next_timestamp = $next_data["utimestamp"]; } else { // check last time -> datetime_to if (!isset($next_pool)) { $next_timestamp = $global_datetime_to; } else { $next_timestamp = $datetime_to; } } // Effective time limits for current data $wt_start = $current_data["utimestamp"]; $wt_end = $next_timestamp; // Remove time spent not in planning (and in planned downtime if needed) $wt_check = sla_fixed_worktime($wt_start, $wt_end, $worktime, $planned_downtimes, $inclusive_downtimes, $wt_check["idx"]); $time_interval = $wt_check["interval"]; if (($wt_check["wt_valid"] == 1)) { $time_total += $time_interval; if ($time_interval > 0) { $total_checks++; if ((isset ($current_data["datos"])) && ($current_data["datos"] !== false)) { // not unknown nor not init values if (sla_check_value($current_data["datos"],$min_value, $max_value, $inverse_interval)) { $ok_checks++; $time_in_ok += $time_interval; } else { $bad_checks++; $time_in_error += $time_interval; } } else { if($current_data["datos"] === null) { $time_in_unknown += $time_interval; $unknown_checks++; } elseif ($current_data["datos"] === false) { $time_in_not_init += $time_interval; $not_init_checks++; } } } if ($inclusive_downtimes == 1) { if ($wt_check["wt_in_downtime"]) { // Add downtime interval as OK in inclusion mode $total_checks++; $ok_checks++; $time_in_ok += $wt_check["downtime_interval"]; $time_total += $wt_check["downtime_interval"]; $time_in_down += $wt_check["downtime_interval"]; } } } else { $time_out += $time_interval; if ($wt_check["wt_in_downtime"]) { $time_out += $wt_check["downtime_interval"]; } // ignore worktime, is in an invalid period: // scheduled downtimes in exclusion mode // not 24x7 sla's } } // End of pool items analysis (for) } // End analysis of pool acquired else { break; } } // End of pool analysis (for) } else { // If monitor in not-init status => no data to show $time_in_not_init = $datetime_to - $datetime_from; $time_total += $time_in_not_init; $not_init_checks++; } // Timing $return["time_total"] = $time_total; $return["time_ok"] = $time_in_ok; $return["time_error"] = $time_in_error; $return["time_unknown"] = $time_in_unknown; $return["time_not_init"] = $time_in_not_init; $return["time_downtime"] = $time_in_down; $return["time_out"] = $time_out; // # Checks $return["checks_total"] = $total_checks; $return["checks_ok"] = $ok_checks; $return["checks_error"] = $bad_checks; $return["checks_unknown"] = $unknown_checks; $return["checks_not_init"] = $not_init_checks; // SLA if (($time_in_error+$time_in_ok) == 0) { $return["SLA"] = 0; } else { $return["SLA"] = (($time_in_ok/($time_in_error+$time_in_ok))*100); } // SLA $return["SLA_fixed"] = sla_truncate($return["SLA"], $config['graph_precision']); // Time ranges $return["date_from"] = $datetime_from; $return["date_to"] = $datetime_to; if ($slices > 1) { array_push($global_return, $return); } } // end of slice analysis (for) if ($slices > 1) { return $global_return; } return $return; } /** * reporting_availability * * Generates a structure the report. * */ function reporting_availability($report, $content, $date=false, $time=false) { global $config; $return = array(); $return['type'] = 'availability'; $return['subtype'] = $content['group_by_agent']; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Availability'); } if($date){ $datetime_to = strtotime ($date . ' ' . $time); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text( $report, $content); $return['id_rc'] = $content['id_rc']; if ($content['show_graph']) { $return['kind_availability'] = "address"; } else { $return['kind_availability'] = "module"; } if (empty($content['subitems'])) { $sql = sprintf(" SELECT id_agent_module, server_name, operation FROM treport_content_item WHERE id_report_content = %d", $content['id_rc']); $items = db_process_sql ($sql); } else { $items = $content['subitems']; } $data = array(); $avg = 0; $min = null; $min_text = ""; $max = null; $max_text = ""; $count = 0; $style = io_safe_output($content['style']); if($style['hide_notinit_agents']){ $aux_id_agents = $agents; $i=0; foreach ($items as $item) { $utimestamp = db_get_value('utimestamp', 'tagente_datos', 'id_agente_modulo', $item['id_agent_module'], true); if (($utimestamp === false) || (intval($utimestamp) > intval($datetime_to))){ unset($items[$i]); } $i++; } } if (!empty($items)) { foreach ($items as $item) { //aaMetaconsole connection $server_name = $item ['server_name']; if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE')) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) { //ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } } if (modules_is_disable_agent($item['id_agent_module']) || modules_is_not_init($item['id_agent_module'])) { //Restore dbconnection if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE')) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } continue; } $row = array(); $text = ""; $row['data'] = reporting_advanced_sla( $item['id_agent_module'], $report["datetime"] - $content['period'], $report["datetime"], null, // min_value -> dynamic null, // max_value -> dynamic null, // inverse_interval -> dynamic array ( "1" => $content["sunday"], "2" => $content["monday"], "3" => $content["tuesday"], "4" => $content["wednesday"], "5" => $content["thursday"], "6" => $content["friday"], "7" => $content["saturday"] ), $content['time_from'], $content['time_to'] ); // HACK it is saved in show_graph field. // Show interfaces instead the modules if ($content['show_graph']) { $text = $row['data']['availability_item'] = agents_get_address( modules_get_agentmodule_agent($item['id_agent_module'])); if (empty($text)) { $text = $row['data']['availability_item'] = __('No Address'); } } else { $text = $row['data']['availability_item'] = modules_get_agentmodule_name( $item['id_agent_module']); } $row['data']['agent'] = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias( $item['id_agent_module']); $text = $row['data']['agent'] . " (" . $text . ")"; //Restore dbconnection if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE')) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } //find order $row['data']['order'] = $row['data']['SLA']; $percent_ok = $row['data']['SLA']; $avg = (($avg * $count) + $percent_ok) / ($count + 1); if (is_null($min)) { $min = $percent_ok; $min_text = $text; } else { if ($min > $percent_ok) { $min = $percent_ok; $min_text = $text; } } if (is_null($max)) { $max = $percent_ok; $max_text = $text; } else { if ($max < $percent_ok) { $max = $percent_ok; $max_text = $text; } } $data[] = $row['data']; $count++; } switch ($content['order_uptodown']) { case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_AGENT_NAME: $temp = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if (strcmp($row['data']['agent'], $t_row['agent']) < 0) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, array($row)); } $data = $temp; break; case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_ASCENDING: $temp = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['data']['SLA'] < $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, array($row)); } $data = $temp; break; case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_DESCENDING: $temp = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['data']['SLA'] > $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, array($row)); } $data = $temp; break; } } $return["data"] = $data; $return["resume"] = array(); $return['resume']['resume'] = $content['show_resume']; $return["resume"]['min_text'] = $min_text; $return["resume"]['min'] = $min; $return["resume"]['avg'] = $avg; $return["resume"]['max_text'] = $max_text; $return["resume"]['max'] = $max; return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * reporting_availability_graph * * Generates a structure the report. * */ function reporting_availability_graph($report, $content, $pdf=false) { global $config; $return = array(); $return['type'] = 'availability_graph'; $ttl = 1; if ($pdf){ $ttl = 2; } if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Availability'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text($report, $content); // Get chart reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); $return["id_rc"] = $content['id_rc']; $edge_interval = 10; if (empty($content['subitems'])) { $slas = db_get_all_rows_field_filter ( 'treport_content_sla_combined', 'id_report_content', $content['id_rc']); } else { $slas = $content['subitems']; } if (empty($slas)) { $return['failed'] = __('There are no SLAs defined'); } else { require_once ($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_planned_downtimes.php'); $metaconsole_on = is_metaconsole(); $urlImage = ui_get_full_url(false, true, false, false); $sla_failed = false; $total_SLA = 0; $total_result_SLA = 'ok'; $sla_showed = array(); $sla_showed_values = array(); foreach ($slas as $sla) { $server_name = $sla ['server_name']; //Metaconsole connection if ($metaconsole_on && $server_name != '') { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (!metaconsole_load_external_db($connection)) { //ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } } if (modules_is_disable_agent($sla['id_agent_module']) || modules_is_not_init($sla['id_agent_module'])) { if ($metaconsole_on) { //Restore db connection metaconsole_restore_db(); } continue; } //controller min and max == 0 then dinamic min and max critical $dinamic_text = 0; if($sla['sla_min'] == 0 && $sla['sla_max'] == 0){ $sla['sla_min'] = null; $sla['sla_max'] = null; $dinamic_text = __('Dynamic'); } //controller inverse interval $inverse_interval = 0; if( (isset($sla['sla_max'])) && (isset($sla['sla_min'])) ) { if($sla['sla_max'] < $sla['sla_min']){ $content_sla_max = $sla['sla_max']; $sla['sla_max'] = $sla['sla_min']; $sla['sla_min'] = $content_sla_max; $inverse_interval = 1; $dinamic_text = __('Inverse'); } } //for graph slice for module-interval, if not slice=0; $module_interval = modules_get_interval ($sla['id_agent_module']); $slice = $content["period"] / $module_interval; //call functions sla $sla_array = array(); $sla_array = reporting_advanced_sla( $sla['id_agent_module'], $report["datetime"] - $content['period'], $report["datetime"], $sla['sla_min'], // min_value -> dynamic $sla['sla_max'], // max_value -> dynamic $inverse_interval, // inverse_interval -> dynamic array ( "1" => $content["sunday"], "2" => $content["monday"], "3" => $content["tuesday"], "4" => $content["wednesday"], "5" => $content["thursday"], "6" => $content["friday"], "7" => $content["saturday"] ), $content['time_from'], $content['time_to'], $slice ); if ($metaconsole_on) { //Restore db connection metaconsole_restore_db(); } $server_name = $sla ['server_name']; //Metaconsole connection if ($metaconsole_on && $server_name != '') { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_connect($connection) != NOERR) { continue; } } $planned_downtimes = reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals($sla['id_agent_module'], $report['datetime'] - $content['period'], $report['datetime']); if ( (is_array($planned_downtimes)) && (count($planned_downtimes) > 0)){ // Sort retrieved planned downtimes usort($planned_downtimes, function ($a, $b) { $a = intval($a["date_from"]); $b = intval($b["date_from"]); if ($a==$b) { return 0; } return ($a<$b)?-1:1; }); // Compress (overlapped) planned downtimes $npd = count($planned_downtimes); for ($i=0; $i<$npd; $i++) { if (isset($planned_downtimes[$i+1])) { if ($planned_downtimes[$i]["date_to"] >= $planned_downtimes[$i+1]["date_from"]) { // merge $planned_downtimes[$i]["date_to"] = $planned_downtimes[$i+1]["date_to"]; array_splice ($planned_downtimes, $i+1, 1); $npd--; } } } } else { $planned_downtimes = null; } $data = array(); $data['agent'] = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($sla['id_agent_module']); $data['module'] = modules_get_agentmodule_name($sla['id_agent_module']); $data['max'] = $sla['sla_max']; $data['min'] = $sla['sla_min']; $data['sla_limit'] = $sla['sla_limit']; $data['dinamic_text'] = $dinamic_text; if(isset($sla_array[0])){ $data['time_total'] = 0; $data['time_ok'] = 0; $data['time_error'] = 0; $data['time_unknown'] = 0; $data['time_not_init'] = 0; $data['time_downtime'] = 0; $data['checks_total'] = 0; $data['checks_ok'] = 0; $data['checks_error'] = 0; $data['checks_unknown'] = 0; $data['checks_not_init'] = 0; $raw_graph = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($sla_array as $value_sla) { $data['time_total'] += $value_sla['time_total']; $data['time_ok'] += $value_sla['time_ok']; $data['time_error'] += $value_sla['time_error']; $data['time_unknown'] += $value_sla['time_unknown']; $data['time_downtime'] += $value_sla['time_downtime']; $data['time_not_init'] += $value_sla['time_not_init']; $data['checks_total'] += $value_sla['checks_total']; $data['checks_ok'] += $value_sla['checks_ok']; $data['checks_error'] += $value_sla['checks_error']; $data['checks_unknown'] += $value_sla['checks_unknown']; $data['checks_not_init'] += $value_sla['checks_not_init']; // generate raw data for graph if ($value_sla['time_total'] != 0) { if ($value_sla['time_error'] > 0) { // ERR $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 3; } elseif ($value_sla['time_unknown'] > 0) { // UNKNOWN $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 4; } elseif ($value_sla['time_not_init'] == $value_sla['time_total']) { // NOT INIT $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 6; } else { $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 1; } } else { $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 7; } $raw_graph[$i]['utimestamp'] = $value_sla['date_to'] - $value_sla['date_from']; if (isset($planned_downtimes)) { foreach($planned_downtimes as $pd){ if( ($value_sla['date_from'] >= $pd['date_from']) && ($value_sla['date_to'] <= $pd['date_to']) ) { $raw_graph[$i]['data'] = 5; // in scheduled downtime break; } } } $i++; } if (($data['time_ok']+$data['time_error']) > 0 ) { $data['sla_value'] = ($data['time_ok']/($data['time_ok']+$data['time_error']))*100; } else { $data['sla_value'] = 0; } $data['sla_fixed'] = sla_truncate($data['sla_value'], $config['graph_precision'] ); } else{ //Show only table not divider in slice for defect slice=1 $data['time_total'] = $sla_array['time_total']; $data['time_ok'] = $sla_array['time_ok']; $data['time_error'] = $sla_array['time_error']; $data['time_unknown'] = $sla_array['time_unknown']; $data['time_downtime'] = $sla_array['time_downtime']; $data['time_not_init'] = $sla_array['time_not_init']; $data['checks_total'] = $sla_array['checks_total']; $data['checks_ok'] = $sla_array['checks_ok']; $data['checks_error'] = $sla_array['checks_error']; $data['checks_unknown'] = $sla_array['checks_unknown']; $data['checks_not_init'] = $sla_array['checks_not_init']; $data['sla_value'] = $sla_array['SLA']; } //checks whether or not it meets the SLA if ($data['sla_value'] >= $sla['sla_limit']) { $data['sla_status'] = 1; $sla_failed = false; } else { $sla_failed = true; $data['sla_status'] = 0; } //Do not show right modules if 'only_display_wrong' is active if($content['only_display_wrong'] && $sla_failed == false){ continue; } //find order $data['order'] = $data['sla_value']; $return['data'][] = $data; // Slice graphs calculation $dataslice = array(); $dataslice['agent'] = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($sla['id_agent_module']); $dataslice['module'] = modules_get_agentmodule_name ($sla['id_agent_module']); $dataslice['order'] = $data['sla_value']; $dataslice['checks_total'] = $data['checks_total']; $dataslice['checks_ok'] = $data['checks_ok']; $dataslice['sla_status'] = $data['sla_status']; $dataslice['sla_value'] = $data['sla_value']; $dataslice['chart'] = graph_sla_slicebar( $sla['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $sla['sla_min'], $sla['sla_max'], $report['datetime'], $content, $content['time_from'], $content['time_to'], 1920, 50, $urlImage, $ttl, $raw_graph, false); $return['charts'][] = $dataslice; if ($metaconsole_on) { //Restore db connection metaconsole_restore_db(); } } // SLA items sorted descending () if ($content['top_n'] == 2) { arsort($return['data']['']); } // SLA items sorted ascending else if ($content['top_n'] == 1) { asort($sla_showed_values); } //order data for ascending or descending if($content['top_n'] != 0){ switch ($content['top_n']) { case 1: //order tables $temp = array(); foreach ($return['data'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] < $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, array($row)); } $return['data'] = $temp; //order graphs $temp = array(); foreach ($return['charts'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] < $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, array($row)); } $return['charts'] = $temp; break; case 2: //order tables $temp = array(); foreach ($return['data'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] > $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, array($row)); } $return['data'] = $temp; //order graph $temp = array(); foreach ($return['charts'] as $row) { $i = 0; foreach ($temp as $t_row) { if ($row['sla_value'] > $t_row['order']) { break; } $i++; } array_splice($temp, $i, 0, array($row)); } $return['charts'] = $temp; break; } } } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } /** * reporting_general * * Generates a structure the report. * */ function reporting_general($report, $content) { global $config; $return = array(); $return['type'] = 'general'; $return['subtype'] = $content['group_by_agent']; $return['resume'] = $content['show_resume']; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('General'); } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text( $report, $content); $return["data"] = array(); $return["avg_value"] = 0; $return["min"] = array(); $return["min"]["value"] = null; $return["min"]["formated_value"] = null; $return["min"]["agent"] = null; $return["min"]["module"] = null; $return["max"] = array(); $return["max"]["value"] = null; $return["max"]["formated_value"] = null; $return["max"]["agent"] = null; $return["max"]["module"] = null; $return["show_in_same_row"] = $content['style']['show_in_same_row']; if (empty($content['subitems'])) { $generals = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'treport_content_item', array('id_report_content' => $content['id_rc'])); } else { $generals = $content['subitems']; } if (empty($generals)) { $generals = array(); } $i = 0; $index = 0; foreach ($generals as $row) { //Metaconsole connection $server_name = $row ['server_name']; if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE')) { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server_name); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) != NOERR) { //ui_print_error_message ("Error connecting to ".$server_name); continue; } } if (modules_is_disable_agent($row['id_agent_module']) || modules_is_not_init($row['id_agent_module'])) { if (is_metaconsole()) { //Restore db connection metaconsole_restore_db(); } continue; } $mod_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name ($row['id_agent_module']); $ag_name = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($row['id_agent_module']); $type_mod = modules_get_last_value($row['id_agent_module']); $unit = db_get_value('unit', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $row['id_agent_module']); if ($content['period'] == 0) { $data_res[$index] = modules_get_last_value($row['id_agent_module']); } else { if(is_numeric($type_mod)){ switch ($row['operation']) { case 'sum': $data_res[$index] = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_sum( $row['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"]); break; case 'max': $data_res[$index] = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max( $row['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case 'min': $data_res[$index] = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min( $row['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; case 'avg': default: $data_res[$index] = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average( $row['id_agent_module'], $content['period']); break; } } else { $data_res[$index] = $type_mod; } } switch ($content['group_by_agent']) { case REPORT_GENERAL_NOT_GROUP_BY_AGENT: $id_agent_module[$index] = $row['id_agent_module']; $agent_name[$index] = $ag_name; $module_name[$index] = $mod_name; $units[$index] = $unit; $operations[$index] = $row['operation']; break; case REPORT_GENERAL_GROUP_BY_AGENT: if ($data_res[$index] === false) { $return["data"][$ag_name][$mod_name] = null; } else { if (!is_numeric($data_res[$index])) { $return["data"][$ag_name][$mod_name] = $data_res[$index]; } else { $return["data"][$ag_name][$mod_name] = format_for_graph($data_res[$index], 2) . " " . $unit; } } break; } // Calculate the avg, min and max if (is_numeric($data_res[$index])) { $change_min = false; if (is_null($return["min"]["value"])) { $change_min = true; } else { if ($return["min"]["value"] > $data_res[$index]) { $change_min = true; } } if ($change_min) { $return["min"]["value"] = $data_res[$index]; $return["min"]["formated_value"] = format_for_graph($data_res[$index], 2) . " " . $unit; $return["min"]["agent"] = $ag_name; $return["min"]["module"] = $mod_name; } $change_max = false; if (is_null($return["max"]["value"])) { $change_max = true; } else { if ($return["max"]["value"] < $data_res[$index]) { $change_max = true; } } if ($change_max) { $return["max"]["value"] = $data_res[$index]; $return["max"]["formated_value"] = format_for_graph($data_res[$index], 2) . " " . $unit; $return["max"]["agent"] = $ag_name; $return["max"]["module"] = $mod_name; } if ($i == 0) { $return["avg_value"] = $data_res[$index]; } else { $return["avg_value"] = (($return["avg_value"] * $i) / ($i + 1)) + ($data_res[$index] / ($i + 1)); } } $index++; $i++; //Restore dbconnection if (($config ['metaconsole'] == 1) && $server_name != '' && defined('METACONSOLE')) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } switch ($content['group_by_agent']) { case REPORT_GENERAL_NOT_GROUP_BY_AGENT: switch ($content['order_uptodown']) { case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_AGENT_NAME: array_multisort($agent_name, SORT_ASC, $data_res, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $operations, SORT_ASC); break; case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_ASCENDING: array_multisort($data_res, SORT_ASC, $agent_name, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $operations, SORT_ASC); break; case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_DESCENDING: array_multisort($data_res, SORT_DESC, $agent_name, SORT_ASC, $module_name, SORT_ASC, $id_agent_module, SORT_ASC, $operations, SORT_ASC); break; case REPORT_ITEM_ORDER_BY_UNSORT: break; } $i = 0; foreach ($data_res as $d) { $data = array(); $data['agent'] = $agent_name[$i]; $data['module'] = $module_name[$i]; $data['id_agent_module'] = $id_agent_module[$i]; $data['id_agent'] = agents_get_agent_id_by_module_id($id_agent_module[$i]); $data['operator'] = ""; if ($content['period'] != 0) { switch ($operations[$i]) { case 'sum': $data['operator'] = __('Summatory'); break; case 'min': $data['operator'] = __('Minimum'); break; case 'max': $data['operator'] = __('Maximum'); break; case 'avg': default: $data['operator'] = __('Rate'); break; } } if ($d === false) { $data['value'] = null; } else { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": break; case "oracle": if (preg_match("/[0-9]+,[0-9]E+[+-][0-9]+/", $d)) { $d = oracle_format_float_to_php($d); } break; } if (!is_numeric($d)) { $data['value'] = $d; // to see the chains on the table $data['formated_value'] = $d; } else { $data['value'] = $d; $data['formated_value'] = format_for_graph($d, 2) . " " . $units[$i]; } } $return["data"][] = $data; $i++; } break; } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_custom_graph($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic', $force_width_chart = null, $force_height_chart = null, $type_report = "custom_graph") { global $config; require_once ($config["homedir"] . '/include/functions_graph.php'); if ($type_report == 'automatic_graph') { // Do none } else { if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } } $graph = db_get_row ("tgraph", "id_graph", $content['id_gs']); $return = array(); $return['type'] = 'custom_graph'; if (empty($content['name'])) { if ($type_report == "custom_graph") { $content['name'] = __('Custom graph'); } else { $content['name'] = __('Simple graph'); } } $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $graph['name']; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text( $report, $content); $graphs = db_get_all_rows_field_filter ("tgraph_source", "id_graph", $content['id_gs']); $modules = array (); $weights = array (); if ($graphs === false) $graphs = array(); $labels = array(); foreach ($graphs as $graph_item) { if ($type_report == 'automatic_graph') { array_push ($modules, array( 'module' => $graph_item['id_agent_module'], 'server' => $graph_item['id_server'])); } else { array_push ($modules, $graph_item['id_agent_module']); } array_push ($weights, $graph_item["weight"]); if (in_array('label',$content['style'])) { $item = array('type' => 'custom_graph', 'id_agent' =>modules_get_agentmodule_agent($graph_item['id_agent_module']), 'id_agent_module'=>$graph_item['id_agent_module']); $label = reporting_label_macro($item, $content['style']['label']); $labels[$graph_item['id_agent_module']] = $label; } } $return['chart'] = ''; // Get chart reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); //height for bullet chart if($graph['stacked'] != 4){ $height += count($modules) * REPORTING_CUSTOM_GRAPH_LEGEND_EACH_MODULE_VERTICAL_SIZE; } else{ if(!$only_image){ $height = 50; } } switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': $return['chart'] = graphic_combined_module( $modules, $weights, $content['period'], $width, $height, '', '', 0, 0, 0, $graph["stacked"], $report["datetime"], $only_image, ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), $ttl, false, false, 'white', array(), array(), true, true, true, true, $labels, false, false, $graph["percentil"] ); break; case 'data': break; } if ($type_report == 'automatic_graph') { // Do none } else { if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_simple_graph($report, $content, $type = 'dinamic', $force_width_chart = null, $force_height_chart = null) { global $config; if ($config['metaconsole']) { $id_meta = metaconsole_get_id_server($content["server_name"]); $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id ($id_meta); metaconsole_connect($server); } $return = array(); $return['type'] = 'simple_graph'; if (empty($content['name'])) { $content['name'] = __('Simple graph'); } $module_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_name($content['id_agent_module'])); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias ($content['id_agent_module'])); $return['title'] = $content['name']; $return['subtitle'] = $agent_name . " - " . $module_name; $return['agent_name'] = $agent_name; $return['module_name'] = $module_name; $return["description"] = $content["description"]; $return["date"] = reporting_get_date_text( $report, $content); $label = (isset($content['style']['label'])) ? $content['style']['label'] : ''; if ($label != '') { $label = reporting_label_macro($content, $label); } $only_avg = true; // Due to database compatibility problems, the 'only_avg' value // is stored into the json contained into the 'style' column. if (isset($content['style']['only_avg'])) { $only_avg = (bool) $content['style']['only_avg']; } $moduletype_name = modules_get_moduletype_name( modules_get_agentmodule_type( $content['id_agent_module'])); $return['chart'] = ''; // Get chart reporting_set_conf_charts($width, $height, $only_image, $type, $content, $ttl); if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': case 'static': if (preg_match ("/string/", $moduletype_name)) { $urlImage = ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false); $return['chart'] = grafico_modulo_string( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], false, $width, $height, $label, '', false, $only_avg, false, $report["datetime"], $only_image, $urlImage, "", $ttl); } else { // HACK it is saved in show_graph field. $time_compare_overlapped = false; if ($content['show_graph']) { $time_compare_overlapped = 'overlapped'; } $return['chart'] = grafico_modulo_sparse( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], false, $width, $height, $label, '', false, $only_avg, true, $report["datetime"], '', 0, 0, true, $only_image, ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), $ttl, false, '', $time_compare_overlapped, true, true, 'white', ($content['style']['percentil'] == 1) ? $config['percentil'] : null, false, false, $config['type_module_charts']); } break; case 'data': $data = modules_get_agentmodule_data( $content['id_agent_module'], $content['period'], $report["datetime"]); foreach ($data as $d) { $return['chart'][$d['utimestamp']] = $d['data']; } break; } if ($config['metaconsole']) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } return reporting_check_structure_content($return); } function reporting_get_date_text($report = null, $content = null) { global $config; $return = array(); $return['date'] = null; $return['period'] = null; $return['from'] = null; $return['to'] = null; if (!empty($report) && !empty($content)) { if ($content['period'] == 0) { $es = json_decode($content['external_source'], true); if ($es['date'] == 0) { $return['period'] = 0; } else { $return['date'] = $es['date']; } } else { $return['period'] = $content['period']; $return['from'] = $report["datetime"] - $content['period']; $return['to'] = $report["datetime"]; } } return $return; } /** * Check the common items exits */ function reporting_check_structure_report($return) { if (!isset($return['group_name'])) $return['group_name'] = ""; if (!isset($return['title'])) $return['title'] = ""; if (!isset($return['datetime'])) $return['datetime'] = ""; if (!isset($return['period'])) $return['period'] = ""; return $return; } /** * Check the common items exits */ function reporting_check_structure_content($report) { if (!isset($report['title'])) $report['title'] = ""; if (!isset($report['subtitle'])) $report['subtitle'] = ""; if (!isset($report['description'])) $report['description'] = ""; if (!isset($report["date"])) { $report["date"]['date'] = ""; $report["date"]['period'] = ""; $report["date"]['from'] = ""; $report["date"]['to'] = ""; } return $report; } function reporting_set_conf_charts(&$width, &$height, &$only_image, $type, $content, &$ttl) { switch ($type) { case 'dinamic': $only_image = false; $width = 900; $height = 230; $ttl = 1; break; case 'static': $ttl = 2; $only_image = true; if ($content['style']['show_in_landscape']) { $height = 1100; $width = 1700; } else { $height = 360; $width = 780; } break; case 'data': break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAYBE MOVE THE NEXT FUNCTIONS TO A FILE NAMED AS FUNCTION_REPORTING.UTILS.PHP // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get a detailed report of summarized events per agent * * It construct a table object with all the grouped events happened in an agent * during a period of time. * * @param mixed Module id to get the report from. * @param int Period of time (in seconds) to get the report. * @param int Beginning date (unixtime) of the report * @param bool Flag to return or echo the report table (echo by default). * @param bool Flag to return the html or table object, by default html. * * @return mixed A table object (XHTML) or object table is false the html. */ function reporting_get_module_detailed_event ($id_modules, $period = 0, $date = 0, $show_summary_group = false, $filter_event_severity = false, $filter_event_type = false, $filter_event_status = false, $filter_event_filter_search = false, $force_width_chart = false, $event_graph_by_user_validator = false, $event_graph_by_criticity = false, $event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated = false, $ttl = 1) { global $config; $id_modules = (array)safe_int ($id_modules, 1); if (!is_numeric ($date)) { $date = strtotime ($date); } if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } $history = false; if ($config['history_event_enabled']) $history = true; $events = array (); foreach ($id_modules as $id_module) { $event['data'] = events_get_agent (false, (int) $period, (int) $date, $history, $show_summary_group, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, false, false, $id_module, true); //total_events if(isset($event['data'])){ $event['total_events'] = count($event['data']); } else{ $event['total_events'] = 0; } //graphs if (!empty($force_width_chart)) { $width = $force_width_chart; } if (!empty($force_height_chart)) { $height = $force_height_chart; } if ($event_graph_by_user_validator) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated_by_user( array('id_agentmodule' => $id_module), $period, $date, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search); $event['chart']['by_user_validator'] = pie3d_graph( false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl); } if ($event_graph_by_criticity) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_by_criticity( array('id_agentmodule' => $id_module), $period, $date, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search); $colors = get_criticity_pie_colors($data_graph); $event['chart']['by_criticity'] = pie3d_graph( false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl, false, $colors); } if ($event_graph_validated_vs_unvalidated) { $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated( array('id_agentmodule' => $id_module), $period, $date, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search); $event['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'] = pie3d_graph( false, $data_graph, 500, 150, __("other"), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false) . "/images/logo_vertical_water.png", $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl); } if (!empty ($event)) { array_push ($events, $event); } } return $events; } /** * Get a detailed report of summarized events per agent * * It construct a table object with all the grouped events happened in an agent * during a period of time. * * @param mixed Agent id(s) to get the report from. * @param int Period of time (in seconds) to get the report. * @param int Beginning date (unixtime) of the report * @param bool Flag to return or echo the report table (echo by default). * * @return A table object (XHTML) */ function reporting_get_agents_detailed_event ($id_agents, $period = 0, $date = 0, $return = false, $only_data = false, $history = false, $show_summary_group = false, $filter_event_severity = false, $filter_event_type = false, $filter_event_status = false, $filter_event_filter_search = false) { global $config; if ($only_data) { $return_data = array(); } $id_agents = (array)safe_int ($id_agents, 1); if (!is_numeric ($date)) { $date = strtotime ($date); } if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } $events = array (); foreach ($id_agents as $id_agent) { $event = events_get_agent ($id_agent, (int)$period, (int)$date, $history, $show_summary_group, $filter_event_severity, $filter_event_type, $filter_event_status, $filter_event_filter_search, false, false); if (empty($event)) { $event = array(); } if ($only_data) { $nevents = count($event); for($i=$nevents-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $e = $event[$i]; if($show_summary_group){ $return_data[] = array( 'status' => $e['estado'], 'count' => $e['event_rep'], 'name' => $e['evento'], 'type' => $e["event_type"], 'criticity' => $e["criticity"], 'validated_by' => $e['id_usuario'], 'timestamp' => $e['timestamp_rep'] ); } else{ $return_data[] = array( 'status' => $e['estado'], 'name' => $e['evento'], 'type' => $e["event_type"], 'criticity' => $e["criticity"], 'validated_by' => $e['id_usuario'], 'timestamp' => $e['timestamp'] ); } } } else { if (!empty ($event)) { array_push ($events, $event); } } } if ($only_data) { return $return_data; } if ($events) { $note = ''; if (count($events) >= 1000) { $note .= '* ' . __('Maximum of events shown') . ' (1000)
'; } foreach ($events as $eventRow) { foreach ($eventRow as $k => $event) { //First pass along the class of this row $table->cellclass[$k][1] = $table->cellclass[$k][2] = $table->cellclass[$k][4] = $table->cellclass[$k][5] = $table->cellclass[$k][6] = get_priority_class ($event["criticity"]); $data = array (); // Colored box switch ($event['estado']) { case 0: $img_st = "images/star.png"; $title_st = __('New event'); break; case 1: $img_st = "images/tick.png"; $title_st = __('Event validated'); break; case 2: $img_st = "images/hourglass.png"; $title_st = __('Event in process'); break; } $data[] = html_print_image ($img_st, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "width" => 16, "title" => $title_st)); $data[] = $event['event_rep']; $data[] = ui_print_truncate_text( io_safe_output($event['evento']), 140, false, true); //$data[] = $event['event_type']; $data[] = events_print_type_img ($event["event_type"], true); $data[] = get_priority_name ($event['criticity']); if (empty($event['id_usuario']) && $event['estado'] == EVENT_VALIDATE) { $data[] = '' . __('System') . ''; } else { $user_name = db_get_value ('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event['id_usuario']); $data[] = io_safe_output($user_name); } $data[] = '' . date($config['date_format'], $event['timestamp_rep']) . ''; array_push ($table->data, $data); } } } if ($events) return html_print_table ($table, $return) . $note; } /** * Get general statistical info on a group * * @param int Group Id to get info from. 0 = all * * @return array Group statistics */ function reporting_get_group_stats ($id_group = 0, $access = 'AR') { global $config; $data = array (); $data["monitor_checks"] = 0; $data["monitor_not_init"] = 0; $data["monitor_unknown"] = 0; $data["monitor_ok"] = 0; $data["monitor_bad"] = 0; // Critical + Unknown + Warning $data["monitor_warning"] = 0; $data["monitor_critical"] = 0; $data["monitor_not_normal"] = 0; $data["monitor_alerts"] = 0; $data["monitor_alerts_fired"] = 0; $data["monitor_alerts_fire_count"] = 0; $data["total_agents"] = 0; $data["total_alerts"] = 0; $data["total_checks"] = 0; $data["alerts"] = 0; $data["agents_unknown"] = 0; $data["monitor_health"] = 100; $data["alert_level"] = 100; $data["module_sanity"] = 100; $data["server_sanity"] = 100; $data["total_not_init"] = 0; $data["monitor_non_init"] = 0; $data["agent_ok"] = 0; $data["agent_warning"] = 0; $data["agent_critical"] = 0; $data["agent_unknown"] = 0; $data["agent_not_init"] = 0; $cur_time = get_system_time (); //Check for access credentials using check_acl. More overhead, much safer if (!check_acl ($config["id_user"], $id_group, $access)) { return $data; } if ($id_group == 0) { $id_group = array_keys( users_get_groups($config['id_user'], $access, false)); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Server processed stats. NOT realtime (taken from tgroup_stat) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- if ($config["realtimestats"] == 0) { if (!is_array($id_group)) { $my_group = $id_group; $id_group = array(); $id_group[0] = $my_group; } foreach ($id_group as $group) { $group_stat = db_get_all_rows_sql ("SELECT * FROM tgroup_stat, tgrupo WHERE tgrupo.id_grupo = tgroup_stat.id_group AND tgroup_stat.id_group = $group ORDER BY nombre"); $data["monitor_checks"] += $group_stat[0]["modules"]; $data["agent_not_init"] += $group_stat[0]["non-init"]; $data["agent_unknown"] += $group_stat[0]["unknown"]; $data["agent_ok"] += $group_stat[0]["normal"]; $data["agent_warning"] += $group_stat[0]["warning"]; $data["agent_critical"] += $group_stat[0]["critical"]; $data["monitor_alerts"] += $group_stat[0]["alerts"]; $data["monitor_alerts_fired"] += $group_stat[0]["alerts_fired"]; $data["monitor_alerts_fire_count"] += $group_stat[0]["alerts_fired"]; $data["total_checks"] += $group_stat[0]["modules"]; $data["total_alerts"] += $group_stat[0]["alerts"]; $data["total_agents"] += $group_stat[0]["agents"]; $data["agents_unknown"] += $group_stat[0]["agents_unknown"]; $data["utimestamp"] = $group_stat[0]["utimestamp"]; // This fields are not in database $data["monitor_ok"] += (int) groups_get_normal_monitors($group); $data["monitor_warning"] += (int) groups_get_warning_monitors($group); $data["monitor_critical"] += (int) groups_get_critical_monitors($group); $data["monitor_unknown"] += (int) groups_get_unknown_monitors($group); $data["monitor_not_init"] += (int) groups_get_not_init_monitors($group); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Realtime stats, done by PHP Console // ------------------------------------------------------------------- } else { if (!is_array($id_group)) { $my_group = $id_group; $id_group = array(); $id_group[0] = $my_group; } // Store the groups where we are quering $covered_groups = array(); $group_array = array(); foreach ($id_group as $group) { $children = groups_get_childrens($group); //Show empty groups only if they have children with agents //$group_array = array(); foreach ($children as $sub) { // If the group is quering previously, we ingore it if (!in_array($sub['id_grupo'],$covered_groups)) { array_push($covered_groups, $sub['id_grupo']); array_push($group_array, $sub['id_grupo']); } } // Add id of this group to create the clause // If the group is quering previously, we ingore it if (!in_array($group,$covered_groups)) { array_push($covered_groups, $group); array_push($group_array, $group); } // If there are not groups to query, we jump to nextone if (empty($group_array)) { continue; } } if (!empty($group_array)) { // FOR THE FUTURE: Split the groups into groups with tags restrictions and groups without it // To calculate in the light way the non tag restricted and in the heavy way the others /* $group_restricted_data = tags_get_acl_tags($config['id_user'], $group_array, $access, 'data'); $tags_restricted_groups = array_keys($group_restricted_data); $no_tags_restricted_groups = $group_array; foreach ($no_tags_restricted_groups as $k => $v) { if (in_array($v, $tags_restricted_groups)) { unset($no_tags_restricted_groups[$k]); } } */ if (!empty($group_array)) { // Get monitor NOT INIT, except disabled AND async modules $data["monitor_not_init"] += (int) groups_get_not_init_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true); // Get monitor OK, except disabled and non-init $data["monitor_ok"] += (int) groups_get_normal_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true); // Get monitor CRITICAL, except disabled and non-init $data["monitor_critical"] += (int) groups_get_critical_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true); // Get monitor WARNING, except disabled and non-init $data["monitor_warning"] += (int) groups_get_warning_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true); // Get monitor UNKNOWN, except disabled and non-init $data["monitor_unknown"] += (int) groups_get_unknown_monitors ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true); // Get alerts configured, except disabled $data["monitor_alerts"] += groups_monitor_alerts ($group_array) ; // Get alert configured currently FIRED, except disabled $data["monitor_alerts_fired"] += groups_monitor_fired_alerts ($group_array); // Calculate totals using partial counts from above // Get TOTAL non-init modules, except disabled ones and async modules $data["total_not_init"] += $data["monitor_not_init"]; // Get TOTAL agents in a group $data["total_agents"] += (int) groups_get_total_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true); // Get Agents OK $data["agent_ok"] += (int) groups_get_normal_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true); // Get Agents Warning $data["agent_warning"] += (int) groups_get_warning_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true); // Get Agents Critical $data["agent_critical"] += (int) groups_get_critical_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true); // Get Agents Unknown $data["agent_unknown"] += (int) groups_get_unknown_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true); // Get Agents Not init $data["agent_not_init"] += (int) groups_get_not_init_agents ($group_array, array(), array(), false, false, true); } // Get total count of monitors for this group, except disabled. $data["monitor_checks"] = $data["monitor_not_init"] + $data["monitor_unknown"] + $data["monitor_warning"] + $data["monitor_critical"] + $data["monitor_ok"]; // Calculate not_normal monitors $data["monitor_not_normal"] += $data["monitor_checks"] - $data["monitor_ok"]; } // Get total count of monitors for this group, except disabled. $data["monitor_checks"] = $data["monitor_not_init"] + $data["monitor_unknown"] + $data["monitor_warning"] + $data["monitor_critical"] + $data["monitor_ok"]; /* Monitor health (percentage) Data health (percentage) Global health (percentage) Module sanity (percentage) Alert level (percentage) Server Sanity 0% Uninitialized modules */ } if ($data["monitor_unknown"] > 0 && $data["monitor_checks"] > 0) { $data["monitor_health"] = format_numeric (100 - ($data["monitor_not_normal"] / ($data["monitor_checks"] / 100)), 1); } else { $data["monitor_health"] = 100; } if ($data["monitor_not_init"] > 0 && $data["monitor_checks"] > 0) { $data["module_sanity"] = format_numeric (100 - ($data["monitor_not_init"] / ($data["monitor_checks"] / 100)), 1); } else { $data["module_sanity"] = 100; } if (isset($data["alerts"])) { if ($data["monitor_alerts_fired"] > 0 && $data["alerts"] > 0) { $data["alert_level"] = format_numeric (100 - ($data ["monitor_alerts_fired"] / ($data["alerts"] / 100)), 1); } else { $data["alert_level"] = 100; } } else { $data["alert_level"] = 100; $data["alerts"] = 0; } $data["monitor_bad"] = $data["monitor_critical"] + $data["monitor_warning"]; if ($data["monitor_bad"] > 0 && $data["monitor_checks"] > 0) { $data["global_health"] = format_numeric (100 - ($data["monitor_bad"] / ($data["monitor_checks"] / 100)), 1); } else { $data["global_health"] = 100; } $data["server_sanity"] = format_numeric (100 - $data["module_sanity"], 1); $data['alert_fired'] = 0; if ($data["monitor_alerts_fired"] > 0) { $data['alert_fired'] = 1; } if ($data["monitor_critical"] > 0) { $data['status'] = 'critical'; } elseif ($data["monitor_warning"] > 0) { $data['status'] = 'warning'; } elseif (($data["monitor_unknown"] > 0) || ($data["agents_unknown"] > 0)) { $data['status'] = 'unknown'; } elseif ($data["monitor_ok"] > 0) { $data['status'] = 'ok'; } elseif ($data["agent_not_init"] > 0) { $data['status'] = 'not_init'; } else { $data['status'] = 'none'; } return ($data); } /** * Get general statistical info on a group * * @param int Group Id to get info from. 0 = all * * @return array Group statistics */ function reporting_get_group_stats_resume ($id_group = 0, $access = 'AR') { global $config; $data = array (); $data["monitor_checks"] = 0; $data["monitor_not_init"] = 0; $data["monitor_unknown"] = 0; $data["monitor_ok"] = 0; $data["monitor_bad"] = 0; // Critical + Unknown + Warning $data["monitor_warning"] = 0; $data["monitor_critical"] = 0; $data["monitor_not_normal"] = 0; $data["monitor_alerts"] = 0; $data["monitor_alerts_fired"] = 0; $data["monitor_alerts_fire_count"] = 0; $data["total_agents"] = 0; $data["total_alerts"] = 0; $data["total_checks"] = 0; $data["alerts"] = 0; $data["agents_unknown"] = 0; $data["monitor_health"] = 100; $data["alert_level"] = 100; $data["module_sanity"] = 100; $data["server_sanity"] = 100; $data["total_not_init"] = 0; $data["monitor_non_init"] = 0; $data["agent_ok"] = 0; $data["agent_warning"] = 0; $data["agent_critical"] = 0; $data["agent_unknown"] = 0; $data["agent_not_init"] = 0; $cur_time = get_system_time (); //Check for access credentials using check_acl. More overhead, much safer if (!check_acl ($config["id_user"], $id_group, $access)) { return $data; } if ($id_group == 0) { $id_group = array_keys( users_get_groups($config['id_user'], $access, false)); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Server processed stats. NOT realtime (taken from tgroup_stat) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- if ($config["realtimestats"] == 0) { if (!is_array($id_group)) { $my_group = $id_group; $id_group = array(); $id_group[0] = $my_group; } foreach ($id_group as $group) { $group_stat = db_get_all_rows_sql ("SELECT * FROM tgroup_stat, tgrupo WHERE tgrupo.id_grupo = tgroup_stat.id_group AND tgroup_stat.id_group = $group ORDER BY nombre"); $data["monitor_checks"] += $group_stat[0]["modules"]; $data["agent_not_init"] += $group_stat[0]["non-init"]; $data["agent_unknown"] += $group_stat[0]["unknown"]; $data["agent_ok"] += $group_stat[0]["normal"]; $data["agent_warning"] += $group_stat[0]["warning"]; $data["agent_critical"] += $group_stat[0]["critical"]; $data["monitor_alerts"] += $group_stat[0]["alerts"]; $data["monitor_alerts_fired"] += $group_stat[0]["alerts_fired"]; $data["monitor_alerts_fire_count"] += $group_stat[0]["alerts_fired"]; $data["total_checks"] += $group_stat[0]["modules"]; $data["total_alerts"] += $group_stat[0]["alerts"]; $data["total_agents"] += $group_stat[0]["agents"]; $data["agents_unknown"] += $group_stat[0]["agents_unknown"]; $data["utimestamp"] = $group_stat[0]["utimestamp"]; // This fields are not in database $data["monitor_ok"] += (int) groups_get_normal_monitors($group); $data["monitor_warning"] += (int) groups_get_warning_monitors($group); $data["monitor_critical"] += (int) groups_get_critical_monitors($group); $data["monitor_unknown"] += (int) groups_get_unknown_monitors($group); $data["monitor_not_init"] += (int) groups_get_not_init_monitors($group); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Realtime stats, done by PHP Console // ------------------------------------------------------------------- } else { if (!empty($id_group)) { //check tags for user $tags = db_get_value("tags", "tusuario_perfil", "id_usuario" , $config['id_user']); if($tags){ $tags_sql = " AND tae.id_agente_modulo IN ( SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM ttag_module WHERE id_tag IN ($tags) ) "; } else{ $tags_sql = ""; } if(is_array($id_group)){ $id_group = implode("," , $id_group); } //for stats modules $sql = "SELECT tg.id_grupo as id, tg.nombre as name, SUM(tae.estado=0) as monitor_ok, SUM(tae.estado=1) as monitor_critical, SUM(tae.estado=2) as monitor_warning, SUM(tae.estado=3) as monitor_unknown, SUM(tae.estado=4) as monitor_not_init, COUNT(tae.estado) as monitor_total FROM tagente_estado tae, tagente ta, tagente_modulo tam, tgrupo tg WHERE 1=1 AND tae.id_agente = ta.id_agente AND tae.id_agente_modulo = tam.id_agente_modulo AND ta.id_grupo = tg.id_grupo AND tam.disabled = 0 AND ta.disabled = 0 AND ta.id_grupo IN ($id_group) $tags_sql GROUP BY tg.id_grupo;"; $data_array = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); $data = $data_array[0]; // Get alerts configured, except disabled $data["monitor_alerts"] += groups_monitor_alerts ($group_array) ; // Get alert configured currently FIRED, except disabled $data["monitor_alerts_fired"] += groups_monitor_fired_alerts ($group_array); //for stats agents $sql = "SELECT tae.id_agente id_agente, tg.id_grupo id_grupo, SUM(tae.estado=0) as monitor_agent_ok, SUM(tae.estado=1) as monitor_agent_critical, SUM(tae.estado=2) as monitor_agent_warning, SUM(tae.estado=3) as monitor_agent_unknown, SUM(tae.estado=4) as monitor_agent_not_init, COUNT(tae.estado) as monitor_agent_total FROM tagente_estado tae, tagente ta, tagente_modulo tam, tgrupo tg WHERE 1=1 AND tae.id_agente = ta.id_agente AND tae.id_agente_modulo = tam.id_agente_modulo AND ta.id_grupo = tg.id_grupo AND tam.disabled = 0 AND ta.disabled = 0 AND ta.id_grupo IN ($id_group) $tags_sql GROUP BY tae.id_agente;"; $data_array_2 = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if (is_array($data_array_2) || is_object($data_array_2)){ foreach ($data_array_2 as $key => $value) { if($value['monitor_agent_critical'] != 0){ $data['agent_critical'] ++; } elseif($value['monitor_agent_critical'] == 0 && $value['monitor_agent_warning'] != 0){ $data['agent_warning'] ++; } elseif($value['monitor_agent_critical'] == 0 && $value['monitor_agent_warning'] == 0 && $value['monitor_agent_unknown'] != 0){ $data['agent_unknown'] ++; } elseif($value['monitor_agent_critical'] == 0 && $value['monitor_agent_warning'] == 0 && $value['monitor_agent_unknown'] == 0 && $value['monitor_agent_ok'] != 0){ $data['agent_ok'] ++; } elseif($value['monitor_agent_critical'] == 0 && $value['monitor_agent_warning'] == 0 && $value['monitor_agent_unknown'] == 0 && $value['monitor_agent_ok'] == 0 && $value['monitor_agent_not_init'] != 0){ $data['agent_not_init'] ++; } $data['total_agents'] ++; } } // Get total count of monitors for this group, except disabled. $data["monitor_checks"] = $data["monitor_not_init"] + $data["monitor_unknown"] + $data["monitor_warning"] + $data["monitor_critical"] + $data["monitor_ok"]; // Calculate not_normal monitors $data["monitor_not_normal"] += $data["monitor_checks"] - $data["monitor_ok"]; } // Get total count of monitors for this group, except disabled. $data["monitor_checks"] = $data["monitor_not_init"] + $data["monitor_unknown"] + $data["monitor_warning"] + $data["monitor_critical"] + $data["monitor_ok"]; } if ($data["monitor_unknown"] > 0 && $data["monitor_checks"] > 0) { $data["monitor_health"] = format_numeric (100 - ($data["monitor_not_normal"] / ($data["monitor_checks"] / 100)), 1); } else { $data["monitor_health"] = 100; } if ($data["monitor_not_init"] > 0 && $data["monitor_checks"] > 0) { $data["module_sanity"] = format_numeric (100 - ($data["monitor_not_init"] / ($data["monitor_checks"] / 100)), 1); } else { $data["module_sanity"] = 100; } if (isset($data["alerts"])) { if ($data["monitor_alerts_fired"] > 0 && $data["alerts"] > 0) { $data["alert_level"] = format_numeric (100 - ($data ["monitor_alerts_fired"] / ($data["alerts"] / 100)), 1); } else { $data["alert_level"] = 100; } } else { $data["alert_level"] = 100; $data["alerts"] = 0; } $data["monitor_bad"] = $data["monitor_critical"] + $data["monitor_warning"]; if ($data["monitor_bad"] > 0 && $data["monitor_checks"] > 0) { $data["global_health"] = format_numeric (100 - ($data["monitor_bad"] / ($data["monitor_checks"] / 100)), 1); } else { $data["global_health"] = 100; } $data["server_sanity"] = format_numeric (100 - $data["module_sanity"], 1); $data['alert_fired'] = 0; if ($data["monitor_alerts_fired"] > 0) { $data['alert_fired'] = 1; } if ($data["monitor_critical"] > 0) { $data['status'] = 'critical'; } elseif ($data["monitor_warning"] > 0) { $data['status'] = 'warning'; } elseif (($data["monitor_unknown"] > 0) || ($data["agents_unknown"] > 0)) { $data['status'] = 'unknown'; } elseif ($data["monitor_ok"] > 0) { $data['status'] = 'ok'; } elseif ($data["agent_not_init"] > 0) { $data['status'] = 'not_init'; } else { $data['status'] = 'none'; } return ($data); } function reporting_get_stats_indicators($data, $width = 280, $height = 20, $html = true) { $table_ind = html_get_predefined_table(); $servers = array(); $servers["all"] = (int) db_get_value ('COUNT(id_server)','tserver'); $servers["up"] = (int) servers_check_status (); $servers["down"] = $servers["all"] - $servers["up"]; if ($servers["all"] == 0) { $servers["health"] = 0; } else { $servers["health"] = $servers["up"] / ($servers["all"] / 100); } if ($html) { $tdata[0] = '
' . __('Server health') . ui_print_help_tip (sprintf(__('%d Downed servers'), $servers["down"]), true) . '' . progress_bar($servers["health"], $width, $height, '', 0) . '
'; $table_ind->rowclass[] = ''; $table_ind->data[] = $tdata; $tdata[0] = '
' . __('Monitor health') . ui_print_help_tip (sprintf(__('%d Not Normal monitors'), $data["monitor_not_normal"]), true) . '' . progress_bar($data["monitor_health"], $width, $height, $data["monitor_health"].'% '.__('of monitors up'), 0) . '
'; $table_ind->rowclass[] = ''; $table_ind->data[] = $tdata; $tdata[0] = '
' . __('Module sanity') . ui_print_help_tip (sprintf(__('%d Not inited monitors'), $data["monitor_not_init"]), true) . '' . progress_bar($data["module_sanity"], $width, $height, $data["module_sanity"].'% '.__('of total modules inited'), 0) . '
'; $table_ind->rowclass[] = ''; $table_ind->data[] = $tdata; $tdata[0] = '
' . __('Alert level') . ui_print_help_tip (sprintf(__('%d Fired alerts'), $data["monitor_alerts_fired"]), true) . '' . progress_bar($data["alert_level"], $width, $height, $data["alert_level"].'% '.__('of defined alerts not fired'), 0) . '
'; $table_ind->rowclass[] = ''; $table_ind->data[] = $tdata; return html_print_table($table_ind, true); } else { $return = array(); $return['server_health'] = array( 'title' => __('Server health'), 'graph' => progress_bar($servers["health"], $width, $height, '', 0)); $return['monitor_health'] = array( 'title' => __('Monitor health'), 'graph' => progress_bar($data["monitor_health"], $width, $height, $data["monitor_health"].'% '.__('of monitors up'), 0)); $return['module_sanity'] = array( 'title' => __('Module sanity'), 'graph' => progress_bar($data["module_sanity"], $width, $height, $data["module_sanity"].'% '.__('of total modules inited'), 0)); $return['alert_level'] = array( 'title' => __('Alert level'), 'graph' => progress_bar($data["alert_level"], $width, $height, $data["alert_level"].'% '.__('of defined alerts not fired'), 0)); return $return; } } function reporting_get_stats_alerts($data, $links = false) { global $config; // Link URLS $mobile = false; if (isset($data['mobile'])) { if ($data['mobile']) { $mobile = true; } } if ($mobile) { $urls = array(); $urls['monitor_alerts'] = "index.php?page=alerts&status=all_enabled"; $urls['monitor_alerts_fired'] = "index.php?page=alerts&status=fired"; } else { $urls = array(); if ($links) { $urls['monitor_alerts'] = "index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/alerts_status&pure=" . $config['pure']; $urls['monitor_alerts_fired'] = "index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/alerts_status&filter=fired&pure=" . $config['pure']; } else { $urls['monitor_alerts'] = "index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/alerts_status&refr=60"; $urls['monitor_alerts_fired'] = "index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/alerts_status&refr=60&filter=fired"; } } // Alerts table $table_al = html_get_predefined_table(); $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/bell.png', true, array('title' => __('Defined alerts')), false, false, false, true); $tdata[1] = $data["monitor_alerts"] <= 0 ? '-' : $data["monitor_alerts"]; $tdata[1] = '' . $tdata[1] . ''; /* Hello there! :) We added some of what seems to be "buggy" messages to the openSource version recently. This is not to force open-source users to move to the enterprise version, this is just to inform people using Pandora FMS open source that it requires skilled people to maintain and keep it running smoothly without professional support. This does not imply open-source version is limited in any way. If you check the recently added code, it contains only warnings and messages, no limitations except one: we removed the option to add custom logo in header. In the Update Manager section, it warns about the 'danger’ of applying automated updates without a proper backup, remembering in the process that the Enterprise version comes with a human-tested package. Maintaining an OpenSource version with more than 500 agents is not so easy, that's why someone using a Pandora with 8000 agents should consider asking for support. It's not a joke, we know of many setups with a huge number of agents, and we hate to hear that “its becoming unstable and slow” :( You can of course remove the warnings, that's why we include the source and do not use any kind of trick. And that's why we added here this comment, to let you know this does not reflect any change in our opensource mentality of does the last 14 years. */ if($data["monitor_alerts"]>$data["total_agents"] && !enterprise_installed()) { $tdata[2] = "
"; } $tdata[3] = html_print_image('images/bell_error.png', true, array('title' => __('Fired alerts')), false, false, false, true); $tdata[4] = $data["monitor_alerts_fired"] <= 0 ? '-' : $data["monitor_alerts_fired"]; $tdata[4] = '' . $tdata[4] . ''; $table_al->rowclass[] = ''; $table_al->data[] = $tdata; if (!is_metaconsole()) { $output = '
' . __('Defined and fired alerts') . '' . html_print_table($table_al, true) . '
'; } else { // Remove the defined alerts cause with the new cache table is difficult to retrieve them unset($table_al->data[0][0], $table_al->data[0][1]); $table_al->class = "tactical_view"; $table_al->style = array(); $output = '
' . __('Fired alerts') . '' . html_print_table($table_al, true) . '
'; } return $output; } function reporting_get_stats_modules_status($data, $graph_width = 250, $graph_height = 150, $links = false, $data_agents=false) { global $config; // Link URLS if ($links === false) { $urls = array(); $urls['monitor_critical'] = "index.php?" . "sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor&" . "refr=60&status=" . AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD . "&pure=" . $config['pure']; $urls['monitor_warning'] = "index.php?" . "sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor&" . "refr=60&status=" . AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING . "&pure=" . $config['pure']; $urls['monitor_ok'] = "index.php?" . "sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor&" . "refr=60&status=" . AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL . "&pure=" . $config['pure']; $urls['monitor_unknown'] = "index.php?" . "sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor&" . "refr=60&status=" . AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN . "&pure=" . $config['pure']; $urls['monitor_not_init'] = "index.php?" . "sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor&" . "refr=60&status=" . AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT . "&pure=" . $config['pure']; } else { $urls = array(); $urls['monitor_critical'] = $links['monitor_critical']; $urls['monitor_warning'] = $links['monitor_warning']; $urls['monitor_ok'] = $links['monitor_ok']; $urls['monitor_unknown'] = $links['monitor_unknown']; $urls['monitor_not_init'] = $links['monitor_not_init']; } // Modules by status table $table_mbs = html_get_predefined_table(); $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/module_critical.png', true, array('title' => __('Monitor critical')), false, false, false, true); $tdata[1] = $data["monitor_critical"] <= 0 ? '-' : $data["monitor_critical"]; $tdata[1] = '' . $tdata[1] . ''; $tdata[2] = html_print_image('images/module_warning.png', true, array('title' => __('Monitor warning')), false, false, false, true); $tdata[3] = $data["monitor_warning"] <= 0 ? '-' : $data["monitor_warning"]; $tdata[3] = '' . $tdata[3] . ''; $table_mbs->rowclass[] = ''; $table_mbs->data[] = $tdata; $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/module_ok.png', true, array('title' => __('Monitor normal')), false, false, false, true); $tdata[1] = $data["monitor_ok"] <= 0 ? '-' : $data["monitor_ok"]; $tdata[1] = '' . $tdata[1] . ''; $tdata[2] = html_print_image('images/module_unknown.png', true, array('title' => __('Monitor unknown')), false, false, false, true); $tdata[3] = $data["monitor_unknown"] <= 0 ? '-' : $data["monitor_unknown"]; $tdata[3] = '' . $tdata[3] . ''; $table_mbs->rowclass[] = ''; $table_mbs->data[] = $tdata; $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/module_notinit.png', true, array('title' => __('Monitor not init')), false, false, false, true); $tdata[1] = $data["monitor_not_init"] <= 0 ? '-' : $data["monitor_not_init"]; $tdata[1] = '' . $tdata[1] . ''; $tdata[2] = $tdata[3] = ''; $table_mbs->rowclass[] = ''; $table_mbs->data[] = $tdata; if ($data["monitor_checks"] > 0) { $tdata = array(); $table_mbs->colspan[count($table_mbs->data)][0] = 4; $table_mbs->cellstyle[count($table_mbs->data)][0] = 'text-align: center;'; $tdata[0] = '
' . '
' . graph_agent_status(false, $graph_width, $graph_height, true, true, $data_agents) . '
'; $table_mbs->rowclass[] = ''; $table_mbs->data[] = $tdata; } if(!is_metaconsole()) { $output = '
' . __('Monitors by status') . '' . html_print_table($table_mbs, true) . '
'; } else { $table_mbs->class = "tactical_view"; $table_mbs->style=array(); $output = '
' . __('Monitors by status') . '' . html_print_table($table_mbs, true) . '
'; } return $output; } function reporting_get_stats_agents_monitors($data) { global $config; // Link URLS $mobile = false; if (isset($data['mobile'])) { if ($data['mobile']) { $mobile = true; } } if ($mobile) { $urls = array(); $urls['total_agents'] = "index.php?page=agents"; $urls['monitor_checks'] = "index.php?page=modules"; } else { $urls = array(); $urls['total_agents'] = "index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/estado_agente&refr=60"; $urls['monitor_checks'] = "index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor&refr=60&status=-1"; } // Agents and modules table $table_am = html_get_predefined_table(); $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/agent.png', true, array('title' => __('Total agents')), false, false, false, true); $tdata[1] = $data["total_agents"] <= 0 ? '-' : $data["total_agents"]; $tdata[1] = '' . $tdata[1] . ''; /* Hello there! :) We added some of what seems to be "buggy" messages to the openSource version recently. This is not to force open-source users to move to the enterprise version, this is just to inform people using Pandora FMS open source that it requires skilled people to maintain and keep it running smoothly without professional support. This does not imply open-source version is limited in any way. If you check the recently added code, it contains only warnings and messages, no limitations except one: we removed the option to add custom logo in header. In the Update Manager section, it warns about the 'danger’ of applying automated updates without a proper backup, remembering in the process that the Enterprise version comes with a human-tested package. Maintaining an OpenSource version with more than 500 agents is not so easy, that's why someone using a Pandora with 8000 agents should consider asking for support. It's not a joke, we know of many setups with a huge number of agents, and we hate to hear that “its becoming unstable and slow” :( You can of course remove the warnings, that's why we include the source and do not use any kind of trick. And that's why we added here this comment, to let you know this does not reflect any change in our opensource mentality of does the last 14 years. */ if($data["total_agents"]>500 && !enterprise_installed()) { $tdata[2] = "
"; } $tdata[3] = html_print_image('images/module.png', true, array('title' => __('Monitor checks')), false, false, false, true); $tdata[4] = $data["monitor_checks"] <= 0 ? '-' : $data["monitor_checks"]; $tdata[4] = '' . $tdata[4] . ''; /* Hello there! :) We added some of what seems to be "buggy" messages to the openSource version recently. This is not to force open-source users to move to the enterprise version, this is just to inform people using Pandora FMS open source that it requires skilled people to maintain and keep it running smoothly without professional support. This does not imply open-source version is limited in any way. If you check the recently added code, it contains only warnings and messages, no limitations except one: we removed the option to add custom logo in header. In the Update Manager section, it warns about the 'danger’ of applying automated updates without a proper backup, remembering in the process that the Enterprise version comes with a human-tested package. Maintaining an OpenSource version with more than 500 agents is not so easy, that's why someone using a Pandora with 8000 agents should consider asking for support. It's not a joke, we know of many setups with a huge number of agents, and we hate to hear that “its becoming unstable and slow” :( You can of course remove the warnings, that's why we include the source and do not use any kind of trick. And that's why we added here this comment, to let you know this does not reflect any change in our opensource mentality of does the last 14 years. */ if(($data["monitor_checks"]/$data["total_agents"]>100) && !enterprise_installed()) { $tdata[5] = "
"; } $table_am->rowclass[] = ''; $table_am->data[] = $tdata; $output = '
' . __('Total agents and monitors') . '' . html_print_table($table_am, true) . '
'; return $output; } function reporting_get_stats_users($data) { global $config; // Link URLS $urls = array(); if (check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "UM")) { $urls['defined_users'] = "index.php?sec=gusuarios&sec2=godmode/users/user_list"; } else { $urls['defined_users'] = 'javascript:'; } // Users table $table_us = html_get_predefined_table(); $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/user_green.png', true, array('title' => __('Defined users'))); $tdata[1] = count (get_users ()); $tdata[1] = '' . $tdata[1] . ''; $tdata[2] = $tdata[3] = ' '; $table_us->rowclass[] = ''; $table_us->data[] = $tdata; $output = '
' . __('Users') . '' . html_print_table($table_us, true) . '
'; return $output; } /** * Get the average value of an agent module in a period of time. * * @param int Agent module id * @param int Period of time to check (in seconds) * @param int Top date to check the values. Default current time. * * @return float The average module value in the interval. */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_data_average ($id_agent_module, $period=0, $date = 0) { global $config; // Initialize variables if (empty ($date)) $date = get_system_time (); $datelimit = $date - $period; $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); $id_module_type = modules_get_agentmodule_type ($id_agent_module); $module_type = modules_get_moduletype_name ($id_module_type); $uncompressed_module = is_module_uncompressed ($module_type); // Get module data $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module . ' AND utimestamp > ' . (int) $datelimit . ' AND utimestamp < ' . (int) $date . ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC', $search_in_history_db); if ($interval_data === false) $interval_data = array (); // Uncompressed module data if ($uncompressed_module) { $min_necessary = 1; // Compressed module data } else { // Get previous data $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit); if ($previous_data !== false) { $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit; array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data); } // Get next data $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date); if ($next_data !== false) { $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data); array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } $min_necessary = 2; } if (count ($interval_data) < $min_necessary) { return false; } // Set initial conditions $total = 0; $count = 0; if (! $uncompressed_module) { $previous_data = array_shift ($interval_data); // Do not count the empty start of an interval as 0 if ($previous_data['utimestamp'] != $datelimit) { $period = $date - $previous_data['utimestamp']; } } switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": // Do none break; case "oracle": $previous_data['datos'] = oracle_format_float_to_php($previous_data['datos']); break; } foreach ($interval_data as $data) { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": // Do none break; case "oracle": $data['datos'] = oracle_format_float_to_php($data['datos']); break; } if (! $uncompressed_module) { $total += $previous_data['datos'] * ($data['utimestamp'] - $previous_data['utimestamp']); $previous_data = $data; } else { $total += $data['datos']; $count++; } } // Compressed module data if (! $uncompressed_module) { if ($period == 0) { return 0; } return $total / $period; } // Uncompressed module data if ($count == 0) { return 0; } return $total / $count; } /** * Get the MTTR value of an agent module in a period of time. See * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_time_to_recovery * * @param int Agent module id * @param int Period of time to check (in seconds) * @param int Top date to check the values. Default current time. * * @return float The MTTR value in the interval. */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_mttr ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $date = 0) { // Initialize variables if (empty ($date)) $date = get_system_time (); // Read module configuration $datelimit = $date - $period; $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); $module = db_get_row_sql ('SELECT max_critical, min_critical, id_tipo_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module); if ($module === false) { return false; } $critical_min = $module['min_critical']; $critical_max = $module['max_critical']; $module_type = $module['id_tipo_modulo']; // Set critical_min and critical for proc modules $module_type_str = modules_get_type_name ($module_type); if (strstr ($module_type_str, 'proc') !== false && ($critical_min == 0 && $critical_max == 0)) { $critical_min = 1; } // Get module data $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module . ' AND utimestamp > ' . (int) $datelimit . ' AND utimestamp < ' . (int) $date . ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC', $search_in_history_db); if ($interval_data === false) $interval_data = array (); // Get previous data $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data( $id_agent_module, $datelimit); if ($previous_data !== false) { $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit; array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data); } // Get next data $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date); if ($next_data !== false) { $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data); array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } if (count ($interval_data) < 2) { return false; } // Set initial conditions $critical_period = 0; $first_data = array_shift ($interval_data); $previous_utimestamp = $first_data['utimestamp']; switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": // Do none break; case "oracle": $first_data['datos'] = oracle_format_float_to_php($first_data['datos']); break; } if ((($critical_max > $critical_min AND ($first_data['datos'] > $critical_max OR $first_data['datos'] < $critical_min))) OR ($critical_max <= $critical_min AND $first_data['datos'] < $critical_min)) { $previous_status = 1; $critical_count = 1; } else { $previous_status = 0; $critical_count = 0; } foreach ($interval_data as $data) { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": // Do none break; case "oracle": $data['datos'] = oracle_format_float_to_php($data['datos']); break; } // Previous status was critical if ($previous_status == 1) { $critical_period += $data['utimestamp'] - $previous_utimestamp; } // Re-calculate previous status for the next data if ((($critical_max > $critical_min AND ($data['datos'] > $critical_max OR $data['datos'] < $critical_min))) OR ($critical_max <= $critical_min AND $data['datos'] < $critical_min)) { if ($previous_status == 0) { $critical_count++; } $previous_status = 1; } else { $previous_status = 0; } $previous_utimestamp = $data['utimestamp']; } if ($critical_count == 0) { return 0; } return $critical_period / $critical_count; } /** * Get the MTBF value of an agent module in a period of time. See * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_time_between_failures * * @param int Agent module id * @param int Period of time to check (in seconds) * @param int Top date to check the values. Default current time. * * @return float The MTBF value in the interval. */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_mtbf ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $date = 0) { // Initialize variables if (empty ($date)) $date = get_system_time (); // Read module configuration $datelimit = $date - $period; $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); $module = db_get_row_sql ('SELECT max_critical, min_critical, id_tipo_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module); if ($module === false) { return false; } $critical_min = $module['min_critical']; $critical_max = $module['max_critical']; $module_type = $module['id_tipo_modulo']; // Set critical_min and critical for proc modules $module_type_str = modules_get_type_name ($module_type); if (strstr ($module_type_str, 'proc') !== false && ($critical_min == 0 && $critical_max == 0)) { $critical_min = 1; } // Get module data $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module . ' AND utimestamp > ' . (int) $datelimit . ' AND utimestamp < ' . (int) $date . ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC', $search_in_history_db); if ($interval_data === false) $interval_data = array (); // Get previous data $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit); if ($previous_data !== false) { $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit; array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data); } // Get next data $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date); if ($next_data !== false) { $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data); array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } if (count ($interval_data) < 2) { return false; } // Set initial conditions $critical_period = 0; $first_data = array_shift ($interval_data); $previous_utimestamp = $first_data['utimestamp']; switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": // Do none break; case "oracle": $first_data['datos'] = oracle_format_float_to_php($first_data['datos']); break; } if ((($critical_max > $critical_min AND ($first_data['datos'] > $critical_max OR $first_data['datos'] < $critical_min))) OR ($critical_max <= $critical_min AND $first_data['datos'] < $critical_min)) { $previous_status = 1; $critical_count = 1; } else { $previous_status = 0; $critical_count = 0; } foreach ($interval_data as $data) { // Previous status was critical if ($previous_status == 1) { $critical_period += $data['utimestamp'] - $previous_utimestamp; } switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": // Do none break; case "oracle": $data['datos'] = oracle_format_float_to_php($data['datos']); break; } // Re-calculate previous status for the next data if ((($critical_max > $critical_min AND ($data['datos'] > $critical_max OR $data['datos'] < $critical_min))) OR ($critical_max <= $critical_min AND $data['datos'] < $critical_min)) { if ($previous_status == 0) { $critical_count++; } $previous_status = 1; } else { $previous_status = 0; } $previous_utimestamp = $data['utimestamp']; } if ($critical_count == 0) { return 0; } return ($period - $critical_period) / $critical_count; } /** * Get the TTO value of an agent module in a period of time. * * @param int Agent module id * @param int Period of time to check (in seconds) * @param int Top date to check the values. Default current time. * * @return float The TTO value in the interval. */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_tto ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $date = 0) { // Initialize variables if (empty ($date)) $date = get_system_time (); // Read module configuration $datelimit = $date - $period; $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); $module = db_get_row_sql ('SELECT max_critical, min_critical, id_tipo_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module); if ($module === false) { return false; } $critical_min = $module['min_critical']; $critical_max = $module['max_critical']; $module_type = $module['id_tipo_modulo']; // Set critical_min and critical for proc modules $module_type_str = modules_get_type_name ($module_type); if (strstr ($module_type_str, 'proc') !== false && ($critical_min == 0 && $critical_max == 0)) { $critical_min = 1; } // Get module data $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module . ' AND utimestamp > ' . (int) $datelimit . ' AND utimestamp < ' . (int) $date . ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC', $search_in_history_db); if ($interval_data === false) $interval_data = array (); // Get previous data $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit); if ($previous_data !== false) { $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit; array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data); } // Get next data $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date); if ($next_data !== false) { $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data); array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } if (count ($interval_data) < 2) { return false; } // Set initial conditions $critical_period = 0; $first_data = array_shift ($interval_data); $previous_utimestamp = $first_data['utimestamp']; if ((($critical_max > $critical_min AND ($first_data['datos'] > $critical_max OR $first_data['datos'] < $critical_min))) OR ($critical_max <= $critical_min AND $first_data['datos'] < $critical_min)) { $previous_status = 1; } else { $previous_status = 0; } foreach ($interval_data as $data) { // Previous status was critical if ($previous_status == 1) { $critical_period += $data['utimestamp'] - $previous_utimestamp; } // Re-calculate previous status for the next data if ((($critical_max > $critical_min AND ($data['datos'] > $critical_max OR $data['datos'] < $critical_min))) OR ($critical_max <= $critical_min AND $data['datos'] < $critical_min)) { $previous_status = 1; } else { $previous_status = 0; } $previous_utimestamp = $data['utimestamp']; } return $period - $critical_period; } /** * Get the TTR value of an agent module in a period of time. * * @param int Agent module id * @param int Period of time to check (in seconds) * @param int Top date to check the values. Default current time. * * @return float The TTR value in the interval. */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_ttr ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $date = 0) { // Initialize variables if (empty ($date)) $date = get_system_time (); // Read module configuration $datelimit = $date - $period; $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); $module = db_get_row_sql ('SELECT max_critical, min_critical, id_tipo_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module); if ($module === false) { return false; } $critical_min = $module['min_critical']; $critical_max = $module['max_critical']; $module_type = $module['id_tipo_modulo']; // Set critical_min and critical for proc modules $module_type_str = modules_get_type_name ($module_type); if (strstr ($module_type_str, 'proc') !== false && ($critical_min == 0 && $critical_max == 0)) { $critical_min = 1; } // Get module data $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module . ' AND utimestamp > ' . (int) $datelimit . ' AND utimestamp < ' . (int) $date . ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC', $search_in_history_db); if ($interval_data === false) $interval_data = array (); // Get previous data $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit); if ($previous_data !== false) { $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit; array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data); } // Get next data $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date); if ($next_data !== false) { $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data); array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } if (count ($interval_data) < 2) { return false; } // Set initial conditions $critical_period = 0; $first_data = array_shift ($interval_data); $previous_utimestamp = $first_data['utimestamp']; if ((($critical_max > $critical_min AND ($first_data['datos'] > $critical_max OR $first_data['datos'] < $critical_min))) OR ($critical_max <= $critical_min AND $first_data['datos'] < $critical_min)) { $previous_status = 1; } else { $previous_status = 0; } foreach ($interval_data as $data) { // Previous status was critical if ($previous_status == 1) { $critical_period += $data['utimestamp'] - $previous_utimestamp; } // Re-calculate previous status for the next data if ((($critical_max > $critical_min AND ($data['datos'] > $critical_max OR $data['datos'] < $critical_min))) OR ($critical_max <= $critical_min AND $data['datos'] < $critical_min)) { $previous_status = 1; } else { $previous_status = 0; } $previous_utimestamp = $data['utimestamp']; } return $critical_period; } /** * Get a detailed report of the modules of the agent * * @param int $id_agent Agent id to get the report for. * @param string $filter filter for get partial modules. * * @return array An array */ function reporting_get_agent_module_info ($id_agent, $filter = false) { global $config; $return = array (); $return["last_contact"] = 0; //Last agent contact $return["status"] = STATUS_AGENT_NO_DATA; $return["status_img"] = ui_print_status_image (STATUS_AGENT_NO_DATA, __('Agent without data'), true); $return["alert_status"] = "notfired"; $return["alert_value"] = STATUS_ALERT_NOT_FIRED; $return["alert_img"] = ui_print_status_image (STATUS_ALERT_NOT_FIRED, __('Alert not fired'), true); $return["agent_group"] = agents_get_agent_group ($id_agent); if (!check_acl ($config["id_user"], $return["agent_group"], "AR")) { return $return; } if ($filter != '') { $filter = 'AND '; } $filter = 'disabled = 0'; $modules = agents_get_modules($id_agent, false, $filter, true, false); if ($modules === false) { return $return; } $now = get_system_time (); // Get modules status for this agent $agent = db_get_row ("tagente", "id_agente", $id_agent); $return["total_count"] = $agent["total_count"]; $return["normal_count"] = $agent["normal_count"]; $return["warning_count"] = $agent["warning_count"]; $return["critical_count"] = $agent["critical_count"]; $return["unknown_count"] = $agent["unknown_count"]; $return["fired_count"] = $agent["fired_count"]; $return["notinit_count"] = $agent["notinit_count"]; if ($return["total_count"] > 0) { if ($return["critical_count"] > 0) { $return["status"] = STATUS_AGENT_CRITICAL; $return["status_img"] = ui_print_status_image (STATUS_AGENT_CRITICAL, __('At least one module in CRITICAL status'), true); } else if ($return["warning_count"] > 0) { $return["status"] = STATUS_AGENT_WARNING; $return["status_img"] = ui_print_status_image (STATUS_AGENT_WARNING, __('At least one module in WARNING status'), true); } else if ($return["unknown_count"] > 0) { $return["status"] = STATUS_AGENT_DOWN; $return["status_img"] = ui_print_status_image (STATUS_AGENT_DOWN, __('At least one module is in UKNOWN status'), true); } else { $return["status"] = STATUS_AGENT_OK; $return["status_img"] = ui_print_status_image (STATUS_AGENT_OK, __('All Monitors OK'), true); } } //Alert not fired is by default if ($return["fired_count"] > 0) { $return["alert_status"] = "fired"; $return["alert_img"] = ui_print_status_image (STATUS_ALERT_FIRED, __('Alert fired'), true); $return["alert_value"] = STATUS_ALERT_FIRED; } elseif (groups_give_disabled_group ($return["agent_group"])) { $return["alert_status"] = "disabled"; $return["alert_value"] = STATUS_ALERT_DISABLED; $return["alert_img"] = ui_print_status_image (STATUS_ALERT_DISABLED, __('Alert disabled'), true); } return $return; } /** * Print tiny statistics of the status of one agent, group, etc. * * @param mixed Array with the counts of the total modules, normal modules, critical modules, warning modules, unknown modules and fired alerts * @param bool return or echo flag * * @return string html formatted tiny stats of modules/alerts of an agent */ function reporting_tiny_stats ($counts_info, $return = false, $type = 'agent', $separator = ':', $strict_user = false) { global $config; $out = ''; // Depend the type of object, the stats will refer agents, modules... switch ($type) { case 'modules': $template_title['total_count'] = __('%d Total modules'); $template_title['normal_count'] = __('%d Modules in normal status'); $template_title['critical_count'] = __('%d Modules in critical status'); $template_title['warning_count'] = __('%d Modules in warning status'); $template_title['unknown_count'] = __('%d Modules in unknown status'); $template_title['not_init_count'] = __('%d Modules in not init status'); break; case 'agent': $template_title['total_count'] = __('%d Total modules'); $template_title['normal_count'] = __('%d Normal modules'); $template_title['critical_count'] = __('%d Critical modules'); $template_title['warning_count'] = __('%d Warning modules'); $template_title['unknown_count'] = __('%d Unknown modules'); $template_title['fired_count'] = __('%d Fired alerts'); break; default: $template_title['total_count'] = __('%d Total agents'); $template_title['normal_count'] = __('%d Normal agents'); $template_title['critical_count'] = __('%d Critical agents'); $template_title['warning_count'] = __('%d Warning agents'); $template_title['unknown_count'] = __('%d Unknown agents'); $template_title['not_init_count'] = __('%d not init agents'); $template_title['fired_count'] = __('%d Fired alerts'); break; } if ($strict_user && $type == 'agent') { $acltags = tags_get_user_module_and_tags ($config['id_user'],'AR', $strict_user); $filter['disabled'] = 0; $id_agent = $counts_info['id_agente']; $counts_info = array(); $counts_info['normal_count'] = count(tags_get_agent_modules ($id_agent, false, $acltags, false, $filter, false, AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL)); $counts_info['warning_count'] = count(tags_get_agent_modules ($id_agent, false, $acltags, false, $filter, false, AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING)); $counts_info['critical_count'] = count(tags_get_agent_modules ($id_agent, false, $acltags, false, $filter, false, AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD)); $counts_info['notinit_count'] = count(tags_get_agent_modules ($id_agent, false, $acltags, false, $filter, false, AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT)); $counts_info['unknown_count'] = count(tags_get_agent_modules ($id_agent, false, $acltags, false, $filter, false, AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN)); $counts_info['total_count'] = $counts_info['normal_count'] + $counts_info['warning_count'] + $counts_info['critical_count'] + $counts_info['unknown_count'] + $counts_info['notinit_count']; $all_agent_modules = tags_get_agent_modules ($id_agent, false, $acltags, false, $filter); if (!empty($all_agent_modules)) { $mod_clause = "(".implode(',', array_keys($all_agent_modules)).")"; $counts_info['fired_count'] = (int) db_get_sql ("SELECT COUNT(times_fired) FROM talert_template_modules WHERE times_fired != 0 AND id_agent_module IN ".$mod_clause); } else { $counts_info['fired_count'] = 0; } } // Store the counts in a data structure to print hidden divs with titles $stats = array(); if (isset($counts_info['total_count'])) { $not_init = isset($counts_info['notinit_count']) ? $counts_info['notinit_count'] : 0; $total_count = $counts_info['total_count'] - $not_init; $stats[] = array('name' => 'total_count', 'count' => $total_count, 'title' => sprintf($template_title['total_count'], $total_count)); } if (isset($counts_info['normal_count'])) { $normal_count = $counts_info['normal_count']; $stats[] = array('name' => 'normal_count', 'count' => $normal_count, 'title' => sprintf($template_title['normal_count'], $normal_count)); } if (isset($counts_info['critical_count'])) { $critical_count = $counts_info['critical_count']; $stats[] = array('name' => 'critical_count', 'count' => $critical_count, 'title' => sprintf($template_title['critical_count'], $critical_count)); } if (isset($counts_info['warning_count'])) { $warning_count = $counts_info['warning_count']; $stats[] = array('name' => 'warning_count', 'count' => $warning_count, 'title' => sprintf($template_title['warning_count'], $warning_count)); } if (isset($counts_info['unknown_count'])) { $unknown_count = $counts_info['unknown_count']; $stats[] = array('name' => 'unknown_count', 'count' => $unknown_count, 'title' => sprintf($template_title['unknown_count'], $unknown_count)); } if (isset($counts_info['not_init_count'])) { $not_init_count = $counts_info['not_init_count']; $stats[] = array('name' => 'not_init_count', 'count' => $not_init_count, 'title' => sprintf($template_title['not_init_count'], $not_init_count)); } if (isset($template_title['fired_count'])) { if (isset($counts_info['fired_count'])) { $fired_count = $counts_info['fired_count']; $stats[] = array('name' => 'fired_count', 'count' => $fired_count, 'title' => sprintf($template_title['fired_count'], $fired_count)); } } $uniq_id = uniqid(); foreach ($stats as $stat) { $params = array('id' => 'forced_title_' . $stat['name'] . '_' . $uniq_id, 'class' => 'forced_title_layer', 'content' => $stat['title'], 'hidden' => true); $out .= html_print_div($params, true); } // If total count is less than 0, is an error. Never show negative numbers if ($total_count < 0) { $total_count = 0; } $out .= '' . '' . $total_count . ''; if (isset($fired_count) && $fired_count > 0) $out .= ' ' . $separator . ' ' . $fired_count . ''; if (isset($critical_count) && $critical_count > 0) $out .= ' ' . $separator . ' ' . $critical_count . ''; if (isset($warning_count) && $warning_count > 0) $out .= ' ' . $separator . ' ' . $warning_count . ''; if (isset($unknown_count) && $unknown_count > 0) $out .= ' ' . $separator . ' ' . $unknown_count . ''; if (isset($not_init_count) && $not_init_count > 0) $out .= ' ' . $separator . ' ' . $not_init_count . ''; if (isset($normal_count) && $normal_count > 0) $out .= ' ' . $separator . ' ' . $normal_count . ''; $out .= ''; if ($return) { return $out; } else { echo $out; } } /** * Get SLA of a module. * * @param int Agent module to calculate SLA * @param int Period to check the SLA compliance. * @param int Minimum data value the module in the right interval * @param int Maximum data value the module in the right interval. False will * ignore max value * @param int Beginning date of the report in UNIX time (current date by default). * @param array $dayWeek Array of days week to extract as array('monday' => false, 'tuesday' => true....), and by default is null. * @param string $timeFrom Time in the day to start to extract in mysql format, by default null. * @param string $timeTo Time in the day to end to extract in mysql format, by default null. * * @return float SLA percentage of the requested module. False if no data were * found */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $min_value = 1, $max_value = false, $date = 0, $daysWeek = null, $timeFrom = null, $timeTo = null) { global $config; if (empty($id_agent_module)) return false; // Set initial conditions $bad_period = 0; // Limit date to start searching data $datelimit = $date - $period; $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); // Initialize variables if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } if ($daysWeek === null) { $daysWeek = array(); } // Calculate the SLA for large time without hours if ($timeFrom == $timeTo) { // Get interval data $sql = sprintf ('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d', $id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date); //Add the working times (mon - tue - wed ...) and from time to time $days = array(); //Translate to mysql week days if ($daysWeek) { foreach ($daysWeek as $key => $value) { if (!$value) { if ($key == 'monday') { $days[] = 2; } if ($key == 'tuesday') { $days[] = 3; } if ($key == 'wednesday') { $days[] = 4; } if ($key == 'thursday') { $days[] = 5; } if ($key == 'friday') { $days[] = 6; } if ($key == 'saturday') { $days[] = 7; } if ($key == 'sunday') { $days[] = 1; } } } } if (count($days) > 0) { $sql .= ' AND DAYOFWEEK(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) NOT IN (' . implode(',', $days) . ')'; } $sql .= "\n"; $sql .= ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC'; $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, $search_in_history_db); if ($interval_data === false) { $interval_data = array (); } // Calculate planned downtime dates $downtime_dates = reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals( $id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date); // Get previous data $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit); if ($previous_data !== false) { $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit; array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data); } // Get next data $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date); if ($next_data !== false) { $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data); array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } if (count ($interval_data) < 2) { return false; } $first_data = array_shift ($interval_data); // Do not count the empty start of an interval as 0 if ($first_data['utimestamp'] != $datelimit) { $period = $date - $first_data['utimestamp']; } $previous_utimestamp = $first_data['utimestamp']; if ( ( ( $max_value > $min_value AND ( $first_data['datos'] > $max_value OR $first_data['datos'] < $min_value ) ) ) OR ( $max_value <= $min_value AND $first_data['datos'] < $min_value ) ) { $previous_status = 1; foreach ($downtime_dates as $date_dt) { if (($date_dt['date_from'] <= $previous_utimestamp) AND ($date_dt['date_to'] >= $previous_utimestamp)) { $previous_status = 0; } } } else { $previous_status = 0; } foreach ($interval_data as $data) { // Previous status was critical if ($previous_status == 1) { $bad_period += $data['utimestamp'] - $previous_utimestamp; } if (array_key_exists('datos', $data)) { // Re-calculate previous status for the next data if ((($max_value > $min_value AND ($data['datos'] > $max_value OR $data['datos'] < $min_value))) OR ($max_value <= $min_value AND $data['datos'] < $min_value)) { $previous_status = 1; foreach ($downtime_dates as $date_dt) { if (($date_dt['date_from'] <= $data['utimestamp']) AND ($date_dt['date_to'] >= $data['utimestamp'])) { $previous_status = 0; } } } else { $previous_status = 0; } } $previous_utimestamp = $data['utimestamp']; } // Return the percentage of SLA compliance return (float) (100 - ($bad_period / $period) * 100); } elseif ($period <= SECONDS_1DAY) { return reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_day( $id_agent_module, $period, $min_value, $max_value, $date, $daysWeek, $timeFrom, $timeTo); } else { // Extract the data each day $sla = 0; $i = 0; for ($interval = SECONDS_1DAY; $interval <= $period; $interval = $interval + SECONDS_1DAY) { $sla_day = reporting_get_agentmodule_sla( $id_agent_module, SECONDS_1DAY, $min_value, $max_value, $datelimit + $interval, $daysWeek, $timeFrom, $timeTo); // Avoid to add the period of module not init if ($sla_day !== false) { $sla += $sla_day; $i++; } } $sla = $sla / $i; return $sla; } } /** * Get the time intervals where an agentmodule is affected by the planned downtimes. * * @param int Agent module to calculate planned downtimes intervals. * @param int Start date in utimestamp. * @param int End date in utimestamp. * @param bool Whether ot not to get the planned downtimes that affect the service associated with the agentmodule. * * @return Array with time intervals. */ function reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals ($id_agent_module, $start_date, $end_date, $check_services = false) { global $config; if (empty($id_agent_module)) return false; require_once ($config['homedir'] . '/include/functions_planned_downtimes.php'); $malformed_planned_downtimes = planned_downtimes_get_malformed(); if (empty($malformed_planned_downtimes)) $malformed_planned_downtimes = array(); switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": $tpdr_description = "tpdr.description"; break; case "oracle": $tpdr_description = "to_char(tpdr.description)"; break; } $sql_downtime = " SELECT DISTINCT(tpdr.id), tpdr.name, " . $tpdr_description . ", tpdr.date_from, tpdr.date_to, tpdr.executed, tpdr.id_group, tpdr.only_alerts, tpdr.monday, tpdr.tuesday, tpdr.wednesday, tpdr.thursday, tpdr.friday, tpdr.saturday, tpdr.sunday, tpdr.periodically_time_from, tpdr.periodically_time_to, tpdr.periodically_day_from, tpdr.periodically_day_to, tpdr.type_downtime, tpdr.type_execution, tpdr.type_periodicity, tpdr.id_user FROM ( SELECT tpd.* FROM tplanned_downtime tpd, tplanned_downtime_agents tpda, tagente_modulo tam WHERE tpd.id = tpda.id_downtime AND tpda.all_modules = 1 AND tpda.id_agent = tam.id_agente AND tam.id_agente_modulo = $id_agent_module UNION ALL SELECT tpd.* FROM tplanned_downtime tpd, tplanned_downtime_modules tpdm WHERE tpd.id = tpdm.id_downtime AND tpdm.id_agent_module = $id_agent_module ) tpdr ORDER BY tpdr.id"; $downtimes = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_downtime); if ($downtimes == false) { $downtimes = array(); } $downtime_dates = array(); foreach ($downtimes as $downtime) { $downtime_id = $downtime['id']; $downtime_type = $downtime['type_execution']; $downtime_periodicity = $downtime['type_periodicity']; if ($downtime_type == 'once') { $dates = array(); $dates['date_from'] = $downtime['date_from']; $dates['date_to'] = $downtime['date_to']; $downtime_dates[] = $dates; } else if ($downtime_type == 'periodically') { // If a planned downtime have malformed dates, its intervals aren't taken account $downtime_malformed = false; foreach ($malformed_planned_downtimes as $malformed_planned_downtime) { if ($downtime_id == $malformed_planned_downtime['id']) { $downtime_malformed = true; break; } } if ($downtime_malformed == true) { continue; } // If a planned downtime have malformed dates, its intervals aren't taken account $downtime_time_from = $downtime['periodically_time_from']; $downtime_time_to = $downtime['periodically_time_to']; $downtime_hour_from = date("H", strtotime($downtime_time_from)); $downtime_minute_from = date("i", strtotime($downtime_time_from)); $downtime_second_from = date("s", strtotime($downtime_time_from)); $downtime_hour_to = date("H", strtotime($downtime_time_to)); $downtime_minute_to = date("i", strtotime($downtime_time_to)); $downtime_second_to = date("s", strtotime($downtime_time_to)); if ($downtime_periodicity == "monthly") { $downtime_day_from = $downtime['periodically_day_from']; $downtime_day_to = $downtime['periodically_day_to']; $date_aux = strtotime(date("Y-m-01", $start_date)); $year_aux = date("Y", $date_aux); $month_aux = date("m", $date_aux); $end_year = date("Y", $end_date); $end_month = date("m", $end_date); while ($year_aux < $end_year || ($year_aux == $end_year && $month_aux <= $end_month)) { if ($downtime_day_from > $downtime_day_to) { $dates = array(); $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(date("Y-m-t H:i:s", strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-28 23:59:59"))); $downtime_dates[] = $dates; $dates = array(); if ($month_aux + 1 <= 12) { $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-01 00:00:00"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-$downtime_day_to $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to"); } else { $dates['date_from'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-01 00:00:00"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-$downtime_day_to $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to"); } $downtime_dates[] = $dates; } else { if ($downtime_day_from == $downtime_day_to && strtotime($downtime_time_from) > strtotime($downtime_time_to)) { $date_aux_from = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from"); $max_day_num = date('t', $date_aux); $dates = array(); $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from 23:59:59"); $downtime_dates[] = $dates; if ($downtime_day_to + 1 > $max_day_num) { $dates = array(); if ($month_aux + 1 <= 12) { $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-01 00:00:00"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-".($month_aux + 1)."-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to"); } else { $dates['date_from'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-01 00:00:00"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(($year_aux + 1)."-01-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to"); } $downtime_dates[] = $dates; } else { $dates = array(); $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-".($downtime_day_to + 1)." 00:00:00"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-".($downtime_day_to + 1)." $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to"); $downtime_dates[] = $dates; } } else { $dates = array(); $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_from $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_aux-$month_aux-$downtime_day_to $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to"); $downtime_dates[] = $dates; } } $month_aux++; if ($month_aux > 12) { $month_aux = 1; $year_aux++; } } } else if ($downtime_periodicity == "weekly") { $date_aux = $start_date; $active_days = array(); $active_days[0] = ($downtime['sunday'] == 1) ? true : false; $active_days[1] = ($downtime['monday'] == 1) ? true : false; $active_days[2] = ($downtime['tuesday'] == 1) ? true : false; $active_days[3] = ($downtime['wednesday'] == 1) ? true : false; $active_days[4] = ($downtime['thursday'] == 1) ? true : false; $active_days[5] = ($downtime['friday'] == 1) ? true : false; $active_days[6] = ($downtime['saturday'] == 1) ? true : false; while ($date_aux <= $end_date) { $weekday_num = date('w', $date_aux); if ($active_days[$weekday_num]) { $day_num = date('d', $date_aux); $month_num = date('m', $date_aux); $year_num = date('Y', $date_aux); $max_day_num = date('t', $date_aux); if (strtotime($downtime_time_from) > strtotime($downtime_time_to)) { $dates = array(); $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num 23:59:59"); $downtime_dates[] = $dates; $dates = array(); if ($day_num + 1 > $max_day_num) { if ($month_num + 1 > 12) { $dates['date_from'] = strtotime(($year_num + 1)."-01-01 00:00:00"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime(($year_num + 1)."-01-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to"); } else { $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-".($month_num + 1)."-01 00:00:00"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-".($month_num + 1)."-01 $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to"); } } else { $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-".($day_num + 1)." 00:00:00"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-".($day_num + 1)." $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to"); } $downtime_dates[] = $dates; } else { $dates = array(); $dates['date_from'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num $downtime_hour_from:$downtime_minute_from:$downtime_second_from"); $dates['date_to'] = strtotime("$year_num-$month_num-$day_num $downtime_hour_to:$downtime_minute_to:$downtime_second_to"); $downtime_dates[] = $dates; } } $date_aux += SECONDS_1DAY; } } } } if ($check_services) { enterprise_include_once("include/functions_services.php"); if (function_exists("services_get_planned_downtimes_intervals")) { services_get_planned_downtimes_intervals($downtime_dates, $start_date, $end_date, false, $id_agent_module); } } return $downtime_dates; } /** * Get the maximum value of an agent module in a period of time. * * @param int Agent module id to get the maximum value. * @param int Period of time to check (in seconds) * @param int Top date to check the values. Default current time. * * @return float The maximum module value in the interval. */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max ($id_agent_module, $period=0, $date = 0) { global $config; // Initialize variables if (empty ($date)) $date = get_system_time (); $datelimit = $date - $period; $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); $id_module_type = modules_get_agentmodule_type ($id_agent_module); $module_type = modules_get_moduletype_name ($id_module_type); $uncompressed_module = is_module_uncompressed ($module_type); // Get module data $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module . ' AND utimestamp > ' . (int) $datelimit . ' AND utimestamp < ' . (int) $date . ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC', $search_in_history_db); if ($interval_data === false) $interval_data = array (); // Uncompressed module data if ($uncompressed_module) { // Compressed module data } else { // Get previous data $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit); if ($previous_data !== false) { $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit; array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data); } // Get next data $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date); if ($next_data !== false) { $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data); array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } } // Set initial conditions if (empty($iterval_data)) { $max = 0; } else { if ($uncompressed_module || $interval_data[0]['utimestamp'] == $datelimit) { $max = $interval_data[0]['datos']; } else { $max = 0; } } switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": // Do none break; case "oracle": $max = oracle_format_float_to_php($max); break; } foreach ($interval_data as $data) { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": // Do none break; case "oracle": $data['datos'] = oracle_format_float_to_php($data['datos']); break; } if ($data['datos'] > $max) { $max = $data['datos']; } } return $max; } /** * Get the minimum value of an agent module in a period of time. * * @param int Agent module id to get the minimum value. * @param int Period of time to check (in seconds) * @param int Top date to check the values in Unix time. Default current time. * * @return float The minimum module value of the module */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min ($id_agent_module, $period=0, $date = 0) { global $config; // Initialize variables if (empty ($date)) $date = get_system_time (); $datelimit = $date - $period; $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); $id_module_type = modules_get_agentmodule_type ($id_agent_module); $module_type = modules_get_moduletype_name ($id_module_type); $uncompressed_module = is_module_uncompressed ($module_type); // Get module data $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module . ' AND utimestamp > ' . (int) $datelimit . ' AND utimestamp < ' . (int) $date . ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC', $search_in_history_db); if ($interval_data === false) $interval_data = array (); // Uncompressed module data if ($uncompressed_module) { $min_necessary = 1; // Compressed module data } else { // Get previous data $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit); if ($previous_data !== false) { $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit; array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data); } // Get next data $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date); if ($next_data !== false) { $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data); array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } } if (count ($interval_data) < 1) { return false; } // Set initial conditions $min = $interval_data[0]['datos']; switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": // Do none break; case "oracle": $min = oracle_format_float_to_php($min); break; } foreach ($interval_data as $data) { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": // Do none break; case "oracle": $data['datos'] = oracle_format_float_to_php($data['datos']); break; } if ($data['datos'] < $min) { $min = $data['datos']; } } return $min; } /** * Get the sum of values of an agent module in a period of time. * * @param int Agent module id to get the sumatory. * @param int Period of time to check (in seconds) * @param int Top date to check the values. Default current time. * * @return float The sumatory of the module values in the interval. */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_data_sum ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $date = 0) { global $config; // Initialize variables if (empty ($date)) $date = get_system_time (); $datelimit = $date - $period; $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); $id_module_type = db_get_value ('id_tipo_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_agent_module); $module_name = db_get_value ('nombre', 'ttipo_modulo', 'id_tipo', $id_module_type); $module_interval = modules_get_interval ($id_agent_module); $uncompressed_module = is_module_uncompressed ($module_name); // Wrong module type if (is_module_data_string ($module_name)) { return 0; } // Incremental modules are treated differently $module_inc = is_module_inc ($module_name); // Get module data $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql(' SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = ' . (int) $id_agent_module . ' AND utimestamp > ' . (int) $datelimit . ' AND utimestamp < ' . (int) $date . ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC', $search_in_history_db); if ($interval_data === false) $interval_data = array (); // Uncompressed module data if ($uncompressed_module) { $min_necessary = 1; // Compressed module data } else { // Get previous data $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit); if ($previous_data !== false) { $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit; array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data); } // Get next data $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date); if ($next_data !== false) { $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data); array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } $min_necessary = 2; } if (count ($interval_data) < $min_necessary) { return false; } // Set initial conditions $total = 0; if (! $uncompressed_module) { $previous_data = array_shift ($interval_data); } foreach ($interval_data as $data) { switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": // Do none break; case "oracle": $data['datos'] = oracle_format_float_to_php($data['datos']); break; } if ($uncompressed_module) { $total += $data['datos']; } else if ($module_inc) { $total += $previous_data['datos'] * ($data['utimestamp'] - $previous_data['utimestamp']); } else { $total += $previous_data['datos'] * ($data['utimestamp'] - $previous_data['utimestamp']) / $module_interval; } $previous_data = $data; } return $total; } /** * Get the planned downtimes that affect the passed modules on an specific datetime range. * * @param int Start date in utimestamp. * @param int End date in utimestamp. * @param array The agent modules ids. * * @return Array with the planned downtimes that are executed in any moment of the range selected and affect the * agent modules selected. */ function reporting_get_planned_downtimes ($start_date, $end_date, $id_agent_modules = false) { global $config; $start_time = date("H:i:s", $start_date); $end_time = date("H:i:s", $end_date); $start_day = date("d", $start_date); $end_day = date("d", $end_date); $start_month = date("m", $start_date); $end_month = date("m", $end_date); if ($start_date > $end_date) { return false; } if ($end_date - $start_date >= SECONDS_1MONTH) { // If the date range is larger than 1 month, every monthly planned downtime will be inside $periodically_monthly_w = "type_periodicity = 'monthly'"; } else { // Check if the range is larger than the planned downtime execution, or if its start or end // is inside the planned downtime execution. // The start and end time is very important. $periodically_monthly_w = "type_periodicity = 'monthly' AND (((periodically_day_from > '$start_day' OR (periodically_day_from = '$start_day' AND periodically_time_from >= '$start_time')) AND (periodically_day_to < '$end_day' OR (periodically_day_to = '$end_day' AND periodically_time_to <= '$end_time'))) OR ((periodically_day_from < '$start_day' OR (periodically_day_from = '$start_day' AND periodically_time_from <= '$start_time')) AND (periodically_day_to > '$start_day' OR (periodically_day_to = '$start_day' AND periodically_time_to >= '$start_time'))) OR ((periodically_day_from < '$end_day' OR (periodically_day_from = '$end_day' AND periodically_time_from <= '$end_time')) AND (periodically_day_to > '$end_day' OR (periodically_day_to = '$end_day' AND periodically_time_to >= '$end_time'))))"; } $periodically_weekly_days = array(); $date_aux = $start_date; $i = 0; if (($end_date - $start_date) >= SECONDS_1WEEK) { // If the date range is larger than 7 days, every weekly planned downtime will be inside. for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $weekday_actual = strtolower(date('l', $date_aux)); $periodically_weekly_days[] = "($weekday_actual = 1)"; $date_aux += SECONDS_1DAY; } } else if (($end_date - $start_date) <= SECONDS_1DAY && $start_day == $end_day) { // If the date range is smaller than 1 day, the start and end days can be equal or consecutive. // If they are equal, the execution times have to be contained in the date range times or contain // the start or end time of the date range. $weekday_actual = strtolower(date('l', $start_date)); $periodically_weekly_days[] = "($weekday_actual = 1 AND ((periodically_time_from > '$start_time' AND periodically_time_to < '$end_time') OR (periodically_time_from = '$start_time' OR (periodically_time_from < '$start_time' AND periodically_time_to >= '$start_time')) OR (periodically_time_from = '$end_time' OR (periodically_time_from < '$end_time' AND periodically_time_to >= '$end_time'))))"; } else { while ($date_aux <= $end_date && $i < 7) { $weekday_actual = strtolower(date('l', $date_aux)); $day_num_actual = date('d', $date_aux); if ($date_aux == $start_date) { $periodically_weekly_days[] = "($weekday_actual = 1 AND periodically_time_to >= '$start_time')"; } else if ($day_num_actual == $end_day) { $periodically_weekly_days[] = "($weekday_actual = 1 AND periodically_time_from <= '$end_time')"; } else { $periodically_weekly_days[] = "($weekday_actual = 1)"; } $date_aux += SECONDS_1DAY; $i++; } } if (!empty($periodically_weekly_days)) { $periodically_weekly_w = "type_periodicity = 'weekly' AND (".implode(" OR ", $periodically_weekly_days).")"; $periodically_condition = "(($periodically_monthly_w) OR ($periodically_weekly_w))"; } else { $periodically_condition = "($periodically_monthly_w)"; } if ($id_agent_modules !== false) { if (empty($id_agent_modules)) return array(); $id_agent_modules_str = implode(",", $id_agent_modules); switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": $tpdr_description = "tpdr.description"; break; case "oracle": $tpdr_description = "to_char(tpdr.description)"; break; } $sql_downtime = " SELECT DISTINCT(tpdr.id), tpdr.name, " . $tpdr_description . ", tpdr.date_from, tpdr.date_to, tpdr.executed, tpdr.id_group, tpdr.only_alerts, tpdr.monday, tpdr.tuesday, tpdr.wednesday, tpdr.thursday, tpdr.friday, tpdr.saturday, tpdr.sunday, tpdr.periodically_time_from, tpdr.periodically_time_to, tpdr.periodically_day_from, tpdr.periodically_day_to, tpdr.type_downtime, tpdr.type_execution, tpdr.type_periodicity, tpdr.id_user FROM ( SELECT tpd.* FROM tplanned_downtime tpd, tplanned_downtime_agents tpda, tagente_modulo tam WHERE (tpd.id = tpda.id_downtime AND tpda.all_modules = 1 AND tpda.id_agent = tam.id_agente AND tam.id_agente_modulo IN ($id_agent_modules_str)) AND ((type_execution = 'periodically' AND $periodically_condition) OR (type_execution = 'once' AND ((date_from >= '$start_date' AND date_to <= '$end_date') OR (date_from <= '$start_date' AND date_to >= '$end_date') OR (date_from <= '$start_date' AND date_to >= '$start_date') OR (date_from <= '$end_date' AND date_to >= '$end_date')))) UNION ALL SELECT tpd.* FROM tplanned_downtime tpd, tplanned_downtime_modules tpdm WHERE (tpd.id = tpdm.id_downtime AND tpdm.id_agent_module IN ($id_agent_modules_str)) AND ((type_execution = 'periodically' AND $periodically_condition) OR (type_execution = 'once' AND ((date_from >= '$start_date' AND date_to <= '$end_date') OR (date_from <= '$start_date' AND date_to >= '$end_date') OR (date_from <= '$start_date' AND date_to >= '$start_date') OR (date_from <= '$end_date' AND date_to >= '$end_date')))) ) tpdr ORDER BY tpdr.id"; } else { $sql_downtime = "SELECT * FROM tplanned_downtime tpd, tplanned_downtime_modules tpdm WHERE (type_execution = 'periodically' AND $periodically_condition) OR (type_execution = 'once' AND ((date_from >= '$start_date' AND date_to <= '$end_date') OR (date_from <= '$start_date' AND date_to >= '$end_date') OR (date_from <= '$start_date' AND date_to >= '$start_date') OR (date_from <= '$end_date' AND date_to >= '$end_date')))"; } $downtimes = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_downtime); if ($downtimes == false) { $downtimes = array(); } return $downtimes; } /** * Get SLA of a module. * * @param int Agent module to calculate SLA * @param int Period to check the SLA compliance. * @param int Minimum data value the module in the right interval * @param int Maximum data value the module in the right interval. False will * ignore max value * @param int Beginning date of the report in UNIX time (current date by default). * @param array $dayWeek Array of days week to extract as array('monday' => false, 'tuesday' => true....), and by default is null. * @param string $timeFrom Time in the day to start to extract in mysql format, by default null. * @param string $timeTo Time in the day to end to extract in mysql format, by default null. * * @return float SLA percentage of the requested module. False if no data were * found */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_day ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $min_value = 1, $max_value = false, $date = 0, $daysWeek = null, $timeFrom = null, $timeTo = null) { global $config; if (empty($id_agent_module)) return false; // Initialize variables if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } if ($daysWeek === null) { $daysWeek = array(); } // Limit date to start searching data $datelimit = $date - $period; // Substract the not working time // Initialize the working time status machine ($wt_status) // Search the first data at worktime start list ($period_reduced, $wt_status, $datelimit_increased) = reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_day_period ($period, $date, $timeFrom, $timeTo); if ($period_reduced <= 0) { return false; } $wt_points = reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_working_timestamp ($period, $date, $timeFrom, $timeTo); $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); // Get interval data $sql = sprintf ('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d', $id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date); //Add the working times (mon - tue - wed ...) and from time to time $days = array(); //Translate to mysql week days if ($daysWeek) { foreach ($daysWeek as $key => $value) { if (!$value) { if ($key == 'monday') { $days[] = 2; } if ($key == 'tuesday') { $days[] = 3; } if ($key == 'wednesday') { $days[] = 4; } if ($key == 'thursday') { $days[] = 5; } if ($key == 'friday') { $days[] = 6; } if ($key == 'saturday') { $days[] = 7; } if ($key == 'sunday') { $days[] = 1; } } } } /* The not working time consideration is now doing in foreach loop above switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": case "postgresql": if (count($days) > 0) { $sql .= ' AND DAYOFWEEK(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) NOT IN (' . implode(',', $days) . ')'; } if ($timeFrom < $timeTo) { $sql .= ' AND (TIME(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) >= "' . $timeFrom . '" AND TIME(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) <= "'. $timeTo . '")'; } elseif ($timeFrom > $timeTo) { $sql .= ' AND (TIME(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) >= "' . $timeFrom . '" OR TIME(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) <= "'. $timeTo . '")'; } break; case "oracle": break; } * */ $sql .= ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC'; $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, $search_in_history_db); if ($interval_data === false) { $interval_data = array (); } // Calculate planned downtime dates $downtime_dates = reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals($id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date); // Get previous data $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data($id_agent_module, $datelimit + $datelimit_increased); if ($previous_data !== false) { $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $datelimit + $datelimit_increased; array_unshift ($interval_data, $previous_data); } else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) { // Propagate undefined status to first time point $first_interval_time = array_shift ($interval_data); $previous_point = $datelimit + $datelimit_increased; $point = $datelimit + $datelimit_increased; // Remove rebased points and substract time only on working time while ($wt_points[0] <= $first_interval_time['utimestamp']) { $point = array_shift ($wt_points); if ($wt_status){ $period_reduced -= $point - $previous_point; } $wt_status = !$wt_status; $previous_point = $point; } if ($wt_status){ $period_reduced -= $first_interval_time['utimestamp'] - $point; } array_unshift ($interval_data, $first_interval_time); } if (count ($wt_points) < 2) { return false; } // Get next data $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date); if ($next_data !== false) { $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } else if (count ($interval_data) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval $next_data = array_pop ($interval_data); array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); $next_data['utimestamp'] = $date; array_push ($interval_data, $next_data); } if (count ($interval_data) < 2) { return false; } // Set initial conditions $bad_period = 0; $first_data = array_shift ($interval_data); // Do not count the empty start of an interval as 0 if ($first_data['utimestamp'] != $datelimit) { $period = $date - $first_data['utimestamp']; } $previous_utimestamp = $first_data['utimestamp']; if ((($max_value > $min_value AND ($first_data['datos'] > $max_value OR $first_data['datos'] < $min_value))) OR ($max_value <= $min_value AND $first_data['datos'] < $min_value)) { $previous_status = 1; foreach ($downtime_dates as $date_dt) { if (($date_dt['date_from'] <= $previous_utimestamp) AND ($date_dt['date_to'] >= $previous_utimestamp)) { $previous_status = 0; } } } else { $previous_status = 0; } foreach ($interval_data as $data) { // Test if working time is changed while ($wt_points[0] <= $data['utimestamp']) { $intermediate_point = array_shift($wt_points); if ($wt_status && ($previous_status == 1)) { $bad_period += $intermediate_point - $previous_utimestamp; } $previous_utimestamp = $intermediate_point; $wt_status = !$wt_status; } // Increses bad_period only if it is working time if ($wt_status && ($previous_status == 1)) { $bad_period += $data['utimestamp'] - $previous_utimestamp; } if (array_key_exists('datos', $data)) { // Re-calculate previous status for the next data if ((($max_value > $min_value AND ($data['datos'] > $max_value OR $data['datos'] < $min_value))) OR ($max_value <= $min_value AND $data['datos'] < $min_value)) { $previous_status = 1; foreach ($downtime_dates as $date_dt) { if (($date_dt['date_from'] <= $data['utimestamp']) AND ($date_dt['date_to'] >= $data['utimestamp'])) { $previous_status = 0; } } } else { $previous_status = 0; } } $previous_utimestamp = $data['utimestamp']; } // Return the percentage of SLA compliance return (float) (100 - ($bad_period / $period_reduced) * 100); } /** * Get several SLA data for an agentmodule within a period divided on subperiods * * @param int Agent module to calculate SLA * @param int Period to check the SLA compliance. * @param int Minimum data value the module in the right interval * @param int Maximum data value the module in the right interval. False will * ignore max value * @param array $days Array of days week to extract as array('monday' => false, 'tuesday' => true....), and by default is null. * @param string $timeFrom Time in the day to start to extract in mysql format, by default null. * @param string $timeTo Time in the day to end to extract in mysql format, by default null. * * @return Array with values either 1, 2, 3 or 4 depending if the SLA percentage for this subperiod * is within the sla limits, on the edge, outside or with an unknown value. */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_array ($id_agent_module, $period = 0, $min_value = 1, $max_value = false, $date = 0, $daysWeek = null, $timeFrom = null, $timeTo = null) { global $config; if (empty($id_agent_module)) return false; // Initialize variables if (empty ($date)) { $date = get_system_time (); } if ($daysWeek === null) { $daysWeek = array(); } // Hotfix: The edge values are confuse to the users $percent = 0; // Limit date to start searching data $datelimit = $date - $period; $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); // Get interval data $sql = sprintf ('SELECT * FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp <= %d', $id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date); //Add the working times (mon - tue - wed ...) and from time to time $days = array(); //Translate to mysql week days if ($daysWeek) { foreach ($daysWeek as $key => $value) { if (!$value) { if ($key == 'monday') { $days[] = 2; } if ($key == 'tuesday') { $days[] = 3; } if ($key == 'wednesday') { $days[] = 4; } if ($key == 'thursday') { $days[] = 5; } if ($key == 'friday') { $days[] = 6; } if ($key == 'saturday') { $days[] = 7; } if ($key == 'sunday') { $days[] = 1; } } } } if (count($days) > 0) { $sql .= ' AND DAYOFWEEK(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) NOT IN (' . implode(',', $days) . ')'; } if ($timeFrom != $timeTo) { if ($timeFrom < $timeTo) { $sql .= ' AND (TIME(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) >= \'' . $timeFrom . '\' AND TIME(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) <= \'' . $timeTo . '\')'; } elseif ($timeFrom > $timeTo) { $sql .= ' AND (TIME(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) >= \'' . $timeFrom . '\' OR TIME(FROM_UNIXTIME(utimestamp)) <= \''. $timeTo . '\')'; } } $sql .= ' ORDER BY utimestamp ASC'; $interval_data = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql, $search_in_history_db); if ($interval_data === false) { $interval_data = array (); } // Indexing data $interval_data_indexed = array(); foreach($interval_data as $idata) { $interval_data_indexed[$idata['utimestamp']]['data'] = $idata['datos']; } //-----------Calculate unknown status events------------------------ $events_unknown = db_get_all_rows_filter ('tevento', array ('id_agentmodule' => $id_agent_module, "utimestamp > $datelimit", "utimestamp < $date", 'order' => 'utimestamp ASC'), array ('id_evento', 'evento', 'timestamp', 'utimestamp', 'event_type')); if ($events_unknown === false) { $events_unknown = array (); } // Add unknown periods to data for ($i = 0; isset($events_unknown[$i]); $i++) { $eu = $events_unknown[$i]; if ($eu['event_type'] == 'going_unknown') { $interval_data_indexed[$eu['utimestamp']]['data'] = 0; $interval_data_indexed[$eu['utimestamp']]['status'] = 4; // Search the corresponding recovery event. for ($j = $i+1; isset($events_unknown[$j]); $j++) { $eu = $events_unknown[$j]; if ($eu['event_type'] != 'going_unknown' && substr ($eu['event_type'], 0, 5) == 'going') { $interval_data_indexed[$eu['utimestamp']]['data'] = 0; $interval_data_indexed[$eu['utimestamp']]['status'] = 6; // Do not process read events again. $i = $j; break; } } } } // Get the last event before inverval to know if graph start on unknown $prev_event = db_get_row_filter ('tevento', array ('id_agentmodule' => $id_agent_module, "utimestamp <= $datelimit", 'order' => 'utimestamp DESC')); if (isset($prev_event['event_type']) && $prev_event['event_type'] == 'going_unknown') { $start_unknown = true; } else { $start_unknown = false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //-----------------Set limits of the interval----------------------- // Get previous data (This adds the first data if the begin of module data is after the begin time interval) $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data ($id_agent_module, $datelimit); if ($previous_data !== false ) { $previous_value = $previous_data['datos']; // if ((($previous_value > ($min_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($min_value + $percent))) || // (($previous_value > ($max_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($max_value + $percent)))) {//2 when value is within the edges // $previous_known_status = 2; // } // else if (($previous_value >= ($min_value + $percent)) && ($previous_value <= ($max_value - $percent))) { //1 when value is OK $previous_known_status = 1; } elseif (($previous_value <= ($min_value - $percent)) || ($previous_value >= ($max_value + $percent))) { //3 when value is Wrong $previous_known_status = 3; } } // If the starting of the graph is unknown we set it if ($start_unknown) { $interval_data_indexed[$datelimit]['data'] = 0; $interval_data_indexed[$datelimit]['status'] = 4; } else { if ($previous_data !== false ) { $interval_data_indexed[$datelimit]['data'] = $previous_data['datos']; } else { // If there are not data befor interval set unknown $interval_data_indexed[$datelimit]['data'] = 0; $interval_data_indexed[$datelimit]['status'] = 4; $previous_known_status = 1; // Assume the module was in normal status if there is no previous data. } } // Get next data (This adds data before the interval of the report) $next_data = modules_get_next_data ($id_agent_module, $date); if ($next_data !== false) { $interval_data_indexed[$date]['data'] = $previous_data['datos']; } else if (count ($interval_data_indexed) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval (if there is no module data at the end point) ksort($interval_data_indexed); $last_data = end($interval_data_indexed); $interval_data_indexed[$date] = $last_data; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ //--------Calculate planned downtime dates-------------------------- $downtime_dates = reporting_get_planned_downtimes_intervals($id_agent_module, $datelimit, $date); foreach ($downtime_dates as $downtime_date) { // Delete data of the planned downtime and put the last data on the upper limit $interval_data_indexed[$downtime_date['date_from']]['data'] = 0; $interval_data_indexed[$downtime_date['date_from']]['status'] = 5; $interval_data_indexed[$downtime_date['date_to']]['data'] = 0; $interval_data_indexed[$downtime_date['date_to']]['status'] = 4; $last_downtime_data = false; foreach ($interval_data_indexed as $idi_timestamp => $idi) { if ($idi_timestamp != $downtime_date['date_from'] && $idi_timestamp != $downtime_date['date_to'] && $idi_timestamp >= $downtime_date['date_from'] && $idi_timestamp <= $downtime_date['date_to']) { $last_downtime_data = $idi['data']; unset($interval_data_indexed[$idi_timestamp]); } } // Set the last data of the interval as limit if ($last_downtime_data !== false) { $interval_data_indexed[$downtime_date['date_to']]['data'] = $last_downtime_data; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Sort the array ksort($interval_data_indexed); // We need more or equal two points if (count ($interval_data_indexed) < 2) { return false; } //Get the percentage for the limits $diff = $max_value - $min_value; // Get module type $id_module_type = db_get_value('id_tipo_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_agent_module); // If module is boolean don't create translation intervals (on the edge intervals) // if ($id_module_type == 2 or $id_module_type == 6 or $id_module_type == 9 or $id_module_type == 18) { // $percent = 0; // } // else { // // Getting 10% of $diff --> $percent = ($diff/100)*10, so... // $percent = $diff / 10; // } //Set initial conditions $first_data = array_shift ($interval_data); $previous_utimestamp = $date - $period; $previous_value = $first_data ['datos']; $previous_status = 0; if (isset($first_data['status'])) { // 4 for the Unknown value and 5 for planned downtime $previous_status = $first_data['status']; } // elseif ((($previous_value > ($min_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($min_value + $percent))) || // (($previous_value > ($max_value - $percent)) && ($previous_value < ($max_value + $percent)))) {//2 when value is within the edges // $previous_status = 2; // } elseif (($previous_value >= ($min_value + $percent)) && ($previous_value <= ($max_value - $percent))) { //1 when value is OK $previous_status = 1; } elseif (($previous_value <= ($min_value - $percent)) || ($previous_value >= ($max_value + $percent))) { //3 when value is Wrong $previous_status = 3; } $data_colors = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($interval_data_indexed as $utimestamp => $data) { $change = false; $value = $data['data']; if (isset($data['status'])) { // Leaving unkown status. if ($data['status'] == 6) { $status = $previous_known_status; } // 4 unknown, 5 planned downtime. else { $status = $data['status']; } } // elseif ((($value > ($min_value - $percent)) && ($value < ($min_value + $percent))) || // (($value > ($max_value - $percent)) && ($value < ($max_value + $percent)))) { //2 when value is within the edges // $status = 2; // } elseif (($value >= ($min_value + $percent)) && ($value <= ($max_value - $percent))) { //1 when value is OK $status = 1; } elseif (($value <= ($min_value - $percent)) || ($value >= ($max_value + $percent))) { //3 when value is Wrong $status = 3; } if ($status != $previous_status) { $change = true; $data_colors[$i]['data'] = $previous_status; $data_colors[$i]['utimestamp'] = $utimestamp - $previous_utimestamp; $i++; $previous_status = $status; $previous_utimestamp = $utimestamp; } // Save the last known status. if ($status <= 3) { $previous_known_status = $status; } } if ($change == false) { $data_colors[$i]['data'] = $previous_status; $data_colors[$i]['utimestamp'] = $date - $previous_utimestamp; } return $data_colors; } function reporting_get_stats_servers($tiny = true) { global $config; $server_performance = servers_get_performance(); // Alerts table $table_srv = html_get_predefined_table(); $table_srv->style[0] = $table_srv->style[2] = 'text-align: right; padding: 5px;'; $table_srv->style[1] = $table_srv->style[3] = 'text-align: left; padding: 5px;'; $tdata = array();'' . format_numeric($server_performance ["total_local_modules"]) . ''; $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/module.png', true, array('title' => __('Total running modules'), 'width' => '25px')); $tdata[1] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["total_modules"]) . ''; $tdata[2] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["total_modules_rate"], 2) . ''; $tdata[3] = html_print_image('images/module.png', true, array('title' => __('Ratio') . ': ' . __('Modules by second'), 'width' => '16px')) . '/sec '; $table_srv->rowclass[] = ''; $table_srv->data[] = $tdata; $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = '
'; $table_srv->colspan[count($table_srv->data)][0] = 4; $table_srv->rowclass[] = ''; $table_srv->data[] = $tdata; $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/database.png', true, array('title' => __('Local modules'), 'width' => '25px')); $tdata[1] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["total_local_modules"]) . ''; $tdata[2] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["local_modules_rate"], 2) . ''; $tdata[3] = html_print_image('images/module.png', true, array('title' => __('Ratio') . ': ' . __('Modules by second'), 'width' => '16px')) . '/sec '; $table_srv->rowclass[] = ''; $table_srv->data[] = $tdata; if ($tiny) { $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/network.png', true, array('title' => __('Remote modules'), 'width' => '25px')); $tdata[1] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["total_remote_modules"]) . ''; /* Hello there! :) We added some of what seems to be "buggy" messages to the openSource version recently. This is not to force open-source users to move to the enterprise version, this is just to inform people using Pandora FMS open source that it requires skilled people to maintain and keep it running smoothly without professional support. This does not imply open-source version is limited in any way. If you check the recently added code, it contains only warnings and messages, no limitations except one: we removed the option to add custom logo in header. In the Update Manager section, it warns about the 'danger’ of applying automated updates without a proper backup, remembering in the process that the Enterprise version comes with a human-tested package. Maintaining an OpenSource version with more than 500 agents is not so easy, that's why someone using a Pandora with 8000 agents should consider asking for support. It's not a joke, we know of many setups with a huge number of agents, and we hate to hear that “its becoming unstable and slow” :( You can of course remove the warnings, that's why we include the source and do not use any kind of trick. And that's why we added here this comment, to let you know this does not reflect any change in our opensource mentality of does the last 14 years. */ $tdata[2] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["remote_modules_rate"], 2) . ''; $tdata[3] = html_print_image('images/module.png', true, array('title' => __('Ratio') . ': ' . __('Modules by second'), 'width' => '16px')) . '/sec '; if($server_performance ["total_remote_modules"]>10000 && !enterprise_installed()){ $tdata[4] = "
"; } else{ $tdata[4] = ' '; } $table_srv->rowclass[] = ''; $table_srv->data[] = $tdata; } else { if (isset($server_performance ["total_network_modules"])) { $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/network.png', true, array('title' => __('Network modules'), 'width' => '25px')); $tdata[1] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["total_network_modules"]) . ''; $tdata[2] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance["network_modules_rate"], 2) . ''; $tdata[3] = html_print_image('images/module.png', true, array('title' => __('Ratio') . ': ' . __('Modules by second'), 'width' => '16px')) . '/sec '; if($server_performance ["total_remote_modules"]>10000 && !enterprise_installed()){ $tdata[4] = "
"; } else{ $tdata[4] = ' '; } $table_srv->rowclass[] = ''; $table_srv->data[] = $tdata; } if (isset($server_performance ["total_plugin_modules"])) { $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/plugin.png', true, array('title' => __('Plugin modules'), 'width' => '25px')); $tdata[1] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["total_plugin_modules"]) . ''; $tdata[2] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["plugin_modules_rate"], 2) . ''; $tdata[3] = html_print_image('images/module.png', true, array('title' => __('Ratio') . ': ' . __('Modules by second'), 'width' => '16px')) . '/sec '; $table_srv->rowclass[] = ''; $table_srv->data[] = $tdata; } if (isset($server_performance ["total_prediction_modules"])) { $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/chart_bar.png', true, array('title' => __('Prediction modules'), 'width' => '25px')); $tdata[1] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["total_prediction_modules"]) . ''; $tdata[2] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["prediction_modules_rate"], 2) . ''; $tdata[3] = html_print_image('images/module.png', true, array('title' => __('Ratio') . ': ' . __('Modules by second'), 'width' => '16px')) . '/sec '; $table_srv->rowclass[] = ''; $table_srv->data[] = $tdata; } if (isset($server_performance ["total_wmi_modules"])) { $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/wmi.png', true, array('title' => __('WMI modules'), 'width' => '25px')); $tdata[1] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["total_wmi_modules"]) . ''; $tdata[2] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["wmi_modules_rate"], 2) . ''; $tdata[3] = html_print_image('images/module.png', true, array('title' => __('Ratio') . ': ' . __('Modules by second'), 'width' => '16px')) . '/sec '; $table_srv->rowclass[] = ''; $table_srv->data[] = $tdata; } if (isset($server_performance ["total_web_modules"])) { $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/world.png', true, array('title' => __('Web modules'), 'width' => '25px')); $tdata[1] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["total_web_modules"]) . ''; $tdata[2] = '' . format_numeric($server_performance ["web_modules_rate"], 2) . ''; $tdata[3] = html_print_image('images/module.png', true, array('title' => __('Ratio') . ': ' . __('Modules by second'), 'width' => '16px')) . '/sec '; $table_srv->rowclass[] = ''; $table_srv->data[] = $tdata; } $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = '
'; $table_srv->colspan[count($table_srv->data)][0] = 4; $table_srv->rowclass[] = ''; $table_srv->data[] = $tdata; switch ($config["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $system_events = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento'); break; case "postgresql": case "oracle": $system_events = db_get_value_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(id_evento) FROM tevento'); break; } $tdata = array(); $tdata[0] = html_print_image('images/lightning_go.png', true, array('title' => __('Total events'), 'width' => '25px')); $tdata[1] = '' . format_numeric($system_events) . ''; /* Hello there! :) We added some of what seems to be "buggy" messages to the openSource version recently. This is not to force open-source users to move to the enterprise version, this is just to inform people using Pandora FMS open source that it requires skilled people to maintain and keep it running smoothly without professional support. This does not imply open-source version is limited in any way. If you check the recently added code, it contains only warnings and messages, no limitations except one: we removed the option to add custom logo in header. In the Update Manager section, it warns about the 'danger’ of applying automated updates without a proper backup, remembering in the process that the Enterprise version comes with a human-tested package. Maintaining an OpenSource version with more than 500 agents is not so easy, that's why someone using a Pandora with 8000 agents should consider asking for support. It's not a joke, we know of many setups with a huge number of agents, and we hate to hear that “its becoming unstable and slow” :( You can of course remove the warnings, that's why we include the source and do not use any kind of trick. And that's why we added here this comment, to let you know this does not reflect any change in our opensource mentality of does the last 14 years. */ if($system_events > 50000 && !enterprise_installed()){ $tdata[2] = "
"; } else{ $tdata[3] = " "; } $table_srv->colspan[count($table_srv->data)][1] = 2; $table_srv->rowclass[] = ''; $table_srv->data[] = $tdata; } $output = '
' . __('Server performance') . '' . html_print_table($table_srv, true) . '
'; return $output; } /** * Get all the template graphs a user can see. * * @param $id_user User id to check. * @param $only_names Wheter to return only graphs names in an associative array * or all the values. * @param $returnAllGroup Wheter to return graphs of group All or not. * @param $privileges Privileges to check in user group * * @return template graphs of a an user. Empty array if none. */ function reporting_template_graphs_get_user ($id_user = 0, $only_names = false, $returnAllGroup = true, $privileges = 'RR') { global $config; if (!$id_user) { $id_user = $config['id_user']; } $groups = users_get_groups ($id_user, $privileges, $returnAllGroup); $all_templates = db_get_all_rows_in_table ('tgraph_template', 'name'); if ($all_templates === false) return array (); $templates = array (); foreach ($all_templates as $template) { if (!in_array($template['id_group'], array_keys($groups))) continue; if ($template["id_user"] != $id_user && $template['private']) continue; if ($template["id_group"] > 0) if (!isset($groups[$template["id_group"]])) { continue; } if ($only_names) { $templates[$template['id_graph_template']] = $template['name']; } else { $templates[$template['id_graph_template']] = $template; $templatesCount = db_get_value_sql("SELECT COUNT(id_gs_template) FROM tgraph_source_template WHERE id_template = " . $template['id_graph_template']); $templates[$template['id_graph_template']]['graphs_template_count'] = $templatesCount; } } return $templates; } /** * Get a human readable representation of the planned downtime date. * * @param array $planned_downtime Planned downtime row. * * @return string Representation of the date. */ function reporting_format_planned_downtime_dates ($planned_downtime) { $dates = ''; if (!isset($planned_downtime) || !isset($planned_downtime['type_execution'])) return ''; switch ($planned_downtime['type_execution']) { case 'once': $dates = date ("Y-m-d H:i", $planned_downtime['date_from']) . " " . __('to') . " ". date ("Y-m-d H:i", $planned_downtime['date_to']); break; case 'periodically': if (!isset($planned_downtime['type_periodicity'])) return ''; switch ($planned_downtime['type_periodicity']) { case 'weekly': $dates = __('Weekly:'); $dates .= " "; if ($planned_downtime['monday']) { $dates .= __('Mon'); $dates .= " "; } if ($planned_downtime['tuesday']) { $dates .= __('Tue'); $dates .= " "; } if ($planned_downtime['wednesday']) { $dates .= __('Wed'); $dates .= " "; } if ($planned_downtime['thursday']) { $dates .= __('Thu'); $dates .= " "; } if ($planned_downtime['friday']) { $dates .= __('Fri'); $dates .= " "; } if ($planned_downtime['saturday']) { $dates .= __('Sat'); $dates .= " "; } if ($planned_downtime['sunday']) { $dates .= __('Sun'); $dates .= " "; } $dates .= " (" . $planned_downtime['periodically_time_from']; $dates .= "-" . $planned_downtime['periodically_time_to'] . ")"; break; case 'monthly': $dates = __('Monthly:') . " "; $dates .= __('From day') . " " . $planned_downtime['periodically_day_from']; $dates .= " " . strtolower(__('To day')) . " "; $dates .= $planned_downtime['periodically_day_to']; $dates .= " (" . $planned_downtime['periodically_time_from']; $dates .= "-" . $planned_downtime['periodically_time_to'] . ")"; break; } break; } return $dates; } /** * Get real period in SLA subtracting worktime period. * Get if is working in the first point * Get time between first point and * * @param int Period to check the SLA compliance. * @param int Date_end date end the sla compliace interval * @param int Working Time start * @param int Working Time end * * @return array (int fixed SLA period, bool inside working time) * found */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_day_period ($period, $date_end, $wt_start = "00:00:00", $wt_end = "23:59:59") { $date_start = $date_end - $period; // Converts to timestamp $human_date_end = date ('H:i:s', $date_end); $human_date_start = date ('H:i:s', $date_start); // Store into an array the points // "s" start SLA interval point // "e" end SLA interval point // "f" start worktime interval point (from) // "t" end worktime interval point (to) $tp = array ( "s" => strtotime($human_date_start), "e" => strtotime($human_date_end), "f" => strtotime($wt_start), "t" => strtotime($wt_end) ); asort ($tp); $order = ""; foreach ($tp as $type => $time) { $order .= $type; } $period_reduced = $period; $start_working = true; $datelimit_increased = 0; //Special case. If $order = "seft" and start time == end time it should be treated like "esft" if (($period > 0) and ($human_date_end == $human_date_start) and ($order == "seft")) { $order = "esft"; } // Discriminates the cases depends what time point is higher than other switch ($order) { case "setf": case "etfs": case "tfse": case "fset": // Default $period_reduced // Default $start_working // Default $datelimit_increased break; case "stef": case "tefs": case "fste": $period_reduced = $period - ($tp["e"] - $tp["t"]); // Default $start_working // Default $datelimit_increased break; case "stfe": case "estf": case "tfes": $period_reduced = $period - ($tp["f"] -$tp["t"]); // Default $start_working // Default $datelimit_increased break; case "tsef": case "seft": case "ftse": case "efts": $period_reduced = -1; $start_working = false; // Default $datelimit_increased break; case "tsfe": case "etsf": case "sfet": $period_reduced = $period - ($tp["f"] - $tp["s"]); $start_working = false; $datelimit_increased = $tp["f"] - $tp["s"]; break; case "efst": $period_reduced = $tp["t"] - $tp["s"]; // Default $start_working // Default $datelimit_increased break; case "fest": $period_reduced = ($tp["t"] - $tp["s"]) + ($tp["e"] - $tp["f"]); // Default $start_working // Default $datelimit_increased break; case "tesf": $period_reduced = SECONDS_1DAY - ($tp["f"] - $tp["t"]); $start_working = false; $datelimit_increased = $tp["f"] - $tp["s"]; break; case "sfte": case "esft": $period_reduced = $tp["t"] - $tp["f"]; $start_working = false; $datelimit_increased = $tp["f"] - $tp["s"]; break; case "ftes": $period_reduced = $tp["t"] - $tp["f"]; $start_working = false; $datelimit_increased = $tp["f"] + SECONDS_1DAY - $tp["s"]; break; case "fets": $period_reduced = $tp["e"] - $tp["f"]; $start_working = false; $datelimit_increased = $tp["f"] + SECONDS_1DAY - $tp["s"]; break; default: // Default $period_reduced // Default $start_working // Default $datelimit_increased break; } return array ($period_reduced, $start_working, $datelimit_increased); } /** * Get working time SLA in timestamp form. Get all items and discard previous not necessaries * * @param int Period to check the SLA compliance. * @param int Date_end date end the sla compliace interval * @param int Working Time start * @param int Working Time end * * @return array work time points * found */ function reporting_get_agentmodule_sla_working_timestamp ($period, $date_end, $wt_start = "00:00:00", $wt_end = "23:59:59") { $date_previous_day = $date_end - SECONDS_1DAY; $wt = array (); // Calculate posibles data points $relative_date_end = strtotime (date ('H:i:s', $date_end)); $relative_00_00_00 = strtotime ("00:00:00"); $relative_wt_start = strtotime($wt_start) - $relative_00_00_00; $relative_wt_end = strtotime($wt_end) - $relative_00_00_00; $absolute_previous_00_00_00 = $date_previous_day - ($relative_date_end - $relative_00_00_00); $absolute_00_00_00 = $date_end - ($relative_date_end - $relative_00_00_00); array_push ($wt, $absolute_previous_00_00_00); if ($relative_wt_start < $relative_wt_end) { array_push ($wt, $absolute_previous_00_00_00 + $relative_wt_start); array_push ($wt, $absolute_previous_00_00_00 + $relative_wt_end); array_push ($wt, $absolute_00_00_00 + $relative_wt_start); array_push ($wt, $absolute_00_00_00 + $relative_wt_end); } else { array_push ($wt, $absolute_previous_00_00_00 + $relative_wt_end); array_push ($wt, $absolute_previous_00_00_00 + $relative_wt_start); array_push ($wt, $absolute_00_00_00 + $relative_wt_end); array_push ($wt, $absolute_00_00_00 + $relative_wt_start); } array_push ($wt, $absolute_00_00_00 + SECONDS_1DAY); //Discard outside period time points $date_start = $date_end - $period; $first_time = array_shift ($wt); while ($first_time < $date_start) { if (empty ($wt)) { return $wt; } $first_time = array_shift ($wt); } array_unshift ($wt, $first_time); return $wt; } function reporting_label_macro ($item, $label) { switch ($item['type']) { case 'event_report_agent': case 'alert_report_agent': case 'agent_configuration': case 'event_report_log': if (preg_match("/_agent_/", $label)) { $agent_name = agents_get_alias($item['id_agent']); $label = str_replace("_agent_", $agent_name, $label); } if (preg_match("/_agentdescription_/", $label)) { $agent_name = agents_get_description($item['id_agent']); $label = str_replace("_agentdescription_", $agent_name, $label); } if (preg_match("/_agentgroup_/", $label)) { $agent_name = groups_get_name(agents_get_agent_group($item['id_agent']),true); $label = str_replace("_agentgroup_", $agent_name, $label); } if (preg_match("/_address_/", $label)) { $agent_name = agents_get_address($item['id_agent']); $label = str_replace("_address_", $agent_name, $label); } break; case 'simple_graph': case 'module_histogram_graph': case 'custom_graph': case 'simple_baseline_graph': case 'event_report_module': case 'alert_report_module': case 'historical_data': case 'sumatory': case 'database_serialized': case 'monitor_report': case 'min_value': case 'max_value': case 'avg_value': case 'projection_graph': case 'prediction_date': case 'TTRT': case 'TTO': case 'MTBF': case 'MTTR': if (preg_match("/_agent_/", $label)) { $agent_name = agents_get_alias($item['id_agent']); $label = str_replace("_agent_", $agent_name, $label); } if (preg_match("/_agentdescription_/", $label)) { $agent_name = agents_get_description($item['id_agent']); $label = str_replace("_agentdescription_", $agent_name, $label); } if (preg_match("/_agentgroup_/", $label)) { $agent_name = groups_get_name(agents_get_agent_group($item['id_agent']),true); $label = str_replace("_agentgroup_", $agent_name, $label); } if (preg_match("/_address_/", $label)) { $agent_name = agents_get_address($item['id_agent']); $label = str_replace("_address_", $agent_name, $label); } if (preg_match("/_module_/", $label)) { $module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name($item['id_agent_module']); $label = str_replace("_module_", $module_name, $label); } if (preg_match("/_moduledescription_/", $label)) { $module_description = modules_get_agentmodule_descripcion($item['id_agent_module']); $label = str_replace("_moduledescription_", $module_description, $label); } break; } return $label; } ?>