#!/bin/sh # Pandora FMS Server Installer (c) 2008-2013 Artica ST # Linux/FreeBSD Version (generic), for SuSe, Debian/Ubuntu and FreeBSD only # other Linux distros could not work properly without modifications # Please see http://www.pandorafms.org # v5.0 Build 130207 # This code is licensed under GPL 2.0 license. # ********************************************************************** PI_VERSION="7.0NG.756" PI_BUILD="210831" MODE=$1 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then shift fi # Defaults PREFIX=/usr PANDORA_SPOOL=/var/spool/pandora PANDORA_HOME=$PREFIX/share/pandora_server PANDORA_CFG_DIR=/etc/pandora PANDORA_LOG=/var/log/pandora PANDORA_SERVER=/etc/init.d/pandora_server TENTACLE_SERVER=/etc/init.d/tentacle_serverd PANDORA_CFG_FILE=$PANDORA_CFG_DIR/pandora_server.conf PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST=conf/pandora_server.conf.new PANDORA_INIT_SCRIPT=util/pandora_server TENTACLE_CFG_DIR=/etc/tentacle TENTACLE_CFG_FILE=$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR/tentacle_server.conf TENTACLE_CFG_FILE_DIST=conf/tentacle_server.conf.new TENTACLE_INIT_SCRIPT=util/tentacle_serverd PERL=perl MANDIR=$PREFIX/share/man/man1 INITDIR=/etc/init.d WITHOUT_TENTACLE=0 # # set_global_vars # Check platform and set DISTRO, OS_VERSION and LINUX. # Also, define some platform sepcific variables (e.g. PANDORA_RC_VAR for (Free|Net)BSD) # and override some of defaults defined above if needed. # set_global_vars () { # Default LINUX=NO OS_VERSION=`uname -r` DISTRO=`uname -s` # set correct value for LINUX_DISTRO case $DISTRO in Linux) # Default for Linux LINUX=YES DISTRO="GENERIC" # Get Linux Distro type and version # We assume we are on Linux unless told otherwise if [ -f "/etc/SuSE-release" ] then OS_VERSION=`cat /etc/SuSE-release | grep VERSION | cut -f 3 -d " "` DISTRO=SUSE elif [ -f "/etc/lsb-release" ] && [ ! -f "/etc/redhat-release" ] then OS_VERSION=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep DISTRIB_RELEASE | cut -f 2 -d "="` DISTRO=UBUNTU OS_VERSION="UBUNTU $OS_VERSION" elif [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ] then OS_VERSION=`cat /etc/debian_version` OS_VERSION="DEBIAN $OS_VERSION" DISTRO=DEBIAN elif [ -f "/etc/fedora-release" ] then OS_VERSION=`cat /etc/fedora-release | cut -f 4 -d " "` OS_VERSION="FEDORA $OS_VERSION" DISTRO=FEDORA fi ;; Darwin|AIX) # For future reference, Darwin doesn't have /etc/init.d but uses LaunchDaemons. # AIX doesn't have /etc/init.d ;; SunOS) # Some Solaris and other Unices don't have /etc/init.d, some have /usr/spool instead of /var/spool DISTRO="Solaris" ;; FreeBSD) PREFIX=/usr/local PANDORA_HOME=$PREFIX/share/pandora_server PANDORA_CFG_DIR=$PREFIX/etc/pandora PANDORA_SERVER=$PREFIX/etc/rc.d/pandora_server TENTACLE_SERVER=$PREFIX/etc/rc.d/tentacle_server PANDORA_CFG_FILE=$PANDORA_CFG_DIR/pandora_server.conf PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST=$DISTRO/pandora_server.conf.new PANDORA_INIT_SCRIPT=$DISTRO/pandora_server TENTACLE_CFG_DIR=$PREFIX/etc/tentacle TENTACLE_CFG_FILE=$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR/tentacle_server.conf TENTACLE_INIT_SCRIPT=$DISTRO/tentacle_server MANDIR=$PREFIX/man/man1 INITDIR=$PREFIX/etc/rc.d PERL=/usr/local/bin/perl PANDORA_RC_VAR="pandora_server_enable" TENTACLE_RC_VAR="tentacle_server_enable" ;; NetBSD) PREFIX=/usr/local PANDORA_HOME=$PREFIX/share/pandora_server PANDORA_CFG_DIR=$PREFIX/etc/pandora PANDORA_SERVER=/etc/rc.d/pandora_server TENTACLE_CFG_DIR=$PREFIX/etc/tentacle TENTACLE_CFG_FILE=$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR/tentacle_server.conf TENTACLE_SERVER=/etc/rc.d/tentacle_server PANDORA_CFG_FILE=$PANDORA_CFG_DIR/pandora_server.conf PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST=$DISTRO/pandora_server.conf.new PANDORA_INIT_SCRIPT=$DISTRO/pandora_server TENTACLE_INIT_SCRIPT=$DISTRO/tentacle_server PERL=/usr/pkg/bin/perl INITDIR=/etc/rc.d PANDORA_RC_VAR="pandora_server" TENTACLE_RC_VAR="tentacle_server" ;; esac } # # install_startup_script [options...] SRC # copy SRC into the $INITDIR and do additional required operation according to $DISTRO # if $INITDIR is not set or empty, do nothing. # If $DESTDIR is set, skip enabling service # OPTIONS: # -s SPRIO specify startup priority for service # install_startup_script () { [ "$INITDIR" ] || return 1 if [ "$1" = "-s" ] then SPRIO=$2 shift;shift fi SRC=$1 SCRIPT_NAME=`basename $SRC` echo "Copying the daemon script into $INITDIR" [ -d $DESTDIR$INITDIR ] || mkdir -p $DESTDIR$INITDIR cp $SRC $DESTDIR$INITDIR [ "$DESTDIR" ] && return case $DISTRO in UBUNTU|DEBIAN) echo "Linking startup script to /etc/rc2.d" update-rc.d $SCRIPT_NAME defaults ;; SUSE) echo "Creating startup daemons" insserv $SCRIPT_NAME ;; FeeBSD|NetBSD) chmod 555 $DESTDIR$INITDIR/$SCRIPT_NAME ;; *) if [ "$LINUX" = YES ] then # Pandora FMS Server install (Other Distros) INITLV=`grep '[0-9]:initdefault' /etc/inittab | cut -f 2 -d ':'` : ${INITLV:=2} echo "Linking startup script to /etc/rc.d/rc$INITLV.d/S$SPRIO$SCRIPT_NAME" ln -s $INITDIR/$SCRIPT_NAME /etc/rc.d/rc$INITLV.d/S$SPRIO$SCRIPT_NAME fi ;; esac } install () { set_global_vars FORCE=0 BINARIES=0 # parse options while : do case $1 in --force) FORCE=1;; --from-binary) BINARIES=1;; --no-tentacle) WITHOUT_TENTACLE=1;; --destdir) DESTDIR=$2;shift;; *) break;; esac shift done if [ "$LINUX" = YES ] then echo "$DISTRO distribution detected" else echo "$DISTRO detected" fi if [ ! $BINARIES -eq 1 ] # Do not compile files if binary is distributed then $PERL Makefile.PL INSTALLMAN1DIR=none WITHOUT_TENTACLE=$WITHOUT_TENTACLE > output 2>&1 #&& sleep 2 && cat output | grep "found" | wc -l DEPENDENCIAS=`cat output | grep "found" | wc -l` if [ $DEPENDENCIAS -gt 0 ] && [ $FORCE -eq 0 ] then echo "You are missing the following dependencies" echo " " cat output | awk -F ": prerequisite" '{print $2}' | awk -F " " '{print $1}' echo "The complete installation guide is at: https://pandorafms.com/docs/" echo " " echo "Debian-based distribution do:" echo " # apt-get install snmp snmpd libjson-perllibio-socket-inet6-perl libsocket6-perl libxml-simple-perl libxml-twig-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl libdbi-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl libhtml-parser-perl wmi-client xprobe2 snmp-mibs-downloader" echo " " echo "For CentOS / RHEL do: " echo " " echo " # yum install perl-XML-Simple* perl-XML-Twig perl-JSON perl-IO-Socket* perl-Socket6 perl-Time-modules* perl-NetAddr-IP* perl-DateTime* perl-ExtUtils perl-DBI nmap " echo " " echo "For OpenSUSE / SLES do : " echo " " echo " # zypper install nmap perl-DBD-mysql perl-DBI perl-HTML-Parser perl-JSON perl-HTML-Encoding perl-HTML-Tree perl-NetAddr-IP perl-IO-Socket-INET6 perl-Socket6 perl-TimeDate perl-XML-Simple perl-XML-Twig perl-libwww-perl mysql-client" echo " " echo " You also will need to install (optionally) xprobe2 and wmiclient from rpm (download from our website)" echo " " echo "For FreeBSD do : " echo " " echo " Install following tools from ports or packages." echo " Recommended: p5-DBI p5-NetAddr-IP p5-XML-Simple p5-XML-Twig p5-HTML-Parser p5-DBD-mysql p5-Socket6 p5-IO-Socket-INET6 p5-JSON" echo " Optional: nmap xprobe" echo " " echo " And install Geo::IP manually." echo " " echo "To get them from source through CPAN do" echo " " echo " $ cpan Time::Local DBI Socket6 XML::Simple XML::Twig IO::Socket Time::HiRes NetAddr::IP HTML::Entities IO::Socket::INET6 JSON Geo::IP" echo " " rm output exit 1 fi rm output echo "Installing binaries and libraries" make make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install echo "Checking binaries at /usr/local/bin -> /usr/bin" if [ ! -f "$DESTDIR/usr/bin/pandora_server" ] then if [ ! -f "$DESTDIR/usr/local/bin/pandora_server" ] then echo "ERROR compiling Pandora FMS Server from sources. Aborting" exit 1 fi if [ "$DISTRO" != "FreeBSD" ] && [ "$DISTRO" != "NetBSD" ] then [ -d $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin ] || mkdir -p $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin ln -s /usr/local/bin/pandora_server $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin ln -s /usr/local/bin/pandora_exec $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin ln -s /usr/local/bin/tentacle_server $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin ln -s /usr/local/bin/tentacle_client $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin fi fi fi echo "Creating common Pandora FMS directories" id pandora 2> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo " " echo "User pandora does exist, make sure the SSH directories are correct" elif [ "$DESTDIR" ] then # chown can fail with fakeroot installation echo "User 'pandora' does not exist. All chown operations may fail." echo "You should manualy set proper ownership to $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL if needed." echo else echo "Are you sure we can create a standard 'pandora' user locally? [y/N]" read AREYOUSURE if [ "$AREYOUSURE" = "y" ]; then if [ "$DISTRO" = "FreeBSD" ] then echo "pandora:41121:::::Pandora FMS:/home/pandora:/usr/sbin/nologin:" | adduser -f - -w no 2> /dev/null else useradd pandora mkdir /home/pandora 2> /dev/null mkdir /home/pandora/.ssh 2> /dev/null chown -R pandora /home/pandora fi else echo "Please create the 'pandora' user manually according to your authentication scheme, then start again the installation" echo "Aborting..." exit 1 fi fi mkdir -p $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/conf 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/conf mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/md5 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/md5 mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/collections 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/collections mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/netflow 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/netflow mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/trans 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/trans mkdir $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/commands 2> /dev/null chmod 2770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in/commands mkdir -p $DESTDIR$PANDORA_LOG 2> /dev/null chown -R pandora:apache $DESTDIR$PANDORA_LOG 2> /dev/null chmod 2774 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_LOG 2> /dev/null echo "Giving proper permission to /var/spool/pandora" for group in "www-data" wwwrun www apache do IDGROUP=`id -g "$group" 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then GROUPNAME=`grep ":$IDGROUP:" /etc/group | awk -F":" '{print $1}'` break fi done if [ -z "$GROUPNAME" ] then echo "No web server user found, some functionality might not perform correctly" GROUPNAME=0 fi # when fakeroot installation, this can fail chown -R pandora:$GROUPNAME $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL 2>/dev/null echo "Creating setup directory in $PANDORA_CFG_DIR" mkdir -p $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_DIR 2> /dev/null if [ -f "$DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE" ] then echo cp $PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_DIR cp $PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_DIR else echo cp $PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE cp $PANDORA_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE chmod 770 $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE fi echo "Installing Pandora Server manual" [ -d $DESTDIR$MANDIR ] || mkdir -p $DESTDIR$MANDIR cp man/man1/pandora_server.1.gz $DESTDIR$MANDIR install_startup_script -s 90 $PANDORA_INIT_SCRIPT if [ -d /etc/logrotate.d ] then if [ -f $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d/pandora_server ] then echo "A logrotate.d entry for Pandora FMS log management already exists, skipping creation" else echo "Creating logrotate.d entry for Pandora FMS log management" [ -d $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d ] || mkdir -p $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d cp util/pandora_server_logrotate $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d/pandora_server fi else echo "Please add a log rotation schedule manually to your log rotation daemon (if any)" fi if [ $WITHOUT_TENTACLE -eq 0 ] then # tentacle_server is already installed by "make install" install_startup_script -s 80 $TENTACLE_INIT_SCRIPT # Create the directory to locate the Tentacle configuration file echo "Creating setup Tentacle directory in $TENTACLE_CFG_DIR" mkdir -p $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR 2> /dev/null if [ -f "$DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE" ] then echo cp $TENTACLE_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR cp $TENTACLE_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_DIR else echo cp $TENTACLE_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE cp $TENTACLE_CFG_FILE_DIST $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE chmod 774 $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE fi echo "Installing Tentacle Server manual" cp man/man1/tentacle_server.1.gz $DESTDIR$MANDIR fi echo "Creating Pandora FMS distribution directory in $PANDORA_HOME" mkdir -p $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME 2> /dev/null cp -R util $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME find $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME -type l -delete case $DISTRO in FreeBSD) # adjust shebang for pl_script in `find $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME/util -name "*.pl"` do cat $pl_script | sed 's/^#!\/usr\/bin\/perl/#!\/usr\/local\/bin\/perl/g' > ${pl_script}.new mv ${pl_script}.new $pl_script chmod a+x $pl_script done for sh_script in `find $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME/util -name "*.sh"` do cat $sh_script | sed 's/^#!\/bin\/bash/#!\/usr\/local\/bin\/bash/g' > ${sh_script}.new mv ${sh_script}.new $sh_script chmod a+x $sh_script done # install pandora_ha INSTALL_DIR="$DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/" echo ">Installing the pandora_ha binary to $INSTALL_DIR..." cp -f $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME/util/pandora_ha.pl "$INSTALL_DIR/pandora_ha" chmod +x "$INSTALL_DIR/pandora_ha" ;; *) SYSTEMD_DIR=$DESTDIR/etc/systemd/system PID_DIR=$DESTDIR/var/run INSTALL_DIR="$DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/" echo ">Installing the pandora_ha binary to $INSTALL_DIR..." cp -f util/pandora_ha.pl "$INSTALL_DIR/pandora_ha" chmod +x "$INSTALL_DIR/pandora_ha" echo ">Installing pandora_ha service to $INSTALL_DIR..." [ -d "$PID_DIR" ] || mkdir -p "$PID_DIR" [ -d "$SYSTEMD_DIR" ] || mkdir -p "$SYSTEMD_DIR" cat > $SYSTEMD_DIR/pandora_ha.service <<-EOF [Unit] Description=Pandora FMS Daemon Watchdog [Service] Type=forking User=$USER PIDFile=$PID_DIR/pandora_ha.pid Restart=always ExecStart=${INSTALL_DIR}pandora_ha -d -p $PID_DIR/pandora_ha.pid $PANDORA_CONF [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF ;; esac # install cron job if [ -d /etc/cron.hourly ] then [ ! -d $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly ] && mkdir -p $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly echo "Creating the Cron script to run Pandora DB tool each hour" echo "#!/bin/bash" > $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly/pandora_db echo "perl $PANDORA_HOME/util/pandora_db.pl /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf" >> $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly/pandora_db chmod +x $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly/pandora_db elif [ "$DISTRO" = "FreeBSD" ] || [ "$DISTRO" = "NetBSD" ] then if [ "$DESTDIR" ] then echo "Skip adding cron entry for pandora_db.pl when performing fakeroot installation." else grep pandora_db.pl /etc/crontab > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "# Pandora FMS" >> /etc/crontab echo "2 * * * * root perl $PANDORA_HOME/util/pandora_db.pl $PANDORA_CFG_FILE" >> /etc/crontab else echo "The crontab for pandora_db.pl is already configured." fi fi else echo "You're probably not using cron for automatic scheduling. You should schedule the following command to run frequently (hourly) on your master server:" echo " perl $PANDORA_HOME/util/pandora_db.pl $PANDORA_CFG_FILE" fi echo echo "Now you have to edit your $PANDORA_CFG_FILE file to change the database password (default is pandora) with the one set in include/config.php of your Pandora FMS Console." echo "After setting password you can start your Pandora FMS Server!!" if [ "$DISTRO" = "FreeBSD" ] || [ "$DISTRO" = "NetBSD" ] then echo " " echo "Define '$PANDORA_RC_VAR=\"YES\"' in /etc/rc.conf to enable pandora server daemon." [ "$WITHOUT_TENTACLE" = 0 ] && \ echo "Define '$TENTACLE_RC_VAR=\"YES\"' in /etc/rc.conf to enable tentacle server daemon." fi } uninstall () { set_global_vars if [ "$LINUX" != "YES" ] && [ "$DISTRO" != "FreeBSD" ] && [ "$DISTRO" != "NetBSD" ] then echo "This is not a Linux-based distro. Uninstaller is currently not working for your OS" exit 1 fi echo "Removing PERL libs and man files" PERL_SITELIB=/usr/lib/perl5 if [ "$DISTRO" != "FreeBSD" ] || [ "$DISTRO" != "NetBSD" ] then PERL_SITELIB=$(eval $($PERL -V:sitelib);echo $sitelib); fi PERL_SITEMAN3DIR=`eval \`$PERL -V:siteman3dir\`;echo $siteman3dir`; [ -d $DESTDIR/$PERL_SITELIB/PandoraFMS ] && rm -rf $DESTDIR/$PERL_SITELIB/PandoraFMS rm -f $DESTDIR/$PERL_SITEMAN3DIR/PandoraFMS::* 2>/dev/null echo "Removing Pandora Servers" if [ -d $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_out ]; then rm -Rf $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL/data_in else rm -Rf $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SPOOL fi echo "If the user Pandora is not being used for any other operations, please delete using the following commands:" if [ "$DISTRO" != "FreeBSD" ] || [ "$DISTRO" != "NetBSD" ] then echo " rmuser pandora" else echo " userdel pandora" echo " rm -Rf /home/pandora/" fi ## Just to clarify here. Some people (like me) are using the pandora user ## for other purposes and/or using an LDAP-based user management ## I would hate to have a script clear out this users' information without any notification rm -Rf $DESTDIR$PANDORA_LOG 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE 2> /dev/null rm -f "$DESTDIR$PANDORA_CFG_FILE.new" 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE 2> /dev/null rm -f "$DESTDIR$TENTACLE_CFG_FILE.new" 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$PANDORA_SERVER 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/pandora_server 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/pandora_exec 2> /dev/null # Do not remove tentacle files if agent is still installed... [ -e $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/pandora_agent ] || rm -f $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/tentacle_server 2> /dev/null [ -e $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/pandora_agent ] || rm -f $DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/tentacle_client 2> /dev/null rm -Rf $DESTDIR$PANDORA_HOME rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/cron.hourly/pandora_db rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/logrotate.d/pandora_server if [ "$DESTDIR" ] then # do nothing with "fakeroot" uninstallation : elif [ "$DISTRO" = "UBUNTU" ] || [ "$DISTRO" = "DEBIAN" ] then update-rc.d -f pandora_server remove update-rc.d -f tentacle_serverd remove elif [ "$DISTRO" != "FreeBSD" ] || [ "$DISTRO" != "NetBSD" ] then TMP_CRONTAB=/tmp/crontab.tmp egrep -v "Pandora FMS|pandora_db.pl" /etc/crontab > $TMP_CRONTAB cp $TMP_CRONTAB /etc/crontab rm $TMP_CRONTAB fi rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/rc2.d/S90pandora_server 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S90pandora_server 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/rc2.d/S80tentacle_serverd 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S80tentacle_serverd 2> /dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$MANDIR/pandora_server.1.gz 2>/dev/null rm -f $DESTDIR$MANDIR/tentacle_server.1.gz 2>/dev/null echo "Done" } help () { echo " --install To install Pandora FMS Servers on this system (You have to be root)" echo " --uninstall To uninstall and remove Pandora FMS Servers on this System" echo " " echo " Additional second parameter (after --install) " echo " " echo " --force Ignore dependency problems and do the install" echo " --no-tentacle Skip tentacle server installation (by default tentacle server installed)" echo " --destdir DIR Specify root directory for \"fakeroot\" installation" echo " --from-binary No compile Pandora Server and not execute Makefiles" echo " " } # Script banner at start echo " " echo "Pandora FMS Server Installer $PI_VERSION $PI_BUILD (c) 2008-2016 Artica ST" echo "This program is licensed under GPL2 Terms. http://pandorafms.com" echo " " case "$MODE" in '--install') install "$@" exit 0 ;; '--uninstall') uninstall "$@" exit 0 ;; *) help esac