/* Class to manage the Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI). It depends on disphelper library (http://disphelper.sourceforge.net) Copyright (C) 2006 Artica ST. Written by Esteban Sanchez. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MAB02111-1307, USA. */ #include "pandora_wmi.h" #include "../pandora_strutils.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Pandora_Wmi; static LPWSTR getWmiStr (LPCWSTR computer) { static WCHAR wmi_str [256]; wcscpy (wmi_str, L"winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\"); if (computer) { wcsncat (wmi_str, computer, 128); } else { wcscat (wmi_str, L"."); } wcscat (wmi_str, L"\\root\\cimv2"); return wmi_str; } int Pandora_Wmi::isProcessRunning (string process_name) { CDhInitialize init; CDispPtr wmi_svc, quickfixes; string name; int result = 0; dhToggleExceptions (TRUE); struct QFix { CDhStringA name, description, state; }; try { dhCheck (dhGetObject (getWmiStr (L"."), NULL, &wmi_svc)); dhCheck (dhGetValue (L"%o", &quickfixes, wmi_svc, L".ExecQuery(%S)", L"SELECT * FROM Win32_Process")); FOR_EACH (quickfix, quickfixes, NULL) { QFix fix = { 0 }; dhGetValue (L"%s", &fix.name, quickfix, L".Name"); name = fix.name; transform (name.begin (), name.end (), name.begin (), (int (*) (int)) tolower); if (process_name == name) { result++; } } NEXT_THROW (quickfix); } catch (string errstr) { pandoraLog ("isProcessRunning error. %s", errstr.c_str ()); } return result; } int Pandora_Wmi::isServiceRunning (string service_name) { CDhInitialize init; CDispPtr wmi_svc, quickfixes; string name, state; dhToggleExceptions (TRUE); struct QFix { CDhStringA name, state; }; try { dhCheck (dhGetObject (getWmiStr (L"."), NULL, &wmi_svc)); dhCheck (dhGetValue (L"%o", &quickfixes, wmi_svc, L".ExecQuery(%S)", L"SELECT * FROM Win32_Service")); FOR_EACH (quickfix, quickfixes, NULL) { QFix fix = { 0 }; dhGetValue (L"%s", &fix.name, quickfix, L".Name"); name = fix.name; transform (name.begin (), name.end (), name.begin (), (int (*) (int)) tolower); if (service_name == name) { dhGetValue (L"%s", &fix.state, quickfix, L".State"); state = fix.state; if (state == "Running") { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } NEXT_THROW (quickfix); } catch (string errstr) { pandoraLog ("isServiceRunning error. %s", errstr.c_str ()); } return 0; } string Pandora_Wmi::getOSName () { CDhInitialize init; CDispPtr wmi_svc, quickfixes; string ret; dhToggleExceptions (TRUE); struct QFix { CDhStringA name, state, description; }; try { dhCheck (dhGetObject (getWmiStr (L"."), NULL, &wmi_svc)); dhCheck (dhGetValue (L"%o", &quickfixes, wmi_svc, L".ExecQuery(%S)", L"SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem ")); FOR_EACH (quickfix, quickfixes, NULL) { QFix fix = { 0 }; dhGetValue (L"%s", &fix.name, quickfix, L".Caption"); ret = fix.name; } NEXT_THROW (quickfix); } catch (string errstr) { pandoraLog ("getOSName error. %s", errstr.c_str ()); } return ret; } string Pandora_Wmi::getOSVersion () { CDhInitialize init; CDispPtr wmi_svc, quickfixes; string ret; dhToggleExceptions (TRUE); struct QFix { CDhStringA name, state, description; }; try { dhCheck (dhGetObject (getWmiStr (L"."), NULL, &wmi_svc)); dhCheck (dhGetValue (L"%o", &quickfixes, wmi_svc, L".ExecQuery(%S)", L"SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem ")); FOR_EACH (quickfix, quickfixes, NULL) { QFix fix = { 0 }; dhGetValue (L"%s", &fix.name, quickfix, L".CSDVersion"); ret = fix.name; } NEXT_THROW (quickfix); } catch (string errstr) { pandoraLog ("getOSVersion error. %s", errstr.c_str ()); } return ret; } string Pandora_Wmi::getOSBuild () { CDhInitialize init; CDispPtr wmi_svc, quickfixes; string ret; dhToggleExceptions (TRUE); struct QFix { CDhStringA name, state, description; }; try { dhCheck (dhGetObject (getWmiStr (L"."), NULL, &wmi_svc)); dhCheck (dhGetValue (L"%o", &quickfixes, wmi_svc, L".ExecQuery(%S)", L"SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem ")); FOR_EACH (quickfix, quickfixes, NULL) { QFix fix = { 0 }; dhGetValue (L"%s", &fix.name, quickfix, L".Version"); ret = fix.name; } NEXT_THROW (quickfix); } catch (string errstr) { pandoraLog ("getOSBuild error. %s", errstr.c_str ()); } return ret; } string Pandora_Wmi::getSystemName () { CDhInitialize init; CDispPtr wmi_svc, quickfixes; string ret; dhToggleExceptions (TRUE); struct QFix { CDhStringA name, state, description; }; try { dhCheck (dhGetObject (getWmiStr (L"."), NULL, &wmi_svc)); dhCheck (dhGetValue (L"%o", &quickfixes, wmi_svc, L".ExecQuery(%S)", L"SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem ")); FOR_EACH (quickfix, quickfixes, NULL) { QFix fix = { 0 }; dhGetValue (L"%s", &fix.name, quickfix, L".CSName"); ret = fix.name; } NEXT_THROW (quickfix); } catch (string errstr) { pandoraLog ("getSystemName error. %s", errstr.c_str ()); } return ret; }