START TRANSACTION; ALTER TABLE tusuario ADD COLUMN `time_autorefresh` int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '30'; ALTER TABLE treport_content ADD COLUMN lapse_calc tinyint(1) default '0'; ALTER TABLE treport_content ADD COLUMN lapse int(11) default '300'; ALTER TABLE treport_content ADD COLUMN visual_format tinyint(1) default '0'; ALTER TABLE treport_content_template ADD COLUMN lapse_calc tinyint(1) default '0'; ALTER TABLE treport_content_template ADD COLUMN lapse int(11) default '300'; ALTER TABLE treport_content_template ADD COLUMN visual_format tinyint(1) default '0'; UPDATE `talert_commands` SET `description` = 'This alert send an email using internal Pandora FMS Server SMTP capabilities (defined in each server, using:
_field1_ as destination email address, and
_field2_ as subject for message. 
_field3_ as text of message. 
_field4_ as content type (text/plain or html/text).', `fields_descriptions` = '[\"Destination address\",\"Subject\",\"Text\",\"Content Type\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"]', `fields_values` = '[\"\",\"\",\"_html_editor_\",\"_content_type_\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"]' WHERE id=1; UPDATE `talert_actions` SET `field4` = 'text/html', `field4_recovery` = 'text/html' WHERE id = 1; COMMIT;