<?php // Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com // ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas // Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. if (! isset ($config["id_user"])) { require ("general/login_page.php"); exit (); } $autohidden_menu = 0; if (isset ($config["autohidden_menu"]) && $config["autohidden_menu"]) { $autohidden_menu = 1; } $menu_container_id = ''; if ($autohidden_menu) { $menu_container_id = 'menu_container'; } // Menu container prepared to autohide menu echo '<div id="' . $menu_container_id . '">'; echo '<div class="tit bg titop">:: '.__('Operation').' ::</div>'; require ("operation/menu.php"); //Check all enterprise ACL used in godmenu items to print menu headers if (check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "AW") || check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "PM") || check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "LM") || check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "UM") || check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "LW") || check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "IW") || check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "EW") || check_acl ($config['id_user'], 0, "DW")) { echo '<div class="tit bg3">:: '.__('Administration').' ::</div>'; } require ("godmode/menu.php"); require ("links_menu.php"); echo '</div>'; //menu_container ui_require_jquery_file ('cookie'); $config_fixed_menu = false; if (isset($config['fixed_menu'])) { $config_fixed_menu = $config['fixed_menu']; } $config_fixed_header = false; if (isset($config['fixed_header'])) { $config_fixed_header = $config['fixed_header']; } $agente = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if(preg_match('/MSIE/i',$agente)) { $browser = "MSIE"; } else $browser = ''; ?> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var autohidden_menu = <?php echo $autohidden_menu; ?>; var fixed_menu = <?php echo json_encode((bool)$config_fixed_menu); ?>; var fixed_header = <?php echo json_encode((bool)$config_fixed_header); ?>; var id_user = "<?php echo $config['id_user']; ?>"; var cookie_name = id_user + '-pandora_menu_state'; var navegator = "<?php echo $browser; ?>"; if (navegator == 'MSIE') { var cookie_name_encoded = Base64.encode(cookie_name); } else { var cookie_name_encoded = btoa(cookie_name); } var menuState = $.cookie(cookie_name_encoded); if (!menuState) { menuState = {}; } else { menuState = JSON.parse(menuState); open_submenus(); } function open_submenus () { $.each(menuState, function (index, value) { if (value) $('div.menu>ul>li#' + index + '>ul').show(); }); $('div.menu>ul>li.selected>ul').removeClass('invisible'); } function close_submenus () { $.each(menuState, function (index, value) { if (value) $('div.menu>ul>li#' + index + '>ul').hide(); }); $('div.menu>ul>li.selected>ul').addClass('invisible'); } $(document).ready( function() { $("img.toggle").click (function (e) { //In case the links gets activated, we don't want to follow link e.preventDefault(); var menuItem = $(this).parent(); var submenu = menuItem.children("ul"); if (submenu.is(":visible")) { submenu.slideUp(); if (typeof menuState[menuItem.attr('id')] != 'undefined') delete menuState[menuItem.attr('id')]; } else { submenu.slideDown(); menuState[menuItem.attr('id')] = 1; } $.cookie(cookie_name_encoded, JSON.stringify(menuState), {expires: 7}); }); if (fixed_menu) { $('div#menu') .css('position', 'fixed') .css('z-index', '9000') .css('left', '0') .css('top', $('div#head').innerHeight() + 'px') .css('height', '100%') .css('overflow', 'hidden') .hover(function (e) { if (!autohidden_menu) { $(this).css('overflow', 'auto').children('div').css('width', 'auto'); } }, function (e) { if (!autohidden_menu) { $(this).css('overflow', 'hidden').children('div').css('width', '100%'); } }) .children('div') .css('margin-bottom', $('div#head').innerHeight() + 'px'); if (!fixed_header) { $(window).scroll(function () { if ($(this).scrollTop() <= $('div#head').innerHeight()) { $('div#menu').css('top', $('div#head').innerHeight() - $(this).scrollTop() + 'px' ); } else { $('div#menu').css('top', '0'); } }); } } if (autohidden_menu) { $('#menu_container').hover (handlerIn, handlerOut); var openTime = 0; var handsIn = 0; $('#main').css('margin-left', '50px'); hide_menu_pretty(); function handlerIn() { handsIn = 1; if (openTime == 0) { show_menu(); openTime = new Date().getTime(); // Close in 1 second if is not closed manually setTimeout(function() { if(openTime > 0 && handsIn == 0) { hide_menu(); openTime = 0; } }, 1000); } } function handlerOut() { handsIn = 0; var openedTime = new Date().getTime() - openTime; if (openedTime > 1000) { hide_menu(); openTime = 0; } } function show_menu () { $('#menu_container').animate({"left": "+=80px"}, 200, function () { if (fixed_menu) { $('#menu_container').parent().css('overflow', 'auto'); } }); show_menu_pretty(); } function show_menu_pretty() { open_submenus(); $('div.menu ul li').css('background-position', ''); $('ul.submenu li a, li.menu_icon a, li.links a, div.menu>ul>li>img.toggle').show(); $('.titop').css('color', 'white'); $('.bg3').css('color', 'white'); $('.bg4').css('color', 'white'); } function hide_menu () { if (fixed_menu) { $('#menu_container').parent().css('overflow', 'hidden'); } $('#menu_container').animate({"left": "-=80px"}, 100); hide_menu_pretty(); } function hide_menu_pretty() { close_submenus(); $('div.menu li').css('background-position', '85px 5px'); $('ul.submenu li a, li.menu_icon a, li.links a, div.menu>ul>li>img.toggle').hide(); $('.titop').css('color', $('.titop').css('background-color')); $('.bg3').css('color', $('.bg3').css('background-color')); $('.bg4').css('color', $('.bg4').css('background-color')); } } }); /* ]]> */ </script>