} else {
$return = ''.$t_text.'';
} else {
$return = ui_print_truncate_text($text);
return $return;
* Truncate a text to num chars (pass as parameter) and if flag show tooltip is
* true the html artifal to show the tooltip with rest of text.
* @param string $text The text to truncate.
* @param mixed $numChars Number chars (-3 for char "[...]") max the text. Or the strings "agent_small", "agent_medium", "module_small", "module_medium", "description" or "generic" for to take the values from user config.
* @param boolean $showTextInAToopTip Flag to show the tooltip.
* @param boolean $return Flag to return as string or not.
* @param boolean $showTextInTitle Flag to show the text on title.
* @param string $suffix String at the end of a strimmed string.
* @param string $style Style associated to the text.
* @return string Truncated text.
function ui_print_truncate_text($text, $numChars=GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, $showTextInAToopTip=true, $return=true, $showTextInTitle=true, $suffix='…', $style=false)
global $config;
if (is_string($numChars)) {
switch ($numChars) {
case 'agent_small':
$numChars = $config['agent_size_text_small'];
case 'agent_medium':
$numChars = $config['agent_size_text_medium'];
case 'module_small':
$numChars = $config['module_size_text_small'];
case 'module_medium':
$numChars = $config['module_size_text_medium'];
case 'description':
$numChars = $config['description_size_text'];
case 'item_title':
$numChars = $config['item_title_size_text'];
$numChars = (int) $numChars;
if ($numChars == 0) {
if ($return == true) {
return $text;
} else {
echo $text;
$text_html_decoded = io_safe_output($text);
$text_has_entities = $text != $text_html_decoded;
if (mb_strlen($text_html_decoded, 'UTF-8') > ($numChars)) {
// '/2' because [...] is in the middle of the word.
$half_length = intval(($numChars - 3) / 2);
// Depending on the strange behavior of mb_strimwidth() itself,
// the 3rd parameter is not to be $numChars but the length of
// original text (just means 'large enough').
$truncateText2 = mb_strimwidth(
(mb_strlen($text_html_decoded, 'UTF-8') - $half_length),
mb_strlen($text_html_decoded, 'UTF-8'),
$truncateText = mb_strimwidth(
($numChars - $half_length),
// Recover the html entities to avoid XSS attacks.
$truncateText = ($text_has_entities) ? io_safe_input($truncateText).$suffix.io_safe_input($truncateText2) : $truncateText.$suffix.$truncateText2;
if ($showTextInTitle) {
if ($style === null) {
$truncateText = $truncateText;
} else if ($style !== false) {
$truncateText = ''.$truncateText.'';
} else {
$truncateText = ''.$truncateText.'';
if ($showTextInAToopTip) {
if (is_string($showTextInAToopTip)) {
$text = ui_print_truncate_text($showTextInAToopTip, ($numChars * 2), false, true, false);
$truncateText = $truncateText.ui_print_help_tip(htmlspecialchars($text), true);
} else {
if ($style !== false) {
$truncateText = ''.$truncateText.'';
} else {
if ($style !== false) {
$truncateText = ''.$text.'';
} else {
$truncateText = $text;
if ($return == true) {
return $truncateText;
} else {
echo $truncateText;
* Print a string with a smaller font depending on its size.
* @param string $string String to be display with a smaller font.
* @param boolean $return Flag to return as string or not.
* @return string HTML.
function printSmallFont($string, $return=true)
$str = io_safe_output($string);
$length = strlen($str);
if ($length >= 30) {
$size = 0.7;
} else if ($length >= 20) {
$size = 0.8;
} else if ($length >= 10) {
$size = 0.9;
} else if ($length < 10) {
$size = 1;
$s = '';
$s .= $string;
$s .= '';
if ($return) {
return $s;
} else {
echo $s;
* Prints a generic message between tags.
* @param mixed $message The string message or array [
* 'title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close', 'force_style'] to be displayed.
* @param string $class The class to be used.
* @param string $attributes Any other attributes to be set for the tag.
* @param boolean $return Whether to output the string or return it.
* @param string $tag What tag to use (you could specify something else
* than h3 like div or h2).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_message($message, $class='', $attributes='', $return=false, $tag='h3')
global $config;
static $first_execution = true;
$text_title = '';
$text_message = '';
$icon_image = '';
$no_close_bool = false;
$force_style = '';
$force_class = '';
$classes = [];
$autoclose = ($class === 'suc');
if (is_array($message) === true) {
if (empty($message['title']) === false) {
$text_title = $message['title'];
if (empty($message['message']) === false) {
$text_message = $message['message'];
if (empty($message['icon']) === false) {
$icon_image = $message['icon'];
if (empty($message['no_close']) === false) {
// Workaround.
$no_close_bool = false;
// $no_close_bool = (bool) $message['no_close'];
if (empty($message['force_style']) === false) {
$force_style = $message['force_style'];
if (empty($message['force_class']) === false) {
$force_class = $message['force_class'];
if (isset($message['autoclose']) === true) {
if ($message['autoclose'] === true) {
$autoclose = true;
} else {
$autoclose = false;
} else {
$text_message = $message;
if (empty($text_title) === true) {
switch ($class) {
case 'info':
$classes[] = 'info_box_information';
$text_title = __('Information');
case 'error':
$text_title = __('Error');
case 'suc':
$text_title = __('Success');
case 'warning':
$text_title = __('Warning');
if (empty($icon_image) === true) {
switch ($class) {
case 'info':
$icon_image = 'images/information_big.png';
case 'error':
$icon_image = 'images/err.png';
case 'suc':
$icon_image = 'images/suc.png';
case 'warning':
$icon_image = 'images/warning_big.png';
$icon_image = $icon_image;
$id = 'info_box_'.uniqid();
if (empty($force_class) === false) {
$class = $class.' '.$force_class;
if ($no_close_bool === false) {
// Use the no_meta parameter because this image is only in
// the base console.
$iconCloseButton = html_print_anchor(
'href' => 'javascript: close_info_box(\''.$id.'\')',
'content' => html_print_image(
$closeButton = html_print_div(
'class' => 'icon right pdd_r_3px',
'content' => $iconCloseButton,
} else {
$closeButton = '';
$messageTable = new stdClass();
$messageTable->cellpadding = 0;
$messageTable->cellspacing = 0;
$messageTable->id = 'table_'.$id;
$messageTable->class = 'info_box '.$class.' textodialogo';
$messageTable->styleTable = $force_style;
$messageTable->rowclass = [];
$messageTable->rowclass[0] = 'title font_16pt text_left';
$messageTable->rowclass[1] = 'black font_10pt invert_filter';
$messageTable->colspan[1][0] = 2;
$messageTable->data = [];
$messageTable->data[0][0] = ''.$text_title.'';
$messageTable->data[0][1] = $closeButton;
$messageTable->data[1][0] = ''.$text_message.'';
// JavaScript help vars.
$messageCreated = html_print_table($messageTable, true);
$autocloseTime = ((int) $config['notification_autoclose_time'] * 1000);
if (empty($message['div_class']) === false) {
$classes[] = $message['div_class'];
} else {
$classes[] = 'info_box_container';
$classes[] = (($autoclose === true) && ($autocloseTime > 0)) ? ' info_box_autoclose' : '';
// This session var is defined in index.
if (isset($_SESSION['info_box_count']) === false) {
$_SESSION['info_box_count'] = 1;
} else {
$position = (20 + ((int) $_SESSION['info_box_count'] * 100));
$output = html_print_div(
'id' => $id,
'style' => 'top: '.$position.'px;',
'class' => implode(' ', $classes),
'content' => $messageCreated,
if ($return === true) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
* Prints an error message.
* @param mixed $message The string error message or array
* ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed.
* @param string $attributes Any other attributes to be set for the tag.
* @param boolean $return Whether to output the string or return it.
* @param string $tag What tag to use (you could specify something else
* than h3 like div or h2).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_error_message($message, $attributes='', $return=false, $tag='h3')
return ui_print_message($message, 'error', $attributes, $return, $tag);
* Prints an operation success message.
* @param mixed $message The string message or array
* ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed.
* @param string $attributes Any other attributes to be set for the tag.
* @param boolean $return Whether to output the string or return it.
* @param string $tag What tag to use (you could specify something else
* than h3 like div or h2).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_success_message($message, $attributes='', $return=false, $tag='h3')
return ui_print_message($message, 'suc', $attributes, $return, $tag);
* Prints an operation info message.
* @param mixed $message The string message or array
* ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed.
* @param string $attributes Any other attributes to be set for the tag.
* @param boolean $return Whether to output the string or return it.
* @param string $tag What tag to use (you could specify something else
* than h3 like div or h2).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_info_message($message, $attributes='', $return=false, $tag='h3')
return ui_print_message($message, 'info', $attributes, $return, $tag);
* Prints an operation info message - empty data.
* @param mixed $message The string message or array
* ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed.
* @param string $attributes Any other attributes to be set for the tag.
* @param boolean $return Whether to output the string or return it.
* @param string $tag What tag to use (you could specify something else
* than h3 like div or h2).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_empty_data($message, $attributes='', $return=false, $tag='h3')
return ui_print_message($message, 'info', $attributes, $return, $tag);
* Evaluates a result using empty() and then prints an error or success message
* @param mixed $result The results to evaluate. 0, NULL, false, '' or
* array() is bad, the rest is good.
* @param mixed $good The string or array ('title', 'message') to be
* displayed if the result was good.
* @param mixed $bad The string or array ('title', 'message') to be
* displayed if the result was bad.
* @param string $attributes Any other attributes to be set for the h3.
* @param boolean $return Whether to output the string or return it.
* @param string $tag What tag to use (you could specify something else
* than h3 like div or h2).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_result_message($result, $good='', $bad='', $attributes='', $return=false, $tag='h3')
if (empty($good) === true || $good === false) {
$good = __('Request successfully processed');
if (empty($bad) === true || $bad === false) {
$bad = __('Error processing request');
if (empty($result) === true) {
return ui_print_error_message($bad, $attributes, $return, $tag);
} else {
return ui_print_success_message($good, $attributes, $return, $tag);
* Prints an warning message.
* @param mixed $message The string message or array
* ('title', 'message', 'icon', 'no_close') to be displayed.
* @param string $attributes Any other attributes to be set for the tag.
* @param boolean $return Whether to output the string or return it.
* @param string $tag What tag to use (you could specify something else
* than h3 like div or h2).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_warning_message($message, $attributes='', $return=false, $tag='h3')
return ui_print_message($message, 'warning', $attributes, $return, $tag);
* Evaluates a unix timestamp and returns a span (or whatever tag specified)
* with as title the correctly formatted full timestamp and a time comparation
* in the tag
* @param integer $unixtime Any type of timestamp really, but we prefer unixtime.
* @param boolean $return Whether to output the string or return it.
* @param array $option An array with different options for this function
* Key html_attr: which html attributes to add (defaults to none)
* Key tag: Which html tag to use (defaults to span)
* Key prominent: Overrides user preference and display "comparation" or "timestamp"
* key units: The type of units.
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_timestamp($unixtime, $return=false, $option=[])
global $config;
// TODO: Add/use a javascript timer for the seconds so it automatically
// updates as time passes by.
if (isset($option['html_attr']) === true) {
$attributes = $option['html_attr'];
} else {
$attributes = '';
if (isset($option['tag']) === true) {
$tag = $option['tag'];
} else {
$tag = 'span';
if (empty($option['style']) === true) {
$style = 'class="'.($option['class'] ?? 'nowrap').'"';
} else {
$style = 'style="'.$option['style'].'"';
if (empty($option['prominent']) === false) {
$prominent = $option['prominent'];
} else {
$prominent = $config['prominent_time'];
if (is_numeric($unixtime) === false) {
$unixtime = time_w_fixed_tz($unixtime);
// Prominent_time is either timestamp or comparation.
if ($unixtime <= 0) {
$title = __('Unknown').'/'.__('Never');
$data = __('Unknown');
} else if ($prominent == 'timestamp') {
$title = human_time_comparation($unixtime);
$date = new DateTime();
$data = $date->format($config['date_format']);
} else if ($prominent == 'compact') {
$units = 'tiny';
$title = date($config['date_format'], $unixtime);
$data = human_time_comparation($unixtime, $units);
} else {
$title = date($config['date_format'], $unixtime);
$units = 'large';
if (isset($option['units']) === true) {
$units = $option['units'];
$data = human_time_comparation($unixtime, $units);
$output = '<'.$tag;
switch ($tag) {
// Usually tags have title attributes, so by default we add,
// then fall through to add attributes and data.
$output .= ' title="'.$title.'" '.$style.'>'.$data.''.$tag.'>';
case 'h1':
case 'h2':
case 'h3':
// Above tags don't have title attributes.
$output .= ' '.$attributes.' '.$style.'>'.$data.''.$tag.'>';
if ($return === true) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
* Prints a username with real name, link to the user_edit page etc.
* @param string $username The username to render.
* @param boolean $fullname If true, returns the user fullname.
* @param boolean $return Whether to return or print.
* @return void|string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_username($username, $fullname=false, $return=false)
return html_print_anchor(
'href' => sprintf('index.php?sec=gusuarios&sec2=godmode/users/configure_user&edit_user=1&pure=0&id_user=%s', $username),
'content' => ($fullname === true) ? get_user_fullname($username) : $username,
* Show a notification.
* @param boolean $return Return or direct echo.
* @return string HTML.
function ui_print_tags_warning($return=false)
$msg = '
$msg .= __('Is possible that this view uses part of information which your user has not access');
$msg .= '
if ($return) {
return $msg;
} else {
echo $msg;
* Print group icon within a link
* @param integer $id_group Group id.
* @param boolean $return Whether to return or print.
* @param string $path What path to use (relative to images/).
* Defaults to groups_small.
* @param string $style Style for group image.
* @param boolean $link Whether the group have link or not.
* @param boolean $force_show_image Force show image.
* @param boolean $show_as_image Show as image.
* @param string $class Overrides the default class.
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_group_icon($id_group, $return=false, $path='', $style='', $link=true, $force_show_image=false, $show_as_image=false, $class='', $tactical_view=false)
global $config;
$output = '';
$icon = 'world@svg.svg';
if ($id_group > 0) {
$icon = db_get_value('icon', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', (int) $id_group);
if (empty($icon) === true) {
$icon = 'unknown@groups.svg';
$extension = pathinfo($icon, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (empty($extension) === true) {
$icon .= '.png';
// Don't show link in metaconsole.
if (is_metaconsole() === true) {
$link = false;
if ($link === true) {
if ($tactical_view === true) {
$output = '';
} else {
$output = '';
if ((bool) $config['show_group_name'] === true) {
$output .= ''.groups_get_name($id_group, true).' ';
} else {
if (empty($icon) === true) {
$output .= '';
$output .= '';
$output .= html_print_image(
'style' => $style,
'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter '.$class,
'alt' => groups_get_name($id_group, true),
'title' => groups_get_name($id_group, true),
$output .= '';
} else {
if (empty($class) === true) {
$class = 'bot';
if ($icon === 'transmit') {
$class .= ' invert_filter';
$icon = (str_contains($icon, '.svg') === true || str_contains($icon, '.png') === true) ? $icon : $icon.'.svg';
$folder = '';
if (str_contains($icon, '.png')) {
$folder = 'groups_small/';
$output .= html_print_image(
'style' => $style,
'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter '.$class,
'alt' => groups_get_name($id_group, true),
'title' => groups_get_name($id_group, true),
if ($link === true) {
$output .= '';
if ($return === false) {
echo $output;
} else {
return $output;
* Print group icon within a link. Other version.
* @param integer $id_group Group id.
* @param boolean $return Whether to return or print.
* @param string $path What path to use (relative to images/).
* Defaults to groups_small.
* @param string $style Extra styles.
* @param boolean $link Add anchor.
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_group_icon_path($id_group, $return=false, $path='images', $style='', $link=true)
if ($id_group > 0) {
$icon = (string) db_get_value('icon', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', (int) $id_group);
} else {
$icon = 'world';
if ($style == '') {
$style = 'width: 16px; height: 16px;';
$output = '';
if ($link) {
$output = '';
if (empty($icon)) {
$output .= ' - ';
} else {
$output .= '';
if ($link) {
$output .= '';
if (!$return) {
echo $output;
return $output;
* Get the icon of an operating system.
* @param integer $id_os Operating system id.
* @param boolean $name Whether to also append the name of OS after icon.
* @param boolean $return Whether to return or echo the result.
* @param boolean $apply_skin Whether to apply skin or not.
* @param boolean $networkmap Networkmap.
* @param boolean $only_src Only_src.
* @param boolean $relative Relative.
* @param boolean $options Options.
* @param boolean $big_icons Big_icons.
* @return string HTML with icon of the OS
function ui_print_os_icon(
) {
$subfolder = '.';
if ($networkmap) {
$subfolder = 'networkmap';
if ($big_icons) {
$subfolder .= '/so_big_icons';
if (isset($options['class']) === false) {
$options['class'] = 'main_menu_icon invert_filter';
$no_in_meta = (is_metaconsole() === false);
$icon = (string) db_get_value('icon_name', 'tconfig_os', 'id_os', (int) $id_os);
$extension = pathinfo($icon, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (empty($extension) === true) {
$icon .= '.png';
if (empty($extension) === true || $extension === 'png'
|| $extension === 'jpg' || $extension === 'gif' && $subfolder === '.'
) {
$subfolder = 'os_icons';
$os_name = get_os_name($id_os);
if (empty($icon) === true) {
if ($only_src) {
$output = html_print_image(
} else {
return '-';
} else if ($apply_skin) {
if ($only_src) {
$output = html_print_image(
} else {
if (!isset($options['title'])) {
$options['title'] = $os_name;
$output = html_print_image(
} else {
// $output = "";
$output = 'images/'.$subfolder.'/'.$icon;
if ($name === true) {
$output .= ' '.$os_name;
if (!$return) {
echo $output;
return $output;
* Print type agent icon.
* @param boolean $id_os Id_os.
* @param boolean $remote_contact Remote_contact.
* @param boolean $contact Contact.
* @param boolean $return Return.
* @param integer $remote Remote.
* @param string $version Version.
* @return string HTML.
function ui_print_type_agent_icon(
) {
global $config;
if ((int) $id_os === SATELLITE_OS_ID) {
// Satellite.
$options['title'] = __('Satellite');
$output = html_print_image(
'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter',
'style' => 'padding-right: 10px;',
} else if ($remote_contact === $contact && $remote === 0 && empty($version) === true) {
// Network.
$options['title'] = __('Network');
$output = html_print_image(
'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter',
'style' => 'padding-right: 10px;',
} else {
// Software.
$options['title'] = __('Software');
$output = html_print_image(
'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter',
'style' => 'padding-right: 10px;',
return $output;
* Prints an agent name with the correct link
* @param integer $id_agent Agent id.
* @param boolean $return Whether to return the string or echo it too.
* @param integer $cutoff Now uses styles to accomplish this.
* @param string $style Style of name in css.
* @param boolean $cutname Cut names.
* @param string $server_url Server url to concatenate at the begin of the link.
* @param string $extra_params Extra parameters to concatenate in the link.
* @param string $known_agent_name Name of the agent to avoid the query in some cases.
* @param boolean $link If the agent will provided with link or not.
* @param boolean $alias Use the agent alias or the name.
* @return string HTML with agent name and link
function ui_print_agent_name(
) {
if ($known_agent_name === false) {
if ($alias) {
$agent_name = (string) agents_get_alias($id_agent);
} else {
$agent_name = (string) agents_get_name($id_agent);
} else {
$agent_name = $known_agent_name;
if ($alias) {
$agent_name_full = (string) agents_get_name($id_agent);
} else {
$agent_name_full = $agent_name;
if ($cutname) {
$agent_name = ui_print_truncate_text($agent_name, $cutoff, true, true, true, '[…]', $style);
if ($link) {
$url = $server_url.'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$id_agent.$extra_params;
$output = ''.$agent_name.'';
} else {
$output = ''.$agent_name.'';
// TODO: Add a pretty javascript (using jQuery) popup-box with agent details.
if ($return) {
return $output;
echo $output;
* Formats a row from the alert table and returns an array usable in the table function
* @param array $alert A valid (non empty) row from the alert table.
* @param boolean $agent Whether or not this is a combined alert.
* @param string $url Tab where the function was called from (used for urls).
* @param mixed $agent_style Style for agent name or default (false).
* @return array A formatted array with proper html for use in $table->data (6 columns)
function ui_format_alert_row(
) {
global $config;
if (!isset($alert['server_data'])) {
$server_name = '';
$server_id = '';
$url_hash = '';
$console_url = '';
} else {
$server_data = $alert['server_data'];
$server_name = $server_data['server_name'];
$server_id = $server_data['id'];
$console_url = $server_data['server_url'].'/';
$url_hash = metaconsole_get_servers_url_hash($server_data);
$actionText = '';
include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_alerts.php';
$isFunctionPolicies = enterprise_include_once('include/functions_policies.php');
$id_group = (int) get_parameter('ag_group', 0);
// 0 is the All group (selects all groups).
if ($isFunctionPolicies !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
if ($agent) {
$index = [
'policy' => 0,
'standby' => 1,
'force_execution' => 2,
'agent_name' => 3,
'module_name' => 4,
'description' => 5,
'template' => 6,
'action' => 7,
'last_fired' => 8,
'status' => 9,
'validate' => 10,
'actions' => 11,
} else {
$index = [
'policy' => 0,
'standby' => 1,
'force_execution' => 2,
'agent_name' => 3,
'module_name' => 4,
'description' => 5,
'template' => 6,
'action' => 7,
'last_fired' => 8,
'status' => 9,
'validate' => 10,
} else {
if ($agent) {
$index = [
'standby' => 0,
'force_execution' => 1,
'agent_name' => 2,
'module_name' => 3,
'description' => 4,
'template' => 5,
'action' => 6,
'last_fired' => 7,
'status' => 8,
'validate' => 9,
} else {
$index = [
'standby' => 0,
'force_execution' => 1,
'agent_name' => 2,
'module_name' => 3,
'description' => 4,
'template' => 5,
'action' => 6,
'last_fired' => 7,
'status' => 8,
'validate' => 9,
if ($alert['disabled']) {
$disabledHtmlStart = '';
$disabledHtmlEnd = '';
$styleDisabled = 'font-style: italic; color: #aaaaaa;';
} else {
$disabledHtmlStart = '';
$disabledHtmlEnd = '';
$styleDisabled = '';
if (empty($alert) === true) {
if ($isFunctionPolicies !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
return [
} else {
return [
if (is_metaconsole() === true && (int) $server_id !== 0) {
$server = db_get_row('tmetaconsole_setup', 'id', $alert['server_data']['id']);
if (metaconsole_connect($server) == NOERR) {
// Get agent data from node.
$agente = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $alert['id_agent']);
} else {
// Get agent id.
$id_agent = modules_get_agentmodule_agent($alert['id_agent_module']);
$agente = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agent);
$template = alerts_get_alert_template($alert['id_alert_template']);
$description = io_safe_output($template['name']);
$data = [];
// Validate checkbox.
if (is_metaconsole() === false) {
if (check_acl($config['id_user'], $id_group, 'LW')
|| check_acl($config['id_user'], $id_group, 'LM')
) {
$data[$index['validate']] = '';
$data[$index['validate']] .= html_print_checkbox(
if ($isFunctionPolicies !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
if (is_metaconsole() === true && (int) $alert['server_data']['id'] !== 0) {
$node = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($alert['server_data']['id']);
if (metaconsole_load_external_db($node) !== NOERR) {
// Restore the default connection.
return false;
$policyInfo = policies_is_alert_in_policy2($alert['id'], false);
$module_linked = policies_is_module_linked($alert['id_agent_module']);
if ((is_array($policyInfo) === false && $module_linked === false)
|| (is_array($policyInfo) === false && $module_linked === '1')
) {
$data[$index['policy']] = '';
} else {
$module_linked = policies_is_module_linked($alert['id_agent_module']);
if ($module_linked === '0') {
$img = 'images/unlinkpolicy.png';
} else {
$img = 'images/policy@svg.svg';
if (is_metaconsole() === false) {
$data[$index['policy']] = ''.html_print_image($img, true, ['title' => $policyInfo['name'], 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon']).'';
} else {
$data[$index['policy']] = ''.html_print_image($img, true, ['title' => $policyInfo['name'], 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon']).'';
if (is_metaconsole() === true) {
// Standby.
$data[$index['standby']] = '';
if (isset($alert['standby']) && $alert['standby'] == 1) {
$data[$index['standby']] = html_print_image('images/bell_pause.png', true, ['title' => __('Standby on')]);
if (is_metaconsole() === false) {
// Force alert execution.
if ((bool) check_acl($config['id_user'], $id_group, 'AW') === true || (bool) check_acl($config['id_user'], $id_group, 'LM') === true) {
if ((int) $alert['force_execution'] === 0) {
$forceTitle = __('Force check');
$additionUrl = '&force_execution=1';
} else {
$forceTitle = __('Refresh');
$additionUrl = '';
$forceExecButtons['force_check'] = html_print_anchor(
'href' => $url.'&id_alert='.$alert['id'].'&refr=60'.$additionUrl,
'content' => html_print_image(
'title' => $forceTitle,
'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter',
$forceExecButtons['template'] = html_print_anchor(
'href' => 'ajax.php?page=godmode/alerts/alert_templates&get_template_tooltip=1&id_template='.$template['id'],
'style' => 'margin-left: 5px;',
'class' => 'template_details',
'content' => html_print_image(
['class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter']
} else {
$forceExecButtons['template'] = html_print_anchor(
'href' => ui_get_full_url('/', false, false, false).'/ajax.php?page=enterprise/meta/include/ajax/tree_view.ajax&action=get_template_tooltip&id_template='.$template['id'].'&server_name='.$alert['server_data']['server_name'],
'style' => 'margin-left: 5px;',
'class' => 'template_details',
'content' => html_print_image(
['class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter']
if (isset($forceExecButtons['force_check'])) {
$data[$index['force_execution']] = html_print_div(
'class' => 'table_action_buttons flex',
'content' => $forceExecButtons['force_check'],
if (isset($forceExecButtons['template'])) {
$data[$index['template']] = $forceExecButtons['template'];
$data[$index['agent_name']] = $disabledHtmlStart;
if ($agent == 0) {
$data[$index['module_name']] .= ui_print_truncate_text(isset($alert['agent_module_name']) ? $alert['agent_module_name'] : modules_get_agentmodule_name($alert['id_agent_module']), 'module_small', false, true, true, '[…]', '');
} else {
if (is_metaconsole() === true) {
$agent_name = $alert['agent_name'];
$id_agent = $alert['id_agent'];
} else {
$agent_name = false;
$id_agent = modules_get_agentmodule_agent($alert['id_agent_module']);
if (is_metaconsole() === true) {
// Do not show link if user cannot access node
if ((bool) can_user_access_node() === true) {
$url = $server['server_url'].'/index.php?'.'sec=estado&'.'sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&'.'id_agente='.$agente['id_agente'];
$data[$index['agent_name']] .= html_print_anchor(
'href' => $url,
'content' => ''.$agente['alias'].'',
} else {
$data[$index['agent_name']] .= ''.$agente['alias'].'';
} else {
$data[$index['agent_name']] .= html_print_anchor(
'href' => 'index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$id_agent,
'content' => ''.$agente['alias'].'',
$alert_module_name = isset($alert['agent_module_name']) ? $alert['agent_module_name'] : modules_get_agentmodule_name($alert['id_agent_module']);
$data[$index['module_name']] = ui_print_truncate_text($alert_module_name, 'module_small', false, true, true, '[…]', '');
$data[$index['agent_name']] .= $disabledHtmlEnd;
$data[$index['description']] = '';
$actionDefault = db_get_value_sql(
'SELECT id_alert_action
FROM talert_templates WHERE id = '.$alert['id_alert_template']
$data[$index['description']] .= $disabledHtmlStart.ui_print_truncate_text(io_safe_output($description), 'description', false, true, true, '[…]', '').$disabledHtmlEnd;
if (is_metaconsole()) {
if (enterprise_include_once('include/functions_metaconsole.php') !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
$connection = metaconsole_get_connection($agente['server_name']);
if (metaconsole_load_external_db($connection) !== NOERR) {
echo json_encode(false);
// Restore db connection.
$actions = alerts_get_alert_agent_module_actions($alert['id'], false, -1, true);
if (is_metaconsole()) {
// Restore db connection.
if (empty($actions) === false || $actionDefault != '') {
$actionText = '
foreach ($actions as $action) {
$actionText .= '
if ($action['fires_min'] != $action['fires_max']) {
$actionText .= ' ('.$action['fires_min'].' / '.$action['fires_max'].')';
$actionText .= ui_print_help_tip(__('The default actions will be executed every time that the alert is fired and no other action is executed'), true);
// Is possible manage actions if have LW permissions in the agent group of the alert module.
if (check_acl($config['id_user'], $id_group, 'LM')) {
$actionText .= ''.html_print_image(
'alt' => __('Delete action'),
'title' => __('Delete action'),
'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter vertical_baseline',
if (check_acl($config['id_user'], $id_group, 'LW')) {
$actionText .= html_print_input_image(
'title' => __('Update action'),
'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter',
'onclick' => 'show_display_update_action(\''.$action['original_id'].'\',\''.$alert['id'].'\',\''.$alert['id_agent_module'].'\',\''.$action['original_id'].'\',\''.$alert['agent_name'].'\')',
$actionText .= html_print_input_hidden('id_agent_module', $alert['id_agent_module'], true);
$actionText .= '
return $data;
* Prints a substracted string, length specified by cutoff, the full string will be in a rollover.
* @param string $string The string to be cut..
* @param integer $cutoff At how much characters to cut.
* @param boolean $return Whether to return or print it out.
* @param integer $fontsize Size font (fixed) in px, applyed as CSS style (optional).
* @return string HTML string.
function ui_print_string_substr($string, $cutoff=16, $return=false, $fontsize=0)
if (empty($string)) {
return '';
$string2 = io_safe_output($string);
if (mb_strlen($string2, 'UTF-8') > $cutoff) {
$string3 = '...';
} else {
$string3 = '';
$font_size_mod = '';
if ($fontsize > 0) {
$font_size_mod = "style='font-size: ".$fontsize."pt'";
$string = '';
$string .= mb_substr($string2, 0, $cutoff, 'UTF-8').$string3.'';
if ($return === false) {
echo $string;
return $string;
* Gets a helper text explaining the requirement needs for an alert template
* to get it fired.
* @param integer $id_alert_template Alert template id.
* @param boolean $return Wheter to return or print it out.
* @param boolean $print_values Wheter to put the values in the string or not.
* @return An HTML string if return was true.
function ui_print_alert_template_example($id_alert_template, $return=false, $print_values=true)
$output = '';
$output .= html_print_image('images/information.png', true, ['class' => 'invert_filter']);
$output .= '';
$template = alerts_get_alert_template($id_alert_template);
switch ($template['type']) {
case 'equal':
// Do not translate the HTML attributes.
$output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is ');
case 'not_equal':
// Do not translate the HTML attributes.
$output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is not ');
case 'regex':
if ($template['matches_value']) {
// Do not translate the HTML attributes.
$output .= __('The alert would fire when the value matches ');
} else {
// End if.
$output .= __('The alert would fire when the value doesn\'t match ');
$value = $template['value'];
case 'max_min':
if ($template['matches_value']) {
// Do not translate the HTML attributes.
$output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is between and ');
} else {
// End if.
$output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is not between and ');
case 'max':
// Do not translate the HTML attributes.
$output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is over ');
case 'min':
// Do not translate the HTML attributes.
$output .= __('The alert would fire when the value is under ');
case 'warning':
// Do not translate the HTML attributes.
$output .= __('The alert would fire when the module is in warning status');
case 'critical':
// Do not translate the HTML attributes.
$output .= __('The alert would fire when the module is in critical status');
// Do nothing.
$output .= __('Unknown option.');
if ($print_values) {
* Replace span elements with real values. This is done in such way to avoid
* duplicating strings and make it easily modificable via Javascript.
$output = str_replace('', $template['value'], $output);
$output = str_replace('', $template['max_value'], $output);
$output = str_replace('', $template['min_value'], $output);
$output .= '';
if ($return) {
return $output;
echo $output;
* Prints a help tip icon.
* @param string $help_id Id of the help article.
* @param boolean $return Whether to return or output the result.
* @param string $home_url Home url if its necessary.
* @param string $image Image path.
* @param boolean $is_relative Route is relative or not.
* @param string $id Target id.
* @param string $isHeader If true, the view is header.
* @return string The help tip
function ui_print_help_icon(
) {
global $config;
if (empty($image) === true) {
$image = 'images/info@svg.svg';
$iconClass = ($isHeader === true) ? 'header_help_icon' : 'main_menu_icon';
// Do not display the help icon if help is disabled.
if ((bool) $config['disable_help'] === true) {
return '';
if (empty($home_url) === true) {
$home_url = '';
if (is_metaconsole() === true) {
$home_url = '../../'.$home_url;
$url = get_help_info($help_id);
$b = base64_encode($url);
$help_handler = 'index.php?sec=view&sec2=general/help_feedback';
// Needs to use url encoded to avoid anchor lost.
$help_handler .= '&b='.$b;
$help_handler .= '&pure=1&url='.$url;
$output = html_print_image(
'class' => 'img_help '.$iconClass,
'title' => __('Help'),
'onclick' => "open_help ('".ui_get_full_url($help_handler)."')",
'id' => $id,
$is_relative && is_metaconsole()
if (!$return) {
echo $output;
return $output;
* Add a CSS file to the HTML head tag.
* To make a CSS file available just put it in include/styles. The
* file name should be like "name.css". The "name" would be the value
* needed to pass to this function.
* @param string $name Script name to add without the "jquery." prefix and the ".js"
* suffix. Example:
* ui_require_css_file ('pandora');
* // Would include include/styles/pandora.js
* .
* @param string $path Path where script is placed.
* @return boolean True if the file was added. False if the file doesn't exist.
function ui_require_css_file($name, $path='include/styles/', $echo_tag=false)
global $config;
$filename = $path.$name.'.css';
if ($echo_tag === true) {
echo '';
return null;
if (! isset($config['css'])) {
$config['css'] = [];
if (isset($config['css'][$name])) {
return true;
if (! file_exists($filename)
&& ! file_exists($config['homedir'].'/'.$filename)
&& ! file_exists($config['homedir'].'/'.ENTERPRISE_DIR.'/'.$filename)
) {
return false;
if (is_metaconsole()
&& (isset($config['requirements_use_base_url']) === false
|| $config['requirements_use_base_url'] === false)
) {
$config['css'][$name] = '/../../'.$filename;
} else {
$config['css'][$name] = $filename;
return true;
* Add a javascript file to the HTML head tag.
* To make a javascript file available just put it in include/javascript. The
* file name should be like "name.js". The "name" would be the value
* needed to pass to this function.
* @param string $name Script name to add without the "jquery." prefix and the ".js"
* suffix. Example:
* ui_require_javascript_file ('pandora');
* // Would include include/javascript/pandora.js
* .
* @param string $path Path where script is placed.
* @param boolean $echo_tag Just echo the script tag of the file.
* @return boolean True if the file was added. False if the file doesn't exist.
function ui_require_javascript_file($name, $path='include/javascript/', $echo_tag=false)
global $config;
$filename = $path.$name.'.js';
if ($echo_tag) {
echo '';
return null;
if (! isset($config['js'])) {
$config['js'] = [];
if (isset($config['js'][$name])) {
return true;
// We checks two paths because it may fails on enterprise.
if (! file_exists($filename) && ! file_exists($config['homedir'].'/'.$filename)) {
return false;
if (is_metaconsole()
&& (isset($config['requirements_use_base_url']) === false
|| $config['requirements_use_base_url'] === false)
) {
$config['js'][$name] = '../../'.$filename;
} else {
$config['js'][$name] = $filename;
return true;
* Add a enteprise javascript file to the HTML head tag.
* * USE ui_require_javascript_file('file', ENTERPRISE_DIR.'/location') INSTEAD.
* To make a javascript file available just put it in /include/javascript. The
* file name should be like "name.js". The "name" would be the value
* needed to pass to this function.
* @param string $name Script name to add without the "jquery."
* prefix and the ".js"
* suffix. Example:
* ui_require_javascript_file ('pandora');
* // Would include include/javascript/pandora.js
* .
* @param boolean $disabled_metaconsole Disabled metaconsole.
* @return boolean True if the file was added. False if the file doesn't exist.
function ui_require_javascript_file_enterprise($name, $disabled_metaconsole=false)
global $config;
$metaconsole_hack = '';
if ($disabled_metaconsole) {
$metaconsole_hack = '../../';
$filename = $metaconsole_hack.ENTERPRISE_DIR.'/include/javascript/'.$name.'.js';
if (! isset($config['js'])) {
$config['js'] = [];
if (isset($config['js'][$name])) {
return true;
// We checks two paths because it may fails on enterprise.
if (!file_exists($filename)
&& !file_exists($config['homedir'].'/'.$filename)
) {
return false;
$config['js'][$name] = $filename;
return true;
* Add a jQuery file to the HTML head tag.
* To make a jQuery script available just put it in include/javascript. The
* file name should be like "jquery.name.js". The "name" would be the value
* needed to pass to this function. Notice that this function does not manage
* jQuery denpendencies.
* @param string $name Script name to add without the "jquery." prefix and the ".js"
* suffix. Example:
* ui_require_jquery_file ('form');
* // Would include include/javascript/jquery.form.js
* .
* @param string $path Path where script is placed.
* @param boolean $echo_tag Just echo the script tag of the file.
* @return boolean True if the file was added. False if the file doesn't exist.
function ui_require_jquery_file($name, $path='include/javascript/', $echo_tag=false)
global $config;
$filename = $path.'jquery.'.$name.'.js';
if ($echo_tag) {
echo '';
return null;
if (! isset($config['jquery'])) {
$config['jquery'] = [];
if (isset($config['jquery'][$name])) {
return true;
// We checks two paths because it may fails on enterprise.
if (! file_exists($filename)
&& ! file_exists($config['homedir'].'/'.$filename)
) {
return false;
$config['jquery'][$name] = $filename;
return true;
* Callback function to add stuff to the head. This allows us to add scripts
* to the header after the fact as well as extensive validation.
* DO NOT CALL print_f, echo, ob_start, ob_flush, ob_end functions here.
* To add css just put them in include/styles and then add them to the
* $config['css'] array
* @param string $string Callback will fill this with the current buffer.
* @param mixed $bitfield Callback will fill this with a bitfield (see ob_start).
* @return string String to return to the browser
function ui_process_page_head($string, $bitfield)
global $config;
global $vc_public_view;
if (isset($config['ignore_callback']) && $config['ignore_callback'] == true) {
return '';
$output = '';
$config_refr = -1;
if (isset($config['refr'])) {
$config_refr = $config['refr'];
// If user is logged or displayed view is the public view of visual console.
if ($config_refr > 0
&& (isset($config['id_user']) || $vc_public_view == 1)
) {
if ($config['enable_refr']
|| $_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/agentes/estado_agente'
|| $_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/agentes/tactical'
|| $_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/agentes/group_view'
|| $_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/events/events'
|| $_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/snmpconsole/snmp_view'
|| $_GET['sec2'] == 'operation/dashboard/dashboard'
) {
$query = ui_get_url_refresh(false, false);
* $output .= '';
// End.
$text_subtitle = isset($config['rb_product_name_alt']) ? '' : ' - '.__('the Flexible Monitoring System');
$output .= "\n\t";
$output .= ''.get_product_name().$text_subtitle.'
$output .= '';
$output .= '
if ($config['language'] != 'en') {
// Load translated strings - load them last so they overload all
// the objects.
$output .= "\n\t";
* Load CSS
if (empty($config['css'])) {
$config['css'] = [];
$login_ok = true;
if (! isset($config['id_user']) && isset($_GET['login'])) {
if (isset($_POST['nick']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) {
$nick = get_parameter_post('nick');
// This is the variable with the login.
$pass = get_parameter_post('pass');
// This is the variable with the password.
$nick = db_escape_string_sql($nick);
$pass = db_escape_string_sql($pass);
// Process_user_login is a virtual function which should be defined
// in each auth file.
// It accepts username and password. The rest should be internal to
// the auth file.
// The auth file can set $config["auth_error"] to an informative
// error output or reference their internal error messages to it
// process_user_login should return false in case of errors or
// invalid login, the nickname if correct.
$nick_in_db = process_user_login($nick, $pass);
if ($nick_in_db === false) {
$login_ok = false;
// First, if user has assigned a skin then try to use css files of
// skin subdirectory.
$isFunctionSkins = enterprise_include_once('include/functions_skins.php');
if (!$login_ok) {
if ($isFunctionSkins !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
$exists_css = false;
if ($login_ok && $isFunctionSkins !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) {
// Checks if user's skin is available.
$exists_skin = enterprise_hook('skins_is_path_set');
if ($exists_skin) {
$skin_path = enterprise_hook('skins_get_skin_path');
$skin_styles = themes_get_css($skin_path.'include/styles/');
$exists_css = !empty($skin_styles);
// Add the jquery UI styles CSS.
$config['css']['jquery-UI'] = 'include/styles/js/jquery-ui.min.css';
$config['css']['jquery-UI-custom'] = 'include/styles/js/jquery-ui_custom.css';
// Add the dialog styles CSS.
$config['css']['dialog'] = 'include/styles/dialog.css';
// Add the dialog styles CSS.
$config['css']['dialog'] = 'include/styles/js/introjs.css';
// If the theme is the default, we don't load it twice.
if ($config['style'] !== 'pandora') {
// It loads the last of all.
$config['css']['theme'] = 'include/styles/'.$config['style'].'.css';
// If skin's css files exists then add them.
if ($exists_css) {
foreach ($skin_styles as $filename => $name) {
$style = substr($filename, 0, (strlen($filename) - 4));
$config['css'][$style] = $skin_path.'include/styles/'.$filename;
} else {
// Otherwise assign default and user's css.
// User style should go last so it can rewrite common styles.
$config['css'] = array_merge(
'common' => 'include/styles/common.css',
'menu' => 'include/styles/menu.css',
'tables' => 'include/styles/tables.css',
'general' => 'include/styles/pandora.css',
// We can't load empty and we loaded (conditionally) ie.
$loaded = [
foreach ($config['css'] as $name => $filename) {
if (in_array($name, $loaded)) {
array_push($loaded, $name);
$url_css = ui_get_full_url($filename, false, false, false);
$output .= ''."\n\t";
* End load CSS
* Load jQuery
if (empty($config['jquery'])) {
$config['jquery'] = [];
// If it's empty, false or not init set array to empty just in case.
// Pandora specific jquery should go first.
$black_list_pages_old_jquery = ['operation/gis_maps/index'];
if (in_array(get_parameter('sec2'), $black_list_pages_old_jquery)) {
$config['jquery'] = array_merge(
'jquery' => 'include/javascript/jquery.js',
'ui' => 'include/javascript/jquery.ui.core.js',
'dialog' => 'include/javascript/jquery.ui.dialog.js',
'pandora' => 'include/javascript/jquery.pandora.js',
} else {
$config['jquery'] = array_merge(
'jquery' => 'include/javascript/jquery.current.js',
'pandora' => 'include/javascript/jquery.pandora.js',
'jquery-ui' => 'include/javascript/jquery-ui.min.js',
// Include the datapicker language if exists.
if (file_exists('include/languages/datepicker/jquery.ui.datepicker-'.$config['language'].'.js')) {
$config['jquery']['datepicker_language'] = 'include/languages/datepicker/jquery.ui.datepicker-'.$config['language'].'.js';
// Include countdown library.
$config['jquery']['countdown'] = 'include/javascript/jquery.countdown.js';
// Then add each script as necessary.
$loaded = [''];
foreach ($config['jquery'] as $name => $filename) {
if (in_array($name, $loaded)) {
array_push($loaded, $name);
$url_js = ui_get_full_url($filename, false, false, false);
$output .= ''."\n\t";
* End load JQuery
* Load JS
if (empty($config['js'])) {
$config['js'] = [];
// If it's empty, false or not init set array to empty just in case.
// Pandora specific JavaScript should go first.
$config['js'] = array_merge(
'pandora' => 'include/javascript/pandora.js',
'pandora_ui' => 'include/javascript/pandora_ui.js',
// Load base64 javascript library.
$config['js']['base64'] = 'include/javascript/encode_decode_base64.js';
// Load qrcode library.
$config['js']['qrcode'] = 'include/javascript/qrcode.js';
// Load intro.js library (for bubbles and clippy).
$config['js']['intro'] = 'include/javascript/intro.js';
$config['js']['clippy'] = 'include/javascript/clippy.js';
// Load Underscore.js library.
$config['js']['underscore'] = 'include/javascript/underscore-min.js';
// Load other javascript.
// We can't load empty.
$loaded = [''];
foreach ($config['js'] as $name => $filename) {
if (in_array($name, $loaded)) {
array_push($loaded, $name);
$url_js = ui_get_full_url($filename, false, false, false);
$output .= ''."\n\t";
* End load JS
include_once __DIR__.'/graphs/functions_flot.php';
$output .= include_javascript_dependencies_flot_graph(true);
$output .= '';
$output .= $string;
return $output;
* Callback function to add stuff to the body
* @param string $string Callback will fill this with the current buffer.
* @param mixed $bitfield Callback will fill this with a bitfield (see ob_start).
* @return string String to return to the browser
function ui_process_page_body($string, $bitfield)
global $config;
if (isset($config['ignore_callback'])
&& $config['ignore_callback'] == true
) {
return null;
// Show custom background.
$output = '';
$output .= $string;
$output .= '';
return $output;
* Prints a pagination menu to browse into a collection of data.
* @param integer $count Number of elements in the collection.
* @param string $url URL of the pagination links. It must include all form
* values as GET form.
* @param integer $offset Current offset for the pagination. Default value would be
* taken from $_REQUEST['offset'].
* @param integer $pagination Current pagination size. If a user requests a larger
* pagination than config["block_size"].
* @param boolean $return Whether to return or print this.
* @param string $offset_name The name of parameter for the offset.
* @param boolean $print_total_items Show the text with the total items. By default true.
* @param mixed $other_class Other_class.
* @param mixed $script Script.
* @param mixed $parameter_script Parameter_script.
* @param string $set_id Set id of div.
* @return string The pagination div or nothing if no pagination needs to be done
function ui_pagination(
'count' => '',
'offset' => 'offset_param',
) {
global $config;
if (empty($pagination) === true) {
$pagination = (int) $config['block_size'];
if (is_string($offset) === true) {
$offset_name = $offset;
$offset = (int) get_parameter($offset_name);
if (empty($offset) === true) {
$offset = (int) get_parameter($offset_name);
if (empty($url) === true) {
$url = ui_get_url_refresh([$offset_name => false]);
if (empty($set_id) === false) {
$set_id = " id = '".$set_id."'";
// Pagination links for users include delete, create and other params,
// now not use these params, and not retry the previous action when go to
// pagination link.
$remove = [
// Check if url has blankspace and replace it.
preg_replace('/\ /', '%20', $url);
$url = explode('&', $url);
$finalUrl = [];
foreach ($url as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($value, $remove[0]) === false
&& strpos($value, $remove[1]) === false
&& strpos($value, $remove[2]) === false
) {
array_push($finalUrl, $value);
$url = implode('&', $finalUrl);
URL passed render links with some parameter
&offset - Offset records passed to next page
&counter - Number of items to be blocked
Pagination needs $url to build the base URL to render links, its a base url, like
" http://pandora/index.php?sec=godmode&sec2=godmode/admin_access_logs "
// Visualize only $block_limit blocks.
if ($count <= $pagination) {
if ($print_total_items) {
$output = "
echo '';
$traces = debug_backtrace();
// Ignore debug function.
foreach ($traces as $trace) {
* Many classes are used to allow better customization.
* Please, do not remove them
echo '
echo '';
foreach ($trace['args'] as $arg) {
echo '
echo '
echo '';
echo '
echo '
echo '';
echo '
// Actually print the variable given.
echo '
echo '
return true;
* Prints icon of a module type
* @param integer $id_moduletype Module Type ID.
* @param boolean $return Whether to return or print.
* @param boolean $relative Whether to use relative path to image or not (i.e. $relative= true : /pandora/).
* @param boolean $options Whether to use image options like style, border or title on the icon.
* @param boolean $src Src.
* @return string An HTML string with the icon. Printed if return is false
function ui_print_moduletype_icon(
) {
global $config;
$type = db_get_row(
(int) $id_moduletype,
if ($type === false) {
$type = [];
$type['descripcion'] = __('Unknown type');
$type['icon'] = 'b_down.png';
$imagepath = 'images/'.$type['icon'];
if (! file_exists($config['homedir'].'/'.$imagepath)) {
$imagepath = ENTERPRISE_DIR.'/'.$imagepath;
if ($src) {
return $imagepath;
if ($options) {
return html_print_image(
'border' => 0,
'title' => $type['descripcion'],
'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon',
} else {
return html_print_image(
* Print module max/min values for warning/critical state
* @param float $max_warning Max value for warning state.
* @param float $min_warning Min value for warning state.
* @param string $str_warning String warning state.
* @param float $max_critical Max value for critical state.
* @param float $min_critical Min value for critical state.
* @param string $str_critical String for critical state.
* @param string $attributes String with raw format attributes for span.
* @return string HTML string
function ui_print_module_warn_value(
) {
$war_inv = '';
$crit_inv = '';
if ($warning_inverse == 1) {
$war_inv = ' (inv)';
if ($critical_inverse == 1) {
$crit_inv = ' (inv)';
$data = '';
if ($max_warning != $min_warning) {
$data .= format_for_graph($max_warning).'/'.format_for_graph($min_warning);
} else {
$data .= __('N/A');
$data .= ' - ';
if ($max_critical != $min_critical) {
$data .= format_for_graph($max_critical).'/'.format_for_graph($min_critical);
} else {
$data .= __('N/A');
$data .= '';
return $data;
* Format a file size from bytes to a human readable meassure.
* @param integer $bytes File size in bytes.
* @return string Bytes converted to a human readable meassure.
function ui_format_filesize($bytes)
$bytes = (int) $bytes;
$strs = [
if ($bytes <= 0) {
return '0 '.$strs[0];
$con = 1024;
$log = (int) (log($bytes, $con));
return format_numeric(($bytes / pow($con, $log)), 1).' '.$strs[$log];
* Returns the current path to the selected image set to show the
* status of agents and alerts.
* @return array An array with the image path, image width and image height.
function ui_get_status_images_path()
global $config;
$imageset = $config['status_images_set'];
if (strpos($imageset, ',') === false) {
$imageset .= ',40x18';
$array_split = preg_split('/\,/', $imageset);
$imageset = $array_split[0];
$sizes = $array_split[1];
if (strpos($sizes, 'x') === false) {
$sizes .= 'x18';
$array_split_size = preg_split('/x/', $sizes);
$imagewidth = $array_split_size[0];
$imageheight = $array_split_size[1];
$imagespath = 'images/status_sets/'.$imageset;
return [$imagespath];
* Prints an image representing a status.
* @param string $type Type.
* @param string $title Title.
* @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param array $options Options to set image attributes: I.E.: style.
* @param string $path Path of the image, if not provided use the status path.
* @param boolean $image_with_css Don't use an image. Draw an image with css styles.
* @param string $extra_text Text that is displayed after title (i.e. time elapsed since last status change of module).
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_status_image(
) {
if ($path === false) {
$imagepath_array = ui_get_status_images_path();
$imagepath = $imagepath_array[0];
} else {
$imagepath = $path;
if ($imagepath === 'images/status_sets/default') {
$image_with_css = true;
if ($image_with_css === true) {
$shape_status = get_shape_status_set($type);
// $shape_status['is_tree_view'] = true;
return ui_print_status_sets($type, $title, $return, $shape_status, $extra_info);
} else {
$imagepath .= '/'.$type;
if ($options === false) {
$options = [];
$options['title'] = $title;
return html_print_image($imagepath, $return, $options, false, false, false, true);
* Returns html code to print a shape for a module.
* @param integer $status Module status.
* @param boolean $return True or false.
* @param string $class Custom class or use defined.
* @param string $title Custom title or inherit from module status.
* @param string $div_content Content.
* @return string HTML code for shape.
function ui_print_module_status(
) {
$color = modules_get_color_status($status, true);
if ($title === null) {
$title = modules_get_modules_status($status);
$output = '
if ($return === false) {
echo $output;
return $output;
* Returns html code to print a shape for a module.
* @param integer $color Hex color.
* @param boolean $return True or false.
* @param string $class Custom class or use defined.
* @param string $div_content Content.
* @return string HTML code for shape.
function ui_print_diagnosis_status(
) {
$output = '
if ($return === false) {
echo $output;
return $output;
* Get the shape of an image by assigning it a CSS class. Prints an image with CSS representing a status.
* @param string $type Module/Agent/Alert status.
* @return array With CSS class.
function get_shape_status_set($type)
switch ($type) {
// Rounded rectangles.
$return = ['class' => 'status_rounded_rectangles'];
// Small squares.
$return = ['class' => 'status_small_squares'];
// Balls.
$return = ['class' => 'status_balls'];
// Small Balls.
$return = ['class' => 'status_small_balls'];
// $return = ['class' => 'status_balls'];
// Ignored.
return $return;
* Prints an image representing a status.
* @param string $status Module status.
* @param string $title Title.
* @param boolean $return Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default).
* @param array $options Options to set image attributes: I.E.: style.
* @param string $extra_info Text that is displayed after title (i.e. time elapsed since last status change of module).
* @return string HTML.
function ui_print_status_sets(
) {
global $config;
if ($options === false) {
$options = [];
if (isset($options['style']) === true) {
$options['style'] .= ' display: inline-block;';
} else {
$options['style'] = 'display: inline-block;';
if ($get_status_color === true) {
$options['style'] .= ' background: '.modules_get_color_status($status).';';
if (isset($options['is_tree_view']) === true) {
$options['class'] = 'item_status_tree_view';
} else if (isset($options['class']) === true) {
$options['class'] = $options['class'];
if (empty($title) === false) {
$options['title'] = (empty($extra_info) === true) ? $title : $title.'
$options['data-title'] = (empty($extra_info) === true) ? $title : $title.' '.$extra_info;
$options['data-use_title_for_force_title'] = 1;
if (isset($options['class']) === true) {
$options['class'] .= ' forced_title';
} else {
$options['class'] = 'forced_title';
$output = '
$v) {
$output .= $k.'="'.$v.'"';
$output .= '>
if (isset($options['is_tree_view']) === true) {
$output = html_print_div(
'class' => '',
'content' => $output,
if ($return === false) {
echo $output;
} else {
return $output;
* Generates a progress bar CSS based.
* Requires css progress.css
* @param integer $progress Progress.
* @param string $width Width.
* @param integer $height Height in 'em'.
* @param string $color Color.
* @param boolean $return Return or paint (if false).
* @param boolean $text Text to be displayed,by default progress %.
* @param array $ajax Ajax: [ 'page' => 'page', 'data' => 'data' ] Sample:
* [
* 'page' => 'operation/agentes/ver_agente', Target page.
* 'interval' => 100 / $agent["intervalo"], Ask every interval seconds.
* 'simple' => 0,
* 'data' => [ Data to be sent to target page.
* 'id_agente' => $id_agente,
* 'refresh_contact' => 1,
* ],
* ].
* @param string $otherStyles Raw styles for control.
* @return string HTML code.
function ui_progress(
) {
if (!$progress) {
$progress = 0;
if ($progress > 100) {
$progress = 100;
if ($progress < 0) {
$progress = 0;
if (empty($text)) {
$text = $progress.'%';
$id = uniqid();
$output = '';
$output .= '';
$output .= '';
if ($ajax !== false && is_array($ajax)) {
if ($ajax['simple']) {
$output .= '';
} else {
$output .= '';
if (!$return) {
echo $output;
return $output;
* Generates a progress bar CSS based.
* Requires css progress.css
* @param array $data With following content:
* 'slices' => [
* 'label' => [ // Name of the slice
* 'value' => value
* 'color' => color of the slice.
* ]
* ],
* 'width' => Width
* 'height' => Height in 'em'
* 'return' => Boolean, return or paint.
* @return string HTML code.
function ui_progress_extend(
array $data
) {
if (is_array($data) === false) {
// Failed.
return false;
if (is_array($data['slices']) === false) {
// Failed.
return false;
if (isset($data['width']) === false) {
$data['width'] = '100';
if (isset($data['height']) === false) {
$data['height'] = '1.3';
$total = array_reduce(
function ($carry, $item) {
$carry += $item['value'];
return $carry;
if ($total == 0) {
return null;
// Main container.
$output = '
if ($hide_left_small) {
$buffer .= '';
if (!$return) {
echo $buffer;
return $buffer;
* Print a input for agent autocomplete, this input search into your
* pandora DB (or pandoras DBs when you have metaconsole) for agents
* that have name near to equal that you are writing into the input.
* This generate a lot of lines of html and javascript code.
* @param array $parameters Array with several properties:
* - $parameters['return'] boolean, by default is false
* true - return as html string the code (html and js)
* false - print the code.
* - $parameters['input_name'] the input name (needs to get the value)
* string - The name.
* default - "agent_autocomplete_"
* - $parameters['input_id'] the input id (needs to get the value)
* string - The ID.
* default - "text-"
* - $parameters['selectbox_group'] the id of selectbox with the group
* string - The ID of selectbox.
* default - "" empty string
* - $parameters['icon_image'] the small icon to show into the input in
* the right side.
* string - The url for the image.
* default - "images/lightning.png"
* - $parameters['value'] The initial value to set the input.
* string - The value.
* default - "" emtpy string
* - $parameters['show_helptip'] boolean, by default is false
* true - print the icon out the field in side right the tiny star
* for tip.
* false - does not print
* - $parameters['helptip_text'] The text to show in the tooltip.
* string - The text to show into the tooltip.
* default - "Type at least two characters to search." (translate)
* - $parameters['use_hidden_input_idagent'] boolean, Use a field for
* store the id of agent from the ajax query. By default is false.
* true - Use the field for id agent and the sourcecode work with
* this.
* false - Doesn't use the field (maybe this doesn't exist outer)
* - $parameters['print_hidden_input_idagent'] boolean, Print a field
* for store the id of agent from the ajax query. By default is
* false.
* true - Print the field for id agent and the sourcecode work with
* this.
* false - Doesn't print the field (maybe this doesn't exist outer)
* - $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_name'] The name of hidden input
* for to store the id agent.
* string - The name of hidden input.
* default - "agent_autocomplete_idagent_"
* - $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_id'] The id of hidden input
* for to store the id agent.
* string - The id of hidden input.
* default - "hidden-"
* - $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_value'] The initial value to set
* the input id agent for store the id agent.
* string - The value.
* default - 0
* - $parameters['size'] The size in characters for the input of agent.
* string - A number of characters.
* default - 30
* - $parameters['maxlength'] The max characters that can store the
* input of agent.
* string - A number of characters max to store
* default - 100
* - $parameters['disabled'] Set as disabled the input of agent. By
* default is false
* true - Set disabled the input of agent.
* false - Set enabled the input of agent.
* - $parameters['selectbox_id'] The id of select box that stores the
* list of modules of agent select.
* string - The id of select box.
* default - "id_agent_module"
* - $parameters['add_none_module'] Boolean, add the list of modules
* the "none" entry, with value 0. By default is true
* true - add the none entry.
* false - does not add the none entry.
* - $parameters['none_module_text'] Boolean, add the list of modules
* the "none" entry, with value 0.
* string - The text to put for none module for example "select a
* module"
* default - "none" (translate)
* - $parameters['print_input_server'] Boolean, print the hidden field
* to store the server (metaconsole). By default false.
* true - Print the hidden input for the server.
* false - Does not print.
* - $parameters['use_input_server'] Boolean, use the hidden field
* to store the server (metaconsole). By default false.
* true - Use the hidden input for the server.
* false - Does not print.
* - $parameters['input_server_name'] The name for hidden field to
* store the server.
* string - The name of field for server.
* default - "server_"
* - $parameters['input_server_id'] The id for hidden field to store
* the server.
* string - The id of field for server.
* default - "hidden-"
* - $parameters['input_server_value'] The value to store into the
* field server.
* string - The name of server.
* default - "" empty string
* - $parameters['metaconsole_enabled'] Boolean, set the sourcecode for
* to make some others things that run of without metaconsole. By
* default false.
* true - Set the gears for metaconsole.
* false - Run as without metaconsole.
* - $parameters['javascript_ajax_page'] The page to send the ajax
* queries.
* string - The url to ajax page, remember the url must be into your
* domain (ajax security).
* default - "ajax.php"
* - $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select'] The name of
* function to call after the user select a agent into the list in
* the autocomplete field.
* string - The name of function.
* default - ""
* - $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call'] The
* call of this function to call after user select a agent into the
* list in the autocomplete field. Instead the
* $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select'], this is
* overwrite the previous element. And this is necesary when you need
* to set some params in your custom function.
* string - The call line as javascript code.
* default - ""
* - $parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source'] The source
* code as block string to call when the autocomplete starts to get
* the data from ajax.
* string - A huge string with your function as javascript.
* default - ""
* - $parameters['javascript'] Boolean, set the autocomplete agent to
* use javascript or enabled javascript. By default true.
* true - Enabled the javascript.
* false - Disabled the javascript.
* - $parameters['javascript_is_function_select'] Boolean, set to
* enable to call a function when user select a agent in the
* autocomplete list. By default false.
* true - Enabled this feature.
* false - Disabled this feature.
* - $parameters['javascript_code_function_select'] The name of
* function to call when user select a agent in the autocomplete
* list.
* string - The name of function but remembers this function pass
* the parameter agent_name.
* default - "function_select_"
* - $parameters['javascript_name_function_select'] The source
* code as block string to call when user select a agent into the
* list in the autocomplete field. Althought use this element, you
* need use the previous parameter to set name of your custom
* function or call line.
* string - A huge string with your function as javascript.
* default - A lot of lines of source code into a string, please this
* lines you can read in the source code of function.
* - $parameters['javascript_change_ajax_params'] The params to pass in
* the ajax query for the list of agents.
* array - The associative array with the key and value to pass in
* the ajax query.
* default - A lot of lines of source code into a string, please this
* lines you can read in the source code of function.
* - $parameters['javascript_function_change'] The source code as block
* string with all javascript code to run autocomplete field.
* string - The source code javascript into a string.
* default - A lot of lines of source code into a string, please this
* lines you can read in the source code of function.
* - $parameters['javascript_document_ready'] Boolean, set the
* javascript sourcecode to run with the document is ready. By
* default is true.
* true - Set to run when document is ready.
* false - Not set to run.
* - $parameters['javascript_tags'] Boolean, print the html tags for
* javascript. By default is true.
* true - Print the javascript tags.
* false - Doesn't print the tags.
* - $parameters['javascript_tags'] Boolean, print the html tags for
* javascript. By default is true.
* true - Print the javascript tags.
* false - Doesn't print the tags.
* - $parameters['input_style'] String, Set additional styles to input.
* @return string HTML code if return parameter is true.
function ui_print_agent_autocomplete_input($parameters)
global $config;
$text_color = '';
// Normalize and extract the data from $parameters
// ------------------------------------------------------------------.
$return = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['return'])) {
$return = $parameters['return'];
$input_name = uniqid('agent_autocomplete_');
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['input_name'])) {
$input_name = $parameters['input_name'];
$input_id = 'text-'.$input_name;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['input_id'])) {
$input_id = $parameters['input_id'];
$selectbox_group = '';
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['selectbox_group'])) {
$selectbox_group = $parameters['selectbox_group'];
// Default value.
$icon_agent = 'images/agents@svg.svg';
if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black' && !is_metaconsole()) {
$text_color = 'style="color: white"';
$icon_agent = 'images/agent_mc.menu.png';
$background_results = 'background: #111;';
} else {
$background_results = 'background: #a8e7eb;';
$icon_image = html_print_image($icon_agent, true, false, true);
if (isset($parameters['icon_image'])) {
$icon_image = $parameters['icon_image'];
$value = '';
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['value'])) {
$value = $parameters['value'];
$show_helptip = true;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['show_helptip'])) {
$show_helptip = $parameters['show_helptip'];
$helptip_text = __('Type at least two characters to search.');
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['helptip_text'])) {
$helptip_text = $parameters['helptip_text'];
$use_hidden_input_idagent = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['use_hidden_input_idagent'])) {
$use_hidden_input_idagent = $parameters['use_hidden_input_idagent'];
$print_hidden_input_idagent = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['print_hidden_input_idagent'])) {
$print_hidden_input_idagent = $parameters['print_hidden_input_idagent'];
$hidden_input_idagent_name = uniqid('agent_autocomplete_idagent_');
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['hidden_input_idagent_name'])) {
$hidden_input_idagent_name = $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_name'];
$hidden_input_idagent_id = 'hidden-'.$input_name;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['hidden_input_idagent_id'])) {
$hidden_input_idagent_id = $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_id'];
$hidden_input_idagent_value = (int) get_parameter($hidden_input_idagent_name, 0);
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['hidden_input_idagent_value'])) {
$hidden_input_idagent_value = $parameters['hidden_input_idagent_value'];
$size = 30;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['size'])) {
$size = $parameters['size'];
$maxlength = 100;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['maxlength'])) {
$maxlength = $parameters['maxlength'];
$disabled = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['disabled'])) {
$disabled = $parameters['disabled'];
$selectbox_id = 'id_agent_module';
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['selectbox_id'])) {
$selectbox_id = $parameters['selectbox_id'];
$add_none_module = true;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['add_none_module'])) {
$add_none_module = $parameters['add_none_module'];
$none_module_text = '--';
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['none_module_text'])) {
$none_module_text = $parameters['none_module_text'];
$print_input_server = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['print_input_server'])) {
$print_input_server = $parameters['print_input_server'];
$print_input_id_server = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['print_input_id_server'])) {
$print_input_id_server = $parameters['print_input_id_server'];
$use_input_server = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['use_input_server'])) {
$use_input_server = $parameters['use_input_server'];
$use_input_id_server = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['use_input_id_server'])) {
$use_input_id_server = $parameters['use_input_id_server'];
$input_server_name = uniqid('server_');
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['input_server_name'])) {
$input_server_name = $parameters['input_server_name'];
$input_id_server_name = uniqid('server_');
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['input_id_server_name'])) {
$input_id_server_name = $parameters['input_id_server_name'];
$input_server_id = 'hidden-'.$input_server_name;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['input_server_id'])) {
$input_server_id = $parameters['input_server_id'];
$input_id_server_id = 'hidden-'.$input_id_server_name;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['input_id_server_id'])) {
$input_id_server_id = $parameters['input_id_server_id'];
$input_server_value = '';
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['input_server_value'])) {
$input_server_value = $parameters['input_server_value'];
$input_id_server_value = '';
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['input_id_server_value'])) {
$input_id_server_value = $parameters['input_id_server_value'];
$from_ux_transaction = '';
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['from_ux'])) {
$from_ux_transaction = $parameters['from_ux'];
$from_wux_transaction = '';
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['from_wux'])) {
$from_wux_transaction = $parameters['from_wux'];
$cascade_protection = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['cascade_protection'])) {
$cascade_protection = $parameters['cascade_protection'];
$metaconsole_enabled = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['metaconsole_enabled'])) {
$metaconsole_enabled = $parameters['metaconsole_enabled'];
} else {
// If metaconsole_enabled param is not setted then pick source configuration.
$metaconsole_enabled = is_metaconsole();
$get_only_string_modules = false;
if (isset($parameters['get_only_string_modules'])) {
$get_only_string_modules = true;
$no_disabled_modules = true;
if (isset($parameters['no_disabled_modules'])) {
$no_disabled_modules = $parameters['no_disabled_modules'];
$spinner_image = html_print_image('images/spinner.gif', true, false, true);
if (isset($parameters['spinner_image'])) {
$spinner_image = $parameters['spinner_image'];
// Javascript configurations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------.
$javascript_ajax_page = ui_get_full_url('ajax.php', false, false, false);
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['javascript_ajax_page'])) {
$javascript_ajax_page = $parameters['javascript_ajax_page'];
$javascript_function_action_after_select = '';
// Default value.
$javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call = '';
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select'])) {
$javascript_function_action_after_select = $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select'];
$javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call = $javascript_function_action_after_select.'();';
if (isset($parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call'])) {
if ($javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call != $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call']
) {
$javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call = $parameters['javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call'];
$javascript_function_action_into_source = '';
// Default value.
$javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call = '';
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source'])) {
$javascript_function_action_into_source = $parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source'];
$javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call = $javascript_function_action_into_source.'();';
if (isset($parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call'])) {
if ($javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call != $parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call']
) {
$javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call = $parameters['javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call'];
$javascript = true;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['javascript'])) {
$javascript = $parameters['javascript'];
$get_order_json = false;
if (isset($parameters['get_order_json'])) {
$get_order_json = true;
$javascript_is_function_select = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['javascript_is_function_select'])) {
$javascript_is_function_select = $parameters['javascript_is_function_select'];
$javascript_name_function_select = 'function_select_'.$input_name;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['javascript_name_function_select'])) {
$javascript_name_function_select = $parameters['javascript_name_function_select'];
$inputStyles = ($parameters['input_style'] ?? '');
if ($from_ux_transaction != '') {
$javascript_code_function_select = '
function function_select_'.$input_name.'(agent_name) {
var inputs = [];
inputs.push ("id_agent=" + $("#'.$hidden_input_idagent_id.'").val());
inputs.push ("get_agent_transactions=1");
inputs.push ("page=enterprise/include/ajax/ux_transaction.ajax");
jQuery.ajax ({
data: inputs.join ("&"),
type: "POST",
url: action="'.$javascript_ajax_page.'",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
if (data) {
$("#'.$selectbox_id.'").append ($(""));
jQuery.each (data, function (id, value) {
$("#'.$selectbox_id.'").append ($(""));
return false;
} else if ($from_wux_transaction != '') {
if (is_metaconsole() === true) {
$inputNode = 'inputs.push ("server_id=" + $("#'.$input_id_server_id.'").val());';
} else {
$inputNode = '';
$javascript_code_function_select = '
function function_select_'.$input_name.'(agent_name) {
var inputs = [];
inputs.push ("id_agent=" + $("#'.$hidden_input_idagent_id.'").val());
inputs.push ("get_agent_transactions=1");
inputs.push ("page=enterprise/include/ajax/wux_transaction.ajax");
jQuery.ajax ({
data: inputs.join ("&"),
type: "POST",
url: action="'.$javascript_ajax_page.'",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
if (data) {
$("#'.$selectbox_id.'").append ($(""));
jQuery.each (data, function (id, value) {
$("#'.$selectbox_id.'").append ($(""));
return false;
} else {
$javascript_code_function_select = '
function function_select_'.$input_name.'(agent_name) {
$("#'.$selectbox_id.'").empty ();
var inputs = [];
inputs.push ("agent_name=" + agent_name);
inputs.push ("delete_pending=0");
inputs.push ("get_agent_modules_json=1");
inputs.push ("page=operation/agentes/ver_agente");
if ('.((int) !$metaconsole_enabled).') {
inputs.push ("force_local_modules=1");
inputs.push ("get_order_json=1");
if ('.((int) $get_only_string_modules).') {
inputs.push ("get_only_string_modules=1");
if ('.((int) $no_disabled_modules).') {
inputs.push ("disabled=0");
if ('.((int) $metaconsole_enabled).') {
if (('.((int) $use_input_server).')
|| ('.((int) $print_input_server).')) {
inputs.push ("server_name=" + $("#'.$input_server_id.'").val());
if (('.((int) $use_input_id_server).')
|| ('.((int) $print_input_id_server).')) {
inputs.push ("server_id=" + $("#'.$input_id_server_id.'").val());
if (('.((int) $print_hidden_input_idagent).')
|| ('.((int) $use_hidden_input_idagent).')) {
inputs.push ("id_agent=" + $("#'.$hidden_input_idagent_id.'").val());
jQuery.ajax ({
data: inputs.join ("&"),
type: "POST",
url: action="'.$javascript_ajax_page.'",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
if (Array.isArray(data) === true) {
data.sort(function(a, b) {
var textA = a.nombre.toUpperCase();
var textB = b.nombre.toUpperCase();
return (textA < textB) ? -1 : (textA > textB) ? 1 : 0;
if ('.((int) $add_none_module).') {
.attr("value", 0).text("'.$none_module_text.'"));
jQuery.each (data, function(i, val) {
s = js_html_entity_decode(val["nombre"]);
.append ($("")
.attr("value", val["id_agente_modulo"]).text (s));
if('.(int) $cascade_protection.' == 0){
$("#'.$selectbox_id.'").fadeIn ("normal");
return false;
if (isset($parameters['javascript_code_function_select'])) {
$javascript_code_function_select = $parameters['javascript_code_function_select'];
// ============ INIT javascript_change_ajax_params ==================
// Default value.
$javascript_page = 'include/ajax/agent';
if (isset($parameters['javascript_page'])) {
$javascript_page = $parameters['javascript_page'];
$javascript_change_ajax_params_original = [
'page' => '"'.$javascript_page.'"',
'search_agents' => 1,
'id_group' => 'function() {
var group_id = 0;
if ('.((int) !empty($selectbox_group)).') {
group_id = $("#'.$selectbox_group.'").val();
return group_id;
'q' => 'term',
if (isset($parameters['delete_offspring_agents']) === true) {
$javascript_change_ajax_params_original['delete_offspring_agents'] = $parameters['delete_offspring_agents'];
if (!$metaconsole_enabled) {
$javascript_change_ajax_params_original['force_local'] = 1;
if (isset($parameters['javascript_change_ajax_params'])) {
$javascript_change_ajax_params = [];
$found_page = false;
foreach ($parameters['javascript_change_ajax_params'] as $key => $param_ajax) {
if ($key == 'page') {
$found_page = true;
if ($javascript_page != $param_ajax) {
$javascript_change_ajax_params['page'] = $param_ajax;
} else {
$javascript_change_ajax_params['page'] = $javascript_page;
} else {
$javascript_change_ajax_params[$key] = $param_ajax;
if (!$found_page) {
$javascript_change_ajax_params['page'] = $javascript_page;
} else {
$javascript_change_ajax_params = $javascript_change_ajax_params_original;
$first = true;
$javascript_change_ajax_params_text = 'var data_params = {';
foreach ($javascript_change_ajax_params as $key => $param_ajax) {
if (!$first) {
$javascript_change_ajax_params_text .= ",\n";
} else {
$first = false;
$javascript_change_ajax_params_text .= '"'.$key.'":'.$param_ajax;
$javascript_change_ajax_params_text .= '};';
// ============ END javascript_change_ajax_params ===================
$javascript_function_change = '';
// Default value.
$javascript_function_change .= '
function setInputBackground(inputId, image) {
.attr("style", "background-image: url(\'"+image+"\'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 97% center; background-size: 20px; width:100%; '.$inputStyles.'");
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#'.$input_id.'").focusout(function (e) {
setTimeout(() => {
let iconImage = "'.$icon_image.'";
$("#'.$input_id.'").attr("style", "background-image: url(\'"+iconImage+"\'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 97% center; background-size: 20px; width:100%; '.$inputStyles.'");
}, 100);
function set_functions_change_autocomplete_'.$input_name.'() {
var cache_'.$input_name.' = {};
minLength: 2,
source: function( request, response ) {
var term = request.term; //Word to search
var groupId = data_params.id_group();
// Index cache by group Id
if (cache_'.$input_name.'[groupId] == null) {
cache_'.$input_name.'[groupId] = {};
//Set loading
setInputBackground("'.$input_id.'", "'.$spinner_image.'");
//Function to call when the source
if ('.((int) !empty($javascript_function_action_into_source_js_call)).') {
//==== CACHE CODE ==================================
//Check the cache
var found = false;
if (term in cache_'.$input_name.'[groupId]) {
//Set icon
setInputBackground("'.$input_id.'", "'.$icon_image.'");
else {
//Check if other terms cached start with same
//TODO: At the moment DISABLED CODE.
for (i = 1; i < term.length; i++) {
var term_match = term.substr(0, term.length - i);
$.each(cache_'.$input_name.'[groupId], function (oldterm, olddata) {
var pattern = new RegExp("^" + term_match + ".*","gi");
if (oldterm.match(pattern)) {
found = true;
//Set icon
setInputBackground("'.$input_id.'", "'.$icon_image.'");
if (found) {
if (found) {
//Set icon
setInputBackground("'.$input_id.'", "'.$icon_image.'");
select_item_click = 0;
jQuery.ajax ({
data: data_params,
type: "POST",
url: action="'.$javascript_ajax_page.'",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
cache_'.$input_name.'[groupId][term] = data; //Save the cache
//Set icon
setInputBackground("'.$input_id.'", "'.$icon_image.'");
select_item_click = 0;
//---END source-----------------------------------------
select: function( event, ui ) {
var agent_name = ui.item.alias;
var agent_id = ui.item.id;
var server_name = "";
var server_id = "";
if ('.((int) $metaconsole_enabled).') {
server_name = ui.item.server;
else {
server_name = ui.item.ip;
if (('.((int) $use_input_id_server).')
|| ('.((int) $print_input_id_server).')) {
server_id = ui.item.id_server;
//Put the name
if (('.((int) $print_hidden_input_idagent).')
|| ('.((int) $use_hidden_input_idagent).')) {
//Put the server id into the hidden input
if (('.((int) $use_input_server).')
|| ('.((int) $print_input_server).')) {
//Put the server id into the hidden input
if (('.((int) $use_input_id_server).')
|| ('.((int) $print_input_id_server).')) {
//Call the function to select (example fill the modules)
if ('.((int) $javascript_is_function_select).') {
//Function to call after the select
if ('.((int) !empty($javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call)).') {
select_item_click = 1;
return false;
.data("ui-autocomplete")._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
if (item.ip == "") {
text = "" + item.alias+ "";
else {
text = "" + item.alias
+ " IP:" + item.ip + "";
switch (item.filter) {
case \'agent\':
return $("")
.data("item.autocomplete", item)
case \'address\':
return $("")
.data("item.autocomplete", item)
case \'description\':
return $("")
.data("item.autocomplete", item)
case \'alias\':
return $("")
.data("item.autocomplete", item)
//Force the size of autocomplete
$(".ui-autocomplete").css("max-height", "100px");
$(".ui-autocomplete").css("overflow-y", "auto");
/* prevent horizontal scrollbar */
$(".ui-autocomplete").css("overflow-x", "hidden");
/* add padding to account for vertical scrollbar */
$(".ui-autocomplete").css("padding-right", "20px");
//Force to style of items
$(".ui-autocomplete").css("text-align", "left");
if (isset($parameters['javascript_function_change'])) {
$javascript_function_change = $parameters['javascript_function_change'];
$javascript_document_ready = true;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['javascript_document_ready'])) {
$javascript_document_ready = $parameters['javascript_document_ready'];
$javascript_tags = true;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['javascript_tags'])) {
$javascript_tags = $parameters['javascript_tags'];
$disabled_javascript_on_blur_function = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['disabled_javascript_on_blur_function'])) {
$disabled_javascript_on_blur_function = $parameters['disabled_javascript_on_blur_function'];
$javascript_on_blur_function_name = 'function_on_blur_'.$input_name;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['javascript_on_blur_function_name'])) {
$javascript_on_blur_function_name = $parameters['javascript_on_blur_function_name'];
$check_only_empty_javascript_on_blur_function = false;
// Default value.
if (isset($parameters['check_only_empty_javascript_on_blur_function'])) {
$check_only_empty_javascript_on_blur_function = $parameters['check_only_empty_javascript_on_blur_function'];
// Default value.
$javascript_on_blur = '
This function is a callback when the autocomplete agent
input lost the focus.
function '.$javascript_on_blur_function_name.'() {
input_value = $("#'.$input_id.'").val();
if (input_value.length < 2) {
if (('.((int) $print_hidden_input_idagent).')
|| ('.((int) $use_hidden_input_idagent).')) {
//Put the server id into the hidden input
if (('.((int) $use_input_server).')
|| ('.((int) $print_input_server).')) {
//Put the server id into the hidden input
if (('.((int) $use_input_id_server).')
|| ('.((int) $print_input_id_server).')) {
if (select_item_click) {
select_item_click = 0;
.attr("style", "background-image: url(\"'.$spinner_image.'\"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 97% center; background-size: 20px; width:100%; '.$inputStyles.'");
} else {
// Clear selectbox if item is not selected.
$("#'.$selectbox_id.'").attr("disabled", "disabled");
// Not allow continue on blur .
if ('.((int) $check_only_empty_javascript_on_blur_function).') {
//Set loading
.attr("style", "background-image: url(\"'.$spinner_image.'\"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 97% center; background-size: 20px; width:100%; '.$inputStyles.'");
var term = input_value; //Word to search
if ('.((int) !$metaconsole_enabled).') {
data_params[\'force_local\'] = 1;
jQuery.ajax ({
data: data_params,
type: "POST",
url: action="'.$javascript_ajax_page.'",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
if (data.length < 2) {
//Set icon
$("#'.$input_id.'").attr("style", "background-image: url(\"'.$spinner_image.'\"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 97% center; background-size: 20px; width:100%; '.$inputStyles.'");
var agent_name = data[0].name;
var agent_id = data[0].id;
var server_name = "";
var server_id = "";
if ('.((int) $metaconsole_enabled).') {
server_name = data[0].server;
else {
server_name = data[0].ip;
if (('.((int) $use_input_id_server).')
|| ('.((int) $print_input_id_server).')) {
server_id = data[0].id_server;
if (('.((int) $print_hidden_input_idagent).')
|| ('.((int) $use_hidden_input_idagent).')) {
//Put the server id into the hidden input
if (('.((int) $use_input_server).')
|| ('.((int) $print_input_server).')) {
//Put the server id into the hidden input
if (('.((int) $use_input_id_server).')
|| ('.((int) $print_input_id_server).')) {
//Call the function to select (example fill the modules)
if ('.((int) $javascript_is_function_select).') {
//Function to call after the select
if ('.((int) !empty($javascript_function_action_after_select_js_call)).') {
//Set icon
.attr("style", "background: url(\"'.$icon_image.'\") 97% center no-repeat; background-size: 20px; width:100%; '.$inputStyles.'")
if (isset($parameters['javascript_on_blur'])) {
$javascript_on_blur = $parameters['javascript_on_blur'];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------.
$html = '';
$text_color = '';
if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black' && is_metaconsole() === false) {
$text_color = 'color: white';
$attrs = [];
$attrs['style'] = 'background-image: url('.$icon_image.'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 97% center; background-size: 20px; width:100%; '.$text_color.' '.$inputStyles.'';
if (!$disabled_javascript_on_blur_function) {
$attrs['onblur'] = $javascript_on_blur_function_name.'()';
$html = html_print_input_text_extended(
if ($show_helptip) {
$html .= ui_print_input_placeholder($helptip_text, true);
if ($print_hidden_input_idagent) {
$html .= html_print_input_hidden_extended(
if ($print_input_server) {
$html .= html_print_input_hidden_extended(
if ($print_input_id_server) {
$html .= html_print_input_hidden_extended(
// Write the javascript.
if ($javascript) {
if ($javascript_tags) {
$html .= '';
if ($return) {
return $html;
} else {
echo $html;
* Return error strings (title and message) for each error code
* @param string $error_code Error code.
* @return array.
function ui_get_error($error_code='')
// XXX: Deprecated. Pandora shouldn't go inside this.
return [
'title' => __('Unhandled error'),
'message' => __('An unhandled error occurs'),
* Include time picker.
* @param boolean $echo_tags Tags.
* @return void
function ui_include_time_picker($echo_tags=false)
if (is_ajax() || $echo_tags) {
echo '';
} else {
if (file_exists('include/javascript/i18n/jquery-ui-timepicker-'.substr(get_user_language(), 0, 2).'.js')) {
echo '';
* Print string value.
* @param string $value Value.
* @param integer $id_agente_module Id_agente_module.
* @param integer $current_interval Current_interval.
* @param string $module_name Module_name.
* @return string HTML.
function ui_print_module_string_value(
) {
global $config;
if ($module_name == null) {
$module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_agente_module);
$id_type_web_content_string = db_get_value(
$is_web_content_string = (bool) db_get_value_filter(
'id_agente_modulo' => $id_agente_module,
'id_tipo_modulo' => $id_type_web_content_string,
// Fixed the goliat sends the strings from web
// without HTML entities.
if ($is_web_content_string) {
$value = io_safe_input($value);
$is_snapshot = is_snapshot_data($module['datos']);
$is_large_image = is_text_to_black_string($module['datos']);
if (($config['command_snapshot']) && ($is_snapshot || $is_large_image)) {
$row[7] = ui_get_snapshot_image($link, $is_snapshot).' ';
$is_snapshot = is_snapshot_data($value);
$is_large_image = is_text_to_black_string($value);
if (($config['command_snapshot']) && ($is_snapshot || $is_large_image)) {
$link = ui_get_snapshot_link(
'id_module' => $id_agente_module,
'last_data' => $value,
'interval' => $current_interval,
'module_name' => $module_name,
'id_node' => $server_id ? $server_id : 0,
$salida = ui_get_snapshot_image($link, $is_snapshot).' ';
} else {
$sub_string = substr(io_safe_output($value), 0, 12);
if ($value == $sub_string) {
if ($value == 0 && !$sub_string) {
$salida = 0;
} else {
$salida = $value;
} else {
// Fixed the goliat sends the strings from web
// without HTML entities.
if ($is_web_content_string) {
$sub_string = substr($value, 0, 12);
} else {
// Fixed the data from Selenium Plugin.
if ($value != strip_tags($value)) {
$value = io_safe_input($value);
$sub_string = substr($value, 0, 12);
} else {
$sub_string = substr(io_safe_output($value), 0, 12);
if ($value == $sub_string) {
$salida = $value;
} else {
$value = preg_replace('/', '<', $value);
$value = preg_replace('/>/', '>', $value);
$value = preg_replace('/\n/i', ' ', $value);
$value = preg_replace('/\s/i', ' ', $value);
$title_dialog = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($id_agente_module).' / '.$module_name;
$salida = '
echo $tv;
* Gets the link to open a snapshot into a new page.
* @param array $params Params to build the link (see $default_params).
* @param boolean $only_params Flag to choose de return value:
* true: Get the four params required in the function of pandora.js winopen_var (js use)
* false: Get an inline winopen_var function call (php user).
* @return string Link.
function ui_get_snapshot_link($params, $only_params=false)
global $config;
$default_params = [
// Id_agente_modulo.
'id_module' => 0,
'module_name' => '',
'interval' => 300,
'timestamp' => 0,
'id_node' => 0,
// Merge default params with passed params.
$params = array_merge($default_params, $params);
// First parameter of js winopeng_var.
$page = ui_get_full_url('operation/agentes/snapshot_view.php', false, false, false);
$url = $page.'?id='.$params['id_module'].'&label='.rawurlencode(urlencode(io_safe_output($params['module_name']))).'&id_node='.$params['id_node'];
if ($params['timestamp'] != 0) {
$url .= '×tamp='.$params['timestamp'];
if ($params['interval'] != 0) {
$url .= '&refr='.$params['interval'];
// Second parameter of js winopeng_var.
$win_handle = dechex(crc32('snapshot_'.$params['id_module']));
$link_parts = [
// Return only the params to js execution.
if ($only_params) {
return $link_parts;
// Return the function call to inline js execution.
return "winopeng_var('".implode("', '", $link_parts)."')";
* Get the snapshot image with the link to open a snapshot into a new page
* @param string $link Built link.
* @param boolean $is_image Picture image or list image.
* @return string HTML anchor link with image.
function ui_get_snapshot_image($link, $is_image)
$image_name = ($is_image) ? 'photo.png' : 'default_list.png';
$link = ''.html_print_image(
'border' => '0',
'alt' => '',
'title' => __('Snapshot view'),
'style' => 'max-height: 20px; vertical-align: middle;',
'class' => 'invert_filter',
return $link;
* Show warning timezone missmatch.
* @param string $tag Tag.
* @param boolean $return Return.
* @return string HTML.
function ui_get_using_system_timezone_warning($tag='h3', $return=true)
global $config;
$user_offset = ((-get_fixed_offset() / 60) / 60);
if ($config['timezone'] != date_default_timezone_get()) {
$message = sprintf(
__('These controls are using the timezone of the system (%s) instead of yours (%s). The difference with your time zone in hours is %s.'),
($user_offset > 0) ? '+'.$user_offset : $user_offset
return ui_print_info_message($message, '', $return, $tag);
} else {
return '';
* Get the custom docs logo
* @return string with the path to logo. False if it should not be displayed.
function ui_get_docs_logo()
global $config;
// Default logo to open version (enterprise_installed function only works in login status).
if (!file_exists(ENTERPRISE_DIR.'/load_enterprise.php') || !isset($config['custom_docs_logo'])) {
if (is_metaconsole() === true) {
return '../../images/icono_docs.png';
return 'images/icono_docs.png';
if ($config['custom_docs_logo'] === '') {
return false;
return 'enterprise/images/custom_general_logos/'.$config['custom_docs_logo'];
* Get the custom support logo
* @return string with the path to logo. False if it should not be displayed.
function ui_get_support_logo()
global $config;
// Default logo to open version (enterprise_installed function only works in login status).
if (!file_exists(ENTERPRISE_DIR.'/load_enterprise.php') || !isset($config['custom_support_logo'])) {
if (is_metaconsole() === true) {
return '../../images/icono_support.png';
return 'images/icono_support.png';
if ($config['custom_support_logo'] === '') {
return false;
return 'enterprise/images/custom_general_logos/'.$config['custom_support_logo'];
* Get the custom header logo
* @param boolean $white_bg Using white bg or not.
* @return string with the path to logo. If it is not set, return the default value.
function ui_get_custom_header_logo($white_bg=false)
global $config;
if (empty($config['enterprise_installed'])) {
return 'images/pandora_tinylogo_open.png';
$stored_logo = (is_metaconsole()) ? (($white_bg) ? $config['meta_custom_logo_white_bg'] : $config['meta_custom_logo']) : (($white_bg) ? $config['custom_logo_white_bg'] : $config['custom_logo']);
if (empty($stored_logo)) {
return 'images/pandora_tinylogo.png';
return 'enterprise/images/custom_logo/'.$stored_logo;
* Get the central networkmap logo
* @return string with the path to logo. If it is not set, return the default.
function ui_get_logo_to_center_networkmap()
global $config;
if ((!enterprise_installed()) || empty($config['custom_network_center_logo'])) {
return 'images/networkmap/bola_pandora_network_maps.png';
return 'enterprise/images/custom_general_logos/'.$config['custom_support_logo'];
* Get the mobile console login logo
* @return string with the path to logo. If it is not set, return the default.
function ui_get_mobile_login_icon()
global $config;
if ((!enterprise_installed()) || empty($config['custom_mobile_console_logo'])) {
return is_metaconsole() ? 'mobile/images/metaconsole_mobile.png' : 'mobile/images/pandora_mobile_console.png';
return 'enterprise/images/custom_general_logos/'.$config['custom_mobile_console_logo'];
* Get the favicon
* @return string with the path to logo. If it is not set, return the default.
function ui_get_favicon()
global $config;
if (empty($config['custom_favicon'])) {
return (!is_metaconsole()) ? 'images/pandora.ico' : '/images/custom_favicon/favicon_meta.ico';
return 'images/custom_favicon/'.$config['custom_favicon'];
* Show sorting arrows for tables
* @param string $url_up Url_up.
* @param string $url_down Url_down.
* @param string $selectUp SelectUp.
* @param string $selectDown SelectDown.
* @return string HTML anchor link with the arrow icon.
function ui_get_sorting_arrows($url_up, $url_down, $selectUp, $selectDown)
$arrow_up = 'images/sort_up_black.png';
$arrow_down = 'images/sort_down_black.png';
if (is_metaconsole()) {
$arrow_up = 'images/sort_up_black.png';
$arrow_down = 'images/sort_down_black.png';
// Green arrows for the selected.
if ($selectUp === true) {
$arrow_up = 'images/sort_up_green.png';
if ($selectDown === true) {
$arrow_down = 'images/sort_down_green.png';
return ''.html_print_image($arrow_up, true, ['alt' => 'up']).''.html_print_image($arrow_down, true, ['alt' => 'down']).'';
* Show breadcrums in the page titles
* @param string $tab_name Tab name.
* @return string HTML anchor with the name of the section.
function ui_print_breadcrums($tab_name)
if (is_array($tab_name)) {
return join(' / ', $tab_name);
} else if ($tab_name != '') {
$section = str_replace('_', ' ', $tab_name);
$section = ucwords($section);
$section = ' / '.___($section);
return $section;
* Show last comment
* @param string $comments String with comments.
* @return string HTML string with the last comment of the events.
function ui_print_comments($comments)
global $config;
$comments = explode(' ', $comments);
$comments = str_replace(["\n", '
'], ' ', $comments);
if (is_array($comments)) {
foreach ($comments as $comm) {
if (empty($comm)) {
$comments_array[] = io_safe_output(json_decode($comm, true));
$order_utimestamp = array_reduce(
function ($carry, $item) {
foreach ($item as $k => $v) {
$carry[$v['utimestamp']] = $v;
return $carry;
$key_max_utimestamp = max(array_keys($order_utimestamp));
$last_comment = $order_utimestamp[$key_max_utimestamp];
if (empty($last_comment) === true) {
return '';
// Only show the last comment. If commment its too long,the comment will short with ...
// If $config['prominent_time'] is timestamp the date show Month, day, hour and minutes.
// Else show comments hours ago
if ($last_comment['action'] != 'Added comment') {
$last_comment['comment'] = $last_comment['action'];
$short_comment = substr($last_comment['comment'], 0, 20);
if ($config['prominent_time'] == 'timestamp') {
$comentario = ''.date($config['date_format'], $last_comment['utimestamp']).' ('.$last_comment['id_user'].'): '.$last_comment['comment'].'';
if (strlen($comentario) > '200px') {
$comentario = ''.date($config['date_format'], $last_comment['utimestamp']).' ('.$last_comment['id_user'].'): '.$short_comment.'...';
} else {
$rest_time = (time() - $last_comment['utimestamp']);
$time_last = (($rest_time / 60) / 60);
$comentario = ''.number_format($time_last, 0, $config['decimal_separator'], ($config['thousand_separator'] ?? ',')).' Hours ('.$last_comment['id_user'].'): '.$last_comment['comment'].'';
if (strlen($comentario) > '200px') {
$comentario = ''.number_format($time_last, 0, $config['decimal_separator'], ($config['thousand_separator'] ?? ',')).' Hours ('.$last_comment['id_user'].'): '.$short_comment.'...';
return io_safe_output($comentario);
* Get complete external pandora url.
* @param string $url Url to be parsed.
* @return string Full url.
function ui_get_full_external_url(string $url)
$url_parsed = parse_url($url);
if ($url_parsed) {
if (!isset($url_parsed['scheme'])) {
$url = 'http://'.$url;
return $url;
function ui_print_message_dialog($title, $text, $id='', $img='', $text_button='', $hidden=true)
if ($hidden == true) {
$style = 'display:none';
echo '